Java tutorial
package com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.AcmTroubleEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CAResetEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CertificateImportEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CertificateQueryEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CertificateQueryResEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CheckCMServiceEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.CsrCertificateEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.EnableClientManageEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.Exception4ACM; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.OnBoardCaEBO; import com.ah.ui.actions.home.clientManagement.entity.SignedCertificateEBO; import com.ah.util.MgrUtil; import com.ah.util.Tracer; import com.ah.util.values.PairValue; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import; public class CertificateGenSV { private static final Tracer log = new Tracer(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName()); //public static final String HOST_NAME = ""; //just for test; //public static final String HOST_NAME = CertificateGenSV.getUrl(); //get the uri from online public static final String ENABLE_URI = "/api/hm/clientmanagement/update"; public static final String CERT_URI = "/api/hm/certs/sign"; public static final String TROUBLESHOOTING = "/api/common/mgmt/healthcheck"; public static final String IMPORT_CERT = "/api/hm/certs/import"; public static final String QUERY_CERT = "/api/hm/certs/query"; public static final String RESET_CA = "/api/hm/certs/reset"; public static final String SERVER_CRT = "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server_Crt.crt"; public static final String ONBOARD_CA = "ClientMgmt_CA.crt"; public static final String SERVER_PFX = "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server.pfx"; public static final String SERVER_KEY = "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server_key.pem"; public static final String COUNTRY = "US"; public static final String STATE = "California"; public static final String LOCALITY_NAME = "Sunnyvale"; public static final String ORGANIZATION = "Aerohive"; public static final String ORGANIZATION_UNIT = "Aerohive"; public static final String COMMON_NAME = "Authentication Server"; // Exception code for update client management public static final String UPDATE_EXCEPTION = "enum.acm.update."; //10000 - 10099 FRO GENERAL EXCEPTION public static final int NO_THIS_CUSTOMER = 10000; public static final int CUSTOMER_DISABLED = 10001; public static final int NO_LICENSE = 10002; public static final int NO_OBJECT = 10003; //10100 - 10199 FOR UPDATE CLIENT MANAGEMENT public static final int CRT_NOT_MATCH_KEY = 10100; public static final int CRT_TIME_INVALID = 10101; public static final int CRT_BIT_FALSE = 10102; public static final int CRT_NOT_IN_KEY_USAGE = 10103; public static final int CRT_NOT_NULL = 10104; public static final int CRT_INVALID = 10105; public static final int KEY_INVALID = 10106; public static final int PASSWORD_INVALID = 10107; // Exception code for troubleshooting tool public static final String TROUBLESHOOTING_EXCEPTION = "enum.acm.troubleshooting."; public static final int UNKNOW = 0; public static final int OK = 1; public static final int DB_CONNECTION_FAILE = 2; public static final int MQ_DOWN = 3; public static final int MEMCACHED_DOWN = 4; public static final int PNS_DOWN = 5; public static final int HEARTBEAT_DOWN = 6; public static final int SCHEDULE_DOWN = 7; public static final int SERVER_UNREACHABLE = 100; public CertificateGenSV() { } public String transEnableClientManageToXML(String customId, String hmId, String clientManagementStatus) { XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); EnableClientManageEBO ecmEBO = new EnableClientManageEBO(); ecmEBO.setCustomId(customId); ecmEBO.setHmId(hmId); if (clientManagementStatus != "" && clientManagementStatus != null) { ecmEBO.setClientManagementStatus(clientManagementStatus); } /* if(enableCidPolicy != "" && enableCidPolicy != null){ ecmEBO.setCidPolicyEnforcement(enableCidPolicy); }*/ /*if(useCusCert != "" && useCusCert != null){ ecmEBO.setUseCustomCert(useCusCert); } if(caFile != null){ Base64 b64 = new Base64(); ecmEBO.setOnboardCA(b64.encodeToString(caFile)); }else{ ecmEBO.setOnboardCA(" "); } if(caKeyFile != null && caKeyFile.trim() != ""){ Base64 b64 = new Base64(); ecmEBO.setOnboardCAKey(b64.encodeToString(caKeyFile.getBytes())); }else{ ecmEBO.setOnboardCAKey(caKeyFile); }*/ xs.processAnnotations(EnableClientManageEBO.class); return xs.toXML(ecmEBO); } private String importCertificate(String customerId, String hmId, String certType, String certName, byte[] certPayload, String certPrivateKey, String privateKeyPassword) { XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); CertificateImportEBO certImport = new CertificateImportEBO(); certImport.setCustomId(customerId); certImport.setHmId(hmId); if (certType != "" && certType != null) { certImport.setCertType(certType); } if (certPrivateKey != "" && certPrivateKey != null) { certImport.setCertPrivateKey(new Base64().encodeToString(certPrivateKey.getBytes())); } if (certName != "" && certName != null) { certImport.setCertName(certName); } if (privateKeyPassword != "" && privateKeyPassword != null) { certImport.setPrivateKeyPassword(privateKeyPassword); } if (certPayload != null) { Base64 b64 = new Base64(); certImport.setCertPayload(b64.encodeToString(certPayload)); } xs.processAnnotations(CertificateImportEBO.class); return xs.toXML(certImport); } private String queryCertificate(String customerId, String hmId, String certType) { XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); CertificateQueryEBO certQuery = new CertificateQueryEBO(); certQuery.setCustomId(customerId); certQuery.setHmId(hmId); if (certType != "" && certType != null) { certQuery.setCertType(certType); } xs.processAnnotations(CertificateQueryEBO.class); return xs.toXML(certQuery); } private CertificateQueryResEBO transResponseToCert(ResponseModel responseModel) { if (responseModel == null) { return new CertificateQueryResEBO(); } try { String cert = responseModel.getResponseText(); XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); xs.processAnnotations(CertificateQueryResEBO.class); return (CertificateQueryResEBO) xs.fromXML(cert); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName() + ":CertificateQueryResEBO()", "Failed when transfer xml to object", e); return null; } } public String transCsrCertificateToXML(String customerId, String hmId, String certType, String csrPayload) { XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); CsrCertificateEBO csrEBO = new CsrCertificateEBO(); csrEBO.setCustomerId(customerId); csrEBO.setHmId(hmId); if (certType != "" && certType != null) { csrEBO.setCertType(certType); } if (csrPayload != "" && csrPayload != null) { csrEBO.setCsrPayload(csrPayload); } xs.processAnnotations(CsrCertificateEBO.class); return xs.toXML(csrEBO); } public String resetCaToXML(String customerId, String hmId, String certType) { XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); CAResetEBO res = new CAResetEBO(); res.setCustomId(customerId); res.setHmId(hmId); res.setCertType(certType); xs.processAnnotations(CAResetEBO.class); return xs.toXML(res); } public OnBoardCaEBO transResponseToOnBoardCa(ResponseModel responseModel) { if (responseModel == null) { return new OnBoardCaEBO(); } try { String onBoardCaXML = responseModel.getResponseText(); XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); xs.processAnnotations(OnBoardCaEBO.class); return (OnBoardCaEBO) xs.fromXML(onBoardCaXML); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName() + ":transResponseToOnBoardCa()", "Failed when transfer xml to object", e); return null; } } public Exception4ACM transResponseToException(ResponseModel responseModel) { if (responseModel == null) { return new Exception4ACM(); } try { String exception4ACM = responseModel.getResponseText(); XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); xs.processAnnotations(Exception4ACM.class); return (Exception4ACM) xs.fromXML(exception4ACM); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName() + ":transResponseToException()", "Failed when transfer xml to object", e); return null; } } private String checkACMServerRequestBody(String customerId, String hmId) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(customerId)) return ""; XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); CheckCMServiceEBO bo = new CheckCMServiceEBO(); bo.setCustomId(customerId); bo.setHmId(hmId); xs.processAnnotations(CheckCMServiceEBO.class); return xs.toXML(bo); } public AcmTroubleEBO transResponseToTrouble(ResponseModel responseModel) { if (responseModel == null) { return new AcmTroubleEBO(); } try { String acmTroubleEBO = responseModel.getResponseText(); XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); xs.processAnnotations(AcmTroubleEBO.class); return (AcmTroubleEBO) xs.fromXML(acmTroubleEBO); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName() + ":transResponseToTrouble()", "Failed when transfer xml to object", e); return null; } } public String checkTrouble(AcmTroubleEBO trb) { String suc = ""; if (!trb.getStatusCode().equals("1")) { suc = trb.getStatusCode(); } return suc; } public SignedCertificateEBO transResponseToSignedCertificate(ResponseModel responseModel) { if (responseModel == null) { return new SignedCertificateEBO(); } try { String signedCertXML = responseModel.getResponseText(); XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver()); xs.processAnnotations(SignedCertificateEBO.class); return (SignedCertificateEBO) xs.fromXML(signedCertXML); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(CertificateGenSV.class.getSimpleName() + ":transResponseToSignedCertificate()", "Failed when transfer xml to object", e); return null; } } public boolean writeFile(String fileName, String content) throws IOException { File fl = null; FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { fl = new File(fileName); if (CertificateGenSV.existFile(fileName)) { fl.delete(); } fw = new FileWriter(fl); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(content, 0, content.length()); bw.close(); fw.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { bw.close(); fw.close(); log.error("writeFile()", "Error when write the string to the file" + fileName, e); } return false; } public static void writeFile(String pathName, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { File fl = new File(pathName); if (existFile(pathName)) { fl.delete(); } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.length); bb.put(bytes); bb.flip(); FileChannel fileChannel = null; try { fileChannel = new FileOutputStream(pathName, false).getChannel(); fileChannel.write(bb); } finally { if (fileChannel != null) { try { fileChannel.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static byte[] readFromFile(File file) throws IOException { FileChannel fileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fileChannel.size());; fileChannel.close(); bb.flip(); byte[] bytes; if (bb.hasArray()) { bytes = bb.array(); } else { bytes = new byte[bb.limit()]; bb.get(bytes); } return bytes; } public String readFile(String fileName) throws IOException { StringBuffer ss = new StringBuffer(); File file = null; String strt = ""; FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader bur = null; try { file = new File(fileName); fr = new FileReader(file); bur = new BufferedReader(fr); bur.readLine(); while ((strt = bur.readLine()) != null) { if (!strt.contains("END CERTIFICATE REQUEST")) { ss.append(strt); } else { return ss.toString(); } } bur.close(); fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { bur.close(); fr.close(); log.error("readFile()", "Try to read file from " + fileName, e); } return ss.toString(); } public static boolean existFile(String file) { boolean isExist = false; try { File f = new File(file); if (f.isFile() && f.exists()) { isExist = true; } else { isExist = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();, ": existFile()"); } return isExist; } public static boolean existsFile(String domainName) { String onboard = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domainName + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator + "ClientMgmt_CA.crt"; String cert = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domainName + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator + "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server_Crt.crt"; String key = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domainName + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator + "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server_key.pem"; if (!CertificateGenSV.existFile(cert)) { return false; } else if (!CertificateGenSV.existFile(onboard)) { return false; } else if (!CertificateGenSV.existFile(key)) { return false; } return true; } public void copyFiles(String home, String destDomain) { List<String> crtFiles = new ArrayList<String>(3); crtFiles.add(new String(SERVER_CRT)); crtFiles.add(new String(ONBOARD_CA)); crtFiles.add(new String("ClientMgmt-Radius-Server_key.pem")); for (int i = 0; i < crtFiles.size(); i++) { copyFile(home, destDomain, crtFiles.get(i)); } } public void copyFile(String home, String dest, String fileName) { String srcFile = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + home + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator + fileName; String dir = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + dest + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator; String desFile = dir + fileName; if (FileManager.getInstance().existsFile(dir)) { try { if (FileManager.getInstance().existsFile(desFile)) { FileManager.getInstance().deletefile(desFile); } if (FileManager.getInstance().existsFile(srcFile)) { FileManager.getInstance().createFile("", desFile); FileManager.getInstance().copyFile(srcFile, desFile); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Try to copy files from home domain to" + dest + ",File name is:" + fileName); } } } public static String getUrl() { return ConfigUtil.getACMConfigServerUrl(); /* return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_AEROHIVE_MDM, ConfigUtil.KEY_URL_ROOT_PATH);*/ } public void copyCrt(String homeDomain, String destDomain) { try { copyFiles(homeDomain, destDomain); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("CertificateGenSV: copyCrt()", "try to copy cert files from " + homeDomain + " to " + destDomain); } } private void synOnboard(HMServicesSettings hms, HMServicesSettings hbo) { if (hms == null || hbo == null) { return; } hms.setEnableCidPolicyEnforcement(hbo.isEnableCidPolicyEnforcement()); hms.setEnableClientManagement(hbo.isEnableClientManagement()); hms.setApiKey(hbo.getApiKey()); } /** * * @param enableClient * @param domain * @param customerId * @return */ public static String certificateGenereate(boolean enableClient, String domain, String customerId, String hmId) { HMServicesSettings bo = null; String result = ""; try { bo = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "domainname", domain); result = certificateGenereate(enableClient, customerId, hmId, domain, "OnboardCA", "AuthServer", new CertificateGenSV().createCsrData(domain, "ClientMgmt-Radius-Server"), bo); if ("".equals(result)) { bo.setEnableClientManagement(enableClient); bo.setEnableCidPolicyEnforcement(false); QueryUtil.updateBo(bo); } else { return result; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when generate the certificate." + "\r\n" + bo + "\r\n" + result, e); } return result; } public static String certificateGenereate(boolean enableClient, String customerId, String hmId, String domain, String caType, String certType, BeRootCADTO data, HMServicesSettings bo) throws Exception { String rt = ""; String enableOnboard = ""; String enableCid = ""; // String useCustomCert = ""; String cerDic = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domain + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator; String csrf = data.getFileName() + ".csr"; if (enableClient == true) { enableOnboard = "1"; } else { enableOnboard = "0"; } // if(useCusCert == true){ // useCustomCert = "1"; // }else{ // useCustomCert = "0"; // } try { IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); CertificateGenSV cerSV = new CertificateGenSV(); String clientm = cerSV.transEnableClientManageToXML(customerId, hmId, enableOnboard); ResponseModel resm = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + ENABLE_URI, clientm); if (enableClient == true) { OnBoardCaEBO onb = null; if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == resm.getResponseCode()) { onb = cerSV.transResponseToOnBoardCa(resm); } else { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { hmId, customerId }); } //save the apikey to the database bo.setApiKey(onb.getApiKey()); Base64 b64 = new Base64(); byte[] content = b64.decode(onb.getCertPayload()); cerSV.writeFile(cerDic + CertificateGenSV.ONBOARD_CA, new String(content)); boolean isSuccess = HmBeAdminUtil.createServerCSR(data); if (isSuccess == true) { String csrContent = cerSV.readFile(cerDic + csrf); String csrTem = cerSV.transCsrCertificateToXML(customerId, hmId, certType, csrContent); ResponseModel csrRes = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + CERT_URI, csrTem); if (HttpStatus.SC_OK != csrRes.getResponseCode()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("home.clientManagement.enable.server", new String[] { hmId, customerId }); } SignedCertificateEBO sce = cerSV.transResponseToSignedCertificate(csrRes); byte[] sc = b64.decode(sce.getCertPayload()); cerSV.writeFile(cerDic + CertificateGenSV.SERVER_CRT, new String(sc)); boolean result = generatePfxCertificate(cerDic); if (!result) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("home.clientManagement.enable.pfx", new String[] { hmId, customerId }); } } } return rt; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when generate the certificate", e); throw new Exception(); //e.printStackTrace(); } } public static boolean generatePfxCertificate(String cerDic) { String strCmd = ""; StringBuffer strCmdBuf = new StringBuffer(); strCmdBuf.append("openssl pkcs12 -export -out "); strCmdBuf.append(cerDic + CertificateGenSV.SERVER_PFX); strCmdBuf.append(" -inkey "); strCmdBuf.append(cerDic + CertificateGenSV.SERVER_KEY); strCmdBuf.append(" -in "); strCmdBuf.append(cerDic + CertificateGenSV.SERVER_CRT); strCmdBuf.append(" -password pass:aerohive"); strCmd = strCmdBuf.toString(); boolean result = BeAdminCentOSTools.exeSysCmd(strCmd); return result; } public static String importCert(String customId, String hmId, byte[] ca, String key, String onboard, String password, String caName) { CertificateGenSV certSv = new CertificateGenSV(); IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); String certs = certSv.importCertificate(customId, hmId, onboard, caName, ca, key, password); try { ResponseModel resm = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + IMPORT_CERT, certs); if (HttpStatus.SC_OK != resm.getResponseCode()) { return MgrUtil .getEnumString(UPDATE_EXCEPTION + certSv.transResponseToException(resm).getExceptionCode()); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when importCert", e); return "Unknow error."; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when importCert", e); return "Unknow error."; } return ""; } public boolean signCsrByClientCA(String domain, String customerId, String hmId, String csrf) { String cerDic = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domain + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator; boolean isSuccess = false; IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); Base64 b64 = new Base64(); try { String csrContent = readFile(cerDic + csrf + ".csr"); String csrTem = transCsrCertificateToXML(customerId, hmId, "AuthServer", csrContent); ResponseModel csrRes = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + CERT_URI, csrTem); SignedCertificateEBO sce = transResponseToSignedCertificate(csrRes); byte[] sc = b64.decode(sce.getCertPayload()); writeFile(cerDic + csrf + ".crt", new String(sc)); isSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), "error happened when sign csr by client CA.", e); } return isSuccess; } public static void saveCert(byte[] cert, String name, String domain) throws IOException { String cerDic = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domain + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator; writeFile(cerDic + name, cert); } public static boolean resetCA(String customerId, String hmId, String certType) { boolean isSuccess = false; IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); String reset = new CertificateGenSV().resetCaToXML(customerId, hmId, certType); try { ResponseModel resModel = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + RESET_CA, reset); if (resModel.getResponseCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { isSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), "error happened when reset client CA.", e); } return isSuccess; } public static CertificateQueryResEBO queryCert(String customId, String hmId, String onboard) { CertificateQueryResEBO cert = null; CertificateGenSV certSv = new CertificateGenSV(); IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); String certs = certSv.queryCertificate(customId, hmId, onboard); try { ResponseModel resm = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + QUERY_CERT, certs); if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == resm.getResponseCode()) { cert = certSv.transResponseToCert(resm); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when queryCert", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when queryCert", e); } return cert; } public static PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>> troubleshooting(String customerId, HmDomain domain) { PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>> values; IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); CertificateGenSV cerSV = new CertificateGenSV(); try { String hmId = domain.isHomeDomain() ? BeLicenseModule.HIVEMANAGER_SYSTEM_ID : domain.getVhmID(); List<Header> header = new ArrayList<>(); header.add(new Header("Accept", "application/xml")); header.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/xml")); ResponseModel resm = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + TROUBLESHOOTING, cerSV.checkACMServerRequestBody(customerId, hmId), header); if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == resm.getResponseCode()) { AcmTroubleEBO trb = cerSV.transResponseToTrouble(resm); String warningmessage = ""; final String apiKey = trb.getApiKey(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiKey)) { HMServicesSettings hmsettings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", domain); if (null != hmsettings && (StringUtils.isBlank(hmsettings.getApiKey()) || (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hmsettings.getApiKey()) && !hmsettings.getApiKey().equals(apiKey)))) { // ApiKey doesn't exist or mismatch hmsettings.setApiKey(apiKey); QueryUtil.updateBo(hmsettings); warningmessage = MgrUtil .getUserMessage("home.hmSettings.clientManagement.troubleshooting.warning"); } } if (trb.getStatusCode().equals("1")) { // empty values = new PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>>(true, new PairValue<>("", warningmessage)); } else { values = new PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>>(false, new PairValue<>(trb.getStatusCode(), warningmessage)); } return values; } else { Exception4ACM excep = cerSV.transResponseToException(resm); return new PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>>(false, new PairValue<>(excep.getExceptionCode(), "")); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when troubleshooting, server unreachable", e); return new PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>>(false, new PairValue<>(Integer.toString(SERVER_UNREACHABLE), "")); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("certificateGenerate()", "Error when troubleshooting", e); } return new PairValue<Boolean, PairValue<String, String>>(false, new PairValue<>(Integer.toString(UNKNOW), "")); } public static void synCert4VHM(boolean enableClient, HMServicesSettings bo) { try { if (!NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { CertificateGenSV cerSV = new CertificateGenSV(); String where = "domainname not in (:s1,:s2)"; Object[] binds = new String[] { "home", "global" }; List<HmDomain> domains = (List<HmDomain>) QueryUtil.executeQuery(HmDomain.class, null, new FilterParams(where, binds)); if (!domains.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < domains.size(); i++) { HmDomain domain = (HmDomain) (domains.get(i)); if (enableClient == true) { cerSV.copyCrt("home", domain.getDomainName()); } HMServicesSettings hmSvSettings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", domain); cerSV.synOnboard(hmSvSettings, bo); QueryUtil.updateBo(hmSvSettings); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Try to copy certificate files to vhm"); } } public static void copyCrt4VHM(String srcDomain, String desDomain) { CertificateGenSV cerSV = new CertificateGenSV(); cerSV.copyCrt(srcDomain, desDomain); } public static void genRadiusServerCert(String customerId, String hmId, String domain, String fileName, String certType, String certName) { String cerDic = BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICAT_PFEFIX + domain + BeAdminCentOSTools.AH_CERTIFICATE_HOME + File.separator; try { CertificateGenSV cerSV = new CertificateGenSV(); IResponseFromMDM res = new ResponseFromMDMImpl(); HmBeAdminUtil.createServerCSR(cerSV.createCsrData(domain, fileName)); String csrContent = cerSV.readFile(cerDic + fileName + ".csr"); String csrTem = cerSV.transCsrCertificateToXML(customerId, hmId, certType, csrContent); ResponseModel csrRes = res.sendInfoToMDM(getUrl() + CERT_URI, csrTem); SignedCertificateEBO sce = cerSV.transResponseToSignedCertificate(csrRes); byte[] sc = new Base64().decode(sce.getCertPayload()); cerSV.writeFile(cerDic + certName, new String(sc)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private BeRootCADTO createCsrData(String domain, String server) { BeRootCADTO dto = new BeRootCADTO(); dto.setCommName(CertificateGenSV.COMMON_NAME); dto.setCountryCode(CertificateGenSV.COUNTRY); dto.setKeySize("1024"); dto.setLocalityName(CertificateGenSV.LOCALITY_NAME); dto.setOrgName(CertificateGenSV.ORGANIZATION); dto.setOrgUnit(CertificateGenSV.ORGANIZATION_UNIT); dto.setStateName(CertificateGenSV.STATE); dto.setFileName(server); dto.setPassword(""); dto.setDomainName(domain); return dto; } public static X509Certificate ananysisP12(InputStream in, char[] keyStorePassword) throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException { KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); keyStore.load(in, keyStorePassword); in.close(); Enumeration<String> enums = keyStore.aliases(); if (enums.hasMoreElements()) { String keyAlis = enums.nextElement(); X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(keyAlis); return certificate; } return null; } }