Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Talend Inc. - * * This source code is available under agreement available at * %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt * * You should have received a copy of the agreement along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA 9 rue Pages * 92150 Suresnes, France */ package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.UUID; import com.amalto.core.history.accessor.DOMAccessor; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.util.core.EUUIDCustomType; import com.amalto.core.history.Action; import com.amalto.core.history.MutableDocument; import com.amalto.core.history.accessor.Accessor; import com.amalto.core.history.action.FieldUpdateAction; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.ComplexTypeMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.ContainedComplexTypeMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.ContainedTypeFieldMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.DefaultMetadataVisitor; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.EnumerationFieldMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.FieldMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.MetadataRepository; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.ReferenceFieldMetadata; import org.talend.mdm.commmon.metadata.SimpleTypeFieldMetadata; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Generate actions on creation (like setting UUID and AUTO_INCREMENT fields that <b>are not</b> part of the saved * entity type). * * @see ID for code that sets ID values. */ class CreateActions extends DefaultMetadataVisitor<List<Action>> { private final Stack<PathElement> path = new Stack<PathElement>(); protected final List<Action> actions = new LinkedList<Action>(); protected final Date date; protected final String source; protected final String userName; protected final MutableDocument document; private final SaverSource saverSource; private final String dataCluster; private final String dataModel; private String rootTypeName = null; private static class PathElement { final FieldMetadata fieldMetadata; final Integer index; PathElement(FieldMetadata fieldMetadata, Integer index) { this.fieldMetadata = fieldMetadata; this.index = index; } } CreateActions(MutableDocument document, Date date, String source, String userName, String dataCluster, String dataModel, SaverSource saverSource) { this.document = document; = date; this.source = source; this.userName = userName; this.dataCluster = dataCluster; this.dataModel = dataModel; this.saverSource = saverSource; } private String getRealPath() { if (path.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<PathElement> pathIterator = path.iterator(); while (pathIterator.hasNext()) { PathElement item =; builder.append(item.fieldMetadata.getName()); if (item.index != null) { builder.append('[').append(String.valueOf(item.index)).append(']'); } if (pathIterator.hasNext()) { builder.append('/'); } } return builder.toString(); } } @Override public List<Action> visit(ComplexTypeMetadata complexType) { if (rootTypeName == null) { rootTypeName = complexType.getName(); } super.visit(complexType); return actions; } @Override public List<Action> visit(ReferenceFieldMetadata referenceField) { path.push(new PathElement(referenceField, null)); String xpath = getRealPath(); int size = document.createAccessor(xpath).size(); path.pop(); if (referenceField.isMany() && size > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { path.push(new PathElement(referenceField, i)); super.visit(referenceField); path.pop(); } } else { path.push(new PathElement(referenceField, null)); super.visit(referenceField); path.pop(); } return actions; } @Override public List<Action> visit(ContainedTypeFieldMetadata containedField) { path.push(new PathElement(containedField, null)); String xpath = getRealPath(); int size = document.createAccessor(xpath).size(); path.pop(); if (containedField.isMany() && size > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { path.push(new PathElement(containedField, i)); super.visit(containedField); path.pop(); } } else { path.push(new PathElement(containedField, null)); if (!MetadataRepository.isCircle(containedField.getContainingType(), null)) { super.visit(containedField); } path.pop(); } return actions; } @Override public List<Action> visit(EnumerationFieldMetadata enumField) { path.push(new PathElement(enumField, null)); String xpath = getRealPath(); int size = document.createAccessor(xpath).size(); path.pop(); boolean doCreate = doCreate(enumField); if (enumField.isMany() && size > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { path.push(new PathElement(enumField, i)); handleField(enumField, doCreate, xpath); path.pop(); } } else { path.push(new PathElement(enumField, null)); handleField(enumField, doCreate, xpath); path.pop(); } return actions; } @Override public List<Action> visit(SimpleTypeFieldMetadata simpleField) { path.push(new PathElement(simpleField, null)); String xpath = getRealPath(); int size = document.createAccessor(xpath).size(); path.pop(); boolean doCreate = doCreate(simpleField); if (simpleField.isMany() && size > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { path.push(new PathElement(simpleField, i)); handleField(simpleField, doCreate, xpath); path.pop(); } } else { path.push(new PathElement(simpleField, null)); handleField(simpleField, doCreate, xpath); path.pop(); } return super.visit(simpleField); } private boolean doCreate(FieldMetadata simpleField) { // Under some circumstances, do not generate action(s) for UUID/AUTOINCREMENT (see TMDM-4473) boolean doCreate = true; if (!path.isEmpty()) { // Only apply the do-create-check for UUID/AUTO_INCREMENT field to improve the performance String typeName = simpleField.getType().getName(); if (EUUIDCustomType.AUTO_INCREMENT.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(typeName) || EUUIDCustomType.UUID.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) { FieldMetadata parentField = path.peek().fieldMetadata; if (parentField != null) { boolean isParentOptional = !parentField.isMandatory(); boolean isEmpty = false; Accessor accessor = document.createAccessor(getRealPath()); Node parentNode = null; if (accessor instanceof DOMAccessor) { parentNode = ((DOMAccessor) accessor).getNode(); } if (parentNode == null) { isEmpty = true; } else if (parentNode.getTextContent() == null || parentNode.getTextContent().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } if (isParentOptional && isEmpty) { doCreate = false; } } } } return doCreate; } protected void handleField(FieldMetadata field, boolean doCreate, String currentPath) { // Handle UUID and AutoIncrement elements (this code also ensures any previous value is overwritten, see // TMDM-3900). // Note #2: This code generate values even for non-mandatory fields (but this is expected behavior). if (EUUIDCustomType.AUTO_INCREMENT.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getType().getName()) && doCreate) { String conceptName = rootTypeName + "." + field.getName().replaceAll("/", "."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ String autoIncrementValue = saverSource.nextAutoIncrementId(dataCluster, dataModel, conceptName); actions.add(new FieldUpdateAction(date, source, userName, currentPath, StringUtils.EMPTY, autoIncrementValue, field)); } else if (EUUIDCustomType.UUID.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getType().getName()) && doCreate) { String uuidValue = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); actions.add(new FieldUpdateAction(date, source, userName, currentPath, StringUtils.EMPTY, uuidValue, field)); } else { if (field.isKey()) { Accessor accessor = document.createAccessor(currentPath); if (!accessor.exist()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Document was expected to contain id information at '" + currentPath + "'"); } } } } }