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 * Copyright 2015 Smart Society Services B.V.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
package com.alliander.osgp.shared.usermanagement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSClientParameters;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientConfiguration;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider;

 * This class offers a web client for the web-api-user-management web service.
public class UserManagementClient extends AbstractClient {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserManagementClient.class);

    private static final String CONSTRUCTION_FAILED = "UserManagementClient construction failed";

    private String usersPath = "/users";
    private String userPath = "/users/";
    private String addNewUserPath = "/users/add";
    private String changeUserPasswordPath = "/changepassword";
    private String removeUserPath = "/remove";
    private String changeUserDataPath = "/change";
    private String resetBlockedAccountPath = "/reset-blocked-user-account";

    private String rolesPath = "/roles";
    private String applicationsPath = "/applications";

    private String organisationPath = "/organisations/";

     * Construct a UserManagementClient instance.
     * @param keystoreLocation
     *            The location of the key store.
     * @param keystorePassword
     *            The password for the key store.
     * @param keystoreType
     *            The type of the key store.
     * @param baseAddress
     *            The base address or URL for the UserManagementClient.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the construction fails, a
     *             UserManagmentClientException will be thrown.
    public UserManagementClient(final String keystoreLocation, final String keystorePassword,
            final String keystoreType, final String baseAddress) throws UserManagementClientException {

        InputStream stream = null;
        boolean isClosed = false;
        Exception exception = null;

        try {
            // Create the KeyStore.
            final KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType.toUpperCase());

            stream = new FileInputStream(keystoreLocation);
            keystore.load(stream, keystorePassword.toCharArray());

            // Create TrustManagerFactory and initialize it using the KeyStore.
            final TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory

            // Create Apache CXF WebClient with JSON provider.
            final List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
            providers.add(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider());

            this.webClient = WebClient.create(baseAddress, providers);
            if (this.webClient == null) {
                throw new UserManagementClientException("webclient is null");

            // Set up the HTTP Conduit to use the TrustManagers.
            final ClientConfiguration config = WebClient.getConfig(this.webClient);
            final HTTPConduit conduit = config.getHttpConduit();

            conduit.setTlsClientParameters(new TLSClientParameters());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, e);
            throw new UserManagementClientException(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, e);
        } finally {
            try {
                isClosed = true;
            } catch (final Exception streamCloseException) {
                LOGGER.error(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, streamCloseException);
                exception = streamCloseException;

        if (!isClosed) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, exception);

     * Get all users for all organisations.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a list of all users for all
     *         organisations.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getAllUsers(final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.usersPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String users;
        try {
            users = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("get all users response exception", e);

        return users;

     * Get the users for an organisation.
     * @param usersForOrganisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification for which the users are
     *            requested.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a list of all users for the
     *         organisation.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getUsers(final String usersForOrganisationIdentification, final String organisationIdentification,
            final String token) throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.organisationPath + usersForOrganisationIdentification + this.usersPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String users;
        try {
            users = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("get users response exception", e);

        return users;

     * Get a user.
     * @param username
     *            The user name of the user to get.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a user.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getUser(final String username, final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.userPath + username)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String user;
        try {
            user = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("get user response exception", e);

        return user;

     * Change a user's password.
     * @param organisationIdentificationForUser
     *            The organisation identification of the user.
     * @param username
     *            The user name of the user to get.
     * @param newPassword
     *            The new password for the user.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a feedback message.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String changePassword(final String organisationIdentificationForUser, final String username,
            final String newPassword, final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final ChangeUserPasswordRequest changeUserPasswordRequest = new ChangeUserPasswordRequest(
                organisationIdentificationForUser, username, newPassword);

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.userPath + username + this.changeUserPasswordPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(changeUserPasswordRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("change password response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Add a new user.
     * @param organisationIdentificationForUser
     *            The organisation identification for the new user.
     * @param username
     *            The user name of the new user.
     * @param password
     *            The password of the new user.
     * @param role
     *            The role of the new user.
     * @param applications
     *            The application permissions for the new user.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing the new user.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String addNewUser(final User user, final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final AddNewUserRequest addNewUserRequest = new AddNewUserRequest(user);

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.organisationPath + user.getOrganisationIdentification() + this.addNewUserPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(addNewUserRequest);

        String userResponse;
        try {
            userResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("add new user response exception", e);

        return userResponse;

     * Remove a user.
     * @param organisationIdentificationForUser
     *            The organisation identification for the user to remove.
     * @param username
     *            The user name of the user to remove.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String removeUser(final String organisationIdentificationForUser, final String username,
            final String organisationIdentification, final String token) throws UserManagementClientException {

        final RemoveUserRequest removeUserRequest = new RemoveUserRequest(organisationIdentificationForUser,

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.userPath + username + this.removeUserPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(removeUserRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("remove user response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Change a users data.
     * @param organisationIdentificationForUser
     *            The organisation identification for the user.
     * @param username
     *            The user name of the user to get.
     * @param newUsername
     *            The new user name for the user.
     * @param newPassword
     *            The new password for the user.
     * @param newRole
     *            The new role for the user.
     * @param newApplications
     *            The new list of applications for the user.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String changeUserData(final ChangeUser changeUser, final String organisationIdentification,
            final String token) throws UserManagementClientException {

        final ChangeUserRequest changeUserRequest = new ChangeUserRequest(changeUser);

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.userPath + changeUser.getUsername() + this.changeUserDataPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(changeUserRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("change user data response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * @param username
     *            The user name of the user.
     * @param organisationIdentificationOfUser
     *            The organisation the user belongs to.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String resetBlockedUserAccount(final String username, final String organisationIdentificationOfUser,
            final String organisationIdentification, final String token) throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.userPath + username + this.resetBlockedAccountPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token))
                .post(new ResetBlockedUserAccountRequest(username));

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("reset blocked user account response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Get the list of all roles.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing the list of roles.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getRoles(final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.usersPath + this.rolesPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String roles;
        try {
            roles = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("get roles response exception", e);

        return roles;

     * Get the list of all applications.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing the list of applications.
     * @throws UserManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getApplications(final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws UserManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.usersPath + this.applicationsPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String applications;
        try {
            applications = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new UserManagementClientException("get applications response exception", e);

        return applications;