Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: Almende B.V. (2014), Rotterdam, The Netherlands * License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 */ package com.almende.eve.test; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Test; import com.almende.eve.agent.AgentHost; import com.almende.eve.agent.callback.AsyncCallback; import com.almende.eve.rpc.jsonrpc.JSONRPCException; import com.almende.eve.rpc.jsonrpc.jackson.JOM; import com.almende.eve.state.MemoryStateFactory; import com.almende.eve.test.agents.Test2Agent; import com.almende.eve.transport.zmq.ZmqService; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * The Class TestZmq. */ public class TestZmq extends TestCase { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestZmq.class.getCanonicalName()); /** * Gets the url. * * @param type * the type * @param agentId * the agent id * @return the url */ private URI getUrl(final String type, final String agentId) { if ("tcp".equals(type)) { final int port = agentId.equals("test") ? 5556 : 5557; return URI.create("zmq:tcp://" + port); } else if ("inproc".equals(type)) { return URI.create("zmq:inproc://" + agentId); } else if ("ipc".equals(type)) { return URI.create("zmq:ipc:///tmp/" + agentId); } return null; } /** * Run test. * * @param test * the test * @param test2 * the test2 * @param type * the type * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws JSONRPCException * the jSONRPC exception * @throws InterruptedException * the interrupted exception */ private void runTest(final Test2Agent test, final Test2Agent test2, final String type) throws IOException, JSONRPCException, InterruptedException { final Set<String> results = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<String>(); final AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final String result) { results.add(result); } @Override public void onFailure(final Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Oeps, exception:", e); } }; final URI uri1 = getUrl(type, test.getId()); final URI uri2 = getUrl(type, test2.getId()); LOG.warning("uri1:" + uri1 + " uri2:" + uri2); ObjectNode parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "1"); test.sendAsync(uri2, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "2"); test.sendAsync(uri2, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "3"); test.sendAsync(uri1, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "4"); test.sendAsync(uri1, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "5"); test2.sendAsync(uri1, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "6"); test2.sendAsync(uri1, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "7"); test2.sendAsync(uri2, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); parms = JOM.createObjectNode(); parms.put("message", "8"); test2.sendAsync(uri2, "slowPing", parms, callback, String.class); Thread.sleep(2000); System.err.println("results:" + results); assertEquals(8, results.size()); } /** * Test zmq. * * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Test public void testZmq() throws Exception { final AgentHost host = AgentHost.getInstance(); host.setDoesShortcut(false); host.setStateFactory(new MemoryStateFactory()); if (host.hasAgent("test")) { host.deleteAgent("test"); } if (host.hasAgent("test2")) { host.deleteAgent("test2"); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("baseUrl", "tcp://"); host.addTransportService(new ZmqService(host, params)); params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("baseUrl", "inproc://"); host.addTransportService(new ZmqService(host, params)); params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("baseUrl", "ipc:///tmp/"); host.addTransportService(new ZmqService(host, params)); final Test2Agent test = host.createAgent(Test2Agent.class, "test"); final Test2Agent test2 = host.createAgent(Test2Agent.class, "test2"); runTest(test, test2, "inproc"); runTest(test, test2, "ipc"); runTest(test, test2, "tcp"); } }