Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 All right reserved. This software is the * confidential and proprietary information of ("Confidential * Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall * use it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered * into with */ package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Providers. * URI: /services/$service/routes * * @author ding.lid * @author william.liangf * @author tony.chenl */ public class Routes extends Restful { private static final int MAX_RULE_LENGTH = 1000; @Autowired private RouteService routeService; @Autowired private ProviderService providerService; @Autowired private ConsumerService consumerService; static String[][] when_names = { { "method", "method", "unmethod" }, { "consumer.application", "consumerApplication", "unconsumerApplication" }, { "consumer.cluster", "consumerCluster", "unconsumerCluster" }, { "", "consumerHost", "unconsumerHost" }, { "consumer.version", "consumerVersion", "unconsumerVersion" }, { "", "consumerGroup", "unconsumerGroup" }, }; static String[][] then_names = { { "provider.application", "providerApplication", "unproviderApplication" }, { "provider.cluster", "providerCluster", "unproviderCluster" }, // ?Cluster? { "", "providerHost", "unproviderHost" }, { "provider.protocol", "providerProtocol", "unproviderProtocol" }, { "provider.port", "providerPort", "unproviderPort" }, { "provider.version", "providerVersion", "unproviderVersion" }, { "", "providerGroup", "unproviderGroup" } }; /** * ? * @param context */ public void index(Map<String, Object> context) { String service = (String) context.get("service"); String address = (String) context.get("address"); address = Tool.getIP(address); List<Route> routes; if (service != null && service.length() > 0 && address != null && address.length() > 0) { routes = routeService.findByServiceAndAddress(service, address); } else if (service != null && service.length() > 0) { routes = routeService.findByService(service); } else if (address != null && address.length() > 0) { routes = routeService.findByAddress(address); } else { routes = routeService.findAll(); } context.put("routes", routes); } /** * ? * @param context */ public void show(Map<String, Object> context) { try { Route route = routeService.findRoute(Long.parseLong((String) context.get("id"))); if (route == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The route is not existed."); } if (route.getService() != null && !route.getService().isEmpty()) { context.put("service", route.getService()); } RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.parse(route); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair>[] paramArray = new Map[] { routeRule.getWhenCondition(), routeRule.getThenCondition() }; String[][][] namesArray = new String[][][] { when_names, then_names }; for (int i = 0; i < paramArray.length; ++i) { Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair> param = paramArray[i]; String[][] names = namesArray[i]; for (String[] name : names) { RouteRule.MatchPair matchPair = param.get(name[0]); if (matchPair == null) { continue; } if (!matchPair.getMatches().isEmpty()) { String m = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getMatches()); context.put(name[1], m); } if (!matchPair.getUnmatches().isEmpty()) { String u = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getUnmatches()); context.put(name[2], u); } } } context.put("route", route); context.put("methods", CollectionUtils .sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(route.getService())))); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * ? * @param context */ public void add(Map<String, Object> context) { String service = (String) context.get("service"); if (service != null && service.length() > 0 && !service.contains("*")) { context.put("service", service); context.put("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(service)))); } else { List<String> serviceList = Tool.sortSimpleName(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findServices())); context.put("serviceList", serviceList); } if (context.get("input") != null) context.put("input", context.get("input")); } /** * ? * @param context */ public void edit(Map<String, Object> context) { add(context); show(context); } static void checkService(String service) { if (service.contains(",")) throw new IllegalStateException("service(" + service + ") contain illegale ','"); String interfaceName = service; int gi = interfaceName.indexOf("/"); if (gi != -1) interfaceName = interfaceName.substring(gi + 1); int vi = interfaceName.indexOf(':'); if (vi != -1) interfaceName = interfaceName.substring(0, vi); if (interfaceName.indexOf('*') != -1 && interfaceName.indexOf('*') != interfaceName.length() - 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("service(" + service + ") only allow 1 *, and must be last char!"); } } /** * ??? * @param context * @return */ public boolean create(Map<String, Object> context) { String name = (String) context.get("name"); String service = (String) context.get("service"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(service) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) { checkService(service); Map<String, String> when_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> notWhen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String[] names : when_names) { when_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[1])); notWhen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[2])); // value?null????? } Map<String, String> then_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> notThen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String[] names : then_names) { then_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[1])); notThen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[2])); } RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.createFromNameAndValueListString(when_name2valueList, notWhen_name2valueList, then_name2valueList, notThen_name2valueList); if (routeRule.getThenCondition().isEmpty()) { context.put("message", getMessage("Add route error! then is empty.")); return false; } String matchRule = routeRule.getWhenConditionString(); String filterRule = routeRule.getThenConditionString(); //?? if (matchRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) { context.put("message", getMessage("When rule is too long!")); return false; } if (filterRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) { context.put("message", getMessage("Then rule is too long!")); return false; } Route route = new Route(); route.setService(service); route.setName(name); route.setUsername((String) context.get("operator")); route.setOperator((String) context.get("operatorAddress")); route.setRule(routeRule.toString()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("priority"))) { route.setPriority(Integer.parseInt((String) context.get("priority"))); } routeService.createRoute(route); } return true; } /** * ??? * @param context * @return */ public boolean update(Map<String, Object> context) { String idStr = (String) context.get("id"); if (idStr != null && idStr.length() > 0) { String[] blacks = (String[]) context.get("black"); boolean black = false; if (blacks != null && blacks.length > 0) { black = true; } Route oldRoute = routeService.findRoute(Long.valueOf(idStr)); if (null == oldRoute) { context.put("message", getMessage("NoSuchRecord")); return false; } //?rule if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("name"))) { String service = oldRoute.getService(); if (context.get("operator") == null) { context.put("message", getMessage("HaveNoServicePrivilege", service)); return false; } Map<String, String> when_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> notWhen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String[] names : when_names) { when_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[1])); notWhen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[2])); // value?null????? } Map<String, String> then_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> notThen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String[] names : then_names) { then_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[1])); notThen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) context.get(names[2])); } RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.createFromNameAndValueListString(when_name2valueList, notWhen_name2valueList, then_name2valueList, notThen_name2valueList); RouteRule result = null; if (black) { RouteRule.MatchPair matchPair = routeRule.getThenCondition().get("black"); Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair> then = null; if (null == matchPair) { matchPair = new RouteRule.MatchPair(); then = new HashMap<String, RouteRule.MatchPair>(); then.put("black", matchPair); } else { matchPair.getMatches().clear(); } matchPair.getMatches().add(String.valueOf(black)); result = RouteRule.copyWithReplace(routeRule, null, then); } if (result == null) { result = routeRule; } if (result.getThenCondition().isEmpty()) { context.put("message", getMessage("Update route error! then is empty.")); return false; } String matchRule = result.getWhenConditionString(); String filterRule = result.getThenConditionString(); //?? if (matchRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) { context.put("message", getMessage("When rule is too long!")); return false; } if (filterRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) { context.put("message", getMessage("Then rule is too long!")); return false; } int priority = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("priority"))) { priority = Integer.parseInt((String) context.get("priority")); } Route route = new Route(); route.setRule(result.toString()); route.setService(service); route.setPriority(priority); route.setName((String) context.get("name")); route.setUsername((String) context.get("operator")); route.setOperator((String) context.get("operatorAddress")); route.setId(Long.valueOf(idStr)); route.setPriority(Integer.parseInt((String) context.get("priority"))); route.setEnabled(oldRoute.isEnabled()); routeService.updateRoute(route); Set<String> usernames = new HashSet<String>(); usernames.add((String) context.get("operator")); usernames.add(route.getUsername()); //RelateUserUtils.addOwnersOfService(usernames, route.getService(), ownerDAO); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("action", "update"); params.put("route", route); } else { context.put("message", getMessage("MissRequestParameters", "name")); } } else { context.put("message", getMessage("MissRequestParameters", "id")); } return true; } /** * IDroute * @param ids * @return */ public boolean delete(Long[] ids, Map<String, Object> context) { for (Long id : ids) { routeService.deleteRoute(id); } return true; } /** * ?IDroute??? * @param ids * @return */ public boolean enable(Long[] ids, Map<String, Object> context) { for (Long id : ids) { routeService.enableRoute(id); } return true; } /** * ?IDroute??? * @param ids * @return */ public boolean disable(Long[] ids, Map<String, Object> context) { for (Long id : ids) { routeService.disableRoute(id); } return true; } /** * * @param context */ public void routeselect(Map<String, Object> context) { long rid = Long.valueOf((String) context.get("id")); context.put("id", rid); Route route = routeService.findRoute(rid); if (route == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Route(id=" + rid + ") is not existed!"); } context.put("route", route); // ?? List<Consumer> consumers = consumerService.findByService(route.getService()); context.put("consumers", consumers); Map<String, Boolean> matchRoute = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (Consumer c : consumers) { matchRoute.put(c.getAddress(), RouteUtils.matchRoute(c.getAddress(), null, route, null)); } context.put("matchRoute", matchRoute); } public void preview(Map<String, Object> context) throws Exception { String rid = (String) context.get("id"); String consumerid = (String) context.get("cid"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rid)) { context.put("message", getMessage("MissRequestParameters", "id")); } Map<String, String> serviceUrls = new HashMap<String, String>(); Route route = routeService.findRoute(Long.valueOf(rid)); if (null == route) { context.put("message", getMessage("NoSuchRecord")); } List<Provider> providers = providerService.findByService(route.getService()); if (providers != null) { for (Provider p : providers) { serviceUrls.put(p.getUrl(), p.getParameters()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(consumerid)) { Consumer consumer = consumerService.findConsumer(Long.valueOf(consumerid)); if (null == consumer) { context.put("message", getMessage("NoSuchRecord")); } Map<String, String> result = RouteUtils.previewRoute(consumer.getService(), consumer.getAddress(), consumer.getParameters(), serviceUrls, route, null, null); context.put("route", route); context.put("consumer", consumer); context.put("result", result); } else { String address = (String) context.get("address"); String service = (String) context.get("service"); Map<String, String> result = RouteUtils.previewRoute(service, address, null, serviceUrls, route, null, null); context.put("route", route); Consumer consumer = new Consumer(); consumer.setService(service); consumer.setAddress(address); context.put("consumer", consumer); context.put("result", result); } } /** * ?Owner * * @param usernames ?? * @param serviceName ??? */ public static void addOwnersOfService(Set<String> usernames, String serviceName, OwnerService ownerDAO) { List<String> serviceNamePatterns = ownerDAO.findAllServiceNames(); for (String p : serviceNamePatterns) { if (ParseUtils.isMatchGlobPattern(p, serviceName)) { List<String> list = ownerDAO.findUsernamesByServiceName(p); usernames.addAll(list); } } } /** * ??Owner * * @param usernames ?? * @param serviceNamePattern ??Glob? */ public static void addOwnersOfServicePattern(Set<String> usernames, String serviceNamePattern, OwnerService ownerDAO) { List<String> serviceNamePatterns = ownerDAO.findAllServiceNames(); for (String p : serviceNamePatterns) { if (ParseUtils.hasIntersection(p, serviceNamePattern)) { List<String> list = ownerDAO.findUsernamesByServiceName(p); usernames.addAll(list); } } } }