Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.androidexperiments.sprayscape.unitydriveplugin; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.Window; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity extends FragmentActivity { protected UnityPlayer mUnityPlayer; // don't change the name of this variable; referenced from native code private static final String TAG = "GoogleDriveUPA"; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED = 10000; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_PLAY_SERVICES_ERROR = 10001; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_DRIVE_UPLOAD_ERROR = 10002; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATE = 10003; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED = "DriveAccountSelected"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_OBTAINED = "DriveTokenObtained"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_SELECTION_CANCELED = "DriveAccountSelectionCanceled"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_IS_READY = "DriveIsReady"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_FILE_UPLOADED = "DriveFileUploaded"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_AUTH_FAILED = "DriveAuthFailed"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_AUTH_CANCELED = "DriveAuthCanceled"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_FAILED = "DrivePermissionChangeFailed"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_NOT_ONLINE = "DriveNotOnline"; private static final String CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_UPLOAD_FAILED = "DriveUploadFailed"; private static final String DRIVE_FILE_SCOPE = ""; private static final String DRIVE_APPFOLDER_SCOPE = ""; private static final String PLUS_EMAIL_SCOPE = ""; private static final String GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME = "GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME"; private static final String GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_ID = "GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_ID"; public static GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity activityInstance; private GoogleAccountCredential credential; private Drive driveService; private Account account; private String lastDriveFolderName; private String lastDriveFileName; private String lastLocalPath; private String lastCallbackObjectName; public GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity() { activityInstance = this; } // Setup activity layout @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBX_8888); // <--- This makes xperia play happy mUnityPlayer = new UnityPlayer(this); setContentView(mUnityPlayer); mUnityPlayer.requestFocus(); credential = GoogleAccountCredential .usingOAuth2(getApplicationContext(), Arrays.asList(DRIVE_FILE_SCOPE, DRIVE_APPFOLDER_SCOPE, PLUS_EMAIL_SCOPE)) .setBackOff(new ExponentialBackOff()); } // Quit Unity @Override protected void onDestroy() { mUnityPlayer.quit(); super.onDestroy(); } // Pause Unity @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); mUnityPlayer.pause(); } // Resume Unity @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mUnityPlayer.resume(); } // This ensures the layout will be correct. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); mUnityPlayer.configurationChanged(newConfig); } // Notify Unity of the focus change. @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); mUnityPlayer.windowFocusChanged(hasFocus); } // For some reason the multiple keyevent type is not supported by the ndk. // Force event injection by overriding dispatchKeyEvent(). @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_MULTIPLE) return mUnityPlayer.injectEvent(event); return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event); } // Pass any events not handled by (unfocused) views straight to UnityPlayer @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return mUnityPlayer.injectEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return mUnityPlayer.injectEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { return mUnityPlayer.injectEvent(event); } /*API12*/ public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) { return mUnityPlayer.injectEvent(event); } public boolean isDeviceOnline() { ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected()); } private Account getLastUsedAccount() { String accountName = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE).getString(GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME, null); if (accountName == null) { account = null; return null; } account = getAccountByName(accountName); return account; } private Account getAccountByName(String name) { for (Account a : AccountManager.get(this).getAccountsByType("")) { if ( { return a; } } return null; } private void clearAccount() { account = null; driveService = null; // this also needs to be cleared out! SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor e = prefs.edit(); e.remove(GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME); e.apply(); } private Drive initDriveServiceFromAccount(Account account, String callbackObjectName) { Log.i(TAG, "initDriveServiceFromAccount"); credential.setSelectedAccountName(; // Send account to unity app UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED,; HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(); JsonFactory jsonFactory = AndroidJsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); driveService = new, jsonFactory, credential) .setApplicationName("Sprayscape").build(); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_IS_READY, ""); return driveService; } @Override protected void onActivityResult(final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { Log.i(TAG, "onActivityResult(" + requestCode + ", " + resultCode + ", " + data + ")"); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("OnActivityResultListener", "OnActivityResult", requestCode + "," + resultCode + "," + data); switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_CODE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED: { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { final String accountName = data.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME); String accountType = data.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE); SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); final SharedPreferences.Editor e = prefs.edit(); e.putString(GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); e.apply(); Log.i(TAG, "user selected account: " + accountName + " type: " + accountType + " saved to shared preferences"); account = new Account(accountName, accountType); // TODO: maybe don't assume the user was trying to upload? // try uploading again //uploadFile(lastDriveFolderName, lastDriveFileName, lastLocalPath, lastCallbackObjectName); driveService = initDriveServiceFromAccount(account, lastCallbackObjectName); } else { // user cancel the account picker without selecting.... UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(lastCallbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_SELECTION_CANCELED, "" + resultCode); } break; } case REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATE: { // if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){ fetchAuthToken(lastCallbackObjectName); // } else { // clearAccount(); // UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(lastCallbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_AUTH_CANCELED, "" + resultCode); // } break; } case REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_DRIVE_UPLOAD_ERROR: { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { // user fixed the authentication problem try upload again uploadFile(lastDriveFolderName, lastDriveFileName, lastLocalPath, lastCallbackObjectName); } else { // this happens when the user deny's the authorization // we will clear the auth data in-case they wanted to switch accounts on the next try clearAccount(); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(lastCallbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_AUTH_CANCELED, "" + resultCode); } break; } default: super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } } private class UploadFileToDrive extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> { private String driveFolderName; private String driveFileName; private String localPath; private String callbackObjectName; public UploadFileToDrive(String driveFolderName, String driveFileName, String localPath, String callbackObjectName) { this.driveFolderName = driveFolderName; this.driveFileName = driveFileName; this.localPath = localPath; this.callbackObjectName = callbackObjectName; } @Override protected String doInBackground(Void... params) { try { // first make sure we are online if (!isDeviceOnline()) { UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(this.callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_NOT_ONLINE, "no connection"); // this will trigger the generic drive failure throw new Exception("Not online"); } File topFolder = ensureDriveFolderExists(driveFolderName); //ensureFolderPermissions(topFolder); File imageFile = new File(); imageFile.setName(driveFileName); imageFile.setMimeType("image/jpeg"); imageFile.setParents(Collections.singletonList(topFolder.getId())); filePath = new; FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent("image/jpeg", filePath); File file = driveService.files().create(imageFile, mediaContent).setFields("id").execute(); Log.i(TAG, "Drive File Uploaded: '" + driveFolderName + "/" + driveFileName + "': " + file.getId()); ensureFilePermissions(file); return file.getId(); } catch (UserRecoverableAuthIOException ex) { ex.getIntent(); startActivityForResult(ex.getIntent(), REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_DRIVE_UPLOAD_ERROR); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to upload to drive", ex); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(this.callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex.toString()); return null; } } private File ensureDriveFolderExists(String driveFolderName) throws IOException { List<File> files = driveService.files().list() .setQ("mimeType='application/' and name = '" + driveFolderName + "' and trashed=false") .execute().getFiles(); if (files.size() == 1) { File f = files.get(0); Log.i(TAG, "Drive Folder: '" + driveFolderName + "' already exists: " + f.getId()); return f; } // else folder doesn't exist yet Log.i(TAG, "Drive Folder: '" + driveFolderName + "' does not exist yet, creating now"); File f = new File(); f.setName(driveFolderName); f.setMimeType("application/"); f = driveService.files().create(f).setFields("id").execute(); Log.i(TAG, "Drive Folder: '" + driveFolderName + "' created: " + f.getId()); return f; } private void ensureFolderPermissions(File folder) throws IOException { for (Permission p : driveService.permissions().list(folder.getId()).execute().getPermissions()) { if (p.getType().equals("anyone") && p.getRole().equals("reader")) { Log.i(TAG, "anyone/reader permission already found on folder"); return; } } // reader permission not found, adding... try { Permission p = new Permission(); p.setType("anyone"); p.setRole("reader"); p = driveService.permissions().create(folder.getId(), p).execute(); Log.i(TAG, "added permission to top-level folder: " + p.toPrettyString()); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException ex) { // HACK: we specifically look for a 403 on the permission change, this our signal that the account is probably a account // we clear out the account selection here as well to force account selection again since that account will likely never work int errorCode = ex.getDetails().getCode(); Log.w(TAG, "GoogleJsonResponseException.getDetails().getCode() == " + errorCode); if (errorCode == 403) { clearAccount(); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(this.callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_FAILED, ex.toString()); } throw ex; } } private void ensureFilePermissions(File file) throws IOException { for (Permission p : driveService.permissions().list(file.getId()).execute().getPermissions()) { if (p.getType().equals("anyone") && p.getRole().equals("reader")) { Log.i(TAG, "anyone/reader permission already found on folder"); return; } } // reader permission not found, adding... try { Permission p = new Permission(); p.setType("anyone"); p.setRole("reader"); p = driveService.permissions().create(file.getId(), p).execute(); Log.i(TAG, "added permission to file: " + p.toPrettyString()); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException ex) { // HACK: we specifically look for a 403 on the permission change, this our signal that the account is probably a account // we clear out the account selection here as well to force account selection again since that account will likely never work int errorCode = ex.getDetails().getCode(); Log.w(TAG, "GoogleJsonResponseException.getDetails().getCode() == " + errorCode); if (errorCode == 403) { clearAccount(); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(this.callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_FAILED, ex.toString()); } throw ex; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String fileId) { // force on the ui thread just in case... if (fileId != null) { UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(this.callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_FILE_UPLOADED, fileId); } } }; public boolean checkAccountPermissions(String callbackObjectName) throws Exception { lastCallbackObjectName = callbackObjectName; if (account == null) { account = getLastUsedAccount(); } // Check account has been setup already if (account == null) { // the user account has not previously been selected yet, trigger the account picker // only allow google accounts... Intent intent = AccountPicker.newChooseAccountIntent(null, null, new String[] { "" }, false, null, null, null, null); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED); return false; } // Check if drive service is already setup, or call async function to set it up else if (driveService == null) { driveService = initDriveServiceFromAccount(account, callbackObjectName); } // Everything is ready, call DriveIsReady in unity else { UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(callbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_IS_READY, ""); } return true; } public boolean fetchAuthToken(final String optObjectName) { Log.d(TAG, "fetchAuthToken()"); AsyncTask t = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { private String obtained_token; @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { // Obtain google auth access token try { // String mScope = "oauth2:" + PLUS_EMAIL_SCOPE; // obtained_token = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(getApplicationContext(), account, mScope); obtained_token = credential.getToken(); Log.d(TAG, "fetchAuthToken() token obtained: " + obtained_token); } catch (UserRecoverableAuthException userRecoverableException) { Log.e(TAG, "UserRecoverableException " + userRecoverableException.getMessage()); lastCallbackObjectName = optObjectName; // userRecoverableException.getIntent(); startActivityForResult(userRecoverableException.getIntent(), REQUEST_CODE_RECOVER_FROM_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATE); } catch (GoogleAuthException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e.getMessage()); clearAccount(); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(lastCallbackObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_AUTH_FAILED, "" + e.getMessage()); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void o) { if (optObjectName != null && obtained_token != null) UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(optObjectName, CALLBACK_METHOD_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_OBTAINED, obtained_token); super.onPostExecute(o); } }.execute(); return true; } public boolean checkFileId(String fileId) { Log.i(TAG, "checkFileId(\"" + fileId + "\")"); if (account == null) return false; try { File f = driveService.files().get(fileId).execute(); return f != null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean uploadFile(String driveFolderName, String driveFileName, String localPath, String callbackObjectName) { Log.i(TAG, "uploadFile(\"" + driveFileName + "\", \"" + driveFileName + "\", \"" + localPath + "\",\"" + callbackObjectName + "\")"); // HACK: used if the authentication failed and the user needs to try on onActivityResult (UGH) lastDriveFolderName = driveFolderName; lastDriveFileName = driveFileName; lastLocalPath = localPath; lastCallbackObjectName = callbackObjectName; if (account == null) return false; UploadFileToDrive task = new UploadFileToDrive(driveFolderName, driveFileName, localPath, callbackObjectName); task.execute(); return true; } }