Java tutorial
/* * Asimba Server * * Copyright (C) 2012 Asimba * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Alfa & Ariss B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Asimba - Serious Open Source SSO - More information on * */ package com.alfaariss.oa.sso.web.profile.logout; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.alfaariss.oa.DetailedUserException; import com.alfaariss.oa.OAException; import com.alfaariss.oa.SystemErrors; import com.alfaariss.oa.UserEvent; import com.alfaariss.oa.UserException; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.IService; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.attribute.ISessionAttributes; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.configuration.IConfigurationManager; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.logging.IAuthority; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.persistence.PersistenceException; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.requestor.IRequestor; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.session.ISession; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.session.SessionState; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.sso.ISSOProfile; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.sso.logout.IASLogout; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.ITGT; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.ITGTListener; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.TGTEventError; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.user.IUser; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.Engine; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.RequestorPool; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.server.Server; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.session.factory.ISessionFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.tgt.factory.ITGTAliasStore; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.tgt.factory.ITGTFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.sso.authentication.web.AuthenticationManager; import com.alfaariss.oa.sso.authentication.web.IWebAuthenticationMethod; import com.alfaariss.oa.sso.web.WebSSOServlet; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.logging.SystemLogItem; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.logging.UserEventLogItem; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.validation.SessionValidator; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.validation.TGTValidator; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.web.CookieTool; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.web.HttpUtils; /** * Single Logout profile. * * @author MHO * @author Alfa & Ariss * @since 1.4 */ public class LogoutProfile implements ISSOProfile, IService, IAuthority { /** Profile ID: logout */ public final static String PROFILE_ID = "logout"; private final static String AUTHORITY_NAME = "LogoutProfile"; private final static String SESSION_CURRENT_METHOD = "CURRENT_LOGOUT_METHOD"; private final static String JSP_LOGOUT_STATE = "logoutState"; private final static String TARGET_LOGOUT_FORCE = "force"; private final static String TARGET_LOGOUT_STATE = "state"; private final static String DEFAULT_JSP_LOGOUT = "/ui/sso/logout/logout.jsp"; private final static String DEFAULT_JSP_CONFIRM = "/ui/sso/logout/confirm.jsp"; private final static String PROPERTY_LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION = ".confirmation"; private static Log _logger; private static Log _eventLogger; private AuthenticationManager _authenticationManager; private ITGTFactory<?> _tgtFactory; private ISessionFactory<?> _sessionFactory; private CookieTool _cookieTool; private Map<String, IASLogout> _mapLogoutMethods; private String _sMyOrganizationID; private String _sJSPUserLogout; private ITGTAliasStore _aliasStoreSP; private IRequestorPoolFactory _requestorPoolFactory; private boolean _bShowConfirmation; private String _sJSPConfirmation; /** * Constructor. * @param authenticationManager The authentication manager. */ public LogoutProfile(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager) { _logger = LogFactory.getLog(LogoutProfile.class); _eventLogger = LogFactory.getLog(Engine.EVENT_LOGGER); _mapLogoutMethods = null; _sJSPUserLogout = null; _authenticationManager = authenticationManager; _bShowConfirmation = false; _sJSPConfirmation = null; } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.api.sso.ISSOProfile#destroy() */ @Override public void destroy() { if (_mapLogoutMethods != null) { _mapLogoutMethods.clear(); } _sJSPUserLogout = null; _sJSPConfirmation = null; _bShowConfirmation = false; } /** * @see ISSOProfile#getID() */ @Override public String getID() { return PROFILE_ID; } /** * @param eSpecific is always supplied as NULL * @see ISSOProfile#init(javax.servlet.ServletContext, * IConfigurationManager, org.w3c.dom.Element, org.w3c.dom.Element) */ @Override public void init(ServletContext context, IConfigurationManager configurationManager, Element eParent, Element eSpecific) throws OAException { Engine engine = Engine.getInstance(); _tgtFactory = engine.getTGTFactory(); _sessionFactory = engine.getSessionFactory(); _aliasStoreSP = _tgtFactory.getAliasStoreSP(); _sMyOrganizationID = engine.getServer().getOrganization().getID(); _requestorPoolFactory = engine.getRequestorPoolFactory(); _cookieTool = new CookieTool(configurationManager, eParent); Element eLogout = configurationManager.getSection(eParent, "logout"); if (eLogout == null) { _logger.warn("No optional 'logout' section available in configuration, using defaults"); _sJSPUserLogout = DEFAULT_JSP_LOGOUT; _bShowConfirmation = false; _sJSPConfirmation = DEFAULT_JSP_CONFIRM; } else { readConfig(configurationManager, eLogout); } _mapLogoutMethods = loadLogoutMethods(_authenticationManager.getAuthenticationMethods());"Started Logout Profile: " + PROFILE_ID); } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.api.IService#service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @Override public void service(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse) throws OAException { try { //Disable caching HttpUtils.setDisableCachingHttpHeaders(servletRequest, servletResponse); ISession session = (ISession) servletRequest.getAttribute(ISession.ID_NAME); if (session == null) { String sId = servletRequest.getParameter(ISession.ID_NAME); if (sId != null) { if (!SessionValidator.validateDefaultSessionId(sId)) { _logger.warn("Invalid session id in request: " + sId); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } session = _sessionFactory.retrieve(sId); } else _logger.debug("No session attribute and no session id supplied in request"); } String sTarget = resolveTarget(servletRequest); if (sTarget != null) { if (sTarget.equalsIgnoreCase(TARGET_LOGOUT_STATE)) { _logger.debug("Performing 'logout state' request"); processLogoutState(servletResponse, session); return; } else if (sTarget.equalsIgnoreCase(TARGET_LOGOUT_FORCE)) { _logger.debug( "Performing 'forced logout' request sent from IP: " + servletRequest.getRemoteAddr()); processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); return; } } if (session == null) { _logger.debug("No valid session found"); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } _logger.debug("Performing 'logout' request sent from IP: " + servletRequest.getRemoteAddr()); switch (session.getState()) { case USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS: {//logout at remote authn not finished yet finishFederativeLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); break; } case USER_LOGOUT_FAILED: case USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL: {//already failed, only remove what can be removed processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); break; } case USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS: {//remote logout finished, do local logout processLocalLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session, null); break; } case USER_CANCELLED: { _logger.debug(new SystemLogItem(session.getId(), SystemErrors.OK, "Redirect back to Profile")); servletResponse.sendRedirect(session.getProfileURL()); break; } default: {//check what needs to be done processDefault(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } } } catch (UserException e) { try { if (!servletResponse.isCommitted()) servletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } catch (IOException e1) { _logger.debug("Could not respond", e1); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Could not perform logout request", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.api.logging.IAuthority#getAuthority() */ @Override public String getAuthority() { return AUTHORITY_NAME; } private void processDefault(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session) throws OAException, UserException { try { _logger.debug("Start logout"); String sTGTID = _cookieTool.getCookieValue(WebSSOServlet.TGT_COOKIE_NAME, servletRequest); if (sTGTID == null) { _logger.debug("No TGT cookie found"); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } if (sTGTID != null && !TGTValidator.validateDefaultTGTId(sTGTID)) { _logger.debug("Invalid TGT ID in cookie: " + sTGTID); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } ITGT tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt == null || tgt.isExpired()) { session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL); //remove cookie and perform redirect to profile processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } else { //DD remove aliasses for requestor id from TGT, so requestor logout will not be triggered for this supplied requestor. if (_aliasStoreSP != null) _aliasStoreSP.removeAll(session.getRequestorId(), tgt.getId()); //DD remove requestor from TGT, because the user is now logged out at this requestor. tgt.removeRequestorID(session.getRequestorId()); tgt.persist(); session.setTGTId(sTGTID); IUser user = tgt.getUser(); session.setUser(user); if (mustShowConfirmation(servletRequest, session, tgt)) { processConfirmation(servletRequest, servletResponse, tgt, session); return; } IASLogout asLogout = null; if (_mapLogoutMethods != null) { for (IASLogout method : _mapLogoutMethods.values()) { if (method.canLogout(tgt)) { asLogout = method; break; } } } if (asLogout != null && !_sMyOrganizationID.equals(user.getOrganization())) { session.getAttributes().put(this.getClass(), SESSION_CURRENT_METHOD, asLogout.getID()); session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS); _logger.debug("do federative logout"); switch (asLogout.logout(servletRequest, servletResponse, tgt, session)) { case USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS: { //do nothing, process not ended yet. break; } case USER_LOGGED_OUT: { session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS); processLocalLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session, tgt); break; } default: {//all errors processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } } } else { //DD No sLogout.logout(...) when no logout method is found and user organization is not the local idp (the remote organization is responsible for the logout) //No session.persist() needed when forwarding to sso servlet. processLocalLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session, tgt); } } } catch (UserException e) { throw e; } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error while performing the default process", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } private void finishFederativeLogout(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session) throws OAException, UserException { try { _logger.debug("finish federative logout"); String sTGTID = session.getTGTId(); if (sTGTID == null) { _logger.debug("No TGT ID found in session"); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } ITGT tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt == null || tgt.isExpired()) { _logger.debug("No TGT available with id: " + sTGTID); session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL); //remove cookie and perform redirect to profile processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } else { String sLogoutMethodID = (String) session.getAttributes().get(this.getClass(), SESSION_CURRENT_METHOD); if (sLogoutMethodID == null) { _logger.debug("Required session attribute not available: " + SESSION_CURRENT_METHOD); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } IASLogout asLogout = _mapLogoutMethods.get(sLogoutMethodID); if (asLogout == null) { _logger.debug("No method found: " + sLogoutMethodID); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } _logger.debug("proceed federative logout"); switch (asLogout.logout(servletRequest, servletResponse, tgt, session)) { case USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS: { //do nothing, process not ended yet. break; } case USER_LOGGED_OUT: { session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS); processLocalLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session, tgt); break; } default: {//all errors processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } } } } catch (UserException e) { throw e; } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error while finishing federative logout", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } /** * Starts the logout process at the current (local) IDP, by executing logout events. * <br> * Call can only be initiated by a requestor (with session). */ private void processLocalLogout(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session, ITGT tgt) throws OAException { _logger.debug("Start Logout at local IDP (only TGT Events)"); try { if (session == null) { //No session, so the request is not initiated by any requestor (userpage or protocol profile) _logger.debug("No session available"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } String sTGTID = session.getTGTId(); if (sTGTID == null) { sTGTID = _cookieTool.getCookieValue(WebSSOServlet.TGT_COOKIE_NAME, servletRequest); if (sTGTID == null) { _logger.debug("No TGT ID available"); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } if (sTGTID != null && !TGTValidator.validateDefaultTGTId(sTGTID)) { _logger.debug("Invalid TGT ID in cookie: " + sTGTID); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } session.setTGTId(sTGTID); } SessionState state = session.getState(); LogoutState logoutState = null; if (state != SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS) { session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS); if (tgt == null) { tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt == null || tgt.isExpired()) //TGT valid { _logger.debug("TGT already expired: " + sTGTID); throw new UserException(UserEvent.REQUEST_INVALID); } } logoutState = startListeners(tgt, session, servletRequest); } else { //session must be persisted before showing a JSP session.persist(); } if (logoutState != null && logoutState.isFinished()) processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); else showLogoutJSP(servletRequest, servletResponse, SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS, session.getId(), null); } catch (UserException e) { session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_FAILED); UserEventLogItem(session, servletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, this, null)); processForceLogout(servletRequest, servletResponse, session); } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during logout processing", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } /** * Removes the TGT, TGT cookie and reports back to the initiator. * <br> * Call can be initiated by a user (without session) or a requestor (with session). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void processForceLogout(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session) throws OAException { try { _logger.debug("Perform Forced Logout (remove the TGT)"); //backup session state, used as result no session is available SessionState sessionStateBackup = SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_FAILED; String sTGTID = null; if (session != null) { sTGTID = session.getTGTId(); } String sTGTCookie = _cookieTool.getCookieValue(WebSSOServlet.TGT_COOKIE_NAME, servletRequest); if (sTGTCookie != null) {//remove TGT cookie _cookieTool.removeCookie(WebSSOServlet.TGT_COOKIE_NAME, servletRequest, servletResponse); _logger.debug("TGT cookie removed"); sessionStateBackup = SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL; } if (sTGTID == null) { sTGTID = sTGTCookie; if (sTGTID != null && !TGTValidator.validateDefaultTGTId(sTGTID)) { _logger.debug("Not using invalid TGT ID resolved from cookie: " + sTGTID); sTGTID = null; } } if (sTGTID != null) //TGT Cookie found {//remove TGT ITGT tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt != null) { if (!tgt.isExpired()) //TGT valid tgt.expire(); try { if (session != null) { //events are already performed by processLogout() tgt.persistPassingListenerEvent(); } else { //persist should also perform events tgt.persist(); sessionStateBackup = SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL; } } catch (PersistenceException e) { if (session != null) session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_FAILED); } _logger.debug("TGT removed"); } } if (session == null) { showLogoutJSP(servletRequest, servletResponse, sessionStateBackup, null, null); } else { //logout was interrupted, so logout is failed if (session.getState() == SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS) session.setState(SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_FAILED); //TGT is now removed, so remove TGT ID from the session if available session.setTGTId(null); session.persist(); if (session.getState() != SessionState.USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS) { List<TGTEventError> warnings = new Vector<TGTEventError>(); ISessionAttributes sessionAttributes = session.getAttributes(); if (sessionAttributes.contains(LogoutState.class, LogoutState.SESSION_LOGOUT_RESULTS)) { List<TGTEventError> totalWarnings = (List<TGTEventError>) sessionAttributes .get(LogoutState.class, LogoutState.SESSION_LOGOUT_RESULTS); for (int i = 0; i < totalWarnings.size(); i++) {//DD Only add failed logout calls TGTEventError eventError = totalWarnings.get(i); if (eventError.getCode() != UserEvent.USER_LOGGED_OUT) { warnings.add(eventError); } } } showLogoutJSP(servletRequest, servletResponse, session.getState(), session.getId(), warnings); } else { String sRedirect = session.getProfileURL(); if (sRedirect == null) { _logger.warn("No redirect to profile URL available in session with id: " + session.getId()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } _logger.debug("Logout finished for TGT with id: " + sTGTID); _logger.debug("Redirecting user back to profile URL: " + sRedirect); servletResponse.sendRedirect(sRedirect); } } } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during forced logout", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } private void processLogoutState(HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session) throws OAException { _logger.debug("Logout - Perform State Request"); try { servletResponse.setContentType("text/plain"); if (session == null) { _logger.debug("no session"); servletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } else { switch (session.getState()) { case USER_LOGOUT_FAILED: case USER_LOGOUT_PARTIAL: case USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS: { _logger.debug("finished"); servletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); break; } default: { _logger.debug("in progress"); servletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during logout state resolving", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } private void showConfirmJSP(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ISession session, List<IRequestor> listRequestors, IRequestor requestor) throws OAException { try { servletRequest.setAttribute(ISession.ID_NAME, session.getId()); servletRequest.setAttribute("requestors", listRequestors); servletRequest.setAttribute("requestor", requestor); servletRequest.setAttribute("user", session.getUser()); //Set server info as attribute servletRequest.setAttribute(Server.SERVER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Engine.getInstance().getServer()); //Forward to page RequestDispatcher oDispatcher = servletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(_sJSPConfirmation); if (oDispatcher != null) oDispatcher.forward(servletRequest, servletResponse); else { _logger.fatal("Forward request not supported"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during jsp forward", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } private void showLogoutJSP(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, SessionState state, String sessionID, List<TGTEventError> warnings) throws OAException { try { if (sessionID != null) servletRequest.setAttribute(ISession.ID_NAME, sessionID); if (state != null) servletRequest.setAttribute(JSP_LOGOUT_STATE, state); if (warnings != null) { servletRequest.setAttribute(DetailedUserException.DETAILS_NAME, warnings); } //Show user info //Set server info as attribute servletRequest.setAttribute(Server.SERVER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Engine.getInstance().getServer()); //Forward to page RequestDispatcher oDispatcher = servletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(_sJSPUserLogout); if (oDispatcher != null) oDispatcher.forward(servletRequest, servletResponse); else { _logger.fatal("Forward request not supported"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during jsp forward to logout page", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } private boolean mustShowConfirmation(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, ISession session, ITGT tgt) throws OAException { if (_sJSPConfirmation == null) return false; if (servletRequest.getParameter("confirm") != null) return false; if (tgt.getRequestorIDs().size() < 1) {//user will only be loggedout at the requestor that initiated the logout return false; } String requestorID = session.getRequestorId(); IRequestor requestor = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestor(requestorID); if (requestor != null) { String sConfirm = (String) requestor.getProperty(PROFILE_ID + PROPERTY_LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION); if (sConfirm != null) { if (sConfirm.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) return true; else if (sConfirm.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) return false; else { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Invalid property '"); sbDebug.append(PROFILE_ID); sbDebug.append(PROPERTY_LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION); sbDebug.append("' found for requestor '"); sbDebug.append(requestorID); sbDebug.append("': "); sbDebug.append(sConfirm); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } } else _logger.debug( "No (optional) requestor specific logout confirmation property found for requestor with ID: " + requestorID); RequestorPool pool = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestorPool(requestorID); if (pool != null) { String sPoolConfirm = (String) pool.getProperty(PROFILE_ID + PROPERTY_LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION); if (sPoolConfirm != null) { if (sPoolConfirm.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) return true; else if (sPoolConfirm.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) return false; else { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Invalid property '"); sbDebug.append(PROFILE_ID); sbDebug.append(PROPERTY_LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION); sbDebug.append("' found for requestorpool '"); sbDebug.append(pool.getID()); sbDebug.append("': "); sbDebug.append(sPoolConfirm); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } } else _logger.debug( "No (optional) requestorpool specific logout confirmation property found for requestorpool with ID: " + pool.getID()); } } return _bShowConfirmation; } private void processConfirmation(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, ITGT tgt, ISession session) throws OAException { //create requestor list with latest added requestor first Vector<IRequestor> vRequestors = new Vector<IRequestor>(); List<String> listRequestorIDs = tgt.getRequestorIDs(); for (int i = (listRequestorIDs.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { String sRequestorID = listRequestorIDs.get(i); IRequestor oRequestor = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestor(sRequestorID); if (oRequestor != null && !vRequestors.contains(oRequestor)) vRequestors.add(oRequestor); } session.persist(); IRequestor requestor = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestor(session.getRequestorId()); showConfirmJSP(servletRequest, servletResponse, session, vRequestors, requestor); } private LogoutState startListeners(ITGT tgt, ISession session, HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws OAException { List<Thread> listThreads = new Vector<Thread>(); //create threads LogoutState state = new LogoutState(_sessionFactory, session.getId()); int iIndex = 0; for (ITGTListener listener : _tgtFactory.getListeners()) { iIndex++; StringBuffer sbRunnableName = new StringBuffer(session.getId()); sbRunnableName.append("_"); sbRunnableName.append(iIndex); LogoutRunnable runnable = new LogoutRunnable(listener, tgt, state, sbRunnableName.toString()); Thread tLogout = new Thread(runnable); StringBuffer sbThreadname = new StringBuffer("Logout ("); sbThreadname.append(sbRunnableName.toString()); sbThreadname.append(") - "); sbThreadname.append(tLogout.getName()); tLogout.setName(sbThreadname.toString()); listThreads.add(tLogout); } session.persist(); UserEventLogItem(session, servletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS, this, null)); //start threads for (Thread thread : listThreads) { thread.start(); _logger.debug("Started: " + thread.getName()); } _logger.debug("Logout threads started"); return state; } private String resolveTarget(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) { String sRequestURI = servletRequest.getRequestURI(); if (!sRequestURI.endsWith("/")) sRequestURI = sRequestURI + "/"; sRequestURI = sRequestURI.toLowerCase(); int iIndex = sRequestURI.indexOf(PROFILE_ID + "/"); if (iIndex > -1) { int iStart = iIndex + PROFILE_ID.length() + "/".length(); if (sRequestURI.length() > iStart) { String target = sRequestURI.substring(iStart, sRequestURI.length() - 1); if (target.length() > 0) return target; } } return null; } private Map<String, IASLogout> loadLogoutMethods(Map<String, IWebAuthenticationMethod> mapAuthNMethods) throws OAException { Map<String, IASLogout> mapLogoutMethods = new HashMap<String, IASLogout>(); try { for (IWebAuthenticationMethod method : mapAuthNMethods.values()) { if (method.isEnabled()) { if (method instanceof IASLogout) { IASLogout aslogout = (IASLogout) method; if (mapLogoutMethods.containsKey(aslogout.getID())) {"Authentication method has not a unique id: " + aslogout.getID()); } else {"Found asynchronous logout method: " + aslogout.getID()); mapLogoutMethods.put(aslogout.getID(), aslogout); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Could not load asynchronous logout methods", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } return mapLogoutMethods; } private void readConfig(IConfigurationManager configurationManager, Element config) throws OAException { Element eJSP = configurationManager.getSection(config, "jsp"); if (eJSP == null) { _logger.warn("No optional 'jsp' parameter found in 'logout' section in configuration; using default"); _sJSPUserLogout = DEFAULT_JSP_LOGOUT; } else { _sJSPUserLogout = configurationManager.getParam(eJSP, "path"); if (_sJSPUserLogout == null) { _logger.error("No 'path' parameter found in 'jsp' section in configuration"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } }"Using logout jsp location: " + _sJSPUserLogout); _bShowConfirmation = false; _sJSPConfirmation = DEFAULT_JSP_CONFIRM; Element eConfirmation = configurationManager.getSection(config, "confirmation"); if (eConfirmation == null) { _logger.warn( "No optional 'confirmation' section found within 'logout' section in configuration; using defaults"); } else { Element eConfirmationJSP = configurationManager.getSection(eConfirmation, "jsp"); if (eConfirmationJSP == null) { _logger.warn( "No optional 'jsp' parameter found in 'confirmation' section in logout confirmation configuration; using default"); _sJSPConfirmation = DEFAULT_JSP_CONFIRM; } else { _sJSPConfirmation = configurationManager.getParam(eConfirmationJSP, "path"); if (_sJSPConfirmation == null) { _logger.error( "No 'path' parameter found in 'jsp' section in logout confirmation configuration"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } } String sShow = configurationManager.getParam(eConfirmation, "show"); if (sShow == null) { _logger.warn( "No optional 'show' parameter found in 'confirmation' section in logout confirmation configuration; using default"); } else { if (sShow.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) _bShowConfirmation = true; else if (!sShow.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) { _logger.error("Unknown value in 'show' configuration item: " + sShow); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } } }"Using logout confirmation jsp location: " + _sJSPConfirmation);"Default show logout confirmation: " + (_bShowConfirmation ? "enabled" : "disabled")); } }