Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Altiscale <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.altiscale.TcpProxy; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import com.altiscale.Util.ExecLoop; import com.altiscale.Util.SecondMinuteHourCounter; import com.altiscale.Util.ServerStatus; import com.altiscale.Util.ServerWithStats; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; class HostPort { String host; int port; public HostPort(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; } @Override public String toString() { return host + ":" + port; } } class JumpHost { HostPort sshd; HostPort server; String user; String credentials; boolean compression; String ciphers; String sshBinary; boolean openInterfaces; /* @param sshd host:port of machine to use for establishing ssh tunnel to * jumphostServer. is the name of the machine where sshd * is running, and sshd.port is the sshd port number. If port * number is -1, we let ssh use default port for that hostname. * @param server End server we want to connect to via ssh tunnel. For example, * httpfs-node:14000. must be visible from host where * sshd is running. * @param user Optional username we want to use for ssh (to override the default). * @param credentials Optional path to a file with ssh credentials to use with ssh -i * @param compression If true, add optional -C flag to ssh tunnel command to turn on * compression. * @param ciphers Optional string for ssh -c command option for cipher specs. * @param sshBinary Optional binary path and name to use instead of default 'ssh'. * @param openInterfaces Tunnels will be open on all interfaces not just the default one. */ public JumpHost(HostPort sshd, HostPort server, String user, String credentials, boolean compression, String ciphers, String sshBinary, boolean openInterfaces) { this.sshd = sshd; this.server = server; this.user = user; this.credentials = credentials; this.compression = compression; this.ciphers = ciphers; this.sshBinary = sshBinary; this.openInterfaces = openInterfaces; } } class ProxyConfiguration { // Port where our clients will connect to. static final int defaultListeningPort = 14000; int listeningPort; // Port where we export web-based status. static final int defaultStatusPort = 48138; int statusPort; String loadBalancerString; // List of all our servers. ArrayList<HostPort> serverHostPortList; // JumpHost to use for establishing ssh tunnels to the server. Null if we don't want it. JumpHost jumphost; public ProxyConfiguration() { listeningPort = defaultListeningPort; statusPort = defaultStatusPort; loadBalancerString = "RoundRobin"; // default value serverHostPortList = new ArrayList<HostPort>(); jumphost = null; } public HostPort parseServerString(String server) throws URISyntaxException { URI uri = new URI("my://" + server); String host = uri.getHost(); int port = uri.getPort(); if (uri.getHost() == null) { throw new URISyntaxException(uri.toString(), "URI must have at least a hostname."); } // Library sets port to -1 if it was missing in String server. return new HostPort(host, port); } public void parseServerStringAndAdd(String server) throws URISyntaxException { HostPort hostPort = parseServerString(server); if (hostPort.port == -1) { throw new URISyntaxException(server, "No port specified for server in server list."); } serverHostPortList.add(hostPort); } } /** TcpProxyServer is a server that manages one listening port and for each incoming TCP * connection to that port it creates another TCP connection to one of pre-set destinations * specified by an array of host:port (string:int) pairs. * * Goal of TcpProxy is to simply tunnel all bytes from incoming socket to its destination socket, * trying to load-balance so that each destination connection transfers similar amount of data. * * Destinations are usually ssh-tunnels connected to a single destination host:port. * **/ public class TcpProxyServer implements ServerWithStats { protected interface LoadBalancer { public Server getServer(); } protected class RoundRobin implements LoadBalancer { private ArrayList<Server> servers; private int nextServerId = 0; public RoundRobin(ArrayList<Server> servers) { this.servers = servers; } @Override public Server getServer() { nextServerId = (nextServerId + 1) % serverList.size(); return serverList.get(nextServerId); } } protected class UniformRandom implements LoadBalancer { private ArrayList<Server> servers; public UniformRandom(ArrayList<Server> servers) { this.servers = servers; } @Override public Server getServer() { return servers.get(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(servers.size())); } } protected class LeastUsed implements LoadBalancer { private ArrayList<Server> servers; public LeastUsed(ArrayList<Server> servers) { this.servers = servers; } @Override public Server getServer() { Server leastUsedServer = null; long leastUsedByteRate = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (Server server : servers) { if (server.failedCnt.getLastSecondCnt() == 0 && server.byteRateCnt.getLastMinuteCnt() < leastUsedByteRate) { leastUsedByteRate = server.byteRateCnt.getLastMinuteCnt(); leastUsedServer = server; } } // All servers have failures in the last second so we return one at random. if (leastUsedServer == null) { leastUsedServer = new UniformRandom(servers).getServer(); } return leastUsedServer; } } // log4j logger. private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("TransferAccelerator"); // Config for this proxy. private ProxyConfiguration config; // Port number where we want to listen for our clients. private int tcpProxyPort; // This is our ServerSocket running on tcpProxyPort. private ServerSocket tcpProxyService; // List of all servers we can use to tunnel our client trafic. We choose from this list // based on our load-balancing algorithm, and if we cannot connect we retry using next // server until we establish the tunnel. private ArrayList<Server> serverList; private LoadBalancer loadBalancer; private String name; private String version; // transfer-accelerator uses by default ports in the range 48139 - 48160 private static final int START_PORT_RANGE = 48139; private static final int MAX_NUM_SERVERS = 22; @Override public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } @Override public String getVersion() { return version; } @Override public String getServerStatsHtml() { long lastSecondByteRate = 0; long lastMinuteByteRate = 0; long lastHourByteRate = 0; long openedConnections = 0; long closedConnections = 0; for (Server server : serverList) { openedConnections += server.openedCnt.getTotalCnt(); closedConnections += server.closedCnt.getTotalCnt(); lastSecondByteRate += server.byteRateCnt.getLastSecondCnt(); lastMinuteByteRate += server.byteRateCnt.getLastMinuteCnt(); lastHourByteRate += server.byteRateCnt.getLastHourCnt(); } String htmlServerStats = ""; htmlServerStats += "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" /></head>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<style> table, th, td { padding: 3px; border: 1px solid black;" + " border-collapse: collapse; text-align: right;} </style>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<TITLE>" + getServerName() + " Status</TITLE>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<b>" + getServerName() + "</b> - " + tcpProxyPort + "<br/><br/><br/>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<table>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<tr><td><b>counters</b></td><td><b>values</b></td></tr>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<tr><td>Open connections</td><td>" + (openedConnections - closedConnections) + "</td></tr>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<tr><td><b>server</b> byte rate</td><td>" + "<table><tr>" + "<td>" + lastSecondByteRate + " B/s</td>" + "<td>" + lastMinuteByteRate + " B/min</td>" + "<td>" + lastHourByteRate + " B/h</td>" + "</tr></table>"; for (Server server : serverList) { htmlServerStats += "<tr><td><b>" + server.hostPort.toString() + "</b> byte rate </td><td>" + "<table><tr>" + "<td>" + server.byteRateCnt.getLastSecondCnt() + " B/s</td>" + "<td>" + server.byteRateCnt.getLastMinuteCnt() + " B/min</td>" + "<td>" + server.byteRateCnt.getLastHourCnt() + " B/h</td>" + "</tr></table>" + "</td></tr>\r\n"; } for (Server server : serverList) { htmlServerStats += "<tr><td><b>" + server.hostPort.toString() + "</b>" + " failed connections </td>" + "<td><table><tr>" + "<td>" + server.failedCnt.getLastSecondCnt() + " /s</td>" + "<td>" + server.failedCnt.getLastMinuteCnt() + " /min</td>" + "<td>" + server.failedCnt.getLastHourCnt() + " /h</td>" + "</tr></table>" + "</td></tr>\r\n"; } htmlServerStats += "<tr><td>opened connections</td><td>" + openedConnections + "</td></tr>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "<tr><td>closed connections</td><td>" + closedConnections + "</td></tr>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "</table>\r\n"; htmlServerStats += "Healthy servers " + getHealthyServerCnt() + " out of " + serverList.size(); return htmlServerStats; } @Override public boolean isHealthy() { return 0 != getHealthyServerCnt(); } private int getHealthyServerCnt() { int healthyCnt = 0; for (Server server : serverList) { if (server.isHealthy()) { healthyCnt++; } } return healthyCnt; } public TcpProxyServer(String name) { = name; serverList = new ArrayList<Server>(); } public void init(ProxyConfiguration conf) { config = conf; // Launch ServerStats thread. new Thread(new ServerStatus(this, config.statusPort)).start(); // Initialize servers and optional ssh tunnels via jumphost. for (HostPort serverHostPort : config.serverHostPortList) { Server server = null; if (null == config.jumphost) { server = new Server(serverHostPort); } else { server = new Server(serverHostPort, config.jumphost); server.startJumphostThread(); } assert null != server; serverList.add(server); } // Open our listening port. tcpProxyPort = config.listeningPort; try { tcpProxyService = new ServerSocket(tcpProxyPort);"Listening for incoming clients on port " + tcpProxyPort); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("IO exception while establishing proxy service on port " + tcpProxyPort); System.exit(1); } // Set load balancer. if (config.loadBalancerString.equals("LeastUsed")) { loadBalancer = new LeastUsed(getServerList()); } else if (config.loadBalancerString.equals("UniformRandom")) { loadBalancer = new UniformRandom(getServerList()); } else { loadBalancer = new RoundRobin(getServerList()); } setLoadBalancer(loadBalancer); } public ArrayList<Server> getServerList() { return serverList; } public void setupTunnel(Socket clientSocket) { final int RETRY_MAX = 3; for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_MAX; i++) { Server server = loadBalancer.getServer(); try { server.establishTunnel(clientSocket); break; } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Error while connecting to server " + server.hostPort); server.incrementFailedConn(); } } } public void runListeningLoop() { while (!tcpProxyService.isClosed()) { try { Socket clientSocket = null; clientSocket = tcpProxyService.accept(); if (null != clientSocket) { setupTunnel(clientSocket); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("IOException while accepting connection: " + ioe.getMessage()); } } } @Override public String getServerName() { return name; } public static Options getCommandLineOptions() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "Verbose logging."); options.addOption("V", "version", false, "Print version number."); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("port") .withDescription("Listening port for proxy clients. " + "Default listening port is " + ProxyConfiguration.defaultListeningPort + ".") .withArgName("PORT").withType(Number.class).hasArg().create('p')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("webstatus_port") .withDescription("Port for proxy status in html format: " + "http://localhost:" + ProxyConfiguration.defaultStatusPort + "/stats") .withArgName("STATUS_PORT").withType(Number.class).hasArg().create('w')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("servers").withArgName("HOST1:PORT1> <HOST2:PORT2") .withDescription("Server/servers for the proxy to connect to" + " in host:port format.").hasArgs() .withValueSeparator(' ').create('s')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("num_servers").withArgName("NUM_SERVERS") .withDescription("Number of servers to instatntiate.").hasArgs().create('n')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("load_balancer").withArgName("LOAD_BALANCER") .withDescription("Load balancing algorithm. Options: " + "RoundRobin, LeastUsed, UniformRandom.") .hasArg().create('b')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("ssh_binary").withArgName("SSH_BINARY") .withDescription("Optional path to use as ssh command. Default is ssh.").hasArg().create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("jumphost_user").withArgName("USER") .withDescription("Username for ssh to jumphost.").hasArg().create('u')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("jumphost_credentials").withArgName("FILENAME") .withDescription("Filename for optional ssh credentials (ssh -i option).").hasArg().create('i')); options.addOption("C", "jumphost_compression", false, "Enable compression in ssh tunnels."); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("jumphost_ciphers").withArgName("CIPHER_SPEC") .withDescription("Select ciphers for ssh tunnel encryption (ssh -c option).").hasArg().create('c')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("jumphost").withArgName("JUMPHOST:JH_PORT") .withDescription("Connect to servers via ssh tunnel to jumphost in jumphost:port format. " + "You still need to specify servers and their ports using --servers.") .hasArg().create('j')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("jumphost_server").withArgName("JHSERVER:JHS_PORT") .withDescription("Jumphost server behind the firewall to connect all servers using: " + "SSH_BINARY -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -n -N -L PORT:JHSERVER:JHS_PORT -l USER " + "-p JH_PORT JUMPHOST") .hasArg().create('y')); options.addOption("o", "openInterfaces", false, "Open all interfaces for ssh tunnel using \\* as bind_address: " + "SSH_BINARY \\*:PORT:JHSERVER:JHS_PORT"); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("help").create('h')); return options; } public void setLoadBalancer(LoadBalancer loadBalancer) { this.loadBalancer = loadBalancer; } public static void printHelp(Options options) { String header = "Connects clients to multiple replicas of the same server." + "It can also setup multiple ssh tunnels via jumphost to a single server" + "Listens on <PORT> and forwards " + "incomming connections to " + "<HOST1:PORT1> <HOST2:PORT2> ...\n\n"; String footer = ""; HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("TransferAccelerator", header, options, footer, true); } private static ProxyConfiguration assembleConfigFromCommandLine(Options options, String[] args) { CommandLine commandLine = null; try { commandLine = new GnuParser().parse(options, args); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e) {"Parsing exception" + e.getMessage()); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } if (commandLine.hasOption("h")) { printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } if (commandLine.hasOption("version")) {"Transfer Accelerator Version " + getProxyVersion()); System.exit(1); } if (commandLine.hasOption("verbose")) { LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } ProxyConfiguration conf = new ProxyConfiguration(); if (commandLine.hasOption("port")) { conf.listeningPort = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("port")); } if (commandLine.hasOption("webstatus_port")) { conf.statusPort = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("webstatus_port")); } // Maybe add jumphost. HostPort jumphostSshd = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { String jumphostString = commandLine.getOptionValue("jumphost"); try { jumphostSshd = conf.parseServerString(jumphostString); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error("Server path parsing exception for jumphost: " + e.getMessage()); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } } // Add jumphostServer if we have a jumphost. HostPort jumphostServer = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost_server")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify jumphost_server."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } String jumphostServerString = commandLine.getOptionValue("jumphost_server"); try { jumphostServer = conf.parseServerString(jumphostServerString); if (jumphostServer.port == -1) { throw new URISyntaxException(jumphostServerString, "Jumphost server parameter missing port."); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error("Server path parsing exception for jumphost_server:" + e.getMessage()); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } } // Maybe add jumphostUser if we have a jumphost. String jumphostUser = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost_user")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify jumphost_user."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } jumphostUser = commandLine.getOptionValue("jumphost_user"); } // Maybe add jumphostCredentials if we have a jumphost. String jumphostCredentials = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost_credentials")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify jumphost_credentials."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } jumphostCredentials = commandLine.getOptionValue("jumphost_credentials"); } // Maybe set jumphostCompression if we have a jumphost. boolean jumphostCompression = false; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost_compression")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify jumphost_compression."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } jumphostCompression = true; } // Maybe add jumphostCiphers if we have a jumphost. String jumphostCiphers = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("jumphost_ciphers")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify jumphost_ciphers."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } jumphostCiphers = commandLine.getOptionValue("jumphost_ciphers"); } // Maybe add sshBinary if we have a jumphost. String sshBinary = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("ssh_binary")) { if (!commandLine.hasOption("jumphost")) { LOG.error("You need to specify jumphost if you specify ssh_binary."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } sshBinary = commandLine.getOptionValue("ssh_binary"); } boolean openInterfaces = false; if (commandLine.hasOption("openInterfaces")) { openInterfaces = true; } // Add jumphost to the config. if (null != jumphostSshd && null != jumphostServer) { conf.jumphost = new JumpHost(jumphostSshd, jumphostServer, jumphostUser, jumphostCredentials, jumphostCompression, jumphostCiphers, sshBinary, openInterfaces); } if (!commandLine.hasOption("num_servers") && !commandLine.hasOption("servers")) { LOG.error("You need to specify one of the num_servers or servers flags."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } if (commandLine.hasOption("num_servers") && commandLine.hasOption("servers")) { LOG.error("You need to specify one of the num_servers or servers flags, not both."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } // Add servers. if (commandLine.hasOption("num_servers")) { try { int num_servers = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("num_servers")); if (num_servers > TcpProxyServer.MAX_NUM_SERVERS) { throw new Exception("Please specify -servers."); } for (int i = 0; i < num_servers; i++) { conf.parseServerStringAndAdd("localhost:" + (TcpProxyServer.START_PORT_RANGE + i)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("num_servers parsing exception " + e.getMessage()); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } } if (commandLine.hasOption("servers")) { String[] servers = commandLine.getOptionValues("servers"); try { for (String server : servers) { conf.parseServerStringAndAdd(server); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error("Server path parsing exception " + e.getMessage()); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } } // Maybe set load balancer. if (commandLine.hasOption("load_balancer")) { HashSet<String> loadBalancers = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList("RoundRobin", "LeastUsed", "UniformRandom")); conf.loadBalancerString = commandLine.getOptionValue("load_balancer"); if (!loadBalancers.contains(conf.loadBalancerString)) { LOG.error("Bad load_balancer value."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } } return conf; } public static String getProxyVersion() { String mvnPropsPath = "/META-INF/maven/com.altiscale/TransferAccelerator/"; Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream in = TcpProxyServer.class.getResourceAsStream(mvnPropsPath); String version = ""; try { props.load(in); version = props.getProperty("version", "unknown"); } catch (Exception e) {; } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) {; /*ignore*/ } } return version; } public static void main(String[] args) { TcpProxyServer proxy = new TcpProxyServer("TransferAccelerator"); proxy.setVersion(getProxyVersion());"Version " + proxy.getVersion()); // Create the options. Options options = getCommandLineOptions(); LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); ProxyConfiguration config = assembleConfigFromCommandLine(options, args); proxy.init(config); if (proxy.getServerList().size() < 1) { LOG.error("No server specified."); printHelp(options); System.exit(1); } // Loop on the listen port forever. proxy.runListeningLoop(); } }