Java tutorial
package com.ah.ui.actions.monitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ui.actions.BaseAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.Navigation; import com.ah.ui.actions.SessionKeys; import com.ah.ui.actions.config.ImportTextFileAction; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientActivityLogItem; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientActivityLogList; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientCertificateItem; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientCertificateList; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientDetail; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientList; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientNetworkInfo; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientProfileItem; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientProfileList; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientScanResultItem; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.enrolledclients.entity.EnrolledClientScanResultList; import com.ah.util.CheckItem; import com.ah.util.EnumItem; import com.ah.util.HmException; import com.ah.util.MgrUtil; import com.ah.util.TextItem; import com.ah.util.Tracer; import com.ah.util.datetime.AhDateTimeUtil; public class ClientMonitorAction extends BaseAction implements QueryBo { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Tracer log = new Tracer(ClientMonitorAction.class.getSimpleName()); private final ClientMonitorMgmt<ClientMonitor, ClientMonitorNotification> clientDebugger = AhAppContainer .getBeTsModule().getClientMonitorMgmt(); private String selectedClientIDStr; private boolean selectAll; private boolean clearCache; private AhClientSession activeClient; private static final String AH_CLI_SUFFIX = "\n"; private static final String PAGE_FROM_DEVICE_MONITOR = "deviceMonitor"; private final CacheMgmt cacheMgmt = CacheMgmt.getInstance(); private String editUserName; private String editHostName; private String editIP; private String editComment1; private String editComment2; private boolean flagEditUserName; private boolean flagEditHostName; private boolean flagEditIP; private boolean flagEditComment1; private boolean flagEditComment2; private int cacheId; private String clientWatchName; private String selectedClientsMac; private String selectedClientsName; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_totalData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_beData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_bgData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_viData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_voData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_mgtData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_unicastData; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_dataOctets; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_lastrate; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_totalData; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_mgtData; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_unicastData; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_multicastData; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_broadcastData; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_micfailures; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_dataOctets; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_lastrate; private List<CheckItem> client_rssi; private List<CheckItem> client_signal_to_noise; private List<CheckItem> client_sla; // private List<CheckItem> client_actualSla; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_drop; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_drop; private List<CheckItem> client_bandwidth; private List<CheckItem> client_slacount; private List<CheckItem> client_rec_airTime; private List<CheckItem> client_trans_airTime; private List<CheckItem> client_score; private List<CheckItem> client_radio_score; private List<CheckItem> client_ipnetwork_score; private List<CheckItem> client_application_score; private List<String> client_rec_rateTypeList; private List<String> client_rec_dateTimeList; private List<String> client_trans_rateTypeList; private List<String> client_trans_dateTimeList; private Map<String, List<CheckItem>> client_rec_rate_dis; private List<TextItem> client_rec_rate_succ_dis; private Map<String, List<CheckItem>> client_trans_rate_dis; private List<TextItem> client_trans_rate_succ_dis; // private List<TextItem> client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis=null; // private List<TextItem> client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis=null; private String swf, width, height, application, bgcolor; private int clientRefreshInterval; private boolean disableClientRefresh; private final String CLIENTREFRESH_ENABLE = "enableClientRefresh"; private final String CLIENTREFRESH_DISABLE = "disableClientRefresh"; private String clientRefreshFlag = CLIENTREFRESH_DISABLE; private Long clientRefreshFilter; private String client_os_option55; public static final int RESPONSE_CODE_NOT_DATA_AVAILABLE = 400; public String getClient_os_option55() { return client_os_option55; } public void setClient_os_option55(String client_os_option55) { this.client_os_option55 = client_os_option55; } private String client_os_type; public String getClient_os_type() { return client_os_type; } public void setClient_os_type(String client_os_type) { this.client_os_type = client_os_type; } private boolean append_marking; public boolean isAppend_marking() { return append_marking; } public void setAppend_marking(boolean append_marking) { this.append_marking = append_marking; } /** * @see com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport#execute() */ @Override public String execute() throws Exception { String forward = globalForward(); if (forward != null) { return forward; } try { if (null != operation && !("search".equals(operation) && !isBlnInnerSearch()) && !("showDetail".equals(operation))) { listType = getSessionListType(); } if ("showDetail".equals(operation)) { // refresh listType if show detail from 'Device monitor' page(like AP monitor, Switch monitor page). if (PAGE_FROM_DEVICE_MONITOR.equals(pageFrom)) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "ListType", getListType()); } // get listType from session, in order to stay on 'Active Clients' menu if show detail from 'Active Clients' list. if ("wired".equals(getSessionListType())) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_WIREDCLIENT); tableId = HmTableColumn.TABLE_WIRED_CLIENTS; } else if ("wireless".equals(getSessionListType())) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_WIRELESSCLIENT); tableId = HmTableColumn.TABLE_WIRELESS_CLIENTS; } } else { if (isWiredClientList()) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_WIREDCLIENT); tableId = HmTableColumn.TABLE_WIRED_CLIENTS; } else if (isWirelessClientList()) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_WIRELESSCLIENT); tableId = HmTableColumn.TABLE_WIRELESS_CLIENTS; } } if (null == operation) { resetFilterParams(); String rtnStr = prepareActiveClientList(true); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "ListType", getListType()); return rtnStr; } else if ("deauthClient".equals(operation)) { boolean isSuccess = false; try { if (deauthClientSelect == DEAUTH_CLIENT_ALL) { // consider for VHM, deauthAllClients just for home // domain isSuccess = deauthAllClients(); } else if (deauthClientSelect == DEAUTH_CLIENT_SELECTED) { List<Long> clientIDs = getSelectedClientIds(); if (clientIDs == null || clientIDs.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); return SUCCESS; } isSuccess = deauthClient(clientIDs); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("execute", "deauthClient operation catch exception", e); isSuccess = false; } jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", isSuccess); jsonObject.put("listType", getSessionListType()); return "json"; } else if ("showEnrollStatus".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); boolean isSuccess; try { List<Long> clientIDs = getSelectedClientIds(); if (clientIDs == null || clientIDs.isEmpty()) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("suc", false); jsonObject.put("err", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); return "json"; } isSuccess = showEnrollStatus(clientIDs); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("execute", "show enroll status operation catch exception", e); isSuccess = false; } if (isSuccess) { jsonObject.put("suc", isSuccess); } else { jsonObject.put("suc", false); } return "json"; } else if ("deauthClientDetail".equals(operation)) { try { // AhClientSession client = QueryUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, // id, this); AhClientSession client = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, id); if (null == client) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", false); jsonObject.put("message", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.clientmonitor.entry.notExist")); return "json"; } List<Long> clientIDList = new ArrayList<Long>(); clientIDList.add(id); boolean isSuccess = deauthClient(clientIDList); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", isSuccess); jsonObject.put("listType", getSessionListType()); return "json"; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("execute", "deauthClient operation catch exception", e); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", false); jsonObject.put("message", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("") + e.getMessage()); return "json"; } } else if ("refreshClient".equals(operation)) { int result; try { if (selectAll) { Collection<SimpleHiveAp> apList = cacheMgmt.getManagedApList(getDomainId()); result = HmBePerformUtil.syncRequestActiveClients(apList); } else { List<Long> clientIDs = getSelectedClientIds(); Collection<SimpleHiveAp> apList = getHiveAPList(clientIDs); result = HmBePerformUtil.syncRequestActiveClients(apList); } // sleep 5 seconds, waiting for client query response be inserted into DB (to fix bug: clients lost when do refresh) MgrUtil.sleepTime(5); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("execute", "refreshClient operation catch exception", e); result = 1; } jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", result); jsonObject.put("listType", getSessionListType()); return "json"; } else if ("showAcmScanResultPanel".equals(operation)) { jsonArray = new JSONArray(); getEnrolledClientDetails_ScanResult(currentCustomId, currentDeMacAddress); return "json"; } else if ("showAcmActivityLogPanel".equals(operation)) { jsonArray = new JSONArray(); getEnrolledClientDetails_ActivityLog(currentCustomId, currentDeMacAddress); return "json"; } else if ("showAcmProfilePanel".equals(operation)) { jsonArray = new JSONArray(); getEnrolledClientDetails_Profile(currentCustomId, currentDeMacAddress); return "json"; } else if ("showAcmCertificatePanel".equals(operation)) { jsonArray = new JSONArray(); getEnrolledClientDetails_Certificate(currentCustomId, currentDeMacAddress); return "json"; } else if ("showDetail".equals(operation)) {"execute", "show detail, Client id:" + id); activeClient = getSelectedClient(); if (null == activeClient || activeClient.getConnectstate() == AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_DOWN) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.clientmonitor.entry.notExist")); return INPUT; } if (activeClient.getStartTimeStamp() < (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000l * 60 * 60 * 24 * 200)) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("message.client.time.invalid")); } prepareDetails(activeClient); prepareNewReportData(activeClient); if (getEnableClientManagement() && activeClient.isWirelessClient()) { try { currentCustomId = getCustomerIdFromRemote(activeClient.getOwner()); if (getEnrolledClientFlag(currentCustomId, activeClient.getClientMac())) { //add to make a choice on using google map key validateGoogleMapKey(); getEnrolledClientDetails(currentCustomId, activeClient.getClientMac()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } if (newReportDataList != null && !newReportDataList.isEmpty()) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION_NEW", newReportDataList); prepareFlash("activeClientNewSwf"); } else { if (association_stats != null && association_stats.size() > 1) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION", association_stats); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_CURRENT", activeClient); prepareFlash("activeClientSwf"); } else if (association_stats != null && association_stats.size() == 1) { oneAssociation = association_stats.get(0); } else { oneAssociation = null; } } return INPUT; } else if ("getFlashDataNew".equals(operation)) {"execute", "get flash data, Client id:" + id); newReportDataList = (List<AhClientStats>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION_NEW"); initFlashDataNew(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION_NEW"); return "activeClientSwf"; } else if ("getFlashData".equals(operation)) {"execute", "get flash data, Client id:" + id); association_stats = (List<AhAssociation>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION"); initFlashData(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_SESSION"); return "activeClientSwf"; } else if ("syncClientInfo".equals(operation)) {"execute", "synchronize client info from device, clientID :" + id); updateClientInfo(); return "json"; } else if ("requestFilterValues".equals(operation)) {"execute", "requestFilterValues operation"); prepareFilterValues(); return "json"; } else if ("view".equals(operation)) { prepareViewOperation(); return prepareActiveClientList(true); } else if ("search".equals(operation)) {"execute", "search operation"); prepareSearchOperation(); saveToSessionFilterList(); String rtnStr = prepareActiveClientList(true); if (!isBlnInnerSearch()) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "ListType", getListType()); } return rtnStr; } else if ("initEditValues".equals(operation)) { prepareEditValues(); return "json"; } else if ("saveEditResults".equals(operation)) { if (!(flagEditUserName || flagEditHostName || flagEditIP || flagEditComment1 || flagEditComment2)) { return prepareActiveClientList(false); } try { saveEditResults(); addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("message.client.modified.success")); // } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("execute", "save edit results catch exception.", e); addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); } return prepareActiveClientList(true); } else if ("removeFilter".equals(operation)) { //"execute", "removeFilter operation"); // prepareSearchOperation(); resetFilterParams(); removeActiveClientFilter(); return prepareActiveClientList(true); } else if ("pollClientList".equals(operation)) { ClientPagingCache clientPagingCache = getClientListCache(); jsonArray = new JSONArray(clientPagingCache.getUpdates(cacheId)); return "json"; } else if ("refreshFromCache".equals(operation)) { // refresh client list from cache return prepareActiveClientList(false); } else if ("newClientWatch".equals(operation)) { clearErrorsAndMessages(); addLstTitle(getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription()); addLstForward(getSelectedL2Feature().getKey()); return "newClientWatch"; } else if ("addToClientWatch".equals(operation) || "addToComputerCart".equals(operation)) { if (selectAll) { // long clientCount = QueryUtil.findRowCount( // AhClientSession.class, new FilterParams( // "connectstate=:s1 and", // new Object[] { // AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP, // getDomainId() })); long clientCount = DBOperationUtil.findRowCount(AhClientSession.class, new FilterParams("connectstate=? and owner=?", new Object[] { AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP, getDomainId() })); if (clientCount > LocationClientWatch.MAXCOUNT_STATION) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", String.valueOf(LocationClientWatch.MAXCOUNT_STATION))); return prepareActiveClientList(false); } } // convert clientid->clientmac if (selectedClientIDStr.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); return prepareActiveClientList(false); } List<Long> clientIDList = getSelectedClientIds(); if (clientIDList.size() > LocationClientWatch.MAXCOUNT_STATION) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", String.valueOf(LocationClientWatch.MAXCOUNT_STATION))); return prepareActiveClientList(false); } selectedClientsMac = ""; selectedClientsName = ""; for (Long clientID : clientIDList) { // List<AhClientSession> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery( // AhClientSession.class, null, new FilterParams("id", // clientID)); List<AhClientSession> list = DBOperationUtil.executeQuery(AhClientSession.class, null, new FilterParams("id", clientID)); String clientMac = list.get(0).getClientMac(); selectedClientsMac += "," + clientMac; String clientName = list.get(0).getClientHostname(); selectedClientsName += "," + (clientName == null ? "" : clientName); } selectedClientsMac = selectedClientsMac.substring(1); //get rid of the first ',' selectedClientsName = selectedClientsName.substring(1); //get rid of the first ',' if (selectedClientsMac.split(",").length != selectedClientsName.split(",").length) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); log.warn(operation, "selectedClientsName is " + selectedClientsName); log.warn(operation, "selectedClientsMac is " + selectedClientsMac); return prepareActiveClientList(false); } addLstTitle(getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription()); addLstForward(getSelectedL2Feature().getKey()); return operation; } else if ("updateRefreshSetting".equals(operation)) { boolean isSucc = updateClientRefresh(); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("success", isSucc); return "json"; } else if ("updateOSVersion".equals(operation)) { String versionName = new String(client_os_type.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "utf-8"); HmDomain gDomain = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HmDomain.class, "domainName", HmDomain.GLOBAL_DOMAIN); OsVersion osVersion = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(OsVersion.class, "option55", client_os_option55, gDomain.getId()); OsVersion osVersion_home = null; List<OsVersion> osVersion_home_list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(OsVersion.class, null, new FilterParams("option55 = :s1 AND = :s2", new Object[] { client_os_option55, getDomainId() })); if (!osVersion_home_list.isEmpty()) { osVersion_home = osVersion_home_list.get(0); } if (userContext.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(HmUser.ADMIN_USER) && append_marking) { appendContentToFile(versionName, client_os_option55); if (osVersion == null && osVersion_home == null) { osVersion = new OsVersion(); osVersion.setOwner(gDomain); osVersion.setOption55(client_os_option55); osVersion.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.createBo(osVersion); } else if (osVersion == null && osVersion_home != null) { osVersion_home.setOwner(gDomain); osVersion_home.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.updateBo(osVersion_home); cacheMgmt.removeClientOsInfoToCache(versionName, client_os_option55, getDomain()); ReportCacheMgmt.getInstance().option55ToOsInfoUpdateEvent(client_os_option55, getDomain()); } else { osVersion.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.updateBo(osVersion); } cacheMgmt.updateClientOsInfoToCache(versionName, client_os_option55, gDomain); ReportCacheMgmt.getInstance().option55ToOsInfoUpdateEvent(client_os_option55, gDomain); updateFileVersion(); // compress file String strCmd = ""; StringBuffer strCmdBuf = new StringBuffer(); strCmdBuf.append("tar zcvf "); strCmdBuf.append(ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_PATH + ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME_TAR); strCmdBuf.append(" -C "); strCmdBuf.append(ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_PATH); strCmdBuf.append(" " + ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME); strCmd = strCmdBuf.toString(); boolean compressResult = BeAdminCentOSTools.exeSysCmd(strCmd); if (!compressResult) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME_TAR)); } } else if (userContext.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(HmUser.ADMIN_USER) && !append_marking) { if (osVersion == null && osVersion_home == null) { osVersion = new OsVersion(); osVersion.setOwner(getDomain()); osVersion.setOption55(client_os_option55); osVersion.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.createBo(osVersion); } else if (osVersion == null && osVersion_home != null && userContext.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(HmUser.ADMIN_USER)) { osVersion_home.setOsVersion(versionName); osVersion_home.setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.updateBo(osVersion_home); } else { QueryUtil.removeBo(OsVersion.class, osVersion.getId()); deleteContentFromFile(client_os_option55); osVersion_home = new OsVersion(); osVersion_home.setOwner(getDomain()); osVersion_home.setOption55(client_os_option55); osVersion_home.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.createBo(osVersion_home); updateFileVersion(); // compress file String strCmd = ""; StringBuffer strCmdBuf = new StringBuffer(); strCmdBuf.append("tar zcvf "); strCmdBuf.append(ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_PATH + ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME_TAR); strCmdBuf.append(" -C "); strCmdBuf.append(ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_PATH); strCmdBuf.append(" " + ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME); strCmd = strCmdBuf.toString(); boolean compressResult = BeAdminCentOSTools.exeSysCmd(strCmd); if (!compressResult) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", ImportTextFileAction.OS_VERSION_FILE_NAME_TAR)); } } cacheMgmt.updateClientOsInfoToCache(versionName, client_os_option55, getDomain()); ReportCacheMgmt.getInstance().option55ToOsInfoUpdateEvent(client_os_option55, getDomain()); } else { if (osVersion_home == null) { osVersion_home = new OsVersion(); osVersion_home.setOwner(getDomain()); osVersion_home.setOption55(client_os_option55); osVersion_home.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.createBo(osVersion_home); } else { osVersion_home.setOsVersion(versionName); QueryUtil.updateBo(osVersion_home); } cacheMgmt.updateClientOsInfoToCache(versionName, client_os_option55, getDomain()); ReportCacheMgmt.getInstance().option55ToOsInfoUpdateEvent(client_os_option55, getDomain()); } int result = DBOperationUtil.executeUpdate( "update ah_clientsession set clientosinfo = ? where owner = ? and connectstate = ? and os_option55 = ?", new Object[] { versionName, getDomainId(), AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP, client_os_option55 }); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (result < 0) { jsonObject.put("succ", false); } else { jsonObject.put("succ", true); } return prepareActiveClientList(true); } else if ("validateOSVersion".equals(operation)) { int results = 0; jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String os_version = null; String versionName = new String(client_os_type.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "utf-8"); if (versionName.equalsIgnoreCase("unknown") || versionName.equalsIgnoreCase("null") || versionName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { results = 1; } else { os_version = cacheMgmt.getClientOsInfoFromCacheByOsVersion(versionName, getDomain()); } if (os_version != null) { results = 2; } else { String exportFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt"; File file = new File(AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + exportFileName); String defaultFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints_default.txt"; File defaultFile = new File(AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + defaultFileName); if (!(file.exists()) && !(defaultFile.exists())) { results = 3; //default configuration file is not exists } } jsonObject.put("results", results); return "json"; } else if ("showTsinfo".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String ssid = null; String macAddress = null; String msg = null; String apMacAdd = null; List<Long> list = getSelectedClientIds(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty() && list.size() == 1) { AhClientSession clientInfo = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, list.get(0)); if (clientInfo != null) { macAddress = clientInfo.getClientMac(); ssid = clientInfo.getClientSSID(); apMacAdd = clientInfo.getApMac(); SimpleHiveAp ap = cacheMgmt.getSimpleHiveAp(apMacAdd); if (ap.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_370 || ap.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_390) { msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage(""); jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); return "json"; } if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(ap.getSoftVer(), "") >= 0 && ap.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { BeCommunicationEvent result = sendSyncCliRequest(ap, new String[] { AhCliFactory.getTsInfoForSSID(ssid, formatMac(macAddress)) }, BeCliEvent.CLITYPE_NORMAL, BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_CLI_TIMEOUT_MAX / 1000); msg = BeTopoModuleUtil.parseCliRequestResult(result); boolean isSuccess = BeTopoModuleUtil.isCliExeSuccess(result); if (isSuccess) { clientTsinfo = getResultMessage(msg); return "clientTsInfoDlgJson"; } else { jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); return "json"; } } else { msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.mdm.object.lowversion", ""); jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); return "json"; } } } msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.capwap.server.nofsm"); jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); jsonObject.put("succ", false); return "json"; } else if ("deleteTsinfo".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String ssid = null; String macAddress = null; String msg = null; String apMacAdd = null; JSONArray tidList = new JSONArray(); List<Long> list = getSelectedClientIds(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty() && list.size() == 1) { AhClientSession clientInfo = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, list.get(0)); if (clientInfo != null) { macAddress = clientInfo.getClientMac(); ssid = clientInfo.getClientSSID(); apMacAdd = clientInfo.getApMac(); SimpleHiveAp ap = cacheMgmt.getSimpleHiveAp(apMacAdd); if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(ap.getSoftVer(), "") >= 0 && ap.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { if (tids != null && tids.length() > 0) { for (int number : getTidNumber()) { BeCommunicationEvent result = sendSyncCliRequest(ap, new String[] { AhCliFactory.deleteTsInfo(ssid, formatMac(macAddress), number) }, BeCliEvent.CLITYPE_NORMAL, BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_CLI_TIMEOUT_MAX / 1000); boolean isSuccess = BeTopoModuleUtil.isCliExeSuccess(result); msg = BeTopoModuleUtil.parseCliRequestResult(result); if (isSuccess) { tidList.put(number); } else { jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); jsonObject.put("succ", false); return "json"; } } jsonObject.put("succ", true); jsonObject.put("deletedId", tidList); return "json"; } } else { msg = "device " + formatMac(macAddress) + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.mdm.object.lowversion", ""); jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); jsonObject.put("succ", false); return "json"; } } } msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.capwap.server.nofsm"); jsonObject.put("errMsg", msg); jsonObject.put("succ", false); return "json"; } else { // auto refresh setting start baseCustomizationOperationJson(); if (jsonObject != null && jsonObject.length() > 0) { return "json"; } // auto refresh setting end baseOperation(); // HmBePerformUtil.syncRequestActiveClients(cacheMgmt.getManagedApList(getDomainId())); return prepareActiveClientList(true); } } catch (Exception e) { return prepareActionError(e); } } private void prepareViewOperation() { List<Object> lstCondition = new ArrayList<Object>(); // get active clients String searchSQL = "connectstate=?"; lstCondition.add(AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mapContainerId)) { try { Long mapId = Long.parseLong(mapContainerId); List<SimpleHiveAp> apList = cacheMgmt.getApListByMapContainer(mapId == -1 ? null : mapId); // get the sub map Set<Long> subMapIds = BoMgmt.getMapMgmt().getContainerDownIds(mapId); for (Long subMapId : subMapIds) { List<SimpleHiveAp> list = cacheMgmt.getApListByMapContainer(subMapId == -1 ? null : subMapId); if (null != list) { apList.addAll(list); } } searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND apMac in ('0'"; for (SimpleHiveAp ap : apList) { searchSQL += ",?"; lstCondition.add(ap.getMacAddress()); } searchSQL += ")"; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("prepareViewOperation", "Error to formate the String value to Number.", e); } } if (lstCondition.isEmpty()) { filterParams = null; return; } filterParams = new FilterParams(searchSQL, lstCondition.toArray()); setSessionFiltering(); } /** * update client refresh interval * * @return - */ private boolean updateClientRefresh() { // update db HMServicesSettings bo; boolean isUpdate = true; List<HMServicesSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("", getDomainId())); if (list.isEmpty()) { bo = new HMServicesSettings(); bo.setOwner(getDomain()); isUpdate = false; } else { bo = list.get(0); } boolean isEnableRefresh = clientRefreshFlag.equals(CLIENTREFRESH_ENABLE); bo.setEnableClientRefresh(isEnableRefresh); if (isEnableRefresh) { bo.setRefreshInterval(clientRefreshInterval); ActiveClientFilter clientFilter = QueryUtil.findBoById(ActiveClientFilter.class, clientRefreshFilter); bo.setRefreshFilterName(clientFilter == null ? null : clientFilter.getFilterName()); } try { if (isUpdate) { QueryUtil.updateBo(bo); } else { createBo(bo); } BoObserver.notifyListeners(new BoEvent<HmDomain>(getDomain(), BoEventType.UPDATED)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("updateClientRefresh", "Update active client settings catch exception!", e); return false; } } /** * disabled client refresh interval field value will be reset to 0 when execute operation */ private void initClientRefreshInterval() { List<HMServicesSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("", getDomainId())); if (list.isEmpty()) { // set default value clientRefreshInterval = 60; clientRefreshFilter = (long) -2; disableClientRefresh = true; return; } HMServicesSettings currentSetting = list.get(0); clientRefreshInterval = currentSetting.getRefreshInterval(); clientRefreshFlag = currentSetting.isEnableClientRefresh() ? CLIENTREFRESH_ENABLE : CLIENTREFRESH_DISABLE; disableClientRefresh = !currentSetting.isEnableClientRefresh(); if (currentSetting.getRefreshFilterName() == null || currentSetting.getRefreshFilterName().trim().isEmpty()) { clientRefreshFilter = (long) -2; } else { ActiveClientFilter filter = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(ActiveClientFilter.class, "filterName", currentSetting.getRefreshFilterName(), domainId); if (filter == null) { clientRefreshFilter = (long) -2; } else { clientRefreshFilter = filter.getId(); } } } public String getChangedName() { return macAddress.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'"); } protected void prepareFlash(String swfname) { swf = swfname; width = "100%"; height = "420"; application = swfname; bgcolor = "ffffff"; } public void initFlashData() { if (association_stats != null) { AhAssociation tmpAhAssociationValue = new AhAssociation(); client_trans_totalData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_beData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_bgData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_viData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_voData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_mgtData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_unicastData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_dataOctets = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_lastrate = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_totalData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_mgtData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_unicastData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_multicastData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_broadcastData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_micfailures = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_dataOctets = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_lastrate = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rssi = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_signal_to_noise = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_sla = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); // client_actualSla = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < association_stats.size(); i++) { AhAssociation tmpClass = association_stats.get(i); if (i == 0) { tmpAhAssociationValue = tmpClass; String formatTime = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(tmpClass.getTimeStamp().getTime(), getUserTimeZone()); client_trans_totalData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_beData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_bgData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_viData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_voData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_mgtData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_unicastData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_dataOctets.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_trans_lastrate.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_totalData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_mgtData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_unicastData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_multicastData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_broadcastData.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_micfailures.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_dataOctets.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rec_lastrate.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_rssi.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); client_signal_to_noise.add(new CheckItem((long) 0, formatTime)); } else { String formatTime = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(tmpClass.getTimeStamp().getTime(), getUserTimeZone()); // transmit totalData long tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxDataFrames()); client_trans_totalData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_beData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxBeDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxBeDataFrames()); client_trans_beData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_bgData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxBgDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxBgDataFrames()); client_trans_bgData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_viData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxViDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxViDataFrames()); client_trans_viData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_voData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxVoDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxVoDataFrames()); client_trans_voData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_mgtData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxMgtFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxMgtFrames()); client_trans_mgtData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_unicastData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxUnicastFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxUnicastFrames()); client_trans_unicastData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_dataOctets tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientTxDataOctets(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientTxDataOctets()); client_trans_dataOctets.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // transmit client_lastrate tmpCount = tmpClass.getClientLastTxRate(); client_trans_lastrate.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_totalDataFrame tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxDataFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxDataFrames()); client_rec_totalData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_mgtData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxMgtFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxMgtFrames()); client_rec_mgtData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_unicastData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxUnicastFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxUnicastFrames()); client_rec_unicastData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_multicastData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxMulticastFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxMulticastFrames()); client_rec_multicastData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_broadcastData tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxBroadcastFrames(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxBroadcastFrames()); client_rec_broadcastData.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_micfailures tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxMICFailures(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxMICFailures()); client_rec_micfailures.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_dataOctets tmpCount = checkValueLessThanZero(tmpClass.getClientRxDataOctets(), tmpAhAssociationValue.getClientRxDataOctets()); client_rec_dataOctets.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // receive client_lastrate tmpCount = tmpClass.getClientLastRxRate(); client_rec_lastrate.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); // client_rssi tmpCount = tmpClass.getClientRSSI(); client_rssi.add(new CheckItem(tmpCount, formatTime)); client_signal_to_noise.add(new CheckItem((long) tmpClass.getSNR(), formatTime)); tmpAhAssociationValue = tmpClass; } } } activeClient = (AhClientSession) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("LAST_CLIENT_HISTORY_CURRENT"); String where = "clientMac = :s1 AND time >= :s2"; Object values[] = new Object[2]; values[0] = activeClient.getClientMac(); values[1] = activeClient.getStartTimeStamp(); FilterParams f_params = new FilterParams(where, values); SortParams s_params = new SortParams("time"); List<AhBandWidthSentinelHistory> lstBindWidth = new ArrayList<AhBandWidthSentinelHistory>(); if (activeClient.getStartTimeStamp() > (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000l * 60 * 60 * 24 * 200)) { lstBindWidth = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhBandWidthSentinelHistory.class, s_params, f_params, getDomain().getId()); } Calendar cale = Calendar.getInstance(); cale.setTimeInMillis(activeClient.getStartTimeStamp()); long systime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String timeString = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(cale.getTimeInMillis(), getUserTimeZone()); client_sla.add(new CheckItem((long) 100, timeString)); cale.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10); if (activeClient.getStartTimeStamp() > (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000l * 60 * 60 * 24 * 200)) { while (cale.getTimeInMillis() < systime && client_sla.size() < 1000) { long count; boolean saveBefore = false; for (AhBandWidthSentinelHistory myClass : lstBindWidth) { if (myClass.getTimeStamp().getTime() <= cale.getTimeInMillis() - 600000) { continue; } if (myClass.getTimeStamp().getTime() > cale.getTimeInMillis()) { break; } count = myClass.getActualBandWidth() * 100 / myClass.getGuaranteedBandWidth(); timeString = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(myClass.getTimeStamp().getTime(), getUserTimeZone()); client_sla.add(new CheckItem(count > 100 ? 100 : count, timeString)); saveBefore = true; } if (!saveBefore) { timeString = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(cale.getTimeInMillis(), getUserTimeZone()); client_sla.add(new CheckItem((long) 100, timeString)); } cale.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10); } } } public void initFlashDataNew() { if (newReportDataList != null) { client_trans_totalData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_totalData = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_airTime = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_airTime = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_score = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_radio_score = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_ipnetwork_score = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_application_score = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_drop = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_trans_drop = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_bandwidth = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_slacount = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); client_rec_rate_dis = new HashMap<String, List<CheckItem>>(); client_rec_rate_succ_dis = new ArrayList<TextItem>(); client_trans_rate_dis = new HashMap<String, List<CheckItem>>(); client_trans_rate_succ_dis = new ArrayList<TextItem>(); // client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis = new ArrayList<TextItem>(); // client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis = new ArrayList<TextItem>(); client_rec_dateTimeList = new ArrayList<String>(); client_trans_dateTimeList = new ArrayList<String>(); client_rec_rateTypeList = new ArrayList<String>(); client_trans_rateTypeList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AhClientStats oneBo : newReportDataList) { //String starTime = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTime(oneBo.getTimeStamp(),getUserTimeZone(), getDomain()); String starTime = AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTimeReport(oneBo.getTimeStamp(), getUserTimeZone()); client_trans_totalData.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getTxFrameCount(), starTime)); client_rec_totalData.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getRxFrameCount(), starTime)); client_trans_airTime.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getTxAirTime(), starTime)); client_rec_airTime.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getRxAirTime(), starTime)); client_score.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getOverallClientHealthScore(), starTime)); client_radio_score.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getSlaConnectScore(), starTime)); client_ipnetwork_score.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getIpNetworkConnectivityScore(), starTime)); client_application_score.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getApplicationHealthScore(), starTime)); client_trans_drop.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getTxFrameDropped(), starTime)); client_rec_drop.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getRxFrameDropped(), starTime)); client_bandwidth.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getBandWidthUsage(), starTime)); client_slacount.add(new CheckItem((long) oneBo.getSlaViolationTraps(), starTime)); int totalPencent = 0; int rateCount = 0; StringBuilder rateSucDisTxValue = new StringBuilder(); if (oneBo.getTxRateInfo() != null && !oneBo.getTxRateInfo().equals("")) { String[] txRate = oneBo.getTxRateInfo().split(";"); client_trans_dateTimeList.add(starTime); for (String rx : txRate) { if (!rx.equals("")) { String[] oneRec = rx.split(","); if (oneRec.length == 3) { rateCount++; if (!client_trans_rateTypeList.contains(oneRec[0])) { client_trans_rateTypeList.add(oneRec[0]); } if (client_trans_rate_dis.get(starTime) == null) { List<CheckItem> tmpArray = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); tmpArray.add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[1]), oneRec[0])); client_trans_rate_dis.put(starTime, tmpArray); } else { client_trans_rate_dis.get(starTime) .add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[1]), oneRec[0])); } totalPencent = totalPencent + Integer.parseInt(oneRec[2]) * Integer.parseInt(oneRec[1]); rateSucDisTxValue.append(convertRateToM(Integer.parseInt(oneRec[0]))) .append("Mbps:").append(oneRec[2]).append("%; "); // if (client_trans_rate_succ_dis.get(starTime)==null) { // List<CheckItem> tmpArray= new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); // tmpArray.add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[2]),oneRec[0])); // client_trans_rate_succ_dis.put(starTime, tmpArray); // } else { // client_trans_rate_succ_dis.get(starTime).add( // new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[2]),oneRec[0])); // } } } } } if (oneBo.getTotalTxBitSuccessRate() == 0) { if (rateCount != 0) { client_trans_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, String.valueOf(totalPencent / 100), rateSucDisTxValue.toString())); // client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,String.valueOf(totalPencent/rateCount)+ "%")); } else { client_trans_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, "0", rateSucDisTxValue.toString())); // client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,"0%")); } } else { client_trans_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, String.valueOf(oneBo.getTotalTxBitSuccessRate()), rateSucDisTxValue.toString())); // client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,String.valueOf(oneBo.getTotalTxBitSuccessRate())+ "%")); } totalPencent = 0; rateCount = 0; StringBuilder rateSucDisRxValue = new StringBuilder(); if (oneBo.getRxRateInfo() != null && !oneBo.getRxRateInfo().equals("")) { String[] rxRate = oneBo.getRxRateInfo().split(";"); client_rec_dateTimeList.add(starTime); for (String rx : rxRate) { if (!rx.equals("")) { String[] oneRec = rx.split(","); if (oneRec.length == 3) { rateCount++; if (!client_rec_rateTypeList.contains(oneRec[0])) { client_rec_rateTypeList.add(oneRec[0]); } if (client_rec_rate_dis.get(starTime) == null) { List<CheckItem> tmpArray = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); tmpArray.add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[1]), oneRec[0])); client_rec_rate_dis.put(starTime, tmpArray); } else { client_rec_rate_dis.get(starTime) .add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[1]), oneRec[0])); } totalPencent = totalPencent + Integer.parseInt(oneRec[2]) * Integer.parseInt(oneRec[1]); rateSucDisRxValue.append(convertRateToM(Integer.parseInt(oneRec[0]))) .append("Mbps:").append(oneRec[2]).append("%; "); // if (client_rec_rate_succ_dis.get(starTime)==null) { // List<CheckItem> tmpArray= new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); // tmpArray.add(new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[2]),oneRec[0])); // client_rec_rate_succ_dis.put(starTime, tmpArray); // } else { // client_rec_rate_succ_dis.get(starTime).add( // new CheckItem(Long.parseLong(oneRec[2]),oneRec[0])); // } } } } } if (oneBo.getTotalRxBitSuccessRate() == 0) { if (rateCount != 0) { client_rec_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, String.valueOf(totalPencent / 100), rateSucDisRxValue.toString())); // client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,String.valueOf(totalPencent/rateCount)+ "%")); } else { client_rec_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, "0", rateSucDisRxValue.toString())); // client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,"0%")); } } else { client_rec_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime, String.valueOf(oneBo.getTotalRxBitSuccessRate()), rateSucDisRxValue.toString())); // client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis.add(new TextItem(starTime,String.valueOf(oneBo.getTotalRxBitSuccessRate())+ "%")); } } Collections.sort(client_rec_rateTypeList, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { try { long rate1 = Long.parseLong(o1); long rate2 = Long.parseLong(o2); if (rate1 - rate2 > 0) { return 1; } else if (rate1 - rate2 < 0) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } }); Collections.sort(client_trans_rateTypeList, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { try { long rate1 = Long.parseLong(o1); long rate2 = Long.parseLong(o2); if (rate1 - rate2 > 0) { return 1; } else if (rate1 - rate2 < 0) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } }); } } public long checkValueLessThanZero(long value1, long value2) { if (value1 - value2 < 0) { return value1; } return value1 - value2; } private List<Long> getSelectedClientIds() { String[] ids = selectedClientIDStr.split(","); List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<Long>(ids.length); for (String str_id : ids) { idList.add(Long.parseLong(str_id)); } return idList; } /** * sync query client information * * @throws Exception - */ private void updateClientInfo() throws Exception { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); AhClientSession client = getSelectedClient(); if (null == client) { return; } boolean isSuccess = HmBePerformUtil.updateClientInfo(client); jsonObject.put("success", isSuccess); jsonObject.put("clientId", id); jsonObject.put("listType", "wired"); if (client.getClientChannel() > 0) { jsonObject.put("listType", "wireless"); } // // to request client info first; // HiveAp ap = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HiveAp.class, // "macAddress", client.getApMac()); // if (ap == null) // { // return; // } // // List<Byte> tableIDList = new ArrayList<Byte>(); // tableIDList.add(BeCommunicationConstant.STATTABLE_AHASSOCIATION); // Map<Byte, List<HmBo>> results = // HmBePerformUtil.syncQueryStatistics(ap, // tableIDList); // if (null != results) // { // // retrieve successfully. // jsonObject.put("success", true); // jsonObject.put("clientId", clientId); // } } /** * return relative ap list, class: SimpleHiveAP * * @param clientIDList - * @return - */ private Collection<SimpleHiveAp> getHiveAPList(List<Long> clientIDList) { // get ap mac at first Set<String> apMacSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Long clientID : clientIDList) { // List<AhClientSession> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhClientSession.class, null, // new FilterParams("id", clientID)); List<AhClientSession> list = DBOperationUtil.executeQuery(AhClientSession.class, null, new FilterParams("id", clientID)); if (!list.isEmpty()) { apMacSet.add(list.get(0).getApMac()); } } // get ap list Collection<SimpleHiveAp> apList = new ArrayList<SimpleHiveAp>(apMacSet.size()); CacheMgmt cacheInstance = CacheMgmt.getInstance(); for (String apMac : apMacSet) { // List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveAp.class, null, // new FilterParams("macAddress", apMac)); // if (!list.isEmpty()) // { // apList.add((HiveAp) list.get(0)); // } SimpleHiveAp ap = cacheInstance.getSimpleHiveAp(apMac); apList.add(ap); } return apList; } private void prepareDetails(AhClientSession client) { // prepareEnrolledClientDetails(); if (null == client) { return; } // show as user context timezone client.setStartTimeZone(userContext.getTimeZone()); client.setEndTimeZone(userContext.getTimeZone()); memo = client.getMemo(); hostName = client.getClientHostname(); macAddress = client.getClientMac(); associationTimeString = client.getStartTimeString(); duration = client.getDurationString(); clientAuthMethodString = client.getClientAuthMethodString(); if (client.getClientChannel() <= 0) { ssid = client.getClientSSID(); clientChannel = ""; clientBSSID = ""; radioModeString = ""; clientEncryptionMethodString = ""; } else { ssid = client.getClientSSID(); clientChannel = client.getClientChannelString(); clientBSSID = client.getClientBSSID(); radioModeString = client.getClientMacPtlString(); clientEncryptionMethodString = client.getClientEncryptionMethodString(); } associationApMac = client.getApMac(); HiveAp ap = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HiveAp.class, "macAddress", associationApMac, client.getOwner().getId()); associationApId = String.valueOf(ap.getId()); associationApName = client.getApName(); // rssi = client.getClientRSSI4Show(); // tx = client.getClientLastTxRate4Show(); // rx = client.getClientLastRxRate4Show(); ipAddress = client.getClientIP(); List<SubNetworkResource> resourceList = null; FilterParams filterParam = null; if (AhClientUtil.deviceIsRouter(client.getApMac())) { filterParam = new FilterParams("hiveApMac", client.getApMac()); resourceList = AhClientUtil.querySubNetworkResources(filterParam); } if (null == resourceList || resourceList.isEmpty()) { natIpAddress = ""; } else { for (SubNetworkResource resource : resourceList) { natIpAddress = AhClientUtil.getClientNatIP(resource, client.getClientIP()); if (!"".equals(natIpAddress) && null != natIpAddress) { break; } } } userProfileID = client.getClientUserProfId4Show(); clientCWPUsedString = client.getClientCWPUsedString(); clientVLAN = client.getClientVLANString(); userName = client.getClientUsername(); clientScore = client.getOverallClientHealthScore(); clientRadioScore = client.getSlaConnectScore(); clientIpNetworkScore = client.getIpNetworkConnectivityScore(); clientApplicationScore = client.getApplicationHealthScore(); userEmail = client.getEmail(); userCompany = client.getCompanyName(); clientOsInfo = client.getClientOsInfoInDb(); client_os_option55 = client.getOs_option55(); rssi = client.getClientRSSI4Show(); snr = client.getClientSNRShow(); // log.debug("prepareDetails", // "Start querying association data, filter params: clientMac =" // + client.getClientMac() + " AND statTime >= " // + client.getStartTimeString()); prepareStatisticsInfo(client); if (!association_stats.isEmpty()) { AhAssociation latestItem = association_stats.get(association_stats.size() - 1); tx = latestItem.getClientLastTxRate4Show(); rx = latestItem.getClientLastRxRate4Show(); } // log.debug("prepareDetails", // "Finish querying association data, rows number:" // + association_stats.size()); prepareHistorySessionInfo(client); } private void prepareNewReportData(AhClientSession client) { String where = "timeStamp >= :s1 AND clientMac = :s2"; Object values[] = new Object[2]; values[0] = client.getStartTimeStamp(); values[1] = client.getClientMac(); FilterParams f_params = new FilterParams(where, values); SortParams s_params = new SortParams("timeStamp"); if (client.getStartTimeStamp() < (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000l * 60 * 60 * 24 * 200)) { newReportDataList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhClientStats.class, s_params, f_params, 50); } else { newReportDataList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhClientStats.class, s_params, f_params); } } private void prepareHistorySessionInfo(AhClientSession client) { String query = "from " + AhClientSessionHistory.class.getSimpleName() + " where clientMac = '" + client.getClientMac() + "' and = " + client.getOwner().getId() + " order by endTimestamp desc"; history_sessions = QueryUtil.executeQuery(query, 5); // show as user context timezone String userTimeZone = userContext.getTimeZone(); for (Object history_session : history_sessions) { AhClientSessionHistory clientHistory = (AhClientSessionHistory) history_session; clientHistory.setStartTimeZone(userTimeZone); clientHistory.setEndTimeZone(userTimeZone); } } private void prepareStatisticsInfo(AhClientSession client) { String where = "clientMac = :s1 AND time >= :s2"; Object values[] = new Object[2]; values[0] = client.getClientMac(); values[1] = client.getStartTimeStamp(); FilterParams f_params = new FilterParams(where, values); SortParams s_params = new SortParams("time"); if (client.getStartTimeStamp() < (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000l * 60 * 60 * 24 * 200)) { association_stats = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhAssociation.class, s_params, f_params, 50); } else { association_stats = QueryUtil.executeQuery(AhAssociation.class, s_params, f_params); } String localTimeZone = userContext.getTimeZone(); for (AhAssociation tmpClass : association_stats) { tmpClass.getTimeStamp().setTimeZone(localTimeZone); } } private AhClientSession getSelectedClient() { // return QueryUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, // id, this); return DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, id); } @Override public void prepare() throws Exception { super.prepare(); setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CLIENTMONITOR); setDataSource(AhClientSession.class); keyColumnId = COLUMN_MAC; this.tableId = HmTableColumn.TABLE_ACTIVE_CLIENTS; } @Override public AhClientSession getDataSource() { return (AhClientSession) dataSource; } // the parameters on the page. private String filterApName; // fix bug 33035, come from hiveap list page private String filterApMac; private String filterClientMac; private String filterClientIP; private String filterClientHostName; private String filterClientUserName; private Long filterMap; private String mapContainerId; private List<CheckItem> filterMaps; //Added from Dakar private byte filterOverallClientHealth = -1; private String filterClientOsInfo; private int filterClientVLAN = -1; private int filterClientUserProfId = -1; private int filterClientChannel = -1; public List<CheckItem> getFilterMaps() { /*- filterMaps = getBoCheckItems("mapName", MapContainerNode.class, null); if (filterMaps.isEmpty()) { filterMaps.add(new CheckItem((long) -1, MgrUtil .getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none"))); } return filterMaps;*/ List<CheckItem> maps = getMapListView(); filterMaps = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); if (maps.isEmpty()) { filterMaps.add(new CheckItem((long) -1, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none"))); } else { filterMaps.add(new CheckItem((long) -1, "")); // filterMaps.add(new CheckItem((long) -1, "<no-map>")); } filterMaps.addAll(maps); return filterMaps; } public String getFilterApName() { return filterApName; } public void setFilterApName(String apName) { this.filterApName = apName; } public String getFilterClientMac() { return filterClientMac; } public void setFilterClientMac(String clientMac) { this.filterClientMac = clientMac; } public void setMapContainerId(String mapContainerId) { this.mapContainerId = mapContainerId; } @Override public Collection<HmBo> load(HmBo bo) { // if (bo instanceof AhCurrentClientSession) // { // for (WirelessIDS idp : ((AhCurrentClientSession) bo) // .getIdpDetails()) // { // // Just to trigger load from database // } // } // if (bo instanceof HiveAp) // { // HiveAp ap = (HiveAp) bo; // // // Just calling the get method will fetch the LAZY attributes // // bo.getUserProfileAttribute(); // // Call additional LAZY methods // if (ap.getConfigTemplate() != null) // ap.getConfigTemplate().getId(); // } // // if (bo instanceof ConfigTemplate) // { // ConfigTemplate configTemplate = (ConfigTemplate) bo; // // // Just calling the get method will fetch the LAZY attributes // // bo.getUserProfileAttribute(); // // Call additional LAZY methods // if (configTemplate.getHiveProfile() != null) // configTemplate.getHiveProfile().getId(); // // } return null; } // statistics detail table grid count public int getGridCount_s() { if (null == association_stats || association_stats.isEmpty()) { return 3; } else { return 0; } } // session history detail table grid count public int getGridCount_h() { if (null == history_sessions || history_sessions.isEmpty()) { return 3; } else { return 0; } } private String userName; private String hostName; private String clientOsInfo; private String macAddress; private String associationTimeString; private String duration; private String ssid; private String associationApId; private String associationApMac; private String associationApName; private String radioModeString; private String rssi; private String snr; private String tx; private String rx; private String ipAddress; private String natIpAddress; private String userProfileID; private String clientAuthMethodString; private String clientEncryptionMethodString; private String clientCWPUsedString; private String clientBSSID; private String clientVLAN; private String clientChannel; private String userEmail; private String userCompany; private String memo; private int clientScore; private int clientRadioScore; private int clientIpNetworkScore; private int clientApplicationScore; public int getClientScore() { return clientScore; } public void setClientScore(int clientScore) { this.clientScore = clientScore; } private List<AhAssociation> association_stats; private List<AhClientStats> newReportDataList; private AhAssociation oneAssociation; private List<?> history_sessions; public String getUserProfileID() { return userProfileID; } public String getMemo() { return memo; } public String getHostName() { return hostName; } public String getMacAddress() { return macAddress; } public String getDuration() { return duration; } public String getSsid() { return ssid; } public String getRadioModeString() { return radioModeString; } public String getRssi() { return rssi; } public String getTx() { return tx; } public String getRx() { return rx; } public String getIpAddress() { return ipAddress; } public String getNatIpAddress() { return natIpAddress; } public void setNatIpAddress(String natIpAddress) { this.natIpAddress = natIpAddress; } public String getAssociationTimeString() { return associationTimeString; } public String getAssociationApMac() { return associationApMac; } public List<AhAssociation> getAssociation_stats() { return association_stats; } public void setAssociation_stats(List<AhAssociation> association_stats) { this.association_stats = association_stats; } public List<?> getHistory_sessions() { return history_sessions; } public void setHistory_sessions(List<?> history_sessions) { this.history_sessions = history_sessions; } public String getCurrentDate() { SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return sf.format(new Date()); } public String getAssociationApName() { return associationApName; } public void setAssociationApName(String associationApName) { this.associationApName = associationApName; } public int getIndent() { return indent; } private void prepareSearchOperation() { List<Object> lstCondition = new ArrayList<Object>(); // get active clients String searchSQL = "connectstate=?"; lstCondition.add(AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); if (isWiredClientList()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND (clientChannel is null OR clientChannel < ?)"; lstCondition.add(1); } else if (isWirelessClientList()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND clientChannel > ?"; lstCondition.add(0); } if (filterApName != null && !filterApName.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(apName) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterApName.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } // fix bug 33035 come from device list page if (filterApMac != null && !filterApMac.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(apMac) = ?"; lstCondition.add(filterApMac.trim().toLowerCase()); } if (filterClientMac != null && !filterClientMac.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(clientmac) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterClientMac.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if (filterClientIP != null && !filterClientIP.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(clientIP) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterClientIP.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if (filterClientHostName != null && !filterClientHostName.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(clientHostname) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterClientHostName.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if (filterClientUserName != null && !filterClientUserName.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(clientUsername) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterClientUserName.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if (filterOverallClientHealth >= 0) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND overallClientHealthScore = ?"; lstCondition.add(filterOverallClientHealth); } if (filterClientOsInfo != null && !filterClientOsInfo.trim().isEmpty()) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND lower(clientOsInfo) like ?"; lstCondition.add("%" + filterClientOsInfo.trim().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if (filterClientVLAN >= 0) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND clientVLAN = ?"; lstCondition.add(filterClientVLAN); } if (filterClientUserProfId >= 0) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND clientUserProfId = ?"; lstCondition.add(filterClientUserProfId); } if (filterClientChannel >= 0) { searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND clientChannel = ?"; lstCondition.add(filterClientChannel); } // All: -2, no-map: -1 if (null != filterMap && filterMap != -2) { // if (filterMap.longValue() == -1) { // filterMap = null; //MARK: modify filter Map will cause db data error // } List<SimpleHiveAp> apList = cacheMgmt.getApListByMapContainer(filterMap == -1 ? null : filterMap); searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND apMac in ('0'"; for (SimpleHiveAp ap : apList) { searchSQL += ",?"; lstCondition.add(ap.getMacAddress()); } searchSQL += ")"; } // Frazer add for search activeClient one map. if (null != mapContainerId) { // can not get the specify clients, comment it right now. // Long mapId = Long.parseLong(mapContainerId); // searchSQL = searchSQL + " AND mapId = :s" + (lstCondition.size() // + 1); // lstCondition.add(mapId); Long mapId = Long.parseLong(mapContainerId); Set<Long> mapIds = BoMgmt.getMapMgmt().getContainerDownIds(mapId); searchSQL = "mapId in(0"; lstCondition = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Long mId : mapIds) { searchSQL += ",?"; lstCondition.add(mId); } searchSQL += ")"; } if (lstCondition.isEmpty()) { filterParams = null; return; } filterParams = new FilterParams(searchSQL, lstCondition.toArray()); setSessionFiltering(); // // clear current filter on the left page // MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_CURRENT_FILTER); } private void removeActiveClientFilter() { if (null == filterName || "".equals(filterName.trim())) { return; } // check whether used by client refresh List<HMServicesSettings> clientMonitorSettings = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, null); if (!clientMonitorSettings.isEmpty()) { HMServicesSettings clientConfiguration = clientMonitorSettings.get(0); if (clientConfiguration.isEnableClientRefresh()) { String refreshFilterName = clientConfiguration.getRefreshFilterName(); if (refreshFilterName != null && refreshFilterName.equals(filterName)) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", filterName)); return; } } } try { List<ActiveClientFilter> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(ActiveClientFilter.class, null, new FilterParams("filterName=:s1 AND userName=:s2", new Object[] { filterName, getUserContext().getUserName() }), domainId); if (!list.isEmpty()) { ActiveClientFilter filter = list.get(0); ActiveClientFilter rmbos = findBoById(ActiveClientFilter.class, filter.getId()); QueryUtil.removeBoBase(rmbos); } } catch (Exception e) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); } } // public static final String MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_FILTERS = "managed_activeclient_filters"; public static final String MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_CURRENT_FILTER = "managed_activeclient_current_filter"; private void saveToSessionFilterList() { if (null == filterName || "".equals(filterName.trim())) { return; } try { List<ActiveClientFilter> filterList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(ActiveClientFilter.class, null, new FilterParams("filterName=:s1 AND userName=:s2", new Object[] { filterName, getUserContext().getUserName() }), domainId); if (!filterList.isEmpty()) { ActiveClientFilter filter = filterList.get(0); filter.setFilterApName(filterApName); filter.setFilterClientMac(filterClientMac); filter.setFilterTopologyMap(filterMap); filter.setFilterClientIP(filterClientIP); filter.setFilterClientHostName(filterClientHostName); filter.setFilterClientUserName(filterClientUserName); filter.setFilterOverallClientHealth(filterOverallClientHealth); filter.setFilterClientOsInfo(filterClientOsInfo); filter.setFilterClientVLAN(filterClientVLAN); filter.setFilterClientUserProfId(filterClientUserProfId); filter.setFilterClientChannel(filterClientChannel); setId(filter.getId()); QueryUtil.updateBo(filter); } else { ActiveClientFilter filter = new ActiveClientFilter(); filter.setFilterName(filterName); filter.setUserName(getUserContext().getUserName()); filter.setFilterApName(filterApName); filter.setFilterClientMac(filterClientMac); filter.setFilterTopologyMap(filterMap); filter.setFilterClientIP(filterClientIP); filter.setFilterClientHostName(filterClientHostName); filter.setFilterClientUserName(filterClientUserName); filter.setFilterOverallClientHealth(filterOverallClientHealth); filter.setFilterClientOsInfo(filterClientOsInfo); filter.setFilterClientVLAN(filterClientVLAN); filter.setFilterClientUserProfId(filterClientUserProfId); filter.setFilterClientChannel(filterClientChannel); filter.setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.createBo(filter); } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_CURRENT_FILTER, filterName); filter = filterName; } catch (Exception e) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName())); } } private String filter; private String filterName; private void prepareFilterValues() throws JSONException { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (null == filter) { return; } jsonObject.put("fname", filter); // Map<String, List<Object>> filterCache = (Map<String, List<Object>>) MgrUtil // .getSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_FILTERS); List<?> filterMap = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select filterApName,filterClientMac,filterTopologyMap,filterClientIP,filterClientHostName,filterClientUserName," + "filterOverallClientHealth,filterClientOsInfo,filterClientVLAN,filterClientUserProfId,filterClientChannel from " + ActiveClientFilter.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("filterName=:s1 and userName=:s2", new Object[] { filter, getUserContext().getUserName() }), domainId); if (filterMap.isEmpty()) { return; } Object[] objArray = (Object[]) filterMap.get(0); if (null == objArray) { return; } if (objArray.length > 0) { jsonObject.put("fApName", objArray[0]); } if (objArray.length > 1) { jsonObject.put("fClientMac", objArray[1]); } if (objArray.length > 2) { jsonObject.put("fMap", objArray[2]); } if (objArray.length > 3) { jsonObject.put("fClientIP", objArray[3]); } if (objArray.length > 4) { jsonObject.put("fClientHostName", objArray[4]); } if (objArray.length > 5) { jsonObject.put("fClientUserName", objArray[5]); } if (objArray.length > 6) { jsonObject.put("fOverallClientHealth", objArray[6]); } if (objArray.length > 7) { jsonObject.put("fClientOsInfo", objArray[7]); } if (objArray.length > 8) { jsonObject.put("fClientVLAN", objArray[8]); } if (objArray.length > 9) { jsonObject.put("fClientUserProfId", objArray[9]); } if (objArray.length > 10) { jsonObject.put("fClientChannel", objArray[10]); } } private void prepareEditValues() throws JSONException { List<Long> clientIDs = getSelectedClientIds(); if (clientIDs == null || clientIDs.isEmpty()) { // addActionError("There are no items to operation."); return; } if (clientIDs.size() == 1) { // AhClientSession client = QueryUtil.findBoById( // AhClientSession.class, clientIDs.get(0)); AhClientSession client = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, clientIDs.get(0)); // to avoid Null-Point error if (null == client) return; editUserName = client.getClientUsername(); editHostName = client.getClientHostname(); editIP = client.getClientIP(); editComment1 = client.getComment1(); editComment2 = client.getComment2(); } jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("eUserName", editUserName); jsonObject.put("eHostName", editHostName); jsonObject.put("eIP", editIP); jsonObject.put("eComment1", editComment1); jsonObject.put("eComment2", editComment2); } // private void clearEditResults() { // List<Long> selectIDS = getSelectedClientIds(); // if (selectIDS == null || selectIDS.isEmpty()) { // return; // } // // try { // String where = "id in (:s1)"; // Object[] values = new Object[1]; // values[0] = selectIDS; // // List<?> clientMacList = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select clientMac from " // + AhClientSession.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(where, values)); // // where = "clientMac in (:s1) AND owner=:s2"; // values = new Object[2]; // values[0] = clientMacList; // values[1] = getDomain(); // // QueryUtil.bulkRemoveBos(AhClientEditValues.class, new FilterParams(where, values), // null, null); // // // cache // cacheMgmt.removeClientEditValues(clientMacList, getDomain()); // // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error("clearEditResults", "bulk remove", e); // } // } private void saveEditResults() { List<Long> selectIDS = getSelectedClientIds(); List<HmBo> updateList = new ArrayList<HmBo>(); List<HmBo> insertList = new ArrayList<HmBo>(); List<AhClientEditValues> editValuesList = new ArrayList<AhClientEditValues>(); StringBuilder clientSql = new StringBuilder(); clientSql.append( "update ah_clientsession set clienthostname=?,clientip=?,clientusername=?,comment1=?,comment2=? where id=?"); List<Object[]> paraList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Long clientId : selectIDS) { // AhClientSession client = QueryUtil.findBoById( // AhClientSession.class, clientId); AhClientSession client = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, clientId); if (client == null) { continue; } AhClientEditValues clientEditValues = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(AhClientEditValues.class, "clientMac", client.getClientMac(), domainId); if (clientEditValues == null) { clientEditValues = new AhClientEditValues(); clientEditValues.setClientMac(client.getClientMac()); clientEditValues.setOwner(client.getOwner()); insertList.add(clientEditValues); } else { // update AhClientEditValues updateList.add(clientEditValues); } // client edit values bo if (flagEditUserName) { clientEditValues.setClientUsername(editUserName); } if (flagEditHostName) { clientEditValues.setClientHostname(editHostName); } if (flagEditIP) { clientEditValues.setClientIP(editIP); } if (flagEditComment1) { clientEditValues.setComment1(editComment1); } if (flagEditComment2) { clientEditValues.setComment2(editComment2); } // client bo boolean isUpdate = false; if (flagEditHostName && (client.getClientHostname() == null || client.getClientHostname().isEmpty())) { client.setClientHostname(editHostName); isUpdate = true; } if (flagEditIP && (client.getClientIP() == null || client.getClientIP().isEmpty() || client.getClientIP().equals(""))) { client.setClientIP(editIP); isUpdate = true; } if (flagEditUserName && (client.getClientUsername() == null || client.getClientUsername().isEmpty())) { client.setClientUsername(editUserName); isUpdate = true; } if (flagEditComment1) { client.setComment1(editComment1); isUpdate = true; } if (flagEditComment2) { client.setComment2(editComment2); isUpdate = true; } // update AhClientSession if (isUpdate) { // updateList.add(client); Object[] objs = new Object[6]; objs[0] = client.getClientHostname(); objs[1] = client.getClientIP(); objs[2] = client.getClientUsername(); objs[3] = client.getComment1(); objs[4] = client.getComment2(); objs[5] = client.getId(); paraList.add(objs); } editValuesList.add(clientEditValues); } try { if (!insertList.isEmpty()) { QueryUtil.bulkCreateBos(insertList); } if (!updateList.isEmpty()) { QueryUtil.bulkUpdateBos(updateList); } //udpate client if (!paraList.isEmpty()) { DBOperationUtil.executeBatchUpdate(clientSql.toString(), paraList); } // cache if (!editValuesList.isEmpty()) { cacheMgmt.addClientEditValues(editValuesList); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("saveEditResults", "catch exception", e); } } private String prepareActiveClientList(boolean initCache) throws Exception { enablePageAutoRefreshSetting = true; setCurrentListType(); if (isWiredClientList()) { //get wired client list return prepareWiredClientList(initCache); } else if (isWirelessClientList()) { //get wired client list return prepareWirelessClientList(initCache); } else { return prepareAllClientList(initCache); } } public String prepareAllClientList(boolean initCache) throws Exception { clearDataSource(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstForward"); // default sorting enableSorting(); if (sortParams.getOrderBy() == null) { sortParams.setOrderBy("startTimeStamp"); sortParams.setAscending(false); } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Sorting", sortParams); getSessionFiltering(); //String searchSQL = "connectstate = :s1"; //Object values[] = new Object[1]; //values[0] = AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP; if (filterParams == null) { filterParams = new FilterParams("connectstate", AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); //filterParams = new FilterParams(searchSQL, values); } setSessionFiltering(); setTableColumns(); ClientPagingCache clientPagingCache = getClientListCache(); if (initCache) { enablePaging(); cacheId = clientPagingCache.init(); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } else { paging = (Paging<?>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Paging"); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } for (HmTableColumn column : selectedColumns) { if (column.getColumnId() == COLUMN_LOCATION) { // Only fill in this field if this column is amogn the selected. BoMgmt.getLocationTracking().findClientRssi(getDomain(), page); } } // show as user context timezone String userTimeZone = userContext.getTimeZone(); // for (Iterator iter = page.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession); // client.setStartTimeZone(userTimeZone); // client.setEndTimeZone(userTimeZone); // } setUserTimeZone(page, userTimeZone); setMonitorStatus(page); initClientRefreshInterval(); setLastHourDataUsage(page); setOsInfo(page); AhClientUtil.setClientNatIp(page); prepareEnrolledClientList(page); printClientHealthInfo(page); return SUCCESS; } public String prepareWirelessClientList(boolean initCache) throws Exception { clearDataSource(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstForward"); // default sorting enableSorting(); if (sortParams.getOrderBy() == null) { sortParams.setOrderBy("startTimeStamp"); sortParams.setAscending(false); } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Sorting", sortParams); getSessionFiltering(); String searchSQL = "connectstate = :s1 AND clientChannel is not null AND clientChannel > :s2"; Object values[] = new Object[2]; values[0] = AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP; values[1] = 0; if (filterParams == null) { //filterParams = new FilterParams("connectstate", // AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); filterParams = new FilterParams(searchSQL, values); } setSessionFiltering(); setTableColumns(); ClientPagingCache clientPagingCache = getClientListCache(); if (initCache) { enablePaging(); cacheId = clientPagingCache.init(); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } else { paging = (Paging<?>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Paging"); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } for (HmTableColumn column : selectedColumns) { if (column.getColumnId() == COLUMN_LOCATION) { // Only fill in this field if this column is amogn the selected. BoMgmt.getLocationTracking().findClientRssi(getDomain(), page); } } // show as user context timezone String userTimeZone = userContext.getTimeZone(); // for (Iterator iter = page.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession); // client.setStartTimeZone(userTimeZone); // client.setEndTimeZone(userTimeZone); // } setUserTimeZone(page, userTimeZone); setMonitorStatus(page); initClientRefreshInterval(); setLastHourDataUsage(page); setOsInfo(page); AhClientUtil.setClientNatIp(page); prepareEnrolledClientList(page); printClientHealthInfo(page); return SUCCESS; } public void prepareEnrolledClientList(List<?> page) { if (null == page || page.isEmpty()) { return; } // int i=0; boolean has62r1beforeAp = false; String customer = getCustomerIdFromRemote(getDomain()); IGAConfigHepler gaConfigHelper = new GAConfigHepler(getDomain().getId()); ICloudAuthCertMgmt<?> hmCloudAuthCertMgmtImpl = new HmCloudAuthCertMgmtImpl(); IDMConfig idmConfig = hmCloudAuthCertMgmtImpl.getRadSecConfig(getDomain().getId()); String cMUrl = ConfigUtil.getACMConfigServerViewUrl(); String sLUrl = gaConfigHelper == null ? null : gaConfigHelper.getWebAccessURL(); String idmUrl = idmConfig == null ? null : idmConfig.getIdmWebServer(); List<String> clientMacList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object obj : page) { AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession) obj; clientMacList.add(client.getClientMac()); // if (i%2==0) { // client.setClientEnrolled(true); // client.setEnrolledSLURL(sLUrl); // client.setEnrolledIDMURL(idmUrl); // client.setEnrolledCMURL(cMUrl); // } else { // client.setClientEnrolled(false); // client.setEnrolledSLURL(sLUrl); // client.setEnrolledIDMURL(idmUrl); // client.setEnrolledCMURL(cMUrl); // } // client.setManagedStatus(Short.valueOf(String.valueOf(i%7))); // i++; client.setCustomerID(customer); client.setEnrolledSLURL(sLUrl); client.setEnrolledIDMURL(idmUrl); client.setEnrolledCMURL(cMUrl); if (!has62r1beforeAp) { SimpleHiveAp ap = CacheMgmt.getInstance().getSimpleHiveAp(client.getApMac()); if (ap != null && !ap.isSimulated()) { if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion("", ap.getSoftVer()) > 0) { has62r1beforeAp = true; } } } } if (!getEnableClientManagement()) { return; } if (has62r1beforeAp) { try { EnrolledClientList lst = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getActiveClientListEnrolledInfo( new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getActiveClientListEnrolledInfo(customer, getDomain().getInstanceId(), clientMacList)); if (lst == null) { return; } String urlSuffix = cMUrl + lst.getDeviceUrlSuffix(); Map<String, DeviceForClient> clientMacMap = new HashMap<String, DeviceForClient>(); if (lst.getDeviceList() != null) { for (DeviceForClient dfc : lst.getDeviceList()) { clientMacMap.put(dfc.getMacAddress(), dfc); } } for (Object obj : page) { AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession) obj; DeviceForClient dfc = clientMacMap.get(client.getClientMac()); if (dfc != null) { client.setClientEnrolled(dfc.isEnrolled()); if (client.isClientEnrolled()) { client.setClientEnrolledURL(urlSuffix + dfc.getDeviceId()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } } public String getCustomerIdFromRemote(HmDomain hmdomain) { String customer = null; try { customer = LicenseOperationTool.getCustomerIdFromRemote(hmdomain.getInstanceId()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } if (customer == null || customer.isEmpty()) { customer = hmdomain.getInstanceId(); } return customer; } public String prepareWiredClientList(boolean initCache) throws Exception { clearDataSource(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstForward"); // default sorting enableSorting(); if (sortParams.getOrderBy() == null) { sortParams.setOrderBy("startTimeStamp"); sortParams.setAscending(false); } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Sorting", sortParams); getSessionFiltering(); String searchSQL = "connectstate = :s1 AND (clientChannel is null OR clientChannel < :s2)"; Object values[] = new Object[2]; values[0] = AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP; values[1] = 1; if (filterParams == null) { //filterParams = new FilterParams("connectstate", // AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); filterParams = new FilterParams(searchSQL, values); } setSessionFiltering(); setTableColumns(); ClientPagingCache clientPagingCache = getClientListCache(); if (initCache) { enablePaging(); cacheId = clientPagingCache.init(); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } else { paging = (Paging<?>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Paging"); page = clientPagingCache.getBos(cacheId); } for (HmTableColumn column : selectedColumns) { if (column.getColumnId() == COLUMN_LOCATION) { // Only fill in this field if this column is amogn the selected. BoMgmt.getLocationTracking().findClientRssi(getDomain(), page); } } // show as user context timezone String userTimeZone = userContext.getTimeZone(); setUserTimeZone(page, userTimeZone); setMonitorStatus(page); initClientRefreshInterval(); setLastHourDataUsage(page); setOsInfo(page); AhClientUtil.setClientNatIp(page); return SUCCESS; } private int indent = 3; private boolean anyMonitoring; public boolean isAnyMonitoring() { return anyMonitoring; } private void setOsInfo(List<?> page) { if (null == page) { return; } StringBuilder osBuffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean addFlg = false; for (Object oneObj : page) { AhClientSession asection = (AhClientSession) oneObj; if (!addFlg) { if (asection.getClientOsInfo() != null && !asection.getClientOsInfo().equals("")) { osBuffer.append("'").append(NmsUtil.convertSqlStr(asection.getClientOsInfo().toUpperCase())) .append("'"); addFlg = true; } } else { if (asection.getClientOsInfo() != null && !asection.getClientOsInfo().equals("")) { osBuffer.append(",'").append(NmsUtil.convertSqlStr(asection.getClientOsInfo().toUpperCase())) .append("'"); } } } if (!page.isEmpty()) { if (osBuffer.length() > 0) { try { List<?> detailInfo = QueryUtil .executeNativeQuery("select distinct on (osversion) osversion,description " + "from os_object_version where upper(osversion) in (" + osBuffer.toString() + ")"); for (Object oneObj : page) { AhClientSession asection = (AhClientSession) oneObj; if (asection.getClientOsInfo() != null) { for (Object oneSearch : detailInfo) { Object[] oneSearchDate = (Object[]) oneSearch; if (asection.getClientOsInfo().equalsIgnoreCase(oneSearchDate[0].toString())) { if (oneSearchDate[1] != null && !oneSearchDate[1].toString().equals("")) { asection.setClientOsInfo(oneSearchDate[1].toString()); break; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("setOsInfo", "Set OS information error.", e); } } } } private void printClientHealthInfo(List<?> page) { if (null == page) { return; } if (operation == null || !operation.equals("debugClientHealth")) { return; } try { for (Object oneObj : page) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); AhClientSession asection = (AhClientSession) oneObj; sb.append("======Debug begin====="); sb.append("ClientMac:").append(asection.getClientMac()); sb.append("; AllHealth:").append(asection.getOverallClientHealthScore()); sb.append("; AppHealth:").append(asection.getApplicationHealthScore()); sb.append("; NetworkHealth:").append(asection.getIpNetworkConnectivityScore()); sb.append("; SlaHealth:").append(asection.getSlaConnectScore()); sb.append("; ======End====="); log.error(sb.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } private void setLastHourDataUsage(List<?> page) { if (null == page) { return; } StringBuilder macLstBuffer = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (Object oneObj : page) { AhClientSession asection = (AhClientSession) oneObj; if (i == 0) { macLstBuffer.append("'").append(asection.getClientMac()).append("'"); } else { macLstBuffer.append(",'").append(asection.getClientMac()).append("'"); } i++; } if (!page.isEmpty()) { long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String sqlRate = "select bo.clientMac,sum(bo.txFrameByteCount + bo.rxFrameByteCount) from " + AhClientStats.class.getSimpleName() + " bo where bo.timeStamp >= " + (curTime - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2); sqlRate = sqlRate + " and bo.timeStamp < " + curTime; sqlRate = sqlRate + " and bo.clientMac in (" + macLstBuffer.toString() + ")"; sqlRate = sqlRate + " group by bo.clientMac"; try { List<?> profilesRate = QueryUtil.executeQuery(sqlRate, null, null); for (Object oneObj : page) { AhClientSession asection = (AhClientSession) oneObj; if (asection.getClientChannel() <= 0) { asection.setLast2HourData(0); } else { for (Object oneSearch : profilesRate) { Object[] oneSearchDate = (Object[]) oneSearch; if (asection.getClientMac().equalsIgnoreCase(oneSearchDate[0].toString())) { asection.setLast2HourData(Long.parseLong(oneSearchDate[1].toString())); break; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("setLastHourDataUsage", "Set last hour data usage error.", e); } } } private void setMonitorStatus(List<?> page) { if (null == page) { return; } for (Object obj : page) { AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession) obj; String domainName = client.getOwner().getDomainName(); String clientMac = client.getClientMac(); Collection<ClientMonitor> debugs = clientDebugger.getRequests(domainName, clientMac); if (null != debugs && !debugs.isEmpty()) { client.setMonitoring(true); anyMonitoring = true; indent = 24; } } } public static void setUserTimeZone(List<?> page, String userTimeZone) { if (null == page) { return; } for (Object obj : page) { AhClientSession client = (AhClientSession) obj; client.setStartTimeZone(userTimeZone); client.setEndTimeZone(userTimeZone); } } /* * one client pagingCache object per session. */ protected ClientPagingCache getClientListCache() { ClientPagingCache clientPagingCache = (ClientPagingCache) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.CLIENT_PAGING_CACHE); if (clientPagingCache == null) { clientPagingCache = new ClientPagingCache(userContext); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.CLIENT_PAGING_CACHE, clientPagingCache); } return clientPagingCache; } /* * ID of table columns in list view */ public static final int COLUMN_MAC = 1; public static final int COLUMN_VENDOR = 2; public static final int COLUMN_IP = 3; public static final int COLUMN_HOSTNAME = 4; public static final int COLUMN_USERNAME = 5; public static final int COLUMN_SESSIONSTART = 6; public static final int COLUMN_APNAME = 7; public static final int COLUMN_APMAC = 8; public static final int COLUMN_SSID = 9; public static final int COLUMN_BSSID = 10; public static final int COLUMN_MACPROTOCOL = 11; public static final int COLUMN_VLAN = 12; public static final int COLUMN_USERPROFILEID = 13; public static final int COLUMN_CLIENTAUTH = 14; public static final int COLUMN_ENCRYPTION = 15; public static final int COLUMN_COMMENT1 = 16; public static final int COLUMN_COMMENT2 = 17; public static final int COLUMN_LOCATION = 18; public static final int COLUMN_CHANNEL = 19; public static final int COLUMN_HEALTH = 20; public static final int COLUMN_IFNAME = 21; public static final int COLUMN_OSINFO = 22; public static final int COLUMN_LASTHOUR_DATA = 23; public static final int COLUMN_USER_EMAIL = 24; public static final int COLUMN_USER_COMPANY = 25; public static final int COLUMN_CLIENT_RSSI = 26; public static final int COLUMN_CLIENT_SNR = 27; public static final int COLUMN_CLIENTTYPE = 28; public static final int COLUMN_NATIP = 29; public static final int COLUMN_ENROLLED = 30; /** * get the description of column by id * * @param id - * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ @Override public String getColumnDescription(int id) { String code = null; switch (id) { case COLUMN_MAC: code = "monitor.client.clientMac"; break; case COLUMN_VENDOR: code = "report.reportList.title.vendorName"; break; case COLUMN_IP: code = "monitor.client.clientIP"; break; case COLUMN_HOSTNAME: code = "monitor.client.clientHostname"; break; case COLUMN_USERNAME: code = "monitor.client.clientUserName"; break; case COLUMN_LOCATION: code = "monitor.client.clientLocation"; break; case COLUMN_SESSIONSTART: code = "monitor.client.startTime"; break; case COLUMN_APNAME: if (isWiredClientList()) { code = "monitor.client.deviceName"; } else { code = "monitor.client.apName"; } break; case COLUMN_APMAC: code = "monitor.client.associationAP"; break; case COLUMN_SSID: if (isWiredClientList()) { code = "monitor.client.ssid.lan"; } else { code = "monitor.client.ssid"; } break; case COLUMN_BSSID: code = "monitor.client.bssid"; break; case COLUMN_MACPROTOCOL: code = "monitor.client.associateMode"; break; case COLUMN_VLAN: code = "monitor.client.vlan"; break; case COLUMN_USERPROFILEID: code = "monitor.client.userProfileID"; break; case COLUMN_CLIENTAUTH: code = "monitor.client.clientAuth"; break; case COLUMN_ENCRYPTION: code = "monitor.client.encryption"; break; case COLUMN_COMMENT1: code = "monitor.client.comment1"; break; case COLUMN_COMMENT2: code = "monitor.client.comment2"; break; case COLUMN_CHANNEL: code = ""; break; case COLUMN_HEALTH: code = ""; break; case COLUMN_IFNAME: code = "monitor.client.ifName"; break; case COLUMN_OSINFO: code = "monitor.client.osInfo"; break; case COLUMN_LASTHOUR_DATA: code = "monitor.client.lastHourData"; break; case COLUMN_USER_EMAIL: code = ""; break; case COLUMN_USER_COMPANY: code = ""; break; case COLUMN_CLIENT_RSSI: code = "monitor.client.rssi"; break; case COLUMN_CLIENT_SNR: code = "monitor.client.snr"; break; case COLUMN_CLIENTTYPE: code = "monitor.client.type"; break; case COLUMN_NATIP: code = "monitor.client.clientNatIP"; break; case COLUMN_ENROLLED: code = "monitor.enrolled.client.managed"; } return MgrUtil.getUserMessage(code); } @Override protected List<HmTableColumn> getInitSelectedColumns() { List<HmTableColumn> columns = new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(18); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_HEALTH)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_MAC)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_IP)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_NATIP)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_HOSTNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USERNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_OSINFO)); if (!isEasyMode()) { //columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USER_EMAIL)); //columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USER_COMPANY)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_LOCATION)); // not show on wired client list } } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_VLAN)); if ("all".equals(listType)) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENTTYPE)); } if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_LASTHOUR_DATA)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_SESSIONSTART)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_APNAME)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENT_RSSI)); // not show on wired client list columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENT_SNR)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_SSID)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_IFNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENTAUTH)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CHANNEL)); // not show on wired client list } /*columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_COMMENT1)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_COMMENT2));*/ return columns; } @Override protected List<HmTableColumn> getDefaultSelectedColums() { List<HmTableColumn> columns = new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(28); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_HEALTH)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_MAC)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_VENDOR)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_IP)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_NATIP)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_HOSTNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USERNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_OSINFO)); if (!isEasyMode()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USER_EMAIL)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USER_COMPANY)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_LOCATION)); // not show on wired client list } } if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_LASTHOUR_DATA)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_SESSIONSTART)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_APNAME)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_APMAC)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENT_RSSI)); // not show on wired client list columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENT_SNR)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_SSID)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_IFNAME)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_BSSID)); // not show on wired client list columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_MACPROTOCOL)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_VLAN)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_USERPROFILEID)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENTAUTH)); if (!isWiredClientList()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_ENCRYPTION)); // not show on wired client list columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CHANNEL)); // not show on wired client list } columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_COMMENT1)); columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_COMMENT2)); if ("all".equals(listType)) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_CLIENTTYPE)); } // if (!isWiredClientList() && getEnableClientManagement()) { if (!isWiredClientList() && isFullMode()) { columns.add(new HmTableColumn(COLUMN_ENROLLED)); } return columns; } public String getFilter() { if (null == filter) { filter = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_CURRENT_FILTER); } return filter; } public void setFilter(String filter) { this.filter = filter; } public String getFilterName() { return filterName; } public void setFilterName(String filterName) { this.filterName = filterName; } private void resetFilterParams() throws Exception { // get active clients //filterParams = new FilterParams("connectstate", // AhClientSession.CONNECT_STATE_UP); filterParams = null; setSessionFiltering(); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_CURRENT_FILTER); } public List<String> getFilterList() { // Map<String, List> filterMap = (Map<String, List>) MgrUtil // .getSessionAttribute(MANAGED_ACTIVECLIENT_FILTERS); // if (null != filterMap) { // return new ArrayList<String>(filterMap.keySet()); // } // return new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> filterMap = (List<String>) QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select filterName from " + ActiveClientFilter.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("userName", getUserContext().getUserName()), domainId); // order by name Collections.sort(filterMap, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); } }); return filterMap; } private final int DEAUTH_CLIENT_ALL = 1; private final int DEAUTH_CLIENT_SELECTED = 2; private int deauthCacheSelect; private int deauthClientSelect = DEAUTH_CLIENT_SELECTED; private final int DEAUTH_CACHE_ALL = 1; private final int DEAUTH_CACHE_LOCAL = 2; private final int DEAUTH_CACHE_ROAMING = 3; // private final int DEAUTH_CACHE_STATION = 4; public EnumItem[] getDeauthCacheSelectList() { return MgrUtil.enumItems("enum.activeClient.deauth.cache.", new int[] { DEAUTH_CACHE_ALL, DEAUTH_CACHE_LOCAL, DEAUTH_CACHE_ROAMING }); } public EnumItem[] getDeauthClientSelectList() { return MgrUtil.enumItems("enum.activeClient.deauth.clientMac.", new int[] { DEAUTH_CLIENT_ALL, DEAUTH_CLIENT_SELECTED }); } /** * deauth all clients from AP * * @return - */ private boolean deauthAllClients() { List<SimpleHiveAp> list = cacheMgmt.getManagedApList(getDomainId()); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { log.warning("deauthAllClients", "Deauth all clients, but there are no managed APs"); return true; } // cli array String[] clis = null; if (clearCache) { switch (deauthCacheSelect) { case DEAUTH_CACHE_LOCAL: { clis = new String[1]; clis[0] = "clear auth local-cache" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; break; } case DEAUTH_CACHE_ROAMING: { clis = new String[2]; clis[0] = "clear auth roaming-cache hive-neighbors" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[1] = "clear auth roaming-cache" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; break; } case DEAUTH_CACHE_ALL: { clis = new String[4]; clis[0] = "clear auth local-cache" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[1] = "clear auth roaming-cache hive-neighbors" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[2] = "clear auth roaming-cache" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[3] = "clear auth station" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; break; } default: break; } } else { // just deauth clis = new String[1]; clis[0] = "clear auth station" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; } /** * send clis to all ap */ for (SimpleHiveAp ap : list) { boolean isSuccess = sendCliRequest(ap, clis); if (!isSuccess) { return false; } } return true; } /** * key: AhCurrentClientSession.getClientMac<br> * value: SimpleHiveAp */ private final Map<String, SimpleHiveAp> clientAPMap = new HashMap<String, SimpleHiveAp>(); private final Map<String, SimpleHiveAp> clientSimpleAPMapMDM = new HashMap<String, SimpleHiveAp>(); private final Map<String, String> mapClisMDM = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * key: hiveprofile ID<br> * value: ap list */ private final Map<BigInteger, List<SimpleHiveAp>> hiveAPMap = new HashMap<BigInteger, List<SimpleHiveAp>>(); /** * key: ap Mac<br> * value: hive profile ID */ private final Map<String, BigInteger> apHiveIDMap = new HashMap<String, BigInteger>(); /** * create cache for deauth * * @param ids - */ private void createCache4Deauth(List<Long> ids) { try { // String where = "macAddress = :s1 AND manageStatus = :s2"; // Object[] values = new Object[2]; for (Long clientID : ids) { // 1. get client obj // AhClientSession client = findBoById(AhClientSession.class, clientID); //there is different than before ,please check AhClientSession client = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, clientID); if (client == null) { continue; } // 2. get ap obj // values[0] = client.getApMac(); // values[1] = HiveAp.STATUS_MANAGED; // List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveAp.class, null, // new FilterParams(where, values)); // if (list.isEmpty()) // { // continue; // } // HiveAp ap = (HiveAp) list.get(0); SimpleHiveAp ap = cacheMgmt.getSimpleHiveAp(client.getApMac()); if (ap == null || ap.getManageStatus() != HiveAp.STATUS_MANAGED) { continue; } // cache client->ap clientAPMap.put(client.getClientMac(), ap); // 3. get hiveID, // 'apHiveIDMap' for reduce request counts with DB BigInteger hiveID; if (apHiveIDMap.containsKey(ap.getMacAddress())) { hiveID = apHiveIDMap.get(ap.getMacAddress()); } else { List<?> listHiveID = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery( "select b.hive_profile_id from hive_ap a,config_template b where and a.macAddress='" + ap.getMacAddress() + "'"); if (listHiveID.isEmpty()) { continue; } hiveID = (BigInteger) listHiveID.get(0); apHiveIDMap.put(ap.getMacAddress(), hiveID); } // 4. cache hive ID-> ap list if (hiveAPMap.containsKey(hiveID)) { List<SimpleHiveAp> apList = hiveAPMap.get(hiveID); apList.add(ap); } else { List<SimpleHiveAp> apList = new ArrayList<SimpleHiveAp>(); apList.add(ap); hiveAPMap.put(hiveID, apList); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("createCache4Deauth", "catch exception", e); } } /** * deauth clients * * @param ids - * @return - */ private boolean deauthClient(List<Long> ids) { createCache4Deauth(ids); if (!clearCache) { // just deauth for (String clientMac : clientAPMap.keySet()) { String[] clis = new String[1]; clis[0] = "clear auth station mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; if (!sendCliRequest(clientAPMap.get(clientMac), clis)) { return false; } } } else { for (String clientMac : clientAPMap.keySet()) { switch (deauthCacheSelect) { case DEAUTH_CACHE_LOCAL: { String[] clis = new String[2]; clis[0] = "clear auth station mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[1] = "clear auth local-cache mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; if (!sendCliRequest(clientAPMap.get(clientMac), clis)) { return false; } break; } case DEAUTH_CACHE_ROAMING: { String[] clis = new String[1]; clis[0] = "clear auth station mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; if (!sendCliRequest(clientAPMap.get(clientMac), clis)) { return false; } if (!deauthRoaming(clientMac)) { return false; } break; } case DEAUTH_CACHE_ALL: { String[] clis = new String[2]; clis[0] = "clear auth station mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[1] = "clear auth local-cache mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; if (!sendCliRequest(clientAPMap.get(clientMac), clis)) { return false; } if (!deauthRoaming(clientMac)) { return false; } break; } default: break; } } } return true; } /** * clear roaming cache special<br> * we need clear roaming cache on all ap in the same Hive * * @param clientMac - * @return - */ private boolean deauthRoaming(String clientMac) { //mark: add 'hive_neighbors' in another cli, this key only supported by 3.4 and later version AP, //for avoiding chech the version of ap, we add this item at the tail. String[] clis = new String[2]; clis[0] = "clear auth roaming-cache mac " + clientMac + " hive-neighbors" + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; clis[1] = "clear auth roaming-cache mac " + clientMac + AH_CLI_SUFFIX; List<?> listHiveID = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery( "select b.hive_profile_id from hive_ap a,config_template b where and a.macAddress='" + clientAPMap.get(clientMac).getMacAddress() + "'"); if (listHiveID.isEmpty()) { log.error("deauthRoaming", "Can't query valid hive_profile id from DB"); return false; } BigInteger hiveID = (BigInteger) listHiveID.get(0); List<SimpleHiveAp> list = hiveAPMap.get(hiveID); for (SimpleHiveAp hiveap : list) { if (!sendCliRequest(hiveap, clis)) { return false; } } return true; } private static final int TIMEOUT_CLI = 35; // second /** * send cli request * * @param ap - * @param clis - * @return - */ private boolean sendCliRequest(SimpleHiveAp ap, String[] clis) { try { BeCliEvent c_event = new BeCliEvent(); c_event.setSimpleHiveAp(ap); c_event.setClis(clis); c_event.setSequenceNum(HmBeCommunicationUtil.getSequenceNumber()); // c_event.setCliData(new BeCapwapCliEvent(clis, // HmBeCommunicationUtil // .getSequenceNumber()).buildPacket()); c_event.buildPacket(); int serialNum = HmBeCommunicationUtil.sendRequest(c_event, TIMEOUT_CLI); return (serialNum != BeCommunicationConstant.SERIALNUM_SENDREQUESTFAILED); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sendCliRequest", "Communication closed or build packet error.", e); return false; } } public String getSelectedClientIDStr() { return selectedClientIDStr; } public void setSelectedClientIDStr(String selectedClientIDStr) { this.selectedClientIDStr = selectedClientIDStr; } public boolean isSelectAll() { return selectAll; } public void setSelectAll(boolean isSelectAll) { this.selectAll = isSelectAll; } public int getDeauthCacheSelect() { return deauthCacheSelect; } public void setDeauthCacheSelect(int deauthCacheSelect) { this.deauthCacheSelect = deauthCacheSelect; } public int getDeauthClientSelect() { return deauthClientSelect; } public void setDeauthClientSelect(int deauthClientSelect) { this.deauthClientSelect = deauthClientSelect; } public boolean isClearCache() { return clearCache; } public void setClearCache(boolean isClearCache) { this.clearCache = isClearCache; } // public String getFilterVHM() { // return filterVHM; // } // // public void setFilterVHM(String filterVHM) { // this.filterVHM = filterVHM; // } public AhClientSession getActiveClient() { return activeClient; } public void setActiveClient(AhClientSession activeClient) { this.activeClient = activeClient; } public Long getFilterMap() { return filterMap; } public void setFilterMap(Long filterMap) { this.filterMap = filterMap; } public String getEditComment1() { return editComment1; } public void setEditComment1(String editComment1) { this.editComment1 = editComment1; } public String getEditComment2() { return editComment2; } public void setEditComment2(String editComment2) { this.editComment2 = editComment2; } public String getEditHostName() { return editHostName; } public void setEditHostName(String editHostName) { this.editHostName = editHostName; } public String getEditIP() { return editIP; } public void setEditIP(String editIP) { this.editIP = editIP; } public String getEditUserName() { return editUserName; } public void setEditUserName(String editUserName) { this.editUserName = editUserName; } public boolean isFlagEditComment1() { return flagEditComment1; } public void setFlagEditComment1(boolean flagEditComment1) { this.flagEditComment1 = flagEditComment1; } public boolean isFlagEditComment2() { return flagEditComment2; } public void setFlagEditComment2(boolean flagEditComment2) { this.flagEditComment2 = flagEditComment2; } public boolean isFlagEditHostName() { return flagEditHostName; } public void setFlagEditHostName(boolean flagEditHostName) { this.flagEditHostName = flagEditHostName; } public boolean getFlagEditIP() { return flagEditIP; } public void setFlagEditIP(boolean flagEditIP) { this.flagEditIP = flagEditIP; } public boolean getFlagEditUserName() { return flagEditUserName; } public void setFlagEditUserName(boolean flagEditUserName) { this.flagEditUserName = flagEditUserName; } public void setFilterMaps(List<CheckItem> filterMaps) { this.filterMaps = filterMaps; } // public boolean isFlagClearEdit() { // return flagClearEdit; // } // // public void setFlagClearEdit(boolean flagClearEdit) { // this.flagClearEdit = flagClearEdit; // } public String getAssociationApId() { return associationApId; } public String getFilterClientHostName() { return filterClientHostName; } public void setFilterClientHostName(String filterClientHostName) { this.filterClientHostName = filterClientHostName; } public String getFilterClientIP() { return filterClientIP; } public void setFilterClientIP(String filterClientIP) { this.filterClientIP = filterClientIP; } public String getFilterClientUserName() { return filterClientUserName; } public void setFilterClientUserName(String filterClientUserName) { this.filterClientUserName = filterClientUserName; } public int getCacheId() { return cacheId; } public void setCacheId(int cacheId) { this.cacheId = cacheId; } public boolean getDisableAddToWatchList() { long locationWatchListSize = QueryUtil.findRowCount(LocationClientWatch.class, new FilterParams(" AND defaultFlag=:s2", new Object[] { getDomainId(), false })); return locationWatchListSize <= 0; } public List<LocationClientWatch> getLocationWatchList() { try { return QueryUtil.executeQuery(LocationClientWatch.class, null, new FilterParams("defaultFlag", false), getDomainId()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getLocationWatchList", "query location client watch list catch exception", e); } return new ArrayList<LocationClientWatch>(0); } public boolean getDisableAddToComputerCartList() { long size = QueryUtil.findRowCount(TvComputerCart.class, new FilterParams("", getDomainId())); return size <= 0; } public List<TvComputerCart> getComputerCartList() { try { return QueryUtil.executeQuery(TvComputerCart.class, null, null, getDomainId()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getComputerCartList", "catch exception", e); } return new ArrayList<TvComputerCart>(0); } public String getClientWatchName() { return clientWatchName; } public void setClientWatchName(String clientWatchName) { this.clientWatchName = clientWatchName; } public String getSelectedClientsMac() { return selectedClientsMac; } public void setSelectedClientsMac(String selectedClientsMac) { this.selectedClientsMac = selectedClientsMac; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_totalData() { return client_trans_totalData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_beData() { return client_trans_beData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_bgData() { return client_trans_bgData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_viData() { return client_trans_viData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_voData() { return client_trans_voData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_mgtData() { return client_trans_mgtData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_unicastData() { return client_trans_unicastData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_dataOctets() { return client_trans_dataOctets; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_lastrate() { return client_trans_lastrate; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_totalData() { return client_rec_totalData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_mgtData() { return client_rec_mgtData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_unicastData() { return client_rec_unicastData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_multicastData() { return client_rec_multicastData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_broadcastData() { return client_rec_broadcastData; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_micfailures() { return client_rec_micfailures; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_dataOctets() { return client_rec_dataOctets; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_lastrate() { return client_rec_lastrate; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rssi() { return client_rssi; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_signal_to_noise() { return client_signal_to_noise; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_sla() { return client_sla; } // public List<CheckItem> getClient_actualSla() { // return client_actualSla; // } public String getSwf() { return swf; } public void setSwf(String swf) { this.swf = swf; } public String getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } public String getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public String getApplication() { return application; } public void setApplication(String application) { this.application = application; } public String getBgcolor() { return bgcolor; } public void setBgcolor(String bgcolor) { this.bgcolor = bgcolor; } public AhAssociation getOneAssociation() { return oneAssociation; } public void setOneAssociation(AhAssociation oneAssociation) { this.oneAssociation = oneAssociation; } public String getClientAuthMethodString() { return clientAuthMethodString; } public String getClientEncryptionMethodString() { return clientEncryptionMethodString; } public String getClientCWPUsedString() { return clientCWPUsedString; } public String getClientBSSID() { return clientBSSID; } public String getClientVLAN() { return clientVLAN; } public String getClientChannel() { return clientChannel; } public List<CheckItem> getClientRefreshFilterList() { List<?> filters = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select, bo.filterName from " + ActiveClientFilter.class.getSimpleName() + " bo", new SortParams("id"), null, getDomainId()); List<CheckItem> filterList = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); for (Object obj : filters) { Object[] filter = (Object[]) obj; CheckItem checkItem = new CheckItem((Long) filter[0], (String) filter[1]); filterList.add(checkItem); } return filterList; } public Long getClientRefreshFilter() { return clientRefreshFilter; } public void setClientRefreshFilter(Long clientRefreshFilter) { this.clientRefreshFilter = clientRefreshFilter; } public String getClientRefreshFlag() { return clientRefreshFlag; } public void setClientRefreshFlag(String clientRefreshFlag) { this.clientRefreshFlag = clientRefreshFlag; } public int getClientRefreshInterval() { return clientRefreshInterval; } public void setClientRefreshInterval(int clientRefreshInterval) { this.clientRefreshInterval = clientRefreshInterval; } public boolean isDisableClientRefresh() { return disableClientRefresh; } public void setDisableClientRefresh(boolean disableClientRefresh) { this.disableClientRefresh = disableClientRefresh; } public String getUserName() { return userName; } public void setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_drop() { return client_rec_drop; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_drop() { return client_trans_drop; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_bandwidth() { return client_bandwidth; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_slacount() { return client_slacount; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_rec_airTime() { return client_rec_airTime; } public List<CheckItem> getClient_trans_airTime() { return client_trans_airTime; } public List<String> getClient_rec_rateTypeList() { return client_rec_rateTypeList; } public List<String> getClient_rec_dateTimeList() { return client_rec_dateTimeList; } public List<String> getClient_trans_rateTypeList() { return client_trans_rateTypeList; } public List<String> getClient_trans_dateTimeList() { return client_trans_dateTimeList; } public Map<String, List<CheckItem>> getClient_rec_rate_dis() { return client_rec_rate_dis; } public List<TextItem> getClient_rec_rate_succ_dis() { return client_rec_rate_succ_dis; } public Map<String, List<CheckItem>> getClient_trans_rate_dis() { return client_trans_rate_dis; } public List<TextItem> getClient_trans_rate_succ_dis() { return client_trans_rate_succ_dis; } public List<AhClientStats> getNewReportDataList() { return newReportDataList; } public String convertRateToM(int rateValue) { if (rateValue % 1000 == 0) { return String.valueOf(rateValue / 1000); } else { return String.valueOf(((float) rateValue) / 1000); } } /** * @return the client_score */ public List<CheckItem> getClient_score() { return client_score; } public String getSelectedClientsName() { return selectedClientsName; } public void setSelectedClientsName(String selectedClientsName) { this.selectedClientsName = selectedClientsName; } /** * @return the clientRadioScore */ public int getClientRadioScore() { return clientRadioScore; } /** * @param clientRadioScore the clientRadioScore to set */ public void setClientRadioScore(int clientRadioScore) { this.clientRadioScore = clientRadioScore; } /** * @return the clientIpNetworkScore */ public int getClientIpNetworkScore() { return clientIpNetworkScore; } /** * @param clientIpNetworkScore the clientIpNetworkScore to set */ public void setClientIpNetworkScore(int clientIpNetworkScore) { this.clientIpNetworkScore = clientIpNetworkScore; } /** * @return the clientApplicationScore */ public int getClientApplicationScore() { return clientApplicationScore; } /** * @param clientApplicationScore the clientApplicationScore to set */ public void setClientApplicationScore(int clientApplicationScore) { this.clientApplicationScore = clientApplicationScore; } /** * @return the client_radio_score */ public List<CheckItem> getClient_radio_score() { return client_radio_score; } /** * @return the client_ipnetwork_score */ public List<CheckItem> getClient_ipnetwork_score() { return client_ipnetwork_score; } /** * @return the client_application_score */ public List<CheckItem> getClient_application_score() { return client_application_score; } /** * @return the clientOsInfo */ public String getClientOsInfo() { return clientOsInfo; } public String getUserEmail() { return userEmail; } public String getUserCompany() { return userCompany; } // /** // * @return the client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis // */ // public List<TextItem> getClient_trans_total_rate_succ_dis() { // return client_trans_total_rate_succ_dis; // } // // /** // * @return the client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis // */ // public List<TextItem> getClient_rec_total_rate_succ_dis() { // return client_rec_total_rate_succ_dis; // } /** * wired/wireless/both */ private String listType = "all"; private String pageFrom; public String getPageFrom() { return pageFrom; } public void setPageFrom(String pageFrom) { this.pageFrom = pageFrom; } public String getListType() { return listType; } public void setListType(String listType) { this.listType = listType; } public boolean isWiredClientList() { return "wired".equals(getListType()); } public boolean isWirelessClientList() { return "wireless".equals(getListType()); } public boolean isWiredClient() { return "wired".equals(getListType()); } private void setCurrentListType() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "ListType"; String lstType = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); if (lstType == null || "".equals(lstType)) return; if (getListType() != null && !"".equals(getListType()) && ((!getListType().equals(lstType) && !("search".equals(operation) && !isBlnInnerSearch())) || null == operation || "view".equals(operation))) { //remove previous sort and filter MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Filtering", null); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Sorting", null); } } private String getSessionListType() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "ListType"; return (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); } private boolean blnInnerSearch; public boolean isBlnInnerSearch() { return blnInnerSearch; } public void setBlnInnerSearch(boolean blnInnerSearch) { this.blnInnerSearch = blnInnerSearch; } public String getFilterClientOsInfo() { return filterClientOsInfo; } public void setFilterClientOsInfo(String filterClientOsInfo) { this.filterClientOsInfo = filterClientOsInfo; } public int getFilterClientVLAN() { return filterClientVLAN; } public void setFilterClientVLAN(int filterClientVLAN) { this.filterClientVLAN = filterClientVLAN; } public int getFilterClientUserProfId() { return filterClientUserProfId; } public void setFilterClientUserProfId(int filterClientUserProfId) { this.filterClientUserProfId = filterClientUserProfId; } public int getFilterClientChannel() { return filterClientChannel; } public void setFilterClientChannel(int filterClientChannel) { this.filterClientChannel = filterClientChannel; } public byte getFilterOverallClientHealth() { return filterOverallClientHealth; } public void setFilterOverallClientHealth(byte filterOverallClientHealth) { this.filterOverallClientHealth = filterOverallClientHealth; } public boolean showEnrollStatus(List<Long> clientIDs) { prepareMDMData(clientIDs); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(""); try { if (!clientSimpleAPMapMDM.isEmpty()) { if (clientSimpleAPMapMDM.size() == 1) { for (String mac : clientSimpleAPMapMDM.keySet()) { String msg; SimpleHiveAp ap = clientSimpleAPMapMDM.get(mac); if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(ap.getSoftVer(), "") >= 0 && ap.getHiveApModel() != HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100 && ap.getHiveApModel() != HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR200 && ap.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { BeCommunicationEvent result = sendSyncCliRequest(clientSimpleAPMapMDM.get(mac), new String[] { AhCliFactory.getEnrollStatusCli(formatMac(mac)) }, BeCliEvent.CLITYPE_NORMAL, BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_CLI_TIMEOUT_MAX / 1000); if (null == result) { msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.cli.obj.buildRequest"); } else { msg = parseResult(result); } } else { msg = "device " + formatMac(mac) + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.mdm.object.lowversion", ""); } if (null != msg) { jsonObject.put("msg", msg); return true; } } } else { List<String> notSupportClientMac = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String mac : clientSimpleAPMapMDM.keySet()) { SimpleHiveAp ap = clientSimpleAPMapMDM.get(mac); if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(ap.getSoftVer(), "") < 0 || ap.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100 || ap.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR200 || ap.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { notSupportClientMac.add(mac); } } for (String mac : notSupportClientMac) { mapClisMDM.remove(mac); } List<BeCommunicationEvent> resultList = sendGroupSyncCliRequests(mapClisMDM, BeCliEvent.CLITYPE_NORMAL, BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_CLI_TIMEOUT_MAX / 1000); if (null == resultList) { String msg = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.cli.obj.buildRequest"); content.append(getSeparator()).append(msg).append(getBr()); jsonObject.put("err", msg); return false; } else { for (BeCommunicationEvent be : resultList) { String msg = parseResult(be); if (null != msg) { content.append(msg).append(getBr()); } } for (String mac : notSupportClientMac) { String msg = "device " + formatMac(mac) + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.mdm.object.lowversion", ""); content.append(msg).append(getBr()); } jsonObject.put("msg", content.toString()); return true; } } } else { jsonObject.put("err", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.mdm.object.notfind")); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("showEnrollStatus", "catch build packet exception", e); } return false; } private void prepareMDMData(List<Long> clientIDs) { try { for (Long clientID : clientIDs) { AhClientSession client = DBOperationUtil.findBoById(AhClientSession.class, clientID); if (client == null) { continue; } SimpleHiveAp ap = cacheMgmt.getSimpleHiveAp(client.getApMac()); if (ap == null || ap.getManageStatus() != HiveAp.STATUS_MANAGED) { continue; } clientSimpleAPMapMDM.put(client.getClientMac(), ap); mapClisMDM.put(client.getClientMac(), AhCliFactory.getEnrollStatusCli(formatMac(client.getClientMac()))); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("prepareMDMData", "catch exception", e); } } private List<BeCommunicationEvent> sendGroupSyncCliRequests(Map<String, String> cliMap, byte cliType, int timeout) { List<BeCliEvent> requests = new ArrayList<BeCliEvent>(); List<BeCommunicationEvent> responses = new ArrayList<BeCommunicationEvent>(); try { for (String mac : cliMap.keySet()) { String[] clis = new String[1]; clis[0] = cliMap.get(mac); BeCliEvent cliRequest = getCliEvent(clientSimpleAPMapMDM.get(mac), clis, cliType); requests.add(cliRequest); } if (!requests.isEmpty()) { responses = HmBeCommunicationUtil.sendSyncGroupRequest(requests, timeout); } return responses; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sendGroupSyncCliRequests", "catch build packet exception", e); return null; } } public BeCommunicationEvent sendSyncCliRequest(SimpleHiveAp hiveAp, String[] clis, byte cliType, int timeout) { try { BeCliEvent cliRequest = getCliEvent(hiveAp, clis, cliType); return HmBeCommunicationUtil.sendSyncRequest(cliRequest, timeout); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sendSyncCliRequest", "catch build packet exception", e); return null; } } public BeCliEvent getCliEvent(SimpleHiveAp hiveAp, String[] clis, byte cliType) throws BeCommunicationEncodeException { BeCliEvent cliRequest = new BeCliEvent(); int sequenceNum = HmBeCommunicationUtil.getSequenceNumber(); cliRequest.setSimpleHiveAp(hiveAp); cliRequest.setClis(clis); cliRequest.setCliType(cliType); cliRequest.setSequenceNum(sequenceNum); cliRequest.buildPacket(); return cliRequest; } private String parseResult(BeCommunicationEvent result) throws Exception { return BeTopoModuleUtil.parseCliRequestResultForShow(result); } private String getBr() { return "\n\n\n\n"; } private String getSeparator() { return "----------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } private String formatMac(String mac) { if (mac != null && !"".equals(mac)) { StringBuilder tempBuffer = new StringBuilder(mac.length()); for (int i = 0; i < mac.length(); i++) { if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0) { tempBuffer.append(":"); } tempBuffer.append(mac.charAt(i)); } return tempBuffer.toString(); } return null; } public String getSnr() { return snr; } public void setSnr(String snr) { this.snr = snr; } private void appendContentToFile(String os_type, String os_option55) { String exportFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt"; String exportFilePath = AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + exportFileName; HmDomain gDomain = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HmDomain.class, "domainName", HmDomain.GLOBAL_DOMAIN); StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); content.append("OS=" + os_type); content.append("\r\n"); content.append(os_option55); content.append("\r\n"); content.append("END"); content.append("\r\n"); String temp = ""; try { File file = new File(exportFilePath); if (!(file.exists())) { String defaultFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints_default.txt"; String defaultFilePath = AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + defaultFileName; file = new File(defaultFilePath); if (!(file.exists())) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.fileNotExist")); return; } } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((temp = br.readLine()) != null) { list.add(temp); } OsVersion osVersion = null; if (userContext.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(HmUser.ADMIN_USER)) { osVersion = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(OsVersion.class, "option55", client_os_option55, gDomain.getId()); } else { osVersion = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(OsVersion.class, "option55", client_os_option55, getDomainId()); } if (osVersion == null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { buf.append(list.get(i)); buf.append("\r\n"); if (list.get(i).toString().startsWith(ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR)) { buf.append(content); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).toString().startsWith(os_option55)) { for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j--) { if (list.get(j).toString().startsWith("OS=")) { list.set(j, "OS=" + os_type); break; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { buf.append(list.get(i)); buf.append("\r\n"); } } br.close(); file = new File(exportFilePath); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos); pw.write(buf.toString().toCharArray()); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.fileNotExist")); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void deleteContentFromFile(String os_option55) { String exportFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt"; String exportFilePath = AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + exportFileName; String temp = ""; try { File file = new File(exportFilePath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (file.exists()) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((temp = br.readLine()) != null) { list.add(temp); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).startsWith(os_option55)) { for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j--) { if (list.get(j).startsWith("OS=")) { list.remove(j); i = i - 1; break; } } for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j++) { if (list.get(j).startsWith("END")) { list.remove(j); break; } } list.remove(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { buf.append(list.get(i)); buf.append("\r\n"); } br.close(); file = new File(exportFilePath); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos); pw.write(buf.toString().toCharArray()); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.fileNotExist")); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getDisplayInHomeDomain() { if (HmUser.ADMIN_USER.equals(getUserContext().getUserName())) { return ""; } return "none"; } public void updateFileVersion() { String exportFileName = "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt"; String exportFilePath = AhDirTools.getOsDetectionDir() + exportFileName; String temp = ""; try { String version = NmsUtil.getOSOptionFileVersion(exportFilePath); BigDecimal b1 = new BigDecimal(version); BigDecimal b2 = new BigDecimal("0.1"); float fVer = b1.add(b2).floatValue(); String versionStr = ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR + String.valueOf(fVer) + "\r\n"; File file = new File(exportFilePath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; (temp = br.readLine()) != null && !(temp.startsWith(ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR)); i++) { buf = buf.append(temp); buf = buf.append("\r\n"); } buf = buf.append(versionStr); while ((temp = br.readLine()) != null) { buf = buf.append(temp); buf = buf.append("\r\n"); } br.close(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos); pw.write(buf.toString().toCharArray()); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** case when position('eth' in ifname) > 0 then case when position('/' in ifname) > 0 then 'eth1/' || lpad(substring(ifname from position('/' in ifname) + 1), 3, '0') else 'eth' || lpad(substring(ifname from 4), 3, '0') end when position('agg' in ifname) > 0 then 'agg' || lpad(substring(ifname from 4), 3, '0') end * * e.g: * eth1 -> eth001 * eth1/1 -> eth1/001, eth1/11 -> eth1/011 * agg1 -> agg001, agg64 -> agg064 * */ @Override protected void updateSortParams() { super.updateSortParams(); // fix bug 23296 if ("ifName".equals(orderBy)) { StringBuffer orderByStr = new StringBuffer(); orderByStr.append(" case when position('eth' in ifName) > 0 then"); orderByStr.append(" case when position('/' in ifName) > 0 then"); orderByStr.append( " 'eth1/' || lpad(substring(ifName from position('/' in ifName) + 1), 3, '0')"); orderByStr.append(" else"); orderByStr.append(" 'eth' || lpad(substring(ifName from 4), 3, '0')"); orderByStr.append(" end"); orderByStr.append(" when position('agg' in ifName) > 0 then"); orderByStr.append(" 'agg' || lpad(substring(ifName from 4), 3, '0')"); orderByStr.append(" else"); orderByStr.append(" ifName"); orderByStr.append(" end"); //System.out.println("======>order by " + orderByStr.toString()); sortParams.setOrderBy(orderByStr.toString()); // set primary sort column sortParams.setPrimaryOrderBy("apMac"); sortParams.setPrimaryAscending(true); } else { sortParams.setPrimaryOrderBy(null); sortParams.setPrimaryAscending(false); } } public List<ClientTsInfo> clientTsinfo = null; public String tids; public List<Integer> getTidNumber() { if (tids != null && tids.length() > 0) { String[] ids = tids.split(","); List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<Integer>(ids.length); for (String str_id : ids) { idList.add(Integer.valueOf(str_id)); } return idList; } return null; } public String getTids() { return tids; } public void setTids(String tids) { this.tids = tids; } public List<ClientTsInfo> getClientTsinfo() { return clientTsinfo; } public void setClientTsinfo(List<ClientTsInfo> clientTsinfo) { this.clientTsinfo = clientTsinfo; } private List<ClientTsInfo> getResultMessage(String message) throws Exception { // message = "station 0022:5800:ccbb:<br />AC: BE<br />ADMCTL: Disable<br /><br />AC: BK<br />ADMCTL: Disable<br /><br />AC: Vi<br />ADMCTL: Enable<br />Ts Info Tid: 6<br />direction: BIDI<br />min_data_rate: 0<br />mean_data_rate: 360000<br />peak_data_rate: 0 <br />inactivity_interval: 0<br />suspension_interval: 0 <br />service_start_time: 0 <br />min_phy_rate: 6500000 <br />medium_time: 2776 <br />dot1Dtag: 4 <br />psb: 0 <br /><br /><br />AC: Vo<br />ADMCTL: Enable<br />Ts Info Tid: 3<br />direction: BIDI<br />min_data_rate: 0<br />mean_data_rate: 83200<br />peak_data_rate: 0 <br />inactivity_interval: 0<br />suspension_interval: 0 <br />service_start_time: 0 <br />min_phy_rate: 6500000 <br />medium_time: 905 <br />dot1Dtag: 6 <br />psb: 0 <br /><br /><br /><br />"; List<ClientTsInfo> array = new ArrayList<ClientTsInfo>(); if (message.startsWith(ClientTsInfo.STATION)) { String[] section = message.split("<br /><br />"); for (int i = 0; i < section.length; i++) { String[] tmpObj = section[i].split("<br />"); ClientTsInfo object = new ClientTsInfo(); for (int s = 0; s < tmpObj.length; s++) { if (tmpObj[s] != null && tmpObj[s] != "") { String msg = null; String[] tmp = null; if (tmpObj[s].indexOf(":") > 0 && tmpObj[s].indexOf(" ") > 0) { if (tmpObj[s].indexOf(ClientTsInfo.TID) > 0) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 3) { msg = tmp[3]; object.setTid(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.ADMCTL)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { msg = tmp[1]; object.setAdmctl(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.AC)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { msg = tmp[1]; object.setAc(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.UP_DOT1DTAG)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { msg = tmp[1]; object.setUp(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.PSB)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { if (NumberUtils.isNumber(tmp[1])) { switch (Short.valueOf(tmp[1])) { case 0: { msg = ClientTsInfo.UP_LEGACY; break; } case 1: { msg = ClientTsInfo.UP_UAPSD; break; } } } object.setPsb(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.DIRECTION)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { if (tmp[1].equalsIgnoreCase(ClientTsInfo.DIRECTION_BIDI)) { msg = ClientTsInfo.DIRECTION_BI_DIRECTION; } else if (tmp[1].equalsIgnoreCase(ClientTsInfo.UP)) { msg = ClientTsInfo.DIRECTION_UPLINK; } else { msg = ClientTsInfo.DIRECTION_DOWNLINK; } object.setDirection(msg); } } if (tmpObj[s].startsWith(ClientTsInfo.MEDIUM_TIME)) { tmp = tmpObj[s].split(" "); if (tmp.length > 1) { msg = tmp[1]; object.setMediumTime(msg); } } } } } if (object != null && object.getTid() != null) { array.add(object); } } } Collections.sort(array, new Comparator<ClientTsInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ClientTsInfo o1, ClientTsInfo o2) { return Integer.parseInt(o1.getTid()) - Integer.parseInt(o2.getTid()); } }); return array; } // fnr add for enrolled client detail information begin private boolean enableClientManagementAndEnrolled = false; private EnrolledClientDetail enrolledClientDetail; private EnrolledClientNetworkInfo enrolledClientNetworkInfo; private List<EnrolledClientScanResultItem> enrolledClientScanResultList; private List<EnrolledClientProfileItem> enrolledClientProfileList; private List<EnrolledClientCertificateItem> enrolledClientCertificateList; private List<EnrolledClientActivityLogItem> enrolledClientActivityLogList; private String currentCustomId; private String currentDeMacAddress; private String acmUrlSuffix; public boolean isEnableClientManagementAndEnrolled() { return enableClientManagementAndEnrolled; } public void setEnableClientManagementAndEnrolled(boolean enableClientManagementAndEnrolled) { this.enableClientManagementAndEnrolled = enableClientManagementAndEnrolled; } public EnrolledClientDetail getEnrolledClientDetail() { return enrolledClientDetail; } public EnrolledClientNetworkInfo getEnrolledClientNetworkInfo() { return enrolledClientNetworkInfo; } public List<EnrolledClientScanResultItem> getEnrolledClientScanResultList() { return enrolledClientScanResultList; } // fnr add for enrolled client detail information end /** * The beginning of showing enrolled client detail information * Author: She 2013,04,19 * */ // private List<AppInfoForUI> enrolledAppList; // // private NetworkInfoForUI enrolledNetwork; // // private List<RestrictionsInfo> enrolledRestriction; // // private EnrolledDeviceDetailInfo enrolledDeviceInfo; // // private GeneralInfoForUI enrolledGeneral; // // private String enrolledActiveclientId; // // private String enrolledClientMacAddress; // // private DeviceSecurityInfo enrolledSecurity; private boolean enableGoogleMapKey = false; private boolean markOnPrimess = false; public boolean isMarkOnPrimess() { return markOnPrimess; } public void setMarkOnPrimess(boolean markOnPrimess) { this.markOnPrimess = markOnPrimess; } public boolean isEnableGoogleMapKey() { return enableGoogleMapKey; } public void setEnableGoogleMapKey(boolean enableGoogleMapKey) { this.enableGoogleMapKey = enableGoogleMapKey; } // public DeviceSecurityInfo getEnrolledSecurity() { // return enrolledSecurity; // } // // public void setEnrolledSecurity(DeviceSecurityInfo enrolledSecurity) { // this.enrolledSecurity = enrolledSecurity; // } // // public String getEnrolledClientMacAddress() { // return enrolledClientMacAddress; // } // // public void setEnrolledClientMacAddress(String enrolledClientMacAddress) { // this.enrolledClientMacAddress = enrolledClientMacAddress; // } // // public String getEnrolledActiveclientId() { // return enrolledActiveclientId; // } // // public void setEnrolledActiveclientId(String enrolledActiveclientId) { // this.enrolledActiveclientId = enrolledActiveclientId; // } public String getViewClientListURL() { return URLUtils.getViewClientListURL(); } // same as method getEnableClientManagement(), remove it. // public boolean getHideViewClientList(){ // return QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", getDomain()).isEnableClientManagement(); // // } public boolean getEnableClientManagement() { HMServicesSettings ser = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", getDomain()); if (ser != null && ser.isEnableClientManagement()) { return true; } return false; } public boolean getEnrolledClientFlag(String customId, String clientMacAdress) { //Add code here to know whether this client is enrolled or not List<String> macList = new ArrayList<String>(); // fnr for test // if (customId==null) { // enableClientManagementAndEnrolled=true; // return true; // } macList.add(clientMacAdress); EnrolledClientList lst = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientListEnrolledInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl() .getActiveClientListEnrolledInfo(customId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macList)); if (lst == null) { return false; } if (lst.getDeviceList() == null || lst.getDeviceList().isEmpty()) { return false; } acmUrlSuffix = ConfigUtil.getACMConfigServerViewUrl() + lst.getDeviceUrlSuffix() + lst.getDeviceList().get(0).getDeviceId(); enableClientManagementAndEnrolled = lst.getDeviceList().get(0).isEnrolled(); return enableClientManagementAndEnrolled; } public boolean getClientReportsPermission() { try { AccessControl.checkUserAccess(getUserContext(), Navigation.L2_FEATURE_CLIENTREPORT, CrudOperation.CREATE); } catch (HmException ex) { return false; } return true; } // public List<AppInfoForUI> getEnrolledAppList() { // return enrolledAppList; // } // // public void setEnrolledAppList(List<AppInfoForUI> enrolledAppList) { // this.enrolledAppList = enrolledAppList; // } // // public NetworkInfoForUI getEnrolledNetwork() { // return enrolledNetwork; // } // // public void setEnrolledNetwork(NetworkInfoForUI enrolledNetwork) { // this.enrolledNetwork = enrolledNetwork; // } // // public List<RestrictionsInfo> getEnrolledRetriction() { // return enrolledRestriction; // } // // public void setEnrolledRetriction(List<RestrictionsInfo> enrolledRestriction) { // this.enrolledRestriction = enrolledRestriction; // } // // public EnrolledDeviceDetailInfo getEnrolledDeviceInfo() { // return enrolledDeviceInfo; // } // // public void setEnrolledDeviceInfo(EnrolledDeviceDetailInfo enrolledDeviceInfo) { // this.enrolledDeviceInfo = enrolledDeviceInfo; // } // // public GeneralInfoForUI getEnrolledGeneral() { // return enrolledGeneral; // } // // public void setEnrolledGeneral(GeneralInfoForUI enrolledGeneral) { // this.enrolledGeneral = enrolledGeneral; // } // private void prepareEnrolledClientDetails() { // getEnrolledClientDetails(); // } private void getEnrolledClientDetails_ScanResult(String customerId, String macAddress) { EnrolledClientScanResultList lst = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientScanResultInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl() .getActiveClientScanResultInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress)); if (lst != null && lst.getScanResultList() != null && !lst.getScanResultList().isEmpty()) { enrolledClientScanResultList = lst.getScanResultList(); } if (enrolledClientScanResultList == null) { enrolledClientScanResultList = new ArrayList<EnrolledClientScanResultItem>(); } // fnr for test // for( int i=1; i<15;i++) { // EnrolledClientScanResultItem aa = new EnrolledClientScanResultItem(); // aa.setBand(String.valueOf(i%2 +1) ); // aa.setBssid("BSSID" + i); // aa.setSsid("SSID" + i); // if (i==1) { // aa.setSecurity("802_1x"); // } else if (i==2) { // aa.setSecurity("wep"); // } else if (i==3) { // aa.setSecurity("psk"); // } else { // aa.setSecurity("none"); // } // aa.setFrequency("Frequency" + i); // aa.setChannel("Channel" + i); // aa.setStrength("sdv xsdvsvsv Maintainers for YUI DataTable jeffcd - 5 commits last: 5 years ago, first: 5 years ago View all " + i); // aa.setRssi("RSSI" + i); // enrolledClientScanResultList.add(aa); // } // END testCODE for (EnrolledClientScanResultItem aa : enrolledClientScanResultList) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("ssid", aa.getSsid()); jsonObj.put("bssid", aa.getBssid()); jsonObj.put("security", aa.getSecurityString()); jsonObj.put("band", aa.getBandString()); jsonObj.put("channelNumber", aa.getChannel()); jsonObj.put("strength", aa.getStrengthString()); jsonObj.put("rssi", aa.getRssiString()); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error(e); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } } private void getEnrolledClientDetails_ActivityLog(String customerId, String macAddress) { EnrolledClientActivityLogList lsta = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientActivityLogInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl() .getActiveClientActivityLogInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress, 200)); if (lsta != null && lsta.getLogList() != null && !lsta.getLogList().isEmpty()) { enrolledClientActivityLogList = lsta.getLogList(); } if (enrolledClientActivityLogList == null) { enrolledClientActivityLogList = new ArrayList<EnrolledClientActivityLogItem>(); } // fnr for test // for( int i=1; i<15;i++) { // EnrolledClientActivityLogItem aa = new EnrolledClientActivityLogItem(); // aa.setActionName("ActionName" + i); // aa.setDeviceName("deviceName" + i); // aa.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); // aa.setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); // // if (i==1) { // aa.setStatus(String.valueOf(i)); // } else if (i==2) { // aa.setStatus(String.valueOf(i)); // } else if (i==3) { // aa.setStatus(String.valueOf(i)); // } else { // aa.setStatus(String.valueOf(4)); // } // aa.setFailedReason("setFailedReason-" + i); // enrolledClientActivityLogList.add(aa); // } // END testCODE for (EnrolledClientActivityLogItem aa : enrolledClientActivityLogList) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("status", aa.getStatusString()); jsonObj.put("name", aa.getActionName()); jsonObj.put("deviceName", aa.getDeviceName()); jsonObj.put("startTime", AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTime(aa.getStartTime(), getUserTimeZone(), getDomain())); jsonObj.put("endTime", AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTime(aa.getEndTime(), getUserTimeZone(), getDomain())); jsonObj.put("failedReason", aa.getFailedReason()); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error(e); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } } private void getEnrolledClientDetails_Certificate(String customerId, String macAddress) { EnrolledClientCertificateList lstc = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientCertificateInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl() .getActiveClientCertificateInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress)); if (lstc != null && lstc.getCertificateList() != null && !lstc.getCertificateList().isEmpty()) { enrolledClientCertificateList = lstc.getCertificateList(); } if (enrolledClientCertificateList == null) { enrolledClientCertificateList = new ArrayList<EnrolledClientCertificateItem>(); } // fnr for test // for( int i=1; i<15;i++) { // EnrolledClientCertificateItem aa = new EnrolledClientCertificateItem(); // aa.setIsIdentity("getIsIdentity" + i); // aa.setCommonName("getCommonName" + i); // aa.setIssued("setIssued" + i); // aa.setNotBefore(999999999L+ i); // aa.setNotAfter(999999999L + i); // enrolledClientCertificateList.add(aa); // } // END testCODE // JSONArray jsa = new JSONArray(); for (EnrolledClientCertificateItem aa : enrolledClientCertificateList) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("identity", aa.getIsIdentity()); jsonObj.put("name", aa.getCommonName()); jsonObj.put("issuedby", aa.getIssued()); jsonObj.put("notBefore", AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTime(aa.getNotBefore(), getUserTimeZone(), getDomain())); jsonObj.put("notAfter", AhDateTimeUtil.getSpecifyDateTime(aa.getNotAfter(), getUserTimeZone(), getDomain())); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error(e); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } // return jsa.toString(); } private void getEnrolledClientDetails_Profile(String customerId, String macAddress) { EnrolledClientProfileList lstp = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientProfileInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getActiveClientProfileInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress)); if (lstp != null && lstp.getProfileList() != null && !lstp.getProfileList().isEmpty()) { enrolledClientProfileList = lstp.getProfileList(); } if (enrolledClientProfileList == null) { enrolledClientProfileList = new ArrayList<EnrolledClientProfileItem>(); } // fnr for test // for( int i=1; i<15;i++) { // EnrolledClientProfileItem aa = new EnrolledClientProfileItem(); // aa.setDisplayName("getDisplayName" + i); // aa.setOrgnization("getOrgnization" + i); // aa.setIsEncrypted(i%2==0? "true": "false"); // aa.setIsManaged("getIsManaged" + i); // aa.setConfigedItems("setConfigedItems" + i); // enrolledClientProfileList.add(aa); // } // END testCODE // JSONArray jsa = new JSONArray(); for (EnrolledClientProfileItem aa : enrolledClientProfileList) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("displayname", aa.getDisplayName()); jsonObj.put("organization", aa.getOrgnization()); jsonObj.put("encrypted", aa.getIsEncrypted().equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "<span class=\"css_icon_encrypt_yes\" title=\"Yes\"></span>" : "<span class=\"css_icon_encrypt_no\" title=\"No\"></span>"); jsonObj.put("managed", aa.getIsManaged().equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "<span class=\"css_icon_managed_yes\" title=\"Yes\"></span>" : "<span class=\"css_icon_managed_no\" title=\"No\"></span>"); jsonObj.put("configuredItems", aa.getConfigedItems()); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error(e); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } // return jsa.toString(); } private void getEnrolledClientDetails(String customerId, String macAddress) { enrolledClientDetail = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getActiveClientDetailInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl() .getActiveClientDetailInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress)); enrolledClientNetworkInfo = new TransXMLToObjectImpl() .getActiveClientNetworkInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getActiveClientNetworkInfo(customerId, getDomain().getInstanceId(), macAddress)); if (enrolledClientDetail == null) { enrolledClientDetail = new EnrolledClientDetail(); } enrolledClientDetail.setTz(getUserTimeZone()); enrolledClientDetail.setOwner(getDomain()); if (enrolledClientNetworkInfo == null) { enrolledClientNetworkInfo = new EnrolledClientNetworkInfo(); } // fnr for test // enrolledClientDetail.setActiveStatus("1"); // enrolledClientDetail.setUdid("Udid"); // enrolledClientDetail.setEnrollmentStatus("1"); // enrolledClientDetail.setLastConnectedTime(999999L); // enrolledClientDetail.setOwnerType("1"); // enrolledClientDetail.setPublicIp("publicIP10.1.1.1"); // long aa = System.currentTimeMillis()%4; // if (aa==0) { // enrolledClientDetail.setOsType("4"); // } else { // enrolledClientDetail.setOsType(String.valueOf(aa)); // } // //enrolledClientDetail.setOsType("2"); // enrolledClientDetail.setOsVersion("OSVERSION"); // enrolledClientDetail.setBuildVersion("buildVersion"); // enrolledClientDetail.setModelName("ModelName"); // enrolledClientDetail.setModel("model"); // enrolledClientDetail.setLongitude("Longitude"); // enrolledClientDetail.setLatitude("Latitude"); // enrolledClientDetail.setAddress(""); // enrolledClientDetail.setDeviceName("DeviceName"); // enrolledClientDetail.setProductName("ProductName"); // enrolledClientDetail.setSerialNumber("SerialNumber"); // enrolledClientDetail.setDeviceCapacity("80"); // enrolledClientDetail.setAvailableDeviceCapacity("21"); // enrolledClientDetail.setBatteryLevel("0.45"); // enrolledClientDetail.setCellularTechnology("1"); // enrolledClientDetail.setImei("IMEI"); // enrolledClientDetail.setMeid("MEID"); // enrolledClientDetail.setModemFirmwareVersion("ModemFirmwareVersion"); // enrolledClientDetail.setCurrentMNC("CurrentMNC"); // enrolledClientDetail.setChallenge("Challenge"); // enrolledClientDetail.setUserId("UserId"); // enrolledClientDetail.setUserLongName("UserLongName"); // enrolledClientDetail.setUserShortName("UserShortName"); // // // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setIccid("ICCID"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setBlueToothMAC("BluetoothMAC"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setWifiMac("WiFiMAC"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setCarrier("CurrentCarrierNetwork"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setSimCarrierNetwork("SimCarrierNetwork"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setSubscriberCarrierNetwork("SubscriberCarrierNetwork"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setCarrierVersion("CarrierSettingsVersion"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setPhoneNumber("PhoneNumber"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setVoiceRoamingEnabled(true); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setDataRoamingEnabled(false); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setIsRoaming("IsRoaming"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setSubscriberMCC("SubscriberMCC"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setSubscriberMNC("SubscriberMNC"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setCurrentMCC("CurrentMCC"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setCellRssi("CellRssi"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setWifiRssi("WifiRssi"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setSsid("WifiSSID"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setBssid("WifiBssid"); // enrolledClientNetworkInfo.setLinkSpeed("LinkSpeed"); //ENDTODO // enrolledAppList = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getApplicationInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getApplicationInfo(getDomain().getInstanceId(), enrolledActiveclientId)); // enrolledNetwork = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getNetworkInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getNetworkInfo(getDomain().getInstanceId(), enrolledActiveclientId)); // enrolledRestriction = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getRestrictionsInfoList(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getRestrictionInfo(getDomain().getInstanceId(), enrolledActiveclientId)); //// enrolledDeviceInfo = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getDeviceDetail(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getDeviceDetail(getDomain().getInstanceId(), enrolledActiveclientId)); // enrolledSecurity = new TransXMLToObjectImpl().getSecurityInfo(new ResponseModelServiceImpl().getSecurityinfo(getDomain().getInstanceId(), enrolledActiveclientId)); // // if(enrolledAppList == null){ // enrolledAppList = new ArrayList<AppInfoForUI>(); // }else{ // handleApplicationDataSize(enrolledAppList); // } // if( enrolledNetwork == null){ // enrolledNetwork = new NetworkInfoForUI(); // } // if( enrolledRestriction == null){ // enrolledRestriction = new ArrayList<RestrictionsInfo>(); // } // if( enrolledDeviceInfo == null){ // enrolledDeviceInfo = new EnrolledDeviceDetailInfo(); // } // enrolledGeneral = new GeneralInfoForUI(); // try{ // enrolledNetwork.setCellularTech(enrolledDeviceInfo.getCellularTechnology()); // enrolledNetwork.setIpAddress(enrolledDeviceInfo.getPublicIp()); // enrolledNetwork.setModemFirmware(enrolledDeviceInfo.getModemFirmwareVersion()); // enrolledNetwork.setWifiMac(MacAddressUtil.addDelimiter(enrolledNetwork.getWifiMac(), 2, ":")); // enrolledNetwork.setBlueToothMAC(MacAddressUtil.addDelimiter(enrolledNetwork.getBlueToothMAC(), 2, ":")); // // enrolledGeneral.setStatus(enrolledDeviceInfo.getActiveStatus()); // enrolledGeneral.setLastConnect(new Date(Long.valueOf(enrolledDeviceInfo.getLastCon())).toString()); // enrolledGeneral.setBatteryLevel(getPercentage(enrolledDeviceInfo.getBatteryLevel()) + "Capacity"); // enrolledGeneral.setBatteryPercentage(getPercentage(enrolledDeviceInfo.getBatteryLevel())); // String tempStoragePercentage = String.valueOf((Double.parseDouble(enrolledDeviceInfo.getAvailableDeviceCapacity()))/(Double.parseDouble(enrolledDeviceInfo.getDeviceCapacity()))).toString(); // enrolledGeneral.setStoragePercentage(getPercentage(tempStoragePercentage)); // enrolledGeneral.setDeviceStorage(enrolledDeviceInfo.getAvailableDeviceCapacity().substring(0,enrolledDeviceInfo.getAvailableDeviceCapacity().indexOf(".")+3) // + "GB free of " // + enrolledDeviceInfo.getDeviceCapacity().substring(0,enrolledDeviceInfo.getDeviceCapacity().indexOf(".")+3) + "GB"); // enrolledGeneral.setDeviceType(enrolledDeviceInfo.getModelName()); // enrolledGeneral.setPhoneNum(enrolledNetwork.getPhoneNumber()); // enrolledGeneral.setUdid(enrolledDeviceInfo.getUdid()); // enrolledGeneral.setPasswordPresent(enrolledSecurity.getPasscodePresent()); // enrolledGeneral.setDataProtection(enrolledSecurity.getDataProtection() == true ? "true" : "false"); // }catch(Exception e){ // log.error(ClientMonitorAction.class.getSimpleName() + ": getEnrolledClientDetails()",e.getMessage()); // } } // private String getPercentage(String value){ // Double tempValue = Double.parseDouble(value)*100; // if(String.valueOf(tempValue).indexOf(".") > 0 // && String.valueOf(tempValue).substring(String.valueOf(tempValue).indexOf(".") + 1).length() >= 2 ){ // return String.valueOf(tempValue).substring(0,String.valueOf(tempValue).indexOf(".") + 3) + "%"; // } // if(String.valueOf(tempValue).indexOf(".") > 0 // && String.valueOf(tempValue).substring(String.valueOf(tempValue).indexOf(".") + 1 ).length() < 2 ){ // return String.valueOf(tempValue) + "0%"; // } // return value + "%"; // } // private void handleApplicationDataSize(List<AppInfoForUI> appList){ // for(AppInfoForUI app : appList){ // app.setBundleSize(applicationDataTransfer(Double.parseDouble(app.getBundleSize()))); // app.setDynamicSize(applicationDataTransfer(Double.parseDouble(app.getDynamicSize()))); // } // } // private String applicationDataTransfer(double size){ // double tempsize = size/1024/1024/1024; // double tempMbSize = size/1024/1024; // double tempKbSize = size/1024; // try{ // if(tempsize > 1){ // if((tempsize + "").length() - (tempsize + "").indexOf(".") >= 2){ // return (tempsize + "" ).substring(0,(tempsize + "").indexOf(".") + 3 ) + "GB"; // }else{ // return tempsize + "GB"; // } // }else if(tempMbSize > 1){ // if((tempMbSize + "").length() - (tempMbSize + "").indexOf(".") >= 2){ // return (tempMbSize + "" ).substring(0,(tempMbSize + "").indexOf(".") + 3 ) + "MB"; // }else{ // return tempMbSize + "MB"; // } // }else if(tempKbSize> 1){ // if((tempKbSize+ "").length() - (tempKbSize+ "").indexOf(".") >= 2){ // return (tempKbSize+ "" ).substring(0,(tempKbSize+ "").indexOf(".") + 3 ) + "KB"; // }else{ // return tempKbSize + "KB"; // } // }else{ // if((size + "").length() - (size + "").indexOf(".") >= 2){ // return (size + "" ).substring(0,(size + "").indexOf(".") + 3 ) + "B"; // }else{ // return size + "KB"; // } // } // }catch(Exception e){ // return null; // } // // } // The end //add to get Google Map Key public void validateGoogleMapKey() { getGmeKey(); } public String getGmeKey() { String licenseKey = NmsUtil.getGmLicenseKey(); if (NmsUtil.isPlanner() || NmsUtil.isDemoHHM()) { // Usage is free for these servers markOnPrimess = false; String apiKey = NmsUtil.getGmAPIKey(); if (apiKey != null && apiKey.length() > 0) { return "&key=" + apiKey; } else { log.info_ln("GM API key missing."); return ""; } } else if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { // HMOL customers markOnPrimess = false; if (licenseKey != null && licenseKey.length() > 0) { String vhmId = getDomain().getVhmID(); if (vhmId == null || vhmId.length() == 0) { log.info_ln("Missing - vhm - id"); vhmId = "no-vhm-id"; } return "&client=" + licenseKey + "&channel=" + vhmId; } else { log.info_ln("GM License key missing."); return ""; } } else { // on-premise customers markOnPrimess = true; if (licenseKey != null && licenseKey.length() > 0) { String systemId = BeLicenseModule.HIVEMANAGER_SYSTEM_ID; if (systemId == null || systemId.length() == 0) { log.info_ln("Missing system id"); /*systemId = "no-system-id";*/ enableGoogleMapKey = true; return NmsUtil.getGmAPIKey(); } return "&client=" + licenseKey + "&channel=" + systemId; } else { log.info_ln("GM License key missing."); enableGoogleMapKey = true; return NmsUtil.getGmAPIKey(); } } } public String getCurrentCustomId() { return currentCustomId; } public void setCurrentCustomId(String currentCustomId) { this.currentCustomId = currentCustomId; } public String getCurrentDeMacAddress() { return currentDeMacAddress; } public void setCurrentDeMacAddress(String currentDeMacAddress) { this.currentDeMacAddress = currentDeMacAddress; } public List<EnrolledClientProfileItem> getEnrolledClientProfileList() { return enrolledClientProfileList; } public void setEnrolledClientProfileList(List<EnrolledClientProfileItem> enrolledClientProfileList) { this.enrolledClientProfileList = enrolledClientProfileList; } public List<EnrolledClientCertificateItem> getEnrolledClientCertificateList() { return enrolledClientCertificateList; } public void setEnrolledClientCertificateList( List<EnrolledClientCertificateItem> enrolledClientCertificateList) { this.enrolledClientCertificateList = enrolledClientCertificateList; } public List<EnrolledClientActivityLogItem> getEnrolledClientActivityLogList() { return enrolledClientActivityLogList; } public void setEnrolledClientActivityLogList( List<EnrolledClientActivityLogItem> enrolledClientActivityLogList) { this.enrolledClientActivityLogList = enrolledClientActivityLogList; } public String getAcmUrlSuffix() { return acmUrlSuffix; } public void setAcmUrlSuffix(String acmUrlSuffix) { this.acmUrlSuffix = acmUrlSuffix; } public String getFilterApMac() { return filterApMac; } public void setFilterApMac(String filterApMac) { this.filterApMac = filterApMac; } }