Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2016 @hwding & @TrafalgarZZZ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. GitHub: E-mail: */ package com.amastigote.xdu.query.module; import com.amastigote.xdu.query.conf.Duration; import com.amastigote.xdu.query.conf.Type; import com.amastigote.xdu.query.util.IXDUBase; import com.amastigote.xdu.query.util.IXDULoginNormal; import com.amastigote.xdu.query.util.IXDUQueryTypeAndDurationParam; import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull; import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class WaterAndElectricity implements IXDUBase, IXDUQueryTypeAndDurationParam, IXDULoginNormal, Serializable { private final static String HOST = ""; private final static String PRE_LOGIN_SUFFIX = "/searchWap/Login.aspx"; private final static String LOGIN_SUFFIX = "/ajaxpro/SearchWap_Login,App_Web_fghipt60.ashx"; private final static String USEINFO_SUFFIX = "/SearchWap/webFrm/useInfo.aspx"; private final static String PAYINFO_SUFFIX = "/SearchWap/webFrm/pay.aspx"; private final static String METINFO_SUFFIX = "/SearchWap/webFrm/met.aspx"; private static final String ONE_MONTH = ""; private static final String THREE_MONTH = ""; private static final long serialVersionUID = -5105094843350319282L; private static String VIEWSTATE = ""; private String ID = ""; private String ASP_dot_NET_SessionId = ""; private void preLogin() throws IOException { URL url = new URL(HOST + PRE_LOGIN_SUFFIX); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.connect(); String tmp = urlConnection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie"); ASP_dot_NET_SessionId = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf("=") + 1, tmp.indexOf(";")); } @Override public boolean login(@NotNull String username, @NotNull String password) throws IOException { preLogin(); URL url = new URL(HOST + LOGIN_SUFFIX); HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod("POST"); httpURLConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); httpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true); httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "ASP.NET_SessionId=" + ASP_dot_NET_SessionId); httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("AjaxPro-Method", "getLoginInput"); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("webName", username); jsonObject.put("webPass", password); httpURLConnection.connect(); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(httpURLConnection.getOutputStream()); outputStreamWriter.write(jsonObject.toString()); outputStreamWriter.flush(); outputStreamWriter.close(); httpURLConnection.getResponseCode(); httpURLConnection.disconnect(); return checkIsLogin(username); } /* * [ | ? ] ? * ????? * ????, ?? null * * ?: ? Type Duration */ @Override public List<String> query(@NotNull Type type, @Nullable Duration duration) throws IOException { List<String> stringArrayList; switch (type) { case PAY: if (duration == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); stringArrayList = query_payInfo(duration); break; case USE: if (duration == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); stringArrayList = query_useInfo(duration); break; case METER: if (duration != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); stringArrayList = query_metInfo(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); } return stringArrayList; } private List<String> query_payInfo(Duration duration) throws IOException { getPageAttributes(PAYINFO_SUFFIX); String OUTPUT_DATA = "But_Seach3="; switch (duration) { case ONE_MONTH: OUTPUT_DATA += ONE_MONTH; break; case THREE_MONTH: OUTPUT_DATA += THREE_MONTH; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); } OUTPUT_DATA += "&__VIEWSTATE="; OUTPUT_DATA += VIEWSTATE; OUTPUT_DATA += "&HiddenField_webName="; OUTPUT_DATA += "&HiddenField_UserID="; OUTPUT_DATA += ID; Document document = getPage(OUTPUT_DATA, PAYINFO_SUFFIX); Elements elements ="td"); List<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element td : elements) { String tmp = td.text(); if (!"".equals(tmp)) { stringArrayList.add(tmp); } } for (int i = 0; i < stringArrayList.size(); i++) { if (stringArrayList.get(i).contains("")) { stringArrayList.set(i, stringArrayList.get(i).substring(stringArrayList.get(i).indexOf("") + 2)); continue; } stringArrayList.set(i, stringArrayList.get(i).substring(stringArrayList.get(i).indexOf("") + 1)); } /* * (stringArrayList): * - 0, ???? * - ? [ | ? ] * - , (2n), n??? * * - ?: ?null! */ return stringArrayList; } private List<String> query_useInfo(Duration duration) throws IOException { getPageAttributes(USEINFO_SUFFIX); String OUTPUT_DATA = "But_Seach3="; switch (duration) { case ONE_MONTH: OUTPUT_DATA += ONE_MONTH; break; case THREE_MONTH: OUTPUT_DATA += THREE_MONTH; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter, check document for help"); } OUTPUT_DATA += "&__VIEWSTATE="; OUTPUT_DATA += VIEWSTATE; OUTPUT_DATA += "&HiddenField_webName="; OUTPUT_DATA += "&HiddenField_UserID="; OUTPUT_DATA += ID; Document document = getPage(OUTPUT_DATA, USEINFO_SUFFIX); Elements elements ="td"); List<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element td : elements) { String tmp = td.text(); tmp = tmp.replaceAll(" ", ""); if (!"".equals(tmp)) { if (tmp.contains("???")) { stringArrayList.add(tmp.substring(0, tmp.indexOf("???"))); stringArrayList.add(tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf("???"))); continue; } stringArrayList.add(tmp); } } for (int i = 0; i < stringArrayList.size(); i++) { stringArrayList.set(i, stringArrayList.get(i).substring(stringArrayList.get(i).indexOf("") + 1)); } /* * (stringArrayList): * - 0, ???? * - ? [ ? | | ? | ?/? | ??? ] * - , (5n), n??? * * - ?: ?null! */ return stringArrayList; } private List<String> query_metInfo() throws IOException { Document document = getPage("", METINFO_SUFFIX); Elements elements ="td"); List<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element td : elements) { String tmp = td.text(); if (!"".equals(tmp)) { stringArrayList.add(tmp); } } for (int i = 0; i < stringArrayList.size(); i++) { stringArrayList.set(i, stringArrayList.get(i).substring(stringArrayList.get(i).indexOf("") + 1)); } /* * (stringArrayList): * - 0, ???? * - ? [ ?? | ? | ? ] * - , (3n), n??? * * - ?: ?null! */ return stringArrayList; } private void getPageAttributes(String host_suffix) throws IOException { Document document = getPage("", host_suffix); Elements elements_VIEWSTATE ="input[type=\"hidden\"][name=\"__VIEWSTATE\"]"); VIEWSTATE = elements_VIEWSTATE.get(0).attr("value"); } private Document getPage(String output_data, String host_suffix) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(HOST + host_suffix); HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); httpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true); httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod("POST"); httpURLConnection.setUseCaches(false); httpURLConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "ASP.NET_SessionId=" + ASP_dot_NET_SessionId); httpURLConnection.connect(); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(httpURLConnection.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); outputStreamWriter.write(output_data); outputStreamWriter.flush(); outputStreamWriter.close(); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(httpURLConnection.getInputStream())); String temp; String htmlPage = ""; while ((temp = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) htmlPage += temp; bufferedReader.close(); httpURLConnection.disconnect(); htmlPage = htmlPage.replaceAll(" ", " "); return Jsoup.parse(htmlPage); } /* * ?????() * ??SESSION(?)??? * ??(??) */ @Override public boolean checkIsLogin(@NotNull String username) throws IOException { Document document = getPage("", USEINFO_SUFFIX); if (document.toString().contains(username)) { ID = username; return true; } else { ID = ""; return false; } } /** * ????(?) * <p> * ?: checkIsLogin()?(checkIsLogin()true), ????(?), ? */ @Override public String getID() { return ID; } }