Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import; import com.intellij.util.containers.hash.HashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import static; /** * {@link WizardModel} containing useful configuration settings for defining an AVD image. * * See also {@link AvdDeviceData}, which these options supplement. */ public final class AvdOptionsModel extends WizardModel { final static int MAX_NUMBER_OF_CORES = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2; private final AvdInfo myAvdInfo; /** * The 'myUseQemu2' is used to name the family of virtual hardware boards * supported by the QEMU2 engines (which is different from the one for the classic engines, called 'goldfish'). */ private BoolProperty myUseQemu2 = new BoolValueProperty(true); private StringProperty myAvdId = new StringValueProperty(); private StringProperty myAvdDisplayName = new StringValueProperty(); private ObjectProperty<Storage> myInternalStorage = new ObjectValueProperty<>( AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_STORAGE); private ObjectProperty<ScreenOrientation> mySelectedAvdOrientation = new ObjectValueProperty<>( ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT); private ObjectProperty<AvdCamera> mySelectedAvdFrontCamera = new ObjectValueProperty<>( AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_CAMERA); private ObjectProperty<AvdCamera> mySelectedAvdBackCamera = new ObjectValueProperty<>( AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_CAMERA); private BoolProperty myHasDeviceFrame = new BoolValueProperty(true); private BoolProperty myUseExternalSdCard = new BoolValueProperty(false); private BoolProperty myUseBuiltInSdCard = new BoolValueProperty(true); private ObjectProperty<AvdNetworkSpeed> mySelectedNetworkSpeed = new ObjectValueProperty<>( AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_NETWORK_SPEED); private ObjectProperty<AvdNetworkLatency> mySelectedNetworkLatency = new ObjectValueProperty<>( AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_NETWORK_LATENCY); private StringProperty mySystemImageName = new StringValueProperty(); private StringProperty mySystemImageDetails = new StringValueProperty(); private OptionalProperty<Integer> myCpuCoreCount = new OptionalValueProperty<>(MAX_NUMBER_OF_CORES); private ObjectProperty<Storage> myVmHeapStorage = new ObjectValueProperty<>(new Storage(16, Storage.Unit.MiB)); private StringProperty myExternalSdCardLocation = new StringValueProperty(); private OptionalProperty<Storage> mySdCardStorage = new OptionalValueProperty<>( new Storage(100, Storage.Unit.MiB)); private BoolProperty myUseHostGpu = new BoolValueProperty(true); private OptionalProperty<GpuMode> myHostGpuMode = new OptionalValueProperty<>(GpuMode.AUTO); private BoolProperty myEnableHardwareKeyboard = new BoolValueProperty(true); private BoolProperty myIsInEditMode = new BoolValueProperty(); private OptionalProperty<File> myBackupSkinFile = new OptionalValueProperty<>(); private OptionalProperty<SystemImageDescription> mySystemImage = new OptionalValueProperty<>(); private OptionalProperty<Device> myDevice = new OptionalValueProperty<>(); private ObservableString existingSdLocation = new StringValueProperty(); private ObservableObject<Storage> myOriginalSdCard; private AvdDeviceData myAvdDeviceData; private AvdInfo myCreatedAvd; public AvdOptionsModel(@Nullable AvdInfo avdInfo) { myAvdInfo = avdInfo; myAvdDeviceData = new AvdDeviceData(); if (myAvdInfo != null) { updateValuesWithAvdInfo(myAvdInfo); } myDevice.addListener(sender -> { if (myDevice.get().isPresent()) { myAvdDeviceData.updateValuesFromDevice(myDevice.getValue(), mySystemImage.getValueOrNull()); myVmHeapStorage.set(calculateInitialVmHeap(myAvdDeviceData)); } }); mySystemImage.addListener(sender -> { if (myDevice.get().isPresent()) { myAvdDeviceData.updateSkinFromDeviceAndSystemImage(myDevice.getValue(), mySystemImage.getValueOrNull()); } }); } /** * Decodes the given string from the INI file and returns a {@link Storage} of * corresponding size. */ @Nullable private static Storage getStorageFromIni(@Nullable String iniString) { if (iniString == null) { return null; } String numString = iniString.substring(0, iniString.length() - 1); char unitChar = iniString.charAt(iniString.length() - 1); Storage.Unit selectedUnit = null; for (Storage.Unit u : Storage.Unit.values()) { if (u.toString().charAt(0) == unitChar) { selectedUnit = u; break; } } if (selectedUnit == null) { selectedUnit = Storage.Unit.MiB; // Values expressed without a unit read as MB numString = iniString; } try { long numLong = Long.parseLong(numString); return new Storage(numLong, selectedUnit); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } /** * Encode the given value as a string that can be placed in the AVD's INI file. */ @NotNull private static String toIniString(@NotNull Double value) { return String.format(Locale.US, "%f", value); } /** * Encode the given value as a string that can be placed in the AVD's INI file. */ @NotNull private static String toIniString(@NotNull File value) { return value.getPath(); } /** * Encode the given value as a string that can be placed in the AVD's INI file. * Example: 10M or 1G */ @NotNull public static String toIniString(@NotNull Storage storage, boolean convertToMb) { Storage.Unit unit = convertToMb ? Storage.Unit.MiB : storage.getAppropriateUnits(); String unitString = convertToMb ? "" : unit.toString().substring(0, 1); return String.format("%1$d%2$s", storage.getSizeAsUnit(unit), unitString); } /** * Encode the given value as a string that can be placed in the AVD's INI file. */ @NotNull private static String toIniString(@NotNull Boolean b) { return b ? "yes" : "no"; } /** * Decode the given value from an AVD's INI file. */ private static boolean fromIniString(@Nullable String s) { return "yes".equals(s); } @NotNull private static String calculateAvdName(@Nullable AvdInfo avdInfo, @NotNull Map<String, String> hardwareProperties, @NotNull Device device) { if (avdInfo != null) { return avdInfo.getName(); } String candidateBase = hardwareProperties.get(AvdManager.AVD_INI_DISPLAY_NAME); if (candidateBase == null || candidateBase.isEmpty()) { String deviceName = device.getDisplayName().replace(' ', '_'); String manufacturer = device.getManufacturer().replace(' ', '_'); candidateBase = String.format("AVD_for_%1$s_by_%2$s", deviceName, manufacturer); } return AvdWizardUtils.cleanAvdName(AvdManagerConnection.getDefaultAvdManagerConnection(), candidateBase, true); } @NotNull public BoolProperty useQemu2() { return myUseQemu2; } @NotNull public StringProperty avdId() { return myAvdId; } @NotNull public StringProperty avdDisplayName() { return myAvdDisplayName; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<ScreenOrientation> selectedAvdOrientation() { return mySelectedAvdOrientation; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<AvdCamera> selectedFrontCamera() { return mySelectedAvdFrontCamera; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<AvdCamera> selectedBackCamera() { return mySelectedAvdBackCamera; } @NotNull public BoolProperty hasDeviceFrame() { return myHasDeviceFrame; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<AvdNetworkSpeed> selectedNetworkSpeed() { return mySelectedNetworkSpeed; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<AvdNetworkLatency> selectedNetworkLatency() { return mySelectedNetworkLatency; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<Storage> internalStorage() { return myInternalStorage; } @NotNull public BoolProperty useExternalSdCard() { return myUseExternalSdCard; } @NotNull public BoolProperty useBuiltInSdCard() { return myUseBuiltInSdCard; } @NotNull public StringProperty systemImageName() { return mySystemImageName; } @NotNull public StringProperty systemImageDetails() { return mySystemImageDetails; } @NotNull public ObjectProperty<Storage> vmHeapStorage() { return myVmHeapStorage; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<Integer> cpuCoreCount() { return myCpuCoreCount; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<Storage> sdCardStorage() { return mySdCardStorage; } @NotNull public StringProperty externalSdCardLocation() { return myExternalSdCardLocation; } @NotNull public BoolProperty useHostGpu() { return myUseHostGpu; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<GpuMode> hostGpuMode() { return myHostGpuMode; } @NotNull public BoolProperty enableHardwareKeyboard() { return myEnableHardwareKeyboard; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<File> backupSkinFile() { return myBackupSkinFile; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<Device> device() { return myDevice; } @NotNull public BoolProperty isInEditMode() { return myIsInEditMode; } @NotNull public OptionalProperty<SystemImageDescription> systemImage() { return mySystemImage; } @NotNull public AvdDeviceData getAvdDeviceData() { return myAvdDeviceData; } private void updateValuesWithAvdInfo(@NotNull AvdInfo avdInfo) { List<Device> devices = DeviceManagerConnection.getDefaultDeviceManagerConnection().getDevices(); Device selectedDevice = null; String manufacturer = avdInfo.getDeviceManufacturer(); String deviceId = avdInfo.getProperties().get(AvdManager.AVD_INI_DEVICE_NAME); for (Device device : devices) { if (manufacturer.equals(device.getManufacturer()) && deviceId.equals(device.getId())) { selectedDevice = device; break; } } myDevice.setNullableValue(selectedDevice); SystemImageDescription systemImageDescription = null; ISystemImage selectedImage = avdInfo.getSystemImage(); if (selectedImage != null) { systemImageDescription = new SystemImageDescription(selectedImage); mySystemImage.setValue(systemImageDescription); } myAvdDeviceData = new AvdDeviceData(selectedDevice, systemImageDescription); Map<String, String> properties = avdInfo.getProperties(); myUseQemu2.set(properties.containsKey(AvdWizardUtils.CPU_CORES_KEY)); String cpuCoreCount = properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.CPU_CORES_KEY); myCpuCoreCount.setValue(cpuCoreCount == null ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(cpuCoreCount)); Storage storage = getStorageFromIni(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.RAM_STORAGE_KEY)); if (storage != null) { myAvdDeviceData.ramStorage().set(storage); } storage = getStorageFromIni(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.VM_HEAP_STORAGE_KEY)); if (storage != null) { myVmHeapStorage.set(storage); } storage = getStorageFromIni(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.INTERNAL_STORAGE_KEY)); if (storage != null) { myInternalStorage.set(storage); } String sdCardLocation = null; if (properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.EXISTING_SD_LOCATION) != null) { sdCardLocation = properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.EXISTING_SD_LOCATION); } else if (properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.SD_CARD_STORAGE_KEY) != null) { sdCardLocation = FileUtil.join(avdInfo.getDataFolderPath(), "sdcard.img"); } existingSdLocation = new StringValueProperty(nullToEmpty(sdCardLocation)); String dataFolderPath = avdInfo.getDataFolderPath(); File sdLocationFile = null; if (sdCardLocation != null) { sdLocationFile = new File(sdCardLocation); } if (sdLocationFile != null) { if (Objects.equal(sdLocationFile.getParent(), dataFolderPath)) { // the image is in the AVD folder, consider it to be internal File sdFile = new File(sdCardLocation); Storage sdCardSize = new Storage(sdFile.length()); myUseExternalSdCard.set(false); myUseBuiltInSdCard.set(true); myOriginalSdCard = new ObjectValueProperty<>(sdCardSize); mySdCardStorage.setValue(sdCardSize); } else { // the image is external myUseExternalSdCard.set(true); myUseBuiltInSdCard.set(false); externalSdCardLocation().set(sdCardLocation); } } myUseHostGpu.set(fromIniString(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.USE_HOST_GPU_KEY))); mySelectedAvdFrontCamera.set(AvdCamera.fromName(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.FRONT_CAMERA_KEY))); mySelectedAvdBackCamera.set(AvdCamera.fromName(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.BACK_CAMERA_KEY))); mySelectedNetworkLatency .set(AvdNetworkLatency.fromName(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.NETWORK_LATENCY_KEY))); mySelectedNetworkSpeed.set(AvdNetworkSpeed.fromName(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.NETWORK_SPEED_KEY))); myEnableHardwareKeyboard.set(fromIniString(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.HAS_HARDWARE_KEYBOARD_KEY))); myAvdDisplayName.set(AvdManagerConnection.getAvdDisplayName(avdInfo)); myHasDeviceFrame.set(fromIniString(properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.DEVICE_FRAME_KEY))); ScreenOrientation screenOrientation = null; String orientation = properties.get(HardwareProperties.HW_INITIAL_ORIENTATION); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(orientation)) { screenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.getByShortDisplayName(orientation); } mySelectedAvdOrientation.set((screenOrientation == null) ? ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT : screenOrientation); String skinPath = properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.CUSTOM_SKIN_FILE_KEY); if (skinPath != null) { File skinFile = (skinPath.equals(AvdWizardUtils.NO_SKIN.getPath())) ? AvdWizardUtils.NO_SKIN : new File(skinPath); if (skinFile.isDirectory()) { myAvdDeviceData.customSkinFile().setValue(skinFile); } } String backupSkinPath = properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.BACKUP_SKIN_FILE_KEY); if (backupSkinPath != null) { File skinFile = new File(backupSkinPath); if (skinFile.isDirectory() || FileUtil.filesEqual(skinFile, AvdWizardUtils.NO_SKIN)) { backupSkinFile().setValue(skinFile); } } String modeString = properties.get(AvdWizardUtils.HOST_GPU_MODE_KEY); myHostGpuMode.setValue(GpuMode.fromGpuSetting(modeString)); myIsInEditMode.set(true); } /** * Set the initial VM heap size. This is based on the Android CDD minimums for each screen size and density. */ @NotNull private static Storage calculateInitialVmHeap(@NotNull AvdDeviceData deviceData) { ScreenSize size = AvdScreenData.getScreenSize(deviceData.diagonalScreenSize().get()); Density density = AvdScreenData.getScreenDensity(deviceData.isTv().get(), deviceData.screenDpi().get(), deviceData.screenResolutionHeight().get()); int vmHeapSize = 32; // These values are taken from Android 6.0 Compatibility // Definition (dated October 16, 2015), section 3.7, // Runtime Compatibility (with ANYDPI and NODPI defaulting // to MEDIUM). if (deviceData.isWear().get()) { switch (density) { case LOW: case ANYDPI: case NODPI: case MEDIUM: case TV: vmHeapSize = 32; break; case HIGH: case DPI_280: vmHeapSize = 36; break; case XHIGH: case DPI_360: vmHeapSize = 48; break; case DPI_400: vmHeapSize = 56; break; case DPI_420: vmHeapSize = 64; break; case XXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 88; break; case DPI_560: vmHeapSize = 112; break; case XXXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 154; break; } } else { switch (size) { case SMALL: case NORMAL: switch (density) { case LOW: case ANYDPI: case NODPI: case MEDIUM: vmHeapSize = 32; break; case TV: case HIGH: case DPI_280: vmHeapSize = 48; break; case XHIGH: case DPI_360: vmHeapSize = 80; break; case DPI_400: vmHeapSize = 96; break; case DPI_420: vmHeapSize = 112; break; case XXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 128; break; case DPI_560: vmHeapSize = 192; break; case XXXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 256; break; } break; case LARGE: switch (density) { case LOW: vmHeapSize = 32; break; case ANYDPI: case NODPI: case MEDIUM: vmHeapSize = 48; break; case TV: case HIGH: vmHeapSize = 80; break; case DPI_280: vmHeapSize = 96; break; case XHIGH: vmHeapSize = 128; break; case DPI_360: vmHeapSize = 160; break; case DPI_400: vmHeapSize = 192; break; case DPI_420: vmHeapSize = 228; break; case XXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 256; break; case DPI_560: vmHeapSize = 384; break; case XXXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 512; break; } break; case XLARGE: switch (density) { case LOW: vmHeapSize = 48; break; case ANYDPI: case NODPI: case MEDIUM: vmHeapSize = 80; break; case TV: case HIGH: vmHeapSize = 96; break; case DPI_280: vmHeapSize = 144; break; case XHIGH: vmHeapSize = 192; break; case DPI_360: vmHeapSize = 240; break; case DPI_400: vmHeapSize = 288; break; case DPI_420: vmHeapSize = 336; break; case XXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 384; break; case DPI_560: vmHeapSize = 576; break; case XXXHIGH: vmHeapSize = 768; break; } break; } } return new Storage(vmHeapSize, Storage.Unit.MiB); } /** * Returns a map containing all of the properties editable on this wizard to be passed on to the AVD prior to serialization */ private Map<String, Object> generateUserEditedPropertiesMap() { HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DEVICE_DEFINITION_KEY, myDevice); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.SYSTEM_IMAGE_KEY, mySystemImage); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.AVD_ID_KEY, myAvdId.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.VM_HEAP_STORAGE_KEY, myVmHeapStorage.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DISPLAY_NAME_KEY, myAvdDisplayName.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_KEY, mySelectedAvdOrientation.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.RAM_STORAGE_KEY, myAvdDeviceData.ramStorage().get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.IS_IN_EDIT_MODE_KEY, myIsInEditMode.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.HAS_HARDWARE_KEYBOARD_KEY, myEnableHardwareKeyboard.get()); map.put(HardwareProperties.HW_INITIAL_ORIENTATION, mySelectedAvdOrientation.get().getShortDisplayValue()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.USE_HOST_GPU_KEY, myUseHostGpu.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DEVICE_FRAME_KEY, myHasDeviceFrame.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.HOST_GPU_MODE_KEY, myHostGpuMode.getValue()); if (myUseQemu2.get()) { if (myCpuCoreCount.get().isPresent()) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.CPU_CORES_KEY, myCpuCoreCount.getValue()); } else { // Force the use the new emulator (qemu2) map.put(AvdWizardUtils.CPU_CORES_KEY, 1); } } else { // Do NOT use the new emulator (qemu2) map.remove(AvdWizardUtils.CPU_CORES_KEY); } if (myOriginalSdCard != null) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.SD_CARD_STORAGE_KEY, myOriginalSdCard); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(existingSdLocation.get())) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.EXISTING_SD_LOCATION, existingSdLocation.get()); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(myExternalSdCardLocation.get())) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DISPLAY_SD_LOCATION_KEY, myExternalSdCardLocation.get()); } map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DISPLAY_USE_EXTERNAL_SD_KEY, myUseExternalSdCard.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.INTERNAL_STORAGE_KEY, myInternalStorage.get()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.NETWORK_SPEED_KEY, mySelectedNetworkSpeed.get().getAsParameter()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.NETWORK_LATENCY_KEY, mySelectedNetworkLatency.get().getAsParameter()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.FRONT_CAMERA_KEY, mySelectedAvdFrontCamera.get().getAsParameter()); map.put(AvdWizardUtils.BACK_CAMERA_KEY, mySelectedAvdBackCamera.get().getAsParameter()); if (myAvdDeviceData.customSkinFile().get().isPresent()) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.CUSTOM_SKIN_FILE_KEY, myAvdDeviceData.customSkinFile().getValue()); } if (myBackupSkinFile.get().isPresent()) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.BACKUP_SKIN_FILE_KEY, myBackupSkinFile.getValue()); } if (mySdCardStorage.get().isPresent()) { map.put(AvdWizardUtils.DISPLAY_SD_SIZE_KEY, mySdCardStorage.getValue()); } return map; } @Override protected void handleFinished() { // By this point we should have both a Device and a SystemImage Device device = myDevice.getValue(); SystemImageDescription systemImage = mySystemImage.getValue(); Map<String, String> hardwareProperties = DeviceManager.getHardwareProperties(device); Map<String, Object> userEditedProperties = generateUserEditedPropertiesMap(); // Remove the SD card setting that we're not using String sdCard = null; boolean useExisting = myUseExternalSdCard.get(); if (!useExisting) { if (sdCardStorage().get().isPresent() && myOriginalSdCard != null && sdCardStorage().getValue().equals(myOriginalSdCard.get())) { // unchanged, use existing card useExisting = true; } } boolean hasSdCard = false; if (!useExisting) { userEditedProperties.remove(AvdWizardUtils.EXISTING_SD_LOCATION); Storage storage = null; myOriginalSdCard = new ObjectValueProperty<>(mySdCardStorage.getValue()); if (mySdCardStorage.get().isPresent()) { storage = mySdCardStorage.getValue(); sdCard = toIniString(storage, false); } hasSdCard = storage != null && storage.getSize() > 0; } else if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(existingSdLocation.get())) { sdCard = existingSdLocation.get(); userEditedProperties.remove(AvdWizardUtils.SD_CARD_STORAGE_KEY); hasSdCard = true; } hardwareProperties.put(HardwareProperties.HW_SDCARD, toIniString(hasSdCard)); // Remove any internal keys from the map userEditedProperties = Maps.filterEntries(userEditedProperties, input -> !input.getKey().startsWith(AvdWizardUtils.WIZARD_ONLY) && input.getValue() != null); // Call toIniString() on all remaining values hardwareProperties.putAll(Maps.transformEntries(userEditedProperties, (key, value) -> { if (value instanceof Storage) { if (key.equals(AvdWizardUtils.RAM_STORAGE_KEY) || key.equals(AvdWizardUtils.VM_HEAP_STORAGE_KEY)) { return toIniString((Storage) value, true); } else { return toIniString((Storage) value, false); } } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { return toIniString((Boolean) value); } else if (value instanceof File) { return toIniString((File) value); } else if (value instanceof Double) { return toIniString((Double) value); } else if (value instanceof GpuMode) { return ((GpuMode) value).getGpuSetting(); } else { return value.toString(); } })); File skinFile = (myAvdDeviceData.customSkinFile().get().isPresent()) ? myAvdDeviceData.customSkinFile().getValue() : AvdWizardUtils.resolveSkinPath(device.getDefaultHardware().getSkinFile(), systemImage, FileOpUtils.create()); if (myBackupSkinFile.get().isPresent()) { hardwareProperties.put(AvdManager.AVD_INI_BACKUP_SKIN_PATH, myBackupSkinFile.getValue().getPath()); } // Add defaults if they aren't already set differently if (!hardwareProperties.containsKey(AvdManager.AVD_INI_SKIN_DYNAMIC)) { hardwareProperties.put(AvdManager.AVD_INI_SKIN_DYNAMIC, toIniString(true)); } if (!hardwareProperties.containsKey(HardwareProperties.HW_KEYBOARD)) { hardwareProperties.put(HardwareProperties.HW_KEYBOARD, toIniString(false)); } boolean isCircular = myAvdDeviceData.isScreenRound().get(); String tempAvdName = myAvdId.get(); final String avdName = tempAvdName.isEmpty() ? calculateAvdName(myAvdInfo, hardwareProperties, device) : tempAvdName; // If we're editing an AVD and we downgrade a system image, wipe the user data with confirmation if (myAvdInfo != null) { ISystemImage image = myAvdInfo.getSystemImage(); if (image != null) { int oldApiLevel = image.getAndroidVersion().getFeatureLevel(); int newApiLevel = systemImage.getVersion().getFeatureLevel(); final String oldApiName = image.getAndroidVersion().getApiString(); final String newApiName = systemImage.getVersion().getApiString(); if (oldApiLevel > newApiLevel || (oldApiLevel == newApiLevel && image.getAndroidVersion().isPreview() && !systemImage.getVersion().isPreview())) { final AtomicReference<Boolean> shouldContinue = new AtomicReference<>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeAndWait(() -> { String message = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "You are about to downgrade %1$s from API level %2$s to API level %3$s.\n" + "This requires a wipe of the userdata partition of the AVD.\nDo you wish to " + "continue with the data wipe?", avdName, oldApiName, newApiName); int result = Messages.showYesNoDialog((Project) null, message, "Confirm Data Wipe", AllIcons.General.QuestionDialog); shouldContinue.set(result == Messages.YES); }, ModalityState.any()); if (shouldContinue.get()) { AvdManagerConnection.getDefaultAvdManagerConnection().wipeUserData(myAvdInfo); } else { return; } } } } AvdManagerConnection connection = AvdManagerConnection.getDefaultAvdManagerConnection(); myCreatedAvd = connection.createOrUpdateAvd(myAvdInfo, avdName, device, systemImage, mySelectedAvdOrientation.get(), isCircular, sdCard, skinFile, hardwareProperties, false); if (myCreatedAvd == null) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeAndWait(() -> Messages.showErrorDialog((Project) null, "An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details.", "Error Creating AVD"), ModalityState.any()); } } @NotNull public AvdInfo getCreatedAvd() { return myCreatedAvd; } }