Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologyTaskHbInfo; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; public class StormZkClusterState implements StormClusterState { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StormZkClusterState.class); private ClusterState cluster_state; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, RunnableCallback> assignment_info_callback; private AtomicReference<RunnableCallback> supervisors_callback; private AtomicReference<RunnableCallback> assignments_callback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, RunnableCallback> storm_base_callback; private AtomicReference<RunnableCallback> master_callback; private UUID state_id; private boolean solo; public StormZkClusterState(Object cluster_state_spec) throws Exception { if (cluster_state_spec instanceof ClusterState) { solo = false; cluster_state = (ClusterState) cluster_state_spec; } else { solo = true; cluster_state = new DistributedClusterState((Map) cluster_state_spec); } assignment_info_callback = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RunnableCallback>(); supervisors_callback = new AtomicReference<RunnableCallback>(null); assignments_callback = new AtomicReference<RunnableCallback>(null); storm_base_callback = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RunnableCallback>(); master_callback = new AtomicReference<RunnableCallback>(null); state_id = cluster_state.register(new ClusterStateCallback() { public <T> Object execute(T... args) { if (args == null) { LOG.warn("Input args is null"); return null; } else if (args.length < 2) { LOG.warn("Input args is invalid, args length:" + args.length); return null; } EventType zkEventTypes = (EventType) args[0]; String path = (String) args[1]; List<String> toks = PathUtils.tokenize_path(path); int size = toks.size(); if (size >= 1) { String params = null; String root = toks.get(0); RunnableCallback fn = null; if (root.equals(Cluster.ASSIGNMENTS_ROOT)) { if (size == 1) { // set null and get the old value fn = assignments_callback.getAndSet(null); } else { params = toks.get(1); fn = assignment_info_callback.remove(params); } } else if (root.equals(Cluster.SUPERVISORS_ROOT)) { fn = supervisors_callback.getAndSet(null); } else if (root.equals(Cluster.STORMS_ROOT) && size > 1) { params = toks.get(1); fn = storm_base_callback.remove(params); } else if (root.equals(Cluster.MASTER_ROOT)) { fn = master_callback.getAndSet(null); } else { LOG.error("Unknown callback for subtree " + path); } if (fn != null) { // FIXME How to set the args // fn.setArgs(params, zkEventTypes, path);; } } return null; } }); String[] pathlist = JStormUtils.mk_arr(Cluster.SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE, Cluster.STORMS_SUBTREE, Cluster.ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE, Cluster.ASSIGNMENTS_BAK_SUBTREE, Cluster.TASKS_SUBTREE, Cluster.TASKBEATS_SUBTREE, Cluster.TASKERRORS_SUBTREE, Cluster.METRIC_SUBTREE, Cluster.BACKPRESSURE_SUBTREE); for (String path : pathlist) { cluster_state.mkdirs(path); } } /** * @@@ TODO * * Just add cache in lower ZK level In fact, for some Object Assignment/TaskInfo/StormBase These object can be cache for long time * * @param simpleCache */ public void setCache(JStormCache simpleCache) { if (cluster_state instanceof DistributedClusterState) { ((DistributedClusterState) cluster_state).setZkCache(simpleCache); } } public Object getObject(String path, boolean callback) throws Exception { byte[] data = cluster_state.get_data(path, callback); return Utils.maybe_deserialize(data); } public Object getObjectSync(String path, boolean callback) throws Exception { byte[] data = cluster_state.get_data_sync(path, callback); return Utils.maybe_deserialize(data); } public String getString(String path, boolean callback) throws Exception { byte[] data = cluster_state.get_data(path, callback); return new String(data); } public void deleteObject(String path) { try { cluster_state.delete_node(path); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to delete node " + path); } } public void setObject(String path, Object obj) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof byte[]) { cluster_state.set_data(path, (byte[]) obj); } else if (obj instanceof String) { cluster_state.set_data(path, ((String) obj).getBytes()); } else { cluster_state.set_data(path, Utils.serialize(obj)); } } public void setTempObject(String path, Object obj) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof byte[]) { cluster_state.set_ephemeral_node(path, (byte[]) obj); } else if (obj instanceof String) { cluster_state.set_ephemeral_node(path, ((String) obj).getBytes()); } else { cluster_state.set_ephemeral_node(path, Utils.serialize(obj)); } } @Override public void disconnect() { cluster_state.unregister(state_id); if (solo == true) { cluster_state.close(); } } public void remove_storm(String topologyId, boolean needSleep) { deleteObject(Cluster.assignment_path(topologyId)); // wait 10 seconds, so supervisor will kill worker smoothly if (needSleep) { JStormUtils.sleepMs(10000); } try { deleteObject(Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId)); teardown_heartbeats(topologyId); teardown_task_errors(topologyId); teardown_backpressure(topologyId); deleteObject(Cluster.metric_path(topologyId)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to delete task root and monitor root for" + topologyId); } remove_storm_base(topologyId); } @Override public void remove_storm(String topologyId) throws Exception { remove_storm(topologyId, true); } @Override public void try_remove_storm(String topologyId) { remove_storm(topologyId, false); } @Override public Assignment assignment_info(String topologyId, RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { if (callback != null) { assignment_info_callback.put(topologyId, callback); } String assgnmentPath = Cluster.assignment_path(topologyId); return (Assignment) getObject(assgnmentPath, callback != null); } @Override public List<String> assignments(RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { if (callback != null) { assignments_callback.set(callback); } return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE, callback != null); } @Override public void set_assignment(String topologyId, Assignment info) throws Exception { setObject(Cluster.assignment_path(topologyId), info); } @Override public AssignmentBak assignment_bak(String topologyName) throws Exception { String assgnmentBakPath = Cluster.assignment_bak_path(topologyName); return (AssignmentBak) getObject(assgnmentBakPath, false); } @Override public void backup_assignment(String topologyName, AssignmentBak info) throws Exception { setObject(Cluster.assignment_bak_path(topologyName), info); } @Override public StormBase storm_base(String topologyId, RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { if (callback != null) { storm_base_callback.put(topologyId, callback); } return (StormBase) getObject(Cluster.storm_path(topologyId), callback != null); } @Override public void activate_storm(String topologyId, StormBase stormBase) throws Exception { String stormPath = Cluster.storm_path(topologyId); setObject(stormPath, stormBase); } @Override public void remove_storm_base(String topologyId) { deleteObject(Cluster.storm_path(topologyId)); } @Override public void update_storm(String topologyId, StormStatus newElems) throws Exception { /** * FIXME, maybe overwrite old callback */ StormBase base = this.storm_base(topologyId, null); if (base != null) { base.setStatus(newElems); setObject(Cluster.storm_path(topologyId), base); } } @Override public void set_storm_monitor(String topologyId, boolean isEnable) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub StormBase base = this.storm_base(topologyId, null); if (base != null) { base.setEnableMonitor(isEnable); setObject(Cluster.storm_path(topologyId), base); } } @Override public List<String> active_storms() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.STORMS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public void topology_heartbeat(String topologyId, TopologyTaskHbInfo info) throws Exception { String taskPath = Cluster.taskbeat_storm_root(topologyId); setObject(taskPath, info); } @Override public TopologyTaskHbInfo topology_heartbeat(String topologyId) throws Exception { String taskPath = Cluster.taskbeat_storm_root(topologyId); return (TopologyTaskHbInfo) getObject(taskPath, false); } @Override public List<String> heartbeat_storms() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.TASKBEATS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public void teardown_heartbeats(String topologyId) { try { String taskbeatPath = Cluster.taskbeat_storm_root(topologyId); deleteObject(taskbeatPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not teardown heartbeats for " + topologyId, e); } } @Override public void report_task_error(String topologyId, int taskId, Throwable error) throws Exception { report_task_error(topologyId, taskId, new String(JStormUtils.getErrorInfo(error)), null); } public void report_task_error(String topologyId, int taskId, String error, String tag) throws Exception { boolean found = false; String path = Cluster.taskerror_path(topologyId, taskId); cluster_state.mkdirs(path); List<Integer> children = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String timeStamp = String.valueOf(TimeUtils.current_time_secs()); String timestampPath = path + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + timeStamp; for (String str : cluster_state.get_children(path, false)) { String errorPath = path + "/" + str; String errorInfo = getString(errorPath, false); if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorInfo)) { deleteObject(errorPath); continue; } if (errorInfo.equals(error) || (tag != null && errorInfo.startsWith(tag))) { cluster_state.delete_node(errorPath); cluster_state.set_data(timestampPath, error.getBytes()); found = true; break; } children.add(Integer.parseInt(str)); } if (found == false) { Collections.sort(children); while (children.size() >= 3) { deleteObject(path + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + children.remove(0)); } setObject(timestampPath, error); } setLastErrInfo(topologyId, error, timeStamp); } private static final String TASK_IS_DEAD = "is dead on"; // Full string is // "task-id is dead on hostname:port" private void setLastErrInfo(String topologyId, String error, String timeStamp) throws Exception { // Set error information in task error topology patch // Last Error information format in ZK: map<report_duration, timestamp> // report_duration means only the errors will presented in web ui if the // error happens within this duration. // Currently, the duration for "queue full" error is 180sec(3min) while // the duration for other errors is 1800sec(30min). String lastErrTopoPath = Cluster.lasterror_path(topologyId); Map<Integer, String> lastErrInfo = null; try { lastErrInfo = (Map<Integer, String>) getObject(lastErrTopoPath, false); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to get last error time. Remove the corrupt node for " + topologyId, e); remove_lastErr_time(topologyId); lastErrInfo = null; } if (lastErrInfo == null) lastErrInfo = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // The error time is used to indicate how long the error info is present // in UI if (error.indexOf(QueueGauge.QUEUE_IS_FULL) != -1) lastErrInfo.put(JStormUtils.MIN_1 * 3, timeStamp); else if (error.indexOf(TASK_IS_DEAD) != -1) lastErrInfo.put(JStormUtils.DAY_1 * 3, timeStamp); else lastErrInfo.put(JStormUtils.MIN_30, timeStamp); setObject(lastErrTopoPath, lastErrInfo); } @Override public void remove_task_error(String topologyId, int taskId) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.taskerror_path(topologyId, taskId); cluster_state.delete_node(path); } @Override public Map<Integer, String> topo_lastErr_time(String topologyId) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.lasterror_path(topologyId); return (Map<Integer, String>) getObject(path, false); } @Override public void remove_lastErr_time(String topologyId) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.lasterror_path(topologyId); deleteObject(path); } @Override public List<String> task_error_storms() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.TASKERRORS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public List<String> task_error_ids(String topologyId) throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.taskerror_storm_root(topologyId), false); } @Override public List<String> task_error_time(String topologyId, int taskId) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.taskerror_path(topologyId, taskId); if (cluster_state.node_existed(path, false) == false) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return cluster_state.get_children(path, false); } @Override public void remove_task(String topologyId, Set<Integer> taskIds) throws Exception { String tasksPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId); Object data = getObject(tasksPath, false); if (data != null) { Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap = ((Map<Integer, TaskInfo>) data); for (Integer taskId : taskIds) { taskInfoMap.remove(taskId); } // update zk node of tasks setObject(tasksPath, taskInfoMap); } } @Override public String task_error_info(String topologyId, int taskId, long timeStamp) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.taskerror_path(topologyId, taskId); path = path + "/" + timeStamp; return getString(path, false); } @Override public List<TaskError> task_errors(String topologyId, int taskId) throws Exception { List<TaskError> errors = new ArrayList<TaskError>(); String path = Cluster.taskerror_path(topologyId, taskId); if (cluster_state.node_existed(path, false) == false) { return errors; } List<String> children = cluster_state.get_children(path, false); for (String str : children) { byte[] v = cluster_state.get_data(path + "/" + str, false); if (v != null) { TaskError error = new TaskError(new String(v), Integer.parseInt(str)); errors.add(error); } } Collections.sort(errors, new Comparator<TaskError>() { @Override public int compare(TaskError o1, TaskError o2) { if (o1.getTimSecs() > o2.getTimSecs()) { return 1; } if (o1.getTimSecs() < o2.getTimSecs()) { return -1; } return 0; } }); return errors; } @Override public void teardown_task_errors(String topologyId) { try { String taskerrPath = Cluster.taskerror_storm_root(topologyId); deleteObject(taskerrPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not teardown errors for " + topologyId, e); } } @Override public void set_task(String topologyId, Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap) throws Exception { String stormTaskPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId); if (taskInfoMap != null) { // reupdate zk node of tasks setObject(stormTaskPath, taskInfoMap); } } @Override public void add_task(String topologyId, Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap) throws Exception { String stormTaskPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId); Object data = getObject(stormTaskPath, false); if (data != null) { ((Map<Integer, TaskInfo>) data).putAll(taskInfoMap); // reupdate zk node of tasks setObject(stormTaskPath, data); } } @Override public List<String> task_storms() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.TASKS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public Set<Integer> task_ids(String stromId) throws Exception { String stormTaskPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(stromId); Object data = getObject(stormTaskPath, false); if (data == null) { return null; } return ((Map<Integer, TaskInfo>) data).keySet(); } @Override public Set<Integer> task_ids_by_componentId(String topologyId, String componentId) throws Exception { String stormTaskPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId); Object data = getObject(stormTaskPath, false); if (data == null) { return null; } Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap = (Map<Integer, TaskInfo>) data; Set<Integer> rtn = new HashSet<Integer>(); Set<Integer> taskIds = taskInfoMap.keySet(); for (Integer taskId : taskIds) { TaskInfo taskInfo = taskInfoMap.get(taskId); if (taskInfo != null) { if (taskInfo.getComponentId().equalsIgnoreCase(componentId)) rtn.add(taskId); } } return rtn; } @Override public Map<Integer, TaskInfo> task_all_info(String topologyId) throws Exception { String taskPath = Cluster.storm_task_root(topologyId); Object data = getObject(taskPath, false); if (data == null) { return null; } return (Map<Integer, TaskInfo>) data; } @Override public SupervisorInfo supervisor_info(String supervisorId) throws Exception { String supervisorPath = Cluster.supervisor_path(supervisorId); return (SupervisorInfo) getObject(supervisorPath, false); } @Override public List<String> supervisors(RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { if (callback != null) { supervisors_callback.set(callback); } return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE, callback != null); } @Override public void supervisor_heartbeat(String supervisorId, SupervisorInfo info) throws Exception { String supervisorPath = Cluster.supervisor_path(supervisorId); setTempObject(supervisorPath, info); } @Override public String get_leader_host() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new String(cluster_state.get_data(Cluster.MASTER_SUBTREE, false)); } @Override public boolean leader_existed() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return cluster_state.node_existed(Cluster.MASTER_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public List<String> get_nimbus_slaves() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_SUBTREE, false); } public String get_nimbus_slave_time(String host) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + host; return getString(path, false); } @Override public void update_nimbus_slave(String host, int time) throws Exception { setTempObject(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + host, String.valueOf(time)); } @Override public void unregister_nimbus_host(String host) throws Exception { deleteObject(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + host); } @Override public void update_nimbus_detail(String hostPort, Map map) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cluster_state.set_ephemeral_node(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_DETAIL_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + hostPort, Utils.serialize(map)); } @Override public Map get_nimbus_detail(String hostPort, boolean watch) throws Exception { byte[] data = cluster_state.get_data(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_DETAIL_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + hostPort, watch); return (Map) Utils.maybe_deserialize(data); } @Override public void unregister_nimbus_detail(String hostPort) throws Exception { cluster_state.delete_node(Cluster.NIMBUS_SLAVE_DETAIL_SUBTREE + Cluster.ZK_SEPERATOR + hostPort); } @Override public boolean try_to_be_leader(String path, String host, RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (callback != null) this.master_callback.set(callback); try { cluster_state.tryToBeLeader(path, host.getBytes()); } catch (NodeExistsException e) { cluster_state.node_existed(path, true);"leader is alive"); return false; } return true; } @Override public void set_topology_metric(String topologyId, Object metric) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.metric_path(topologyId); setObject(path, metric); } @Override public Object get_topology_metric(String topologyId) throws Exception { return getObject(Cluster.metric_path(topologyId), false); } @Override public List<String> get_metrics() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.METRIC_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public List<String> list_dirs(String path, boolean watch) throws Exception { List<String> subDirs = null; subDirs = cluster_state.get_children(path, watch); return subDirs; } @Override public List<String> backpressureInfos() throws Exception { return cluster_state.get_children(Cluster.BACKPRESSURE_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public void set_backpressure_info(String topologyId, Map<String, SourceBackpressureInfo> sourceToBackpressureInfo) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.backpressure_path(topologyId); cluster_state.set_data(path, Utils.serialize(sourceToBackpressureInfo)); } @Override public Map<String, SourceBackpressureInfo> get_backpressure_info(String topologyId) throws Exception { String path = Cluster.backpressure_path(topologyId); byte[] data = cluster_state.get_data(path, false); return (Map<String, SourceBackpressureInfo>) Utils.maybe_deserialize(data); } @Override public void teardown_backpressure(String topologyId) { try { String backpressurePath = Cluster.backpressure_path(topologyId); cluster_state.delete_node(backpressurePath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not teardown backpressure info for " + topologyId, e); } } }