Java tutorial
/* epub2pdf, version 0.5 - Copyright 2010 Brendan C. LeFebvre This file is part of epub2pdf. epub2pdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. epub2pdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with epub2pdf. If not, see <>. */ package com.amphisoft.epub2pdf; import static com.amphisoft.util.Print.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.amphisoft.util.jgtree.Tree; import com.amphisoft.util.jgtree.TreeNode; import com.amphisoft.epub.Epub; import com.amphisoft.epub.metadata.Ncx; import com.amphisoft.epub.metadata.Opf; import com.amphisoft.epub.metadata.Ncx.NavPoint; import com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.content.TextFactory; import com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.content.XhtmlHandler; import com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.metadata.TocTreeNode; import com.amphisoft.pdf.ITPageSize; import com.amphisoft.util.units.Length; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.RectangleReadOnly; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfDestination; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfOutline; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; public class Converter { protected static float marginTopPt = 8.0f; protected static float marginRightPt = 8.0f; protected static float marginBottomPt = 8.0f; protected static float marginLeftPt = 8.0f; protected static Rectangle pageSize = ITPageSize.FOXIT_ESLICK; private static Properties epub2pdfProps; private static void loadProperties() { epub2pdfProps = new Properties(); String propsFilename = ""; try { epub2pdfProps.load(new FileInputStream(propsFilename)); } catch (IOException e) { printlnerr("IOException reading properties from " + propsFilename + "; continuing anyway"); } } static { loadProperties(); } Epub epubIn; File outputDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); public void applyProperties(Properties props) { SortedSet<String> propsSorted = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Object o : props.keySet()) { propsSorted.add(o.toString()); } for (String propName : propsSorted) { if ("".equals(propName)) { setDefaultFont(props); } if ("font.default.sizebase".equals(propName)) { setDefaultFontBaseSize(props); } if ("".equals(propName)) { setMonospaceFont(props); } if ("font.monospace.sizebase".equals(propName)) { setMonospaceFontBaseSize(props); } if ("page.size".equals(propName)) { setPageSize(props); } if ("margins.size".equals(propName)) { setMargins(props); } if ("output.dir".equals(propName)) { setOutputDir(props); } if ("full.justify".equals(propName)) { setDefaultAlignment(props); } } } private void setDefaultAlignment(Properties props) { String justify = props.getProperty("full.justify").trim(); if (justify.toLowerCase().contains("true")) { XhtmlHandler.setDefaultAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED); System.err.println("Default paragraph alignment: justified"); } else { XhtmlHandler.setDefaultAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT); System.err.println("Default paragraph alignment: left"); } } private void setOutputDir(Properties props) { String outputDirStr = props.getProperty("output.dir").trim(); if (outputDirStr.length() == 0) { // leave as default } else { outputDir = new File(outputDirStr); if (!(outputDir.canRead() && outputDir.canWrite())) { System.err.println("Cannot access output directory " + outputDirStr); System.exit(1); } } } private void setPageSize(Properties props) { String pageSizeStr = props.getProperty("page.size").trim(); pageSizeStr = pageSizeStr.toLowerCase(); if (pageSizeStr.contains("x")) { int sepIdx = pageSizeStr.indexOf('x'); try { String widthStr = pageSizeStr.substring(0, sepIdx); String heightStr = pageSizeStr.substring(sepIdx + 1); Length width = Length.fromString(widthStr); Length height = Length.fromString(heightStr); System.err.println("Page size (w x h): " + width.toString() + " x " + height.toString()); pageSize = new RectangleReadOnly(width.toPoints().getMagnitude(), height.toPoints().getMagnitude()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { pageSizeErrorNotice(); } } else { pageSizeErrorNotice(); } } private void pageSizeErrorNotice() { System.err.println("Could not parse page size string; using default 90mmx115mm"); } private void setMonospaceFontBaseSize(Properties props) { String sizeStr = props.getProperty("font.monospace.sizebase").trim(); if (sizeStr == null) { sizeStr = "10pt"; } Length mfbsLength = Length.fromString(sizeStr); float size = mfbsLength.toPoints().getMagnitude(); TextFactory.setDefaultFontMonoSize(size); System.err.println("Monospace base size: " + size + "pt"); } private void setMonospaceFont(Properties props) { String fontName = props.getProperty("").trim(); if (TextFactory.setDefaultFontMonoByName(fontName)) { System.err.println("Default monospace font: " + fontName); } else { System.err .println("Failed to set default monospace font to " + fontName + "; retaining previous value"); } } private void setMargins(Properties props) { String marginStr = props.getProperty("margins.size").trim(); StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(marginStr, ","); ArrayList<String> marginParams = new ArrayList<String>(); while (sT.hasMoreTokens()) { marginParams.add(sT.nextToken()); } int marginParamCount = marginParams.size(); if (marginParamCount < 1 || marginParamCount > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse margins.size; retaining previous value"); } else { ArrayList<Length> margins = new ArrayList<Length>(); for (String param : marginParams) { margins.add(Length.fromString(param)); } marginTopPt = margins.get(0).toPoints().getMagnitude(); marginRightPt = margins.get(1).toPoints().getMagnitude(); marginBottomPt = marginTopPt; marginLeftPt = marginRightPt; if (margins.size() > 2) marginBottomPt = margins.get(2).toPoints().getMagnitude(); if (margins.size() > 3) marginLeftPt = margins.get(3).toPoints().getMagnitude(); System.err.print("Margins (top right bottom left): "); for (Length el : margins) { System.err.print(el.toString() + " "); } System.err.println(); } } private void setDefaultFontBaseSize(Properties props) { String sizeStr = props.getProperty("font.default.sizebase").trim(); if (sizeStr == null) { sizeStr = "12pt"; } Length dfbsLength = Length.fromString(sizeStr); float size = dfbsLength.toPoints().getMagnitude(); TextFactory.setDefaultFontSize(size); System.err.println("Default font base size set to " + size + "pt"); } private void setDefaultFont(Properties props) { String fontName = props.getProperty("").trim(); if (TextFactory.setDefaultFontByName(fontName)) { System.err.println("Default font set to " + fontName); } else { System.err.println("Failed to reset default font to " + fontName); } } public void convert(String epubPath) throws IOException, DocumentException { File epubFile = new File(epubPath); if (!(epubFile.canRead())) { throw new IOException("Could not read " + epubPath); } else { System.err.println("Converting " + epubFile.getAbsolutePath()); } String epubFilename = epubFile.getName(); String epubFilenameBase = epubFilename.substring(0, epubFilename.length() - 5); String pdfFilename = epubFilenameBase + ".pdf"; File outputFile = new File(outputDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + pdfFilename); epubIn = Epub.fromFile(epubPath); XhtmlHandler.setSourceEpub(epubIn); Opf opf = epubIn.getOpf(); List<String> contentPaths = opf.spineHrefs(); List<File> contentFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String path : contentPaths) { contentFiles.add(new File(epubIn.getContentRoot(), path)); } Ncx ncx = epubIn.getNcx(); List<NavPoint> ncxToc = new ArrayList<NavPoint>(); if (ncx != null) { ncxToc.addAll(ncx.getNavPointsFlat()); } Tree<TocTreeNode> tocTree = TocTreeNode.buildTocTree(ncx); XhtmlHandler.setTocTree(tocTree); Document doc = new Document(); boolean pageSizeOK = doc.setPageSize(pageSize); boolean marginsOK = doc.setMargins(marginLeftPt, marginRightPt, marginTopPt, marginBottomPt); System.err.println("Writing PDF to " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(outputFile)); writer.setStrictImageSequence(true); PdfOutline bookmarkRoot = null; if (!(pageSizeOK && marginsOK)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to set PDF page size a/o margins"); } int fileCount = contentFiles.size(); printlnerr("Processing " + fileCount + " HTML file(s): "); int currentFile = 0; for (File file : contentFiles) { currentFile++; char progressChar; int mod10 = currentFile % 10; if (mod10 == 5) progressChar = '5'; else if (mod10 == 0) progressChar = '0'; else progressChar = '.'; printerr(progressChar); if (!(doc.isOpen())) {; doc.newPage(); bookmarkRoot = writer.getRootOutline(); XhtmlHandler.setBookmarkRoot(bookmarkRoot); } NavPoint fileLevelNP = Ncx.findNavPoint(ncxToc, file.getName()); TreeNode<TocTreeNode> npNode = TocTreeNode.findInTreeByNavPoint(tocTree, fileLevelNP); if (fileLevelNP != null) { doc.newPage(); PdfOutline pdfOutlineParent = bookmarkRoot; if (npNode != null) { TreeNode<TocTreeNode> parent = npNode.getParent(); if (parent != null) { TocTreeNode parentTTN = parent.getValue(); if (parentTTN != null && parentTTN.getPdfOutline() != null) { pdfOutlineParent = parentTTN.getPdfOutline(); } } } PdfDestination here = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT); PdfOutline pdfTocEntry = new PdfOutline(pdfOutlineParent, here, fileLevelNP.getNavLabelText()); if (npNode != null) { npNode.getValue().setPdfDestination(here); npNode.getValue().setPdfOutline(pdfTocEntry); } } XhtmlHandler.process(file.getCanonicalPath(), doc); } printlnerr(); doc.close(); System.err.println("PDF written to " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); epubIn.cleanup(); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) usage(); else { for (String infile : args) { System.err.println(); try { Converter c = new Converter(); c.applyProperties(epub2pdfProps); c.convert(infile); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception converting " + infile + ":"); System.err.println("\t" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " at:"); StackTraceElement topElem = e.getStackTrace()[0]; System.err.print("\t\t" + topElem.getClassName() + "."); System.err.print(topElem.getMethodName()); int line = topElem.getLineNumber(); if (line > 9) System.err.print(":" + topElem.getLineNumber()); System.err.println(); } } } } public static void usage() { println("Usage: com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.Converter <path-to-epub>"); } /** * @return a new Properties object populated with the properties * as read from the file. */ public static Properties getProperties() { return new Properties(epub2pdfProps); } }