Java tutorial
/* * Aipo is a groupware program developed by Aimluck,Inc. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Aimluck,Inc. * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import static com.aimluck.eip.util.ALLocalizationUtils.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import com.aimluck.commons.field.ALNumberField; import com.aimluck.commons.field.ALStringField; import; import; import; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALAbstractFormData; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALDBErrorException; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALEipConstants; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALPageNotFoundException; import com.aimluck.eip.fileupload.beans.FileuploadLiteBean; import com.aimluck.eip.modules.actions.common.ALAction; import com.aimluck.eip.orm.Database; import com.aimluck.eip.orm.query.SelectQuery; import; import; import; import com.aimluck.eip.util.ALEipUtils; import com.aimluck.eip.util.ALLocalizationUtils; import; import; /** * Wiki????? <BR> * */ public class WikiFormData extends ALAbstractFormData { /** wiki?? */ private ALStringField name; /** WikiID */ private ALNumberField parentId; /** Wiki?? */ private ALStringField parentName; /** */ private ALStringField note; /** */ private Boolean is_child; private EipTWiki category; /** TOPWiki */ private List<WikiResultData> topWikiList; private int uid; /** logger */ private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(WikiFormData.class.getName()); /** ACL? * */ private final String aclPortletFeature = ""; private String entityId = null; private String mode = null; private String update_date = null; /** */ private List<FileuploadLiteBean> fileuploadList = new ArrayList<FileuploadLiteBean>(); /** ?? */ private String folderName = null; private EipTWiki parentWiki = null; private String destWikiName = ""; /** * @param action * @param rundata * @param context */ @Override public void init(ALAction action, RunData rundata, Context context) throws ALPageNotFoundException, ALDBErrorException { super.init(action, rundata, context); String _isChild = rundata.getParameters().getString("is_child"); if (null != _isChild) { is_child = Boolean.valueOf(_isChild); } uid = ALEipUtils.getUserId(rundata); entityId = ALEipUtils.getTemp(rundata, context, ALEipConstants.ENTITY_ID); mode = rundata.getParameters().getString(ALEipConstants.MODE, ""); folderName = rundata.getParameters().getString("folderName"); update_date = ALEipUtils.getTemp(rundata, context, "update_date"); } /** * * @param rundata * @param context */ public void loadTopWikiList(RunData rundata, Context context) { this.topWikiList = WikiUtils.loadTopWikiList(rundata); } /** * ????? <BR> */ @Override public void initField() { name = new ALStringField(); name.setFieldName(getl10n("WIKI_TITLE")); name.setTrim(true); parentId = new ALNumberField(); parentId.setFieldName(getl10n("WIKI_PARENT")); parentId.setValue(0); parentName = new ALStringField(); parentName.setFieldName(getl10n("WIKI_PARENT")); note = new ALStringField(); note.setFieldName(getl10n("WIKI_NOTE")); note.setTrim(false); } /** * Wiki???????? <BR> */ @Override protected void setValidator() { // wiki?? name.setNotNull(true); // wiki???? name.limitMaxLength(50); // note.setNotNull(true); // ?? note.limitMaxLength(10000); if (is_child != null && is_child) { parentId.setNotNull(true); parentId.limitValue(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } /** * Wiki???????? <BR> * * @param msgList * @return TRUE ? FALSE * */ @Override protected boolean validate(List<String> msgList) { // wiki?? name.validate(msgList); // note.validate(msgList); if (is_child != null && is_child) { // wiki?? if (parentId.validate(msgList)) { if (parentId.getValueWithInt() != 0) { EipTWiki parentWiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(parentId.getValueWithInt()); if (parentWiki != null) { if (parentWiki.getParentId() != 0) { msgList.add(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("WIKI_CONFLICT_PARENT_ERROR")); } } else { msgList.add(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("WIKI_CONFLICT_PARENT_ERROR")); } } } } boolean duplication = false; if (ALEipConstants.MODE_UPDATE.equals(mode) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(entityId) && StringUtils.isNumeric(entityId)) { duplication = WikiUtils.isTitleDuplicate(name.getValue(), Integer.parseInt(parentId.toString()), Integer.parseInt(entityId)); } else { duplication = WikiUtils.isTitleDuplicate(name.getValue(), Integer.parseInt(parentId.toString())); } if (duplication) { msgList.add(getl10n("WIKI_DUPLICATE_TITLE")); } /** wiki??????????? */ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entityId) && entityId.equals(parentId.toString())) { msgList.add(getl10n("WIKI_PARENT_ERROR")); } if (update_date != null && entityId != null) { EipTWiki eipTWiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(Integer.parseInt(entityId)); if (eipTWiki != null) { if (!update_date.equals(eipTWiki.getUpdateDate().toString())) { msgList.add(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("WIKI_CONFLICT_ERROR")); } } else { msgList.add(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("WIKI_ALREADY_DELETE")); } } return (msgList.size() == 0); } /** * Wiki????? <BR> * * @param rundata * @param context * @param msgList * @return TRUE ? FALSE */ @Override protected boolean loadFormData(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> msgList) { try { // ? EipTWiki wiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(rundata, context); // wiki?? name.setValue(wiki.getWikiName()); parentId.setValue(wiki.getParentId()); // note.setValue(wiki.getNote()); // SelectQuery<EipTWikiFile> query = Database.query(EipTWikiFile.class); query.andQualifier(ExpressionFactory.matchExp(EipTWikiFile.WIKI_ID_PROPERTY, wiki.getWikiId())); List<EipTWikiFile> fileList = query.fetchList(); for (EipTWikiFile file : fileList) { FileuploadLiteBean fbean = new FileuploadLiteBean(); fbean.initField(); fbean.setFileId(file.getFileId()); fbean.setFileName(file.getFileName()); fileuploadList.add(fbean); } if (wiki.getParentId().intValue() != 0) { setParentWiki(WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(wiki.getParentId())); is_child = true; } else { is_child = false; } ALEipUtils.setTemp(rundata, context, "update_date", wiki.getUpdateDate().toString()); if (!is_child) { /** remove this wiki from topWikiList */ Iterator<WikiResultData> it = topWikiList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WikiResultData result =; if (result.getId().toString().equals(String.valueOf(wiki.getWikiId()))) { it.remove(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("WikiFormData.loadFormData", e); return false; } return true; } /** * Wiki???? <BR> * * @param rundata * @param context * @param msgList * @return TRUE ? FALSE */ @Override protected boolean deleteFormData(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> msgList) { try { // ? EipTWiki wiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(rundata, context); if (wiki == null) { return false; } // entityId?? int entityId = wiki.getWikiId(); if (WikiUtils.getChildCount(entityId) > 0) { msgList.add(getl10n("WIKI_HAS_CHILDREN")); return false; } // ?? String wikiName = wiki.getWikiName(); // ? WikiFileUtils.deleteFiles(wiki.getWikiId()); // Wiki Database.delete(wiki); Database.commit(); // ?? ALEventlogFactoryService.getInstance().getEventlogHandler().log(entityId, ALEventlogConstants.PORTLET_TYPE_WIKI, wikiName); } catch (Throwable t) { Database.rollback(); logger.error("WikiFormData.deleteFormData", t); return false; } return true; } /** * Wiki????? <BR> * * @param rundata * @param context * @param msgList * @return TRUE ? FALSE */ @Override protected boolean insertFormData(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> msgList) { try { // ? EipTWiki wiki = Database.create(EipTWiki.class); // ?? wiki.setWikiName(name.getValue()); // ID if (parentId.isNotNullValue()) { wiki.setParentId(Integer.valueOf(parentId.toString())); } else if (null == category) { wiki.setParentId(WikiUtils.PARENT_WIKI); } else { wiki.setParentId(category.getWikiId()); } // wiki.setNote(note.getValue()); // ? TurbineUser turbineUser = ALEipUtils.getTurbineUser(Integer.valueOf(uid)); wiki.setCreateUser(turbineUser); // wiki.setUpdateUser(turbineUser); // ? wiki.setCreateDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // wiki.setUpdateDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // ?? if (!WikiFileUtils.insertFileDataDelegate(rundata, context, wiki, fileuploadList, folderName, msgList)) { return false; } Database.commit(); // ?? ALStorageService.deleteTmpFolder(uid, folderName); // ?? ALEventlogFactoryService.getInstance().getEventlogHandler().log(wiki.getWikiId(), ALEventlogConstants.PORTLET_TYPE_WIKI, wiki.getWikiName()); } catch (Exception e) { Database.rollback(); logger.error("WikiFormData.insertFormData", e); return false; } return true; } /** * ?????Wiki??? <BR> * * @param rundata * @param context * @param msgList * @return TRUE ? FALSE */ @Override protected boolean updateFormData(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> msgList) { try { // ? EipTWiki wiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(rundata, context); // ?? wiki.setWikiName(name.getValue()); if (parentId.isNotNullValue()) { int entityId = wiki.getWikiId(); if (parentId.getValue() != 0) { if (WikiUtils.getChildCount(entityId) > 0) { msgList.add(getl10n("WIKI_HAS_CHILDREN_EDIT")); return false; } } wiki.setParentId((int) parentId.getValue()); } // wiki.setNote(note.getValue()); TurbineUser turbineUser = ALEipUtils.getTurbineUser(Integer.valueOf(uid)); // wiki.setUpdateUser(turbineUser); // ? wiki.setCreateDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // wiki.setUpdateDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // ?? if (!WikiFileUtils.insertFileDataDelegate(rundata, context, wiki, fileuploadList, folderName, msgList)) { return false; } Database.commit(); // ?? ALStorageService.deleteTmpFolder(uid, folderName); // ?? ALEventlogFactoryService.getInstance().getEventlogHandler().log(wiki.getWikiId(), ALEventlogConstants.PORTLET_TYPE_WIKI, wiki.getWikiName()); } catch (Exception e) { Database.rollback(); logger.error("WikiFormData.updateFormData", e); return false; } return true; } /** * * @param rundata * @param context * @param msgList * @return * @throws ALPageNotFoundException * @throws ALDBErrorException */ @Override protected boolean setFormData(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> msgList) throws ALPageNotFoundException, ALDBErrorException { boolean res = super.setFormData(rundata, context, msgList); try { fileuploadList = WikiFileUtils.getFileuploadList(rundata); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("WikiFormData.setFormData", e); } if (ALEipConstants.MODE_NEW_FORM.equals(getMode())) { if (isChild()) { /** set selected parent wiki */ String filtertype = ALEipUtils.getTemp(rundata, context, WikiSelectData.class.getName() + ALEipConstants.LIST_FILTER_TYPE); String fileterValue = ALEipUtils.getTemp(rundata, context, WikiSelectData.class.getName() + ALEipConstants.LIST_FILTER); String wikiId = WikiUtils.getWikiIdFromSession(fileterValue, filtertype); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wikiId) && StringUtils.isNumeric(wikiId)) { setParentWiki(WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(Integer.parseInt(wikiId))); } } } if (ALEipConstants.MODE_INSERT.equals(getMode())) { ALEipUtils.removeTemp(rundata, context, "update_date"); update_date = null; } return res; } /** * ??<br /> * ??????? * * @return */ @Override public String getAclPortletFeature() { return aclPortletFeature; } /** * ???????? <BR> * * @return */ public boolean isChild() { return is_child == null ? true : is_child.booleanValue() || isChildForm(); } public void setIsChild(boolean isChild) { this.is_child = isChild; } /** * ?????? * * @return */ public ALStringField getParentName() { return parentName; } /** * ??? <BR> * * @return */ public void setNote(String n) { note.setValue(n); } /** * ???? <BR> * * @return */ public ALStringField getNote() { return note; } /** * ?????? <BR> * * @return */ public ALStringField getName() { return name; } public List<FileuploadLiteBean> getAttachmentFileNameList() { return fileuploadList; } public String getFolderName() { return folderName; } public void setParentWiki(EipTWiki wiki) { this.parentWiki = wiki; } public String getParentIdString() { if (null != parentWiki && parentWiki.getParentId() != null && parentWiki.getParentId().intValue() != 0) { return String.valueOf(parentWiki.getParentId()); } else { return ""; } } public String getParentWikiIdString() { if (null != parentWiki) { return String.valueOf(parentWiki.getWikiId()); } else { return "0"; } } public String getParentWikiName() { if (null == parentWiki) { return ""; } String name = parentWiki.getWikiName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return ""; } return new ALStringField(name).toString(); } public boolean isChildForm() { return null != parentWiki; } public void setDestWikiName(String name) { this.destWikiName = name; } public String getDestWikiName() { return new ALStringField(destWikiName).toString(); } public String getParentId() { return parentId.toString(); } public List<WikiResultData> getTopWikiList() { return topWikiList; } }