Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: Almende B.V. (2014), Rotterdam, The Netherlands * License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 */ package com.almende.pi5.common.agents; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Access; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.AccessType; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Name; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Optional; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Sender; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.formats.JSONRequest; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.formats.Params; import com.almende.pi5.common.Categories; import com.almende.pi5.common.CategoryProfile; import com.almende.pi5.common.ControlMode; import com.almende.pi5.common.LogLine; import com.almende.pi5.common.PowerProfile; import com.almende.pi5.common.PowerTimeLine; import com.almende.pi5.common.RequestProfile; import com.almende.util.URIUtil; import com.almende.util.jackson.JOM; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * The Class AggregatingAgent. */ public abstract class AggregatingAgent extends GraphAgent { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AggregatingAgent.class.getName()); private Set<ReportWrap> reports = new HashSet<ReportWrap>(); private final ReentrantReadWriteLock reportsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final ReentrantLock steeringLock = new ReentrantLock(); private double steerlimit = 100; class ReportWrap implements Comparable<ReportWrap> { private String owner = null; private PowerProfile report = null; private DateTime lastAccessed = null; public ReportWrap() { } public ReportWrap(final String owner, final PowerProfile report) { this.owner = owner; this.setReport(report); lastAccessed =; } public int hashCode() { return owner.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ReportWrap)) { return false; } final ReportWrap other = (ReportWrap) o; return owner.equals(other.owner); } @Override public int compareTo(ReportWrap o) { if (this.equals(o)) { return 0; } return lastAccessed.compareTo(o.lastAccessed); } public String getOwner() { return owner; } public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } public PowerProfile getReport() { lastAccessed =; return report; } @JsonIgnore public PowerProfile getReportPeek() { return report; } public void setReport(PowerProfile report) { = report; } } /** * Instantiates a new aggregating agent. */ public AggregatingAgent() { super(); } /** * Instantiates a new aggregating agent. * * @param agentId * the agent id * @param config * the config */ public AggregatingAgent(String agentId, ObjectNode config) { super(agentId, config); } @Override protected void onReady() { this.steerlimit = getConfig().hasNonNull("steerLimit") ? getConfig().get("steerLimit").asDouble() : 100; super.onReady(); repeatSteer(); } /** * Gets the current profile. * * @return the current profile */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public CategoryProfile getCurrentProfile() { return generateReport().getCategoryProfile(; } /** * Reset. */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void reset() { reportsLock.writeLock().lock(); reports.clear(); reportsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } @Override public PowerProfile generateReport() { if (reports == null) { return null; } reportsLock.readLock().lock(); final PowerProfile profile = new PowerProfile(currentTimeslot); for (final ReportWrap wrap : reports) { final PowerProfile report = wrap.getReportPeek(); for (Categories cat : Categories.values()) { final String category =; if (category.equals( { continue; } profile.getCategoryProfile(category).getDemand() .add(report.getCategoryProfile(category).getDemand()).compact(); profile.getCategoryProfile(category).getExpectedFlexibilityMaxInWatts() .add(report.getCategoryProfile(category).getExpectedFlexibilityMaxInWatts()).compact(); profile.getCategoryProfile(category).getExpectedFlexibilityMinInWatts() .add(report.getCategoryProfile(category).getExpectedFlexibilityMinInWatts()).compact(); } } reportsLock.readLock().unlock(); profile.calcAll(); return profile; } /** * Repeat steer. */ public void repeatSteer() { steer(); sendLog(); DateTime next = this.currentTimeslot.plusMinutes(TIMESTEP - 1).plusSeconds(25); DateTime prev = next.minusMinutes(TIMESTEP); if ( { next = prev; } schedule(new JSONRequest("repeatSteer", null), next); } /** * Called (ad hoc or periodically) by downstream agents for later * aggregation by this agent * * @param profile * the profile to cache * @param senderUrl * the profile's sender url * @throws JsonProcessingException * the json processing exception */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void report(final @Name("profile") PowerProfile profile, final @Sender URI senderUrl) throws JsonProcessingException { LOG.fine(getId() + "Receiving report from: " + senderUrl + " : " + JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(profile).toString()); reportsLock.writeLock().lock(); final ReportWrap wrap = new ReportWrap(senderUrl.toString(), profile); this.reports.remove(wrap); this.reports.add(wrap); reportsLock.writeLock().unlock(); steer(); sendLog(); } @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) @Override public void request(@Name("request") RequestProfile request, @Optional @Name("doReply") Boolean doReply) { steeringLock.lock(); super.request(request, doReply); steeringLock.unlock(); steer(); sendLog(); if (doReply != null && doReply) { sendReport(); } } /** * Steer. * Run on each incoming report, incoming request. */ private void steer() { if (!ControlMode.CONTRACT.equals(modus) && !ControlMode.BALANCE.equals(modus)) { if (!getId().startsWith("bus_")) { sendReport(); } return; } if (!steeringLock.tryLock()) { if (steeringLock.hasQueuedThreads()) { return; } steeringLock.lock(); } final DateTime now =; if (now.isAfter(currentTimeslot)) { updateTime(); } final PowerProfile aggregate = generateReport(); Double current_diff = getDiff(currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH), currentTimeslot, now, aggregate); Double next_diff = getDiff(currentTimeslot,, currentTimeslot, aggregate); if (current_diff.isNaN()) { current_diff = 0.0; } if (next_diff.isNaN()) { next_diff = 0.0; } if (Math.abs(current_diff) < steerlimit && Math.abs(next_diff) < steerlimit) { + ": Below steerlimit of " + steerlimit + " Watts (" + current_diff + " - " + next_diff + "):" + now); steeringLock.unlock(); return; } // Current timeslot: double current_percentage; if (current_diff > 0) { current_percentage = (current_diff / getFlexUp(now, aggregate)) * 2; LOG.log(Level.INFO, getId() + ": request: Currently more power usage needed:" + current_diff + " Watt (" + (current_percentage * 100) + "%):" + currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH) + "(" + currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH).getMillis() + ")"); } else if (current_diff == 0) { current_percentage = 0; } else { current_percentage = (current_diff / getFlexDown(now, aggregate)) * 2; LOG.log(Level.INFO, getId() + ": request: Currently less power usage needed:" + (-current_diff) + " Watt (" + (current_percentage * 100) + "%):" + currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH) + "(" + currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH).getMillis() + ")"); } if (current_percentage > 1) { current_percentage = 1; } if (current_percentage < 0.01) { current_percentage = 0.01; } // Next timeslot: double next_percentage; if (next_diff > 0) { next_percentage = (next_diff / getFlexUp(currentTimeslot, aggregate)) * 2; LOG.log(Level.INFO, getId() + ": request: Next timeslot more power usage needed:" + next_diff + " Watt (" + (next_percentage * 100) + "%):" + currentTimeslot + "(" + currentTimeslot.getMillis() + ")"); } else if (next_diff == 0) { next_percentage = 0; } else { next_percentage = (next_diff / getFlexDown(currentTimeslot, aggregate)) * 2; LOG.log(Level.INFO, getId() + ": request: Next timeslot less power usage needed:" + (-next_diff) + " Watt (" + (next_percentage * 100) + "%):" + currentTimeslot + "(" + currentTimeslot.getMillis() + ")"); } if (next_percentage > 1) { next_percentage = 1; } if (next_percentage < 0.01) { next_percentage = 0.01; } final List<ReportWrap> list = new ArrayList<ReportWrap>(reports.size()); reportsLock.readLock().lock(); list.addAll(reports); reportsLock.readLock().unlock(); Collections.sort(list); for (ReportWrap wrap : list) { if (Math.abs(current_diff) < 0.01 * steerlimit && Math.abs(next_diff) < 0.01 * steerlimit) { + ": done steering:" + current_diff + " - " + next_diff); break; } getId() + ": still to go:" + current_diff + " - " + next_diff + " checking " + wrap.getOwner()); String agentUrl = wrap.getOwner(); PowerProfile report = wrap.getReport(); report.calcAll(); // Timeline based: PowerTimeLine diffLine = new PowerTimeLine(currentReport.getTimestamp()); CategoryProfile rep = report.getCategoryProfile(; double influence = 0; if (Math.abs(current_diff) >= 0) { if (current_diff > 0) { final double val = Math.min(current_diff, getFlexUp(now, report) * current_percentage); current_diff -= val; diffLine.addValueAt(now, val); influence += val; } else { final double val = Math.max(current_diff, getFlexDown(now, report) * current_percentage); current_diff -= val; diffLine.addValueAt(now, val); influence -= val; } } diffLine.zeroFrom(currentTimeslot); if (Math.abs(next_diff) >= 0) { if (next_diff > 0) { final double val = Math.min(next_diff, getFlexUp(currentTimeslot, report) * next_percentage); next_diff -= val; diffLine.addValueAt(currentTimeslot, val); influence += val; } else { final double val = Math.max(next_diff, getFlexDown(currentTimeslot, report) * next_percentage); next_diff -= val; diffLine.addValueAt(currentTimeslot, val); influence -= val; } } diffLine.zeroFrom(; if (influence <= 0) { LOG.warning(getId() + ": Not sending zero influence request to:" + agentUrl); continue; } LOG.fine(getId() + " diffLine:" + JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(diffLine)); LOG.fine(getId() + " demand:" + JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(rep.getDemand())); RequestProfile subRequest = new RequestProfile(); subRequest.setTimestamp(currentReport.getTimestamp()); subRequest.getRequest().add(rep.getDemand()).add(diffLine); ObjectNode params = JOM.createObjectNode(); params.set("request", JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(subRequest)); try { + ": Sending request to Child:" + agentUrl + " -> " + params); reportsLock.writeLock().lock(); wrap.getReport() .merge(createProposal(report, subRequest), currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH), .dropHistory(currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH)); reportsLock.writeLock().unlock(); getSender().get().call(URI.create(agentUrl), "request", params); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, getId() + ": Couldn't send profile onwards to:" + agentUrl, e); } } if (Math.abs(current_diff) > steerlimit || Math.abs(next_diff) > steerlimit) { LOG.warning(getId() + ": Reached steering limits, resetting goal and reporting max."); updateCurrentReport(false); sendReport(); } steeringLock.unlock(); } /** * Describe status. * * @return the status */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public String describe() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final PowerProfile aggregate = generateReport(); final DateTime now =; sb.append(getId()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(; sb.append("|"); sb.append(currentTimeslot); sb.append(" "); sb.append(getModus()); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("T0 c:"); sb.append(aggregate.getCategoryProfile(; sb.append(" a:"); sb.append(aggregate.getCategoryProfile( .getIntegral(currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH), currentTimeslot) / (TIMESLOTLENGTH / 1000)); sb.append(" g:"); sb.append(getGoal(now)); sb.append(" d:("); sb.append(getDiff(currentTimeslot.minus(TIMESLOTLENGTH), currentTimeslot, now, aggregate)); sb.append(")"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("T1 c:"); sb.append(aggregate.getCategoryProfile(; sb.append(" a:"); sb.append(aggregate.getCategoryProfile(, / (TIMESLOTLENGTH / 1000)); sb.append(" g:"); sb.append(getGoal(currentTimeslot)); sb.append(" d:("); sb.append(getDiff(currentTimeslot,, currentTimeslot, aggregate)); sb.append(")"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(getLogLine(aggregate)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("(nof reports:" + reports.size() + ")"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Send log. */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void sendLog() { final DateTime now =; if (now.isAfter(currentTimeslot)) { updateTime(); } final CategoryProfile current = generateReport().getCategoryProfile(; CategoryProfile expected = current; if (getModus().equals(ControlMode.CONTRACT)) { expected = currentReport.getCategoryProfile(; } final LogLine ll = LogLine.fromProfiles(getId(), current, expected, now, currentTimeslot, getModus().equals(ControlMode.CONTRACT)); final Params params = new Params(); params.add("logline", ll); try { call(loggerUrl, "log", params); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't log!", e); } } /** * Gets the log line. * * @param aggregate * the aggregate * @return the log line */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public String getLogLine(final PowerProfile aggregate) { final DateTime now =; final CategoryProfile current = aggregate.getCategoryProfile(; CategoryProfile expected = current; if (getModus().equals(ControlMode.CONTRACT)) { expected = currentReport.getCategoryProfile(; } final LogLine ll = LogLine.fromProfiles(getId(), current, expected, now, currentTimeslot, getModus().equals(ControlMode.CONTRACT)); return ll.getCsv(); } /** * Sets the modus. * * @param modus * the new modus */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void setModus(@Name("modus") final ControlMode modus) { super.setModus(modus); sendLog(); } /** * Sets the modus. * * @param modus * the new modus */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void setAllModus(@Name("modus") final ControlMode modus) { setModus(modus); final Params params = new Params(); params.add("modus", modus); final List<ReportWrap> list = new ArrayList<ReportWrap>(reports.size()); reportsLock.readLock().lock(); list.addAll(reports); reportsLock.readLock().unlock(); for (ReportWrap wrap : list) { try { call(URIUtil.create(wrap.owner), "setModus", params); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't forward setModus", e); } } } }