Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Joachim Ansorg, * File:, Class: BashVarProcessor * Last modified: 2013-04-30 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.impl.vars; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.api.function.BashFunctionDef; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.api.vars.BashVar; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.api.vars.BashVarDef; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.impl.Keys; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.util.BashAbstractProcessor; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.psi.util.BashPsiUtils; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.settings.BashProjectSettings; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.ResolveState; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; /** * Date: 14.04.2009 * Time: 17:34:42 * * @author Joachim Ansorg */ public class BashVarProcessor extends BashAbstractProcessor implements Keys { private final boolean leaveInjectionHost; private BashVar startElement; private final BashFunctionDef startElementScope; private boolean checkLocalness; private String varName; private boolean startElementIsVarDef; private boolean ignoreGlobals; private boolean functionVarDefsAreGlobal; private int startElementTextOffset; private final Set<PsiElement> visitedScopes = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); public BashVarProcessor(BashVar startElement, boolean checkLocalness) { this(startElement, checkLocalness, true); } public BashVarProcessor(BashVar startElement, boolean checkLocalness, boolean leaveInjectionHosts) { super(false); this.startElement = startElement; this.checkLocalness = checkLocalness; this.varName = startElement.getReference().getReferencedName(); this.startElementIsVarDef = startElement instanceof BashVarDef; this.startElementScope = BashPsiUtils.findNextVarDefFunctionDefScope(startElement); this.ignoreGlobals = false; this.leaveInjectionHost = leaveInjectionHosts; this.functionVarDefsAreGlobal = BashProjectSettings.storedSettings(startElement.getProject()) .isGlobalFunctionVarDefs(); this.startElementTextOffset = BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(startElement); } public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement, ResolveState resolveState) { if (visitedScopes.contains(psiElement)) { return true; } if (psiElement instanceof BashVarDef) { BashVarDef varDef = (BashVarDef) psiElement; if (!varName.equals(varDef.getName()) || startElement.equals(psiElement)) { //proceed with the search return true; } //we have the same name, so it's a possible hit //now check the scope boolean varDefIsLocal = checkLocalness && varDef.isFunctionScopeLocal(); boolean isValid = varDefIsLocal ? isValidLocalDefinition(varDef, resolveState) : isValidDefinition(varDef, resolveState); //if we found a valid local variable definition we must ignore all (otherwise matching) global variable definitions ignoreGlobals = ignoreGlobals || (isValid && varDefIsLocal); if (isValid) { storeResult(varDef, BashPsiUtils.blockNestingLevel(varDef)); return false; } } visitedScopes.add(psiElement); return true; } private boolean isValidDefinition(BashVarDef varDef, ResolveState resolveState) { if (varDef.isCommandLocal()) { return false; } if (!varDef.isStaticAssignmentWord()) { return false; } BashFunctionDef varDefScope = BashPsiUtils.findNextVarDefFunctionDefScope(varDef); if (ignoreGlobals && varDefScope == null) { return false; } //first case: the definition is before the start element -> the definition is valid //second case: the definition is after the start element: // - if startElement and varDef do NOT share a common scope -> varDef is only valid if it's inside of a function definition, i.e. global // - if startElement and varDef share a scope which different from the PsiFile -> valid if the startElement is inside of a function def //this check is only valid if both elements are in the same file boolean sameFiles = this.leaveInjectionHost ? BashPsiUtils.findFileContext(startElement).equals(BashPsiUtils.findFileContext(varDef)) : startElement.getContainingFile().equals(varDef.getContainingFile()); if (sameFiles) { int textOffsetVarDef = BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(varDef); if (startElementTextOffset >= textOffsetVarDef) { return isDefinitionOffsetValid(varDefScope); } //the found varDef is AFTER the startElement if (varDefScope == null) { //if varDef is on global level, then it is only valid if startElement is inside of a function definition return startElementScope != null; } //varDef has a valid function def scope AND comes after the start element //in this case it is only valid if start element is in a nested function definition inside of varDefScope // The found variable definition is defined in a function. If the settings is enabled, i.e. less strict checking, then the variable definition is valid // if two var defs are compared then the varDef candidate (which occurs later in the file) is not a possible definition if (functionVarDefsAreGlobal && startElementScope != null && !startElementIsVarDef && !varDefScope.equals(startElementScope)) { return true; } if (startElementScope != null) { return PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(varDefScope, startElementScope, true); } } else { //working on a definition in an included file (maybe even over several include-steps) Multimap<VirtualFile, PsiElement> includedFiles = resolveState.get(visitedIncludeFiles); Collection<PsiElement> includeCommands = includedFiles != null ? includedFiles.get(varDef.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile()) : null; if (includeCommands == null || includeCommands.isEmpty()) { return false; } PsiElement includeCommand = includeCommands.iterator().next(); BashFunctionDef includeCommandScope = BashPsiUtils.findNextVarDefFunctionDefScope(includeCommand); //now check the offset of the include command int startOffset = BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(startElement); int endOffset = BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(includeCommand); if (startOffset >= endOffset) { return isDefinitionOffsetValid(includeCommandScope); } //the include command comes AFTER the start element if (includeCommandScope == null) { return BashPsiUtils.findNextVarDefFunctionDefScope(includeCommand) != null; } if (startElementScope != null) { return PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(varDefScope, includeCommandScope, true); } } return false; } private boolean isDefinitionOffsetValid(BashFunctionDef varDefScope) { //the var def is only valid if the varDef is NOT inside of a nested function (our rule is: more global is better) if (startElementScope == null) { //if the start element is on global level, then the var def has to be global, too, if the start element is a var def, also //if it it just a variabale which references the definition, then varDef is a valid definition for it return varDefScope == null || !startElementIsVarDef; } return varDefScope == null || varDefScope.equals(startElementScope) || !PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(startElementScope, varDefScope, true); } /** * A local var def is a valid definition for our start element if it's scope contains the start * element. * <p/> * Also, the checked variable definition has to appear before the start element. * * @param varDef The variable definition in question * @param resolveState * @return True if varDef is a valid local definition for startElement */ private boolean isValidLocalDefinition(BashVarDef varDef, ResolveState resolveState) { boolean validScope = PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(BashPsiUtils.findEnclosingBlock(varDef), startElement, false); //fixme: this is not entirely true, think of a function with a var redefinition of a local variable of the inner functions //context (i.e. the outer function) //for now, this is ok return validScope && BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(varDef) < BashPsiUtils.getFileTextOffset(startElement); } public <T> T getHint(Key<T> key) { if (key.equals(VISITED_SCOPES_KEY)) { return (T) visitedScopes; } return null; } }