Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; /** * Code shrinker. It analyzes the input classes and the SDK jar and outputs minified classes. Uses * the given implementation of {@link ShrinkerGraph} to keep state and persist it for later * incremental runs. */ public class FullRunShrinker<T> extends AbstractShrinker<T> { /** Suffix for "fake methods", inserted to forward dependencies between unrelated classes. */ static final String SHRINKER_FAKE_MARKER = "$shrinker_fake"; private final Set<File> mPlatformJars; public FullRunShrinker(WaitableExecutor<Void> executor, ShrinkerGraph<T> graph, Set<File> platformJars, ShrinkerLogger shrinkerLogger) { super(graph, executor, shrinkerLogger); mPlatformJars = platformJars; } /** * Performs the full shrinking run. This clears previous incremental state, creates a new * {@link ShrinkerGraph} and fills it with data read from the platform JARs as well as input * classes. Then we find "entry points" that match {@code -keep} rules from the config file, * and walk the graph, setting the counters and finding reachable classes and members. In the * last step we rewrite all reachable class files to only contain kept class members and put * them in the matching output directories. */ public void run(@NonNull Collection<TransformInput> inputs, @NonNull Collection<TransformInput> referencedClasses, @NonNull TransformOutputProvider output, @NonNull ImmutableMap<CounterSet, KeepRules> keepRules, boolean saveState) throws IOException { output.deleteAll(); buildGraph(inputs, referencedClasses); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); setCounters(keepRules); logTime("Set counters", stopwatch); writeOutput(inputs, output); logTime("Write output", stopwatch); if (saveState) { mGraph.saveState(); logTime("Saving state", stopwatch); } } /** * Populates the graph with all nodes (classes, members) and edges (dependencies, references), * so that it's ready to be traversed in search of reachable ndoes. */ private void buildGraph(@NonNull Iterable<TransformInput> programInputs, @NonNull Iterable<TransformInput> libraryInputs) throws IOException { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); final PostProcessingData<T> postProcessingData = new PostProcessingData<>(); readPlatformJars(); for (TransformInput input : libraryInputs) { for (File directory : getAllDirectories(input)) { for (final File classFile : getClassFiles(directory)) { mExecutor.execute(() -> { processLibraryClass(Files.toByteArray(classFile)); return null; }); } } for (final File jarFile : getAllJars(input)) { processJarFile(jarFile, this::processLibraryClass); } } for (TransformInput input : programInputs) { for (File directory : getAllDirectories(input)) { for (final File classFile : getClassFiles(directory)) { mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { processProgramClassFile(Files.toByteArray(classFile), classFile, postProcessingData); return null; } }); } } for (final File jarFile : getAllJars(input)) { processJarFile(jarFile, new ByteCodeConsumer() { @Override public void process(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { processProgramClassFile(bytes, jarFile, postProcessingData); } }); } } waitForAllTasks(); logTime("Read input", stopwatch); handleOverrides(postProcessingData.getVirtualMethods()); handleMultipleInheritance(postProcessingData.getMultipleInheritance()); handleInterfaceInheritance(postProcessingData.getInterfaceInheritance()); resolveReferences(postProcessingData.getUnresolvedReferences()); waitForAllTasks(); logTime("Finish graph", stopwatch); mGraph.checkDependencies(mShrinkerLogger); } private void handleInterfaceInheritance(@NonNull Set<T> interfaceInheritance) { for (final T klass : interfaceInheritance) { mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { TreeTraverser<T> interfaceTraverser = TypeHierarchyTraverser.interfaces(mGraph, mShrinkerLogger); if ((mGraph.getModifiers(klass) & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0) { // The "children" name is unfortunate: in the type hierarchy tree traverser, // these are the interfaces that klass (which is an interface itself) // extends (directly). Iterable<T> superinterfaces = interfaceTraverser.children(klass); for (T superinterface : superinterfaces) { if (!mGraph.isLibraryClass(superinterface)) { // Add the arrow going "down", from the superinterface to this one. mGraph.addDependency(superinterface, klass, DependencyType.SUPERINTERFACE_KEPT); } else { // The superinterface is part of the SDK, so it's always kept. As // long as there's any class that implements this interface, it // needs to be kept. mGraph.incrementAndCheck(klass, DependencyType.SUPERINTERFACE_KEPT, CounterSet.SHRINK); } } } for (T iface : interfaceTraverser.preOrderTraversal(klass)) { if (!mGraph.isLibraryClass(iface)) { mGraph.addDependency(klass, iface, DependencyType.INTERFACE_IMPLEMENTED); } } return null; } }); } } @NonNull private static FluentIterable<File> getClassFiles(@NonNull File dir) { return getAllFiles(dir).filter(f -> Files.getFileExtension(f.getName()).equals("class")); } /** * Updates the graph to handle a case when a class inherits an interface method implementation * from a super class which does not implement the given interface. * * <p>We handle it by inserting fake nodes into the graph, equivalent to just calling super() * to invoke the inherited implementation. This way an "invokeinterface" opcode can cause the * fake method to be kept, which in turn causes the real method to be kept, even though on the * surface it has nothing to do with the interface. */ private void handleMultipleInheritance(@NonNull Set<T> multipleInheritance) { for (final T klass : multipleInheritance) { mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { Set<T> methods = mGraph.getMethods(klass); @Override public Void call() throws Exception { if (!isProgramClass(mGraph.getSuperclass(klass))) { // All the superclass methods are kept anyway. return null; } Iterable<T> interfaces = TypeHierarchyTraverser.interfaces(mGraph, mShrinkerLogger) .preOrderTraversal(klass); for (T iface : interfaces) { for (T method : mGraph.getMethods(iface)) { handleMethod(method); } } return null; } private void handleMethod(T method) { if (this.methods.contains(method)) { // We implement this interface method directly in the class, which is the // common case. Nothing left to do. return; } // Otherwise, look in the superclasses for the implementation. FluentIterable<T> superclasses = TypeHierarchyTraverser.superclasses(mGraph, mShrinkerLogger) .preOrderTraversal(klass); for (T current : superclasses) { if (!isProgramClass(current)) { // We will not remove the method anyway. return; } T matchingMethod = mGraph.findMatchingMethod(current, method); if (matchingMethod != null) { String name = mGraph.getMemberName(method) + SHRINKER_FAKE_MARKER; String desc = mGraph.getMemberDescriptor(method); T fakeMethod = mGraph.addMember(klass, name, desc, mGraph.getModifiers(method)); // Simulate a super call. mGraph.addDependency(fakeMethod, matchingMethod, DependencyType.REQUIRED_CLASS_STRUCTURE); if (!isProgramClass(mGraph.getOwnerClass(method))) { mGraph.addDependency(klass, fakeMethod, DependencyType.REQUIRED_CLASS_STRUCTURE); } else { mGraph.addDependency(klass, fakeMethod, DependencyType.CLASS_IS_KEPT); mGraph.addDependency(method, fakeMethod, DependencyType.IF_CLASS_KEPT); } return; } } } }); } } /** * Updates the graph to add edges which model how overridden methods should be handled. * * <p>A method overriding another one (from a class or interface), is kept if it's invoked * directly (naturally) or if the class is kept for whatever reason and the overridden method * is also invoked - we don't know if the call site for the overridden method actually operates * on objects of the subclass. */ private void handleOverrides(@NonNull Set<T> virtualMethods) { for (final T method : virtualMethods) { mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { if (isJavaLangObjectMethod(mGraph.getMemberName(method), mGraph.getMemberDescriptor(method))) { // If we override an SDK method, it just has to be there at runtime // (if the class itself is kept). mGraph.addDependency(mGraph.getOwnerClass(method), method, DependencyType.REQUIRED_CLASS_STRUCTURE); return null; } FluentIterable<T> superTypes = TypeHierarchyTraverser .superclassesAndInterfaces(mGraph, mShrinkerLogger) .preOrderTraversal(mGraph.getOwnerClass(method)); for (T klass : superTypes) { if (mGraph.getClassName(klass).equals("java/lang/Object")) { continue; } T superMethod = mGraph.findMatchingMethod(klass, method); if (superMethod != null && !superMethod.equals(method)) { if (!isProgramClass(mGraph.getOwnerClass(superMethod))) { // If we override an SDK method, it just has to be there at runtime // (if the class itself is kept). mGraph.addDependency(mGraph.getOwnerClass(method), method, DependencyType.REQUIRED_CLASS_STRUCTURE); return null; } else { // If we override a program method, there's a chance this method is // never called and we will get rid of it. Set up the dependencies // appropriately. mGraph.addDependency(mGraph.getOwnerClass(method), method, DependencyType.CLASS_IS_KEPT); mGraph.addDependency(superMethod, method, DependencyType.IF_CLASS_KEPT); } } } return null; } }); } } private static boolean isJavaLangObjectMethod(@NonNull String name, @NonNull String descriptor) { return (name.equals("hashCode") && descriptor.equals("()I")) || (name.equals("equals") && descriptor.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z")) || (name.equals("toString") && descriptor.equals("()Ljava/lang/String;")); } /** * Updates the graph with nodes from a library (read-only) class. There's no point creating * edges, since library classes cannot references program classes and we don't shrink library * code. */ private void processLibraryClass(@NonNull byte[] source) throws IOException { ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(source); classReader.accept(new ClassStructureVisitor<>(mGraph, null, null), ClassReader.SKIP_CODE | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES | ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); } /** * Updates the graph with nodes and edges based on the given class file. */ private void processProgramClassFile(byte[] bytes, @NonNull File classFile, @NonNull final PostProcessingData<T> postProcessingData) throws IOException { ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(Opcodes.ASM5); ClassVisitor depsFinder = new DependencyFinderVisitor<T>(mGraph, classNode) { @Override protected void handleDependency(T source, T target, DependencyType type) { mGraph.addDependency(source, target, type); } @Override protected void handleMultipleInheritance(T klass) { postProcessingData.getMultipleInheritance().add(klass); } @Override protected void handleVirtualMethod(T method) { postProcessingData.getVirtualMethods().add(method); } @Override protected void handleInterfaceInheritance(T klass) { postProcessingData.getInterfaceInheritance().add(klass); } @Override protected void handleUnresolvedReference(PostProcessingData.UnresolvedReference<T> reference) { postProcessingData.getUnresolvedReferences().add(reference); } }; ClassVisitor structureVisitor = new ClassStructureVisitor<>(mGraph, classFile, depsFinder); ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(bytes); classReader.accept(structureVisitor, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES); } private interface ByteCodeConsumer { void process(byte[] bytes) throws IOException; } private void readPlatformJars() throws IOException { for (File platformJar : mPlatformJars) { processJarFile(platformJar, this::processLibraryClass); } } private void processJarFile(File platformJar, final ByteCodeConsumer consumer) throws IOException { try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(platformJar)) { for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (!entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { continue; } try (InputStream inputStream = jarFile.getInputStream(entry)) { final byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(inputStream); mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { consumer.process(bytes); return null; } }); } } } } /** * Sets the roots (i.e. entry points) of the graph and marks all nodes reachable from them. */ private void setCounters(@NonNull ImmutableMap<CounterSet, KeepRules> allKeepRules) { final CounterSet counterSet = CounterSet.SHRINK; final KeepRules keepRules = allKeepRules.get(counterSet); for (final T klass : mGraph.getAllProgramClasses()) { mExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { mGraph.addRoots(keepRules.getSymbolsToKeep(klass, mGraph), counterSet); return null; } }); } waitForAllTasks(); setCounters(counterSet); } private void writeOutput(@NonNull Collection<TransformInput> inputs, @NonNull TransformOutputProvider output) throws IOException { updateClassFiles(mGraph.getReachableClasses(CounterSet.SHRINK), Collections.<File>emptyList(), inputs, output); } }