Java tutorial
/* * ================================================================================================= * Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Albedinsky * ================================================================================================= * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or later (further "License" only). * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You may use this file only in compliance with the License. More details and copy of this License * you may obtain at * * * * You can redistribute, modify or publish any part of the code written within this file but as it * is described in the License, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES or CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * ================================================================================================= */ package; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * A {@link BaseIntent} builder implementation providing API for building of intents targeting * a <b>content sharing</b> related applications. * <p> * This intent builder requires a mime type of the sharing content to be specified via {@link #mimeType(String)}. * You can use one of predefined mime types from {@link MimeType} class. The content that you want to * share can be specified as string based content via {@link #content(CharSequence)} or if you want * to share a content which is represented by an Uri, such Uri can be specified via {@link #uri(Uri)} * or {@link #uris(List)}. * * @author Martin Albedinsky */ public class ShareIntent extends BaseIntent<ShareIntent> { /** * Interface =================================================================================== */ /** * Constants =================================================================================== */ /** * Log TAG. */ // private static final String TAG = "ShareIntent"; /** * Static members ============================================================================== */ /** * Members ===================================================================================== */ /** * Mime type of content to share. */ private String mDataType = MimeType.TEXT; /** * Title for share message. */ private CharSequence mTitle; /** * Text for share message. */ private CharSequence mContent; /** * Uri to content to share. */ private Uri mUri; /** * List of Uris to content to share. */ private List<Uri> mUris; /** * Constructors ================================================================================ */ /** * Creates a new instance of ShareIntent for the given <var>activity</var> context. * See {@link} * for additional info. */ public ShareIntent(@NonNull Activity activity) { super(activity); } /** * Creates a new instance of ShareIntent for the given <var>fragment</var> context. * See {@link} * for additional info. */ public ShareIntent(@NonNull Fragment fragment) { super(fragment); } /** * Methods ===================================================================================== */ /** * Same as {@link #content(CharSequence)} for resource id. * * @param resId Resource id of the desired content text. */ public ShareIntent content(@StringRes int resId) { return content(obtainText(resId)); } /** * Sets a content for sharing intent. * * @param text The desired content text. * @return This intent builder to allow methods chaining. */ public ShareIntent content(@Nullable CharSequence text) { this.mContent = text; return this; } /** * Returns the text that will be used as content for sharing intent. * * @return Content for sharing intent or empty string if not specified yet. */ @NonNull public CharSequence content() { return mContent != null ? mContent : ""; } /** * Sets an Uri to content that should be shared. * * @param uri The desired content Uri. * @return This intent builder to allow methods chaining. */ public ShareIntent uri(@Nullable Uri uri) { this.mUri = uri; return this; } /** * Returns the Uri to content to share. * * @return Content Uri to share or {@code null} if not specified yet. */ @Nullable public Uri uri() { return mUri; } /** * Same as {@link #uris(List)} for var-Uris. * @param uris The desired set of content uris. */ public ShareIntent uris(@NonNull Uri... uris) { return uris(Arrays.asList(uris)); } /** * Sets a set of Uris to content that should be shared. * * @param uris The desired set of content uris. * @return This intent builder to allow methods chaining. */ public ShareIntent uris(@NonNull List<Uri> uris) { this.mUris = uris; return this; } /** * Returns the set of Uris to content to share. * * @return Content Uris to share or {@link Collections#EMPTY_LIST} if there were no Uris * specified yet. */ @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Uri> uris() { return mUris != null ? mUris : Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /** * Sets a MIME type of the content passed to {@link #content(CharSequence)} or {@link #uri(Uri)} * or {@link #uris(List)}. * * @param type The desired content MIME type. Use one of {@link MimeType#TEXT_PLAIN}, * {@link MimeType#TEXT_HTML}, {@link MimeType#IMAGE}, ..., for commonly used types. * @return This intent builder to allow methods chaining. */ public ShareIntent mimeType(@NonNull @ContentIntent.DataType String type) { this.mDataType = type; return this; } /** * Returns the MIME type of the content to share. * <p> * Default value: <b>{@link MimeType#TEXT}</b> * * @return One of mime types specified in {@link MimeType} class. * @see #mimeType(String) */ @NonNull @ContentIntent.DataType public String mimeType() { return mDataType; } /** * Same as {@link #title(CharSequence)} for resource id. * * @param resId Resource id of the desired title text. */ public ShareIntent title(@StringRes int resId) { return title(obtainText(resId)); } /** * Sets a title for sharing intent. * * @param title The desired title text. * @return This intent builder to allow methods chaining. */ public ShareIntent title(@Nullable CharSequence title) { this.mTitle = title; return this; } /** * Returns the title text that will be used as title for sharing intent. * * @return Title for sharing intent or empty string if not specified yet. */ @NonNull public CharSequence title() { return mTitle != null ? mTitle : ""; } /** */ @Override protected void ensureCanBuildOrThrow() { super.ensureCanBuildOrThrow(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mContent) && mUri == null && mUris == null) { throw cannotBuildIntentException("No content to share specified."); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDataType)) { throw cannotBuildIntentException("No content's MIME type specified."); } } /** */ @NonNull @Override protected Intent onBuild() { final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(mDataType); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mTitle)) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, mTitle); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mContent)) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, mContent); } if (mUri != null) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, mUri); } else if (mUris != null) { intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE); intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, new ArrayList<Parcelable>(mUris)); } return intent; } /** */ @Override protected boolean onStart(@NonNull Intent intent) { startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, mDialogTitle)); return true; } /** * Inner classes =============================================================================== */ }