Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2016 Erwin Mller <> * * This file is part of prefdialog-core. * * prefdialog-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * prefdialog-core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with prefdialog-core. If not, see <>. */ package com.anrisoftware.prefdialog.core; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull; import java.awt.Component; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.Icon; import com.anrisoftware.globalpom.log.AbstractLogger; import com.anrisoftware.globalpom.textposition.TextPosition; import com.anrisoftware.prefdialog.fields.FieldComponent; import com.anrisoftware.resources.images.api.IconSize; import com.anrisoftware.resources.images.api.Images; import com.anrisoftware.resources.texts.api.Texts; /** * Logging messages for {@link AbstractFieldComponent}. * * @author Erwin Mueller, * @since 1.0 */ class AbstractFieldComponentLogger extends AbstractLogger { private static final String ERROR_SET_VALUE = "Error set value '{}' for {}: {}."; private static final String COMPONENT_NULL = "Component cannot be null."; private static final String ERROR_SETUP_VALUE_MESSAGE = "Error setup value '{}' for {}."; private static final String ERROR_SETUP_VALUE = "Error setup value"; private static final String ICON_SET = "Icon {} set for {}."; private static final String ICON_RESOURCE_SET = "Icon resource '{}' set for {}."; private static final String ICON_SIZE_SET = "Icon size {} set for {}."; private static final String TITLE_POSITION_SET = "Title position {} set for {}."; private static final String LOCALE_SET = "Locale {} set for {}."; private static final String LOCALE_NULL = "Locale cannot be null."; private static final String IMAGES_RESOURCE_NULL = "Images resource cannot be null."; private static final String TEXTS_RESOURCE_NULL = "Texts resource cannot be null."; private static final String NO_TEXT_RESOURCE = "Text resource '{}' not found for {}."; private static final String HEIGHT_NULL = "Height cannot be null."; private static final String WIDTH_NULL = "Width cannot be null."; private static final String FIELD_NULL = "Field cannot be null."; private static final String NAME_NULL = "Name cannot be null."; private static final String RESTORED_INPUT = "Restored input for {}."; private static final String SHOW_TOOL_TIP_SET = "Show tool-tip {} set for {}."; private static final String WIDTH_SET = "Width {} set for {}."; private static final String HEIGHT_SET = "Height {} set for {}."; private static final String ENABLED_SET = "Enabled {} set for {}."; private static final String VALUE_SET = "Value {} set for {}."; private static final String SHOW_TITLE_SET = "Show title {} set for {}."; private static final String TITLE_SET = "Title '{}' set for {}."; private static final String NAME_SET = "Name '{}' set for {}."; private static final String ORDER_SET = "Order {} set for {}."; private static final String MNEMONIC_SET = "Mnemonic '{}' set for {}."; private static final String NO_ICON_RESOURCE = "Icon resource '{}' not found for {}."; /** * Creates logger for {@link AbstractFieldComponent}. */ AbstractFieldComponentLogger() { super(AbstractFieldComponent.class); } void nameSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String name) { log.debug(NAME_SET, name, field); } void titleSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String title) { log.debug(TITLE_SET, title, field); } void showTitleSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, boolean show) { log.debug(SHOW_TITLE_SET, show, field); } void mnemonicSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String string) { log.debug(MNEMONIC_SET, string, field); } void valueSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Object value) { log.debug(VALUE_SET, value, field); } void enabledSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, boolean enabled) { log.debug(ENABLED_SET, enabled, field); } void widthSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Number width) { log.debug(WIDTH_SET, width, field); } void heightSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Number height) { log.debug(HEIGHT_SET, height, field); } void showToolTipSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, boolean show) { log.debug(SHOW_TOOL_TIP_SET, show, field); } void restoredInput(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field) { log.debug(RESTORED_INPUT, field); } void checkName(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String name) { notNull(name, NAME_NULL); } void checkField(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, FieldComponent<?> childField) { notNull(childField, FIELD_NULL); } void checkWidth(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Number width) { notNull(width, WIDTH_NULL); } void checkHeight(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Number height) { notNull(height, HEIGHT_NULL); } void textResourceMissing(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String title) { log.warn(NO_TEXT_RESOURCE, title, field); } void checkTextsResource(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Texts texts) { notNull(texts, TEXTS_RESOURCE_NULL); } void checkImagesResource(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Images images) { notNull(images, IMAGES_RESOURCE_NULL); } void iconResourceMissing(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String title) { log.warn(NO_ICON_RESOURCE, title, field); } void checkLocale(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Locale locale) { notNull(locale, LOCALE_NULL); } void localeSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Locale locale) { log.debug(LOCALE_SET, locale, field); } void orderSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, int order) { log.debug(ORDER_SET, order, field); } void titlePositionSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, TextPosition position) { log.debug(TITLE_POSITION_SET, position, field); } void iconSizeSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, IconSize size) { log.debug(ICON_SIZE_SET, size, field); } void iconResourceSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, String name) { log.debug(ICON_RESOURCE_SET, name, field); } void iconSet(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Icon icon) { log.debug(ICON_SET, icon, field); } IllegalArgumentException errorSetupValue(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, PropertyVetoException e, Object value) { return logException(new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_SETUP_VALUE, e), ERROR_SETUP_VALUE_MESSAGE, value, field); } void checkComponent(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Component component) { notNull(component, COMPONENT_NULL); } PropertyVetoException errorTrySetValue(AbstractFieldComponent<?> field, Exception e, Object value, String property) { PropertyVetoException ex = new PropertyVetoException(e.getMessage(), new PropertyChangeEvent(field, property, null, value)); log.debug(ERROR_SET_VALUE, value, field, e.getLocalizedMessage()); return ex; } }