Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Detects various issues for Android TV. */ public class AndroidTvDetector extends Detector implements Detector.XmlScanner { private static final Implementation IMPLEMENTATION = new Implementation(AndroidTvDetector.class, Scope.MANIFEST_SCOPE); /** Using hardware unsupported by TV */ public static final Issue UNSUPPORTED_TV_HARDWARE = Issue.create("UnsupportedTvHardware", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Unsupported TV Hardware Feature", "The <uses-feature> element should not require this unsupported TV hardware feature. " + "Any uses-feature not explicitly marked with required=\"false\" is necessary on the " + "device to be installed on. " + "Ensure that any features that might prevent it from being installed on a TV device " + "are reviewed and marked as not required in the manifest.", Category.CORRECTNESS, 6, Severity.ERROR, IMPLEMENTATION) .addMoreInfo(""); /** Missing leanback launcher intent filter */ public static final Issue MISSING_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER = Issue.create("MissingLeanbackLauncher", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Missing Leanback Launcher Intent Filter.", "An application intended to run on TV devices must declare a launcher activity " + "for TV in its manifest using a `android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER` " + "intent filter.", Category.CORRECTNESS, 8, Severity.ERROR, IMPLEMENTATION) .addMoreInfo(""); /** Missing leanback support */ public static final Issue MISSING_LEANBACK_SUPPORT = Issue.create("MissingLeanbackSupport", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Missing Leanback Support.", "The manifest should declare the use of the Leanback user interface required " + "by Android TV.\n" + "To fix this, add\n" + "`<uses-feature android:name=\"\" " + " android:required=\"false\" />`\n" + "to your manifest.", Category.CORRECTNESS, 6, Severity.ERROR, IMPLEMENTATION) .addMoreInfo(""); /** Permission implies required hardware unsupported by TV */ public static final Issue PERMISSION_IMPLIES_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE = Issue .create("PermissionImpliesUnsupportedHardware", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Permission Implies Unsupported Hardware", "The <uses-permission> element should not require a permission that implies an " + "unsupported TV hardware feature. Google Play assumes that certain hardware related " + "permissions indicate that the underlying hardware features are required by default. " + "To fix the issue, consider declaring the corresponding uses-feature element with " + "required=\"false\" attribute.", Category.CORRECTNESS, 3, Severity.WARNING, IMPLEMENTATION) .addMoreInfo( ""); /** Missing banner attibute */ public static final Issue MISSING_BANNER = Issue.create("MissingTvBanner", //$NON-NLS-1$ "TV Missing Banner", "A TV application must provide a home screen banner for each localization if it " + "includes a Leanback launcher intent filter. The banner is the app launch point that " + "appears on the home screen in the apps and games rows.", Category.CORRECTNESS, 5, Severity.WARNING, IMPLEMENTATION) .addMoreInfo(""); public static final String SOFTWARE_FEATURE_LEANBACK = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String LEANBACK_LIB_ARTIFACT = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String CATEGORY_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER = "android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String HARDWARE_FEATURE_LOCATION_GPS = "android.hardware.location.gps"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY = "android.hardware.telephony"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ANDROID_HARDWARE_BLUETOOTH = "android.hardware.bluetooth"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ATTR_BANNER = "banner"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ANDROID_HARDWARE_MICROPHONE = "android.hardware.microphone"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // private static final Set<String> UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE_FEATURES = ImmutableSet.<String>builder() .add("android.hardware.touchscreen") //$NON-NLS-1$ .add("android.hardware.faketouch") //$NON-NLS-1$ .add(ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY).add(HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA).add(ANDROID_HARDWARE_BLUETOOTH) .add("android.hardware.nfc") //$NON-NLS-1$ .add(HARDWARE_FEATURE_LOCATION_GPS) //$NON-NLS-1$ .add(ANDROID_HARDWARE_MICROPHONE) //$NON-NLS-1$ .add("android.hardware.sensors") //$NON-NLS-1$ .build(); private static final Map<String, String> PERMISSIONS_TO_IMPLIED_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE = ImmutableMap .<String, String>builder().put("android.permission.BLUETOOTH", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_BLUETOOTH) .put("android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_BLUETOOTH) .put("android.permission.CAMERA", //$NON-NLS-1$ HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA) .put("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_MICROPHONE) .put("android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", //$NON-NLS-1$ HARDWARE_FEATURE_LOCATION_GPS) .put("android.permission.CALL_PHONE", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.READ_SMS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.SEND_SMS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .put("android.permission.WRITE_SMS", //$NON-NLS-1$ ANDROID_HARDWARE_TELEPHONY) .build(); /** * If you change number of parameters or order, update * {@link #getHardwareFeature(String, TextFormat)} */ private static final String USES_HARDWARE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "Permission exists without corresponding hardware `<uses-feature " + "android:name=\"%1$s\" required=\"false\">` tag."; /** Constructs a new {@link AndroidTvDetector} check */ public AndroidTvDetector() { } /** Used for {@link #MISSING_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER} */ private boolean mHasLeanbackLauncherActivity; /** Used for {@link #MISSING_LEANBACK_SUPPORT} */ private boolean mHasLeanbackSupport; /** Whether the app has a leanback-v7 dependency */ private boolean mHasLeanbackDependency; /** Used for {@link #MISSING_BANNER} */ private boolean mHasApplicationBanner; /** No. of activities that have the leanback intent but * dont declare banners */ private int mLeanbackActivitiesWithoutBanners; /** All permissions that imply unsupported tv hardware. */ private List<String> mUnsupportedHardwareImpliedPermissions; /** All Unsupported TV uses features in use by the current manifest.*/ private Set<String> mAllUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures; /** Set containing unsupported TV uses-features elements without required="false" */ private Set<String> mUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures; @NonNull @Override public Speed getSpeed() { return Speed.FAST; } @Override public Collection<String> getApplicableElements() { return Arrays.asList(NODE_APPLICATION, NODE_ACTIVITY, NODE_USES_FEATURE, NODE_USES_PERMISSION); } @Override public void beforeCheckFile(@NonNull Context context) { mHasLeanbackLauncherActivity = false; mHasLeanbackSupport = false; mHasApplicationBanner = false; mLeanbackActivitiesWithoutBanners = 0; mUnsupportedHardwareImpliedPermissions = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(2); mUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(2); mAllUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(2); // Check gradle dependency Project mainProject = context.getMainProject(); mHasLeanbackDependency = (mainProject.isGradleProject() && Boolean.TRUE.equals(mainProject.dependsOn(LEANBACK_LIB_ARTIFACT))); } @Override public void afterCheckFile(@NonNull Context context) { boolean isTvApp = mHasLeanbackSupport || mHasLeanbackDependency || mHasLeanbackLauncherActivity; if (!context.getMainProject().isLibrary() && isTvApp) { XmlContext xmlContext = (XmlContext) context; // Report an error if there's not at least one leanback launcher intent filter activity if (!mHasLeanbackLauncherActivity && xmlContext.isEnabled(MISSING_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER)) { // No launch activity Node manifestNode = xmlContext.document.getDocumentElement(); if (manifestNode != null) {, manifestNode, xmlContext.getLocation(manifestNode), "Expecting an activity to have `" + CATEGORY_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER + "` intent filter."); } } // Report an issue if there is no leanback <uses-feature> tag. if (!mHasLeanbackSupport && xmlContext.isEnabled(MISSING_LEANBACK_SUPPORT)) { Node manifestNode = xmlContext.document.getDocumentElement(); if (manifestNode != null) {, manifestNode, xmlContext.getLocation(manifestNode), "Expecting <uses-feature android:name=\"\" " + "android:required=\"false\" /> tag."); } } // Report missing banners if (!mHasApplicationBanner // no application banner && mLeanbackActivitiesWithoutBanners > 0 // leanback activity without banner && xmlContext.isEnabled(MISSING_BANNER)) { Node applicationElement = getApplicationElement(xmlContext.document); if (applicationElement != null) {, applicationElement, xmlContext.getLocation(applicationElement), "Expecting `android:banner` with the `<application>` tag or each " + "Leanback launcher activity."); } } // Report all unsupported TV hardware uses-feature. // These point to all unsupported tv uses features that have not be marked // required = false; if (!mUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures.isEmpty() && xmlContext.isEnabled(UNSUPPORTED_TV_HARDWARE)) { List<Element> usesFeatureElements = findUsesFeatureElements(mUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures, xmlContext.document); for (Element element : usesFeatureElements) { Attr attrRequired = element.getAttributeNodeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); Node location = attrRequired == null ? element : attrRequired;, location, xmlContext.getLocation(location), "Expecting `android:required=\"false\"` for this hardware " + "feature that may not be supported by all Android TVs."); } } // Report permissions implying unsupported hardware if (!mUnsupportedHardwareImpliedPermissions.isEmpty() && xmlContext.isEnabled(PERMISSION_IMPLIES_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE)) { Collection<String> filteredPermissions = Collections2.filter(mUnsupportedHardwareImpliedPermissions, new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { // Filter out all permissions that already have their // corresponding implied hardware declared in // the AndroidManifest.xml String usesFeature = PERMISSIONS_TO_IMPLIED_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE.get(input); return usesFeature != null && !mAllUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures.contains(usesFeature); } }); List<Element> permissionsWithoutUsesFeatures = findPermissionElements(filteredPermissions, xmlContext.document); for (Element permissionElement : permissionsWithoutUsesFeatures) { String name = permissionElement.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); String unsupportedHardwareName = PERMISSIONS_TO_IMPLIED_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE.get(name); if (unsupportedHardwareName != null) { String message = String.format(USES_HARDWARE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT, unsupportedHardwareName);, permissionElement, xmlContext.getLocation(permissionElement), message); } } } } } private static List<Element> findPermissionElements(Collection<String> permissions, Document document) { Node manifestElement = document.getDocumentElement(); if (manifestElement == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Element> nodes = new ArrayList<Element>(permissions.size()); for (Element child : LintUtils.getChildren(manifestElement)) { if (TAG_USES_PERMISSION.equals(child.getTagName()) && permissions.contains(child.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME))) { nodes.add(child); } } return nodes; } /** * Method to find all matching uses-feature elements in one go. * Rather than iterating over the entire list of child nodes only to return the one that * match a particular featureName, we use this method to iterate and return all the * uses-feature elements of interest in a single iteration of the manifest element's children. * * @param featureNames The set of all features to look for inside the * <code><manifest></code> node of the document. * @param document The document/root node to use for iterating. * @return A list of all <code><uses-feature></code> elements that match the featureNames. */ private static List<Element> findUsesFeatureElements(@NonNull Set<String> featureNames, @NonNull Document document) { Node manifestElement = document.getDocumentElement(); if (manifestElement == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Element> nodes = new ArrayList<Element>(featureNames.size()); for (Element child : LintUtils.getChildren(manifestElement)) { if (TAG_USES_FEATURE.equals(child.getTagName()) && featureNames.contains(child.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME))) { nodes.add(child); } } return nodes; } /** * @param document The root of the document. * @return The Node pointing to the {@link} * of the document. */ private static Node getApplicationElement(Document document) { Node manifestNode = document.getDocumentElement(); if (manifestNode != null) { return getElementWithTagName(NODE_APPLICATION, manifestNode); } return null; } @Override public void visitElement(@NonNull XmlContext context, @NonNull Element element) { String elementName = element.getTagName(); if (NODE_APPLICATION.equals(elementName)) { mHasApplicationBanner = element.hasAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_BANNER); } else if (NODE_USES_FEATURE.equals(elementName)) { // Ensures that unsupported hardware features aren't required. Attr name = element.getAttributeNodeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); if (name != null) { String featureName = name.getValue(); if (isUnsupportedHardwareFeature(featureName)) { mAllUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures.add(featureName); Attr required = element.getAttributeNodeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); if (required == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(required.getValue())) { mUnsupportedTvUsesFeatures.add(featureName); } } } if (!mHasLeanbackSupport && hasLeanbackSupport(element)) { mHasLeanbackSupport = true; } } else if (NODE_ACTIVITY.equals(elementName) && hasLeanbackIntentFilter(element)) { mHasLeanbackLauncherActivity = true; // Since this activity has a leanback launcher intent filter, // Make sure it has a home screen banner if (!element.hasAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_BANNER)) { mLeanbackActivitiesWithoutBanners++; } } else if (NODE_USES_PERMISSION.equals(elementName)) { // Store all <uses-permission> tags that imply unsupported hardware) String permissionName = element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); if (PERMISSIONS_TO_IMPLIED_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE.containsKey(permissionName)) { mUnsupportedHardwareImpliedPermissions.add(permissionName); } } } private static boolean hasLeanbackSupport(Element element) { assert NODE_USES_FEATURE.equals(element.getTagName()) : element.getTagName(); return SOFTWARE_FEATURE_LEANBACK.equals(element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME)); } private static boolean isUnsupportedHardwareFeature(@NonNull String featureName) { for (String prefix : UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE_FEATURES) { if (featureName.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean hasLeanbackIntentFilter(@NonNull Node activityNode) { assert NODE_ACTIVITY.equals(activityNode.getNodeName()) : activityNode.getNodeName(); // Visit every intent filter for (Element activityChild : LintUtils.getChildren(activityNode)) { if (NODE_INTENT.equals(activityChild.getNodeName())) { for (Element intentFilterChild : LintUtils.getChildren(activityChild)) { // Check to see if the category is the leanback launcher String attrName = intentFilterChild.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); if (NODE_CATEGORY.equals(intentFilterChild.getNodeName()) && CATEGORY_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER.equals(attrName)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Assumes that the node is a direct child of the given Node. */ private static Node getElementWithTagName(@NonNull String tagName, @NonNull Node node) { for (Element child : LintUtils.getChildren(node)) { if (tagName.equals(child.getTagName())) { return child; } } return null; } /** * Given an error message created by this lint check, return the corresponding featureName * that it suggests should be added. * (Intended to support quickfix implementations for this lint check.) * * @param errorMessage The error message originally produced by this detector. * @param format The format of the error message. * @return the corresponding featureName, or null if not recognized */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used by the IDE @Nullable public static String getHardwareFeature(@NonNull String errorMessage, @NonNull TextFormat format) { List<String> parameters = LintUtils .getFormattedParameters(RAW.convertTo(USES_HARDWARE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT, format), errorMessage); if (parameters.size() == 1) { return parameters.get(0); } return null; } }