Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Joachim Ansorg, * File:, Class: BashPsiBuilder * Last modified: 2013-04-10 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.parser; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.BashVersion; import com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.lang.lexer.BashTokenTypes; import com.intellij.lang.PsiBuilder; import com.intellij.lang.WhitespacesAndCommentsBinder; import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderAdapter; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import com.intellij.util.containers.LimitedPool; import com.intellij.util.containers.Stack; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /** * The PsiBuilder which has been enhanced to be more helpful for Bash parsing. * It provides the possiblity to enable whitespace tokens on demand. * <p/> * <p/> * Date: 10.04.2009 * Time: 00:35:17 * * @author Joachim Ansorg */ public final class BashPsiBuilder extends PsiBuilderAdapter implements PsiBuilder { static final Logger log = Logger.getInstance("#bash.BashPsiBuilder"); private final Stack<Boolean> errorsStatusStack = new Stack<Boolean>(); private final BashTokenRemapper tokenRemapper; private final BashVersion bashVersion; //reuse markers in the pool, the PsiBuilder allocates a lot of marker. Markers can be cleaned fairly simply so we will reuse them //the original PsiBUilderImpl does it in a similair way private final LimitedPool<BashPsiMarker> markerPool = new LimitedPool<BashPsiMarker>(750, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<BashPsiMarker>() { @Override public BashPsiMarker create() { return new BashPsiMarker(); } @Override public void cleanup(final BashPsiMarker startMarker) { startMarker.clean(); } }); private final BackquoteData backquoteData = new BackquoteData(); private final HereDocData hereDocData = new HereDocData(); private final ParsingStateData parsingStateData = new ParsingStateData(); private final Project project; public BashPsiBuilder(Project project, PsiBuilder wrappedBuilder, BashVersion bashVersion) { super(wrappedBuilder); this.project = project; this.bashVersion = bashVersion; this.tokenRemapper = new BashTokenRemapper(this); setTokenTypeRemapper(tokenRemapper); } /** * @param enableWhitespace * @return */ @Nullable public String getTokenText(boolean enableWhitespace) { if (enableWhitespace && rawLookup(0) == BashTokenTypes.WHITESPACE) { int startOffset = rawTokenTypeStart(0); if (startOffset == -1) { //first token startOffset = 0; } int length = rawTokenTypeStart(1) - startOffset; if (length == 1) { return ""; } return StringUtils.repeat(" ", length); } return getTokenText(); } @Nullable public final IElementType getTokenType(boolean withWhitespace) { return withWhitespace ? rawLookup(0) : getTokenType(); } @Nullable public IElementType getRemappingTokenType() { try { parsingStateData.enterSimpleCommand(); return getTokenType(); } finally { parsingStateData.leaveSimpleCommand(); } } /** * Eats all the following newline tokens. * * @return True if at least one newline has been read. */ public boolean eatOptionalNewlines() { return eatOptionalNewlines(-1); } /** * Reads all line feed tokens of the stream until either there are no more newlines * or that maxNewLines is reached. * * @param maxNewlines The maximum amount of newlines which should be read. * A value of -1 means there's no limit in read line feed tokens. * @return True if at least one newline has been read. */ public boolean eatOptionalNewlines(int maxNewlines) { return eatOptionalNewlines(maxNewlines, false); } public boolean eatOptionalNewlines(int maxNewlines, boolean withWhitespace) { if (maxNewlines < 0) { maxNewlines = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } boolean hasNewline; int readNewlines; if (withWhitespace) { //read whitespace tokens hasNewline = rawLookup(0) == BashTokenTypes.LINE_FEED; readNewlines = 0; while (rawLookup(0) == BashTokenTypes.LINE_FEED && readNewlines < maxNewlines) { advanceLexer(); readNewlines++; } } else { //do not read whitespace tokens, step over it hasNewline = getTokenType() == BashTokenTypes.LINE_FEED; readNewlines = 0; while (getTokenType() == BashTokenTypes.LINE_FEED && readNewlines < maxNewlines) { advanceLexer(); readNewlines++; } } return hasNewline; } public boolean isBash4() { return BashVersion.Bash_v4.equals(bashVersion); } public void remapShebangToComment() { tokenRemapper.enableShebangToCommentMapping(); } /** * Returns the backquote data which holds the state of the backquote command parsing. * * @return The state for the backquote command parsing. */ public BackquoteData getBackquoteData() { return backquoteData; } public HereDocData getHereDocData() { return hereDocData; } public final ParsingStateData getParsingState() { return parsingStateData; } /** * BashPsiBuilder supports nested levels of error reporting. Error reporting can * be switched of on demand to make test functions possible which * call the regular parsing functions to check whether the upcoming stream of tokens is * valid. * Each call to this method has to be followed by a call to leaveLastErrorLevel() . * * @param status True if error reporting shoudl be switched on. * False if no errors should be added to the resulting tree. */ public void enterNewErrorLevel(boolean status) { errorsStatusStack.push(status); } /** * Removes the last error reporting state from the stack of saved states. */ public void leaveLastErrorLevel() { if (!errorsStatusStack.isEmpty()) { errorsStatusStack.pop(); } } /** * Overridden method which only reports errors if error reporting is switched on. * * @param message The message to report. */ public void error(String message) { if (isErrorReportingEnabled()) { myDelegate.error(message); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Supressed psi error: " + message); } } public Project getProject() { return project; } /** * Returns an enhanced marker which knows about the error reporting state. * The error only adds errors to the tree if error reporting is enabled. * The marker has the same state as the markers returned by the wrapped PsiBuilder. * It only intercepts the error message reporting if necessary. * * @return The new marker. */ @Override public Marker mark() { BashPsiMarker marker = markerPool.alloc(); marker.psiBuilder = this; marker.original = myDelegate.mark(); return marker; } /** * Returns the state of error reporting. * * @return True if errors should be reported. False if not. */ boolean isErrorReportingEnabled() { return errorsStatusStack.isEmpty() || errorsStatusStack.peek(); } private void recycle(BashPsiMarker marker) { markerPool.recycle(marker); } /** * An enhanced marker which takes care of error reporting. * * @author Joachim Ansorg, */ private static final class BashPsiMarker implements Marker { BashPsiBuilder psiBuilder; Marker original; public BashPsiMarker() { } @Override public void doneBefore(IElementType type, Marker beforeCandidate) { //IntelliJ's API assumes that before is a StartMarker and not another implementation //thus we have to pass the original marker Marker before = beforeCandidate instanceof BashPsiMarker ? ((BashPsiMarker) beforeCandidate).original : beforeCandidate; original.doneBefore(type, before); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } @Override public void error(final String errorMessage) { if (psiBuilder.isErrorReportingEnabled()) { original.error(errorMessage); } else { drop(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Marker: suppressed error " + errorMessage); } } } @Override public void drop() { original.drop(); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } @Override public void done(IElementType type) { original.done(type); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } @Override public void doneBefore(IElementType type, Marker before, String errorMessage) { original.doneBefore(type, before, errorMessage); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } @Override public void errorBefore(String message, Marker marker) { original.errorBefore(message, marker); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } @Override public void rollbackTo() { original.rollbackTo(); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } public void clean() { this.original = null; this.psiBuilder = null; } public void collapse(IElementType iElementType) { original.collapse(iElementType); psiBuilder.recycle(this); } public Marker precede() { return original.precede(); } public void setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(@Nullable WhitespacesAndCommentsBinder whitespacesAndCommentsBinder, @Nullable WhitespacesAndCommentsBinder whitespacesAndCommentsBinder1) { original.setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(whitespacesAndCommentsBinder, whitespacesAndCommentsBinder1); } } }