Java tutorial
/* * Asimba Server * * Copyright (C) 2012 Asimba * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Alfa & Ariss B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Asimba - Serious Open Source SSO - More information on * */ package com.alfaariss.oa.engine.requestor.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.alfaariss.oa.OAException; import com.alfaariss.oa.SystemErrors; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.IComponent; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.configuration.ConfigurationException; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.configuration.IConfigurationManager; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.datastorage.IDataStorageFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.api.requestor.IRequestor; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.Engine; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.RequestorException; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.RequestorPool; import com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.database.DatabaseException; import com.alfaariss.oa.util.database.jdbc.DataSourceFactory; /** * The requestor pool factory. * * Reads factory information from items stored in a jdbc back end. * @author MHO * @author Alfa & Ariss * */ public class JDBCFactory implements IRequestorPoolFactory, IComponent { private final static String TABLE_NAME_POOLS = "requestorpool_pool"; private final static String TABLE_NAME_AUTHN = "requestorpool_authnprofile"; private final static String TABLE_NAME_REQUESTORS = "requestorpool_requestor"; private final static String TABLE_NAME_REQUESTOR_PROPS = "requestorpool_requestor_properties"; private final static String TABLE_NAME_POOL_PROPS = "requestorpool_properties"; private static final Log _logger = LogFactory.getLog(JDBCFactory.class);; private IConfigurationManager _configurationManager; private DataSource _oDataSource; private String _sPoolsTable; private String _sPoolPropertiesTable; private String _sAuthenticationTable; private String _sRequestorsTable; private String _sRequestorPropertiesTable; private String _sQuerySelectPool; private String _sQuerySelectRequestor; private String _sQuerySelectRequestorProperties; private String _sQuerySelectPoolAvailable; private String _sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable; private String _sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools; private String _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools; private String _sQuerySelectAllRequestors; private String _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors; /** Setting to control requestorpool-cache; default: false */ protected boolean _isCacheEnabled; /** * RequestorPool Cache entries */ private class RequestorPoolEntry { public Date _dLastModified; public RequestorPool _oRequestorPool; public RequestorPoolEntry(Date dLastModified, RequestorPool oRequestorPool) { _dLastModified = dLastModified; _oRequestorPool = oRequestorPool; } } /** Map with PoolId->RequestorPool for caching purposes */ private Map<String, RequestorPoolEntry> _mRequestorPoolMap; /** * Creates the object. */ public JDBCFactory() { _oDataSource = null; _sPoolsTable = null; _sAuthenticationTable = null; _sRequestorsTable = null; _sRequestorPropertiesTable = null; _sPoolPropertiesTable = null; _sQuerySelectPool = null; _sQuerySelectRequestor = null; _sQuerySelectRequestorProperties = null; _sQuerySelectPoolAvailable = null; _sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable = null; _sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools = null; _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools = null; _sQuerySelectAllRequestors = null; _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors = null; _isCacheEnabled = false; } /** * Returns the requestor pool were the supplied request id is a part from. * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getRequestorPool(java.lang.String) */ @Override public RequestorPool getRequestorPool(String sRequestor) throws RequestorException { JDBCRequestorPool oRequestorPool = null; Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectPool); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, sRequestor); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { String sPoolId = oResultSet.getString(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID); // Work with cache: if (_isCacheEnabled) { RequestorPoolEntry oRPE = _mRequestorPoolMap.get(sPoolId); if (oRPE != null) { long lCachedDateLastModified = 0; if (oRPE._dLastModified != null) lCachedDateLastModified = oRPE._dLastModified.getTime(); long lRealDateLastModified = getMostRecentDate( oResultSet.getTimestamp("date_last_modified"), oResultSet.getTimestamp("requestor_date")); if (lRealDateLastModified > 0 && (lRealDateLastModified <= lCachedDateLastModified)) { // Cached version is recent; RequestorPool established: return it _logger.debug("Retrieved requestorpool from cache: " + sPoolId); return oRPE._oRequestorPool; } } // No cached RequestorPool, or RequestorPool is expired } oRequestorPool = new JDBCRequestorPool(oResultSet, _oDataSource, _sPoolsTable, _sRequestorsTable, _sRequestorPropertiesTable, _sAuthenticationTable, _sPoolPropertiesTable); if (_isCacheEnabled) { // Add to or update cache Date dLastModified = oResultSet.getDate(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_DATE_LAST_MODIFIED); RequestorPoolEntry oRPE = new RequestorPoolEntry(dLastModified, oRequestorPool); _mRequestorPoolMap.put(oRequestorPool.getID(), oRPE); } } if (oRequestorPool != null) _logger.debug("Retrieved requestorpool: " + oRequestorPool); else _logger.debug("No requestorpool found for requestor: " + sRequestor); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieval of requestor: " + sRequestor, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return oRequestorPool; } /** * Returns the requestor specified by its ID. * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getRequestor(java.lang.String) */ @Override public IRequestor getRequestor(String sRequestor) throws RequestorException { IRequestor oRequestor = null; Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet rsRequestor = null; ResultSet rsProperties = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestor); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, sRequestor); rsRequestor = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestorProperties); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, sRequestor); rsProperties = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { JDBCRequestor oJDBCRequestor = new JDBCRequestor(rsRequestor, rsProperties); oRequestor = oJDBCRequestor.getRequestor(); _logger.debug("Retrieved requestor: " + oRequestor); } else _logger.debug("Requestor not found: " + sRequestor); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieval of requestor: " + sRequestor, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (rsRequestor != null) rsRequestor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor resultset", e); } try { if (rsProperties != null) rsProperties.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor properties resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return oRequestor; } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#isPool(java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean isPool(String sPoolID) throws RequestorException { boolean bIsPool = false; Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectPoolAvailable); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, sPoolID); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( bIsPool = true; } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Error during database retrieval, when selecting pool id: " + sPoolID, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during exist check of pool id: " + sPoolID, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return bIsPool; } /** * Starts the component. * @see IComponent#start(IConfigurationManager, org.w3c.dom.Element) */ @Override public void start(IConfigurationManager oConfigurationManager, Element eConfig) throws OAException { Connection oConnection = null; try { _configurationManager = oConfigurationManager; // Manage a cache: Map< PoolID -> JDBCRequestorPoolEntry-instance > Element elCache = _configurationManager.getSection(eConfig, "cache"); if (elCache != null) { String sEnabled = _configurationManager.getParam(elCache, "enabled"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) { _isCacheEnabled = true; } else if (!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(sEnabled)) { _logger.warn("Invalid value for cache@enabled: " + sEnabled); } } if (_isCacheEnabled) { _mRequestorPoolMap = new HashMap<String, RequestorPoolEntry>();"Enabling RequestorPool cache"); } Element eResource = _configurationManager.getSection(eConfig, "resource"); if (eResource == null) { _logger.warn("No 'resource' section found in configuration, using default table names"); _sPoolsTable = TABLE_NAME_POOLS; _sAuthenticationTable = TABLE_NAME_AUTHN; _sRequestorsTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTORS; _sRequestorPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTOR_PROPS; _sPoolPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_POOL_PROPS; IDataStorageFactory databaseFactory = Engine.getInstance().getStorageFactory(); if (databaseFactory != null && databaseFactory.isEnabled()) { _oDataSource = databaseFactory.createModelDatasource(); if (_oDataSource == null) { _logger.error("Could not create a valid datasource"); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); }"Using datasource specified in engine"); } else { _logger.error("Could not create a valid datasource"); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); } } else { try { _oDataSource = DataSourceFactory.createDataSource(_configurationManager, eResource);"Using datasource specified in 'resource' section in configuration"); } catch (DatabaseException e) { IDataStorageFactory databaseFactory = Engine.getInstance().getStorageFactory(); if (databaseFactory != null && databaseFactory.isEnabled()) { _oDataSource = databaseFactory.createModelDatasource(); if (_oDataSource == null) { _logger.error("Could not create a valid datasource"); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); }"Using datasource specified in engine"); } else { _logger.error("Could not create a valid datasource", e); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); } } } try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not connect to resource", e); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT, e); } if (eResource != null) { Element ePools = _configurationManager.getSection(eResource, "pools"); if (ePools == null) { _sPoolsTable = TABLE_NAME_POOLS; _logger.warn("No 'pools' section found in configuration, using default table: " + _sPoolsTable); } else { _sPoolsTable = _configurationManager.getParam(ePools, "table"); if (_sPoolsTable == null) { _sPoolsTable = TABLE_NAME_POOLS; _logger.warn("No 'table' item in 'pools' section found in configuration, using default: " + _sPoolsTable); } } } Element eValidation = _configurationManager.getSection(eConfig, "validation"); StringBuffer sbVerify = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ENABLED).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_FORCED).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_FRIENDLYNAME).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_POSTAUTHORIZATIE).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_PREAUTHORIZATION).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_RELEASEPOLICY); sbVerify.append(" FROM "); sbVerify.append(_sPoolsTable); sbVerify.append(" LIMIT 1"); validateTable(oConnection, eValidation, "pools", sbVerify.toString()); if (eResource != null) { Element ePoolProperties = _configurationManager.getSection(eResource, "pool_properties"); if (ePoolProperties == null) { _sPoolPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_POOL_PROPS; _logger.warn("No 'pool_properties' section found in configuration, using default table: " + _sPoolPropertiesTable); } else { _sPoolPropertiesTable = _configurationManager.getParam(ePoolProperties, "table"); if (_sPoolPropertiesTable == null) { _sPoolPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_POOL_PROPS; _logger.warn( "No 'table' item in 'pool_properties' section found in configuration, using default: " + _sRequestorPropertiesTable); } } } sbVerify = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_PROPERTY_POOL_ID).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_PROPERTY_NAME).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_PROPERTY_VALUE); sbVerify.append(" FROM "); sbVerify.append(_sPoolPropertiesTable); sbVerify.append(" LIMIT 1"); validateTable(oConnection, eValidation, "pool_properties", sbVerify.toString()); if (eResource != null) { Element eAuthentication = _configurationManager.getSection(eResource, "authentication"); if (eAuthentication == null) { _sAuthenticationTable = TABLE_NAME_AUTHN; _logger.warn("No 'authentication' section found in configuration, using default table: " + _sAuthenticationTable); } else { _sAuthenticationTable = _configurationManager.getParam(eAuthentication, "table"); if (_sAuthenticationTable == null) { _sAuthenticationTable = TABLE_NAME_AUTHN; _logger.warn( "No 'table' item in 'authentication' section found in configuration, using default: " + _sAuthenticationTable); } } } sbVerify = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_AUTHENTICATION_ID).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_AUTHENTICATION_POOLID); sbVerify.append(" FROM "); sbVerify.append(_sAuthenticationTable); sbVerify.append(" LIMIT 1"); validateTable(oConnection, eValidation, "authentication", sbVerify.toString()); if (eResource != null) { Element eRequestors = _configurationManager.getSection(eResource, "requestors"); if (eRequestors == null) { _sRequestorsTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTORS; _logger.warn("No 'requestors' section found in configuration, using default table: " + _sRequestorsTable); } else { _sRequestorsTable = _configurationManager.getParam(eRequestors, "table"); if (_sRequestorsTable == null) { _sRequestorsTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTORS; _logger.warn( "No 'table' item in 'requestors' section found in configuration, using default: " + _sRequestorsTable); } } } sbVerify = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ENABLED).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_FRIENDLYNAME).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_POOLID); sbVerify.append(" FROM "); sbVerify.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbVerify.append(" LIMIT 1"); validateTable(oConnection, eValidation, "requestors", sbVerify.toString()); if (eResource != null) { Element eRequestorProperties = _configurationManager.getSection(eResource, "requestor_properties"); if (eRequestorProperties == null) { _sRequestorPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTOR_PROPS; _logger.warn("No 'requestor_properties' section found in configuration, using default table: " + _sRequestorPropertiesTable); } else { _sRequestorPropertiesTable = _configurationManager.getParam(eRequestorProperties, "table"); if (_sRequestorPropertiesTable == null) { _sRequestorPropertiesTable = TABLE_NAME_REQUESTOR_PROPS; _logger.warn( "No 'table' item in 'requestor_properties' section found in configuration, using default: " + _sRequestorPropertiesTable); } } } sbVerify = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_PROPERTY_REQUESTOR_ID).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_PROPERTY_NAME).append(","); sbVerify.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_PROPERTY_VALUE); sbVerify.append(" FROM "); sbVerify.append(_sRequestorPropertiesTable); sbVerify.append(" LIMIT 1"); validateTable(oConnection, eValidation, "requestor_properties", sbVerify.toString()); createQueries(); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during initialization", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } } /** * Restarts the component. * @see com.alfaariss.oa.api.IComponent#restart(org.w3c.dom.Element) */ @Override public void restart(Element eConfig) throws OAException { synchronized (this) { stop(); start(_configurationManager, eConfig); } } /** * Stops the component. * @see com.alfaariss.oa.api.IComponent#stop() */ @Override public void stop() { _oDataSource = null; _sPoolsTable = null; _sAuthenticationTable = null; _sRequestorsTable = null; _sRequestorPropertiesTable = null; _sPoolPropertiesTable = null; _sQuerySelectPool = null; _sQuerySelectRequestor = null; _sQuerySelectRequestorProperties = null; _sQuerySelectPoolAvailable = null; _sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable = null; _sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools = null; _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools = null; _sQuerySelectAllRequestors = null; _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors = null; // Clean up cache if (_mRequestorPoolMap != null) { _mRequestorPoolMap.clear(); _mRequestorPoolMap = null; } } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getAllRequestorPools() */ @Override public Collection<RequestorPool> getAllRequestorPools() throws RequestorException { Collection<RequestorPool> collPools = new Vector<RequestorPool>(); Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { JDBCRequestorPool oRequestorPool = new JDBCRequestorPool(oResultSet, _oDataSource, _sPoolsTable, _sRequestorsTable, _sRequestorPropertiesTable, _sAuthenticationTable, _sPoolPropertiesTable); if (oRequestorPool != null) collPools.add(oRequestorPool); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read requestorpools from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieving all requestorpools", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(collPools); } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getAllEnabledRequestorPools() */ @Override public Collection<RequestorPool> getAllEnabledRequestorPools() throws RequestorException { Collection<RequestorPool> collPools = new Vector<RequestorPool>(); Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools); oPreparedStatement.setBoolean(1, true); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { JDBCRequestorPool oRequestorPool = new JDBCRequestorPool(oResultSet, _oDataSource, _sPoolsTable, _sRequestorsTable, _sRequestorPropertiesTable, _sAuthenticationTable, _sPoolPropertiesTable); if (oRequestorPool != null) collPools.add(oRequestorPool); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read enabled requestorpools from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieving all enabled requestorpools", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(collPools); } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getAllEnabledRequestors() */ @Override public Collection<IRequestor> getAllEnabledRequestors() throws RequestorException { Collection<IRequestor> collRequestors = new Vector<IRequestor>(); Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet rsRequestor = null; ResultSet rsProperties = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors); oPreparedStatement.setBoolean(1, true); rsRequestor = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestorProperties); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, rsRequestor.getString(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID)); rsProperties = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); JDBCRequestor oJDBCRequestor = new JDBCRequestor(rsRequestor, rsProperties); IRequestor oRequestor = oJDBCRequestor.getRequestor(); if (oRequestor != null) collRequestors.add(oRequestor); rsProperties.close(); _logger.debug("Retrieved requestor: " + oRequestor); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read all enabled requestors from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieval of all enabled requestors", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (rsRequestor != null) rsRequestor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor resultset", e); } try { if (rsProperties != null) rsProperties.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor properties resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(collRequestors); } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getAllRequestors() */ @Override public Collection<IRequestor> getAllRequestors() throws RequestorException { Collection<IRequestor> collRequestors = new Vector<IRequestor>(); Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet rsRequestor = null; ResultSet rsProperties = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectAllRequestors); rsRequestor = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestorProperties); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, rsRequestor.getString(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID)); rsProperties = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); JDBCRequestor oJDBCRequestor = new JDBCRequestor(rsRequestor, rsProperties); IRequestor oRequestor = oJDBCRequestor.getRequestor(); if (oRequestor != null) collRequestors.add(oRequestor); rsProperties.close(); _logger.debug("Retrieved requestor: " + oRequestor); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Can not read all requestors from database", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (RequestorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieval of all requestors", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (rsRequestor != null) rsRequestor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor resultset", e); } try { if (rsProperties != null) rsProperties.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor properties resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(collRequestors); } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#isRequestor(java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean isRequestor(String requestorID) throws RequestorException { boolean bIsRequestor = false; Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, requestorID); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( bIsRequestor = true; } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Error during database retrieval, when selecting requestor id: " + requestorID, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during exist check of requestor id: " + requestorID, e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return bIsRequestor; } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#getRequestor(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) */ @Override public IRequestor getRequestor(Object id, String type) throws RequestorException { IRequestor oRequestor = null; Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet rsRequestor = null; ResultSet rsProperties = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); StringBuffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM "); sbQuery.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbQuery.append(" WHERE "); sbQuery.append(type); sbQuery.append(" =?"); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(sbQuery.toString()); oPreparedStatement.setObject(1, id); rsRequestor = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(_sQuerySelectRequestorProperties); oPreparedStatement.setString(1, rsRequestor.getString(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID)); rsProperties = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); JDBCRequestor oJDBCRequestor = new JDBCRequestor(rsRequestor, rsProperties); oRequestor = oJDBCRequestor.getRequestor(); _logger.debug("Retrieved requestor: " + oRequestor); } else _logger.debug("Requestor not found with alternate ID: " + id); } catch (SQLException e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer( "SQL error during database retrieval, when selecting requestor with alternate id '"); sbError.append(id); sbError.append("' of type: "); sbError.append(type); _logger.error(sbError.toString(), e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_RETRIEVE); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer( "Internal error during database retrieval, when selecting requestor with alternate id '"); sbError.append(id); sbError.append("' of type: "); sbError.append(type); _logger.fatal(sbError.toString(), e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (rsRequestor != null) rsRequestor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor resultset", e); } try { if (rsProperties != null) rsProperties.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close requestor properties resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } return oRequestor; } /** * @see com.alfaariss.oa.engine.core.requestor.factory.IRequestorPoolFactory#isRequestorIDSupported(java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean isRequestorIDSupported(String type) throws RequestorException { Connection oConnection = null; PreparedStatement oPreparedStatement = null; ResultSet oResultSet = null; try { oConnection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); StringBuffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbQuery.append(type); sbQuery.append(" FROM "); sbQuery.append(_sRequestorsTable); oPreparedStatement = oConnection.prepareStatement(sbQuery.toString()); oResultSet = oPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Type not available as column: " + type); return false; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.fatal("Internal error during retrieving all enabled requestorpools", e); throw new RequestorException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } finally { try { if (oResultSet != null) oResultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close resultset", e); } try { if (oPreparedStatement != null) oPreparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } try { if (oConnection != null) oConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close connection", e); } } } //TODO move to utility class private void validateTable(Connection oConnection, Element eValidation, String table, String sDefault) throws DatabaseException, SQLException { String sVerificationQuery = null; PreparedStatement pVerification = null; try { if (eValidation != null) { Element e = _configurationManager.getSection(eValidation, table); if (e != null) { sVerificationQuery = _configurationManager.getParam(e, "query"); if (sVerificationQuery == null || sVerificationQuery.length() == 0) { //DD Do not verify the table if empty query configured _logger.warn("Empty validation query found, table structure is not validated for table: " + table); //finally is executed before return return; }"Validation query found: " + sVerificationQuery); } } if (sVerificationQuery == null) { //DD Use default query if no query parameter configured sVerificationQuery = sDefault;"No validation query found, using default: " + sDefault); } pVerification = oConnection.prepareStatement(sVerificationQuery); try { pVerification.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Invalid table configured '"); sbError.append(table); sbError.append("' verified with query: "); sbError.append(sVerificationQuery); _logger.error(sbError.toString(), e); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INIT); }"Table structure validated for table: " + table); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { _logger.error("Invalid validation query found for table: " + table, e); throw new DatabaseException(SystemErrors.ERROR_CONFIG_READ); } finally { try { if (pVerification != null) pVerification.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not close verification statement", e); } } } private void createQueries() { StringBuffer sbSelectPool = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbSelectPool.append(_sPoolsTable).append(".*"); if (_isCacheEnabled) { // Backwards compatibility; it is possible that the attribute does not exist sbSelectPool.append(",").append(_sRequestorsTable).append(".") .append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_DATELASTMODIFIED).append(" AS requestor_date"); } sbSelectPool.append(" FROM "); sbSelectPool.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectPool.append(","); sbSelectPool.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectPool.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectPool.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectPool.append("."); sbSelectPool.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectPool.append("=? AND "); sbSelectPool.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectPool.append("."); sbSelectPool.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_POOLID); sbSelectPool.append("="); sbSelectPool.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectPool.append("."); sbSelectPool.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID); _sQuerySelectPool = sbSelectPool.toString(); _logger.debug("Using requestorpool select query: " + _sQuerySelectPool); StringBuffer sbSelectRequestor = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sRequestorsTable).append(".*"); sbSelectRequestor.append(" FROM "); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectRequestor.append(","); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectRequestor.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectRequestor.append("."); sbSelectRequestor.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectRequestor.append("=? AND "); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectRequestor.append("."); sbSelectRequestor.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_POOLID); sbSelectRequestor.append("="); sbSelectRequestor.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectRequestor.append("."); sbSelectRequestor.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID); _sQuerySelectRequestor = sbSelectRequestor.toString(); _logger.debug("Using requestor select query: " + _sQuerySelectRequestor); StringBuffer sbSelectRequestorProperties = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(_sRequestorPropertiesTable).append(".*"); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(" FROM "); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(_sRequestorPropertiesTable); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(_sRequestorPropertiesTable); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append("."); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_PROPERTY_REQUESTOR_ID); sbSelectRequestorProperties.append("=?"); _sQuerySelectRequestorProperties = sbSelectRequestorProperties.toString(); _logger.debug("Using requestor properties select query: " + _sQuerySelectRequestorProperties); StringBuffer sbSelectPoolAvailable = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append(" FROM "); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectPoolAvailable.append("=?"); _sQuerySelectPoolAvailable = sbSelectPoolAvailable.toString(); _logger.debug("Using requestorpool available select query: " + _sQuerySelectPoolAvailable); StringBuffer sbSelectRequestorAvailable = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append(" FROM "); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ID); sbSelectRequestorAvailable.append("=?"); _sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable = sbSelectRequestorAvailable.toString(); _logger.debug("Using requestor available select query: " + _sQuerySelectRequestorAvailable); _sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools = "SELECT * FROM " + _sPoolsTable; _logger.debug("Using select all requestorpools query: " + _sQuerySelectAllRequestorpools); StringBuffer sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM "); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools.append(_sPoolsTable); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools.append(JDBCRequestorPool.COLUMN_ENABLED); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools.append(" =? "); _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools = sbSelectAllEnabledRequestorpools.toString(); _logger.debug("Using select all enabled requestorpools query: " + _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestorpools); _sQuerySelectAllRequestors = "SELECT * FROM " + _sRequestorsTable; _logger.debug("Using select all requestors query: " + _sQuerySelectAllRequestors); StringBuffer sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM "); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors.append(_sRequestorsTable); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors.append(" WHERE "); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors.append(JDBCRequestor.COLUMN_ENABLED); sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors.append(" =? "); _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors = sbSelectAllEnabledRequestors.toString(); _logger.debug("Using select all enabled requestors query: " + _sQuerySelectAllEnabledRequestors); } /** * Establish the most recent timestamp from the two Timestamps; returns -1 when * @param ts1 Value for date 1; may be null * @param ts2 Value for date 2; may be null * @return Most recent date in ms since 1970, or -1 when it could not be established */ private long getMostRecentDate(Timestamp ts1, Timestamp ts2) { // Both null? Then we don't know if (ts1 == null && ts2 == null) return -1; // Not both null, but tsPool is null? Then tsRequestors contains the time we want if (ts1 == null) return ts2.getTime(); // Or tsPool is it when tsRequestors is null... if (ts2 == null) return ts1.getTime(); // So, both are non-null; which one is most recent: if (ts1.before(ts2)) return ts2.getTime(); return ts1.getTime(); } }