Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.aliyun.openservices.odps.console.file; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.aliyun.odps.Odps; import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsException; import com.aliyun.odps.Project; import com.aliyun.odps.Volume; import com.aliyun.odps.VolumeFile; import com.aliyun.odps.VolumePartition; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.VolumeTunnel; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.VolumeTunnel.DownloadSession; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.VolumeTunnel.UploadSession; import com.aliyun.openservices.odps.console.ExecutionContext; import com.aliyun.openservices.odps.console.ODPSConsoleException; import com.aliyun.openservices.odps.console.commands.AbstractCommand; import com.aliyun.openservices.odps.console.utils.ODPSConsoleUtils; public class FileOperationCommand extends AbstractCommand { public static final String[] HELP_TAGS = new String[] { "file", "fs", "volume" }; public static void printUsage(PrintStream out) { out.println(""); out.println("Usage: fs <-ls [-l] | -rmv | -rmp > <path>; list or remove volume[partition]"); out.println(" fs <-put | -get > <src> <dest>; put or get file[dir]."); out.println(" fs <-mkv > <volume_name> [comment]; create volume."); out.println(" fs <-meta > <path>; desc meta."); out.println("For example:"); out.println(" fs -ls /; list volumes."); out.println(" fs -put /home/admin/data /vname/pname; "); out.println(" fs -mkv test_volume 'for test'; "); } String[] paras; public FileOperationCommand(String commandText, ExecutionContext context, String[] paras) { super(commandText, context); this.paras = paras; } public void run() throws OdpsException, ODPSConsoleException { Odps odps = getCurrentOdps(); String path = paras[2]; Project project = odps.projects().get(); if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-ls") && paras.length == 3) { listFile(odps, path, false); } else if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-ls") && paras[2].equalsIgnoreCase("-l") && paras.length == 4) { path = paras[3]; listFile(odps, path, true); } else if ((paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-rmv") || paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-rmp")) && paras.length == 3) { rmFile(odps, path, paras[1]); } else if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-put") && paras.length == 4) { putFile(); } else if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-get") && paras.length == 4) { getFile(odps); } else if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-mkv")) { String comment = ""; String volumeName = paras[2]; if (paras.length > 3) { String command = getCommandText(); comment = command .substring(command.toUpperCase().indexOf(" " + volumeName + " ") + volumeName.length() + 2); } odps.volumes().create(project.getName(), volumeName, comment); } else if (paras[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-meta") && paras.length == 3) { descMeta(odps); } else { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - Generic options must be specified."); } getWriter().writeError("OK"); } private static void throwUsageError(PrintStream out, String msg) throws ODPSConsoleException { printUsage(out); throw new ODPSConsoleException(msg); } public static FileOperationCommand parse(String commandString, ExecutionContext sessionContext) throws ODPSConsoleException { if (commandString.toUpperCase().matches("FS\\s+.*")) { String temp[] = commandString.trim().split("\\s+"); if (temp.length >= 3) { return new FileOperationCommand(commandString, sessionContext, temp); } else { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - Generic options must be specified."); } } return null; } private void getFile(Odps odps) throws ODPSConsoleException { int start = paras[2].startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0; String[] sp = paras[2].substring(start).split("/"); String vName = sp[0]; String pName = ""; String filePath = "/"; if (sp.length > 1) { pName = sp[1]; } else { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - pls set partition name."); } if (sp.length > 2) { filePath = paras[2].substring(start + sp[0].length() + sp[1].length() + 2); } String tunnelEndpoint = getContext().getTunnelEndpoint(); VolumeTunnel tunnel = new VolumeTunnel(odps); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tunnelEndpoint)) { tunnel.setEndpoint(tunnelEndpoint); } try { if (filePath.endsWith("/")) { Volume volume = odps.volumes().get(vName); String projectName = odps.projects().get().getName(); UploadDownloadUtil.downloadFolder(filePath, paras[3], pName, projectName, volume, tunnel); } else if (!filePath.equals("")) { if (filePath.startsWith("/")) { filePath = filePath.substring(1); } DownloadSession down = tunnel.createDownloadSession(getCurrentProject(), vName, pName, filePath); File file = new File(paras[3]); UploadDownloadUtil.downloadFile(file, down); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ODPSConsoleException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } private void descMeta(Odps odps) throws ODPSConsoleException { int start = paras[2].startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0; String[] sp = paras[2].substring(start).split("/"); String vName = sp[0].equals("") ? "/" : sp[0]; String pName = null; String path = "/"; if (sp.length > 1) { pName = sp[1]; } if (sp.length > 2) { path = paras[2].substring(start + sp[0].length() + sp[1].length() + 2); } if (pName == null) { Volume v = odps.volumes().get(vName); System.out.println("Comment: " + v.getComment()); System.out.println("Length: " + v.getLength()); System.out.println("File number: " + v.getFileCount()); } else { Volume v = odps.volumes().get(vName); VolumePartition m = v.getVolumePartition(pName); System.out.println("Length: " + m.getLength()); System.out.println("File number: " + m.getFileCount()); } } private void putFile() throws ODPSConsoleException { int start = paras[3].startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0; String[] sp = paras[3].substring(start).split("/"); String vName = sp[0]; String pName = ""; String filePath = "/"; if (sp.length > 1) { pName = sp[1]; } else { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - pls set partition name."); } if (sp.length > 2) { filePath = paras[3].substring(start + sp[0].length() + sp[1].length() + 2); } try { File file = new File(paras[2]); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ODPSConsoleException("file not exists."); } Odps odps = getCurrentOdps(); String tunnelEndpoint = getContext().getTunnelEndpoint(); VolumeTunnel tunnel = new VolumeTunnel(odps); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tunnelEndpoint)) { tunnel.setEndpoint(tunnelEndpoint); } UploadSession up = tunnel.createUploadSession(getCurrentProject(), vName, pName); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { filePath = (filePath.endsWith("/") ? filePath : filePath + "/") + file.getName(); UploadDownloadUtil.uploadFolder(file, up, filePath); } else if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { UploadDownloadUtil.uploadFile(file, up, filePath.equals("/") ? file.getName() : filePath); } up.commit(up.getFileList()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ODPSConsoleException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } private void rmFile(Odps odps, String path, String option) throws ODPSConsoleException, OdpsException { int start = path.startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0; String[] sp = path.substring(start).split("/"); String vName = sp[0]; String pName = ""; if (sp.length > 1) { pName = sp[1]; } if (sp.length > 2) { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - can not remove file or folder."); } if (!"".equals(pName) && option.equalsIgnoreCase("-rmp")) { Volume v = odps.volumes().get(vName); v.deleteVolumePartition(pName); } else if (!"".equals(vName) && "".equals(pName) && option.equalsIgnoreCase("-rmv")) { Project project = odps.projects().get(); odps.volumes().delete(project.getName(), vName); } else { throwUsageError(System.err, "Invalid parameters - unrecognized option [" + path + "]."); } } private void listFile(Odps odps, String path, boolean isShowAll) throws OdpsException { int start = path.startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0; String[] sp = path.substring(start).split("/"); String vName = sp[0]; String pName = ""; String filePath = "/"; if (sp.length > 1) { pName = sp[1]; } if (sp.length > 2) { filePath = path.substring(start + sp[0].length() + sp[1].length() + 2); } List<String[]> volumeList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] volumeTitle = null; int[] columnPercent = null; if (isShowAll) { volumeTitle = new String[] { "Owner", "LastModifyTime", "FileCount", "Length", "FileName", }; columnPercent = new int[] { 20, 15, 6, 8, 49 }; volumeList.add(volumeTitle); } int totalCount = 0; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(pName)) { Volume v = odps.volumes().get(vName); VolumePartition p = v.getVolumePartition(pName); Iterator<VolumeFile> fs = p.getFileIterator(filePath); filePath = filePath.equals("/") ? "/" : "/" + filePath + (filePath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); int fs_size = 0; while (fs.hasNext()) { fs_size++; VolumeFile f =; getWriter().writeResult("/" + vName + "/" + pName + filePath + f.getName()); } getWriter().writeError("total " + (fs_size)); return; } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(vName)) { Volume v = odps.volumes().get(vName); Iterator<VolumePartition> ps = v.getPartitionIterator(); int ps_size = 0; while (ps.hasNext()) { ps_size++; VolumePartition p =; if (isShowAll) { String[] vAttr = new String[5]; vAttr[0] = p.getOwner(); vAttr[1] = p.getLastModifiedTime() == null ? " " : ODPSConsoleUtils.formatDate(p.getLastModifiedTime()); vAttr[2] = p.getFileCount() + ""; vAttr[3] = p.getLength() + ""; vAttr[4] = "/" + vName + "/" + p.getName() + "/"; volumeList.add(vAttr); } else { getWriter().writeResult("/" + vName + "/" + p.getName() + "/"); } } totalCount = ps_size; } else { Iterator<Volume> vs = odps.volumes().iterator(); int vs_size = 0; while (vs.hasNext()) { vs_size++; Volume v =; if (isShowAll) { String[] vAttr = new String[5]; vAttr[0] = v.getOwner(); vAttr[1] = v.getLastModifiedTime() == null ? " " : ODPSConsoleUtils.formatDate(v.getLastModifiedTime()); vAttr[2] = v.getFileCount() + ""; vAttr[3] = v.getLength() + ""; vAttr[4] = "/" + v.getName() + "/"; volumeList.add(vAttr); } else { getWriter().writeResult("/" + v.getName() + "/"); } } totalCount = vs_size; } if (isShowAll) { ODPSConsoleUtils.formaterTable(volumeList, columnPercent, getContext().getConsoleWidth()); } getWriter().writeError("total " + (totalCount)); } }