Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of rgx. * * rgx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * rgx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with rgx. If not, see <>. */ package com.algollabs; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.simpleframework.http.Request; import org.simpleframework.http.Response; import org.simpleframework.http.Status; import org.simpleframework.http.core.Container; import org.simpleframework.http.core.ContainerServer; import org.simpleframework.transport.Server; import org.simpleframework.transport.connect.Connection; import org.simpleframework.transport.connect.SocketConnection; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Parser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; public class rgx implements Container { /** * Indicates a request containing an unsupported attributes. * * @see App#handle for API request structure */ public class UnrecognizedAttributeException extends Exception { public UnrecognizedAttributeException(String attribute) { super(String.format("Unrecognized attribute: '%s'", attribute)); } }; public void handle(Request request, Response response) { PrintStream body = null; Boolean supported = false; try { body = response.getPrintStream(); } catch (IOException e) { response.setStatus(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); try { response.close(); } catch (IOException sube) { sube.printStackTrace(); return; } } response.setValue("Content-Type", "application/json"); // Route the request if (request.getMethod().equals("GET") && request.getTarget().contains("flags")) { supported = true; this.showSupportedFlags(request, response, body); } if (request.getMethod().equals("POST") && // A Construct hit? // We accept JSON only request.getContentType().toString().contains("application/json")) { supported = true; this.testExpression(request, response, body); } if (!supported) { response.setStatus(Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED); try { response.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } ; } private void showSupportedFlags(Request request, Response response, PrintStream stream) { stream.println(supported_flags_.serialize()); stream.close(); } /** * Handles an API Construct request. * * Request JSON structure: * { * "pattern": "json_encoded_regex", * "subject": "string", * "flags": "" * } * */ private void testExpression(Request request, Response response, PrintStream stream) { try { String ptrn = null; String subj = null; String flags = null; // parse the required attributes: pattern, subject, and flags JsonElement jsonElement = parser_.parse(request.getContent()); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); JsonElement v = entry.getValue(); if (k.equals("pattern")) { ptrn = gson_.fromJson(v, String.class); } else if (k.equals("subject")) { subj = gson_.fromJson(v, String.class); } else if (k.equals("flags")) { flags = gson_.fromJson(v, String.class); } else { throw new UnrecognizedAttributeException(k); } } // have a Construct test the expression stream.println((new Construct(ptrn, subj, flags, true)).test()); response.setStatus(Status.OK); } catch (UnrecognizedAttributeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); response.setStatus(Status.BAD_REQUEST); stream.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response.setStatus(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); stream.println(e.getMessage()); } stream.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLine cli; // create the command line parser CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); // create the Options options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this help message"); options.addOption("d", "daemonize", false, "run rgx:Java as a daemon"); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("pattern") .withDescription("Java regular expression raw pattern").hasArg().withArgName("PATTERN").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("subject") .withDescription("subject to test the pattern against").hasArg().withArgName("SUBJECT").create()); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("interface").withDescription("the interface to bind to when daemonized") .hasArg().withArgName("INTERFACE").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("port").withDescription("the port to bind to when daemonized") .hasArg().withArgName("PORT").create()); try { // parse the command line arguments cli = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException exp) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage()); return; } if (cli.hasOption("help")) { printHelp(); return; } if (cli.hasOption("daemonize")) { String port = "9400"; String host = ""; if (cli.hasOption("port")) { port = cli.getOptionValue("port"); } if (cli.hasOption("interface")) { host = cli.getOptionValue("interface"); } Container container = new rgx(); Server server = new ContainerServer(container); Connection connection = new SocketConnection(server); SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, Integer.parseInt(port)); connection.connect(address); System.out.println("Accepting requests on " + host + ":" + port); } else { String ptrn = null; String subj = null; String flags = null; if (!cli.hasOption("pattern") || !cli.hasOption("subject")) { printHelp(); return; } ptrn = cli.getOptionValue("pattern"); subj = cli.getOptionValue("subject"); if (cli.hasOption("flags")) flags = cli.getOptionValue("flags"); System.out.println(new Construct(ptrn, subj, flags, false).test()); } } private static void printHelp() { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("rgx", options); } private static final JsonParser parser_ = new JsonParser(); private static final Gson gson_ = new Gson(); private static Options options = new Options();; /** * Expose supported Pattern compilation flags. */ private static final Map<String, Integer> FLAGS; static { Map<String, Integer> flagsMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); flagsMap.put("DOTALL", Pattern.DOTALL); flagsMap.put("CASE_INSENSITIVE", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); flagsMap.put("COMMENTS", Pattern.COMMENTS); flagsMap.put("MULTILINE", Pattern.MULTILINE); flagsMap.put("LITERAL", Pattern.LITERAL); flagsMap.put("UNICODE_CASE", Pattern.UNICODE_CASE); flagsMap.put("UNICODE_CHAR", Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS); flagsMap.put("UNIX_LINES", Pattern.UNIX_LINES); flagsMap.put("CANON_EQ", Pattern.CANON_EQ); FLAGS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(flagsMap); } /** * An implementation of the rgx Dialect Construct specification. * * Constructs take a regular expression pattern, compile it, test it against * a subject, and provide a JSON-encoded result. * * @see */ private static class Construct { public Construct(String in_ptrn, String in_subj, String in_flags) { raw_ptrn_ = in_ptrn; subj_ = in_subj; flags_ = in_flags; } public Construct(String in_ptrn, String in_subj, String in_flags, Boolean unescape) { raw_ptrn_ = in_ptrn.replace("\\\\", "\\"); subj_ = in_subj; flags_ = in_flags; } /** * Tests the supplied pattern against the supplied subject. * * @return JSON-encoded result * @see ConstructRC */ public String test() { String out = null; Matcher m = null; if ((ptrn_ = compile()) == null) { return new ConstructBadPatternRC().serialize(this); } System.out.println("Testing " + ptrn_.pattern() + " on " + subj_); m = ptrn_.matcher(subj_).useAnchoringBounds(false).useTransparentBounds(false); if (m.find(0)) { int nr_groups = m.groupCount(); offset_ = new int[] { m.start(0), m.end(0) }; // System.out.println("Match boundaries: " + offset_[0] + "," + offset_[1]); // System.out.println("# of captures: " + nr_groups); for (int i = 1; i <= nr_groups; ++i) { captures_.add(new Capture(m.start(i),; // System.out.println("Capture @" + m.start(i) + " => " + ); } out = new ConstructMatchRC().serialize(this); } else { out = new ConstructNoMatchRC().serialize(this); } return out; } /** * Compiles the supplied pattern with the supplied compilation flags. * * @return null if the pattern compilation fails, see bad_ptrn_message_ for * the failure cause * * @see FLAGS */ private Pattern compile() { try { int flags = 0; if (flags_ != null) { for (String flag_identifier : FLAGS.keySet()) { if (flags_.contains(flag_identifier)) { System.out.println("Using flag: " + flag_identifier); flags = flags | FLAGS.get(flag_identifier); } } } // System.out.println(String.format("Compiling %s", raw_ptrn_)); return Pattern.compile(raw_ptrn_, flags); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(String.format("Bad pattern '%s': %s", raw_ptrn_, e.getMessage())); bad_ptrn_message_ = e.getMessage(); } return null; } /** * Represents a captured group in a Construct's pattern test. * * Capture instances point to the starting position of their match, and * the content of the match. The length of the capture can be denoted * by those two variables and therefore is not included. */ private class Capture { Capture(int in_position, String in_string) { string = in_string; position = in_position; } private int position; private String string; }; /** * An interface for serializing Constructs into JSON based on Construct#test * output. */ public interface ConstructRC { /** * Return a JSON-encoded rgx Dialect Construct response. */ public abstract String serialize(Construct c); }; /** * A matching construct test. * * JSON structure: * { * "status": "RC_MATCH", * "offset": [ MATCH_BEGIN, MATCH_END ], * "captures": [{ * "position": CAPTURE_OFFSET_BEGIN, * "string": "CAPTURED_STRING" * }] * } * * The "captures" key will be an empty array in case the pattern has * no group captures. */ private class ConstructMatchRC implements ConstructRC { public String serialize(Construct c) { offset = c.offset_; captures = c.captures_; return gson_.toJson(this); } private final String status = RC_MATCH; private int[] offset; private ArrayList<Capture> captures; }; /** * Pattern does not match the supplied subject. * * JSON structure: * { * "status": "RC_NOMATCH" * } */ private class ConstructNoMatchRC implements ConstructRC { public String serialize(Construct c) { return gson_.toJson(this); } private final String status = RC_NOMATCH; }; /** * A bad supplied pattern. * * JSON structure: * { * "status": "RC_BADPATTERN", * "error": "MESSAGE" * } */ public static class ConstructBadPatternRC implements ConstructRC { public String serialize(Construct c) { error = c.bad_ptrn_message_; return gson_.toJson(this); } private final String status = RC_BADPATTERN; private String error; }; public int[] offset_ = new int[] {}; public ArrayList<Capture> captures_ = new ArrayList<Capture>(); /** Will contain the pattern compilation failure message if one occurs */ public String bad_ptrn_message_; private static final String RC_MATCH = "RC_MATCH"; private static final String RC_NOMATCH = "RC_NOMATCH"; private static final String RC_BADPATTERN = "RC_BADPATTERN"; private Pattern ptrn_; private String raw_ptrn_; private String subj_; private String flags_; }; /** class Construct */ private class SupportedFlags { SupportedFlags() { flags.put("CASE_INSENSITIVE", "Enables case-insensitive matching."); flags.put("DOTALL", "Enables dotall mode."); flags.put("COMMENTS", "Permits whitespace and comments in pattern."); flags.put("MULTILINE", "Enables multiline mode."); flags.put("LITERAL", "Enables literal parsing of the pattern."); flags.put("UNICODE_CASE", "Enables Unicode-aware case folding."); flags.put("UNICODE_CHAR", "Enables the Unicode version of Predefined character classes and POSIX character classes."); flags.put("UNIX_LINES", "Enables Unix lines mode."); flags.put("CANON_EQ", "Enables canonical equivalence."); } public String serialize() { return gson_.toJson(this); } private Map<String, String> flags = new HashMap<String, String>(); } private final SupportedFlags supported_flags_ = new SupportedFlags(); }