Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: Almende B.V. (2014), Rotterdam, The Netherlands * License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 */ package com.almende.pi5.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Interval; import com.almende.util.jackson.JOM; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; /** * The Class PowerTimeLine. */ public class PowerTimeLine { private DateTime timestamp =; private ArrayList<PowerTime> series = new ArrayList<PowerTime>(); /** * Instantiates a new power time line. */ public PowerTimeLine() { } /** * Instantiates a new power time line. * * @param timestamp * the timestamp */ public PowerTimeLine(final DateTime timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } /** * Gets the timestamp. * * @return the timestamp */ public DateTime getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } /** * Sets the timestamp. * * @param timestamp * the new timestamp */ public void setTimestamp(DateTime timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } /** * Gets the series. * * @return the series */ public ArrayList<PowerTime> getSeries() { return series; } /** * Gets the value at. * * @param timestamp * the timestamp * @return the value at */ @JsonIgnore public Double getValueAt(DateTime timestamp) { long offset = new Duration(this.timestamp, timestamp).getMillis(); PowerTime oldVal = null; for (PowerTime pt : series) { if (pt.getOffset() > offset) { return (oldVal == null) ? 0 : oldVal.getValue(); } oldVal = pt; } return (oldVal == null) ? 0 : oldVal.getValue(); } /** * Adds the value at. * * @param timestamp * the timestamp * @param value * the value * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine addValueAt(final DateTime timestamp, final double value) { long offset = new Duration(this.timestamp, timestamp).getMillis(); if (series.isEmpty()) { series.add(new PowerTime(offset, value)); } else { PowerTime last = series.get(series.size() - 1); if (last.getOffset() < offset) { series.add(new PowerTime(offset, value)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) { PowerTime pt = series.get(i); if (pt.getOffset() < offset) { continue; } if (pt.getOffset() == offset) { pt.setValue(value); } else { series.add(i, new PowerTime(offset, value)); } break; } } } return this; } /** * Make this TL discrete, returning the TL; * As a side effect, removes values outside the start and end times. * * @param start * the start * @param end * the end * @param stepSize * the step size * @return this */ @JsonIgnore public PowerTimeLine discrete(final DateTime start, final DateTime end, final Duration stepSize) { final PowerTimeLine newTL = new PowerTimeLine(); newTL.timestamp = this.timestamp; final ArrayList<PowerTime> steps = new ArrayList<PowerTime>(); long offset = new Duration(timestamp, start).getMillis(); Interval interval = stepSize.toIntervalFrom(start); while (interval.getEnd().isBefore(end) || interval.getEnd().isEqual(end)) { steps.add(new PowerTime(offset, 0)); offset += interval.toDurationMillis(); interval = stepSize.toIntervalFrom(timestamp.plusMillis((int) offset)); } newTL.setSeries(steps); this.add(newTL).zeroBefore(start).zeroFrom(end); final Duration diff = new Duration(start, end); if (series.size() > (diff.getMillis() / stepSize.getMillis())) { int index = 0; long expectedOffset = new Duration(timestamp, start).getMillis() + stepSize.getMillis(); while (index < series.size() - 1) { PowerTime pt = series.get(index); ArrayList<PowerTime> temp = new ArrayList<PowerTime>(); int nextIndex = index + 1; PowerTime next = series.get(nextIndex); while (next.getOffset() < expectedOffset) { temp.add(next); series.remove(nextIndex); if (nextIndex == series.size()) { break; } next = series.get(nextIndex); } if (temp.size() > 0) { temp.add(0, pt); double integral = getIntegral(pt.getOffset(), pt.getOffset() + stepSize.getMillis(), temp); series.set(index, new PowerTime(pt.getOffset(), integral / stepSize.getMillis())); } index++; expectedOffset += stepSize.getMillis(); } } return this; } /** * Compact. * * @return the power time line */ @JsonIgnore public PowerTimeLine compact() { if (series.size() == 0) { return this; } int index = 0; while (index < series.size()) { PowerTime pt = series.get(index); while ((index < series.size() - 1) && pt.getValue() == series.get(index + 1).getValue()) { series.remove(index + 1); } index++; } return this; } /** * Gets the discrete series. * * @param start * the start * @param end * the end * @param stepSize * the step size * @return the discrete series */ @JsonIgnore public ArrayList<PowerTime> getDiscreteSeries(DateTime start, DateTime end, Duration stepSize) { return this.clone().discrete(start, end, stepSize).getSeries(); } /** * Sets the series. * * @param series * the new series */ public void setSeries(ArrayList<PowerTime> series) { this.series = series; } /** * Gets the average watts. * * @param fromDateTime * the from date time * @param untilDateTime * the until date time * @return the average watts */ @JsonIgnore public double getAverageWatts(final DateTime fromDateTime, final DateTime untilDateTime) { final double difference = new Duration(fromDateTime, untilDateTime).getMillis() / 1000.0; if (difference > 0) { return getIntegral(fromDateTime, untilDateTime) / difference; } else { return 0; } } private double getIntegral(final long from, final long until, List<PowerTime> items) { if (items.size() == 0) { return 0; } double result = 0; long oldOffset = from; double val = 0; for (PowerTime pt : items) { if (pt.getOffset() < from) { val = pt.getValue(); continue; } if (pt.getOffset() > until) { break; } result += val * (pt.getOffset() - oldOffset); val = pt.getValue(); oldOffset = pt.getOffset(); } result += val * (until - oldOffset); return result; } /** * Gets the integral. * * @param fromDateTime * the from date time * @param untilDateTime * the until date time * @return the integral */ @JsonIgnore public double getIntegral(final DateTime fromDateTime, final DateTime untilDateTime) { final long from = new Duration(timestamp, fromDateTime).getMillis(); final long until = new Duration(timestamp, untilDateTime).getMillis(); return getIntegral(from, until, this.series) / 1000.0; } /** * Merge the two timelines (adding values), returning this one;. * * @param other * the other * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine add(final PowerTimeLine other) { return operation(new addition(), other); } /** * Merge the two timelines (minus values), returning this one;. * * @param other * the other * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine minus(final PowerTimeLine other) { return operation(new difference(), other); } /** * Merge the two timelines (multiplying values), returning this one;. * * @param other * the other * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine multi(final PowerTimeLine other) { return operation(new multiply(), other); } /** * Merge the two timelines (maximum value), returning this one;. * * @param other * the other * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine max(final PowerTimeLine other) { return operation(new maximum(), other); } /** * Merge the two timelines (minimum value), returning this one;. * * @param other * the other * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine min(final PowerTimeLine other) { return operation(new minimum(), other); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ public PowerTimeLine clone() { final PowerTimeLine result = new PowerTimeLine(); result.timestamp = this.timestamp; for (PowerTime pt : this.series) { result.series.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset(), pt.getValue())); } return result; } private PowerTimeLine operation(operator op, PowerTimeLine other) { if (other.series.size() == 0) { return this; } final long offset = new Duration(this.timestamp, other.timestamp).getMillis(); final ArrayList<PowerTime> result = new ArrayList<PowerTime>(); if (this.series.size() == 0) { for (PowerTime pt : other.series) { result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(0, pt.getValue()))); } this.series = result; return this; } PowerTime val_mine = null; PowerTime val_other = null; int index_mine = 0; int index_other = 0; double value_mine = 0; double value_other = 0; while (index_mine < this.series.size() && index_other < other.series.size()) { val_mine = this.series.get(index_mine); val_other = other.series.get(index_other); switch ((int) Math.signum(val_other.getOffset() + offset - val_mine.getOffset())) { case 1: value_mine = val_mine.getValue(); result.add(new PowerTime(val_mine.getOffset(), op.doOp(value_mine, value_other))); index_mine++; break; case 0: value_mine = val_mine.getValue(); value_other = val_other.getValue(); result.add(new PowerTime(val_mine.getOffset(), op.doOp(value_mine, value_other))); index_mine++; index_other++; break; case -1: value_other = val_other.getValue(); result.add(new PowerTime(val_other.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(value_mine, value_other))); index_other++; break; } } for (int p = index_mine; p < this.series.size(); p++) { PowerTime pt = this.series.get(p); result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset(), op.doOp(pt.getValue(), value_other))); } for (int p = index_other; p < other.series.size(); p++) { PowerTime pt = other.series.get(p); result.add(new PowerTime(pt.getOffset() + offset, op.doOp(value_mine, pt.getValue()))); } this.series = result; return this; } private interface operator { double doOp(final double left, final double right); } class addition implements operator { @Override public double doOp(double left, double right) { return left + right; } } class difference implements operator { @Override public double doOp(double left, double right) { return left - right; } } class multiply implements operator { @Override public double doOp(double left, double right) { return left * right; } } class maximum implements operator { @Override public double doOp(double left, double right) { return Math.max(left, right); } } class minimum implements operator { @Override public double doOp(double left, double right) { return Math.min(left, right); } } /** * Clear to zero between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive). * * @param start * the start * @param end * the end * @return this for chaining */ public PowerTimeLine zeroBetween(final DateTime start, final DateTime end) { if (this.series.size() == 0) { return this; } final long startOffset = new Duration(this.timestamp, start).getMillis(); final long endOffset = new Duration(this.timestamp, end).getMillis(); // get current value at end final double endVal = getValueAt(end); // remove all values with index between start incl and end incl. final Iterator<PowerTime> iter = this.series.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { final PowerTime item =; final long offset = item.getOffset(); if (offset < startOffset) { index++; } else if (offset >= startOffset && offset <= endOffset) { iter.remove(); } else if (offset > endOffset) { break; } } // Add zero at start this.series.add(index, new PowerTime(startOffset, 0)); // add current value at end this.series.add(index + 1, new PowerTime(endOffset, endVal)); return this; } /** * Clear to zero starting at start (inclusive). * * @param start * the start * @return this for chaining */ public PowerTimeLine zeroFrom(final DateTime start) { if (this.series.size() == 0) { return this; } final long startOffset = new Duration(this.timestamp, start).getMillis(); // remove all values with index after start incl final Iterator<PowerTime> iter = this.series.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { final PowerTime item =; final long offset = item.getOffset(); if (offset < startOffset) { index++; } else if (offset >= startOffset) { iter.remove(); } } // Add zero at start this.series.add(index, new PowerTime(startOffset, 0)); return this; } /** * Clear to zero before start (exclusive). * * @param start * the start * @return this for chaining */ public PowerTimeLine zeroBefore(final DateTime start) { if (this.series.size() == 0) { return this; } final long startOffset = new Duration(this.timestamp, start).getMillis(); final double startVal = getValueAt(start); // remove all values with index before start incl final Iterator<PowerTime> iter = this.series.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final PowerTime item =; final long offset = item.getOffset(); if (offset <= startOffset) { iter.remove(); } else { break; } } // Add value at start this.series.add(0, new PowerTime(startOffset, startVal)); return this; } /** * Merge other timeline into this this timeline, replacing all between start * and end timestamps. * * @param other * the other * @param start * the start * @param end * the end * @return this for chaining */ public PowerTimeLine merge(final PowerTimeLine other, final DateTime start, final DateTime end) { final PowerTimeLine copy = other.clone().zeroBefore(start).zeroFrom(end); this.zeroBetween(start, end).add(copy); return this; } /** * With timestamp. * * @param timestamp * the timestamp * @return the power time line */ public PowerTimeLine withTimestamp(DateTime timestamp) { final DateTime oldTimestamp = this.timestamp; this.timestamp = timestamp; if (oldTimestamp != null && !oldTimestamp.equals(timestamp) && series.size() > 0) { long diff = new Duration(timestamp, oldTimestamp).getMillis(); for (PowerTime pt : series) { pt.setOffset(pt.getOffset() + diff); } } return this; } @Override public String toString() { return JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(this).toString(); } }