Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Alex Holmes * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alexholmes.hdfsslurper; import com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoIndex; import com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoIndexer; import com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzopCodec; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.log4j.MDC; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; public class WorkerThread extends Thread { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WorkerThread.class); private AtomicBoolean shuttingDown = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Config config; private final FileSystemManager fileSystemManager; private final TimeUnit pollSleepUnit; private final LzoIndexer indexer; private String lzopExt; public WorkerThread(Config config, FileSystemManager fileSystemManager, TimeUnit pollSleepUnit, int threadIndex) { this.config = config; this.fileSystemManager = fileSystemManager; this.pollSleepUnit = pollSleepUnit; this.setDaemon(true); this.setName(WorkerThread.class.getSimpleName() + "-" + threadIndex); if (config.isCreateLzopIndex()) { this.indexer = new LzoIndexer(config.getConfig()); this.lzopExt = new LzopCodec().getDefaultExtension(); } else { this.indexer = null; } } @Override public void run() { MDC.put("threadName", this.getName()); try { while (!shuttingDown.get() && !interrupted()) { doWork(); } } catch (InterruptedException t) { log.warn("event#Caught interrupted exception, exiting"); }"event#Thread exiting"); } protected void doWork() throws InterruptedException { try { copyFile(fileSystemManager.pollForInboundFile(pollSleepUnit, config.getPollSleepPeriodMillis())); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw ie; } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("event#Caught exception in doWork", t); } } private synchronized void copyFile(FileStatus fs) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!shuttingDown.get() && !interrupted()) { process(fs); } } private void process(FileStatus srcFileStatus) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Path stagingFile = null; FileSystem destFs = null; String filenameBatchidDelimiter = config.getFileNameBatchIdDelimiter(); try { FileSystem srcFs = srcFileStatus.getPath().getFileSystem(config.getConfig()); // run a script which can change the name of the file as well as // write out a new version of the file // if (config.getWorkScript() != null) { Path newSrcFile = stageSource(srcFileStatus); srcFileStatus = srcFileStatus.getPath().getFileSystem(config.getConfig()).getFileStatus(newSrcFile); } Path srcFile = srcFileStatus.getPath(); // get the target HDFS file // Path destFile = getHdfsTargetPath(srcFileStatus); if (config.getCodec() != null) { String ext = config.getCodec().getDefaultExtension(); if (!destFile.getName().endsWith(ext)) { destFile = new Path(destFile.toString() + ext); } } destFs = destFile.getFileSystem(config.getConfig()); // get the staging HDFS file // stagingFile = fileSystemManager.getStagingFile(srcFileStatus, destFile); String batchId = srcFile.toString().substring( srcFile.toString().lastIndexOf(filenameBatchidDelimiter) + 1, srcFile.toString().length());"event#Copying source file '" + srcFile + "' to staging destination '" + stagingFile + "'" + "$batchId#" + batchId); // if the directory of the target file doesn't exist, attempt to // create it // Path destParentDir = destFile.getParent(); if (!destFs.exists(destParentDir)) {"event#Attempting creation of target directory: " + destParentDir.toUri()); if (!destFs.mkdirs(destParentDir)) { throw new IOException("event#Failed to create target directory: " + destParentDir.toUri()); } } // if the staging directory doesn't exist, attempt to create it // Path destStagingParentDir = stagingFile.getParent(); if (!destFs.exists(destStagingParentDir)) {"event#Attempting creation of staging directory: " + destStagingParentDir.toUri()); if (!destFs.mkdirs(destStagingParentDir)) { throw new IOException("event#Failed to create staging directory: " + destParentDir.toUri()); } } // copy the file // InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); try { is = new BufferedInputStream(; if (config.isVerify()) { is = new CheckedInputStream(is, crc); } os = destFs.create(stagingFile); if (config.getCodec() != null) { os = config.getCodec().createOutputStream(os); } IOUtils.copyBytes(is, os, 4096, false); } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(is); IOUtils.closeStream(os); } long srcFileSize = srcFs.getFileStatus(srcFile).getLen(); long destFileSize = destFs.getFileStatus(stagingFile).getLen(); if (config.getCodec() == null && srcFileSize != destFileSize) { throw new IOException( "event#File sizes don't match, source = " + srcFileSize + ", dest = " + destFileSize); }"event#Local file size = " + srcFileSize + ", HDFS file size = " + destFileSize + "$batchId#" + batchId); if (config.isVerify()) { verify(stagingFile, crc.getValue()); } if (destFs.exists(destFile)) { destFs.delete(destFile, false); }"event#Moving staging file '" + stagingFile + "' to destination '" + destFile + "'" + "$batchId#" + batchId); if (!destFs.rename(stagingFile, destFile)) { throw new IOException("event#Failed to rename file"); } if (config.isCreateLzopIndex() && destFile.getName().endsWith(lzopExt)) { Path lzoIndexPath = new Path(destFile.toString() + LzoIndex.LZO_INDEX_SUFFIX); if (destFs.exists(lzoIndexPath)) {"event#Deleting index file as it already exists"); destFs.delete(lzoIndexPath, false); } indexer.index(destFile); } fileSystemManager.fileCopyComplete(srcFileStatus); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("event#Caught exception working on file " + srcFileStatus.getPath(), t); // delete the staging file if it still exists // try { if (destFs != null && destFs.exists(stagingFile)) { destFs.delete(stagingFile, false); } } catch (Throwable t2) { log.error("event#Failed to delete staging file " + stagingFile, t2); } fileSystemManager.fileCopyError(srcFileStatus); } } private Path stageSource(FileStatus srcFile) throws IOException { String filenameBatchidDelimiter = config.getFileNameBatchIdDelimiter(); Path p = new Path(ScriptExecutor.getStdOutFromScript(config.getWorkScript(), srcFile.getPath().toString(), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, config.getFileNameBatchIdDelimiter())); String batchId = p.toString().substring(p.toString().lastIndexOf(filenameBatchidDelimiter) + 1, p.toString().length()); if (p.toUri().getScheme() == null) { throw new IOException( "event#Work path from script must be a URI with a scheme: '" + p + "'" + "$batchId#" + batchId); }"event#Staging script returned new file '" + p + " for old " + srcFile.getPath() + "$batchId#" + batchId); return p; } private void verify(Path hdfs, long localFileCRC) throws IOException {"event#Verifying files"); long hdfsCRC = hdfsFileCRC32(hdfs); if (localFileCRC != hdfsCRC) { throw new IOException( "event#CRC's don't match, local file is " + localFileCRC + " HDFS file is " + hdfsCRC); }"event#CRC's match (" + localFileCRC + ")"); } private long hdfsFileCRC32(Path path) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); try { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(path.getFileSystem(config.getConfig()).open(path)); if (config.getCodec() != null) { is = config.getCodec().createInputStream(is); } in = new CheckedInputStream(is, crc);, new NullOutputStream()); } finally {; } return crc.getValue(); } private Path getHdfsTargetPath(FileStatus srcFile) throws IOException { if (config.getDestDir() != null) { if (config.getCodec() != null) { return new Path(config.getDestDir(), srcFile.getPath().getName() + config.getCodec().getDefaultExtension()); } else { return new Path(config.getDestDir(), srcFile.getPath().getName()); } } else { return getDestPathFromScript(srcFile); } } private Path getDestPathFromScript(FileStatus srcFile) throws IOException { Path p = new Path(ScriptExecutor.getStdOutFromScript(config.getScript(), srcFile.getPath().toString(), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, config.getFileNameBatchIdDelimiter())); String filenameBatchidDelimiter = config.getFileNameBatchIdDelimiter(); String batchId = p.toString().substring(p.toString().lastIndexOf(filenameBatchidDelimiter) + 1, p.toString().length()); if (p.toUri().getScheme() == null) { throw new IOException("event#Destination path from script must be a URI with a scheme: '" + p + "'" + "$batchId#" + batchId); } return p; } public synchronized void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { if (!shuttingDown.getAndSet(true)) {"event#Interrupting: " + this.getName()); this.interrupt();"event#Joining: " + this.getName()); this.join(); } } }