Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2016, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * LeaseCoordinator abstracts away LeaseTaker and LeaseRenewer from the application code that's using leasing. It owns * the scheduling of the two previously mentioned components as well as informing LeaseRenewer when LeaseTaker takes new * leases. * */ public class LeaseCoordinator<T extends Lease> { /* * Name of the dimension used when setting worker identifier on IMetricsScopes. Exposed so that users of this class * can easily create InterceptingMetricsFactories that rename this dimension to suit the destination metrics system. */ public static final String WORKER_IDENTIFIER_METRIC = "WorkerIdentifier"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LeaseCoordinator.class); // Time to wait for in-flight Runnables to finish when calling .stop(); private static final long STOP_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS = 2000L; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEASES_FOR_WORKER = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEASES_TO_STEAL_AT_ONE_TIME = 1; private static final ThreadFactory LEASE_COORDINATOR_THREAD_FACTORY = new NamedThreadFactory( "LeaseCoordinator-"); private static final ThreadFactory LEASE_RENEWAL_THREAD_FACTORY = new NamedThreadFactory("LeaseRenewer-"); // Package level access for testing. static final int MAX_LEASE_RENEWAL_THREAD_COUNT = 20; private final ILeaseRenewer<T> leaseRenewer; private final ILeaseTaker<T> leaseTaker; private final long renewerIntervalMillis; private final long takerIntervalMillis; private final Object shutdownLock = new Object(); protected final IMetricsFactory metricsFactory; private ScheduledExecutorService leaseCoordinatorThreadPool; private ExecutorService leaseRenewalThreadpool; private volatile boolean running = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param leaseManager LeaseManager instance to use * @param workerIdentifier Identifies the worker (e.g. useful to track lease ownership) * @param leaseDurationMillis Duration of a lease * @param epsilonMillis Allow for some variance when calculating lease expirations */ public LeaseCoordinator(ILeaseManager<T> leaseManager, String workerIdentifier, long leaseDurationMillis, long epsilonMillis) { this(leaseManager, workerIdentifier, leaseDurationMillis, epsilonMillis, new LogMetricsFactory()); } /** * Constructor. * * @param leaseManager LeaseManager instance to use * @param workerIdentifier Identifies the worker (e.g. useful to track lease ownership) * @param leaseDurationMillis Duration of a lease * @param epsilonMillis Allow for some variance when calculating lease expirations * @param metricsFactory Used to publish metrics about lease operations */ public LeaseCoordinator(ILeaseManager<T> leaseManager, String workerIdentifier, long leaseDurationMillis, long epsilonMillis, IMetricsFactory metricsFactory) { this(leaseManager, workerIdentifier, leaseDurationMillis, epsilonMillis, DEFAULT_MAX_LEASES_FOR_WORKER, DEFAULT_MAX_LEASES_TO_STEAL_AT_ONE_TIME, metricsFactory); } /** * Constructor. * * @param leaseManager LeaseManager instance to use * @param workerIdentifier Identifies the worker (e.g. useful to track lease ownership) * @param leaseDurationMillis Duration of a lease * @param epsilonMillis Allow for some variance when calculating lease expirations * @param maxLeasesForWorker Max leases this Worker can handle at a time * @param maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime Steal up to these many leases at a time (for load balancing) * @param metricsFactory Used to publish metrics about lease operations */ public LeaseCoordinator(ILeaseManager<T> leaseManager, String workerIdentifier, long leaseDurationMillis, long epsilonMillis, int maxLeasesForWorker, int maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime, IMetricsFactory metricsFactory) { this.leaseRenewalThreadpool = getLeaseRenewalExecutorService(MAX_LEASE_RENEWAL_THREAD_COUNT); this.leaseTaker = new LeaseTaker<T>(leaseManager, workerIdentifier, leaseDurationMillis) .withMaxLeasesForWorker(maxLeasesForWorker) .withMaxLeasesToStealAtOneTime(maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime); this.leaseRenewer = new LeaseRenewer<T>(leaseManager, workerIdentifier, leaseDurationMillis, leaseRenewalThreadpool); this.renewerIntervalMillis = leaseDurationMillis / 3 - epsilonMillis; this.takerIntervalMillis = (leaseDurationMillis + epsilonMillis) * 2; this.metricsFactory = metricsFactory; "With failover time %d ms and epsilon %d ms, LeaseCoordinator will renew leases every %d ms, take" + "leases every %d ms, process maximum of %d leases and steal %d lease(s) at a time.", leaseDurationMillis, epsilonMillis, renewerIntervalMillis, takerIntervalMillis, maxLeasesForWorker, maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime)); } private class TakerRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { runTaker(); } catch (LeasingException e) { LOG.error("LeasingException encountered in lease taking thread", e); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Throwable encountered in lease taking thread", t); } } } private class RenewerRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { runRenewer(); } catch (LeasingException e) { LOG.error("LeasingException encountered in lease renewing thread", e); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Throwable encountered in lease renewing thread", t); } } } /** * Start background LeaseHolder and LeaseTaker threads. * @throws ProvisionedThroughputException If we can't talk to DynamoDB due to insufficient capacity. * @throws InvalidStateException If the lease table doesn't exist * @throws DependencyException If we encountered exception taking to DynamoDB */ public void start() throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException, ProvisionedThroughputException { leaseRenewer.initialize(); // 2 because we know we'll have at most 2 concurrent tasks at a time. leaseCoordinatorThreadPool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, LEASE_COORDINATOR_THREAD_FACTORY); // Taker runs with fixed DELAY because we want it to run slower in the event of performance degredation. leaseCoordinatorThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new TakerRunnable(), 0L, takerIntervalMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Renewer runs at fixed INTERVAL because we want it to run at the same rate in the event of degredation. leaseCoordinatorThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RenewerRunnable(), 0L, renewerIntervalMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); running = true; } /** * Runs a single iteration of the lease taker - used by integration tests. * * @throws InvalidStateException * @throws DependencyException */ protected void runTaker() throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException { IMetricsScope scope = MetricsHelper.startScope(metricsFactory, "TakeLeases"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean success = false; try { Map<String, T> takenLeases = leaseTaker.takeLeases(); // Only add taken leases to renewer if coordinator is still running. synchronized (shutdownLock) { if (running) { leaseRenewer.addLeasesToRenew(takenLeases.values()); } } success = true; } finally { scope.addDimension(WORKER_IDENTIFIER_METRIC, getWorkerIdentifier()); MetricsHelper.addSuccessAndLatency(startTime, success, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY); MetricsHelper.endScope(); } } /** * Runs a single iteration of the lease renewer - used by integration tests. * * @throws InvalidStateException * @throws DependencyException */ protected void runRenewer() throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException { IMetricsScope scope = MetricsHelper.startScope(metricsFactory, "RenewAllLeases"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean success = false; try { leaseRenewer.renewLeases(); success = true; } finally { scope.addDimension(WORKER_IDENTIFIER_METRIC, getWorkerIdentifier()); MetricsHelper.addSuccessAndLatency(startTime, success, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY); MetricsHelper.endScope(); } } /** * @return currently held leases */ public Collection<T> getAssignments() { return leaseRenewer.getCurrentlyHeldLeases().values(); } /** * @param leaseKey lease key to fetch currently held lease for * * @return deep copy of currently held Lease for given key, or null if we don't hold the lease for that key */ public T getCurrentlyHeldLease(String leaseKey) { return leaseRenewer.getCurrentlyHeldLease(leaseKey); } /** * @return workerIdentifier */ public String getWorkerIdentifier() { return leaseTaker.getWorkerIdentifier(); } /** * Stops background threads and waits for {@link #STOP_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS} for all background tasks to complete. * If tasks are not completed after this time, method will shutdown thread pool forcefully and return. */ public void stop() { if (leaseCoordinatorThreadPool != null) { leaseCoordinatorThreadPool.shutdown(); try { if (leaseCoordinatorThreadPool.awaitTermination(STOP_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {"Worker %s has successfully stopped lease-tracking threads", leaseTaker.getWorkerIdentifier())); } else { leaseCoordinatorThreadPool.shutdownNow(); leaseRenewalThreadpool.shutdownNow();"Worker %s stopped lease-tracking threads %dms after stop", leaseTaker.getWorkerIdentifier(), STOP_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.debug("Encountered InterruptedException when awaiting threadpool termination"); } } else { LOG.debug("Threadpool was null, no need to shutdown/terminate threadpool."); } synchronized (shutdownLock) { leaseRenewer.clearCurrentlyHeldLeases(); running = false; } } /** * @return true if this LeaseCoordinator is running */ public boolean isRunning() { return running; } /** * Updates application-specific lease values in DynamoDB. * * @param lease lease object containing updated values * @param concurrencyToken obtained by calling Lease.getConcurrencyToken for a currently held lease * * @return true if update succeeded, false otherwise * * @throws InvalidStateException if lease table does not exist * @throws ProvisionedThroughputException if DynamoDB update fails due to lack of capacity * @throws DependencyException if DynamoDB update fails in an unexpected way */ public boolean updateLease(T lease, UUID concurrencyToken) throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException, ProvisionedThroughputException { return leaseRenewer.updateLease(lease, concurrencyToken); } /** * Returns executor service that should be used for lease renewal. * @param maximumPoolSize Maximum allowed thread pool size * @return Executor service that should be used for lease renewal. */ private static ExecutorService getLeaseRenewalExecutorService(int maximumPoolSize) { ThreadPoolExecutor exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maximumPoolSize, maximumPoolSize, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), LEASE_RENEWAL_THREAD_FACTORY); exec.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true); return exec; } }