Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010-2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.service.apigateway.importer.impl.sdk; import com.amazonaws.service.apigateway.importer.RamlApiImporter; import*; import; import com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray; import com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONException; import com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.raml.model.*; import org.raml.model.parameter.Header; import org.raml.model.parameter.QueryParameter; import org.raml.model.parameter.UriParameter; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static com.amazonaws.service.apigateway.importer.util.PatchUtils.*; import static com.amazonaws.service.apigateway.importer.util.PatchUtils.createReplaceOperation; import static java.lang.String.format; public class ApiGatewaySdkRamlApiImporter extends ApiGatewaySdkApiImporter implements RamlApiImporter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ApiGatewaySdkRamlApiImporter.class); @Inject private Raml raml; @Inject private JSONObject config; // NOTE: This is the only shared state - is there a better approach? Why wasn't this used until now? Can this be // reused in the swagger implementation? private Set<String> models = new HashSet<>(); private Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>(); @Override public String createApi(Raml raml, String name, JSONObject config) { this.raml = raml; this.config = config; // TODO: What to use as description? final RestApi api = createApi(getApiName(raml, name), null); try { final Resource rootResource = getRootResource(api).get(); deleteDefaultModels(api); createModels(api, raml.getSchemas(), false); createResources(api, createResourcePath(api, rootResource, raml.getBasePath()), raml.getResources(), false); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error creating API, rolling back", t); rollback(api); throw t; } return api.getId(); } @Override public void updateApi(String apiId, Raml raml, JSONObject config) { this.raml = raml; this.config = config; RestApi api = getApi(apiId); Optional<Resource> rootResource = getRootResource(api); createModels(api, raml.getSchemas(), true); createResources(api, createResourcePath(api, rootResource.get(), raml.getBasePath()), raml.getResources(), true); cleanupResources(api, this.paths); cleanupModels(api, this.models); } private String getApiName(Raml raml, String fileName) { String title = raml.getTitle(); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(title) ? title : fileName; } private void createModels(RestApi api, List<Map<String, String>> schemas, boolean update) { for (Map<String, String> entries : schemas) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries.entrySet()) { final String schemaName = entry.getKey(); final String schemaValue = entry.getValue(); models.add(schemaName); if (update && getModel(api, schemaName).isPresent()) { updateModel(api, schemaName, schemaValue); } else { createModel(api, schemaName, schemaValue); } } } } private void createModel(RestApi api, String schemaName, String schemaValue) { // HACK: Attempt to detect JSON/XML bodies. final Integer openTagIndex = schemaValue.indexOf('<'); final Integer openJsonIndex = schemaValue.indexOf('{'); // Is this possible or is the parser validating schemas? if (openTagIndex == openJsonIndex) { return; } final boolean isJson = openJsonIndex > -1 && (openTagIndex == -1 || openJsonIndex < openTagIndex); // TODO: What to put as description? createModel(api, schemaName, null, schemaValue, isJson ? "application/json" : "text/xml"); } private void createResources(RestApi api, Resource rootResource, Map<String, org.raml.model.Resource> resources, boolean update) { for (Map.Entry<String, org.raml.model.Resource> entry : resources.entrySet()) { final org.raml.model.Resource resource = entry.getValue(); final Resource parentResource = createResourcePath(api, rootResource, entry.getKey()); createMethods(api, parentResource, resource.getActions(), update); createResources(api, parentResource, resource.getResources(), update); } } private void cleanupResources(RestApi api, Set<String> paths) { buildResourceList(api).stream() .filter(resource -> !resource.getPath().equals("/") && !paths.contains(resource.getPath())) .forEach(resource -> {"Removing deleted resource " + resource.getPath()); deleteResource(resource); }); } private Resource createResourcePath(RestApi api, Resource resource, String fullPath) { final String[] parts = fullPath.split("/"); Resource parentResource = resource; for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { parentResource = createResource(api, parentResource.getId(), parts[i]); paths.add(parentResource.getPath()); } return parentResource; } private void createMethods(RestApi api, Resource resource, Map<ActionType, Action> actions, boolean update) { for (Map.Entry<ActionType, Action> entry : actions.entrySet()) { createMethod(api, resource, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), update); } if (update) { cleanupMethods(api, resource, actions); } } private void cleanupMethods(RestApi api, Resource resource, Map<ActionType, Action> actions) { final HashSet<String> methods = new HashSet<>(); for (ActionType action : actions.keySet()) { methods.add(action.toString()); } for (Method m : resource.getResourceMethods().values()) { String httpMethod = m.getHttpMethod().toUpperCase(); if (!methods.contains(httpMethod)) {"Removing deleted method %s for resource %s", httpMethod, resource.getId())); m.deleteMethod(); } } } private void createMethod(final RestApi api, final Resource resource, final ActionType httpMethod, final Action action, boolean update) { Method method; if (update && methodExists(resource, httpMethod.toString())) { method = resource.getMethodByHttpMethod(httpMethod.toString()); PatchDocument pd = createPatchDocument( createReplaceOperation("/authorizationType", getAuthorizationTypeFromConfig(resource, httpMethod.toString(), this.config)), createReplaceOperation("/apiKeyRequired", "false")); method.updateMethod(pd); if (action.hasBody()) { for (Map.Entry<String, MimeType> entry : action.getBody().entrySet()) { final String mime = entry.getKey(); final String modelName = createModel(api, mime, entry.getValue()); if (modelName != null) { method.updateMethod(createPatchDocument( createAddOperation("/requestModels/" + escapeOperationString(mime), modelName))); } } } cleanupMethodModels(api, method, action.getBody()); } else {"Creating method for api id %s and resource id %s with method %s", api.getId(), resource.getId(), httpMethod)); PutMethodInput input = new PutMethodInput(); // TODO: Figure out API key. input.setApiKeyRequired(false); input.setAuthorizationType( getAuthorizationTypeFromConfig(resource, httpMethod.toString(), this.config)); input.setRequestModels(new HashMap<>()); if (action.hasBody()) { for (Map.Entry<String, MimeType> entry : action.getBody().entrySet()) { final String mime = entry.getKey(); final String modelName = createModel(api, mime, entry.getValue()); if (modelName != null) { input.getRequestModels().put(mime, modelName); } } } method = resource.putMethod(input, httpMethod.toString()); } createIntegration(resource, method, this.config); for (Map.Entry<String, UriParameter> entry : action.getResource().getUriParameters().entrySet()) { updateMethod(api, method, "path", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().isRequired()); } for (Map.Entry<String, Header> entry : action.getHeaders().entrySet()) { updateMethod(api, method, "header", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().isRequired()); } for (Map.Entry<String, QueryParameter> entry : action.getQueryParameters().entrySet()) { updateMethod(api, method, "querystring", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().isRequired()); } if (update) { cleanupMethod(api, method, "path", action.getResource().getUriParameters().keySet()); cleanupMethod(api, method, "header", action.getHeaders().keySet()); cleanupMethod(api, method, "querystring", action.getQueryParameters().keySet()); } createMethodResponses(api, method, action.getResponses(), update); } private void createIntegration(Resource resource, Method method, JSONObject config) { if (config == null) { return; } try { final JSONObject integ = config.getJSONObject(resource.getPath()) .getJSONObject(method.getHttpMethod().toLowerCase()).getJSONObject("integration"); IntegrationType type = IntegrationType.valueOf(integ.getString("type").toUpperCase());"Creating integration with type " + type); PutIntegrationInput input = new PutIntegrationInput().withType(type).withUri(integ.getString("uri")) .withCredentials(integ.optString("credentials")).withHttpMethod(integ.optString("httpMethod")) .withRequestParameters(jsonObjectToHashMapString(integ.optJSONObject("requestParameters"))) .withRequestTemplates(jsonObjectToHashMapString(integ.optJSONObject("requestTemplates"))) .withCacheNamespace(integ.optString("cacheNamespace")) .withCacheKeyParameters(jsonObjectToListString(integ.optJSONArray("cacheKeyParameters"))); Integration integration = method.putIntegration(input); createIntegrationResponses(integration, integ.optJSONObject("responses")); } catch (JSONException e) {"Skipping integration for method %s of %s: %s", method.getHttpMethod(), resource.getPath(), e)); } } private void createIntegrationResponses(Integration integration, JSONObject responses) { if (responses == null) { return; } final Iterator<String> keysIterator = responses.keys(); while (keysIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; try { String pattern = key.equals("default") ? null : key; JSONObject response = responses.getJSONObject(key); String status = (String) response.get("statusCode"); PutIntegrationResponseInput input = new PutIntegrationResponseInput() .withResponseParameters( jsonObjectToHashMapString(response.optJSONObject("responseParameters"))) .withResponseTemplates( jsonObjectToHashMapString(response.optJSONObject("responseTemplates"))) .withSelectionPattern(pattern); integration.putIntegrationResponse(input, status); } catch (JSONException e) { } } } private List<String> jsonObjectToListString(JSONArray json) { if (json == null) { return null; } final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) { try { list.add(json.getString(i)); } catch (JSONException e) { } } return list; } private Map<String, String> jsonObjectToHashMapString(JSONObject json) { if (json == null) { return null; } final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); final Iterator<String> keysIterator = json.keys(); while (keysIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; try { map.put(key, json.getString(key)); } catch (JSONException e) { } } return map; } private void cleanupMethodModels(RestApi api, Method method, Map<String, MimeType> body) { if (method.getRequestModels() != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : method.getRequestModels().entrySet()) { if (!body.containsKey(entry.getKey()) || body.get(entry.getKey()).getSchema() == null) {"Removing model %s from method %s", entry.getKey(), method.getHttpMethod())); method.updateMethod(createPatchDocument( createRemoveOperation("/requestModels/" + escapeOperationString(entry.getKey())))); } } } } private void cleanupMethod(RestApi api, Method method, String type, Set<String> parameterSet) { if (method.getRequestParameters() != null) { method.getRequestParameters().keySet().forEach(key -> { final String[] parts = key.split("\\."); final String paramType = parts[2]; final String paramName = parts[3]; if (paramType.equals(type) && !parameterSet.contains(paramName)) { method.updateMethod(createPatchDocument(createRemoveOperation("/requestParameters/" + key))); } }); } } private String generateModelName(MimeType mimeType) { return "model" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8); } private void createMethodResponses(RestApi api, Method method, Map<String, Response> responses, boolean update) { for (Map.Entry<String, Response> entry : responses.entrySet()) { createMethodResponse(api, method, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), update); } if (update) { cleanupMethodResponses(api, method, responses); } } private void cleanupMethodResponses(RestApi api, Method method, Map<String, Response> responses) { method.getMethodResponses().entrySet().forEach(entry -> { if (!responses.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { entry.getValue().deleteMethodResponse(); } }); } private void createMethodResponse(RestApi api, Method method, String statusCode, Response response, boolean update) { // TODO: Improve implementation by patching. if (update && method.getMethodResponses().containsKey(statusCode)) { final MethodResponse methodResponse = method.getMethodResponses().get(statusCode); methodResponse.deleteMethodResponse(); } final PutMethodResponseInput input = new PutMethodResponseInput(); input.setResponseModels(new HashMap<>()); input.setResponseParameters(new HashMap<>()); for (Map.Entry<String, Header> entry : response.getHeaders().entrySet()) { input.getResponseParameters().put(escapeOperationString("method.response.header." + entry.getKey()), entry.getValue().isRequired()); } if (response.hasBody()) { for (Map.Entry<String, MimeType> entry : response.getBody().entrySet()) { final String mime = entry.getKey(); final String modelName = createModel(api, mime, entry.getValue()); if (modelName != null) { input.getResponseModels().put(mime, modelName); } } } method.putMethodResponse(input, statusCode); } @Nullable private String createModel(RestApi api, String mime, MimeType mimeType) { final String schema = mimeType.getSchema(); if (schema != null) { if (schema.matches("\\w+")) { return schema; } final String modelName = generateModelName(mimeType); models.add(modelName); createModel(api, modelName, null, schema, mime); return modelName; } return null; } }