Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Aion-Lightning <>. * * Aion-Lightning is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Aion-Lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Aion-Lightning. * If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.PropertyException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import com.aionemu.packetsamurai.PacketSamurai; import com.aionemu.packetsamurai.Util; public class NpcSkillsTool { static final int MAX_HITS_PER_NPC = 5; private static Map<Integer, NpcSkillList> skillsByNpcId = new HashMap<Integer, NpcSkillList>(); public static void load() { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); NpcSkillTemplates collection; collection = (NpcSkillTemplates) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new File("data/npc_skills/npc_skills.xml")); PacketSamurai.getUserInterface() .log("Skills [Npcs] - Loaded " + collection.getNpcskills().size() + " Npc Skills "); for (NpcSkillList npc : collection.getNpcskills()) { skillsByNpcId.put(npc.getNpcid(), npc); } } catch (JAXBException e) { PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("Skills [Npcs] - Error on loading NpcSkills Template: " + e); } } public static boolean addSkill(int npcId, NpcSkillTemplate template) { NpcSkillList npcSkills = skillsByNpcId.get(npcId); if (npcSkills == null) { npcSkills = new NpcSkillList(); npcSkills.setNpcid(npcId); skillsByNpcId.put(npcId, npcSkills); } // add distribution 5% error if (template.getStats().maxHp + 5 > 100) template.setMaxhp(100); if (!npcSkills.getNpcskill().contains(template)) { if (template.getSkillid() != null && template.getSkillid() == 0) { npcSkills.getNpcskill().add(template); return true; } if (template.getStats().maxHp - 5 < 0) { template.setMinhp(0); template.getStats().minHp = 0; } else template.getStats().minHp = template.getStats().maxHp - 5; if (template.getMaxhp() != null && template.getMaxhp() == 100) template.getStats().maxHp = 100; template.getStats().useCount = 1; npcSkills.getNpcskill().add(template); return true; } else { int index = npcSkills.getNpcskill().indexOf(template); NpcSkillTemplate oldTemplate = npcSkills.getNpcskill().get(index); if (template.getSkillid() != null && template.getSkillid() == 0) { oldTemplate.getStats().useCount = Math.max(template.getStats().useCount, oldTemplate.getStats().useCount); return false; } oldTemplate.getStats().useCount++; // Fix skill lvl oldTemplate.setSkilllevel(template.getSkilllevel()); if (oldTemplate.getStats().maxHp < template.getStats().maxHp) oldTemplate.getStats().maxHp = template.getStats().maxHp; if (oldTemplate.getStats().minHp > template.getStats().minHp) oldTemplate.getStats().minHp = template.getStats().minHp; } return false; } public static void save() { ObjectFactory objFactory = new ObjectFactory(); NpcSkillTemplates collection = objFactory.createNpcSkillTemplates(); List<NpcSkillList> templateList = collection.getNpcskills(); templateList.addAll(skillsByNpcId.values()); Collections.sort(templateList); NpcSkillTemplate total = new NpcSkillTemplate(); total.setSkillid(0); List<NpcSkillList> toRemove = new ArrayList<NpcSkillList>(); for (NpcSkillList skillList : templateList) { HashMap<IntRange, Integer> useCounts = new HashMap<IntRange, Integer>(); HashMap<NpcSkillTemplate, Integer> skillCounts = new HashMap<NpcSkillTemplate, Integer>(); NpcSkillTemplate totalAttacks = null; int index = 0; if (skillList.getNpcskill().contains(total)) { totalAttacks = skillList.getNpcskill().get(index); index = skillList.getNpcskill().indexOf(total); skillList.getNpcskill().remove(index); } int useTotal = 0; int skillUseTotal = 0; for (NpcSkillTemplate template : skillList.getNpcskill()) skillUseTotal += template.getStats().useCount; if (totalAttacks != null) { useTotal = totalAttacks.getStats().useCount; if (skillUseTotal > useTotal) useTotal = skillUseTotal; } else { useTotal = skillUseTotal; } if (skillList.getNpcskill().size() == 0) { toRemove.add(skillList); continue; } else if (useTotal == 0) { // old data from XML continue; } for (NpcSkillTemplate template : skillList.getNpcskill()) { if (useTotal < MAX_HITS_PER_NPC) { if (template.getStats().maxHp > 90) template.setMaxhp(100); else if (template.getMaxhp() == null || template.getMaxhp() < template.getStats().maxHp) template.setMaxhp(template.getStats().maxHp); if (template.getStats().minHp < 10) template.setMinhp(0); else if (template.getMinhp() == null || template.getMinhp() > template.getStats().minHp) template.setMinhp(template.getStats().minHp); } else { IntRange hpRange = new IntRange(template.getStats().minHp, template.getStats().maxHp); if (useCounts.containsKey(hpRange)) { int oldCounts = useCounts.get(hpRange); useCounts.put(hpRange, oldCounts + template.getStats().useCount); } else useCounts.put(hpRange, template.getStats().useCount); skillCounts.put(template, template.getStats().useCount); } if (useTotal >= MAX_HITS_PER_NPC) template.setProbability(Math.round((float) template.getStats().useCount * 100 / useTotal)); else { template.setProbability(25); } } } templateList.removeAll(toRemove); try { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext .newInstance(""); Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.marshal(collection, new FileOutputStream("data/npc_skills/npc_skills.xml")); } catch (PropertyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("Skills [Npcs] - Saved : " + templateList.size() + " Npc Skills!"); } }