Java tutorial
/** * Project: goldroom-dal File Created at 2009-10-24 $Id$ Copyright 2008 Croporation Limited. All rights * reserved. This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Alibaba Company. * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with */ package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class LendingDaoImpl extends BaseDao implements LendingDao { public Lending save(Lending lending) { lending.setId(null); Date now = new Date(); lending.setGmtCreate(now); lending.setGmtModified(now);; return lending; } public boolean deleteLendingById(int lendId) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("deleteLendingById"); q.setParameter("id", lendId); int resultCount = q.executeUpdate(); return resultCount > 0 ? true : false; } public boolean deleteLendingById(Lending lending) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("deleteLendingById"); q.setParameter("id", lending.getId()); int resultCount = q.executeUpdate(); return resultCount > 0 ? true : false; } public Lending findById(int lendId) { return this.get(Lending.class, lendId); } public boolean updateRealReturnTime(int lendingId) { Lending l = this.get(Lending.class, lendingId); if (l == null) { return false; } l.setRealReturnTime(new Date()); this.update(l); return true; } public List<Lending> listLendingByLoginId(String loginId, int page, int pageSize) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("listLendingByLoginId"); q.setParameter("loginId", loginId); return q.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize).setMaxResults(pageSize).list(); } public List<Lending> listByLoginId(String loginId, int page, int pageSize) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("listLendingByLoginId"); q.setParameter("loginId", loginId); return q.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize).setMaxResults(pageSize).list(); } public int countByLogindId(String loginId) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("countLendingByLoginId"); q.setParameter("loginId", loginId); return ((Long) q.list().get(0)).intValue(); } public int countByBookItemId(Integer bookItemId) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("countLendingByBookItemId"); q.setParameter("bookItemId", bookItemId); return ((Long) q.list().get(0)).intValue(); } public List<Lending> listByBookItemId(Integer bookItemId) { Query q = this.createNamedQuery("listLendingByBookItemId"); q.setParameter("bookItemId", bookItemId); return q.list(); } /** * ?? * * @param isExpire * ?isExpire? * @return */ public List<Lending> listLendingWithExpireDays(boolean isExpire) { String hsql = "SELECT l FROM Lending l"; if (isExpire) { // ? hsql = hsql + " where TO_DAYS(l.returnTime) - TO_DAYS(NOW())<0"; } else { hsql = hsql + " where TO_DAYS(l.returnTime) - TO_DAYS(NOW())=3"; // } return this.find(hsql); } }