Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Talend Inc. - * * This source code is available under agreement available at * %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt * * You should have received a copy of the agreement along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA 9 rue Pages * 92150 Suresnes, France */ package com.amalto.core.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.amalto.core.delegator.ILocalUser; import com.amalto.core.objects.ObjectPOJO; import com.amalto.core.objects.ObjectPOJOPK; import com.amalto.core.objects.datacluster.DataClusterPOJO; import com.amalto.core.objects.datacluster.DataClusterPOJOPK; import com.amalto.core.server.api.DataCluster; import com.amalto.core.server.api.XmlServer; import com.amalto.core.util.LocalUser; import com.amalto.core.util.MDMEhCacheUtil; import com.amalto.core.util.Util; import com.amalto.core.util.XtentisException; public class DefaultDataCluster implements DataCluster { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DefaultDataCluster.class); public static final String DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME = "dataCluster"; /** * Creates or updates a data cluster */ @Override public DataClusterPOJOPK putDataCluster(DataClusterPOJO dataCluster) throws XtentisException { try { ObjectPOJOPK pk =; if (pk == null) { throw new XtentisException("Unable to create the Data Cluster. Please check the XML Server logs"); } // create the actual physical cluster try { // get the xml server wrapper XmlServer server; try { server = Util.getXmlServerCtrlLocal(); } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Error creating cluster '" + dataCluster.getName() + "' : unable to access the XML Server wrapper"; LOGGER.error(err, e); throw new XtentisException(err, e); } boolean exist = server.existCluster(pk.getUniqueId()); if (!exist) { server.createCluster(pk.getUniqueId()); } } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Unable to physically create the data cluster " + pk.getUniqueId() + ": " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); try { ObjectPOJO.remove(DataClusterPOJO.class, new ObjectPOJOPK(pk.getUniqueId())); } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.error(x.getMessage(), x); } throw new XtentisException(err, e); } MDMEhCacheUtil.clearCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME); return new DataClusterPOJOPK(pk); } catch (XtentisException e) { throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Unable to create/update the datacluster " + dataCluster.getName() + ": " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); LOGGER.error(err, e); throw new XtentisException(err, e); } } /** * Get datacluster */ @Override public DataClusterPOJO getDataCluster(DataClusterPOJOPK pk) throws XtentisException { try { if (pk.getUniqueId() == null) { throw new XtentisException("The Data Cluster should not be null!"); } if (pk.getUniqueId().endsWith(StorageAdmin.STAGING_SUFFIX)) { pk = new DataClusterPOJOPK(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(pk.getUniqueId(), "#")); } DataClusterPOJO value = MDMEhCacheUtil.getCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME, pk.getUniqueId()); if (value != null) { return value; } DataClusterPOJO dataCluster = ObjectPOJO.load(DataClusterPOJO.class, pk); if (dataCluster == null) { String err = "The Data Cluster " + pk.getUniqueId() + " does not exist."; LOGGER.error(err); throw new XtentisException(err); } MDMEhCacheUtil.addCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME, pk.getUniqueId(), dataCluster); return dataCluster; } catch (XtentisException e) { throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Unable to get the Data Cluster " + pk.toString() + ": " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); LOGGER.error(err, e); throw new XtentisException(err); } } /** * Get a DataCluster - no exception is thrown: returns null if not found */ @Override public DataClusterPOJO existsDataCluster(DataClusterPOJOPK pk) throws XtentisException { if (pk == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Data Cluster should not be null!"); } if (pk.getUniqueId() == null) { throw new XtentisException("The Data cluster PK cannot be null."); } // Staging DataCluster should be changed to the Master DataCluster if (pk.getUniqueId().endsWith(StorageAdmin.STAGING_SUFFIX)) { String cluster = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(pk.getUniqueId(), "#"); if (!Util.getXmlServerCtrlLocal().supportStaging(cluster)) { throw new XtentisException("Cluster '" + pk.getUniqueId() + "' (revision: 'null') does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } pk = new DataClusterPOJOPK(cluster); } try { ILocalUser user = LocalUser.getLocalUser(); if (user != null && !user.userCanRead(DataClusterPOJO.class, pk.getUniqueId())) { String err = "Unauthorized read access by " + "user '" + user.getUsername() + "' on object " + ObjectPOJO.getObjectName(DataClusterPOJO.class) + " [" + pk.getUniqueId() + "] "; LOGGER.error(err); throw new XtentisException(err); } DataClusterPOJO value = MDMEhCacheUtil.getCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME, pk.getUniqueId()); if (value != null) { return value; } DataClusterPOJO dataCluster = ObjectPOJO.load(DataClusterPOJO.class, pk); MDMEhCacheUtil.addCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME, pk.getUniqueId(), dataCluster); return dataCluster; } catch (XtentisException e) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Exist data cluster check exception.", e); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { String info = "Could not check whether this Data Cluster \"" + pk.getUniqueId() + "\" exists: " + ": " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); LOGGER.debug("existsDataCluster() " + info, e); return null; } } /** * Remove a Data Cluster The physical remove is performed on a separate Thred */ @Override public DataClusterPOJOPK removeDataCluster(DataClusterPOJOPK pk) throws XtentisException { // remove the actual physical cluster - do it asynchronously try { String dataClusterName = pk.getUniqueId(); // get the xml server wrapper XmlServer server = Util.getXmlServerCtrlLocal(); server.deleteCluster(dataClusterName); } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Unable to physically delete the data cluster " + pk.getUniqueId() + ": " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); try { ObjectPOJO.remove(DataClusterPOJO.class, new ObjectPOJOPK(pk.getUniqueId())); } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.error("Could not remove data cluster object.", x); } LOGGER.error(err); throw new XtentisException(err, e); } ObjectPOJOPK objectPOJOPK = ObjectPOJO.remove(DataClusterPOJO.class, pk); MDMEhCacheUtil.clearCache(DATA_CLUSTER_CACHE_NAME); return new DataClusterPOJOPK(objectPOJOPK); } /** * Retrieve all DataCluster PKs */ @Override public Collection<DataClusterPOJOPK> getDataClusterPKs(String regex) throws XtentisException { Collection<ObjectPOJOPK> dataClusterPKs = ObjectPOJO.findAllPKs(DataClusterPOJO.class, regex); List<DataClusterPOJOPK> l = new ArrayList<DataClusterPOJOPK>(); for (ObjectPOJOPK dataClusterPK : dataClusterPKs) { l.add(new DataClusterPOJOPK(dataClusterPK)); } return l; } /** * Add this string words to the vocabulary - ignore xml tags */ @Override public int addToVocabulary(DataClusterPOJOPK pk, String string) throws XtentisException { return 0; } /** * Spell checks a sentence and return possible spellings */ @Override public Collection<String> spellCheck(DataClusterPOJOPK dcpk, String sentence, int treshold, boolean ignoreNonExistantWords) throws XtentisException { return Collections.emptyList(); } }