Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2014 Erwin Mller <> * * This file is part of globalpomutils-math. * * globalpomutils-math is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * globalpomutils-math is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with globalpomutils-math. If not, see <>. */ package com.anrisoftware.globalpom.measurement; import static com.anrisoftware.globalpom.measurement.RoundToSignificantFigures.roundToDecimal; import static com.anrisoftware.globalpom.measurement.RoundToSignificantFigures.roundToSignificant; import static java.lang.Double.isNaN; import static java.lang.Math.min; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; /** * Implements exact value's operators. * * @author Erwin Mueller, * @since 1.9 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class AbstractValue implements Value, Serializable { private static final double DEFAULT_DIV = 3.0; private static final double EPSILON = 10e-9; private final double value; private final int significant; private final double uncertainty; private final int decimal; private transient ValueFactory valueFactory; @Inject private ValueToString toString; /** * @see ValueFactory#create(Value, ValueFactory) */ protected AbstractValue(Value value, ValueFactory valueFactory) { this(value.getValue(), value.getSignificant(), value.getUncertainty(), value.getDecimal(), valueFactory); } /** * @see ValueFactory#create(double, int, double, int, ValueFactory) */ protected AbstractValue(double value, int sig, double un, int dec, ValueFactory valueFactory) { this.value = value; this.significant = sig; this.uncertainty = un; this.decimal = dec; this.valueFactory = valueFactory; } public void setValueFactory(ValueFactory factory) { this.valueFactory = factory; } public ValueFactory getValueFactory() { return valueFactory; } @Override public Value valueOf(double value) { return createValue(value); } @Override public Value valueOf(double value, int sig, double un, int dec) { return createValue(value, sig, un, dec); } @Override public double getValue() { return value; } @Override public Value getRoundedValue() { int sig = this.significant; int dec = this.decimal; return roundedValue(sig, dec); } @Override public Value roundedValue(int sig, int dec) { double v = this.value; double un = this.uncertainty; if (isExact()) { return createValue(v, sig, un, dec); } else { double value = roundToDecimal(v, sig); double signi = roundToSignificant(un, roundedSignificantFigure(sig)); return createValue(value, sig, signi, dec); } } private int roundedSignificantFigure(int sig) { double v = FastMath.abs(getUncertainty()); while (v < 0.0) { v *= 10; } if (v >= 1.0) { return sig + 1; } else { return sig; } } @Override public int getSignificant() { return significant; } @Override public double getUncertainty() { return uncertainty; } @Override public double getMinValue() { return minValue(DEFAULT_DIV); } @Override public double minValue(double deviation) { if (isExact()) { return getValue(); } else { return getValue() - (deviation * getUncertainty()); } } @Override public double getMaxValue() { return maxValue(DEFAULT_DIV); } @Override public double maxValue(double deviation) { if (isExact()) { return getValue(); } else { return getValue() + (deviation * getUncertainty()); } } @Override public boolean isExact() { return isNaN(uncertainty); } @Override public int getDecimal() { return decimal; } @Override public Value add(Value addend) { double value = this.value + addend.getValue(); double uncertainty = addUncertainty(addend, value); int sig = min(significant, addend.getSignificant()); int dec = min(decimal, addend.getDecimal()); return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } @Override public Value plus(Value addend) { return add(addend); } @Override public Value add(double addend) { return add(createValue(addend)); } @Override public Value plus(double addend) { return add(addend); } /** * Adds the uncertainty of this value and the addend. * * @param addend * the {@link Value} addend. * * @param sum * the value of the sum. * * @return the added uncertainly or {@link Double#NaN} if the value is * exact. */ protected abstract double addUncertainty(Value addend, double sum); @Override public Value sub(Value subtrahend) { double value = this.value - subtrahend.getValue(); double uncertainty = subUncertainty(subtrahend, value); int sig = min(significant, subtrahend.getSignificant()); int dec = min(decimal, subtrahend.getDecimal()); return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } @Override public Value minus(Value subtrahend) { return sub(subtrahend); } @Override public Value sub(double subtrahend) { return sub(createValue(subtrahend)); } @Override public Value minus(double subtrahend) { return sub(subtrahend); } /** * Subtracts the uncertainty of this value and the subtrahend. * * @param subtrahend * the {@link Value} subtrahend. * * @param diff * the value of the difference. * * @return the subtracted uncertainly. */ protected abstract double subUncertainty(Value subtrahend, double diff); @Override public Value mul(Value factor) { double value = this.value * factor.getValue(); double uncertainty = mulUncertainty(factor, value); int sig = min(significant, factor.getSignificant()); int dec = min(decimal, factor.getDecimal()); return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } @Override public Value multiply(Value factor) { return mul(factor); } @Override public Value mul(double factor) { return mul(createValue(factor)); } @Override public Value multiply(double factor) { return mul(factor); } /** * Multiplies the uncertainty of this value and the factor. * * @param factor * the {@link Value} factor. * * @param product * the value of the product. * * @return the multiplied uncertainly. */ protected abstract double mulUncertainty(Value factor, double product); @Override public Value div(double divisor) { return div(createValue(divisor)); } @Override public Value div(Value divisor) { double value = this.value / divisor.getValue(); double uncertainty = divUncertainty(divisor, value); int sig = min(significant, divisor.getSignificant()); int dec = min(decimal, divisor.getDecimal()); return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } @Override public Value divNum(double numerator) { return createValue(numerator).div(this); } /** * Divides the uncertainty of this value and the divisor. * * @param divisor * the {@link Value} divisor. * * @param quotient * the value of the quotient. * * @return the divided uncertainly. */ protected abstract double divUncertainty(Value divisor, double quotient); @Override public Value reciprocal() { double value = 1.0 / this.value; double uncertainty = reciprocalUncertainty(value); int sig = significant; int dec = decimal; return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } /** * Calculates the uncertainty of this value as reciprocal. * * @param value * the value. * * @return the reciprocal uncertainly. */ protected abstract double reciprocalUncertainty(double value); @Override public Value log() { double value = FastMath.log(this.value); double uncertainty = logUncertainty(value); int sig = significant; int dec = decimal; return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } /** * Logarithm the uncertainty of this value. * * @param exponent * the value of the exponent. * * @return the logarithm uncertainly. */ protected abstract double logUncertainty(double exponent); @Override public Value exp() { double value = FastMath.exp(this.value); double uncertainty = expUncertainty(value); int sig = significant; int dec = decimal; return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } /** * Power to the basis of e the uncertainty of this value. * * @param power * the value of the power. * * @return the power uncertainly. */ protected abstract double expUncertainty(double power); @Override public Value abs() { double value = FastMath.abs(this.value); double uncertainty = absUncertainty(value); int sig = significant; int dec = decimal; return createValue(value, sig, uncertainty, dec); } /** * Absolute uncertainty of this value. * * @param value * the absolute value. * * @return the uncertainly. */ protected abstract double absUncertainty(double value); /** * Create a new value. * * @param value * the value. * * @param sig * the significant figures of the value. * * @param un * the uncertainty or {@link Double#NaN} for an exact number. * * @param dec * the least significant decimal places. * * @return the {@link Value}. */ protected Value createValue(double value, int sig, double un, int dec) { return valueFactory.create(value, sig, un, dec, valueFactory); } /** * Create a new exact value. * * @param value * the value. * * @return the exact {@link Value}. */ protected abstract Value createValue(double value); @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof Value) { return compare((Value) o); } if (o instanceof Number) { return compare((Number) o); } throw new ClassCastException(); } @Override public int compare(Value value) { return compare(value, DEFAULT_DIV); } @Override public int compare(Value value, double dev) { if (equals(value, dev)) { return 0; } Value delta = this.sub(value).getRoundedValue(); return delta.isExact() ? compareExact(delta) : compareDelta(delta, dev); } private int compareExact(Value delta) { double d = delta.getValue(); if (d < 0.0) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } private int compareDelta(Value delta, double dev) { double deltavalue = delta.getValue(); double deltaunc = delta.getUncertainty(); double d = deltavalue - (deltaunc * dev); if (d < 0.0) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } @Override public int compare(Number value) { return compare(value, DEFAULT_DIV); } @Override public int compare(Number value, double dev) { return compare(createValue(value.doubleValue()), dev); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return equals(obj, DEFAULT_DIV); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj, double dev) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } Value rhs = asValue(obj); return rhs == null ? false : rhs.isExact() ? equalExact(this, rhs) : equalsUncertain(rhs, dev); } private Value asValue(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Value) { return (Value) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Number) { return createValue(((Number) obj).doubleValue()); } return null; } private boolean equalsUncertain(Value rhs, double dev) { Value delta = this.sub(rhs).getRoundedValue(); double deltavalue = FastMath.abs(delta.getValue()); double deltaunc = delta.getUncertainty(); return deltavalue - (deltaunc * dev) <= 0.0; } private boolean equalExact(Value lhs, Value rhs) { return FastMath.abs(lhs.getValue() - rhs.getValue()) < EPSILON; } @Override public int hashCode() { return new Double(value).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); toString.format(buff, this); return new ToStringBuilder(this).append(buff.toString()).build(); } }