Java tutorial
/* epub2pdf, version 0.5 - Copyright 2010 Brendan C. LeFebvre This file is part of epub2pdf. epub2pdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. epub2pdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with epub2pdf. If not, see <>. */ package com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.content; import static com.amphisoft.util.StringManip.nothingButSpaces; import static com.amphisoft.util.StringManip.removeLineBreaks; import static com.amphisoft.util.StringManip.changeLineBreaksToSpaces; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog; import org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.amphisoft.epub.Epub; import com.amphisoft.epub.content.XhtmlTags; import com.amphisoft.epub.metadata.Ncx.NavPoint; import com.amphisoft.epub2pdf.metadata.TocTreeNode; import; import; import; import com.amphisoft.logging.LogEvent; import com.amphisoft.logging.LogEventPublisher; import com.amphisoft.logging.LogEventSubscriber; import com.amphisoft.pdf.ITAlignment; import com.amphisoft.pdf.ITPageSize; import com.amphisoft.util.jgtree.Tree; import com.amphisoft.util.jgtree.TreeNode; import com.lowagie.text.Anchor; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.ElementTags; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.List; import com.lowagie.text.ListItem; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.RectangleReadOnly; import com.lowagie.text.TextElementArray; import com.lowagie.text.html.SAXmyHtmlHandler; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfDestination; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfOutline; import static com.amphisoft.util.Print.*; /** * * @author brendanl * */ public class XhtmlHandler extends SAXmyHtmlHandler implements LogEventPublisher { private Collection<LogEventSubscriber> _subscribers = new ArrayList<LogEventSubscriber>(); protected Chunk currentChunk = null; protected Document document; protected Stack<Element> stack = new Stack<Element>();; protected Stack<SaxElement> saxElementStack = new Stack<SaxElement>(); protected String currentTag = ""; protected String previousTag = ""; protected File xhtmlDir = null; protected String currentFile = ""; protected static int[] FONTSIZES = { 24, 18, 12, 10, 8, 6 }; protected static float[] FONTMULTIPLIERS = { 2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f, 0.83f, 0.75f, 0.5f }; protected static TextFactory textFactory = new TextFactory(); protected static int currentITextStyle = Font.NORMAL; protected static int defaultAlignment = Paragraph.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; protected static Paragraph specialParagraph = null; protected static String[] nonPrintingTags = { "title", "style" }; protected static Rectangle pageSize = ITPageSize.FOXIT_ESLICK; protected static float marginTopPt = 4.0f; protected static float marginRightPt = 8.0f; protected static float marginBottomPt = 4.0f; protected static float marginLeftPt = 4.0f; private static CssParser cssParser; private static Epub sourceEpub = null; private static PdfOutline bookmarkRoot = null; private static Tree<TocTreeNode> tocTree = null; static { cssParser = new CssParser(); } // currently-active style declarations // some object "current-style" private boolean freshParagraph = false;; private boolean inStyleTag = false; private StringBuilder styleTagContents = null; CssStyleMap styleMap; @Override public void startDocument() { styleMap = new CssStyleMap(); } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { String content = new String(ch, start, length); String abridgedContent; if (content.length() <= 20) { abridgedContent = content; } else { abridgedContent = content.substring(0, 10); abridgedContent += " ... "; int tailStartIndex = content.length() - 10; int tailEndIndex = content.length(); abridgedContent += content.substring(tailStartIndex, tailEndIndex); } //printlnerr("chars:[" + abridgedContent + "]"); boolean printThese = true; for (String tag : nonPrintingTags) { if (tag.equals(currentTag)) { printThese = false; break; } } if (inStyleTag) { if (styleTagContents == null) { styleTagContents = new StringBuilder(); } styleTagContents.append(content); } else if (printThese) { Font font = null; if (XhtmlTags.PRE.equals(currentTag) || XhtmlTags.TT.equals(currentTag)) { font = textFactory.getDefaultFontMono(); } else { font = textFactory.getCurrentFont(); } if (currentITextStyle != font.getStyle()) { font.setStyle(currentITextStyle); } if (!(XhtmlTags.PRE.equals(currentTag) || XhtmlTags.TT.equals(currentTag))) { if (stack.size() > 0 && stack.peek() instanceof Paragraph) { content = changeLineBreaksToSpaces(content); } else { content = removeLineBreaks(content); } if (nothingButSpaces(content)) { SaxElement tagInProgress = saxElementStack.peek(); if (!tagInProgress.qName.equals("p")) { content = ""; } } boolean leadingSpace = content.length() >= 1 && content.startsWith(" ") && !freshParagraph; //content.charAt(1) != ' '; boolean trailingSpace = content.length() > 1 && content.endsWith(" "); //&& //content.charAt(content.length()-2) != ' '; content = content.trim(); if (leadingSpace) { content = " " + content; } if (trailingSpace) content = content + " "; } if (content.length() > 0) { if (currentChunk != null) { if (specialParagraph != null || currentChunk.getFont().compareTo(font) != 0) { pushToStack(currentChunk); currentChunk = null; } else { currentChunk.append(content); } } else { if (specialParagraph != null) { specialParagraph.add(new Chunk(content)); } else { currentChunk = new Chunk(content, font); } } } freshParagraph = false; } } String stackStatus() { if (stack.size() == 0) { return "(empty)"; } else { StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder(); for (Element e : stack) { sB.append(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); } return sB.toString(); } } int saxElemIdCounter = 1; int currentSaxElemId; @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) { /* if("ol".equals(qName) || "ul".equals(qName) || "li".equals(qName)) { System.err.print(qName + " "); } */ currentSaxElemId = saxElemIdCounter; Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // parse attributes for (int ai = 0; ai < attributes.getLength(); ai++) { attrMap.put(attributes.getQName(ai), attributes.getValue(ai)); } String idAttr = attrMap.get("id"); if (idAttr == null) { idAttr = ""; } String className = attrMap.get("class"); if (className == null) { className = ""; } SaxElement sE = new SaxElement(qName, saxElemIdCounter++, className, idAttr, currentITextStyle); //printlnerr("startElement: " + sE.toString()); saxElementStack.push(sE); try { if (attrMap.get("class") != null) { String[] elemClasses = attrMap.get("class").split(" "); for (String eClass : elemClasses) { StyleSpecText classTextStyles = styleMap.getTextStyleSpecFor(qName, eClass); if (classTextStyles != null) { sE.applyTextStyles(classTextStyles); } } } if (attrMap.get("style") != null) { // TODO this needs more thought, and careful tracking of which tags are still open, etc. //String styleSource = attrMap.get("style"); //CssStyleMap styleTagStyles = cssParser.getStylesFromStyleTag(styleSource); // ... } if (sE.textStyles == null) { try { int stackSize = saxElementStack.size(); if (stackSize > 1) { SaxElement enclosingElement = saxElementStack.elementAt(stackSize - 2); StyleSpecText enclosingSST = enclosingElement.textStyles; if (enclosingSST != null) sE.applyTextStyles(enclosingSST); } } catch (Exception e) { } } StyleSpecText currentTextStyles = sE.textStyles; if (currentTextStyles != null) { if (currentTextStyles.isBold()) { currentITextStyle |= Font.BOLD; } if (currentTextStyles.isItalic()) { currentITextStyle |= Font.ITALIC; } } //System.err.println("PUSH -> " + saxElementStack); previousTag = currentTag; currentTag = qName; if (document.isOpen()) { if (XhtmlTags.NEWLINE.equals(qName)) { if (stack.size() > 0) { TextElementArray currentTEA = (TextElementArray) stack.peek(); currentTEA.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } else if (specialParagraph != null) { specialParagraph.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } } updateStack(); String xmlElementId = attrMap.get("id"); if (XhtmlTags.ANCHOR.equals(qName)) { //concession to nonconformists... if (xmlElementId == null) { xmlElementId = attrMap.get("name"); } Anchor anchor = textFactory.newAnchor(); String ref = attrMap.get(XhtmlTags.REFERENCE); if (ref != null) { int aNameStartIdx = ref.lastIndexOf("#") + 1; ref = ref.substring(aNameStartIdx); anchor.setReference(ref); } if (xmlElementId != null) { anchor.setName(xmlElementId); } pushToStack(anchor); } else { if (xmlElementId != null) { //flushStack(); Anchor dest = textFactory.newAnchor(); dest.setName(xmlElementId); pushToStack(dest); //flushStack(); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (XhtmlTags.H[i].equals(qName)) { flushStack(); freshParagraph = true; currentITextStyle |= Font.BOLD; specialParagraph = textFactory.newHeadline(i + 1); return; } } if ("blockquote".equals(qName)) { flushStack(); freshParagraph = true; Paragraph p = textFactory.newParagraph(); p.setIndentationLeft(50); p.setIndentationRight(20); p.setAlignment(defaultAlignment); pushToStack(p); } else if (XhtmlTags.PARAGRAPH.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); freshParagraph = true; Paragraph p = textFactory.newParagraph(); pushToStack(p); } else if (XhtmlTags.DIV.equals(qName)) { if (stack.size() > 0 && stack.peek().getChunks().size() > 0) { flushStack(); } if (stack.size() == 0) { Paragraph brandNewParagraph = textFactory.newParagraph(); pushToStack(brandNewParagraph); freshParagraph = true; } } else if (XhtmlTags.PRE.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); freshParagraph = true; Paragraph p = textFactory.newParagraphPre(); pushToStack(p); } else if (XhtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); List oList = new List(List.ORDERED, 10); pushToStack(oList); } else if (XhtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); List uList = new List(List.UNORDERED, 10); pushToStack(uList); } else if (XhtmlTags.LISTITEM.equals(qName)) { freshParagraph = true; ListItem listItem = new ListItem(); pushToStack(listItem); } else if (XhtmlTags.IMAGE.equals(qName)) { handleImage(attributes); } else if (qName != null && qName.endsWith("image")) { handleSvgImage(attributes); } else if (XhtmlTags.LINK.equals(qName)) { // if it's a stylesheet, parse it & update current-style if ("stylesheet".equals(attrMap.get("rel")) && "text/css".equals(attrMap.get("type")) && attrMap.get("href") != null) { String cssHref = xhtmlDir.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toString() + attrMap.get("href"); CssStyleMap stylesFromLink = cssParser.getStylesFromFileURI(cssHref); if (stylesFromLink != null) { styleMap.updateWith(stylesFromLink); } } } else if (XhtmlTags.STYLE.equals(qName)) { inStyleTag = true; } else if (XhtmlTags.EM.equals(qName) || "I".equals(qName.toUpperCase())) { currentITextStyle |= Font.ITALIC; } else if (XhtmlTags.STRONG.equals(currentTag) || "B".equals(qName.toUpperCase())) { currentITextStyle |= Font.BOLD; } } } else if (XhtmlTags.BODY.equals(qName)) {; freshParagraph = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //printlnerr("leaving startElement " + localName + "; stack: " + stackStatus()); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) { //System.err.println("PRE-POP -> " + saxElementStack); SaxElement closedElement = saxElementStack.pop(); //System.err.println("POST-POP -> " + saxElementStack); currentITextStyle = closedElement.precedingItextStyle; //printlnerr("endElement:" + closedElement.toString()); /* if("li".equals(qName)) { System.err.print("/" + qName + " "); } if("ol".equals(qName) || "ul".equals(qName)) { printlnerr("/" + qName + " "); } */ //printlnerr("entering endElement " + localName + "; stack: " + stackStatus()); try { //printlnerr("</" + qName + ">"); if (document.isOpen()) { updateStack(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (XhtmlTags.H[i].equals(qName)) { //currentITextStyle ^= Font.BOLD; if (specialParagraph != null) { pushToStack(specialParagraph); } flushStack(); specialParagraph = null; return; } } if (XhtmlTags.BLOCKQUOTE.equals(qName) || XhtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST.equals(qName) || XhtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST.equals(qName) || XhtmlTags.PRE.equals(qName) || XhtmlTags.PARAGRAPH.equals(qName) || XhtmlTags.DIV.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); } else if (XhtmlTags.TT.equals(qName)) { updateStack(); } else if (XhtmlTags.LISTITEM.equals(qName)) { ListItem listItem = null; List list = null; try { Element stackTop = (Element) popFromStack(); try { listItem = (ListItem) stackTop; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { pushToStack(stackTop); } try { Element stackTop2 = (Element) popFromStack(); try { list = (List) stackTop2; } catch (ClassCastException cce2) { pushToStack(stackTop2); } } catch (EmptyStackException e) { //printlnerr("*** EMPTY STACK (List)"); } } catch (EmptyStackException e) { //printlnerr("*** EMPTY STACK (ListItem)"); } finally { if (listItem != null && list != null) list.add(listItem); if (list != null) { pushToStack(list); } } } else if (XhtmlTags.ANCHOR.equals(qName)) { Anchor anchor = null; Element stackTop = null; try { stackTop = (Element) popFromStack(); try { anchor = (Anchor) stackTop; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { if (stackTop != null) { pushToStack(stackTop); } } if (anchor != null) { pushToStack(anchor); } } catch (EmptyStackException es) { if (anchor != null) { pushToStack(anchor); } } } else if (XhtmlTags.HTML.equals(qName)) { flushStack(); if (this.controlOpenClose) { document.close(); } } else if (XhtmlTags.EM.equals(qName) || "I".equals(qName.toUpperCase())) { //currentITextStyle ^= Font.ITALIC; } else if (XhtmlTags.STRONG.equals(currentTag) || "B".equals(qName.toUpperCase())) { //currentITextStyle ^= Font.BOLD; } else if (XhtmlTags.STYLE.equals(qName)) { if (styleTagContents != null) { CssStyleMap stylesFromHeadTag = cssParser .getStylesFromStyleTag(styleTagContents.toString()); if (stylesFromHeadTag != null) { styleMap.updateWith(stylesFromHeadTag); } styleTagContents = null; } inStyleTag = false; } } //printlnerr("leaving endElement " + localName + "; stack: " + stackStatus()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* if (saxElementStack.size()>0) { StyleSpecText revertStyles = saxElementStack.peek().textStyles; if (revertStyles != null) { currentITextStyle = Font.NORMAL; if (revertStyles.isBold()) { currentITextStyle |= Font.BOLD; } if (revertStyles.isItalic()) { currentITextStyle |= Font.ITALIC; } } else { currentITextStyle = Font.NORMAL; } } */ } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugElementStack(Stack<Element> elemStack) { for (Element elem : elemStack) { debugElementNoBreak(elem); printerr(" | "); } printlnerr(""); } /** * Flushes the stack, adding all objects in it to the document. */ private void flushStack() { //printlnerr("entering flushStack; stack: " + stackStatus()); Stack<Element> reverseStack = new Stack<Element>(); try { //printlnerr("*** FLUSH COMMENCE ***"); //debugElementStack(stack); while (stack.size() > 0) { Element element = null; try { element = (Element) popFromStack(); if (!(element instanceof TextElementArray)) { System.err.print(""); printlnerr("Orphaned element: [" + element.toString() + "]"); } else if (element instanceof Anchor) { reverseStack.push(element); } else { TextElementArray previous = (TextElementArray) popFromStack(); if (previous != null) { if (previous instanceof Anchor) { reverseStack.push(element); reverseStack.push(previous); } else { previous = appendToTEA(previous, element); pushToStack(previous); } } else { pushToStack(element); } } } catch (EmptyStackException es) { if (element != null) { reverseStack.push(element); } } } //printlnerr("*** FLUSH ***"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); printerr(""); } //printlnerr("*** ADDING TO PDF ***"); //debugElementStack(reverseStack); try { printerr(""); while (reverseStack.size() > 0) { Element elemToAdd = reverseStack.pop(); if (elemToAdd instanceof TextElementArray) { checkTextElementArrayForTocAnchors(document, (TextElementArray) elemToAdd); } addToDocument(elemToAdd); } } catch (DocumentException docEx) { docEx.printStackTrace(); } } private TextElementArray appendToTEA(TextElementArray previous, Element element) { //debugAppendToTEA(previous,element); @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean success = previous.add(element); //debugAppendedTEA(previous,success); return previous; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugAppendToTEA(TextElementArray tea, Element element) { printerr("Appending to TEA: "); debugElementNoBreak(tea); printerr(" + "); debugElement(element); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugAppendedTEA(TextElementArray tea, boolean success) { printerr("Append to TEA "); printerr(success ? "succeeded: " : "FAILED: "); printerr("TEA now: "); debugElement(tea); } private void checkTextElementArrayForTocAnchors(Document doc, TextElementArray tea) throws DocumentException { if (tea instanceof Anchor) { Anchor a = (Anchor) tea; addAnchorToBookmarks(a); } else { if (tea.type() == Element.PARAGRAPH) { Paragraph p = (Paragraph) tea; for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) { Object o = p.get(i); if (o instanceof TextElementArray) { checkTextElementArrayForTocAnchors(doc, (TextElementArray) o); } } } } } private void addToBookmarks(String currentFile, String aName) { // curFileCP, aName try { StringBuilder lookupSB = new StringBuilder(); String currentFileBaseName = new File(currentFile).getName(); String currentFileEpubRooted = null; for (String spineRef : sourceEpub.getOpf().spineHrefs()) { if (spineRef.endsWith(currentFileBaseName)) { currentFileEpubRooted = spineRef; break; } } if (currentFileEpubRooted == null) { //throw new Exception(); } lookupSB.append(currentFileEpubRooted); if (aName != null && !aName.isEmpty()) { lookupSB.append('#'); lookupSB.append(aName); } String lookup = lookupSB.toString(); NavPoint nP = sourceEpub.getNcx().findNavPoint(lookup); TreeNode<TocTreeNode> npNode = TocTreeNode.findInTreeByNavPoint(tocTree, nP); if (nP != null) { document.newPage(); PdfOutline pdfOutlineParent = bookmarkRoot; if (npNode != null) { TreeNode<TocTreeNode> parent = npNode.getParent(); if (parent != null) { TocTreeNode parentTTN = parent.getValue(); if (parentTTN != null && parentTTN.getPdfOutline() != null) { pdfOutlineParent = parentTTN.getPdfOutline(); } } } PdfDestination here = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT); PdfOutline pdfTocEntry = new PdfOutline(pdfOutlineParent, here, nP.getNavLabelText()); if (npNode != null) { npNode.getValue().setPdfDestination(here); npNode.getValue().setPdfOutline(pdfTocEntry); } } else { //throw new Exception("NCX lookup fail: " + lookup); } } catch (Exception e) { //printlnerr("Failed to update PDF bookmarks with Anchor " + aName + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private void addAnchorToBookmarks(Anchor a) { if (sourceEpub != null && bookmarkRoot != null && a.getReference() == null && a.getName() != null) { String aName = a.getName(); addToBookmarks(currentFile, aName); } } private java.util.List<String> getNoNewSpaceTagsList() { String[] noNewSpaceTags = { "a", "span", "em", "strong", "small", "br" }; java.util.List<String> noNewSpaceTagsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String tag : noNewSpaceTags) { noNewSpaceTagsList.add(tag); } return noNewSpaceTagsList; } /** * If the current Chunk is not null, its constituents are forwarded to the stack and it is then made * null. */ private void updateStack() { //printlnerr("entering updateStack; stack: " + stackStatus()); java.util.List<String> noNewSpaceTagsColl = getNoNewSpaceTagsList(); if (currentChunk != null) { TextElementArray current; try { current = (TextElementArray) popFromStack(); if ((!(current instanceof Paragraph) || !((Paragraph) current).isEmpty()) && !(noNewSpaceTagsColl.contains(currentTag))) { current = appendToTEA(current, new Chunk(" ")); } } catch (EmptyStackException ese) { current = textFactory.newParagraph(); } //printlnerr("*** CHUNK {" + currentChunk.getContent() + "}"); current.add(currentChunk); pushToStack(current); currentChunk = null; } //printlnerr("leaving updateStack; stack: " + stackStatus()); } private void handleImage(String url, String alt, String borderWidth, String alignment) throws DocumentException { float marginTopPt = document.topMargin(); float marginBottomPt = document.bottomMargin(); float marginLeftPt = document.leftMargin(); float marginRightPt = document.rightMargin(); if (url == null) return; Image img = null; String imgSimpleName = ""; try { File imgFile = new File(xhtmlDir, url); String imgPath = imgFile.getCanonicalPath(); imgSimpleName = imgFile.getName(); img = Image.getInstance(imgPath); if (alt == null) { alt = imgSimpleName; } img.setAlt(alt); } catch (Exception e) { printlnerr("epub2pdf: problem adding image " + imgSimpleName + ": " + e.getMessage()); return; } if (borderWidth != null) { int border = Integer.parseInt(borderWidth); if (border == 0) { img.setBorder(Image.NO_BORDER); } else { img.setBorder(Image.BOX); img.setBorderWidth(border); } } if (alignment != null) { int align = Image.DEFAULT; if (ElementTags.ALIGN_LEFT.equalsIgnoreCase(alignment)) align = Image.LEFT; else if (ElementTags.ALIGN_RIGHT.equalsIgnoreCase(alignment)) align = Image.RIGHT; else if (ElementTags.ALIGN_MIDDLE.equalsIgnoreCase(alignment)) align = Image.MIDDLE; img.setAlignment(align | Image.TEXTWRAP); } else { img.setAlignment(Image.MIDDLE); } Rectangle pageRect = document.getPageSize(); float verticalMarginTotal = marginTopPt + marginBottomPt; float horizontalMarginTotal = marginLeftPt + marginRightPt; float imgMaxWidth = pageRect.getWidth() - horizontalMarginTotal - 2; float imgMaxHeight = pageRect.getHeight() - verticalMarginTotal - 2; float imgOrigWidth = img.getWidth(); float imgOrigHeight = img.getHeight(); if (imgOrigHeight > imgMaxHeight || imgOrigWidth > imgMaxWidth) { img.scaleToFit(imgMaxWidth, imgMaxHeight); } boolean addOK = addToDocument(img); if (!addOK) { System.err.println("** addToDocument(" + img.getUrl() + ") returned false"); } } /** * Handles the attributes of an IMG tag. * * @param attributes * @throws DocumentException */ private void handleImage(Attributes attributes) throws DocumentException { String url = attributes.getValue(XhtmlTags.URL); String alt = attributes.getValue(XhtmlTags.ALT); String borderWidth = attributes.getValue(XhtmlTags.BORDERWIDTH); String alignment = attributes.getValue(XhtmlTags.ALIGN); handleImage(url, alt, borderWidth, alignment); } /** * Handles the attributes of an svg.image tag. * @param attributes * @throws DocumentException */ private void handleSvgImage(Attributes attributes) throws DocumentException { String url = attributes.getValue("xlink:href"); handleImage(url, null, null, null); } public XhtmlHandler(String xhtml, Document docInProgress) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, SAXException { super(docInProgress); currentFile = xhtml; this.controlOpenClose = false; document = docInProgress; parseXhtml(xhtml); } void parseXhtml(String xhtml) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, SAXException { File xhtmlFile = new File(xhtml); //printlnerr("Processing " + xhtmlFile.getName()); xhtmlDir = xhtmlFile.getParentFile(); CatalogManager.getStaticManager().setIgnoreMissingProperties(true); ResolvingXMLReader reader = new ResolvingXMLReader(); Catalog catalog = reader.getCatalog(); catalog.parseCatalog("etc/xhtml/catalog.xml"); reader.setContentHandler(this); InputSource iS = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(xhtml)); reader.parse(iS); } public static void process(String xhtml, Document doc) { try { new XhtmlHandler(xhtml, doc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } static String getAbridgedContents(Element elem) { String content = ""; if (elem != null) content += elem.toString(); int len = content.length(); if (len > 25) { StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder(); sB.append(content.substring(0, 10)); sB.append(" ... "); sB.append(content.substring(len - 10)); content = sB.toString(); } if (elem instanceof Anchor) { Anchor elemAnchor = (Anchor) elem; StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder(); sB.append('_'); sB.append(elemAnchor.getName()); if (elemAnchor.getReference() != null) { sB.append("->"); sB.append(elemAnchor.getReference()); } sB.append(":"); sB.append(content); content = sB.toString(); } return content; } static class SaxElement { final String qName; final int id; final String className; final String idAttr; final int precedingItextStyle; StyleSpecText textStyles; SaxElement(String q, int i, String c, String idA, int preStyle) { qName = q; id = i; className = c; idAttr = idA; precedingItextStyle = preStyle; } void applyTextStyles(StyleSpecText sst) { textStyles = new StyleSpecText(sst); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder(qName); if (className != null && className.length() > 0) { sB.append(":"); sB.append(className); } sB.append("_"); sB.append(id); if (idAttr != null && idAttr.length() > 0) { sB.append("("); sB.append(idAttr); sB.append(")"); } if (textStyles != null) { sB.append('_'); sB.append(textStyles.toString()); } return sB.toString(); } } public static void setDefaultPageSize(float widthPt, float heightPt) { pageSize = new RectangleReadOnly(widthPt, heightPt); } public static void setDefaultAlignment(int itextAlignmentCode) { defaultAlignment = itextAlignmentCode; TextFactory.setDefaultITAlignment(ITAlignment.getValueForInt(itextAlignmentCode)); } public static void setSourceEpub(Epub epubIn) { sourceEpub = epubIn; } public static void setBookmarkRoot(PdfOutline outline) { bookmarkRoot = outline; } public static void setTocTree(Tree<TocTreeNode> tree) { tocTree = tree; } private Element pushToStack(Element elem) { //debugPushing(elem); if (elem instanceof Anchor && stack.size() > 0) { Element stackTop = stack.peek(); if (stackTop instanceof Paragraph) { ((Paragraph) stackTop).add(elem); return elem; } } return stack.push(elem); } private Element popFromStack() throws EmptyStackException { //debugPopping(stack.peek()); return stack.pop(); } private boolean addToDocument(Element elem) throws DocumentException { //debugAdding(elem); return document.add(elem); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugPushing(Element elem) { printerr("Pushing: "); debugElement(elem); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugPopping(Element elem) { printerr("Popping: "); debugElement(elem); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugAdding(Element elem) { printerr("Adding: "); debugElement(elem); } private void debugElement(Element elem) { printerr(getClassOf(elem)); printlnerr(getAbridgedContents(elem)); } private void debugElementNoBreak(Element elem) { printerr(getClassOf(elem)); printerr(getAbridgedContents(elem)); } private String getClassOf(Element elem) { if (elem == null) { return "<null>"; } else { Object elemObj = (Object) elem; return elemObj.getClass().getSimpleName(); } } @Override public boolean subscribe(LogEventSubscriber sub) { return _subscribers.add(sub); } @Override public boolean unsubscribe(LogEventSubscriber sub) { return _subscribers.remove(sub); } void notifySubscribers(LogEvent ev) { for (LogEventSubscriber sub : _subscribers) { sub.notify(ev); } } }