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*   Copyright 2012-2014 Analog Devices, Inc.
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.

package com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.factors;

import static java.lang.String.*;
import static java.util.Objects.*;

import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;

import com.analog.lyric.collect.ArrayUtil;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.exceptions.DimpleException;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.factorfunctions.core.FactorFunction;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.factorfunctions.core.IFactorTable;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.factorfunctions.core.TableFactorFunction;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.EdgeDirection;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.EdgeState;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.FactorGraph;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.FactorPort;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.Ids;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.core.NodeType;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.values.Value;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.Constant;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.IConstantOrVariable;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.IVariableToValue;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.Variable;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.VariableList;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.variables.VariablePredicates;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.options.DimpleOptions;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.interfaces.ISolverFactor;
import com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.interfaces.ISolverFactorGraph;
import com.analog.lyric.util.misc.Internal;

import cern.colt.list.IntArrayList;

public class Factor extends FactorBase implements Cloneable {
     * State

     * Sentinel value for {@link #_directedTo} indicating it has not yet been set.
    private static final int[] NOT_YET_SET = new int[0];

    private String _modelerFunctionName = "";
    private FactorFunction _factorFunction;
    protected @Nullable int[] _directedTo = NOT_YET_SET;
    int[] _directedFrom = null;

     * Represents arguments to factor function.
     * <p>
     * Includes all of the edge ids found in {@link _siblingEdges} in the same order, but with additional constant
     * ids inserted. If there are no constants, this field will simply point to {@link _siblingEdges}.
    private IntArrayList _argids;

     * Mapping from {@link _factorArguments} offset to sibling number offset in {@code _siblingEdges}. Offsets
     * corresponding to constants, which have no corresponding edge, will instead map to offsets after the
     * edges (i.e. the same format used by
     * {@link JointDomainReindexer#createPermuter(JointDomainIndexer, JointDomainIndexer, int[])}
     * <p>
     * Computed lazily
    private int[] _argToEdge = NOT_YET_SET;

     * Mapping from sibling number offset in {@code _siblingEdges} to corresponding offset in {@link _factorArguments}
     * <p>
     * The entries from [0, {@link #getSiblingCount()} - 1] maps edges to factor arguments. Entries after that map
     * constants to factor arguments.
     * <p>
     * Computed lazily.
    private int[] _edgeToArgNumber = NOT_YET_SET;

     * Construction

     * @category internal
    public Factor(FactorFunction factorFunc) {

        _factorFunction = factorFunc;
        _modelerFunctionName = factorFunc.getName();
        _argids = _siblingEdges;

    protected Factor(Factor that) {
        _modelerFunctionName = that._modelerFunctionName;
        _factorFunction = that._factorFunction; // clone?
        // Note that this does not copy the constants or the edges
        _argids = _siblingEdges;
        int[] directedTo = _directedTo = that._directedTo;
        if (directedTo != null && directedTo != NOT_YET_SET && directedTo != ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY) {
            _directedTo = directedTo.clone();
        int[] directedFrom = _directedFrom = that._directedFrom;
        if (directedFrom != null && directedFrom != ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY) {
            _directedFrom = directedFrom.clone();

    public Factor clone() {
        return new Factor(this);

     * INode methods

    public final Factor asFactor() {
        return this;

     * Node methods

    protected void fixSiblingEdgeStateIndex(EdgeState edge) {
        if (hasConstants()) {
            _argids.set(siblingNumberToArgIndex(edge.getSiblingIndex(this)), edge.edgeIndex(this));

     * Factor methods

    public NodeType getNodeType() {
        return NodeType.FACTOR;

    public FactorPort getPort(int siblingNumber) {
        return new FactorPort(this, siblingNumber);

    public @Nullable ISolverFactor getSolver() {
        final FactorGraph fg = getParentGraph();
        if (fg != null) {
            final ISolverFactorGraph sfg = fg.getSolver();
            if (sfg != null) {
                return sfg.getSolverFactor(this, false);
        return null;

    public ISolverFactor requireSolver(String method) {
        return requireSolver(method, getSolver());

     * Returns sibling edge number corresponding to given factor argument index.
     * <p>
     * If index refers to a sibling edge, this will return the corresponding sibling number that. If index
     * refers to a constant argument, this will return the {@linkplain #getSiblingCount() number of sibling edges}
     * plus the index of the constant in the ordered list of indexes.
     * <p>
     * {@link #siblingNumberToArgIndex(int)} is the inverse of this method.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @param index must be non-negative and less than the {@linkplain #getArgumentCount() number of factor arguments}.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getArgument(int)
    public int argIndexToSiblingNumber(int index) {
        return computeConstantInfo() ? _argToEdge[index] : index;

     * Evaluates energy for factor for values computed from its variables and constants.
     * <p>
     * Builds a {@link Value} list using {@code v2v} mapping for variable arguments, and
     * the constant value directly for constant arguments, and then computes the energy
     * using the underlying {@linkplain #getFactorFunction() factor function}.
     * <p>
     * For use internally in solver implementations.
     * @since 0.08
    public double evalEnergy(IVariableToValue v2v) {
        return _factorFunction.evalEnergy(fillInArgumentValues(v2v, null));

     * Evaluates energy for factor for given values.
     * <p>
     * Calls underlying {@linkplain #getFactorFunction() factor function} after inserting
     * any constant values held by the factor.
     * <p>
     * @param values specifies the values of the sibling variables to be evaluated.
     * @since 0.08
    public double evalEnergy(Object[] values) {
        final int nEdges = getSiblingCount();
        final int nArgs = getArgumentCount();

        if (values.length != getSiblingCount()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values length does not match number of edges");

        if (nEdges != nArgs) {
            // Fill in constant values
            Value[] tmp = new Value[nArgs];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
                Value value = getConstantValueByIndex(i);
                if (value != null) {
                    tmp[i] = value;
                } else {
                    Variable var = getSibling(j);
                    tmp[i] = Value.create(var.getDomain(), values[j]);
            values = tmp;

        return _factorFunction.evalEnergy(values);

     * Evaluates energy for factor for given values.
     * <p>
     * Calls underlying {@linkplain #getFactorFunction() factor function} after inserting
     * any constant values held by the factor.
     * <p>
     * @param values specifies the values of the sibling variables to be evaluated.
     * @since 0.08
    public double evalEnergy(Value[] values) {
        final int nEdges = getSiblingCount();
        final int nArgs = getArgumentCount();

        if (values.length != getSiblingCount()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values length does not match number of edges");

        if (nEdges != nArgs) {
            // Fill in constant values
            Value[] tmp = new Value[nArgs];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
                Value value = getConstantValueByIndex(i);
                tmp[i] = value != null ? value : values[j++];
            values = tmp;

        return _factorFunction.evalEnergy(values);

     * Fills in array of values corresponding to factor's arguments.
     * <p>
     * For use internally in solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @param v2v maps {@link Variable} instances to corresponding {@link Value}
     * @param values array to fill in. Only used if non-null and has length equal to
     * {@link #getArgumentCount() the number of factor arguments}.
     * @return filled in array
     * @since 0.08
     * @category internal
    public Value[] fillInArgumentValues(IVariableToValue v2v, @Nullable Value[] values) {
        final int nargs = getArgumentCount();
        if (values == null || values.length != nargs) {
            values = new Value[nargs];
        for (int i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) {
            IConstantOrVariable arg = getArgument(i);

            if (arg instanceof Constant) {
                values[i] = ((Constant) arg).value();
            } else {
                Variable var = (Variable) arg;
                Value value = v2v.varToValue(var);
                if (value == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(format("There is no value for %s", var));
                values[i] = value;
        return values;

     * Filters out constant factor argument indices.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @param indices contains factor argument indices in any order.
     * @return copy of {@code indices} after removing any indices that refer to constants. If
     * the factor has no constants, this simply returns the original indices.
     * @since 0.08
    public int[] filterConstantArgIndices(int[] indices) {
        if (hasConstants()) {
            // Filter out constant indices
            IntArrayList tmp = new IntArrayList(getSiblingCount());
            for (int index : indices) {
                if (!hasConstantAtIndex(index)) {
            indices = tmp.elements();

        return indices;

     * @category internal
     * @since 0.08
    public int[] getArgIndexToToSiblingNumberMapping() {
        return computeConstantInfo() ? _argToEdge.clone() : ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;

    public IConstantOrVariable getArgument(int argIndex) {
        final FactorGraph graph = requireParentGraph();
        int id = _argids.get(argIndex);
        int index = Ids.indexFromLocalId(id);

        switch (Ids.typeIndexFromLocalId(id)) {
        case Ids.UNKNOWN_TYPE:
        case Ids.EDGE_TYPE:
            return graph.getGraphEdgeState(index).getVariable(graph);

        case Ids.CONSTANT_TYPE:
            return graph.getConstantByLocalId(id);

            throw new IllegalStateException();

    public int getArgumentCount() {
        return _argids.size();

     * The domains of the {@link #getArgument(int) factor arguments} in order.
     * <p>
     * Similar to {@link #getDomainList()} but for factor arguments instead of sibling
     * variables. If factor does not {@linkplain #hasConstants() have constants}, this is
     * the same as {@link #getDomainList()}. If there are constants, they will be represented
     * using single-element {@link DiscreteDomain}s.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public DomainList<?> getArgumentDomains() {
        int nArgs = getArgumentCount();
        Domain[] domains = new Domain[nArgs];

        for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) {
            IConstantOrVariable arg = getArgument(i);
            if (arg instanceof Constant) {
                // Make a single-element discrete domain for the constant value.
                domains[i] = DiscreteDomain.create(requireNonNull(((Constant) arg).value().getObject()));
            } else {
                domains[i] = ((Variable) arg).getDomain();

        return DomainList.create(getDirectedTo(), domains);

     * Returns a read-only list view of the arguments to the factor.
     * <p>
     * The arguments will contain either {@link Variable}s or {@link Constant}s.
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getArgument(int)
    public List<IConstantOrVariable> getArguments() {
        return new AbstractList<IConstantOrVariable>() {

            public IConstantOrVariable get(int index) {
                return getArgument(index);

            public int size() {
                return _argids.size();

     * The number of constant arguments to this factor.
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getConstants()
    public final int getConstantCount() {
        return _argids.size() - _siblingEdges.size();

     * Returns copy of the factor argument indices that refer to constants.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public int[] getConstantIndices() {
        return computeConstantInfo()
                ? Arrays.copyOfRange(_edgeToArgNumber, _siblingEdges.size(), _edgeToArgNumber.length)
                : ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;

     * Returns a read-only view of the constant arguments.
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getArguments()
     * @see #getConstantValues()
    public final List<Constant> getConstants() {
        if (!computeConstantInfo())
            return Collections.emptyList();

        final int nEdges = getSiblingCount();
        final FactorGraph graph = requireParentGraph();

        return new AbstractList<Constant>() {
            public Constant get(int index) {
                final int argNumber = _edgeToArgNumber[index + nEdges];
                return requireNonNull(graph.getConstantByLocalId(_argids.get(argNumber)));

            public int size() {
                return getConstantCount();

     * Returns {@link Constant#value} for given factor argument {@code index} or null if not a constant.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public @Nullable Value getConstantValueByIndex(int index) {
        FactorGraph graph = _parentGraph;
        if (graph != null) {
            Constant constant = graph.getConstantByLocalId(_argids.get(index));
            if (constant != null) {
                return constant.value();
        return null;

     * Returns a read-only view of the constant argument values.
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getArguments()
     * @see #getConstants()
    public List<Value> getConstantValues() {
        if (!computeConstantInfo())
            return Collections.emptyList();

        final int nEdges = getSiblingCount();
        final FactorGraph graph = requireParentGraph();

        return new AbstractList<Value>() {
            public Value get(int index) {
                final int argNumber = _edgeToArgNumber[index + nEdges];
                return requireNonNull(graph.getConstantByLocalId(_argids.get(argNumber))).value();

            public int size() {
                return getConstantCount();

    public @Nullable int[] getDirectedFrom() {
        return _directedFrom;

    public @Nullable int[] getDirectedTo() {
        return _directedTo;

    public VariableList getDirectedToVariables() {
        VariableList vl = null;

        final int[] directedTo = getDirectedTo();
        if (directedTo != null) {
            vl = new VariableList(directedTo.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < directedTo.length; i++) {
        } else {
            vl = new VariableList();

        return vl;


     * The domains of the adjacent variables in order.
    public DomainList<?> getDomainList() {
        int numVariables = getSiblingCount();

        Domain[] domains = new Domain[numVariables];

        for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++) {
            domains[i] = getSibling(i).getDomain();

        return DomainList.create(getDirectedTo(), domains);

     * Describes direction of given edge.
     * <p>
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code edgeNumber} is negative or not less than {@link #getSiblingCount()}.
     * @since 0.08
    public EdgeDirection getEdgeDirection(int edgeNumber) {
        getSiblingEdgeIndex(edgeNumber); // call this to do a range check

        if (_directedTo == null) {
            return EdgeDirection.UNDIRECTED;
        } else if (isDirectedTo(edgeNumber)) {
            return EdgeDirection.FROM_FACTOR;
        } else {
            return EdgeDirection.TO_FACTOR;

    public FactorFunction getFactorFunction() {
        return _factorFunction;

    public IFactorTable getFactorTable() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Factor tables only available on DiscreteFactors");

    public String getLabel() {
        String name = getOption(DimpleOptions.label);
        if (name == null) {
            name = _name;
            if (name == null) {
                name = getModelerFunctionName() + "_" + getLocalId();
        return name;

    public String getModelerFunctionName() {
        return _modelerFunctionName;

     * True if there is a constant argument at given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public boolean hasConstantAtIndex(int index) {
        return Ids.typeIndexFromLocalId(_argids.get(index)) == Ids.CONSTANT_TYPE;

     * True if there is a constant argument with given value type at given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @param index
     * @param type is the type of the constant value's Object type, not the subclass of
     * {@link Value}. E.g., use {@code Real.class} rather than {@code RealValue.class}.
     * @since 0.08
    public boolean hasConstantAtIndexOfType(int index, Class<?> type) {
        Value value = getConstantValueByIndex(index);
        return value != null && type.isInstance(value.getObject());

     * True if there are constants with argument index not less than given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #numConstantsAtOrAboveIndex(int)
    public boolean hasConstantAtOrAboveIndex(int index) {
        return numConstantsAtOrAboveIndex(index) > 0;

     * True if there are constants with argument index not greater than given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #numConstantsAtOrBelowIndex(int)
    public boolean hasConstantAtOrBelowIndex(int index) {
        return numConstantsAtOrBelowIndex(index) > 0;

     * True if factor has any constant arguments.
     * @since 0.08
     * @see #getConstants
    public final boolean hasConstants() {
        return _argids != _siblingEdges;

    public boolean hasConstantsInIndexRange(int minIndex, int maxIndex) {
        return numConstantsInIndexRange(minIndex, maxIndex) > 0;

    public boolean hasFactorTable() {
        return getFactorFunction().factorTableExists(this);

     * Model-specific initialization for factors.
     * <p>
     * Assumes that model variables in same graph have already been initialized.
     * Does NOT invoke solver factor initialize.
    public void initialize() {
        final FactorFunction func = _factorFunction;
        if (func.isDirected()) // Automatically set direction if inherent in factor function
            if (_factorFunction.isDeterministicDirected()) {
                final int[] directedTo = requireNonNull(_directedTo);
                for (int to : directedTo) {
                if (directedTo.length > 0) {
                    final int[] directedFrom = requireNonNull(_directedFrom);
                    for (int from : directedFrom) {

    public boolean isDirected() {
        return _directedTo != null;

    public boolean isDirectedTo(int edge) {
        final int[] to = getDirectedTo();

        if (to == null)
            return false;

        // Assume _directedTo is sorted:

        final int toRange = to.length - 1;
        final int first = to[0];
        final int last = to[toRange];

        if (last - first == toRange) {
            return edge <= last && edge >= first;

        return Arrays.binarySearch(to, edge) >= 0;

    public boolean isDiscrete() {
        return Iterables.all(getSiblings(), VariablePredicates.isDiscrete());

    public final boolean isFactor() {
        return true;

     * Returns the number of constants with argument index not less than given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public int numConstantsAtOrAboveIndex(int index) {
        if (!computeConstantInfo())
            return 0;

        final int nEdges = _siblingEdges.size();
        final int x = _argToEdge[index];
        final int nConstants = getConstantCount();

        if (x < nEdges) {
            // An edge index
            return nConstants + x - index;
        } else {
            // A constant
            return nConstants + nEdges - x;

     * Returns the number of constants with argument index not greater than given index.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public int numConstantsAtOrBelowIndex(int index) {
        if (!computeConstantInfo())
            return 0;

        final int nEdges = _siblingEdges.size();
        final int x = _argToEdge[index];
        if (x < nEdges) {
            // An edge index
            return index - x;
        } else {
            // A constant
            return 1 + x - nEdges;

     * Returns the number of constants with argument index in given inclusive range.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for use by solver implementations.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.08
    public int numConstantsInIndexRange(int minIndex, int maxIndex) {
        int n = numConstantsAtOrBelowIndex(maxIndex);

        if (n > 0 && minIndex > 0) {
            n -= numConstantsAtOrBelowIndex(minIndex - 1);

        return n;

     * Removes edges to all variables that have fixed values and replace with constants.
     * <p>
     * For {@link DiscreteFactor}s, this will replace the factor function with one using a newly
     * generated factor table.
     * </p>
     * @return the number of variable edges that were removed.
     * @see Variable#hasFixedValue()
    public final int removeFixedVariables() {

        final int nEdges = getSiblingCount();
        IFactorTable oldFactorTable = null;

        final FactorGraph parent = requireNonNull(getParentGraph());

        // Visit in reverse order so that disconnect is safe.

        int[] valueIndices = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
        IntArrayList factorArguments = _argids;
        int nRemoved = 0;

        for (int i = nEdges; --i >= 0;) {
            final EdgeState edge = getSiblingEdgeState(i);
            final Variable var = edge.getVariable(parent);
            Value value = var.getPriorValue();
            if (value != null) {
                if (factorArguments == _argids) {
                    valueIndices = new int[factorArguments.size()];
                    Arrays.fill(valueIndices, -1);
                    factorArguments = factorArguments.copy();
                    if (isDiscrete()) {
                        // Before disconnecting siblings, force the factor table
                        // to be instantiated if discrete, since it may depend on
                        // the original edges.
                        oldFactorTable = getFactorTable();
                final int argIndex = siblingNumberToArgIndex(i);
                valueIndices[argIndex] = value.getIndex();
                factorArguments.set(argIndex, parent.addConstant(value).getLocalId());

        if (nRemoved > 0) {

            if (_factorFunction instanceof TableFactorFunction) {
                IFactorTable newTable = requireNonNull(oldFactorTable).createTableConditionedOn(valueIndices);
                setFactorFunction(TableFactorFunction.forFactor(this, newTable));
            } else {

        return nRemoved;

    public void replaceVariablesWithJoint(Variable[] variablesToJoin, Variable newJoint) {
        throw new DimpleException("not implemented");

    public void setDirectedTo(int[] directedTo) {

        if (!canBeDirected()) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    String.format("'%s' does not support setting direction", getClass().getSimpleName()));

        final JointDomainIndexer curDomains = getDomainList().asJointDomainIndexer();

        BitSet toSet = new BitSet(directedTo.length);

        final int nVariables = getSiblingCount();
        final int[] directedFrom = _directedFrom = new int[nVariables - directedTo.length];

        boolean sort = false;
        int prev = -1;
        for (int toVarIndex : directedTo) {
            if (toSet.get(toVarIndex) || toVarIndex > nVariables)
                throw new DimpleException("invalid edge");
            if (toVarIndex < prev) {
                sort = true;
            prev = toVarIndex;

        for (int i = 0, fromVarIndex = 0; (fromVarIndex = toSet
                .nextClearBit(fromVarIndex)) < nVariables; ++fromVarIndex, ++i) {
            directedFrom[i] = fromVarIndex;

        if (sort) {

        _directedTo = directedTo;


        if (curDomains != null) {
            JointDomainIndexer newDomains = getDomainList().asJointDomainIndexer();
            if (!curDomains.equals(newDomains)) {
                getFactorFunction().convertFactorTable(curDomains, newDomains);

        // FIXME - don't force creation
        ISolverFactor sfactor = getSolver();
        if (sfactor != null) {

     * Sets all edges to specified variables as output edges.
     * @param variables
     * @since 0.08
    public final void setDirectedTo(Set<Variable> variables) {

        final IntArrayList directedTo = new IntArrayList(variables.size());

        for (int i = 0, n = getSiblingCount(); i < n; ++i) {
            if (variables.contains(getSibling(i))) {


     * Sets all edges to specified variables as output edges.
    public final void setDirectedTo(Variable... variables) {

     * Sets all edges to specified variables as output edges.
    public final void setDirectedTo(VariableList vl) {

    public void setFactorFunction(FactorFunction function) {

        _factorFunction = function;
        if (_factorFunction.isDirected()) {
            // Automatically set direction if inherent in factor function
            int[] to = requireNonNull(_factorFunction.getDirectedToIndices(getArgumentCount()));

     * Makes factor undirected.
     * @since 0.07
    public void setUndirected() {

        _directedTo = null;
        _directedFrom = null;
        if (hasFactorTable()) {

     * Returns factor argument index corresponding to given sibling edge number.
     * <p>
     * If {@code siblingNumber} is less than {@link #getSiblingCount}, this returns the corresponding
     * factor argument index for that sibling edge. If it is larger than that, then this will return
     * the factor argument index for the nth constant where n is {@code siblingNumber} minus the
     * sibling count.
     * <p>
     * {@link #argIndexToSiblingNumber(int)} is the inverse of this method.
     * <p>
     * @param siblingNumber must be non-negative and less than the {@linkplain #getArgumentCount() number of
     * factor arguments}
     * @since 0.08
    public int siblingNumberToArgIndex(int siblingNumber) {
        return computeConstantInfo() ? _edgeToArgNumber[siblingNumber] : siblingNumber;

     * Protected  methods

     * @category internal
    protected void addSiblingEdgeState(EdgeState edge) {
        if (_argids != _siblingEdges) {
            final int edgeNumber = edge.getFactorToVariableEdgeNumber();

     * Return true if factor supports setting direction through one of the
     * {@link #setDirectedTo} methods.
     * <p>
     * Returns true by default.
     * <p>
     * @since 0.07
    protected boolean canBeDirected() {
        return true;

     * @category internal
    public void createSolverObject(@Nullable ISolverFactorGraph factorGraph) {
        if (factorGraph != null) {
            factorGraph.getSolverFactor(this, true);

     * @category internal
    protected void removeSiblingEdgeState(EdgeState edge) {
        if (_argids != _siblingEdges) {
            final int edgeNumber = edge.getFactorToVariableEdgeNumber();
            int argumentIndex;
            if (_edgeToArgNumber != NOT_YET_SET) {
                argumentIndex = _edgeToArgNumber[edgeNumber];
            } else {
                argumentIndex = -1;
                for (int sibling = 0; sibling <= edgeNumber;) {
                    if (Ids.typeIndexFromLocalId(_argids.get(argumentIndex)) != Ids.CONSTANT_TYPE) {

     * @category internal
    protected void replaceSiblingEdgeState(EdgeState oldEdge, EdgeState newEdge) {
        super.replaceSiblingEdgeState(oldEdge, newEdge);
        if (_argids != _siblingEdges) {
            final int newEdgeNumber = newEdge.getFactorToVariableEdgeNumber();
            final int argumentIndex = siblingNumberToArgIndex(newEdgeNumber);
            _argids.set(argumentIndex, newEdgeNumber);

    protected <T extends ISolverFactor> T requireSolver(String method, @Nullable T solverFactor) {
        if (solverFactor == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(String.format("solver must be set before using '%s'.", method));
        return solverFactor;

     * @category internal
    protected void setArguments(int[] argids) {
        _argids = new IntArrayList(argids);

    protected void trimToSize() {

     * Deprecated methods

    public String getClassLabel() {
        return "Factor";

     * @category internal
    public void setSolver(@Nullable ISolverFactor sfactor) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Factor.setSolver no longer supported");

     * Private methods

     * Compute fields related to constant argument indexing
     * @return true if factor has constants
     * @since 0.08
    private boolean computeConstantInfo() {
        if (_edgeToArgNumber == NOT_YET_SET) {
            final IntArrayList factorArguments = _argids;
            if (factorArguments == _siblingEdges) {
                // There are no constants.
                _edgeToArgNumber = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
                return false;

            final int nEdges = _siblingEdges.size();
            final int nArgs = factorArguments.size();
            final int[] edgeToArgNumber = new int[nArgs];
            final int[] argToEdgeNumber = new int[nArgs];
            for (int edgei = 0, argi = 0, constanti = nEdges; argi < nArgs; ++argi) {
                if (Ids.typeIndexFromLocalId(_argids.get(argi)) == Ids.CONSTANT_TYPE) {
                    edgeToArgNumber[constanti] = argi;
                    argToEdgeNumber[argi] = constanti;
                } else {
                    argToEdgeNumber[argi] = edgei;
                    edgeToArgNumber[edgei] = argi;

            _edgeToArgNumber = edgeToArgNumber;
            _argToEdge = argToEdgeNumber;

            return true;

        return _edgeToArgNumber.length != 0;

    private void ensureDirectedToSet() {
        if (_directedTo == NOT_YET_SET) {
            _directedTo = null;
            if (canBeDirected()) {

    private void forgetConstantInfo() {
        _edgeToArgNumber = NOT_YET_SET;
        _argToEdge = NOT_YET_SET;