Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * Licensed to The Android Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class SendersView { /** The maximum number of senders to display for a given conversation */ private static final int MAX_SENDER_COUNT = 4; private static final Integer DOES_NOT_EXIST = -5; // FIXME(ath): make all of these statics instance variables, and have callers hold onto this // instance as long as appropriate (e.g. activity lifetime). // no need to listen for configuration changes. private static String sSendersSplitToken; private static CharSequence sDraftSingularString; private static CharSequence sDraftPluralString; private static CharSequence sSendingString; private static CharSequence sRetryingString; private static CharSequence sFailedString; private static String sDraftCountFormatString; private static CharacterStyle sDraftsStyleSpan; private static CharacterStyle sSendingStyleSpan; private static CharacterStyle sRetryingStyleSpan; private static CharacterStyle sFailedStyleSpan; private static TextAppearanceSpan sUnreadStyleSpan; private static CharacterStyle sReadStyleSpan; private static String sMeSubjectString; private static String sMeObjectString; private static String sToHeaderString; private static String sMessageCountSpacerString; public static CharSequence sElidedString; private static BroadcastReceiver sConfigurationChangedReceiver; private static TextAppearanceSpan sMessageInfoReadStyleSpan; private static TextAppearanceSpan sMessageInfoUnreadStyleSpan; private static BidiFormatter sBidiFormatter; // We only want to have at most 2 Priority to length maps. This will handle the case where // there is a widget installed on the launcher while the user is scrolling in the app private static final int MAX_PRIORITY_LENGTH_MAP_LIST = 2; // Cache of priority to length maps. We can't just use a single instance as it may be // modified from different threads private static final ObjectCache<Map<Integer, Integer>> PRIORITY_LENGTH_MAP_CACHE = new ObjectCache<Map<Integer, Integer>>( new ObjectCache.Callback<Map<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public Map<Integer, Integer> newInstance() { return Maps.newHashMap(); } @Override public void onObjectReleased(Map<Integer, Integer> object) { object.clear(); } }, MAX_PRIORITY_LENGTH_MAP_LIST); public static Typeface getTypeface(boolean isUnread) { return isUnread ? Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD : Typeface.DEFAULT; } private static synchronized void getSenderResources(Context context, final boolean resourceCachingRequired) { if (sConfigurationChangedReceiver == null && resourceCachingRequired) { sConfigurationChangedReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { sDraftSingularString = null; getSenderResources(context, true); } }; context.registerReceiver(sConfigurationChangedReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED)); } if (sDraftSingularString == null) { Resources res = context.getResources(); sSendersSplitToken = res.getString(R.string.senders_split_token); sElidedString = res.getString(R.string.senders_elided); sDraftSingularString = res.getQuantityText(R.plurals.draft, 1); sDraftPluralString = res.getQuantityText(R.plurals.draft, 2); sDraftCountFormatString = res.getString(R.string.draft_count_format); sMeSubjectString = res.getString(R.string.me_subject_pronoun); sMeObjectString = res.getString(R.string.me_object_pronoun); sToHeaderString = res.getString(R.string.to_heading); sMessageInfoUnreadStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sMessageInfoReadStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sDraftsStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sUnreadStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sSendingStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sRetryingStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sFailedStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sReadStyleSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; sMessageCountSpacerString = res.getString(R.string.message_count_spacer); sSendingString = res.getString(R.string.sending); sRetryingString = res.getString(R.string.message_retrying); sFailedString = res.getString(R.string.message_failed); sBidiFormatter = BidiFormatter.getInstance(); } } public static SpannableStringBuilder createMessageInfo(Context context, Conversation conv, final boolean resourceCachingRequired) { SpannableStringBuilder messageInfo = new SpannableStringBuilder(); try { final ConversationInfo conversationInfo = conv.conversationInfo; final int sendingStatus = conv.sendingState; boolean hasSenders = false; // This covers the case where the sender is "me" and this is a draft // message, which means this will only run once most of the time. for (ParticipantInfo p : conversationInfo.participantInfos) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty( { hasSenders = true; break; } } getSenderResources(context, resourceCachingRequired); final int count = conversationInfo.messageCount; final int draftCount = conversationInfo.draftCount; if (count > 1) { appendMessageInfo(messageInfo, Integer.toString(count), CharacterStyle.wrap( ? sMessageInfoReadStyleSpan : sMessageInfoUnreadStyleSpan), false,; } boolean appendSplitToken = hasSenders || count > 1; if (draftCount > 0) { final CharSequence draftText; if (draftCount == 1) { draftText = sDraftSingularString; } else { draftText = sDraftPluralString + String.format(sDraftCountFormatString, draftCount); } appendMessageInfo(messageInfo, draftText, sDraftsStyleSpan, appendSplitToken,; } final boolean showState = sendingStatus == UIProvider.ConversationSendingState.SENDING || sendingStatus == UIProvider.ConversationSendingState.RETRYING || sendingStatus == UIProvider.ConversationSendingState.SEND_ERROR; if (showState) { appendSplitToken |= draftCount > 0; final CharSequence statusText; final Object span; if (sendingStatus == UIProvider.ConversationSendingState.SENDING) { statusText = sSendingString; span = sSendingStyleSpan; } else if (sendingStatus == UIProvider.ConversationSendingState.RETRYING) { statusText = sSendingString; span = sSendingStyleSpan; } else { statusText = sFailedString; span = sFailedStyleSpan; } appendMessageInfo(messageInfo, statusText, span, appendSplitToken,; } // Prepend a space if we are showing other message info text. if (count > 1 || (draftCount > 0 && hasSenders) || showState) { messageInfo.insert(0, sMessageCountSpacerString); } } finally { if (!resourceCachingRequired) { clearResourceCache(); } } return messageInfo; } private static void appendMessageInfo(SpannableStringBuilder sb, CharSequence text, Object span, boolean appendSplitToken, boolean convRead) { int startIndex = sb.length(); if (appendSplitToken) { sb.append(sSendersSplitToken); sb.setSpan(CharacterStyle.wrap(convRead ? sMessageInfoReadStyleSpan : sMessageInfoUnreadStyleSpan), startIndex, sb.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } startIndex = sb.length(); sb.append(text); sb.setSpan(span, startIndex, sb.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } public static void format(Context context, ConversationInfo conversationInfo, String messageInfo, int maxChars, ArrayList<SpannableString> styledSenders, ArrayList<String> displayableSenderNames, ConversationItemViewModel.SenderAvatarModel senderAvatarModel, Account account, final boolean showToHeader, final boolean resourceCachingRequired) { try { getSenderResources(context, resourceCachingRequired); format(context, conversationInfo, messageInfo, maxChars, styledSenders, displayableSenderNames, senderAvatarModel, account, sUnreadStyleSpan, sReadStyleSpan, showToHeader, resourceCachingRequired); } finally { if (!resourceCachingRequired) { clearResourceCache(); } } } public static void format(Context context, ConversationInfo conversationInfo, String messageInfo, int maxChars, ArrayList<SpannableString> styledSenders, ArrayList<String> displayableSenderNames, ConversationItemViewModel.SenderAvatarModel senderAvatarModel, Account account, final TextAppearanceSpan notificationUnreadStyleSpan, final CharacterStyle notificationReadStyleSpan, final boolean showToHeader, final boolean resourceCachingRequired) { try { getSenderResources(context, resourceCachingRequired); handlePriority(maxChars, messageInfo, conversationInfo, styledSenders, displayableSenderNames, senderAvatarModel, account, notificationUnreadStyleSpan, notificationReadStyleSpan, showToHeader); } finally { if (!resourceCachingRequired) { clearResourceCache(); } } } private static void handlePriority(int maxChars, String messageInfoString, ConversationInfo conversationInfo, ArrayList<SpannableString> styledSenders, ArrayList<String> displayableSenderNames, ConversationItemViewModel.SenderAvatarModel senderAvatarModel, Account account, final TextAppearanceSpan unreadStyleSpan, final CharacterStyle readStyleSpan, final boolean showToHeader) { final boolean shouldSelectSenders = displayableSenderNames != null; final boolean shouldSelectAvatar = senderAvatarModel != null; int maxPriorityToInclude = -1; // inclusive int numCharsUsed = messageInfoString.length(); // draft, number drafts, // count int numSendersUsed = 0; int numCharsToRemovePerWord = 0; int maxFoundPriority = 0; if (numCharsUsed > maxChars) { numCharsToRemovePerWord = numCharsUsed - maxChars; } final Map<Integer, Integer> priorityToLength = PRIORITY_LENGTH_MAP_CACHE.get(); try { priorityToLength.clear(); int senderLength; for (ParticipantInfo info : conversationInfo.participantInfos) { final String senderName =; senderLength = !TextUtils.isEmpty(senderName) ? senderName.length() : 0; priorityToLength.put(info.priority, senderLength); maxFoundPriority = Math.max(maxFoundPriority, info.priority); } while (maxPriorityToInclude < maxFoundPriority) { if (priorityToLength.containsKey(maxPriorityToInclude + 1)) { int length = numCharsUsed + priorityToLength.get(maxPriorityToInclude + 1); if (numCharsUsed > 0) length += 2; // We must show at least two senders if they exist. If we don't // have space for both // then we will truncate names. if (length > maxChars && numSendersUsed >= 2) { break; } numCharsUsed = length; numSendersUsed++; } maxPriorityToInclude++; } } finally { PRIORITY_LENGTH_MAP_CACHE.release(priorityToLength); } SpannableString spannableDisplay; boolean appendedElided = false; final Map<String, Integer> displayHash = Maps.newHashMap(); final List<String> senderEmails = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(MAX_SENDER_COUNT); String firstSenderEmail = null; String firstSenderName = null; for (int i = 0; i < conversationInfo.participantInfos.size(); i++) { final ParticipantInfo currentParticipant = conversationInfo.participantInfos.get(i); final String currentEmail =; final String currentName =; String nameString = !TextUtils.isEmpty(currentName) ? currentName : ""; if (nameString.length() == 0) { // if we're showing the To: header, show the object version of me. nameString = getMe(showToHeader /* useObjectMe */); } if (numCharsToRemovePerWord != 0) { nameString = nameString.substring(0, Math.max(nameString.length() - numCharsToRemovePerWord, 0)); } final int priority = currentParticipant.priority; final CharacterStyle style = CharacterStyle .wrap(currentParticipant.readConversation ? readStyleSpan : unreadStyleSpan); if (priority <= maxPriorityToInclude) { spannableDisplay = new SpannableString(sBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(nameString)); // Don't duplicate senders; leave the first instance, unless the // current instance is also unread. int oldPos = displayHash.containsKey(currentName) ? displayHash.get(currentName) : DOES_NOT_EXIST; // If this sender doesn't exist OR the current message is // unread, add the sender. if (oldPos == DOES_NOT_EXIST || !currentParticipant.readConversation) { // If the sender entry already existed, and is right next to the // current sender, remove the old entry. if (oldPos != DOES_NOT_EXIST && i > 0 && oldPos == i - 1 && oldPos < styledSenders.size()) { // Remove the old one! styledSenders.set(oldPos, null); if (shouldSelectSenders && !TextUtils.isEmpty(currentEmail)) { senderEmails.remove(currentEmail); displayableSenderNames.remove(currentName); } } displayHash.put(currentName, i); spannableDisplay.setSpan(style, 0, spannableDisplay.length(), 0); styledSenders.add(spannableDisplay); } } else { if (!appendedElided) { spannableDisplay = new SpannableString(sElidedString); spannableDisplay.setSpan(style, 0, spannableDisplay.length(), 0); appendedElided = true; styledSenders.add(spannableDisplay); } } final String senderEmail = TextUtils.isEmpty(currentName) ? account.getEmailAddress() : TextUtils.isEmpty(currentEmail) ? currentName : currentEmail; if (shouldSelectSenders) { if (i == 0) { // Always add the first sender! firstSenderEmail = senderEmail; firstSenderName = currentName; } else { if (!Objects.equal(firstSenderEmail, senderEmail)) { int indexOf = senderEmails.indexOf(senderEmail); if (indexOf > -1) { senderEmails.remove(indexOf); displayableSenderNames.remove(indexOf); } senderEmails.add(senderEmail); displayableSenderNames.add(currentName); if (senderEmails.size() > MAX_SENDER_COUNT) { senderEmails.remove(0); displayableSenderNames.remove(0); } } } } // if the corresponding message from this participant is unread and no sender avatar // is yet chosen, choose this one if (shouldSelectAvatar && senderAvatarModel.isNotPopulated() && !currentParticipant.readConversation) { senderAvatarModel.populate(currentName, senderEmail); } } // always add the first sender to the display if (shouldSelectSenders && !TextUtils.isEmpty(firstSenderEmail)) { if (displayableSenderNames.size() < MAX_SENDER_COUNT) { displayableSenderNames.add(0, firstSenderName); } else { displayableSenderNames.set(0, firstSenderName); } } // if all messages in the thread were read, we must search for an appropriate avatar if (shouldSelectAvatar && senderAvatarModel.isNotPopulated()) { // search for the last sender that is not the current account for (int i = conversationInfo.participantInfos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final ParticipantInfo participant = conversationInfo.participantInfos.get(i); // empty name implies it is the current account and should not be chosen if (!TextUtils.isEmpty( { // use the participant name in place of unusable email addresses final String senderEmail = TextUtils.isEmpty( ? :; senderAvatarModel.populate(, senderEmail); break; } } // if we still don't have an avatar, the account is emailing itself if (senderAvatarModel.isNotPopulated()) { senderAvatarModel.populate(account.getDisplayName(), account.getEmailAddress()); } } } static String getMe(boolean useObjectMe) { return useObjectMe ? sMeObjectString : sMeSubjectString; } public static SpannableString getFormattedToHeader() { final SpannableString formattedToHeader = new SpannableString(sToHeaderString); final CharacterStyle readStyle = CharacterStyle.wrap(sReadStyleSpan); formattedToHeader.setSpan(readStyle, 0, formattedToHeader.length(), 0); return formattedToHeader; } public static SpannableString getSingularDraftString(Context context) { getSenderResources(context, true /* resourceCachingRequired */); final SpannableString formattedDraftString = new SpannableString(sDraftSingularString); final CharacterStyle readStyle = CharacterStyle.wrap(sDraftsStyleSpan); formattedDraftString.setSpan(readStyle, 0, formattedDraftString.length(), 0); return formattedDraftString; } private static void clearResourceCache() { sDraftSingularString = null; } }