Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 _______ __   _ _______ _______ ______  ______
 |_____| | \  |    |    |______ |     \ |_____]
 |     | |  \_|    |    ______| |_____/ |_____]
 Copyright (c) 2016, and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. *-xguo0<@
 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
 If not, see <>

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.antsdb.saltedfish.nosql.ConfigService;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.nosql.Humpback;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.server.SaltedFish;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.sql.OrcaConstant;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.util.BytesUtil;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.util.CommandLineHelper;
import com.antsdb.saltedfish.util.UberUtil;

 * @author wgu0
public class HBaseUtilMain implements CommandLineHelper {
    static Logger _log = UberUtil.getThisLogger();

    private Connection conn;
    private boolean noversion;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new HBaseUtilMain().run(args);

    private Options getOptions() {
        Options options = new Options();
        options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print help");
        options.addOption(null, "clean", false, "delete all tables and namespaces");
        options.addOption(null, "list-ns", false, "list name spaces");
        options.addOption(null, "list-table", false, "list tables");
        options.addOption(null, "link", false, "reset hbase so that it can be relinked to an new antsdb instance");
        options.addOption(null, "dump", false, "dump table");
        options.addOption(null, "noversion", false, "dump the latest value of the cell instead of all versions");
        options.addOption(null, "server", true, "hbase zookeeper server(default is localhost)");
        options.addOption(null, "config", true, "hbase config file (hbase-site.xml)");
        options.addOption(null, "sync", false, "sync antsdb data to hbase");
        options.addOption(null, "home", true, "antsdb home directory");
        options.addOption(null, "skip", true,
                "skip table list - ex: xcar_data:car_dealer_models,xcar_data:version");
        options.addOption(null, "tables", true,
                "sync table list - ex: xcar_data:car_dealer_models,xcar_data:version");
        options.addOption(null, "ignore-error", false, "ingore error - trying to finish all import tables");
        options.addOption(null, "get-sp", false, "read current SP");
        options.addOption(null, "update-sp", true, "get/set current SP. 'r' to get. 'db' to set to antsdb value.");
        options.addOption(null, "update-sp-db", false, "set current SP to antsdb value.");
        options.addOption(null, "compare", true,
                "compare number of rows between antsdb and hbase (0 to compare all)");
        int cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
        options.addOption(null, "threads", true, "thread count - default is cpu core count: " + cores);
        options.addOption(null, "checkrow", true, "show row value of specified table. input key in hex");
        return options;

    private void run(String[] args) throws Exception {

        CommandLine line = parse(getOptions(), args);

        if (line.getOptions().length == 0 || line.hasOption('h')) {
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("hbase-util", getOptions());

        // Connecting

        if (line.hasOption("config")) {
        } else {
            String zkserver = "localhost";
            if (line.hasOption("server")) {
                zkserver = line.getOptionValue("server");

        // connect to hbase

        try {
            // options

            this.noversion = line.hasOption("noversion");

            // commands

            if (line.hasOption("clean")) {
            } else if (line.hasOption("list-ns")) {
            } else if (line.hasOption("list-table")) {
            } else if (line.hasOption("dump")) {
                if (line.getArgList().size() >= 1) {
                } else {
                    println("error: table name is missing");
            } else if (line.hasOption("link")) {
            } else if (line.hasOption("get-sp")) {
                // read current SP
            } else if (line.hasOption("update-sp")) {
                // update current sp to specified value
                String updateSpValue = line.getOptionValue("update-sp", "");
                try {
                    long currentSp = Long.parseLong(updateSpValue);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    println("Invalid current SP value - " + updateSpValue + "\n");
            } else if (line.hasOption("update-sp-db")) {
                // udpate current sp from antsdb
                File home = checkAntsDBHome(line);
                if (home != null) {
            } else if (line.hasOption("sync")) {
                File home = checkAntsDBHome(line);
                if (home != null) {
                    boolean ignoreError = line.hasOption("ignore-error");
                    int cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
                    int threads = cores;
                    if (line.hasOption("threads")) {
                        threads = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("threads"));
                        if (threads <= 0 || threads > 200) {
                            threads = cores;

                    String skipList = line.getOptionValue("skip", "").trim();
                    String syncList = line.getOptionValue("tables", "").trim();
                    String[] skipTables = null;
                    String[] syncTables = null;
                    if (skipList != null && !skipList.isEmpty()) {
                        skipTables = skipList.split(",");
                    if (syncList != null && !syncList.isEmpty()) {
                        syncTables = syncList.split(",");

                    sync_antsdb(home, skipTables, syncTables, ignoreError, threads);
            } else if (line.hasOption("compare")) {
                // udpate current sp from antsdb
                File home = checkAntsDBHome(line);
                if (home != null) {
                    boolean ignoreError = line.hasOption("ignore-error");
                    String skipList = line.getOptionValue("skip", "").trim();
                    String syncList = line.getOptionValue("tables", "").trim();
                    String[] skipTables = null;
                    String[] syncTables = null;
                    if (skipList != null && !skipList.isEmpty()) {
                        skipTables = skipList.split(",");
                    if (syncList != null && !syncList.isEmpty()) {
                        syncTables = syncList.split(",");

                    // update current sp to specified value
                    int rows = 200;
                    String s = line.getOptionValue("compare", "");
                    try {
                        rows = Integer.parseInt(s);
                        if (rows < 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        println("Invalid compare rows count - " + s + "\n");

                    compare_hbase_rows(home, rows, skipTables, syncTables, ignoreError);
            } else if (line.hasOption("checkrow")) {
                // udpate current sp from antsdb
                File home = checkAntsDBHome(line);
                if (home != null) {
                    String table = line.getOptionValue("tables", "").trim();
                    String key = line.getOptionValue("checkrow", "").trim();
                    if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) {
                        println("No talbe specified.");
                    } else if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
                        println("No row key specified,");
                    } else {
                        checkRow(home, table, key);
            } else {
                println("error: command is missing");

        finally {

            // alway disconnect from hbase

    private void connectUseConfig(String optionValue) throws IOException {
        Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
        conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
        conf.addResource(new Path(optionValue));
        println("Connecting to server %s ...", conf.get("hbase.zookeeper.quorum"));
        this.conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);

    private File checkAntsDBHome(CommandLine line) {
        if (line.hasOption("home")) {
            File home = new File(line.getOptionValue("home"));
            if (home.isDirectory()) {
                return home;
            } else {
                println("error: invalid home directory");
        } else {
            println("error: antsdb home directory is missing");
        return null;

    private void link() throws IOException {
        Table table = this.conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf(OrcaConstant.SYSNS, CheckPoint.TABLE_SYNC_PARAM));
        Delete delete = new Delete(CheckPoint.KEY);

    private void connect(String zkserver) throws IOException {
        println("Connecting to server %s ...", zkserver);
        Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
        conf.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", zkserver);
        this.conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
        println("hbase connected - " + zkserver + "\n");

    private void disconnect() throws IOException {
        if (this.conn != null) {
            println("hbase disconnected.");

    private void delete_all() throws IOException {
        Admin admin = conn.getAdmin();
        for (HTableDescriptor i : admin.listTables()) {
            TableName name = i.getTableName();
            println("deleting table %s ...", name.getNameAsString());
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
        for (NamespaceDescriptor i : admin.listNamespaceDescriptors()) {
            String name = i.getName();
            if ("default".equals(name) || "hbase".equals(name)) {
            println("deleting namespace %s ...", name);

    private void list_ns() throws IOException {
        Admin admin = conn.getAdmin();
        for (NamespaceDescriptor i : admin.listNamespaceDescriptors()) {

    private void list_table() throws IOException {
        Admin admin = conn.getAdmin();
        for (HTableDescriptor i : admin.listTables()) {

    private void dump(String name) throws IOException {
        Table htable = this.conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf(name));
        Scan scan = new Scan();
        ResultScanner rs = htable.getScanner(scan);
        for (Result r =; r != null; r = {
            byte[] key = r.getRow();
            byte[] types = getTypes(r);
            if (this.noversion) {
                for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]>> i : r.getNoVersionMap().entrySet()) {
                    String cf = new String(i.getKey());
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> j : i.getValue().entrySet()) {
                        String q = Helper.getKeyName(j.getKey());
                        String value = getCellText(types, idx, j.getValue());
                        println("  %s:%s %s", cf, q, value);
            } else {
                for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> i : r.getMap()
                        .entrySet()) {
                    String cf = new String(i.getKey());
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> j : i.getValue().entrySet()) {
                        String q = Helper.getKeyName(j.getKey());
                        for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> k : j.getValue().entrySet()) {
                            Long version = k.getKey();
                            String value = getCellText(types, idx, k.getValue());
                            println("  %s:%s`%d %s", cf, q, version, value);

    private String getCellText(byte[] types, int idx, byte[] bytes) {
        return BytesUtil.toCompactHex(bytes);
        /* we cannot figure out the cell type because cell are ordered alphabetically by name. but type is ordered
         * by column id 
        int type = types[idx];
        if (type == Value.FORMAT_UTF8) {
           return new String(bytes, Charsets.UTF_8);
        else {
           return BytesUtil.toCompactHex(bytes);

    private byte[] getTypes(Result r) {
        NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> sysFamily = r.getNoVersionMap().get(Helper.SYS_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
        if (sysFamily == null) {
            return null;
        byte[] types = sysFamily.get(Helper.SYS_COLUMN_DATATYPE_BYTES);
        return types;

    Algorithm getCompressionType(String compressor) {
        Algorithm compressionType = Algorithm.GZ;
        if (compressor.equalsIgnoreCase("GZ")) {
            compressionType = Algorithm.GZ;
        } else if (compressor.equalsIgnoreCase("snappy"))
            compressionType = Algorithm.SNAPPY;
        else if (compressor.equalsIgnoreCase("LZ4")) {
            compressionType = Algorithm.LZ4;
        } else if (compressor.equalsIgnoreCase("LZO")) {
            compressionType = Algorithm.LZO;
        } else if (compressor.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
            compressionType = Algorithm.NONE;

        return compressionType;

    void sync_antsdb(File home, String[] skipTables, String[] syncTables, boolean ignoreError, int threads)
            throws Exception {
        // load the test instance

        SaltedFish fish = new SaltedFish(home);
        try {
            // start fish without hbase service, without netty

            // option used by hbase service
            ConfigService config = fish.getOrca().getHumpback().getConfig();
            int columnsPerPut = config.getHBaseMaxColumnsPerPut();
            String compressCodec = config.getHBaseCompressionCodec();
            Algorithm compressionType = Algorithm.valueOf(compressCodec.toUpperCase());

            HBaseUtilImporter importer = new HBaseUtilImporter(threads, fish.getOrca(), this.conn, skipTables,
                    syncTables, ignoreError);

            // set compression type

            // set maximum columns per put


            String result = importer.getResult();
            println(result + "\n");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            _log.error("hbase import failed - ", ex);
        } finally {

    long read_sp() throws Exception {
        long oldCurrentSp = -1;
        try {
            oldCurrentSp = CheckPoint.readCurrentSPFromHBase(this.conn);
            println("Current SP: " + oldCurrentSp + "\n");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            println("Failed to get hbase currentSP.");
        return oldCurrentSp;

    void update_sp(long newCurrentSp) throws Exception {
        try {
            long oldCurrentSp = CheckPoint.readCurrentSPFromHBase(this.conn);

            println("Old Current SP: " + oldCurrentSp);
            if (newCurrentSp != oldCurrentSp) {
                CheckPoint.udpateCurrentSPToHBase(this.conn, newCurrentSp);
                long currentSp = CheckPoint.readCurrentSPFromHBase(this.conn);
                println("New Current SP: " + currentSp + "\n");
            } else {
                println("Current SP is same as antsdb. No need to change.\n");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            println("Faield to update hbase currentSP.");

    void update_sp(File home) throws Exception {
        // load the test instance

        SaltedFish fish = new SaltedFish(home);

        try {
            // start fish without hbase service, without netty

            Humpback humpback = fish.getOrca().getHumpback();
            CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(humpback, this.conn);

            println("Server Id:              " + cp.getServerId());
            println("Old Current SP:         " + cp.getCurrentSp());

            // write current SP to __SYS.SYNCPARAM
            long currentSp = humpback.getLatestSP();
            println("Current SP from AntsDB: " + currentSp);

            if (currentSp != cp.getCurrentSp()) {

                CheckPoint.udpateCurrentSPToHBase(this.conn, currentSp);
                currentSp = CheckPoint.readCurrentSPFromHBase(this.conn);
                println("\nCurrent SP set to:      " + currentSp);
            } else {
                println("\nCurrent SP is same as antsdb. No need to change.");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            println("Faield to update hbase currentSP");
        } finally {

    void compare_hbase_rows(File home, int testRows, String[] skipTables, String[] syncTables, boolean ignoreError)
            throws Exception {
        // load the test instance

        SaltedFish fish = new SaltedFish(home);

        try {
            // start fish without hbase service, without netty

            HBaseUtilDataComparer importer = new HBaseUtilDataComparer(fish.getOrca(), this.conn, testRows,
                    skipTables, syncTables, ignoreError);

            String result = importer.getResult();
            println("\n\n" + result + "\n");

            // check each table
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            println("Faield to check hbase rows.");
        } finally {

    void checkRow(File home, String table, String key) {
        // load the test instance

        SaltedFish fish = new SaltedFish(home);

        try {
            // start fish without hbase service, without netty
            AntsDBValidator.checkTableRow(fish.getOrca(), table, key);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            println("Faield to check hbase rows.");
        } finally {