Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2101 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * ?nodeS.E.T.Lmanager?NodeTask?? {@linkplain NodeTaskService} * * @author jianghang 2012-4-21 ?04:48:12 * @version 4.0.2 */ public class OtterController implements NodeTaskListener, OtterControllerMBean { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OtterController.class); // pipelineIdS.E.T.L? private Map<Long, Map<StageType, GlobalTask>> controllers = new MapMaker() .makeComputingMap(new Function<Long, Map<StageType, GlobalTask>>() { public Map<StageType, GlobalTask> apply(Long pipelineId) { return new MapMaker().makeMap(); } }); private ConfigClientService configClientService; private ArbitrateManageService arbitrateManageService; private NodeTaskService nodeTaskService; // ???? private DataSourceService dataSourceService; // ? private DbDialectFactory dbDialectFactory; // ??? private ArbitrateEventService arbitrateEventService; // ?? private ExecutorService executorService; private StageAggregationCollector stageAggregationCollector; public void start() throws Throwable { // ? initNid(); nodeTaskService.addListener(this); // NodeTask? } public void stop() throws Throwable { for (Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks : controllers.values()) { for (GlobalTask task : tasks.values()) { try { task.shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("##shutdown task error!", e); } } } try { Long nid = configClientService.currentNode().getId(); arbitrateManageService.nodeEvent().destory(Long.valueOf(nid)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("##destory node error!", e); } try { arbitrateEventService.toolEvent().release(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("##destory arbitrate error!", e); } try { nodeTaskService.stopNode(); // manager??node } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("##stop node error!", e); } try { OtterContextLocator.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("##cloes spring error!", e); } ZooKeeperClient.destory();// zookeeper } public boolean process(List<NodeTask> nodeTasks) { if (nodeTasks == null || nodeTasks.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (NodeTask nodeTask : nodeTasks) { boolean shutdown = nodeTask.isShutdown(); Long pipelineId = nodeTask.getPipeline().getId(); if (shutdown) { Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks = controllers.remove(pipelineId); if (tasks != null) {"INFO ## shutdown this pipeline sync ,the pipelineId = {} and tasks = {}", pipelineId, tasks.keySet()); stopPipeline(pipelineId, tasks); } else {"INFO ## this pipeline id = {} is not start sync", pipelineId); } } else { startPipeline(nodeTask); } } return true; } // ===================== helper method ====================== public void startPipeline(NodeTask nodeTask) { Long pipelineId = nodeTask.getPipeline().getId(); releasePipeline(pipelineId); Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks = controllers.get(pipelineId); // ? List<StageType> stage = nodeTask.getStage(); List<TaskEvent> event = nodeTask.getEvent(); for (int i = 0; i < stage.size(); i++) { StageType stageType = stage.get(i); TaskEvent taskEvent = event.get(i); if (taskEvent.isCreate()) { startTask(nodeTask.getPipeline(), tasks, stageType); } else { stopTask(tasks, stageType); } } } private void startTask(Pipeline pipeline, Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks, StageType taskType) { if (tasks.get(taskType) != null && tasks.get(taskType).isAlive()) { logger.warn("WARN ## this task = {} has started", taskType); } GlobalTask task = null; if (taskType.isSelect()) { task = new SelectTask(pipeline.getId()); } else if (taskType.isExtract()) { task = new ExtractTask(pipeline.getId()); } else if (taskType.isTransform()) { task = new TransformTask(pipeline.getId()); } else if (taskType.isLoad()) { task = new LoadTask(pipeline.getId()); } if (task != null) { OtterContextLocator.autowire(task); // spring? task.start(); tasks.put(taskType, task);"INFO ## start this task = {} success", taskType.toString()); } } private void stopTask(Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks, StageType taskType) { GlobalTask task = tasks.remove(taskType); if (task != null) { task.shutdown();"INFO ## taskName = {} has shutdown", taskType); } else {"INFo ## taskName = {} is not started", taskType); } } private void stopPipeline(Long pipelineId, Map<StageType, GlobalTask> tasks) { for (GlobalTask task : tasks.values()) { try { task.shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("## stop s/e/t/l task error!", e); } finally { tasks.remove(task); } } // close other resources. try { Thread.sleep(1 * 1000); // sleep 5sS.E.T.L } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("ERROR ## ", e); } // ? releasePipeline(pipelineId); arbitrateEventService.toolEvent().release(pipelineId); } private void releasePipeline(Long pipelineId) { dataSourceService.destroy(pipelineId); dbDialectFactory.destory(pipelineId); } private void initNid() { // ?nid?? String nid = System.getProperty(OtterConstants.NID_NAME); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(nid)) { throw new ConfigException("nid is not set!"); }"INFO ## the nodeId = {}", nid); checkNidVaild(nid); arbitrateManageService.nodeEvent().init(Long.valueOf(nid)); // session expired? NodeSessionExpired sessionExpired = new NodeSessionExpired(); sessionExpired.setNodeEvent(arbitrateManageService.nodeEvent()); ZooKeeperClient.registerNotification(sessionExpired); } // ip?node.getIp()? private void checkNidVaild(String nid) { Node node = configClientService.currentNode(); String hostIp = AddressUtils.getHostIp(); String nodeIp = node.getIp(); int nodePort = node.getPort().intValue(); if (!AddressUtils.isHostIp(nodeIp)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("node[%s] ip[%s] port[%s] , but your host ip[%s] is not matched!", nid, nodeIp, nodePort, hostIp)); } } // ================ mbean info ======================= public String getHeapMemoryUsage() { MemoryUsage memoryUsage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); return JsonUtils.marshalToString(memoryUsage); } public String getNodeSystemInfo() { OperatingSystemMXBean mbean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("").append(mbean.getName()).append(' ').append(mbean.getVersion()).append(' ') .append(mbean.getArch()); buf.append(" @ ").append(mbean.getAvailableProcessors()).append(" cores"); buf.append(" , ? load average:").append(mbean.getSystemLoadAverage()).append(" "); return buf.toString(); } public String getNodeVersionInfo() { return VersionInfo.getVersion() + " [ r" + VersionInfo.getRevision() + " ] @ " + VersionInfo.getDate(); } public int getRunningPipelineCount() { return controllers.size(); } public List<Long> getRunningPipelines() { return new ArrayList<Long>(controllers.keySet()); } public int getThreadActiveSize() { if (executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) { ThreadPoolExecutor pool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService; return pool.getActiveCount(); } return 0; } public int getThreadPoolSize() { if (executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) { ThreadPoolExecutor pool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService; return pool.getCorePoolSize(); } return 0; } public void setThreadPoolSize(int size) { if (executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) { ThreadPoolExecutor pool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService; pool.setCorePoolSize(size); pool.setMaximumPoolSize(size); } } public void setProfile(boolean profile) { stageAggregationCollector.setProfiling(profile); } public boolean isSelectRunning(Long pipelineId) { return controllers.get(pipelineId).containsKey(StageType.SELECT); } public boolean isExtractRunning(Long pipelineId) { return controllers.get(pipelineId).containsKey(StageType.EXTRACT); } public boolean isTransformRunning(Long pipelineId) { return controllers.get(pipelineId).containsKey(StageType.TRANSFORM); } public boolean isLoadRunning(Long pipelineId) { return controllers.get(pipelineId).containsKey(StageType.LOAD); } public String selectStageAggregation(Long pipelineId) { return stageAggregationCollector.histogram(pipelineId, StageType.SELECT); } public String extractStageAggregation(Long pipelineId) { return stageAggregationCollector.histogram(pipelineId, StageType.EXTRACT); } public String transformStageAggregation(Long pipelineId) { return stageAggregationCollector.histogram(pipelineId, StageType.TRANSFORM); } public String loadStageAggregation(Long pipelineId) { return stageAggregationCollector.histogram(pipelineId, StageType.LOAD); } public String selectPendingProcess(Long pipelineId) { return pendingProcess(pipelineId, StageType.SELECT); } public String extractPendingProcess(Long pipelineId) { return pendingProcess(pipelineId, StageType.EXTRACT); } public String transformPendingProcess(Long pipelineId) { return pendingProcess(pipelineId, StageType.TRANSFORM); } public String loadPendingProcess(Long pipelineId) { return pendingProcess(pipelineId, StageType.LOAD); } private String pendingProcess(Long pipelineId, StageType stage) { GlobalTask task = controllers.get(pipelineId).get(stage); if (task != null) { return "stage:" + stage + " , pending:[" + StringUtils.join(task.getPendingProcess(), ',') + "]"; } else { return "node don't running stage:" + stage; } } // ==================== setter / getter ======================= public void setNodeTaskService(NodeTaskService nodeTaskService) { this.nodeTaskService = nodeTaskService; } public void setConfigClientService(ConfigClientService configClientService) { this.configClientService = configClientService; } public void setArbitrateManageService(ArbitrateManageService arbitrateManageService) { this.arbitrateManageService = arbitrateManageService; } public void setDataSourceService(DataSourceService dataSourceService) { this.dataSourceService = dataSourceService; } public void setDbDialectFactory(DbDialectFactory dbDialectFactory) { this.dbDialectFactory = dbDialectFactory; } public void setArbitrateEventService(ArbitrateEventService arbitrateEventService) { this.arbitrateEventService = arbitrateEventService; } public void setStageAggregationCollector(StageAggregationCollector stageAggregationCollector) { this.stageAggregationCollector = stageAggregationCollector; } public void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) { this.executorService = executorService; } }