Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 Fred Sauer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.demo.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.DivLogger; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.shared.LogRecord; /** * Interactive demo panel used by {@link LogDemo}. */ public class InteractiveDemoPanel extends AbsolutePanel { /** * Example of class which fails static initialization due to purposefully broken JSNI code. */ static class Broken { static final String broken = breakIt(); /** * Throw a JavaScriptException using purposefully broken JSNI code. * * @return nothing since an exception is thrown */ private static native String breakIt() /*-{ return i_do_not_exist(); }-*/; } private static final String CSS_CURRENT = "current"; private static final String CSS_NOOP = "noop"; private static final int[] levels = { Log.LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, Log.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, Log.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, Log.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, Log.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, Log.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, Log.LOG_LEVEL_OFF, }; private static final String[] levelTexts = { "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "OFF", }; private final Button clinitButtonFatal; private final Button jsniCatchButtonFatal; private final Button jsniNoCatchButtonFatal; private final Button jsTimeoutExceptionButtonFatal; private final Button messageButtons[] = new Button[levels.length - 1]; private final Button npeButtonFatal; private final Button nullButtonDebug; /** * Default constructor. */ public InteractiveDemoPanel() { add(new HTML("Log a message:")); for (int i = 0; i < levels.length - 1; i++) { final int level = levels[i]; final String levelString = levelTexts[i]; messageButtons[i] = new Button("Log." + levelString.toLowerCase() + "(...)"); add(messageButtons[i]); messageButtons[i].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String msg = "This is a '" + levelString + "' test message"; switch (level) { case Log.LOG_LEVEL_TRACE: Log.trace(msg); break; case Log.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: Log.debug(msg); break; case Log.LOG_LEVEL_INFO:; break; case Log.LOG_LEVEL_WARN: Log.warn(msg); break; case Log.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: Log.error(msg); break; case Log.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: Log.fatal(msg); break; } } }); } add(new HTML("<br>")); add(new HTML("Catch some exceptions:")); jsniCatchButtonFatal = new Button("JSNI with try/catch"); add(jsniCatchButtonFatal); jsniCatchButtonFatal.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { jsniCatch(); } }); jsniNoCatchButtonFatal = new Button("JSNI without try/catch"); add(jsniNoCatchButtonFatal); jsniNoCatchButtonFatal.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { jsniNoCatch(); } }); clinitButtonFatal = new Button("static (class) initialization failure"); add(clinitButtonFatal); clinitButtonFatal.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { new Broken(); } }); add(new HTML("<br>")); npeButtonFatal = new Button("NullPointerException"); add(npeButtonFatal); npeButtonFatal.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { throw new NullPointerException(); } }); jsTimeoutExceptionButtonFatal = new Button("JavaScript setTimeout() exception [FF/IE/Chrome only]"); add(jsTimeoutExceptionButtonFatal); jsTimeoutExceptionButtonFatal.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public native void onClick(ClickEvent event) /*-{ setTimeout(function() { my_non_existant_variable.my_non_existant_method(); }, 1); }-*/; }); nullButtonDebug = new Button("Log.debug(null)"); add(nullButtonDebug); nullButtonDebug.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Log.debug(null); } }); add(new HTML("<br>")); add(new HTML("Clear log output (on supported destinations):")); Button clearButton = new Button("clear()"); add(clearButton); clearButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Log.clear(); } }); // add(new HTML("<br>")); // add(new HTML("Set runtime log level to:")); // // for (int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { // final int level = levels[i]; // levelButtons[i] = new Button(levelTexts[i]); // levelButtons[i].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // Log.setCurrentLogLevel(level); // updateLogLevelLabels(); // } // }); // add(levelButtons[i]); // } add(new HTML("<br>")); add(new HTML("Change the compile time <code>log_level</code> URL parameter to:")); for (int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { final int level = levels[i]; final String url = makePageURL(levelTexts[i]); Anchor anchor = new Anchor(levelTexts[i], url); anchor.getElement().getStyle().setPadding(0.3, Unit.EM); anchor.setTitle("Switch to '" + levelTexts[i] + "' compile time log level"); add(anchor); if (level == Log.getLowestLogLevel()) { anchor.addStyleDependentName(CSS_CURRENT); } } add(new HTML("<br>")); add(new HTML("Launch server side JavaScript stack trace deobfuscation demo:")); add(new HTML("<a href='LogClientServerDemo.html" + Window.Location.getQueryString() + "'>Client server demo</a>")); updateLogLevelLabels(); if (Log.isLoggingEnabled()) { initDivLogger(); } } /** * Initialize the location and contents of the DivLogger after a short delay. */ private void initDivLogger() { final DivLogger divLogger = Log.getLogger(DivLogger.class); new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (!divLogger.isVisible()) { LogRecord record = new LogRecord("gwt-log", Log.LOG_LEVEL_OFF, "This is the draggable 'DivLogger' panel, just one of the available loggers.\n" + "The above buttons control the current (runtime) logging level.\n" + "Use the other buttons on this page to send test messages or trap exceptions.", null); divLogger.log(record); } } }.schedule(3000); } /** * Try/catch a JavaScript exception/error and log it directly from JSNI. */ private native void jsniCatch() /*-{ try { my_non_existant_variable.my_non_existant_method(); } catch (e) { @com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log::fatal(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)("Caught JSNI Exception", e); } }-*/; /** * Throw a JavaScriptException using purposefully broken JSNI code. */ private native void jsniNoCatch() /*-{ my_non_existant_variable.my_non_existant_method(); }-*/; /** * @return the URL of the current page */ private native String makePageURL(String logLevelText) /*-{ var url = $wnd.location.href.replace(/([\\?&]log_level=[^&]*)/, ""); return url + (url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "log_level=" + logLevelText; }-*/; /** * Set the current window location. * * @param url the new URL location */ private native void setLocation(String url) /*-{ $wnd.location = url; }-*/; /** * Update titles on message generating buttons. * * @param button the button to style * @param buttonLogLevel the log level associated with the button's message * @param levelText the text representation of the log level to use in the button title */ private void styleMessageButton(Button button, int buttonLogLevel, String levelText) { if (buttonLogLevel < Log.getCurrentLogLevel()) { button.addStyleDependentName(CSS_NOOP); button.setTitle("Currently has no effect"); } else { button.removeStyleDependentName(CSS_NOOP); button.setTitle("Send a '" + levelText + "' message"); } } /** * Update log level related dynamic text. */ private void updateLogLevelLabels() { for (int i = 0; i < messageButtons.length; i++) { styleMessageButton(messageButtons[i], levels[i], levelTexts[i]); } styleMessageButton(clinitButtonFatal, Log.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "FATAL"); styleMessageButton(jsniNoCatchButtonFatal, Log.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "FATAL"); styleMessageButton(jsniCatchButtonFatal, Log.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "FATAL"); } }