Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; /** * Contains all actions taken during a merging invocation. */ @Immutable public class Actions { // TODO: i18n @VisibleForTesting static final String HEADER = "-- Merging decision tree log ---\n"; // defines all the records for the merging tool activity, indexed by element name+key. // iterator should be ordered by the key insertion order. private final Map<XmlNode.NodeKey, DecisionTreeRecord> mRecords; public Actions(Map<XmlNode.NodeKey, DecisionTreeRecord> records) { mRecords = records; } /** * Returns a {@link} of all the element's keys that have * at least one {@link NodeRecord}. */ @NonNull public Set<XmlNode.NodeKey> getNodeKeys() { return mRecords.keySet(); } /** * Returns an {@link ImmutableList} of {@link NodeRecord} for the element identified with the * passed key. */ @NonNull public ImmutableList<NodeRecord> getNodeRecords(XmlNode.NodeKey key) { return mRecords.containsKey(key) ? mRecords.get(key).getNodeRecords() : ImmutableList.<NodeRecord>of(); } /** * Returns a {@link ImmutableList} of all attributes names that have at least one record for * the element identified with the passed key. */ @NonNull public ImmutableList<XmlNode.NodeName> getRecordedAttributeNames(XmlNode.NodeKey nodeKey) { DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord = mRecords.get(nodeKey); if (decisionTreeRecord == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } return decisionTreeRecord.getAttributesRecords().keySet().asList(); } /** * Returns the {@link} of {@link AttributeRecord} for * the attribute identified by attributeName of the element identified by elementKey. */ @NonNull public ImmutableList<AttributeRecord> getAttributeRecords(XmlNode.NodeKey elementKey, XmlNode.NodeName attributeName) { DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord = mRecords.get(elementKey); if (decisionTreeRecord == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } return decisionTreeRecord.getAttributeRecords(attributeName); } /** * Initial dump of the merging tool actions, need to be refined and spec'ed out properly. * @param logger logger to log to at INFO level. */ void log(@NonNull ILogger logger) { logger.verbose(getLogs()); } /** * Dump merging tool actions to a text file. * @param fileWriter the file to write all actions into. * @throws IOException */ void log(@NonNull FileWriter fileWriter) throws IOException { fileWriter.append(getLogs()); } private String getLogs() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(HEADER); for (Map.Entry<XmlNode.NodeKey, DecisionTreeRecord> record : mRecords.entrySet()) { stringBuilder.append(record.getKey()).append("\n"); for (NodeRecord nodeRecord : record.getValue().getNodeRecords()) { nodeRecord.print(stringBuilder); stringBuilder.append('\n'); } for (Map.Entry<XmlNode.NodeName, List<AttributeRecord>> attributeRecords : record .getValue().mAttributeRecords.entrySet()) { stringBuilder.append('\t').append(attributeRecords.getKey()).append('\n'); for (AttributeRecord attributeRecord : attributeRecords.getValue()) { stringBuilder.append("\t\t"); attributeRecord.print(stringBuilder); stringBuilder.append('\n'); } } } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Defines all possible actions taken from the merging tool for an xml element or attribute. */ public enum ActionType { /** * The element was added into the resulting merged manifest. */ ADDED, /** * The element was injected from the merger invocation parameters. */ INJECTED, /** * The element was merged with another element into the resulting merged manifest. */ MERGED, /** * The element was rejected. */ REJECTED, /** * The implied element was added was added when importing a library that expected the * element to be present by default while targeted SDK requires its declaration. */ IMPLIED, } /** * Defines an abstract record contain common metadata for elements and attributes actions. */ public abstract static class Record { @NonNull protected final ActionType mActionType; @NonNull protected final SourceFilePosition mActionLocation; @NonNull protected final XmlNode.NodeKey mTargetId; @Nullable protected final String mReason; private Record(@NonNull ActionType actionType, @NonNull SourceFilePosition actionLocation, @NonNull XmlNode.NodeKey targetId, @Nullable String reason) { mActionType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(actionType); mActionLocation = Preconditions.checkNotNull(actionLocation); mTargetId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetId); mReason = reason; } @NonNull public ActionType getActionType() { return mActionType; } @NonNull public SourceFilePosition getActionLocation() { return mActionLocation; } @NonNull public XmlNode.NodeKey getTargetId() { return mTargetId; } @Nullable public String getReason() { return mReason; } public void print(@NonNull StringBuilder stringBuilder) { stringBuilder.append(mActionType).append(" from ").append(mActionLocation); if (mReason != null) { stringBuilder.append(" reason: ").append(mReason); } } } /** * Defines a merging tool action for an xml element. */ public static class NodeRecord extends Record { @NonNull private final NodeOperationType mNodeOperationType; NodeRecord(@NonNull ActionType actionType, @NonNull SourceFilePosition actionLocation, @NonNull XmlNode.NodeKey targetId, @Nullable String reason, @NonNull NodeOperationType nodeOperationType) { super(actionType, actionLocation, targetId, reason); this.mNodeOperationType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodeOperationType); } @NonNull @Override public String toString() { return "Id=" + mTargetId.toString() + " actionType=" + getActionType() + " location=" + getActionLocation() + " opType=" + mNodeOperationType; } } /** * Defines a merging tool action for an xml attribute */ public static class AttributeRecord extends Record { // first in wins which should be fine, the first // operation type will be the highest priority one @Nullable private final AttributeOperationType mOperationType; AttributeRecord(@NonNull ActionType actionType, @NonNull SourceFilePosition actionLocation, @NonNull XmlNode.NodeKey targetId, @Nullable String reason, @Nullable AttributeOperationType operationType) { super(actionType, actionLocation, targetId, reason); this.mOperationType = operationType; } @Nullable public AttributeOperationType getOperationType() { return mOperationType; } @NonNull @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("Id", mTargetId).add("actionType=", getActionType()) .add("location", getActionLocation()).add("opType", getOperationType()).toString(); } } @NonNull public String persist() throws IOException { //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection GsonBuilder gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting(); gson.enableComplexMapKeySerialization(); MessageJsonSerializer.registerTypeAdapters(gson); return gson.create().toJson(this); } @Nullable public static Actions load(@NonNull InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { return getGsonParser().fromJson(new InputStreamReader(inputStream), Actions.class); } private static class NodeNameDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<XmlNode.NodeName> { @Override public XmlNode.NodeName deserialize(@NonNull JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, @NonNull JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if (json.getAsJsonObject().get("mNamespaceURI") != null) { return context.deserialize(json, XmlNode.NamespaceAwareName.class); } else { return context.deserialize(json, XmlNode.Name.class); } } } @Nullable public static Actions load(String xml) { return getGsonParser().fromJson(xml, Actions.class); } @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") @NonNull private static Gson getGsonParser() { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.enableComplexMapKeySerialization(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(XmlNode.NodeName.class, new NodeNameDeserializer()); MessageJsonSerializer.registerTypeAdapters(gsonBuilder); return gsonBuilder.create(); } public ImmutableMultimap<Integer, Record> getResultingSourceMapping(@NonNull XmlDocument xmlDocument) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { SourceFile inMemory = SourceFile.UNKNOWN; XmlDocument loadedWithLineNumbers = XmlLoader.load(xmlDocument.getSelectors(), xmlDocument.getSystemPropertyResolver(), inMemory, xmlDocument.prettyPrint(), XmlDocument.Type.MAIN, Optional.<String>absent() /* mainManifestPackageName */); ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Integer, Record> mappingBuilder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); for (XmlElement xmlElement : loadedWithLineNumbers.getRootNode().getMergeableElements()) { parse(xmlElement, mappingBuilder); } return; } private void parse(@NonNull XmlElement element, @NonNull ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Integer, Record> mappings) { DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord = mRecords.get(element.getId()); if (decisionTreeRecord != null) { NodeRecord nodeRecord = findNodeRecord(decisionTreeRecord); if (nodeRecord != null) { mappings.put(element.getPosition().getStartLine(), nodeRecord); } for (XmlAttribute xmlAttribute : element.getAttributes()) { AttributeRecord attributeRecord = findAttributeRecord(decisionTreeRecord, xmlAttribute); if (attributeRecord != null) { mappings.put(xmlAttribute.getPosition().getStartLine(), attributeRecord); } } } for (XmlElement xmlElement : element.getMergeableElements()) { parse(xmlElement, mappings); } } @NonNull public String blame(@NonNull XmlDocument xmlDocument) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { ImmutableMultimap<Integer, Record> resultingSourceMapping = getResultingSourceMapping(xmlDocument); LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(new StringReader(xmlDocument.prettyPrint())); StringBuilder actualMappings = new StringBuilder(); String line; int count = 0; while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null) { actualMappings.append(count + 1).append(line).append("\n"); if (resultingSourceMapping.containsKey(count)) { for (Record record : resultingSourceMapping.get(count)) { actualMappings.append(count + 1).append("-->").append(record.getActionLocation().toString()) .append("\n"); } } count++; } return actualMappings.toString(); } @Nullable private static Actions.NodeRecord findNodeRecord(@NonNull DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord) { for (NodeRecord nodeRecord : decisionTreeRecord.getNodeRecords()) { if (nodeRecord.getActionType() == ActionType.ADDED) { return nodeRecord; } } return null; } @Nullable private static Actions.AttributeRecord findAttributeRecord(@NonNull DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord, @NonNull XmlAttribute xmlAttribute) { for (AttributeRecord attributeRecord : decisionTreeRecord.getAttributeRecords(xmlAttribute.getName())) { if (attributeRecord.getActionType() == ActionType.ADDED) { return attributeRecord; } } return null; } /** * Internal structure on how {@link}s are kept for an * xml element. * * Each xml element should have an associated DecisionTreeRecord which keeps a list of * {@link} for all the node actions related * to this xml element. * * It will also contain a map indexed by attribute name on all the attribute actions related * to that particular attribute within the xml element. * */ static class DecisionTreeRecord { // all other occurrences of the nodes decisions, in order of decisions. private final List<NodeRecord> mNodeRecords = new ArrayList<NodeRecord>(); // all attributes decisions indexed by attribute name. @NonNull final Map<XmlNode.NodeName, List<AttributeRecord>> mAttributeRecords = new HashMap<XmlNode.NodeName, List<AttributeRecord>>(); @NonNull ImmutableList<NodeRecord> getNodeRecords() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(mNodeRecords); } @NonNull ImmutableMap<XmlNode.NodeName, List<AttributeRecord>> getAttributesRecords() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(mAttributeRecords); } DecisionTreeRecord() { } void addNodeRecord(@NonNull NodeRecord nodeRecord) { mNodeRecords.add(Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodeRecord)); } @NonNull ImmutableList<AttributeRecord> getAttributeRecords(XmlNode.NodeName attributeName) { List<AttributeRecord> attributeRecords = mAttributeRecords.get(attributeName); return attributeRecords == null ? ImmutableList.<AttributeRecord>of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(attributeRecords); } } }