Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Alfresco Software Limited. * Copyright (C) 2012 ITD Systems * * This file is part of Alvex * * Alvex is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alvex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alvex. If not, see <>. */ package com.alvexcore.repo.documents.generation; import*; import org.apache.poi.*; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.*; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Cache; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.DeclarativeWebScript; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Status; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptRequest; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.alfresco.repo.content.MimetypeMap; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService; import; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileFolderService; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef; import; import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentWriter; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentReader; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.StoreRef; public class ExportReportToXlsx extends DeclarativeWebScript implements InitializingBean { protected ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; protected NodeService nodeService; protected SiteService siteService; protected ContentService contentService; final static QName ASSOC_NAME_COMPANY_HOME = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.APP_MODEL_1_0_URI, "company_home"); final static QName ASSOC_NAME_DICTIONARY = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.APP_MODEL_1_0_URI, "dictionary"); final static QName ASSOC_NAME_ALVEX = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.APP_MODEL_1_0_URI, "alvex"); final static QName ASSOC_NAME_REPORTS = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.APP_MODEL_1_0_URI, "reports"); final static QName ASSOC_NAME_EXPORTS = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "exports"); final static QName[] EXPORTS_PATH = { ASSOC_NAME_COMPANY_HOME, ASSOC_NAME_DICTIONARY, ASSOC_NAME_ALVEX, ASSOC_NAME_REPORTS, ASSOC_NAME_EXPORTS }; final static QName[] EXPORTS_ASSOCS = { ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS }; // for spring injection public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry registry) { serviceRegistry = registry; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService(); siteService = serviceRegistry.getSiteService(); contentService = serviceRegistry.getContentService(); } protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl(WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final String XLS_SHEET_NAME = "Report"; // Parse the JSON, if supplied JSONObject json = null; String contentType = req.getContentType(); if (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf(';') != -1) { contentType = contentType.substring(0, contentType.indexOf(';')); } if (MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_JSON.equals(contentType)) { try { json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(req.getContent().getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { status.setCode(500); model.put("message", "Invalid JSON"); return model; } } String siteName; String fileName; JSONArray rows; try { fileName = (String) json.get("fileName"); rows = (JSONArray) json.get("rows"); } catch (Exception e) { status.setCode(500); model.put("message", "Mandatory fields were not provided"); return model; } fileName += ".xlsx"; NodeRef folder = createPath(EXPORTS_PATH, EXPORTS_ASSOCS, null); NodeRef file = getChildByName(folder, fileName); if (file == null) { Map<QName, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(11); properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, fileName); file = nodeService.createNode(folder, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, fileName), ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT, properties).getChildRef(); } Workbook wb; try { wb = createXlsx(rows, XLS_SHEET_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { status.setCode(500); model.put("message", "Can not create file"); return model; } try { ContentWriter writer = contentService.getWriter(file, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); writer.setMimetype(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_EXCEL); writer.putContent(bais); } catch (Exception e) { status.setCode(500); model.put("message", "Can not save file"); return model; } model.put("nodeRef", file.toString()); model.put("name", fileName); status.setCode(200); return model; } protected NodeRef getChildByName(NodeRef parent, String name) { List<ChildAssociationRef> children = nodeService.getChildAssocs(parent); for (ChildAssociationRef childAssoc : children) { NodeRef childNodeRef = childAssoc.getChildRef(); // Use childNodeRef here. if (name.equals((String) nodeService.getProperty(childNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME))) return childNodeRef; } return null; } protected Workbook createXlsx(JSONArray rows, String XLS_SHEET_NAME) { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(XLS_SHEET_NAME); for (int k = 0; k < rows.size(); k++) { Row row = sheet.createRow((short) k); JSONArray cells = (JSONArray) rows.get(k); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(createHelper.createRichTextString((String) cells.get(0))); for (int c = 1; c < cells.size(); c++) row.createCell(c).setCellValue((String) cells.get(c)); } return wb; } // creates containers specified by assocs public NodeRef createPath(QName[] path, QName[] assocs, QName[] types) { /*if (path == null || path.length == 0) throw new Exception("Path cannot be null or empty"); if (assocs != null && path.length != assocs.length) throw new Exception("Size of path and assocs must be equal"); if (types != null && path.length != types.length) throw new Exception("Size of path and types must be equal");*/ NodeService nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService(); NodeRef node = nodeService.getRootNode(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { QName assocQName = path[i]; QName childAssoc = assocs == null ? ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN : assocs[i]; QName childType = types == null ? ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER : types[i]; List<ChildAssociationRef> childAssocs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(node, childAssoc, assocQName); if (childAssocs.size() == 0) { // create new node node = nodeService.createNode(node, childAssoc, assocQName, childType).getChildRef(); } else if (childAssocs.size() == 1) // get ref of existent node node = childAssocs.get(0).getChildRef(); } return node; } }