Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Aion-Lightning <>. * * Aion-Lightning is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Aion-Lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Aion-Lightning. * If not, see <>. */ package com.aionemu.gameserver.model.instance.instancereward; import com.aionemu.commons.utils.Rnd; import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.Race; import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.player.Player; import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.geometry.Point3D; import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.instance.playerreward.*; import; import; import com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.PacketSendUtility; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; /** * @author Alcapwnd */ public class KamarBattlefieldReward extends InstanceReward<KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward> { private int winnerPoints; private int looserPoints; private int capPoints; private MutableInt asmodiansPoints = new MutableInt(3800); private MutableInt elyosPoins = new MutableInt(3800); private MutableInt asmodiansPvpKills = new MutableInt(0); private MutableInt elyosPvpKills = new MutableInt(0); private Race race; private Point3D asmodiansStartPosition; private Point3D elyosStartPosition; protected WorldMapInstance instance; private long instanceTime; private int bonusTime; public KamarBattlefieldReward(Integer mapId, int instanceId, WorldMapInstance instance) { super(mapId, instanceId); this.instance = instance; winnerPoints = 3000; looserPoints = 2500; capPoints = 30000; bonusTime = 12000; setStartPositions(); } public List<KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward> sortPoints() { return sort(getInstanceRewards(), on(PvPArenaPlayerReward.class).getScorePoints(), new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return o2 != null ? o2.compareTo(o1) : -o1.compareTo(o2); } }); } private void setStartPositions() { Point3D a = new Point3D(1535.6626f, 1573.9294f, 612.42f); Point3D b = new Point3D(1463.7689f, 1227.7777f, 581.62f); Point3D c = new Point3D(1204.9827f, 1350.6719f, 612.91f); Point3D d = new Point3D(1098.1141f, 1540.7119f, 585.10f); if (Rnd.get(2) == 0) { asmodiansStartPosition = a; elyosStartPosition = c; } else { asmodiansStartPosition = b; elyosStartPosition = d; } } public void portToPosition(Player player) { if (player.getRace() == Race.ASMODIANS) { TeleportService2.teleportTo(player, mapId, instanceId, asmodiansStartPosition.getX(), asmodiansStartPosition.getY(), asmodiansStartPosition.getZ()); } else { TeleportService2.teleportTo(player, mapId, instanceId, elyosStartPosition.getX(), elyosStartPosition.getY(), elyosStartPosition.getZ()); } } public MutableInt getPointsByRace(Race race) { switch (race) { case ELYOS: return elyosPoins; case ASMODIANS: return asmodiansPoints; default: break; } return null; } public void addPointsByRace(Race race, int points) { MutableInt racePoints = getPointsByRace(race); racePoints.add(points); if (racePoints.intValue() < 0) { racePoints.setValue(0); } } public MutableInt getPvpKillsByRace(Race race) { switch (race) { case ELYOS: return elyosPvpKills; case ASMODIANS: return asmodiansPvpKills; default: break; } return null; } public void addPvpKillsByRace(Race race, int points) { MutableInt racePoints = getPvpKillsByRace(race); racePoints.add(points); if (racePoints.intValue() < 0) { racePoints.setValue(0); } } public int getLooserPoints() { return looserPoints; } public int getWinnerPoints() { return winnerPoints; } public void setWinningRace(Race race) { this.race = race; } public Race getWinningRace() { return race; } public Race getWinningRaceByScore() { return asmodiansPoints.compareTo(elyosPoins) > 0 ? Race.ASMODIANS : Race.ELYOS; } @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); } public void regPlayerReward(Player player) { if (!containPlayer(player.getObjectId())) { addPlayerReward(new KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward(player.getObjectId(), bonusTime, player.getRace())); } } @Override public void addPlayerReward(KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward reward) { super.addPlayerReward(reward); } @Override public KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward getPlayerReward(Integer object) { return (KamarBattlefieldPlayerReward) super.getPlayerReward(object); } public void sendPacket(final int type, final Integer object) { instance.doOnAllPlayers(new Visitor<Player>() { @Override public void visit(Player player) { PacketSendUtility.sendPacket(player, new SM_INSTANCE_SCORE(type, getTime(), getInstanceReward(), object)); } }); } public int getTime() { long result = System.currentTimeMillis() - instanceTime; if (result < 45000) { return (int) (45000 - result); } else if (result < 1800000) { //30 Minutes. return (int) (1800000 - (result - 20000)); } return 0; } public void setInstanceStartTime() { this.instanceTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int getCapPoints() { return capPoints; } public boolean hasCapPoints() { return maxFrom(getInstanceRewards()).getPoints() >= capPoints; } }