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*   Copyright 2013-2015 Analog Devices, Inc.
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.

package com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.core.parameterizedMessages;

import static org.apache.commons.math3.special.Beta.*;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.*;


import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;

import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.values.Value;

 * Parameterized message for beta distribution.
public class BetaParameters extends ParameterizedMessageBase {
     * State

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // The parameters used are the natural additive parameters, (alpha-1) and (beta-1)
    private double _alphaMinusOne;
    private double _betaMinusOne;

     * Construction

    public BetaParameters() {


    public BetaParameters(double alphaMinusOne, double betaMinusOne) {
        _alphaMinusOne = alphaMinusOne;
        _betaMinusOne = betaMinusOne;

    public BetaParameters(BetaParameters other) // Copy constructor
        _alphaMinusOne = other._alphaMinusOne;
        _betaMinusOne = other._betaMinusOne;

    public BetaParameters clone() {
        return new BetaParameters(this);

     * Object methods

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Beta(%g,%g)", getAlpha(), getBeta());

     * IEquals methods

    public boolean objectEquals(@Nullable Object other) {
        if (other == this) {
            return true;

        if (other instanceof BetaParameters) {
            BetaParameters that = (BetaParameters) other;
            return _alphaMinusOne == that._alphaMinusOne && _betaMinusOne == that._betaMinusOne
                    && super.objectEquals(other);

        return false;

     * IUnaryFactorFunction

    public double evalEnergy(Value value) {
        final double x = value.getDouble();

        if (x < 0 | x > 1) {
            return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

        double y;

        if (_alphaMinusOne == 0.0) {
            if (_betaMinusOne == 0.0) {
                return 0.0;
            } else {
                y = Math.log(1 - x) * _betaMinusOne;
        } else if (_betaMinusOne == 0.0) {
            y = Math.log(x) * _alphaMinusOne;
        } else {
            y = _alphaMinusOne * Math.log(x) + _betaMinusOne * Math.log(1 - x);

        return -y;

     * IPrintable methods

    public void print(PrintStream out, int verbosity) {
        if (verbosity >= 0) {
            String fmt;
            switch (verbosity) {
            case 0:
                fmt = "Beta(%g,%g)";
                fmt = "Beta(alpha=%g, beta=%g)";
            out.format(fmt, getAlpha(), getBeta());

     * IParameterizedMessage methods

    public void addFrom(IParameterizedMessage other) {
        addFrom((BetaParameters) other);

    public void addFrom(BetaParameters other) {
        _alphaMinusOne += other._alphaMinusOne;
        _betaMinusOne += other._betaMinusOne;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * Computes divergences as follows, where P is this, Q is that, and &Beta;(x) and &psi;(x) refer to the
     * beta and digamma functions respectively.
     * <p>
     * ln(&Beta;(&alpha;<sub>Q</sub>, &beta;<sub>Q</sub>))
     * - ln(&Beta;(&alpha;<sub>P</sub>, &beta;<sub>P</sub>))
     * + (&alpha;<sub>P</sub>-&alpha;<sub>Q</sub>)&psi;(&alpha;<sub>P</sub>)
     * + (&beta;<sub>P</sub>-&beta;<sub>Q</sub>)&psi;(&beta;<sub>P</sub>)
     * + (&alpha;<sub>Q</sub>-&alpha;<sub>P</sub>+&beta;<sub>Q</sub>-&beta;<sub>P</sub>)
     *    &psi;(&alpha;<sub>P</sub>+&beta;<sub>P</sub>)
     * @see <a href="">
     * Beta distribution (Wikipedia)</a>
     * @since 0.06
    public double computeKLDivergence(IParameterizedMessage that) {
        if (that instanceof BetaParameters) {
            // KL(P|Q) == log(beta(aq,bq)/beta(ap,bp)) - (aq-ap)*digamma(ap) - (bq-bp)*digamma(bp) +
            //            (aq - ap + bq - bp)*digamma(ap + aq)

            final BetaParameters P = this, Q = (BetaParameters) that;

            final double ap = P.getAlpha(), aq = Q.getAlpha();
            final double bp = P.getBeta(), bq = Q.getBeta();
            final double adiff = ap - aq;
            final double bdiff = bp - bq;

            double divergence = 0.0;

            if (adiff != 0 | bdiff != 0) {
                divergence += logBeta(aq, bq);
                divergence -= logBeta(ap, bp);

                if (adiff != 0.0) {
                    divergence += adiff * digamma(ap);

                if (bdiff != 0.0) {
                    divergence += bdiff * digamma(bp);

                final double ndiff = -adiff - bdiff;
                if (ndiff != 0.0) {
                    divergence += ndiff * digamma(ap + bp);

            return divergence;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("Expected '%s' but got '%s'", getClass(), that.getClass()));

    public boolean isNull() {
        return _alphaMinusOne == 0 && _betaMinusOne == 0;

    public void setFrom(IParameterizedMessage other) {
        BetaParameters that = (BetaParameters) other;
        _alphaMinusOne = that._alphaMinusOne;
        _betaMinusOne = that._betaMinusOne;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * Sets alpha and beta parameters both to 1.
    public final void setUniform() {
        _alphaMinusOne = 0;
        _betaMinusOne = 0;
        _normalizationEnergy = 0.0;

     * Local methods

    // Natural parameters are alpha-1 and beta-1
    public final double getAlphaMinusOne() {
        return _alphaMinusOne;

    public final double getBetaMinusOne() {
        return _betaMinusOne;

    public final void setAlphaMinusOne(double alphaMinusOne) {
        _alphaMinusOne = alphaMinusOne;

    public final void setBetaMinusOne(double betaMinusOne) {
        _betaMinusOne = betaMinusOne;

    // Ordinary parameters, alpha and beta
    public final double getAlpha() {
        return _alphaMinusOne + 1;

    public final double getBeta() {
        return _betaMinusOne + 1;

    public final void setAlpha(double alpha) {
        setAlphaMinusOne(alpha - 1);

    public final void setBeta(double beta) {
        setBetaMinusOne(beta - 1);

     * Protected methods

    protected double computeNormalizationEnergy() {
        return -org.apache.commons.math3.special.Beta.logBeta(_alphaMinusOne + 1, _betaMinusOne + 1);