Java tutorial
/* * Asimba Server * * Copyright (C) 2012 Asimba * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Alfa & Ariss B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Asimba - Serious Open Source SSO - More information on * */ package com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.processor.handler; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.alfaariss.oa.OAException; import com.alfaariss.oa.RequestorEvent; import com.alfaariss.oa.SystemErrors; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.attribute.IAttributes; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.configuration.IConfigurationManager; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.logging.IAuthority; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.requestor.IRequestor; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.ITGT; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.TGTEventError; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.tgt.TGTListenerException; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.user.IUser; import; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.Engine; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.authentication.AuthenticationException; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.authentication.AuthenticationProfile; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.authentication.factory.IAuthenticationProfileFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.crypto.CryptoException; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.crypto.CryptoManager; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.idp.IDPStorageManager; import; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.RequestorPool; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.server.Server; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.session.factory.ISessionFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.tgt.factory.ITGTAliasStore; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.tgt.factory.ITGTFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.ASelectErrors; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.ASelectException; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.binding.IBinding; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.binding.IRequest; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.binding.IResponse; import com.alfaariss.oa.profile.aselect.processor.ASelectProcessor; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.logging.AbstractEventLogItem; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.logging.RequestorEventLogItem; /** * Abstract API request handler. * * <br><br><i>Partitially based on sources from A-Select (</i> * * @author MHO * @author Alfa & Ariss * */ public class AbstractAPIHandler implements IAuthority { /** system logger */ protected Log _logger; /** event logger */ protected Log _eventLogger; /** Server object */ protected Server _OAServer; /** session factory */ protected ISessionFactory _sessionFactory; /** requestor pool factory */ protected IRequestorPoolFactory _requestorPoolFactory; /** authentication profile factory */ protected IAuthenticationProfileFactory _authnProfileFactory; /** tgt factory */ protected ITGTFactory _tgtFactory; /** redirect url */ protected String _sRedirectURL; /** enabled */ protected boolean _bEnabled; /** Hashtable containing the authsp_level per authenticationprofile */ protected Hashtable<String, Integer> _htAuthSPLevels; /** Default authsp_level value */ protected int _iDefaultAuthSPLevel; /** Hashtable containing the app_level per requestorpool */ protected Hashtable<String, ASelectRequestorPool> _htASelectRequestorPools; /** Default app_level value*/ protected int _iDefaultAppLevel; /** Requestors alias store */ protected ITGTAliasStore _aliasStoreSPRole; /** IdP's alias store */ protected ITGTAliasStore _aliasStoreIDPRole; /** IDP Storage manager */ protected IDPStorageManager _idpStorageManager; private final static String PROPERTY_SIGN_REQUESTS = ".sign.requests"; private final static String PROPERTY_APP_LEVEL = ".app_level"; private final static String PROPERTY_UID_ATTRIBUTE = ".uid.attribute"; private final static String PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED = ".uid.opaque.enabled"; private final static String PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_SALT = ".uid.opaque.salt"; private final static String PROPERTY_AUTHSP_LEVEL = ".authsp_level"; private String _sProfileID; /** crypto manager */ private CryptoManager _cryptoManager; /** * Creates the object. * * The object can be disabled. This should be checked before the object is * used, because the object won't be fully initialized if its disabled. * The object is disabled if no 'enabled' item is found in the supplied * configuration section or the 'disabled' parameter has the value 'false'. * * @param oConfigurationManager the configuration manager * @param eConfig the config section containing the configuration of this object * @param sRedirectURL the full URL to this profile or <code>null</code> (for loadbalanced environments) * @param htAuthSPLevels Hashtable containing authsp_levels per authentication profile * @param iDefaultAuthSPLevel Default authsp_level * @param sProfileID The ID of the OA profile * @throws OAException if the creation fails */ public AbstractAPIHandler(IConfigurationManager oConfigurationManager, Element eConfig, String sRedirectURL, Hashtable<String, Integer> htAuthSPLevels, int iDefaultAuthSPLevel, String sProfileID) throws OAException { try { _logger = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractAPIHandler.class); _eventLogger = LogFactory.getLog(Engine.EVENT_LOGGER); _htAuthSPLevels = htAuthSPLevels; _iDefaultAuthSPLevel = iDefaultAuthSPLevel; _sProfileID = sProfileID; _bEnabled = false; if (eConfig != null)//if no config supplied, then component is disabled { String sEnabled = oConfigurationManager.getParam(eConfig, "enabled"); if (sEnabled == null) {"No optional 'enabled' parameter found in handler section in configuration"); _bEnabled = true; } else if (sEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {"Request handler is enabled"); _bEnabled = true; } else if (sEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {"Request handler is disabled"); _bEnabled = false; } else { _logger.error( "Wrong 'enabled' parameter found in handler section in configuration: " + sEnabled); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } } if (_bEnabled) { Engine engine = Engine.getInstance(); _OAServer = engine.getServer(); _sessionFactory = engine.getSessionFactory(); _requestorPoolFactory = engine.getRequestorPoolFactory(); _tgtFactory = engine.getTGTFactory(); _aliasStoreSPRole = _tgtFactory.getAliasStoreSP(); _aliasStoreIDPRole = _tgtFactory.getAliasStoreIDP(); _idpStorageManager = engine.getIDPStorageManager(); _authnProfileFactory = engine.getAuthenticationProfileFactory(); _cryptoManager = engine.getCryptoManager(); if (_cryptoManager == null) { _logger.error("No crypto manager available"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); } _sRedirectURL = sRedirectURL; String sDefaultAppLevel = oConfigurationManager.getParam(eConfig, "app_level"); if (sDefaultAppLevel == null) { _logger.error("No default 'app_level' item in handler section found in configuration"); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } try { _iDefaultAppLevel = Integer.valueOf(sDefaultAppLevel); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _logger.error( "The configured default 'app_level' parameter isn't a number: " + sDefaultAppLevel, e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); }"Configured default 'app_level': " + sDefaultAppLevel); _htASelectRequestorPools = new Hashtable<String, ASelectRequestorPool>(); Element eRequestorPool = oConfigurationManager.getSection(eConfig, "requestorpool"); while (eRequestorPool != null) { ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool = new ASelectRequestorPool(oConfigurationManager, eRequestorPool); String sPoolId = oASRequestorPool.getID(); if (_htASelectRequestorPools.containsKey(sPoolId)) { _logger.warn("The configured 'requestorpool' doesn't have a unique id: " + sPoolId); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); } if (!_requestorPoolFactory.isPool(sPoolId)) { _logger.warn( "The configured 'requestorpool' doesn't exist as a requestor pool: " + sPoolId); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); } _htASelectRequestorPools.put(sPoolId, oASRequestorPool);"Configured: " + oASRequestorPool); eRequestorPool = oConfigurationManager.getNextSection(eRequestorPool); } } } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during object creation", e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } /** * Verify if the object is enabled. * @return TRUE if this handler is enabled */ public boolean isEnabled() { return _bEnabled; } /** * @see IAuthority#getAuthority() */ public String getAuthority() { return ASelectProcessor.AUTHORITY_NAME; } /** * Process an asynchronous logout request revieved from a requestor. * * @param oServletRequest HTTP servlet request object * @param oBinding The binding object * @param sRequestorID requestor id or NULL if app id supplied * @param sAppID app id or NULL if requestor id supplied * @param credentials aselect_credentials * @throws ASelectException if request handling failed * @since 1.4 */ public void doRequestorSynchronousLogout(HttpServletRequest oServletRequest, IBinding oBinding, String sRequestorID, String sAppID, String credentials) throws ASelectException { AbstractEventLogItem oLogItem = null; try { if (sRequestorID == null && sAppID == null) { _logger.debug("No 'requestor' or 'app_id' found in request"); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } if (credentials == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("No '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_ASELECT_CREDENTIALS); sbError.append("' found in request"); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } IRequest oRequest = oBinding.getRequest(); if (sRequestorID == null) sRequestorID = sAppID; IRequestor oRequestor = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestor(sRequestorID); if (oRequestor == null) { _logger.debug("Unknown 'requestor' or 'app_id' found in request: " + sRequestorID); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_UNKNOWN_APP); } String reason = (String) oRequest.getParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON); if (reason != null) { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Received optional '"); sbDebug.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON); sbDebug.append("' in request from requestor: "); sbDebug.append(oRequestor.getID()); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } IResponse oResponse = oBinding.getResponse(); if (oResponse == null) { _logger.error("No response for request"); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } String sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR; try { if (!oRequestor.isEnabled()) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Disabled '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_LOCAL_IDP); sbError.append("' found in request: "); sbError.append(oRequestor.getID()); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_UNKNOWN_APP); } RequestorPool oRequestorPool = _requestorPoolFactory.getRequestorPool(oRequestor.getID()); if (oRequestorPool == null) { _logger.warn("Requestor not available in a pool: " + oRequestor.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } if (!oRequestorPool.isEnabled()) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Requestor '"); sbError.append(oRequestor.getID()); sbError.append("' is found in a disabled requestor pool: "); sbError.append(oRequestorPool.getID()); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool = _htASelectRequestorPools.get(oRequestorPool.getID()); if (doSigning(oRequestorPool, oASRequestorPool, oRequestor)) { String sSignature = (String) oRequest.getParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_SIGNATURE); if (sSignature == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("No '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_SIGNATURE); sbError.append("' found in request"); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } Hashtable<String, String> htSignatureData = new Hashtable<String, String>(); htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_ASELECT_CREDENTIALS, credentials); if (sRequestorID != null) htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REQUESTORID, sRequestorID); if (sAppID != null) htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_APPID, sAppID); if (reason != null) htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON, reason); if (!verifySignature(sSignature, oRequestor.getID(), htSignatureData)) { _logger.error( "Invalid signature for request from requestor with id: " + oRequestor.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } } if (reason != null && !ASelectProcessor.VALUE_REASON_TIMEOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(reason)) { _logger.debug("Invalid reason in request from SP with id: " + oRequestor.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } RequestorEvent logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; if (_aliasStoreSPRole == null) { _logger.debug("TGT Factory has no alias support"); sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_FAILED; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; } else { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SUCCESS; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_SUCCESS; String sTGTID = _aliasStoreSPRole.getTGTID(BrowserHandler.ALIAS_TYPE_CREDENTIALS, oRequestor.getID(), credentials); if (sTGTID != null) { ITGT tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt != null && !tgt.isExpired()) { //DD remove the credentials alias, so offline logout won't be triggered back to this requestor _aliasStoreSPRole.removeAlias(BrowserHandler.ALIAS_TYPE_CREDENTIALS, oRequestor.getID(), credentials); if (reason != null && tgt.getRequestorIDs().size() > 1) {//DD If reason == timeout then do not expire the tgt tgt.removeRequestorID(oRequestor.getID()); tgt.persist(); sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; } else { try { if (reason != null) { tgt.clean();//performs the expire event } else { tgt.expire(); tgt.persist();//performs the remove event } } catch (TGTListenerException e) { logoutResult = getLogoutResult(e.getErrors()); switch (logoutResult) { case LOGOUT_PARTIALLY: { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; break; } case LOGOUT_FAILED: default: { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_FAILED; break; } } } } } } } oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, logoutResult, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "slogout SP role"); } catch (ASelectException e) { sResultCode = e.getMessage(); if (sResultCode.equals(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST)) throw e; oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.REQUEST_INVALID, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), oRequestor.getID(), this, "slogout SP role: " + sResultCode); } oResponse.setParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_RESULT_CODE, sResultCode);; oResponse.send(); } catch (ASelectException e) { throw e; } catch (OAException e) { oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.REQUEST_INVALID, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "request=logout: " + e.getMessage());; throw new ASelectException(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "request=logout");; _logger.fatal("Internal error during 'logout' process", e); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } /** * Process a synchronous logout request received from an organization. * * @param oServletRequest HTTP servlet request object * @param oBinding The binding object * @param sLocalOrganization local_organization * @param credentials aselect_credentials * @throws ASelectException if request handling failed * @since 1.4 */ public void doOrganizationSynchronousLogout(HttpServletRequest oServletRequest, IBinding oBinding, String sLocalOrganization, String credentials) throws ASelectException { AbstractEventLogItem oLogItem = null; try { if (sLocalOrganization == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("No '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_LOCAL_IDP); sbError.append("' found in request"); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } if (credentials == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("No '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_ASELECT_CREDENTIALS); sbError.append("' found in request"); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } IRequest oRequest = oBinding.getRequest(); IIDP idp = _idpStorageManager.getIDP(sLocalOrganization); if (idp == null) { _logger.debug("Unknown 'local_organization' found in request: " + sLocalOrganization); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_UNKNOWN_APP); } String reason = (String) oRequest.getParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON); if (reason != null) { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Received optional '"); sbDebug.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON); sbDebug.append("' in request from idp: "); sbDebug.append(idp.getID()); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } ASelectIDP aselectIDP = null; if (idp instanceof ASelectIDP) { aselectIDP = (ASelectIDP) idp; } else { _logger.debug("Supplied 'local_organization' is not of type ASelectIDP: " + idp.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_UNKNOWN_APP); } IResponse oResponse = oBinding.getResponse(); if (oResponse == null) { _logger.error("No response for request"); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } String sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR; try { if (aselectIDP.doSigning()) { String sSignature = (String) oRequest.getParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_SIGNATURE); if (sSignature == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("No '"); sbError.append(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_SIGNATURE); sbError.append("' found in request"); _logger.debug(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } Hashtable<String, String> htSignatureData = new Hashtable<String, String>(); htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_ASELECT_CREDENTIALS, credentials); if (sLocalOrganization != null) htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_LOCAL_IDP, sLocalOrganization); if (reason != null) htSignatureData.put(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_REASON, reason); if (!verifySignature(sSignature, idp.getID(), htSignatureData)) { _logger.error("Invalid signature for request from IDP with id: " + idp.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } } if (reason != null && !ASelectProcessor.VALUE_REASON_TIMEOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(reason)) { _logger.debug("Invalid reason in request from IDP with id: " + aselectIDP.getID()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST); } RequestorEvent logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; if (_aliasStoreIDPRole == null) { _logger.debug("TGT Factory has no alias support"); sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_FAILED; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; } else { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SUCCESS; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_SUCCESS; String sTGTID = _aliasStoreIDPRole.getTGTID(BrowserHandler.ALIAS_TYPE_CREDENTIALS, aselectIDP.getID(), credentials); if (sTGTID != null) { ITGT tgt = _tgtFactory.retrieve(sTGTID); if (tgt != null && !tgt.isExpired()) { _aliasStoreIDPRole.removeAlias(BrowserHandler.ALIAS_TYPE_CREDENTIALS, aselectIDP.getID(), credentials); if (reason != null) {//DD If reason == timeout then do not expire the tgt sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; logoutResult = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; } else { tgt.expire(); try { tgt.persist(); } catch (TGTListenerException e) { logoutResult = getLogoutResult(e.getErrors()); switch (logoutResult) { case LOGOUT_PARTIALLY: { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; break; } case LOGOUT_FAILED: default: { sResultCode = ASelectErrors.ERROR_LOGOUT_FAILED; break; } } } } } } } oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, logoutResult, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "slogout IDP role"); } catch (ASelectException e) { sResultCode = e.getMessage(); if (sResultCode.equals(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST)) throw e; oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.REQUEST_INVALID, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), aselectIDP.getID(), this, "slogout IDP role: " + sResultCode); } oResponse.setParameter(ASelectProcessor.PARAM_RESULT_CODE, sResultCode);; oResponse.send(); } catch (ASelectException e) { throw e; } catch (OAException e) { oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.REQUEST_INVALID, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "request=logout: " + e.getMessage());; throw new ASelectException(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { oLogItem = new RequestorEventLogItem(null, null, null, RequestorEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, null, oServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, "request=logout");; _logger.fatal("Internal error during 'logout' process", e); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } /** * Serialize attributes contained in a hashtable. * * This method serializes attributes contained in a hashtable: * <ul> * <li>They are formatted as attr1=value1&attr2=value2;...</li> * <li>If a "&" or a "=" appears in either the attribute name * or value, they are transformed to %26 or %3d respectively.</li> * <li>The end result is base64 encoded.</li> * </ul> * * @param oAttributes IAttributes object containing all attributes * @return Serialized representation of the attributes * @throws ASelectException If serialization fails. */ protected String serializeAttributes(IAttributes oAttributes) throws ASelectException { String sReturn = null; try { StringBuffer sbCGI = new StringBuffer(); Enumeration enumGatheredAttributes = oAttributes.getNames(); while (enumGatheredAttributes.hasMoreElements()) { StringBuffer sbPart = new StringBuffer(); String sKey = (String) enumGatheredAttributes.nextElement(); Object oValue = oAttributes.get(sKey); if (oValue instanceof Vector) {// it's a multivalue attribute Vector vValue = (Vector) oValue; Enumeration eEnum = vValue.elements(); while (eEnum.hasMoreElements()) { String sValue = (String) eEnum.nextElement(); sbPart.append(URLEncoder.encode(sKey + "[]", ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); sbPart.append("="); sbPart.append(URLEncoder.encode(sValue, ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); if (eEnum.hasMoreElements()) sbPart.append("&"); } } else if (oValue instanceof String) {// it's a single value attribute String sValue = (String) oValue; sbPart.append(URLEncoder.encode(sKey, ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); sbPart.append("="); sbPart.append(URLEncoder.encode(sValue, ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); } else { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Attribute '"); sbDebug.append(sKey); sbDebug.append("' has an unsupported value; is not a String: "); sbDebug.append(oValue); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } if (sbPart.length() > 0 && sbCGI.length() > 0) sbCGI.append("&"); sbCGI.append(sbPart); } if (sbCGI.length() > 0) { byte[] baCGI = Base64.encodeBase64(sbCGI.toString().getBytes(ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); sReturn = new String(baCGI, ASelectProcessor.CHARSET); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Could not serialize attributes: " + oAttributes.toString(), e); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } return sReturn; } /** * Verifies signatures for requests and the signed parameters are supplied as map. * @param sSignature the signature that must be verified * @param sKeyAlias the key alias * @param mapRequest the data that is signed * @return TRUE if the signature is valid * @throws ASelectException if verification failed */ protected boolean verifySignature(String sSignature, String sKeyAlias, Map<String, String> mapRequest) throws ASelectException { StringBuffer sbSignatureData = new StringBuffer(); TreeSet<String> sortedSet = new TreeSet<String>(mapRequest.keySet()); for (Iterator<String> iter = sortedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String sKey =; sbSignatureData.append(mapRequest.get(sKey)); } return verifySignature(sSignature, sKeyAlias, sbSignatureData.toString()); } /** * Verifies signatures for requests retrieved from a requestor. * @param sSignature the signature that must be verified * @param sKeyAlias the key alias * @param sData the signed data * @return TRUE if the signature is valid * @throws ASelectException if verification failed */ protected boolean verifySignature(String sSignature, String sKeyAlias, String sData) throws ASelectException { try { Certificate oCertificate = _cryptoManager.getCertificate(sKeyAlias); if (oCertificate == null) { _logger.warn("No certificate object found with alias: " + sKeyAlias); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } Signature oSignature = _cryptoManager.getSignature(); if (oSignature == null) { _logger.warn("No signature object found"); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } oSignature.initVerify(oCertificate); oSignature.update(sData.getBytes(ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); byte[] baData = Base64.decodeBase64(sSignature.getBytes(ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); boolean bVerified = oSignature.verify(baData); if (!bVerified) { StringBuffer sbDebug = new StringBuffer("Could not verify signature '"); sbDebug.append(sSignature); sbDebug.append("' for key with alias '"); sbDebug.append(sKeyAlias); sbDebug.append("' with data: "); sbDebug.append(sData); _logger.debug(sbDebug.toString()); } return bVerified; } catch (CryptoException e) { _logger.warn("A crypto exception occurred", e); throw new ASelectException(e.getMessage()); } catch (ASelectException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Could not verify signature '"); sbError.append(sSignature); sbError.append("' for key with alias: "); sbError.append(sKeyAlias); _logger.fatal(sbError.toString(), e); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } /** * Returns the authN profile id with the highest authsp_level value. * * @param listAuthNProfileIDs a list with authN profile id's * @return authN profile id * @throws OAException if authsp_level could not be resolved from model */ protected String getHighestAuthNProfile(List<String> listAuthNProfileIDs) throws OAException { String sHighestProfile = null; int iMaxLevel = -1; for (String sAuthNProfileID : listAuthNProfileIDs) { if (_htAuthSPLevels.containsKey(sAuthNProfileID)) { int iAuthNProfileID = _htAuthSPLevels.get(sAuthNProfileID); if (iAuthNProfileID > iMaxLevel) { iMaxLevel = iAuthNProfileID; sHighestProfile = sAuthNProfileID; } } else { AuthenticationProfile authnProfile = null; try { authnProfile = _authnProfileFactory.getProfile(sAuthNProfileID); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { _logger.error("Authentication profile not available: " + sAuthNProfileID); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } String sLevel = (String) authnProfile.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_AUTHSP_LEVEL); if (sLevel != null) { try { int iAuthNProfileID = Integer.valueOf(sLevel); if (iAuthNProfileID > iMaxLevel) { iMaxLevel = iAuthNProfileID; sHighestProfile = sAuthNProfileID; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value of the '"); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_AUTHSP_LEVEL); sbError.append("' property available: "); sbError.append(sLevel); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } } } return sHighestProfile; } /** * Resolves the authsp_level for the specified authentication profile. * * @param sAuthNProfileID The profile id for which the authsp_level should be resolved * @return The authsp_level * @throws OAException if authsp_level could not be resolved from model * @since 1.1 */ protected Integer getAuthSPLevel(String sAuthNProfileID) throws OAException { Integer intAuthSPLevel = _iDefaultAuthSPLevel; if (_htAuthSPLevels.containsKey(sAuthNProfileID)) intAuthSPLevel = _htAuthSPLevels.get(sAuthNProfileID); else { AuthenticationProfile authnProfile = null; try { authnProfile = _authnProfileFactory.getProfile(sAuthNProfileID); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { _logger.error("Authentication profile not available: " + sAuthNProfileID); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } String sLevel = (String) authnProfile.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_AUTHSP_LEVEL); if (sLevel != null) { try { intAuthSPLevel = new Integer(sLevel); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value of the '"); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_AUTHSP_LEVEL); sbError.append("' property available: "); sbError.append(sLevel); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } } return intAuthSPLevel; } /** * Resolves the value for the uid parameter of the A-Select protocol. * * @param oUser The User object * @param oASRequestorPool Requestor Pool object or <code>null</code> * @param oRequestorPool OA Requestorpool * @param oRequestor OA Requestor * @return the resolved uid value * @throws ASelectException if no uid can be resolved * @throws OAException if conversion to hexadecimal fails */ protected String getUid(IUser oUser, ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool, RequestorPool oRequestorPool, IRequestor oRequestor) throws ASelectException, OAException { String sUid = oUser.getID(); String sUidAttribute = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_ATTRIBUTE); if (sUidAttribute == null) { if (oASRequestorPool != null) sUidAttribute = oASRequestorPool.getUidAttribute(); if (sUidAttribute == null) sUidAttribute = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_ATTRIBUTE); } if (sUidAttribute != null) { IAttributes oAttributes = oUser.getAttributes(); sUid = (String) oAttributes.get(sUidAttribute); if (sUid == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Missing required attribute ("); sbError.append(sUidAttribute); sbError.append(") to resolve uid for user with ID: "); sbError.append(oUser.getID()); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(ASelectErrors.ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE); } //DD Remove the used attribute from the user attributes, so it will not be released to the application oAttributes.remove(sUidAttribute); } boolean bOpaqueUID = false; String sUIDOpaque = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED); if (sUIDOpaque != null) { if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) bOpaqueUID = true; else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value for requestor property '"); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED); sbError.append("': "); sbError.append(sUIDOpaque); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } else { if (oASRequestorPool != null) bOpaqueUID = oASRequestorPool.isUidOpaque(); if (!bOpaqueUID) { sUIDOpaque = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED); if (sUIDOpaque != null) { if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) bOpaqueUID = true; else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sUIDOpaque)) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid value for requestorpool property '"); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_ENABLED); sbError.append("': "); sbError.append(sUIDOpaque); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } } } if (bOpaqueUID) { String sSalt = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_SALT); if (sSalt == null) { if (oASRequestorPool != null) sSalt = oASRequestorPool.getUidOpaqueSalt(); if (sSalt == null) sSalt = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_UID_OPAQUE_SALT); } if (sSalt != null) sUid = sUid + sSalt; // the returned user ID must contain an opaque value MessageDigest oMessageDigest = _cryptoManager.getMessageDigest(); try { oMessageDigest.update(sUid.getBytes(ASelectProcessor.CHARSET)); sUid = toHexString(oMessageDigest.digest()); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.warn( "Unable to generate '" + oMessageDigest.getAlgorithm() + "' hash from user ID: " + sUid, e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } return sUid; } /** * Resolves the app level from ASelectRequestorPool or RequestorPool. * * @param oRequestorPool OA Requestor pool * @param oASRequestorPool A-Select requestor pool * @param oRequestor OA Requestor * @return The app level * @throws OAException * @since 1.1 */ protected String getAppLevel(RequestorPool oRequestorPool, ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool, IRequestor oRequestor) throws OAException { String sAppLevel = String.valueOf(_iDefaultAppLevel); int iAppLevel = -1; String appLevel = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_APP_LEVEL); if (appLevel != null) { try { iAppLevel = Integer.valueOf(appLevel); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("The configured requestor property ("); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_APP_LEVEL); sbError.append(") value isn't a number: "); sbError.append(appLevel); _logger.error(sbError.toString(), e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } else { if (oASRequestorPool != null) iAppLevel = oASRequestorPool.getAppLevel(); if (iAppLevel == -1) { appLevel = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_APP_LEVEL); if (appLevel != null) { try { iAppLevel = Integer.valueOf(appLevel); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("The configured requestorpool property ("); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_APP_LEVEL); sbError.append(") value isn't a number: "); sbError.append(appLevel); _logger.error(sbError.toString(), e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } } } if (iAppLevel > 0) sAppLevel = String.valueOf(iAppLevel); return sAppLevel; } /** * Returns TRUE if requests must be signed. * * Resolves signing value from ASelectRequestorPool or RequestorPool. * @param oRequestorPool OA Requestor pool * @param oASRequestorPool A-Select Requestor pool * @param oRequestor OA Requestor * @return true if requests must be signed * @throws OAException * @since 1.1 */ protected boolean doSigning(RequestorPool oRequestorPool, ASelectRequestorPool oASRequestorPool, IRequestor oRequestor) throws OAException { String sEnabled = (String) oRequestor.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_SIGN_REQUESTS); if (sEnabled != null) { if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) return true; else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("The configured requestor property ("); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_SIGN_REQUESTS); sbError.append(") value isn't a boolean: "); sbError.append(sEnabled); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } if (oASRequestorPool != null && oASRequestorPool.doSigning()) return true; sEnabled = (String) oRequestorPool.getProperty(_sProfileID + PROPERTY_SIGN_REQUESTS); if (sEnabled != null) { if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) return true; else if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("The configured requestorpool property ("); sbError.append(_sProfileID); sbError.append(PROPERTY_SIGN_REQUESTS); sbError.append(") value isn't a boolean: "); sbError.append(sEnabled); _logger.error(sbError.toString()); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } return false; } /** * Returns the logout result as requestor event. * * @param listErrors containing all TGT event errors to be verified * @return the resulting logout requestor event * @since 1.4 */ private RequestorEvent getLogoutResult(List<TGTEventError> listErrors) { RequestorEvent event = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; for (TGTEventError eventError : listErrors) { switch (eventError.getCode()) { case USER_LOGOUT_PARTIALLY: { event = RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_PARTIALLY; break; } case USER_LOGOUT_IN_PROGRESS: case USER_LOGOUT_FAILED: default: { //do not search further; logout failed already. return RequestorEvent.LOGOUT_FAILED; } } } return event; } /** * Hexstring encoding. * * Outputs a hex-string representation of a byte array. * This method returns the hexadecimal String representation of a byte * array. * * Example: * For input <code>[0x13, 0x2f, 0x98, 0x76]</code>, this method returns a * String object containing <code>"132F9876"</code>. * * DD For backwards compatibly the hex presentation is converted to upper case. * @param baBytes Source byte array. * @return a String object representing <code>baBytes</code> in hexadecimal * format. * @see Hex#encodeHex(byte[]) */ private static String toHexString(byte[] baBytes) { char[] ca = Hex.encodeHex(baBytes); String s = new String(ca).toUpperCase(); return s; } }