Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 MediaTek Inc. * Modification based on code covered by the mentioned copyright * and/or permission notice(s). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import android.util.Log; /// M: import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.mediatek.ipmsg.util.IpMessageUtils; import com.mediatek.mms.ext.DefaultMmsFeatureManagerExt; import com.mediatek.mms.ext.IMmsConfigExt; import com.mediatek.mms.ext.IMmsFeatureManagerExt; import com.mediatek.mms.ext.DefaultMmsConfigExt; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.provider.Telephony; import; import; /// M: add for ipmessage import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import com.mediatek.custom.CustomProperties; /// M: add for CMCC FT import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; /// M: ALPS00527989, Extend TextView URL handling @ { import android.widget.TextView; /// @} /// M: ALPS00956607, not show modify button on recipients editor @{ import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; /// @} /// M: Add MmsService configure param @{ import android.os.Bundle; /// @} import com.mediatek.common.MPlugin; public class MmsConfig { private static final String TAG = "MmsConfig"; private static final boolean DEBUG = true; private static final boolean LOCAL_LOGV = false; private static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_KEY_X_WAP_PROFILE = "x-wap-profile"; private static final String DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "Android-Mms/2.0"; /// KK migration, for default MMS function. @{ private static final String MMS_APP_PACKAGE = ""; private static final String SMS_PROMO_DISMISSED_KEY = "sms_promo_dismissed_key"; ///@} private static final int MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 480; private static final int MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH = 640; /** * Whether to hide MMS functionality from the user (i.e. SMS only). */ private static boolean mTransIdEnabled = false; private static int mMmsEnabled = 1; // default to true private static int mMaxMessageSize = 300 * 1024; // default to 300k max size private static String mUserAgent = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT; private static String mUaProfTagName = DEFAULT_HTTP_KEY_X_WAP_PROFILE; private static String mUaProfUrl = null; private static String mHttpParams = null; private static String mHttpParamsLine1Key = null; private static String mEmailGateway = null; private static int mMaxImageHeight = MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT; // default value private static int mMaxImageWidth = MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH; // default value private static int mRecipientLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // default value private static int mDefaultSMSMessagesPerThread = 10000; // default value private static int mDefaultMMSMessagesPerThread = 1000; // default value private static int mMinMessageCountPerThread = 2; // default value private static int mMaxMessageCountPerThread = 10000; // default value private static int mMinimumSlideElementDuration = 7; // default to 7 sec private static boolean mNotifyWapMMSC = false; private static boolean mAllowAttachAudio = true; // This flag is somewhat confusing. If mEnableMultipartSMS is true, long sms messages are // always sent as multi-part sms messages, with no checked limit on the number of segments. // If mEnableMultipartSMS is false, then mSmsToMmsTextThreshold is used to determine the // limit of the number of sms segments before turning the long sms message into an mms // message. For example, if mSmsToMmsTextThreshold is 4, then a long sms message with three // or fewer segments will be sent as a multi-part sms. When the user types more characters // to cause the message to be 4 segments or more, the send button will show the MMS tag to // indicate the message will be sent as an mms. private static boolean mEnableMultipartSMS = true; private static boolean mEnableSlideDuration = true; private static boolean mEnableMMSReadReports = true; // key: "enableMMSReadReports" private static boolean mEnableSMSDeliveryReports = true; // key: "enableSMSDeliveryReports" private static boolean mEnableMMSDeliveryReports = true; // key: "enableMMSDeliveryReports" private static int mMaxTextLength = -1; // This is the max amount of storage multiplied by mMaxMessageSize that we // allow of unsent messages before blocking the user from sending any more // MMS's. private static int mMaxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed = 4; // default value // Email gateway alias support, including the master switch and different rules private static boolean mAliasEnabled = false; private static int mAliasRuleMinChars = 2; private static int mAliasRuleMaxChars = 48; private static int mMaxSubjectLength = 40; // maximum number of characters allowed for mms // subject /// M: google jb.mr1 patch, group mms // If mEnableGroupMms is true, a message with multiple recipients, regardless of contents, // will be sent as a single MMS message with multiple "TO" fields set for each recipient. // If mEnableGroupMms is false, the group MMS setting/preference will be hidden in the settings // activity. private static boolean mEnableGroupMms = true; private static final int RECIPIENTS_LIMIT = 50; /// M: Mms size limit, default 300K. private static int mUserSetMmsSizeLimit = 300; /// M: Receive Mms size limit for 2G network private static int mReceiveMmsSizeLimitFor2G = 200; /// M: Receive Mms size limit for TD network private static int mReceiveMmsSizeLimitForTD = 400; /// M: default value private static int mMaxRestrictedImageHeight = 1200; private static int mMaxRestrictedImageWidth = 1600; private static int mSmsRecipientLimit = 100; private static boolean mDeviceStorageFull = false; private static IMmsConfigExt mMmsConfigPlugin = null; /// Mms operator plugin switchers private static IMmsFeatureManagerExt mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin = null; /// M: For OP09; Device storage low or not low. private static boolean mCTDeviceStorageLow = false; // / M: Add for get max text size from ip message private static Context mContext; /// Add for support Auto Test. public static boolean sIsRunTestCase = false; public static boolean sIsDefaultSMSInTestCase = false; /// @} private static List<Integer> allQuickTextIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private static List<String> allQuickTexts = new ArrayList<String>(); private static void initPlugin(Context context) { mMmsConfigPlugin = (IMmsConfigExt) MPlugin.createInstance(IMmsConfigExt.class.getName(), context); if (mMmsConfigPlugin == null) { mMmsConfigPlugin = new DefaultMmsConfigExt(); MmsLog.d(TAG, "default mMmsConfigPlugin = " + mMmsConfigPlugin); } ///M: add for MMS Operator Feature switcher plugin @{ mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin = (IMmsFeatureManagerExt) MPlugin .createInstance(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.class.getName(), context); if (mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin == null) { mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin = new DefaultMmsFeatureManagerExt(context); MmsLog.d(TAG, "default mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin = " + mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin); } /// @} } public static void init(Context context) { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "MmsConfig.init()"); } // Always put the mnc/mcc in the log so we can tell which mms_config.xml was loaded. Log.v(TAG, "mnc/mcc: " + android.os.SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_NUMERIC)); mContext = context; // initialize the operator plugin initPlugin(context); loadMmsSettings(context); /// M: add for ipmessage if (IpMessageUtils.getIpMessagePlugin(context).isActualPlugin()) { initializeIpMessageFilePath(context); } } /// KK migration, for default MMS function. @{ public static boolean isSmsEnabled(Context context) { /// Add for support Auto Test. if (sIsRunTestCase) { return sIsDefaultSMSInTestCase; } /// @} String defaultSmsApplication = Telephony.Sms.getDefaultSmsPackage(context); if (defaultSmsApplication != null && defaultSmsApplication.equals(MMS_APP_PACKAGE)) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isSmsPromoDismissed(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(SMS_PROMO_DISMISSED_KEY, false); } public static void setSmsPromoDismissed(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(SMS_PROMO_DISMISSED_KEY, true); editor.apply(); } public static Intent getRequestDefaultSmsAppActivity() { final Intent intent = new Intent(Telephony.Sms.Intents.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT); intent.putExtra(Telephony.Sms.Intents.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, MMS_APP_PACKAGE); return intent; } ///@} /// M: this method is changed to use plugin public static int getSmsToMmsTextThreshold() { // Operator Plugin if (FeatureOption.MTK_C2K_SUPPORT) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getSmsToMmsTextThresholdForC2K(mContext); } return mMmsConfigPlugin.getSmsToMmsTextThreshold(); } public static boolean getMmsEnabled() { return mMmsEnabled == 1 ? true : false; } public static int getMaxMessageSize() { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "MmsConfig.getMaxMessageSize(): " + mMaxMessageSize); } return mMaxMessageSize; } /** * This function returns the value of "enabledTransID" present in mms_config file. * In case of single segment wap push message, this "enabledTransID" indicates whether * TransactionID should be appended to URI or not. */ public static boolean getTransIdEnabled() { return mTransIdEnabled; } public static String getUserAgent() { /// M: @{ String value = CustomProperties.getString(CustomProperties.MODULE_MMS, CustomProperties.USER_AGENT, mUserAgent); /// @} return value; } public static String getUaProfTagName() { return mUaProfTagName; } public static String getUaProfUrl() { /// M: @{ String value = CustomProperties.getString(CustomProperties.MODULE_MMS, CustomProperties.UAPROF_URL, mUaProfUrl); /// @} return value; } public static String getHttpParams() { return mHttpParams; } public static String getHttpParamsLine1Key() { return mHttpParamsLine1Key; } public static String getEmailGateway() { return mEmailGateway; } public static int getMaxImageHeight() { return mMaxImageHeight; } public static int getMaxImageWidth() { return mMaxImageWidth; } public static int getRecipientLimit() { return mRecipientLimit; } /// M: change this to plugin public static int getMaxTextLimit() { if (isActivated(mContext) && !(IpMessageUtils.getMessageManager(mContext).getMaxTextLimit() == 0)) { return IpMessageUtils.getMessageManager(mContext).getMaxTextLimit(); } else { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMaxTextLimit(); } } public static int getDefaultSMSMessagesPerThread() { return mDefaultSMSMessagesPerThread; } public static int getDefaultMMSMessagesPerThread() { return mDefaultMMSMessagesPerThread; } public static int getMinMessageCountPerThread() { return mMinMessageCountPerThread; } public static int getMaxMessageCountPerThread() { return mMaxMessageCountPerThread; } public static int getHttpSocketTimeout() { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getHttpSocketTimeout(); } public static int getMinimumSlideElementDuration() { return mMinimumSlideElementDuration; } public static boolean getMultipartSmsEnabled() { return mEnableMultipartSMS; } public static boolean getSlideDurationEnabled() { return mEnableSlideDuration; } public static boolean getMMSReadReportsEnabled() { return mEnableMMSReadReports; } public static boolean getSMSDeliveryReportsEnabled() { return mEnableSMSDeliveryReports; } public static boolean getMMSDeliveryReportsEnabled() { return mEnableMMSDeliveryReports; } public static boolean getNotifyWapMMSC() { return mNotifyWapMMSC; } public static int getMaxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed() { return mMaxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed; } public static boolean isAliasEnabled() { return mAliasEnabled; } public static int getAliasMinChars() { return mAliasRuleMinChars; } public static int getAliasMaxChars() { return mAliasRuleMaxChars; } public static boolean getAllowAttachAudio() { return mAllowAttachAudio; } public static int getMaxSubjectLength() { return mMaxSubjectLength; } /// M: google jb.mr1 patch, group mms public static boolean getGroupMmsEnabled() { return mEnableGroupMms; } public static final void beginDocument(XmlPullParser parser, String firstElementName) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { int type; while ((type = != parser.START_TAG && type != parser.END_DOCUMENT) { ; } if (type != parser.START_TAG) { throw new XmlPullParserException("No start tag found"); } if (!parser.getName().equals(firstElementName)) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unexpected start tag: found " + parser.getName() + ", expected " + firstElementName); } } public static final void nextElement(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { int type; while ((type = != parser.START_TAG && type != parser.END_DOCUMENT) { ; } } private static void loadMmsSettings(Context context) { XmlResourceParser parser = context.getResources().getXml(R.xml.mms_config); try { beginDocument(parser, "mms_config"); while (true) { nextElement(parser); String tag = parser.getName(); if (tag == null) { break; } String name = parser.getAttributeName(0); String value = parser.getAttributeValue(0); String text = null; if ( == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { text = parser.getText(); } if (DEBUG) { Log.v(TAG, "tag: " + tag + " value: " + value + " - " + text); } if ("name".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { if ("bool".equals(tag)) { // bool config tags go here if ("enabledMMS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMmsEnabled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text) ? 1 : 0; } else if ("enabledTransID".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mTransIdEnabled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enabledNotifyWapMMSC".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mNotifyWapMMSC = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("aliasEnabled".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mAliasEnabled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("allowAttachAudio".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mAllowAttachAudio = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enableMultipartSMS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableMultipartSMS = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enableSlideDuration".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableSlideDuration = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enableMMSReadReports".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableMMSReadReports = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enableSMSDeliveryReports".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableSMSDeliveryReports = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } else if ("enableMMSDeliveryReports".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableMMSDeliveryReports = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); /// M: google jb.mr1 patch, group mms } else if ("enableGroupMms".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEnableGroupMms = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text); } } else if ("int".equals(tag)) { // int config tags go here if ("maxMessageSize".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxMessageSize = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxImageHeight".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxImageHeight = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxImageWidth".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxImageWidth = Integer.parseInt(text); } /// M: @{ else if ("maxRestrictedImageHeight".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxRestrictedImageHeight = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxRestrictedImageWidth".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxRestrictedImageWidth = Integer.parseInt(text); } /// @} else if ("defaultSMSMessagesPerThread".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mDefaultSMSMessagesPerThread = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("defaultMMSMessagesPerThread".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mDefaultMMSMessagesPerThread = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("minMessageCountPerThread".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMinMessageCountPerThread = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxMessageCountPerThread".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxMessageCountPerThread = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("smsToMmsTextThreshold".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { /// M: Operator Plugin mMmsConfigPlugin.setSmsToMmsTextThreshold(Integer.parseInt(text)); } else if ("recipientLimit".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { /// M: Operator Plugin mMmsConfigPlugin.setMmsRecipientLimit(Integer.parseInt(text)); } else if ("httpSocketTimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMmsConfigPlugin.setHttpSocketTimeout(Integer.parseInt(text)); } else if ("minimumSlideElementDuration".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMinimumSlideElementDuration = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("aliasMinChars".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mAliasRuleMinChars = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("aliasMaxChars".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mAliasRuleMaxChars = Integer.parseInt(text); } else if ("maxMessageTextSize".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { /// M: Operator Plugin mMmsConfigPlugin.setMaxTextLimit(Integer.parseInt(text)); } else if ("maxSubjectLength".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mMaxSubjectLength = Integer.parseInt(text); } } else if ("string".equals(tag)) { // string config tags go here if ("userAgent".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mUserAgent = text; } else if ("uaProfTagName".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mUaProfTagName = text; } else if ("uaProfUrl".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mUaProfUrl = text; } else if ("httpParams".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mHttpParams = text; } else if ("httpParamsLine1Key".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mHttpParamsLine1Key = text; } else if ("emailGatewayNumber".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { mEmailGateway = text; } } } } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { Log.e(TAG, "loadMmsSettings caught ", e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(TAG, "loadMmsSettings caught ", e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "loadMmsSettings caught ", e); } finally { parser.close(); } String errorStr = null; if (getMmsEnabled() && mUaProfUrl == null) { errorStr = "uaProfUrl"; } if (errorStr != null) { String err = String.format("MmsConfig.loadMmsSettings mms_config.xml missing %s setting", errorStr); Log.e(TAG, err); } } /// M: /** * Notes:for CMCC customization,whether to enable SL automatically lanuch. * default set false */ private static boolean mSlAutoLanuchEnabled = false; public static boolean getSlAutoLanuchEnabled() { return mSlAutoLanuchEnabled; } public static void setDeviceStorageFullStatus(boolean bFull) { mDeviceStorageFull = bFull; } public static boolean getDeviceStorageFullStatus() { return mDeviceStorageFull; } /// M: add for cmcc dir ui @{ public static void setMmsDirMode(boolean mode) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putBoolean("CmccMmsUiMode", mode); editor.commit(); } public static boolean getMmsDirMode() { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); boolean dirMode = sp.getBoolean("CmccMmsUiMode", false); return dirMode; } // @} /// M: add for cmcc dir ui @{ public static void setSimCardInfo(int simcard) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putInt("CmccSimCardInfo", simcard); editor.commit(); } public static int getSimCardInfo() { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); int siminfo = sp.getInt("CmccSimCardInfo", 0); return siminfo; } /// @} /// M: new feature, init defualt quick text @{ public static void setInitQuickText(boolean init) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putBoolean("InitQuickText", init); editor.commit(); } public static boolean getInitQuickText() { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MmsApp.getApplication()); boolean isFristInit = sp.getBoolean("InitQuickText", true); return isFristInit; } /// @} public static List<String> getQuicktexts() { return allQuickTexts; } public static List<Integer> getQuicktextsId() { return allQuickTextIds; } public static int updateAllQuicktexts() { Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(Telephony.MmsSms.CONTENT_URI_QUICKTEXT, null, null, null, null); allQuickTextIds.clear(); allQuickTexts.clear(); String[] defaultTexts = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.default_quick_texts); int maxId = defaultTexts.length; if (cursor != null) { try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int qtId = cursor.getInt(0); allQuickTextIds.add(qtId); String qtText = cursor.getString(1); if (qtText != null && !qtText.isEmpty()) { allQuickTexts.add(qtText); } else { allQuickTexts.add(defaultTexts[qtId - 1]); } if (qtId > maxId) { maxId = qtId; } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } return maxId; } public static int getUserSetMmsSizeLimit(boolean isBytes) { if (true == isBytes) { return mUserSetMmsSizeLimit * 1024; } else { return mUserSetMmsSizeLimit; } } public static void setUserSetMmsSizeLimit(int limit) { mUserSetMmsSizeLimit = limit; } public static int getMaxRestrictedImageHeight() { return mMaxRestrictedImageHeight; } public static int getMaxRestrictedImageWidth() { return mMaxRestrictedImageWidth; } /// M: change this method to plugin public static int getMmsRecipientLimit() { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMmsRecipientLimit(); } public static int getSmsRecipientLimit() { return mSmsRecipientLimit; } public static int getReceiveMmsLimitFor2G() { return mReceiveMmsSizeLimitFor2G; } public static int getReceiveMmsLimitForTD() { return mReceiveMmsSizeLimitForTD; } public static boolean getDeliveryReportAllowed() { // Operator Plugin return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_REPORT_ALLOWED); } public static boolean getFolderModeEnabled() { // Operator Plugin return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_FOLDER_MODE); } public static boolean getShowStorageStatusEnabled() { // Operator Plugin return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.DISPLAY_STORAGE_STATUS); } public static boolean getSIMSmsAtSettingEnabled() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SHOW_SIM_SMS_ENTRY_IN_SETTINGS); } public static boolean getSIMLongSmsConcatenateEnabled() { // Operator Plugin return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SMS_ENABLE_CONCATENATE_LONG_SIM_SMS); } public static int getPluginMenuIDBase() { return 0x100; } /// M: add for ipmessage private static String sPicTempPath = ""; private static String sAudioTempPath = ""; private static String sVideoTempPath = ""; private static String sVcardTempPath = ""; private static String sCalendarTempPath = ""; private static void initializeIpMessageFilePath(Context context) { if (IpMessageUtils.getSDCardStatus()) { sPicTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "picture"; File picturePath = new File(sPicTempPath); if (!picturePath.exists()) { picturePath.mkdirs(); } sAudioTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "audio"; File audioPath = new File(sAudioTempPath); if (!audioPath.exists()) { audioPath.mkdirs(); } sVideoTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "video"; File videoPath = new File(sVideoTempPath); if (!videoPath.exists()) { videoPath.mkdirs(); } sVcardTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "vcard"; File vcardPath = new File(sVcardTempPath); if (!vcardPath.exists()) { vcardPath.mkdirs(); } sCalendarTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "calendar"; File calendarPath = new File(sCalendarTempPath); if (!calendarPath.exists()) { calendarPath.mkdirs(); } String cachePath = IpMessageUtils.getCachePath(context); if (cachePath != null) { File f = new File(cachePath); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } } } } public static String getPicTempPath(Context context) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sPicTempPath)) { sPicTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "picture"; File picturePath = new File(sPicTempPath); if (!picturePath.exists()) { picturePath.mkdirs(); } } return sPicTempPath; } public static String getAudioTempPath(Context context) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sAudioTempPath)) { sAudioTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "audio"; File audioPath = new File(sAudioTempPath); if (!audioPath.exists()) { audioPath.mkdirs(); } } return sAudioTempPath; } public static String getVideoTempPath(Context context) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sVideoTempPath)) { sVideoTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "video"; File videoPath = new File(sVideoTempPath); if (!videoPath.exists()) { videoPath.mkdirs(); } } return sVideoTempPath; } public static String getVcardTempPath(Context context) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sVcardTempPath)) { sVcardTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "vcard"; File vcardPath = new File(sVcardTempPath); if (!vcardPath.exists()) { vcardPath.mkdirs(); } } return sVcardTempPath; } public static String getVcalendarTempPath(Context context) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sCalendarTempPath)) { sCalendarTempPath = IpMessageUtils.getSDCardPath(context) + IpMessageUtils.IP_MESSAGE_FILE_PATH + "calendar"; File calendarPath = new File(sCalendarTempPath); if (!calendarPath.exists()) { calendarPath.mkdirs(); } } return sCalendarTempPath; } private static boolean sSlot1SimExist = true; private static boolean sSlot2SimExist = true; private static int sSlot1RetryCounter = 0; private static int sSlot2RetryCounter = 0; private static final int MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 3; private static long sSim1Id = -1; private static long sSim2Id = -1; /* private static void loadSimInfo(Context context) { /// M: sim1 info maybe not loaded yet, load it. if (sSim1Id <= 0 && sSlot1SimExist) { sSim1Id = EncapsulatedSimInfoManager.getIdBySlot(context, PhoneConstants.SIM_ID_1); sSlot1RetryCounter++; /// M: if we tried 3 times and still can't get valid simId , we think the slot is empty. if (sSlot1RetryCounter == MAX_RETRY_COUNT && sSim1Id <= 0) { sSlot1SimExist = false; } } /// M: sim2 info maybe not loaded yet, load it. if (sSim2Id <= 0 && sSlot2SimExist) { sSim2Id = EncapsulatedSimInfoManager.getIdBySlot(context, PhoneConstants.SIM_ID_2); sSlot2RetryCounter++; /// M: if we tried 3 times and still can't get valid simId , we think the slot is empty. if (sSlot2RetryCounter == MAX_RETRY_COUNT && sSim2Id <= 0) { sSlot2SimExist = false; } } }*/ public static boolean isActivated(Context context) { if (!IpMessageUtils.getServiceManager(context).serviceIsReady()) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean isServiceEnabled(Context context) { if (!IpMessageUtils.getServiceManager(context).serviceIsReady()) { return false; } return true; } public static int getMmsRetryPromptIndex() { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMmsRetryPromptIndex(); } public static int[] getMmsRetryScheme() { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMmsRetryScheme(); } public static int[] getMmsRetryScheme(int messageType) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMmsRetryScheme(messageType); } public static void setSoSndTimeout(HttpParams params) { mMmsConfigPlugin.setSoSndTimeout(params); } public static boolean isAllowRetryForPermanentFail() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_RETRY_FOR_PERMANENTFAIL); } public static boolean isRetainRetryIndexWhenInCall() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_RETAIN_RETRY_INDEX_WHEN_INCALL); } public static boolean isNeedExitComposerAfterForward() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.EXIT_COMPOSER_AFTER_FORWARD); } public static Uri appendExtraQueryParameterForConversationDeleteAll(Uri uri) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.appendExtraQueryParameterForConversationDeleteAll(uri); } /// M: ALPS00527989, Extend TextView URL handling @ { public static void setExtendUrlSpan(TextView textView) { mMmsConfigPlugin.setExtendUrlSpan(textView); } /// @} public static boolean isSupportAutoSelectSubId() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SUPPORT_AUTO_SELECT_SIMID); } public static boolean isSupportAsyncUpdateWallpaper() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SUPPORT_ASYNC_UPDATE_WALLPAPER); } /// M: add for OP09 @{ /** * M: set OP09 Device storage low status * @param low */ public synchronized static void setCTDeviceStorageLowStatus(boolean low) { mCTDeviceStorageLow = low; } /** * M: get OP09 Device storage low status * @return */ public static boolean getCTDeviceStorageLowStatus() { return mCTDeviceStorageLow; } public static boolean isSupportCBMessage(Context context, int simId) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.isSupportCBMessage(context, simId); } /** * the switcher for allow delivery report in roaming status. * @param context the Context. * @param subId the SubId. * @return true: allow to request delivery report. false: forbid request delivery report. */ public static boolean isAllowDRWhenRoaming(Context context, long subId) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.isAllowDRWhenRoaming(context, subId); } /// @} /// M: ALPS00837193, query undelivered mms with non-permanent fail ones or not @{ public static Uri getUndeliveryMmsQueryUri(Uri defaultUri) { return mMmsConfigPlugin.getUndeliveryMmsQueryUri(defaultUri); } /// @} /// M: New plugin API @{ public static void openUrl(Context context, String url) { mMmsConfigPlugin.openUrl(context, url); } /// @} /// M: ALPS00956607, not show modify button on recipients editor @{ public static void setRecipientsEditorOutAtts(EditorInfo outAttrs) { mMmsConfigPlugin.setRecipientsEditorOutAtts(outAttrs); } /// @} /*OP01 Features begin... */ public static boolean isSupportMessagingNotificationProxy() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin .isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SUPPORT_MESSAGING_NOTIFICATION_PROXY); } /// M: CMCC Feature, for attachment enhance public static boolean isSupportAttachEnhance() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin != null && mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ATTACH_ENHANCE); } /// M:OP09 Feature, for transaction failed notify. public static boolean isTransactionFailedNotifyEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_TRANSACTION_FAILED_NOTIFY); } /// M:OP09 Feature, for mms cc recipients. public static boolean isSupportSendMmsWithCc() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_CC_RECIPIENTS); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switch for cancel download feature is on or off. public static boolean isCancelDownloadEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switch for MMS retry scheduler. public static boolean isMmsRetrySchedulerEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_RETRY_SCHEDULER); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switch for SMS priority. public static boolean isSmsPriorityEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SMS_PRIORITY); } /// M: OP09Feature: add the extended audio type; public static void addExtendedAudioType(ArrayList<String> audioType) { mMmsConfigPlugin.setExtendedAudioType(audioType); } /// M: OP09Feature: turn page after fling screen left or right; public static boolean enableTurnPageWithFlingScreen() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_PLAY_FILING_TURNPAGE); } /// M: CMCC Feature, for forward SMS append sender public static boolean isAppendSender() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin != null && mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SMS_APPEND_SENDER); } public static boolean isSyncStartPdpEnabled() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_SYNC_START_PDP); } public static boolean isGminiMultiTransactionEnabled() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_GEMINI_MULTI_TRANSACTION); } public static boolean isSupportAddTopBottomSlide() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_ADD_TOP_BOTTOM_SLIDE); } /*OP01 Features end...*/ /*OP03 Features begin... */ // Support retrieve status error RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND check // to stop send the M-NotifyResp.ind to server for error case RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND. // return true: Do not send the Notify Response. false: Send the Notify Response ind to server public static boolean isEnableRetrieveStatusErrorCheck() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin .isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_ENABLE_RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_CHECK); } // Is conversation split supported public static boolean isConversationSplitSupported() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.CONVERSATION_SPLIT_SUPPORTED); } // enable Sms Encoding Type. public static boolean isEnableSmsEncodingType() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.ENABLED_SMS_ENCODING_TYPE); } /*OP03 Features end... */ /// M:OP09 Feature, for replace string. public static boolean isStringReplaceEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.STRING_REPLACE_MANAGEMENT); } /// M: OP09 Feature: for show dual time for received message item. public static boolean isShowDualTimeForMsgItemEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SHOW_DUAL_TIME_FOR_MESSAGE_ITEM); } /// M: OP09 Feature: support tab setting for mms setting. public static boolean isSupportTabSetting() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_TAB_SETTING); } /// M: OP09Feature: show dual send button for compose. public static boolean isDualSendButtonEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_DUAL_SEND_BUTTON); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for previewing VCard in MMS compose. public static boolean isSupportVCardPreview() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_VCARD_PREVIEW); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for changing the lengthRequired MMS to SMS; public static boolean isChangeLengthRequiredMmsToSmsEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.CHANGE_LENGTH_REQUIRED_MMS_TO_SMS); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for whether the mass text feature is on or not. public static boolean isMassTextEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MASS_TEXT_MSG); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for multi compose public static boolean isMultiComposeEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_MULTI_COMPOSE); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for indicate that the service deal the missed sms is on or off. public static boolean isMissedSmsReceiverEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD); } /// M: OP09Feature: the switcher for indicate whether the class zero model is show latest class_zero msg or not; public static boolean isClassZeroModelShowLatestEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.CLASS_ZERO_NEW_MODEL_SHOW_LATEST); } /// M:OP09Feature: the switcher for indicate whether the low memory notification feature is on or not. public static boolean isLowMemoryNotifEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_LOW_MEMORY); } /// M:OP09Feature: wake up screen which has the inserted handset when receive msg. public static boolean isWakeupScreenWithHeadsetForNewMsgEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.WAKE_UP_SCREEN_WHEN_RECEIVE_MSG); } /// M: OP09Feature: add time search condition. public static boolean isAdvanceSearchEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.ADVANCE_SEARCH_VIEW); } /// M: OP09Feature: disable delivery report in roaming. public static boolean isDeliveryReportInRoamingEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.DELIEVEEY_REPORT_IN_ROAMING); } /// M: OP09Feature: show number location. public static boolean isNumberLocationEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_NUMBER_LOCATION); } /// M: OP09Feature: format data and time stamp. public static boolean isFormatDateAndTimeStampEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME); } /// M: OP09Feature: format notification content. public static boolean isFormatNotifContentEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.FORMAT_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT); } /// M: OP09Feature: read sms from dual model UIM; public static boolean isReadSmsFromDualModelUIMEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.READ_SMS_FROM_DUAL_MODEL_UIM); } /// M: OP09Feature: sent date is used to show and the received date is used to sort. public static boolean isShowDateManagementEnable() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SHOW_DATE_MANAGEMENT); } /// M:OP09Feature: more strict validation for sms addr. public static boolean isMoreStrictValidateForSmsAddr() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin .isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MORE_STRICT_VALIDATION_FOR_SMS_ADDRESS); } /// M: OP09Feautre: show preview for recipient. public static boolean isShowPreviewForRecipient() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SHOW_PREVIEW_FOR_RECIPIENT); } /// M: OP09Feature: show dialog for new SI Msg; public static boolean isShowDialogForNewSIMsg() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.SHOW_DIALOG_FOR_NEW_SI_MSG); } /// M: OP09 Feature: For unsupported Files; public static boolean isUnsupportedFilesOn() { return mMmsFeatureManagerPlugin.isFeatureEnabled(IMmsFeatureManagerExt.MMS_UNSUPPORTED_FILES); } /// M: Add MmsService configure param @{ public static Bundle getMmsServiceConfig() { // Operator Plugin return mMmsConfigPlugin.getMmsServiceConfig(); } /// @} }