Java tutorial
package com.ah.ui.actions; /** * Modification History * * add function - getBoCheckItems() and related constants * joseph chen, 05/05/2008 */ /* * @author Chris Scheers */ import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware; import org.hibernate.mapping.Column; import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.Property; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Range; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.Ostermiller.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ha.HAStatus; import com.ah.ha.HAUtil; import com.ah.ui.actions.admin.NavigationCustomizationUtil; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.CurrentUserCache; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.HiveApToolkitAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.ReportListAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.SystemStatusCache; import com.ah.ui.actions.monitor.VpnReportListAction; import com.ah.util.CheckItem; import com.ah.util.CheckItem3; import com.ah.util.EnumItem; import com.ah.util.HibernateUtil; import com.ah.util.HmException; import com.ah.util.HmMessageCodes; import com.ah.util.HmProxyUtil; import com.ah.util.MgrUtil; import com.ah.util.Tracer; import com.ah.util.datetime.AhDateTimeUtil; import com.ah.util.notificationmsg.AhNotificationMsgPool; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.IntRangeFieldValidator; public class BaseAction extends Navigation implements SessionKeys, HmMessageCodes, Preparable, ServletRequestAware, ServletResponseAware { public static final int GRID_COUNT = 3; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // do not add item before the list public static final short CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO = 0; // add a blank item before the list public static final short CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_BLANK = 1; // do not add item at the end of list public static final short CHECK_ITEM_END_NO = 0; // add an item "[-New-]" at the end of list public static final short CHECK_ITEM_END_NEW = 1; // id of black check item public static final short CHECK_ITEM_ID_BLANK = -1; // id of check item 'None' public static final short CHECK_ITEM_ID_NONE = -1; // id of check item '[-New-]' public static final short CHECK_ITEM_ID_NEW = -2; // check item '[-New-]' public static final String CHECK_ITEM_NEW = "[-New-]"; public static final int DISPLAY_LENGTH_IN_GUI = 16; public static final int DISPLAY_LENGTH_IN_GUI_OK = 18; private static final Tracer log = new Tracer(BaseAction.class.getSimpleName()); protected HttpServletRequest request; protected HttpServletResponse response; @Override public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } @Override public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse response) { this.response = response; this.response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");// encoding to UTF-8; } @Override public void prepare() throws Exception { // get version info versionInfo = getSessionVersionInfo(); // fix version bug if (null == versionInfo) { versionInfo = NmsUtil.getVersionInfo(); if (null != versionInfo) { setSessionVersionInfo(versionInfo); } } // get user info userContext = getSessionUserContext(); if (userContext != null) { request.getSession().setMaxInactiveInterval(userContext.getSessionExpiration()); mode = userContext.getMode(); } // get user's domain, or switch domain. // If domain ID is passed through the URL, it will overwrite this ID. domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); // default value for wirelessRoutingEnable, if passed from URL, will // overwrite. //wirelessRoutingEnable = (mode == HmStartConfig.HM_MODE_FULL); } public String globalForward() { return null; } protected boolean readPermission; public boolean getReadPermission() { return readPermission; } public void setReadPermission(boolean readPermission) { this.readPermission = readPermission; } protected boolean writePermission; public boolean getWritePermission() { return writePermission; } public void setWritePermission(boolean writePermission) { this.writePermission = writePermission; } public String getWriteDisabled() { if (writePermission) { if (getShowDomain() && null != boClass) { List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select owner.domainName from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("id", id)); if (!boIds.isEmpty() && !HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(boIds.get(0).toString())) { return "disabled"; } } return ""; } else { return "disabled"; } } /** * return disable value to struts tag * * @return - */ public boolean getWriteDisable4Struts() { return !getWriteDisabled().isEmpty(); } public String getWriteDisabled4HHM() { if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() && getUserContext().getDomain().isHomeDomain()) { return "disabled"; } return getWriteDisabled(); } public boolean getWriteDisabled4HHMStruts() { return NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() && getUserContext().getDomain().isHomeDomain() || !getWriteDisabled().isEmpty(); } public boolean getWriteInstancePermission() { if (getUserContext() == null) { return false; } if (getUserContext().getUserGroup().isAdministrator()) { return true; } HmPermission instancePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getInstancePermissions().get(id); return instancePermission != null && instancePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE); } public static void refreshInstancePermissions() { HmUser user = BaseAction.getSessionUserContext(); if (user != null && user.getSwitchDomain() != null) { if (user.getUserGroup() != null && !user.getUserGroup().isAdministrator()) { final class UserGroupQueryBo implements QueryBo { public Collection<HmBo> load(HmBo bo) { if (bo != null) { ((HmUserGroup) bo).getInstancePermissions().size(); } return null; } } HmUserGroup userGroup = QueryUtil.findBoById(HmUserGroup.class, user.getUserGroup().getId(), new UserGroupQueryBo()); user.getUserGroup().setInstancePermissions(userGroup.getInstancePermissions()); } } } public boolean getSuperAdminPermission() { if (getUserContext() == null) { return false; } if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return true; } return false; } public static synchronized HmUser getSessionUserContext() { return (HmUser) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(USER_CONTEXT); } public static synchronized void setSessionUserContext(HmUser userContext) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(USER_CONTEXT, userContext); } public static synchronized BeVersionInfo getSessionVersionInfo() { return (BeVersionInfo) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(HIVEMANAGER_VERSION); } public static synchronized void setSessionVersionInfo(BeVersionInfo versionInfo) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(HIVEMANAGER_VERSION, versionInfo); } public static synchronized AhNotificationMsgPool getSessionNotificationMessagePool() { return (AhNotificationMsgPool) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_POOL); } public static synchronized Set<?> getSessionNotificationMessages() { AhNotificationMsgPool pool = getSessionNotificationMessagePool(); if (null != pool) { return pool.getCurrentAvailableMessages(); } return null; } public static synchronized boolean isLsMessageEnableDisplay() { AhNotificationMsgPool pool = getSessionNotificationMessagePool(); return null != pool && pool.isEnableLicenceMsgFlag(); } public static synchronized void setSessionNotificationMessagePool() { final String groupName = null == getSessionUserContext() ? "" : getSessionUserContext().getUserGroup().getGroupName(); if (groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.PLANNING) || groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.GM_ADMIN) || groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.GM_OPERATOR) || groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.TEACHER)) { return; } // only allow above user group to display the notification MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_POOL, new AhNotificationMsgPool()); } public int getAttributeLength(String name) { /*- hibernate annotation doesn't work after hibernate upgraded to 3.5.x, use JPA annotation instead try { Field field = boClass.getDeclaredField(name); Length length = field.getAnnotation(Length.class); if (length != null) { log.debug("getAttributeLength", "Attribute '" + name + "' length: " + length.max()); return length.max(); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.error("getAttributeLength", "Attribute '" + name + "' does not exist in class '" + boClass.getName() + "'."); }*/ if (boPersistentClass == null) { log.error("getAttributeLength", "boPersistentClass has not been initialized."); return 0; } Property property = boPersistentClass.getProperty(name); if (property == null) { log.error("getAttributeLength", "Attribute '" + name + "' does not exist in class '" + boClass.getName() + "'."); return 0; } if (property.getColumnIterator().hasNext()) { Column column = (Column) property.getColumnIterator().next(); log.debug("getAttributeLength", "Attribute '" + name + "' length is: " + column.getLength()); return column.getLength(); } else { log.error("getAttributeLength", "Attribute '" + name + "' in class '" + boClass.getName() + "' does not map to a column."); return 0; } } public Range getAttributeRange(String name) { try { Field field = boClass.getDeclaredField(name); Range range = field.getAnnotation(Range.class); if (range != null) { log.debug("getAttributeRange", "Attribute '" + name + "' min: " + range.min() + ", max: " + range.max()); return range; } } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) { log.error("getAttributeRange", "Attribute '" + name + "' does not exist in class '" + boClass.getName() + "'."); } return null; } public Range getAttributeRange(String name, Class<? extends HmBo> boObjectClass) { try { Field field = boObjectClass.getDeclaredField(name); Range range = field.getAnnotation(Range.class); if (range != null) { log.debug("getAttributeRange", "Attribute '" + name + "' min: " + range.min() + ", max: " + range.max()); return range; } } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) { log.error("getAttributeRange", "Attribute '" + name + "' does not exist in class '" + boObjectClass.getName() + "'."); } return null; } public IntRangeFieldValidator getAttributeRangeValidator(String name) { String methodName = "get" + name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); log.debug("getAttributeRangeValidator", "Looking for method: " + methodName); try { Method method = boClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName); IntRangeFieldValidator range = method.getAnnotation(IntRangeFieldValidator.class); if (range != null) { log.debug("getAttributeRangeValidator", "Method '" + methodName + "' min: " + range.min() + ", max: " + range.max()); return range; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { log.debug("getAttributeRangeValidator", "Method: " + methodName + " not found."); } return null; } protected Class<? extends HmBo> boClass; protected PersistentClass boPersistentClass; protected HmBo dataSource; public void setDataSource(Class<? extends HmBo> boClass) { this.boClass = boClass; this.boPersistentClass = HibernateUtil.getPersistentClass(boClass); getSessionDataSource(); } public HmBo getDataSource() { return dataSource; } public void getSessionDataSource() { dataSource = (HmBo) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Source"); } public void setSessionDataSource(HmBo dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Source", dataSource); } public void clearDataSource() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(boClass.getSimpleName() + "Source"); id = null; } public boolean baseOperation() throws Exception { if (OPERATION_SORT.equals(operation)) { updateSortParams(); return true; } else if ("saveColumns".equals(operation)) { updateTableView(); return true; } else if ("resetColumns".equals(operation)) { selectedColumnIds = null; updateTableView(); return true; } else if ("cancelColumns".equals(operation)) { return true; } else if ("paintbrush".equals(operation)) { paintbrushOperation(); return true; } else if ("cancelPaintbrush".equals(operation)) { setAllSelectedIds(null); return true; } else { return pagingOperation() || removeOperation(); } } protected void paintbrushOperation() throws Exception { Set<Long> destinationIds = null; if (allItemsSelected) { this.getSessionFiltering(); List<Long> list = (List<Long>) QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); Collection<Long> defaultIds = getDefaultIds(); if (defaultIds != null && list.removeAll(defaultIds)) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.use.paintbrush.default.item")); } destinationIds = new HashSet<Long>(list); } else if (allSelectedIds != null && !allSelectedIds.isEmpty()) { Collection<Long> defaultIds = getDefaultIds(); if (defaultIds != null && allSelectedIds.removeAll(defaultIds)) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.use.paintbrush.default.item")); } destinationIds = allSelectedIds; }"paintbrushOperation", "operation:" + operation + ", paintbrushSource:" + paintbrushSource + ", destination:" + (destinationIds == null ? "null" : destinationIds)); if (null == paintbrushSource || null == destinationIds || destinationIds.isEmpty()) { setAllSelectedIds(null); setPaintbrushSource(null); return; } List<HmBo> bos = paintbrushBos(paintbrushSource, destinationIds); if (null != bos && !bos.isEmpty()) { Map<Long, Date> versions = new HashMap<Long, Date>(); for (HmBo bo : bos) { versions.put(bo.getId(), bo.getVersion()); } try { Collection<HmBo> hmBos = BoMgmt.bulkUpdateBos(bos, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); for (HmBo bo : hmBos) { if (bo instanceof LocalUser) {"updateBo", "Update LocalUser is customized for configuration indication."); } else { // generate an event to configuration indication process HmBeEventUtil.eventGenerated(new ConfigurationChangedEvent(bo, ConfigurationChangedEvent.Operation.UPDATE, versions.get(bo.getId()))); } generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage( "hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { getLastTitle(), bo.getLabel() })); addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_UPDATED, bo.getLabel())); } } catch (Exception e) { for (HmBo bo : bos) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage( "hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { getLastTitle(), bo.getLabel() })); } throw e; } } setAllSelectedIds(null); setPaintbrushSource(null); } protected List<HmBo> paintbrushBos(Long paintbrushSource, Set<Long> destinationIds) { return null; } public void getPaintbrushSourceInfo() throws Exception {"getPaintbrushSourceInfo", "Paintbrush source id:" + id); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (null != id) { HmBo profile = QueryUtil.findBoById(boClass, id); if (null != profile) { jsonObject.put("n", profile.getLabel()); } } } protected void updateTableSize() {"updateTableSize", "saving page size for table: " + tableId + ", page size:" + pageSize); if (pageSize > 0) { try { HmUser hmUser = QueryUtil.findBoById(HmUser.class, getUserContext().getId(), new ImplQueryBo()); if (hmUser == null) hmUser = getUserContext(); HmTableSize tableSize = getUserContext().getTableSizeMappings().get(tableId); if (null == tableSize) { tableSize = new HmTableSize(tableId, pageSize); tableSize.setUseremail(hmUser.getEmailAddress()); } if (hmUser != null && !HAUtil.isSlave()) { hmUser.removeTableSizes(tableId); hmUser.getTableSizes().remove(tableSize); HmTableSize hmTableSize = new HmTableSize(tableId, pageSize); hmTableSize.setUseremail(hmUser.getEmailAddress()); hmUser.getTableSizes().add(hmTableSize); hmUser.addTableSizes(hmTableSize); // hmUser = QueryUtil.updateBo(hmUser); getUserContext().setTableSizes(hmUser.getTableSizes()); } else { if (getUserContext().getTableSizes() != null) { getUserContext().getTableSizes().remove(tableSize); HmTableSize tSize = new HmTableSize(tableId, pageSize); tSize.setUseremail(hmUser == null ? "null_value" : hmUser.getEmailAddress()); getUserContext().getTableSizes().add(tSize); } else { List<HmTableSize> tmpTableSize = new ArrayList<HmTableSize>(); getUserContext().setTableSizes(tmpTableSize); HmTableSize tSize = new HmTableSize(tableId, pageSize); tSize.setUseremail(hmUser == null ? "null_value" : hmUser.getEmailAddress()); getUserContext().getTableSizes().add(tSize); } } getUserContext().createTableSizeMappings(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("updateTableSize", e); } } } protected void updateTableView() throws Exception {"updateTableView", "saving columns for table: " + tableId + ", " + selectedColumnIds); LinkedHashSet<HmTableColumn> columns = new LinkedHashSet<HmTableColumn>(); HmUser hmUser = QueryUtil.findBoById(HmUser.class, getUserContext().getId(), new ImplQueryBo()); if (hmUser == null) hmUser = getUserContext(); if (selectedColumnIds != null) { // key column should not be unselected if (keyColumnId != NO_KEY_COLUMN && !selectedColumnIds.contains(Integer.valueOf(keyColumnId))) { selectedColumnIds.add(0, keyColumnId); addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(KEY_COLUMN_UNSELECTED)); } int i = 0; for (Integer columnId : selectedColumnIds) { HmTableColumn column = new HmTableColumn(columnId); column.setTableId(tableId); column.setUseremail(hmUser == null ? "null_value" : hmUser.getEmailAddress()); column.setPosition(i++); columns.add(column); } } List<HmTableColumn> oldColumns = getUserContext().getTableViews().get(tableId); if (hmUser != null && !HAUtil.isSlave()) { if (oldColumns != null) { hmUser.removeTableColumns(tableId); hmUser.getTableColumns().removeAll(oldColumns); } hmUser.getTableColumns().addAll(columns); hmUser.addTableColumns(new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(columns)); // hmUser = QueryUtil.updateBo(hmUser); getUserContext().setTableColumns(hmUser.getTableColumns()); } else { if (oldColumns != null) { if (getUserContext().getTableColumns() != null) { getUserContext().getTableColumns().removeAll(oldColumns); } } if (getUserContext().getTableColumns() != null) { getUserContext().getTableColumns().addAll(columns); } else { getUserContext().setTableColumns(new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(columns)); } } getUserContext().createTableViews(); } /** * set the description of columns * * @param columns * - * @author Joseph Chen */ protected void setColumnDescription(List<HmTableColumn> columns) { for (HmTableColumn column : columns) { column.setColumnDescription(getColumnDescription(column.getColumnId())); column.setTableId(tableId); } } /** * get the description of column by id this function will be hidden by * sub-class * * @param id * - * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ protected String getColumnDescription(int id) { return null; } protected void setTableColumns() { /*modify the method of assignment for selectedColumns in case the session value is changed*/ if (!selectedColumns.isEmpty()) { selectedColumns.clear(); } if (null != getUserContext().getTableViews().get(tableId)) { selectedColumns.addAll(getUserContext().getTableViews().get(tableId)); } else { selectedColumns = getInitSelectedColumns(); } setColumnDescription(selectedColumns); /* * do this in case some columns are modified or removed during * restoration */ removeEmptyColumn(selectedColumns); availableColumns = getDefaultSelectedColums(); setColumnDescription(availableColumns); availableColumns.removeAll(selectedColumns); // sorting available column list Collections.sort(availableColumns, new Comparator<HmTableColumn>() { @Override public int compare(HmTableColumn o1, HmTableColumn o2) { return o1.getColumnDescription().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getColumnDescription()); } }); } protected void removeEmptyColumn(List<HmTableColumn> columns) { if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) { return; } List<HmTableColumn> emptyCols = new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(); for (HmTableColumn col : columns) { if (col.getColumnDescription() == null || col.getColumnDescription().isEmpty()) { emptyCols.add(col); } } columns.removeAll(emptyCols); } protected List<HmTableColumn> getInitSelectedColumns() { return getDefaultSelectedColums(); } protected List<HmTableColumn> getDefaultSelectedColums() { return new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>();// avoid exception } protected String prepareBoList() throws Exception { clearDataSource(); setFormChanged(false); removeSessionAttributes(); preparePage(); setTableColumns(); if (isEasyMode()) { removeLastExConfigGuide(); removeExConfigGuideFeature(); } return SUCCESS; } protected String prepareBoListForExpressLocalUser() throws Exception { clearDataSource(); setFormChanged(false); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstForward"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged"); ReportListAction.clearOldSession(); VpnReportListAction.clearOldSession(); preparePage(); setTableColumns(); return "localUserListEx"; } protected String prepareEmptyBoList() throws Exception { clearDataSource(); setFormChanged(false); page = new ArrayList<>(); return SUCCESS; } public void removeSessionAttributes() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstForward"); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged"); removeLastExConfigGuide(); removeExConfigGuideFeature(); ReportListAction.clearOldSession(); VpnReportListAction.clearOldSession(); HiveApToolkitAction.clearSessions(); } protected String prepareActionError(Exception e) throws Exception { log.error("prepareActionError", MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e), e); addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, boClass.getSimpleName() + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); try { return prepareBoList(); } catch (Exception ne) { return prepareEmptyBoList(); } } protected void reportActionError(Exception e) { log.error("prepareActionError", MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e), e); addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, boClass.getSimpleName() + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); } /* * Paging */ public int pageIndex = 1; public int pageSize = 0; public String gotoPage; public List page; public int getPageIndex() { return paging.getPageIndex(); } public void setPageIndex(int pageIndex) { this.pageIndex = pageIndex; } public long getRowCount() { return paging.getRowCount(); } public int getPageCount() { return paging == null ? 0 : paging.getPageCount(); } public int getPageSize() { return paging.getPageSize(); } public long getAvailableRowCount() { return paging.getAvailableRowCount(); } public int getAvailablePageRowCount() { return paging.getAvailablePageRowCount(); } public String getPagePlus() { return paging.getPagePlus(); } public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } public String getGotoPage() { return gotoPage; } public void setGotoPage(String gotoPage) { this.gotoPage = gotoPage; } public List getPage() { return page; } protected void preparePage() throws Exception { enableSorting(); enablePaging(); page = findBos(); } private boolean pageIndexChanged; protected boolean pagingOperation() { if ("firstPage".equals(operation)) { pageIndex = 1; } else if ("resizePage".equals(operation)) { pageIndex = 1; updateTableSize(); } else if ("previousPage".equals(operation)) { pageIndex--; } else if ("nextPage".equals(operation)) { pageIndex++; } else if ("lastPage".equals(operation)) { pageIndex = -1; } else if ("gotoPage".equals(operation)) { try { pageIndex = Integer.parseInt(gotoPage); if (pageIndex < 1) { pageIndex = 1; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { pageIndex = 1; } } else { return false; } pageIndexChanged = true; //if (allItemsSelected) { // do not save the selected id when all Item Selected allSelectedIds = null; //} return true; } protected Paging<? extends HmBo> paging; protected void enablePaging() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "Paging"; paging = (Paging<? extends HmBo>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); if (paging == null) { paging = new PagingImpl<>(boClass); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, paging); } paging.clearNext(); if (pageIndexChanged) { paging.setPageIndex(pageIndex); } paging.clearRowCount(); if (isEasyMode() && getLastExConfigGuide() != null) { paging.setPageSize(15); } // set the page size if already persistent in db HmTableSize tableSize = null; if (userContext.getTableSizeMappings() != null) { tableSize = userContext.getTableSizeMappings().get(tableId); } if (null != tableSize && tableSize.getTableSize() > 0) { paging.setPageSize(tableSize.getTableSize()); } else { paging.setPageSize(15); } if (pageSize != 0) { paging.setPageSize(pageSize); } gotoPage = ""; paging.setSelectedIds(allSelectedIds); } /* * Sorting */ protected SortParams sortParams; protected void enableSorting() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "Sorting"; sortParams = (SortParams) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); if (sortParams == null) { sortParams = new SortParams("id"); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, sortParams); } // So every sort tag doesn't need to specify a session key ActionContext.getContext().put(PAGE_SORTING, sortParams); } /* * Filtering */ protected FilterParams filterParams; protected void setSessionFiltering() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "Filtering"; MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, filterParams); } protected void getSessionFiltering() { String sessionKey = boClass.getSimpleName() + "Filtering"; filterParams = (FilterParams) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); } protected void updateSortParams() { enableSorting(); sortParams.setOrderBy(orderBy); sortParams.setAscending(ascending); sortParams.setExtOrderBy(extOrderBy); sortParams.setExtAscending(extAscending); sortParams.setOrderByNumber(orderByNumber); sortParams.setOrderByIp(orderByIp); } public boolean hasDefaultValues() { try { boClass.getDeclaredField("defaultFlag"); return true; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { return false; } } public Collection<Long> getDefaultIds() { List<?> boIds; if (boClass.getName().equals("")) { boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("owner.domainName", HmDomain.GLOBAL_DOMAIN)); } else { if (!hasDefaultValues()) { return null; } boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("defaultFlag", true)); } if (boIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } Collection<Long> defaultIds = new ArrayList<Long>(boIds.size()); for (Object obj : boIds) { defaultIds.add((Long) obj); } return defaultIds; } public Collection<Long> getDefaultIds(Class<? extends HmBo> hmBoClass) { boolean haveDefaultValue; try { hmBoClass.getDeclaredField("defaultFlag"); haveDefaultValue = true; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { haveDefaultValue = false; } if (!haveDefaultValue) { return null; } List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + hmBoClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("defaultFlag", true)); if (boIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } Collection<Long> defaultIds = new ArrayList<Long>(boIds.size()); for (Object obj : boIds) { defaultIds.add((Long) obj); } return defaultIds; } protected List<String> removeOperationJson(Class<? extends HmBo> boToRemove) throws Exception { return removeOperationJson(boToRemove, selectedIds); } /** * Remove objects whose type is boToRemove, ids are defined by selectedIds. * Returned value contains list of messages for error or message. * @param boToRemove - * @param idsToRemoveArg - * @return - * @throws Exception - */ protected List<String> removeOperationJson(Class<? extends HmBo> boToRemove, List<Long> idsToRemoveArg) throws Exception { if (idsToRemoveArg == null || idsToRemoveArg.isEmpty() || boToRemove == null) { return null; } List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); int count = -1; boolean hasRemoveDefaultValue = false; Collection<Long> defaultIds = getDefaultIds(boToRemove); if (defaultIds != null && idsToRemoveArg.removeAll(defaultIds)) { hasRemoveDefaultValue = true; result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE)); } Collection<Long> toRemoveIds = new ArrayList<Long>(idsToRemoveArg); if (!toRemoveIds.isEmpty()) { try { count = removeBos(boToRemove, toRemoveIds); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); return result; } }"removeOperationJson", "Count: " + count); if (count < 0) { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(SELECT_OBJECT)); } else if (count == 0) { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(NO_OBJECTS_REMOVED)); } else if (count == 1) { if (hasRemoveDefaultValue) { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_REMOVED_WITH_DEFAULT)); } else { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_REMOVED)); } } else { if (hasRemoveDefaultValue) { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECTS_REMOVED_WITH_DEFAULT, count + "")); } else { result.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECTS_REMOVED, count + "")); } } return result; } protected boolean removeOperation() throws Exception { if (!"remove".equals(operation)) { return false; } int count = -1; boolean hasRemoveDefaultValue = false; if (allItemsSelected) { setAllSelectedIds(null); this.getSessionFiltering(); /* * in easy mode of HM, the profile reference in ConfigTemplate * should be cleared first */ if (isEasyMode()) { updateConfigTemplate(); } // if (boClass.equals(HiveAp.class)) { // CVGAndBRIpResourceManage.updateSubNetworkResourceRemoveBR(); // } if (getShowDomain()) { count = removeAllBos(boClass, filterParams, getNonHomeDataInHomeDomain()); addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_IS_NONHOME_DOMAIN_VALUE)); } else { Collection<Long> defaultIds = getDefaultIds(); count = removeAllBos(boClass, filterParams, defaultIds); if (null != defaultIds && !defaultIds.isEmpty()) { hasRemoveDefaultValue = true; addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE)); } } } else if (allSelectedIds != null && !allSelectedIds.isEmpty()) { Collection<Long> defaultIds = getDefaultIds(); if (defaultIds != null && allSelectedIds.removeAll(defaultIds)) { hasRemoveDefaultValue = true; addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE)); } Collection<Long> toRemoveIds = new ArrayList<Long>(allSelectedIds); //just put the object has a relationship into the end of list for displaying //correct error message in the page if ("radiusAttrs".equals(getSelectedL2FeatureKey())) { List<Long> relationshipList = new ArrayList<Long>(); Iterator<Long> it = toRemoveIds.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { long id =; if (!checkDoRemoveForSelected(boClass, id)) { relationshipList.add(id); it.remove(); } } toRemoveIds.addAll(relationshipList); } /* * in easy mode of HM, the profile reference in ConfigTemplate * should be cleared first */ if (isEasyMode()) { updateConfigTemplate(); } if (!checkUsedProfile(toRemoveIds)) { return false; } if (!checkCVGUsed(toRemoveIds)) { return false; } setAllSelectedIds(null); // if (boClass.equals(HiveAp.class)) { // CVGAndBRIpResourceManage // .updateSubNetworkResourceRemoveBR(toRemoveIds); // } if (!toRemoveIds.isEmpty()) { count = removeBos(boClass, toRemoveIds); } }"removeOperation", "Count: " + count); if (count < 0) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(SELECT_OBJECT)); } else if (count == 0) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(NO_OBJECTS_REMOVED)); } else if (count == 1) { if (hasRemoveDefaultValue) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_REMOVED_WITH_DEFAULT)); } else { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_REMOVED)); } } else { if (hasRemoveDefaultValue) { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECTS_REMOVED_WITH_DEFAULT, count + "")); } else { addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECTS_REMOVED, count + "")); } } return true; } protected boolean checkDoRemoveForSelected(Class<? extends HmBo> radiusAttr, long id) throws Exception { boolean flag = true; String sql = "select count(id) from " + "config_template where radius_attrs_id = " + id; List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(sql); for (Object ob : boIds) { if (!ob.toString().equals("0")) flag = false; } return flag; } /** * update the embedded global ConfigTemplate object in easy mode of HM * before removing BOs. * * This method should be override in sub-class of BaseAction where updating * ConfigTemplate is needed. * * @throws Exception * - * @author Joseph Chen */ protected void updateConfigTemplate() throws Exception { } /** * Get the ids which cannot be removed in home domain * * @return The ids which cannot be removed in home domain * @throws Exception * - */ public Collection<Long> getNonHomeDataInHomeDomain() throws Exception { domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); Collection<Long> cannotIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id, from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, null); for (Object obj : boIds) { Object[] item = (Object[]) obj; if (!domainId.equals(item[1])) { cannotIds.add((Long) item[0]); } } return cannotIds.isEmpty() ? null : cannotIds; } /** * Get the ids which cannot be removed in home domain * * @param hmBoClass * - * @return The ids which cannot be removed in home domain * @throws Exception * - */ public Collection<Long> getNonHomeDataInHomeDomain(Class<? extends HmBo> hmBoClass) throws Exception { domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); Collection<Long> cannotIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id, from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, null); for (Object obj : boIds) { Object[] item = (Object[]) obj; if (!domainId.equals(item[1])) { cannotIds.add((Long) item[0]); } } return cannotIds.isEmpty() ? null : cannotIds; } protected boolean checkUsedProfile(Collection<Long> toRemoveIds) { if (getSelectedL2FeatureKey().equals(L2_FEATURE_SSID_PROFILES)) { for (Long rmId : toRemoveIds) { Set<String> configNames = ConfigurationUtils.getRelevantConfigTemplateFromSsid(rmId.toString()); if (!configNames.isEmpty()) { String msg = ""; for (String name : configNames) { if (!msg.equals("")) { msg = msg + ","; } msg = msg + "'" + name + "'"; } List<?> boNames = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select ssidName from " + SsidProfile.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("id", rmId)); String tempStr[] = { boNames.get(0).toString(), msg }; addActionError(getText("error.objectInUseConfigTemplate", tempStr)); return false; } } } return true; } protected boolean checkCVGUsed(Collection<Long> toRemoveIds) { if ((getSelectedL2FeatureKey().equals(L2_FEATURE_MANAGED_HIVE_APS) || getSelectedL2FeatureKey().equals(L2_FEATURE_VPN_GATEWAYS) || getSelectedL2FeatureKey().equals(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_HIVE_APS) || getSelectedL2FeatureKey().equals(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_VPN_GATEWAYS)) && toRemoveIds != null && !toRemoveIds.isEmpty()) { String rmIds = null; boolean bindCvg = false; for (Long rmId : toRemoveIds) { if (rmIds == null || "".equals(rmIds)) { rmIds = String.valueOf(rmId); } else { rmIds += "," + String.valueOf(rmId); } } if (rmIds != null && !"".equals(rmIds)) { rmIds = "(" + rmIds + ")"; } String sqlStr = "select hiveApId from VPN_GATEWAY_SETTING where hiveApId in " + rmIds; List<?> rmHiveApIds = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(sqlStr); for (Object rmId : rmHiveApIds) { Long id = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(rmId)); toRemoveIds.remove(id); bindCvg = true; } if (bindCvg) { addActionError(getText("error.hiveap.cvg.rmError.beBind")); return false; } } return true; } /* * Commonly used request params */ protected String operation; protected String key; protected Long id; protected Long selectedId; protected List<Long> selectedIds; private Set<Long> allSelectedIds; private Set<Long> pageIds; protected boolean allItemsSelected; protected String orderBy; protected boolean ascending; protected String extOrderBy; protected boolean extAscending; protected boolean orderByNumber; protected boolean orderByIp; protected int tabId; protected String forward; protected Long paintbrushSource; protected String paintbrushSourceName; // for display used protected Long start; // specified action may triggered by many redirect actions, this indicates where is the source. protected String ts; // -------- For Notification Message ---start--// protected boolean autoPlayMsg; // -------- For Notification Message ---end---// protected String baseRedirectUrl; protected boolean messagePermanent; public boolean getMessagePermanent() { return messagePermanent; } public String getBaseRedirectUrl() { return baseRedirectUrl; } public void setBaseRedirectUrl(String baseRedirectUrl) { this.baseRedirectUrl = baseRedirectUrl; } public Long getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(Long start) { this.start = start; } public String getTs() { return ts; } public void setTs(String ts) { this.ts = ts; } public void setPaintbrushSource(Long paintbrushSource) { this.paintbrushSource = paintbrushSource; } public Long getPaintbrushSource() { return paintbrushSource; } public String getPaintbrushSourceName() { return paintbrushSourceName; } public void setPaintbrushSourceName(String paintbrushSourceName) { this.paintbrushSourceName = paintbrushSourceName; } public String getForward() { return forward; // return getLstForward(); } public void setForward(String forward) { this.forward = forward; } public int getTabId() { return tabId; } public void setTabId(int tabId) { this.tabId = tabId; } public String getOperation() { return operation; } public void setOperation(String operation) { this.operation = operation; } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public Long getSelectedId() { return selectedId; } public void setSelectedId(Long selectedId) { this.selectedId = selectedId; } public List<Long> getSelectedIds() { return selectedIds; } public void setSelectedIds(List<Long> selectedIds) { log.debug("setSelectedIds", "Entered: " + selectedIds); this.selectedIds = selectedIds; } public Long getFirstSelectedId() { if (selectedIds != null && !selectedIds.isEmpty()) { return selectedIds.get(0); } else { return null; } } public Set<Long> getAllSelectedIds() { return allSelectedIds; } public void setAllSelectedIds(Set<Long> carryIds) { this.allSelectedIds = carryIds; } public Set<Long> getPageIds() { return pageIds; } public void setPageIds(Set<Long> pageIds) { this.pageIds = pageIds; } public boolean isAllItemsSelected() { return allItemsSelected; } public void setAllItemsSelected(boolean allSelected) { this.allItemsSelected = allSelected; } public void setAscending(boolean ascending) { this.ascending = ascending; } public void setOrderBy(String orderBy) { this.orderBy = orderBy; } public void setExtAscending(boolean extAscending) { this.extAscending = extAscending; } public void setExtOrderBy(String extOrderBy) { this.extOrderBy = extOrderBy; this.orderBy = "id"; } /* * BO mgmt APIs */ protected String createBo() throws Exception { createBo(dataSource); return prepareBoList(); } protected String editBo() throws Exception { setSessionDataSource(findBoById(boClass, id)); if (dataSource == null) { return prepareBoList(); } else { return INPUT; } } protected String editBo(QueryBo queryBo) throws Exception { setSessionDataSource(findBoById(boClass, id, queryBo)); if (dataSource == null) { return prepareBoList(); } else { return INPUT; } } protected String updateBo() throws Exception { updateBo(dataSource); return prepareBoList(); } /* * Create Hive Manager Business Object */ protected Long createBo(HmBo hmBo) throws Exception { if (hmBo == null || hmBo.getId() != null) { throw new HmException("Create object failed, session must have been shared by another browser window.", HmMessageCodes.STALE_SESSION_OBJECT, new String[] { "Create" }); } Long thisId; try { thisId = BoMgmt.createBo(hmBo, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.create", new String[] { getLastTitle(), hmBo.getLabel() })); } catch (Exception e) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.create", new String[] { getLastTitle(), hmBo.getLabel() })); throw e; } addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_CREATED, hmBo.getLabel())); return thisId; } /* * Update Hive Manager Business Object */ protected <E extends HmBo> E updateBo(E hmBo) throws Exception { if (hmBo == null || hmBo.getId() == null || !hmBo.getId().equals(id)) { throw new HmException("Update object failed, session must have been shared by another browser window.", HmMessageCodes.STALE_SESSION_OBJECT, new String[] { "Update" }); } try { Date oldVer = hmBo.getVersion(); hmBo = BoMgmt.updateBo(hmBo, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); if (hmBo instanceof LocalUser) {"updateBo", "Update LocalUser is customized for configuration indication."); } else { // generate an event to configuration indication process HmBeEventUtil.eventGenerated( new ConfigurationChangedEvent(hmBo, ConfigurationChangedEvent.Operation.UPDATE, oldVer)); } generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { getLastTitle(), hmBo.getLabel() })); } catch (Exception e) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { getLastTitle(), hmBo.getLabel() })); throw e; } addActionMessage(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(OBJECT_UPDATED, hmBo.getLabel())); return hmBo; } // update BO and send match and mismatch event. public <T extends HmBo> T updateBoWithEvent(T hmBo) throws Exception { String title = hmBo.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (hmBo instanceof SsidProfile) { title = "SSIDs"; } else if (hmBo instanceof LanProfile) { title = "LANs"; } else if (hmBo instanceof ConfigTemplate) { title = "Network Policies"; } try { Date oldVer = hmBo.getVersion(); hmBo = QueryUtil.updateBo(hmBo); if (hmBo instanceof LocalUser) {"updateBo", "Update LocalUser is customized for configuration indication."); } else { // generate an event to configuration indication process HmBeEventUtil.eventGenerated( new ConfigurationChangedEvent(hmBo, ConfigurationChangedEvent.Operation.UPDATE, oldVer)); } generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { title, hmBo.getLabel() })); } catch (Exception e) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.update", new String[] { title, hmBo.getLabel() })); throw e; } return hmBo; } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Object by ID */ protected <E extends HmBo> E findBoById(Class<E> boClass, Long id) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBoById(boClass, id, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Object by ID, call QueryBo.load */ protected <E extends HmBo> E findBoById(Class<E> boClass, Long id, QueryBo queryBo) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBoById(boClass, id, queryBo, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); } /* * Remove Hive Manager Business Objects by ID */ protected int removeBos(Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, Collection<Long> ids) throws Exception { int count = BoMgmt.removeBos(boClass, ids, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); if (count > 0) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.remove") + " " + count + " " + convertL2FeatureDescription(getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription(), count)); } return count; } protected String convertL2FeatureDescription(String desc, int count) { if (desc == null) { return "unknown profiles"; } if (count > 1) { return desc; } else { if (desc.equalsIgnoreCase("Alarms")) { return "Alarm"; } else if (desc.equalsIgnoreCase("Events")) { return "Event"; } return desc; } } /* * Remove Hive Manager Business Objects by class */ /*- the function is not used already, next function instead. protected int removeAllBos(Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, Collection<Long> defaultIds) throws Exception { int count = BoMgmt.removeAllBos(boClass, null, getUserContext(), defaultIds, getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); if (count > 0) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.remove") + count + " " + getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription()); } return count; }*/ /** * Remove HiveManager business objects excluding default ones by class and * filter * * @param boClass * the Class object of business object * @param filterParams * filter parameters * @param defaultIds * collection of id of default objects * @return the count of objects have been removed * @throws Exception * - * @author Joseph Chen */ protected int removeAllBos(Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterParams, Collection<Long> defaultIds) throws Exception { int count = BoMgmt.removeAllBos(boClass, filterParams, getUserContext(), defaultIds, getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); if (count > 0) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.base.operation.remove") + " " + count + " " + convertL2FeatureDescription(getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription(), count)); } return count; } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by page */ public List<? extends HmBo> findBos() throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBos(paging, sortParams, filterParams, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by page */ public List<? extends HmBo> findBos(QueryBo queryBo) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBos(paging, sortParams, filterParams, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey(), queryBo); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by page */ public List<? extends HmBo> findBos(Long domainId) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBos(paging, sortParams, filterParams, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey(), domainId); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by class */ public <E extends HmBo> List<E> findBos(Class<E> boClass) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBos(boClass, sortParams, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by page */ public List<?> findBos(String sql) throws Exception { return BoMgmt.findBos(paging, sql, sortParams, filterParams, getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey()); } /* * Find Hive Manager Business Objects by class */ public <E extends HmBo> List<E> findBos(Class<E> boClass, SortParams sortParams) throws Exception { return QueryUtil.executeQuery(boClass, sortParams, null, QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext)); } /* * Find Topology Map Hierarchy by dependent domain filter. */ public List<CheckItem> getMapListView() { // if (domainId == null) { // domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); // } return BoMgmt.getMapMgmt().getMapListView(QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext)); } /* * set the Name editable */ public boolean getDisabledName() { return getDataSource() != null && getDataSource().getId() != null; } /* * Check if BO with attribute 'name' and value 'value' already exists. */ public boolean checkNameExists(String name, Object value) { // if (domainId == null) { // domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); // } List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(name, value), domainId); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.objectExists", value.toString())); return true; } else { return false; } } /* * Check if BO with attribute 'name' and value 'value' already exists. */ public boolean checkNameExists(String name, Object value, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass) { // if (domainId == null) { // domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); // } List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(name, value), domainId); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.objectExists", value.toString())); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean checkNameExistsIgnoreDomain(String name, Object value) { List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(name, value)); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.objectExists", value.toString())); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean checkNameExists(String where, Object[] values) { // if (domainId == null) { // domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); // } List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(where, values), domainId); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.objectExists", values[0].toString())); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * get check items for BOs by class check items are the pare of id and name * of BOs this function could be used to get content to fill the Select * control in GUI * * @param fieldName * name of the field * @param boClass * Class of the BO * @param filterPa * - filter parameter * @param beginWith * indicate the format of the first item in the list under some * circumstances, the list could begin with an blank item or None * 0 - no special item 1 - blank * @param endWith * indicate the format of the last item in the list under some * circumstances, the list could end with item "[-New-]" 0 - no * special item 1 - New * * @return a List contains elements of CheckItem. the returned list could be * null if error occurs. * * @author Joseph Chen * @since 05/05/2008 */ public List<CheckItem> getBoCheckItems(String fieldName, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterPa, short beginWith, short endWith) { return getBoCheckItems(fieldName, boClass, filterPa, new SortParams("id"), beginWith, endWith, true); } private List<CheckItem> getBoCheckItems(String fieldName, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterPa, SortParams sortParams, short beginWith, short endWith, boolean escape) { // check input params if (fieldName == null || fieldName.isEmpty() || boClass == null) { return null; } // get list of id and name from database String sql = "SELECT, bo." + fieldName + " FROM " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " bo"; List<?> bos = QueryUtil.executeQuery(sql, sortParams, filterPa, domainId); List<CheckItem> items = new ArrayList<CheckItem>(); // some ssid cannot to be used boolean ifIsSsid = boClass.getName().equals(""); for (Object obj : bos) { Object[] item = (Object[]) obj; String profileName = (String) item[1]; if (ifIsSsid) { if (BeParaModule.SSID_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_SYMBOL_SCANNER.equals(profileName) || BeParaModule.SSID_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_LEGACY_CLIENTS.equals(profileName) || BeParaModule.SSID_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_HIGH_CAPACITY.equals(profileName) || BeParaModule.SSID_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_BLACK_BERRY.equals(profileName) || BeParaModule.SSID_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_SPECTRA_LINK.equals(profileName)) { continue; } } CheckItem checkItem = new CheckItem((Long) item[0], escape ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(profileName) : profileName); items.add(checkItem); } // add the special item switch (beginWith) { case CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_BLANK: if (boClass.getName().equals(Vlan.class.getName())) { items.add(0, new CheckItem((long) CHECK_ITEM_ID_BLANK, "Create new VLAN")); } else { items.add(0, new CheckItem((long) CHECK_ITEM_ID_BLANK, "")); } break; case CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO: // fall through default: break; } if (items.isEmpty()) { items.add(new CheckItem((long) CHECK_ITEM_ID_NONE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none"))); } // add the special item switch (endWith) { case CHECK_ITEM_END_NEW: if (this.getWriteDisabled().isEmpty()) items.add(new CheckItem((long) CHECK_ITEM_ID_NEW, CHECK_ITEM_NEW)); break; case CHECK_ITEM_END_NO: // fall through default: break; } return items; } /** * get check items for BOs by class check items are the pare of id and name * of BOs this function could be used to get content to fill the Select * control in GUI * * @param fieldName * name of the field * @param boClass * Class of the BO * @param filterPar * filter parameter * * @return a List contains elements of CheckItem. the returned list could be * null if error occurs. * * @author Joseph Chen * @since 05/05/2008 */ public List<CheckItem> getBoCheckItems(String fieldName, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterPar) { return getBoCheckItems(fieldName, boClass, filterPar, CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } public List<CheckItem> getBoCheckItems(String fieldName, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterPar, SortParams sortParams) { return getBoCheckItems(fieldName, boClass, filterPar, sortParams, CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO, true); } public List<CheckItem> getBoCheckItemsSort(String fieldName, Class<? extends HmBo> boClass, FilterParams filterPar, SortParams sortParams, short beginWith, short endWith) { return getBoCheckItems(fieldName, boClass, filterPar, sortParams, beginWith, endWith, true); } public List<String> getLstTitle() { if (MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTitle") != null) { return (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } } public boolean getFirstTitleStartLocalUser() { return getLstTitle() != null && !getLstTitle().isEmpty() && getLstTitle().get(0).startsWith("Local Users"); } public String getLastTitle() { String titleName; if (null != getLstTitle() && getLstTitle().size() > 1) { titleName = getLstTitle().get(getLstTitle().size() - 1); if (titleName.split(">").length > 2) { titleName = titleName.substring(titleName.indexOf(">") + 1, titleName.lastIndexOf(">")); } else { titleName = getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription(); } } else { titleName = getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription(); } return titleName.trim(); } private boolean removeAllLstTitle; public void addLstTitle(String strTitle) { if (removeAllLstTitle) { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); } List<String> tmpLstTitle = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); if (tmpLstTitle == null) { tmpLstTitle = new ArrayList<String>(); } if (tmpLstTitle.isEmpty()) { tmpLstTitle.add(strTitle); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTitle", tmpLstTitle); } else if (!tmpLstTitle.get(tmpLstTitle.size() - 1).equals(" > " + strTitle) && !tmpLstTitle.get(tmpLstTitle.size() - 1).equals(strTitle)) { tmpLstTitle.add(" > " + strTitle); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTitle", tmpLstTitle); } } public void addLstTabId(Integer strTabId) { List<Integer> tmpLstTabId = (List<Integer>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); if (tmpLstTabId == null) { tmpLstTabId = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } tmpLstTabId.add(strTabId); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTabId", tmpLstTabId); } public void addLstForward(String strForward) { List<String> tmpLstForward = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstForward"); if (tmpLstForward == null) { tmpLstForward = new ArrayList<String>(); } tmpLstForward.add(strForward); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstForward", tmpLstForward); // add last form change state addLstFormChanged(formChanged); } private void addLstFormChanged(boolean changed) { List<Boolean> tmpLstFormChanged = (List<Boolean>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged"); if (tmpLstFormChanged == null) { tmpLstFormChanged = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); } tmpLstFormChanged.add(changed); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged", tmpLstFormChanged); } public void removeLstTitle() { List<String> tmpLstTitle = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); if (tmpLstTitle == null || tmpLstTitle.isEmpty()) { return; } tmpLstTitle.remove(tmpLstTitle.size() - 1); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTitle", tmpLstTitle); } public void removeLstTabId() { List<String> tmpLstTabId = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); if (tmpLstTabId == null || tmpLstTabId.isEmpty()) { return; } tmpLstTabId.remove(tmpLstTabId.size() - 1); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTabId", tmpLstTabId); } public void removeLstForward() { List<String> tmpLstForward = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstForward"); if (tmpLstForward == null || tmpLstForward.isEmpty()) { return; } tmpLstForward.remove(tmpLstForward.size() - 1); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstForward", tmpLstForward); // get last form change state formChanged = removeLstFormChanged(); } private boolean removeLstFormChanged() { boolean lastValue; List<Boolean> tmpLstFormChanged = (List<Boolean>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged"); if (tmpLstFormChanged == null || tmpLstFormChanged.isEmpty()) { lastValue = false; } lastValue = tmpLstFormChanged.remove(tmpLstFormChanged.size() - 1); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstFormChanged", tmpLstFormChanged); return lastValue; } public String getLstForward() { List<String> tmpLstForward = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstForward"); if (tmpLstForward != null && !tmpLstForward.isEmpty()) { return tmpLstForward.get(tmpLstForward.size() - 1); } else { return ""; } } public int getLstTabId() { List<Integer> tmpLstTabId = (List<Integer>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTabId"); if (tmpLstTabId != null && !tmpLstTabId.isEmpty()) { return tmpLstTabId.get(tmpLstTabId.size() - 1); } else { return 0; } } public String getLastExConfigGuide() { return (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("exConfigGuide"); } public void setLastExConfigGuide(String feature) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("exConfigGuide", feature); } public void removeLastExConfigGuide() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("exConfigGuide"); } public String getExConfigGuideFeature() { return (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("exConfigGuideFeature"); } public void setExConfigGuideFeature(String exConfigGuide) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("exConfigGuideFeature", exConfigGuide); this.setLastExConfigGuide(exConfigGuide); } public void removeExConfigGuideFeature() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute("exConfigGuideFeature"); } public String getSlideStyleStatus() { if (L2_FEATURE_CONFIGURATION_GUIDE.equals(getSelectedL2FeatureKey()) && !"top".equals(ts)) { return "collapsed"; } String result = "expanded"; if (this.userContext == null) return result; try { result = NavigationCustomizationUtil.isNeedDisplay(NavigationCustomizationUtil .getNavCustomizationByUser(this.userContext.getId(), this.userContext.getEmailAddress()), getMenuId()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * * @return - */ public int getMenuId() { if (this.getSelectedL1Feature() == null) return 1; return NavigationCustomizationUtil.getMenuIdByName(this.getSelectedL1Feature().getKey()); } public String getMenuDisplayStyleString() { return "collapsed".equals(getSlideStyleStatus()) ? "none" : ""; } /* * Check if BO with attribute 'name' and value 'value' already exists while * do update operation. */ public boolean checkNameExistsWhileUpdate(Long currentId, String name, Object value) { List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(name, value), domainId); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : boIds) { Long id = (Long) obj; if (id.longValue() != currentId.longValue()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.constraintViolation", value.toString())); return true; } } } return false; } public boolean checkNameExistsWhileUpdate(Long currentId, String where, Object[] values) { List<?> boIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams(where, values), domainId); if (!boIds.isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : boIds) { Long id = (Long) obj; if (id.longValue() != currentId.longValue()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.constraintViolation", values[0].toString())); return true; } } } return false; } public boolean setTitleAndCheckAccess(String strTitle) { List<String> tmpLstTitle = (List<String>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("lstTitle"); if (tmpLstTitle != null && !tmpLstTitle.isEmpty()) { if (!tmpLstTitle.get(tmpLstTitle.size() - 1).equals(" > " + strTitle) && !tmpLstTitle.get(tmpLstTitle.size() - 1).equals(strTitle)) { tmpLstTitle.add(" > " + strTitle); } } else { tmpLstTitle = new ArrayList<String>(); tmpLstTitle.add(strTitle); } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("lstTitle", tmpLstTitle); try { /* * if the request is for displaying HM search result, permit it. */ if (this.getSearchResult() != null) { return true; } AccessControl.checkUserAccess(getUserContext(), getSelectedL2FeatureKey(), CrudOperation.CREATE); } catch (HmException ex) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("errorMessage", MgrUtil.getUserMessage(ex)); return false; } return true; } public long getCriticalAlarmCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getAlarmCount(AhAlarm.AH_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, userContext); } public long getMajorAlarmCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getAlarmCount(AhAlarm.AH_SEVERITY_MAJOR, userContext); } public long getMinorAlarmCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getAlarmCount(AhAlarm.AH_SEVERITY_MINOR, userContext); } public long getClearedAlarmCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getAlarmCount(AhAlarm.AH_SEVERITY_UNDETERMINED, userContext); } public long getNewHiveAPCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getNewHiveAPCount(userContext); } public long getRogueClientCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getRogueClientCount(userContext); } public long getInnetRogueCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getInnetRogueCount(userContext); } public long getOnmapRogueCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getOnmapRogueCount(userContext); } public long getStrongRogueCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getStrongRogueCount(userContext); } public long getWeakRogueCount() { return SystemStatusCache.getInstance().getWeakRogueCount(userContext); } public boolean getUpdateContext() { Boolean update = (Boolean) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.UPDATE_CONTEXT); return update != null && update; } public void setUpdateContext(boolean value) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(SessionKeys.UPDATE_CONTEXT, value); } /** * @author fxr * @param arg_Status * : HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS;HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE * @param arg_Comment * : the comment of this operation */ public void generateAuditLog(short arg_Status, String arg_Comment) { // passive node cannot operate database if (HAUtil.isSlave()) { return; } HmAuditLog log = new HmAuditLog(); log.setStatus(arg_Status); String commentStr = checkValueLength(arg_Comment, 256); log.setOpeationComment(commentStr); log.setHostIP(null == request ? "" : HmProxyUtil.getClientIp(request)); try { HmDomain domain = null; if (null != userContext) { log.setUserOwner(userContext.getUserName()); if (null == domainId) { domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); } domain = QueryUtil.findBoById(HmDomain.class, domainId); log.setOwner(domain); } log.setLogTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); log.setLogTimeZone(domain != null ? domain.getTimeZoneString() : TimeZone.getDefault().getID());, "[" + log.getHostIP() + " " + log.getOwner() + "." + log.getUserOwner() + "]" + " " + arg_Comment + ":" + arg_Status); QueryUtil.createBo(log); } catch (Exception e) { addActionError(e.getMessage()); } } private String checkValueLength(String arg_Comment, int len) { if (arg_Comment != null && arg_Comment.length() > len) { arg_Comment = arg_Comment.substring(0, len); } return arg_Comment; } public String getLocalHost() throws Exception { String localHost = null; try { localHost = HmBeOsUtil.getNetConfig().getIpAddress_eth0(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return localHost; } /* * Get the help file information. */ public String getVideoGuideLink() { if (userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() == null || userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL().equals("")) { if (isEasyMode()) { return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getHelpLink() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/express/Content/ref/doc.htm"; } else { // if (isOEMSystem()) { // return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getHelpLink() // + "/" + // NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() // + "/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } else { return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getHelpLink() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/full/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } } } if (userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL().startsWith("http://")) { if (isEasyMode()) { return userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/express/Content/ref/doc.htm"; } else { // if (isOEMSystem()) { // return userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() // + "/" + // NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() // + "/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } else { return userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/full/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } } } else { if (isEasyMode()) { return "file:///" + userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/express/Content/ref/doc.htm"; } else { // if (isOEMSystem()) { // return "file:///" + userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() // + "/" + // NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() // + "/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } else { return "file:///" + userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/full/Content/ref/doc.htm"; // } } } } /* * Get the help file information. */ public String getHelpLink() { String endWord; if (isPlanningOnly() || isPlanner()) { endWord = "/help_CSH.htm#planner.htm"; } else { endWord = "/help_CSH.htm" + getText("" + selectedL2Feature.getKey()); } if (userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() == null || userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL().equals("")) { return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getHelpLink() + getHMModeHelpString() + endWord; } if (userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL().startsWith("http://")) { return userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + getHMModeHelpString() + endWord; } else { return "file:///" + userContext.getUserGroup().getHelpURL() + getHMModeHelpString() + endWord; } } /* * Get the support page link */ public String getSupportPageLink() { return NmsUtil.getSupportPageUrl(); } public String getHMModeHelpString() { if (getUserContext().getUserGroup().getGroupName().equals(HmUserGroup.GM_ADMIN)) { return "/um/admin"; } else if (getUserContext().getUserGroup().getGroupName().equals(HmUserGroup.GM_OPERATOR)) { return "/um/op"; } else { if (isPlanningOnly() || isPlanner()) { return "/planner"; } else { if (isEasyMode()) { return "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/express"; } else { // if (isOEMSystem()) { // return "/" + // NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase(); // } else { return "/" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsNameAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "/full"; // } } } } } /* * Get the version String append to imported js/css */ public String getVerParam() { return getVersionInfo() == null ? "-1" : getVersionInfo().getMainVersion() + "." + getVersionInfo().getSubVersion(); } public List<HmDomain> getSwitchDomains() { return CacheMgmt.getInstance().getCacheDomains(); } public int getSwitchDomainDataSize() { if (getSwitchDomainData().size() % SwitchDomainAction.ONEPAGE_SIZE == 0) { return getSwitchDomainData().size() / SwitchDomainAction.ONEPAGE_SIZE; } return getSwitchDomainData().size() / SwitchDomainAction.ONEPAGE_SIZE + 1; } public List<HmDomain> getSwitchDomainDataCurrent() { List<HmDomain> domains = getSwitchDomainData(); List<HmDomain> resultDomain = new ArrayList<HmDomain>(); for (int i = 0; i < SwitchDomainAction.ONEPAGE_SIZE && i < domains.size(); i++) { resultDomain.add(domains.get(i)); } return resultDomain; } public List<HmDomain> getSwitchDomainData() { if (null == userContext || !userContext.isSuperUser()) { return new ArrayList<HmDomain>(); } List<HmDomain> domains = getSwitchDomains(); try { Long switchDomainId = null; if (userContext != null && userContext.getSwitchDomain() != null) { switchDomainId = userContext.getSwitchDomain().getId(); } for (HmDomain domain : domains) { if (domain.getId().equals(switchDomainId)) { domain.setSelected(true); } else { domain.setSelected(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getSwitchDomainData", e.getMessage()); } // filter domain if user is vad admin if (userContext != null && userContext.isVadAdmin()) { for (Iterator<HmDomain> iterator = domains.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { HmDomain domain =; // filter domain which not belong to this vad admin if (domain.getPartnerId() == null || !domain.getPartnerId().equals(userContext.getCustomerId())) { iterator.remove(); } } } HmDomain homeDomain = null; for (int i = 0; i < domains.size(); i++) { if (HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(domains.get(i).getDomainName())) { homeDomain = domains.remove(i); break; } } // order by name Collections.sort(domains, new Comparator<HmDomain>() { @Override public int compare(HmDomain o1, HmDomain o2) { String n1 = o1.getDomainName(); String n2 = o2.getDomainName(); return n1.compareToIgnoreCase(n2); } }); if (null != homeDomain) { domains.add(0, homeDomain); } return domains; } public List<HmDomain> getReassignDomains() { List<HmDomain> reassignDomains = new ArrayList<HmDomain>(); try { List<HmDomain> domains = getSwitchDomains(); for (HmDomain domain : domains) { if (HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(domain.getDomainName())) { continue; } reassignDomains.add(domain); } } catch (Exception e) { } // order by name Collections.sort(reassignDomains, new Comparator<HmDomain>() { @Override public int compare(HmDomain o1, HmDomain o2) { String n1 = o1.getDomainName(); String n2 = o2.getDomainName(); return n1.compareToIgnoreCase(n2); } }); return reassignDomains; } public boolean getShowReassignMenu() { return userContext != null && userContext.isSuperUser() && !getReassignDomains().isEmpty() && (userContext.getSwitchDomain() == null || userContext.getSwitchDomain().isHomeDomain()); } public boolean getShowLogoutMenu() { return userContext != null && userContext.isSuperUser() && !userContext.isRedirectUser() && getSwitchDomains().size() > 1; } public boolean getShowDomain() { return userContext != null && userContext.isSuperUser() && userContext.getSwitchDomain() == null && getSwitchDomains().size() > 1; } public boolean getShowStagingSwitch() { if (null == userContext) { return false; } if (userContext.isVadAdmin()) { return true; } if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { if (null == userContext.getCustomerId()) { if (userContext.isRedirectUser()) { return true; } else if (!HmUserGroup.PLANNING.equals(userContext.getUserGroup().getGroupName())) { return userContext.isAccessMyhive(); } } else { return true; } } return false; } public boolean getShowAuthenticationSwitch() { return null != userContext && NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() && (userContext.getOwner().isHomeDomain()); } public boolean getShowHiveApInfo() { if (HAUtil.isSlave()) { return false; } if (null == userContext) { return false; } if (isTeacherView()) { return false; } HmDomain hmDom = userContext.getSwitchDomain() == null ? userContext.getDomain() : userContext.getSwitchDomain(); if (hmDom == null) { return false; } // the GUI is not relate with license // String domainName = hmDom.getDomainName(); // if (HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(domainName) || // !NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { // return HmBeLicenseUtil.HIVEMANAGER_LICENSE_VALID == // HmBeLicenseUtil.LICENSE_VALID; // } else { // LicenseInfo orderInfo = HmBeLicenseUtil.VHM_ORDERKEY_INFO // .get(domainName); // if (null == orderInfo) { // orderInfo = LicenseOperationTool.getInstance() // .getOrderKeyInfoFromDatabase(domainName, false); // } // if (BeLicenseModule.LICENSE_TYPE_NO_ORDERKEY.equals(orderInfo // .getLicenseType())) { // return false; // } else if (orderInfo.getTotalDays() > 0 // && orderInfo.getLeftHours() <= 0) { // return false; // } // return true; // } return true; } public boolean getIsInHomeDomain() { if (null == getUserContext()) { return false; } HmDomain hmDomain = getUserContext().getSwitchDomain() != null ? getUserContext().getSwitchDomain() : getUserContext().getDomain(); return HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(hmDomain.getDomainName()); } public boolean getShowSyncSGEMenu() { return getIsInHomeDomain() && AhAppContainer.getBeMiscModule().getAirTightSgeIntegrator().isStarted(); } /** * get domain object * * @return - */ public HmDomain getDomain() { return userContext.getSwitchDomain() == null ? userContext.getDomain() : userContext.getSwitchDomain(); } public TimeZone getUserTimeZone() { return TimeZone.getTimeZone(userContext.getTimeZone()); } protected Long domainId; protected short mode; public Long getDomainId() { return domainId; } public void setDomainId(Long domainId) { this.domainId = domainId; } public short getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(short mode) { this.mode = mode; } public boolean isEasyMode() { return mode == HmStartConfig.HM_MODE_EASY; } public boolean isFullMode() { return mode == HmStartConfig.HM_MODE_FULL; } protected List<HmTableColumn> selectedColumns = new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(); protected List<Integer> selectedColumnIds; protected List<HmTableColumn> availableColumns = new ArrayList<HmTableColumn>(); protected int tableId; protected int keyColumnId = NO_KEY_COLUMN; protected static final int NO_KEY_COLUMN = -1; public List<HmTableColumn> getSelectedColumns() { return selectedColumns; } public List<HmTableColumn> getAvailableColumns() { return availableColumns; } public void setSelectedColumnIds(List<Integer> selectedColumnIds) { this.selectedColumnIds = selectedColumnIds; } public int getTableId() { return tableId; } public void setTableId(int tableId) { this.tableId = tableId; } public boolean isPlanningOnly() { return userContext != null && userContext.getUserGroup().isPlUserGroup(); } public boolean isShowPlanningTool() { if (isPlanningOnly()) { List<PlanToolConfig> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(PlanToolConfig.class, null, null, domainId); if (list.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } Boolean splitContainer; public boolean isSplitContainer() { if (splitContainer == null) { if (request == null) { splitContainer = false; } else { String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-agent"); splitContainer = null != userAgent && userAgent.contains("MSIE"); splitContainer = false; // Not even on IE } } return splitContainer; } /* * Track form change feature. When new/modify profile a inside profile b, * save the profile b status(changed/unchanged), used to restore status when * back from a to b. */ private boolean formChanged; public boolean isFormChanged() { return formChanged; } public void setFormChanged(boolean formChanged) { this.formChanged = formChanged; } public void resetPermission() { // if (getUserContext().getUserGroup().isAdministrator()) { // setReadPermission(true); // setWritePermission(true); // } else { if (getSelectedL2Feature() != null) { HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(getSelectedL2Feature().getKey()); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ)) { setReadPermission(true); } if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { setWritePermission(true); } } } // } } public boolean isTrackFormChanges() { boolean track = true; // 1)user disabled prompt // 2)in the list view // 3)not have write permission // 4)not have dataSource(not persistent in DB) if (!userContext.isPromptChanges() || null != page || getWriteDisable4Struts() || null == getDataSource()) { track = false; } return track; } public String getTrackChangeTitle() { return Navigation.getFeatureName(L2_FEATURE_USER_PASSWORD_MODIFY); } // get session timeout value public int getSessionTimeOut() { List<HMServicesSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("", getDomainId())); if (list.isEmpty()) { return NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() ? NmsUtil.CAS_SERVER_SESSION_TIME_OUT : 15; // default session time out value is 15 minutes for simple HM. } HMServicesSettings clientMonitorSettings = list.get(0); if (clientMonitorSettings.isInfiniteSession()) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // never time out } return clientMonitorSettings.getSessionExpiration(); } // ---------------------------- HM Search ------------------------ private static final String KEY_SEARCHRESULT = "searchResultSet"; public void setSearchResult(SearchResultSet searchResultSet) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(KEY_SEARCHRESULT, searchResultSet); } public SearchResultSet getSearchResult() { return (SearchResultSet) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(KEY_SEARCHRESULT); } public void clearSearchResult() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(KEY_SEARCHRESULT); SearchUtil.clearSearchResults(getUserContext()); } public String getHideSearchConfig() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L1_FEATURE_CONFIGURATION); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getHideSearchFault() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L2_FEATURE_EVENTS); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ALARMS); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getHideSearchTool() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L1_FEATURE_TOOLS); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getHideSearchAdmin() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L1_FEATURE_HOME); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getHideSearchAP() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ACCESSPOINTS); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getHideSearchClients() { if (getUserContext().isSuperUser()) { return ""; } HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L2_FEATURE_CLIENTS); if (featurePermission != null) { if (featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_READ) || featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public boolean isShowSearchField() { return (NmsUtil.isSearchEnabled() && !getUserContext().getUserGroup().isGMUserGroup()) && !this.isTeacherView() && getShowHiveApInfo(); } // for HM update available public boolean getShowUpdateIcon() { if (isOEMSystem()) { return false; } else { boolean fileExist = false; try { // get download file List<String> fileNames = HmBeOsUtil.getFileNamesOfDirecotry(AhDirTools.getHiveManagerImageDir()); if (null != fileNames && fileNames.size() == 1) { // the file must have finished download if (!fileNames.get(0).endsWith(".download")) { fileExist = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug("getShowUpdateIcon", ex.getMessage()); } // for activation key LicenseServerSetting lserverInfo = HmBeActivationUtil.getLicenseServerInfo(); // whole hm if (getIsInHomeDomain()) { return userContext != null && userContext.getUserGroup().isAdministrator() && null != lserverInfo && lserverInfo.isSendStatistic() && (lserverInfo.isAvailableSoftToUpdate() || fileExist); } else { // hm online vhm, default admin user of vhm if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() && userContext != null && null == userContext.getSwitchDomain() && userContext.getDefaultFlag() && !userContext.isPlannerUser()) { return ConfigUtil.existUpgradeInfoForVHM(getDomain().getDomainName(), getDomain().getMaxApNum()); } return false; } } } public boolean isRemoveAllLstTitle() { return removeAllLstTitle; } public void setRemoveAllLstTitle(boolean removeAllLstTitle) { this.removeAllLstTitle = removeAllLstTitle; } public boolean hasBoInEasyMode() { if (isEasyMode()) { List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(boClass, null, null, domainId); if (!list.isEmpty()) { addActionError(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", getSelectedL2Feature().getDescription())); return true; } } return false; } // add json object in BaseAction protected JSONArray jsonArray; protected JSONObject jsonObject; public String getJSONString() { if (jsonArray == null) { log.debug("getJSONString", "JSON string: " + jsonObject.toString()); return jsonObject.toString(); } else { log.debug("getJSONString", "JSON string: " + jsonArray.toString()); return jsonArray.toString(); } } // simple object definition of new/edit/remove for easy mode public static final String SIMPLE_OBJECT_IP = "ip"; public static final String SIMPLE_OBJECT_MAC = "mac"; public static final String SIMPLE_OBJECT_VLAN = "vlan"; public static final String SIMPLE_OBJECT_ATTRI = "attribute"; public static final String IP_SUB_OBJECT_IP = "ipAddress"; public static final String IP_SUB_OBJECT_HOSTNAME = "hostName"; public static final String IP_SUB_OBJECT_NETWORK = "network"; public static final String IP_SUB_OBJECT_WILDCARD = "wildcard"; public static final String MAC_SUB_OBJECT_MAC = "macAddress"; public static final String MAC_SUB_OBJECT_OUI = "macOui"; public boolean getShowUpgradeWarning() { // if (!NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { // return false; // } if (MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("SHOW_UPGRADE_WORNING") == null) { List<HMServicesSettings> settings = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("owner.domainName", "home")); if (!settings.isEmpty()) { HMServicesSettings oneClass = settings.get(0); if (oneClass.isShowNotifyInfo()) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("SHOW_UPGRADE_WORNING", true); setUpgradeWarningInfo(oneClass.getNotifyInformation()); setUpgradeWarningTitle(oneClass.getNotifyInformationTitle()); return true; } else { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("SHOW_UPGRADE_WORNING", null); return false; } } else { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute("SHOW_UPGRADE_WORNING", null); return false; } } return false; } private String upgradeWarningInfo; private String upgradeWarningTitle; public String getUpgradeWarningInfo() { return upgradeWarningInfo; } public void setUpgradeWarningInfo(String upgradeWarningInfo) { this.upgradeWarningInfo = upgradeWarningInfo; } public String getUpgradeWarningTitle() { return upgradeWarningTitle; } public void setUpgradeWarningTitle(String upgradeWarningTitle) { this.upgradeWarningTitle = upgradeWarningTitle; } public boolean getShowUserRegInfoWarning() { userRegInfo = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(UserRegInfoForLs.class, "owner.domainName", getDomain().getDomainName()); if (null != userRegInfo && !isOEMSystem()) { if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { if (!getIsInHomeDomain() && userContext.getDefaultFlag() && !userRegInfo.isActiveBySelf()) { return true; } } else { if (getIsInHomeDomain() && userContext.isSuperUser() && !userRegInfo.isActiveBySelf()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * check if the platform is for HM-Online or not * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public boolean isHMOnline() { return NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication(); } public boolean isUseCdn() { return isHMOnline() && NmsUtil.isEnableYUICDN(); } /** * Protocol-less URL */ public String getYuiBase() { return "//"; // Google CDN // return ""; // Yahoo CDN } /** * check if the platform is just for planner or not * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public boolean isPlanner() { return NmsUtil.isPlanner(); } /** * check if the platform is currently under debug mode * * @return true, the platform is under debug mode; false, under release mode * * @author Joseph Chen */ public boolean isDebugMode() { return NmsUtil.isDebugModel(); } public boolean isPopupSimulator() { if (MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute("hasPopupSimulator") != null) { return false; } if (!NmsUtil.isDemoHHM()) { return false; } if (getUserContext().getDomain().isHomeDomain()) { return false; } // check permission HmPermission featurePermission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions() .get(Navigation.L2_FEATURE_HM_SIMULATOR); if (featurePermission == null || !featurePermission.hasAccess(HmPermission.OPERATION_WRITE)) { return false; } long apCount = QueryUtil.findRowCount(HiveAp.class, new FilterParams("owner", getUserContext().getDomain())); if (apCount > 0) { return false; } HmDomain _domain = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HmDomain.class, "domainName", getDomain().getDomainName()); int remaining = _domain.getMaxApNum() - _domain.computeManagedSimApNum(); return remaining > 0; } /** * Refresh the tree node on different operation */ public void refreshNavigationTree() { refreshNavigationTree(userContext, new ImplQueryBo()); } public static void refreshNavigationTree(HmUser hmUser, QueryBo queryBo) { if (null == hmUser.getSwitchDomain()) { // refresh navigation tree for user createNavigationTree(hmUser); } else { HmDomain switched = hmUser.getSwitchDomain(); if (HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN.equals(switched.getDomainName())) { // switch to home createNavigationTree(hmUser); } else { // switch to other domain String where = "owner = :s1 AND groupName = :s2"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = switched; if (HAUtil.isSlave()) { values[1] = HmUserGroup.MONITOR; } else { values[1] = HmUserGroup.CONFIG; } FilterParams filterParams = new FilterParams(where, values); List<HmUserGroup> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HmUserGroup.class, null, filterParams, null, queryBo); if (!list.isEmpty()) { HmUser user = new HmUser(); user.setUserGroup(list.get(0)); user.setId(Long.valueOf(1)); user.setOwner(switched); createNavigationTree4VHM(user); } } } } public String getMyHivePage() { String myhiveURL = NmsUtil.getMyHiveServiceURL(); if (!myhiveURL.endsWith("/")) { myhiveURL += "/"; } return myhiveURL + "defaultApp.action?operation=defaultApp"; } /* * Get ip objects list by different parameter */ public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsBySingleIp(short beginWith, short endWith) { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("typeFlag", IpAddress.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS), beginWith, endWith); } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByHostName(short beginWith, short endWith) { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("typeFlag", IpAddress.TYPE_HOST_NAME), beginWith, endWith); } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByIpAndName() { int status = HAUtil.getHAMonitor().getCurrentStatus().getStatus(); if (HAStatus.STATUS_HA_SLAVE != status && HAStatus.STATUS_HA_MASTER != status) { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("(typeFlag = :s1 OR typeFlag = :s2)", new Object[] { IpAddress.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, IpAddress.TYPE_HOST_NAME }), CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_BLANK, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } else { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("(typeFlag = :s1 OR typeFlag = :s2) and defaultFlag = :s3", new Object[] { IpAddress.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, IpAddress.TYPE_HOST_NAME, false }), CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_BLANK, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByIpNameAndNet() { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("typeFlag != :s1 and typeFlag != :s2", new Object[] { IpAddress.TYPE_IP_WILDCARD, IpAddress.TYPE_WEB_PAGE }), CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_BLANK, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByNetwork(short beginWith, short endWith) { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("(typeFlag = :s1 OR typeFlag = :s2)", new Object[] { IpAddress.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, IpAddress.TYPE_IP_NETWORK }), beginWith, endWith); } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByNetwork() { return getIpObjectsByNetwork(CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } public List<CheckItem> getIpObjectsByWildcard() { return getBoCheckItems("addressName", IpAddress.class, new FilterParams("typeFlag != :s1 and typeFlag != :s2", new Object[] { IpAddress.TYPE_HOST_NAME, IpAddress.TYPE_WEB_PAGE }), CHECK_ITEM_BEGIN_NO, CHECK_ITEM_END_NO); } public boolean isTeacherViewEnabled() { HMServicesSettings settings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", getDomain()); return settings.isEnableTeacher() && NmsUtil.TEACHER_VIEW_GLOBAL_ENABLED; } public boolean isTeacherView() { return null != userContext && userContext.getUserGroup().isTcUserGroup(); } public class ImplQueryBo implements QueryBo { @Override public Collection<HmBo> load(HmBo bo) { if (null == bo) { return null; } if (bo instanceof HmUser) { HmUser user = (HmUser) bo; // cchen DONE // if (user.getTableColumns() != null) { // user.getTableColumns().size(); // } // // if (user.getTableSizes() != null) { // user.getTableSizes().size(); // } // // if (user.getAutoRefreshs() != null) { // user.getAutoRefreshs().size(); // } } if (bo instanceof HmUserGroup) { HmUserGroup profile = (HmUserGroup) bo; if (profile.getFeaturePermissions() != null) { profile.getFeaturePermissions().size(); } if (profile.getInstancePermissions() != null) { profile.getInstancePermissions().size(); } } return null; } } public String getSystemNmsNameTop() { if ("HiveManager".equalsIgnoreCase(NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsName())) { return "<b>Hive</b>Manager"; } return "<b>" + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsName() + "</b>"; } public String getSystemNmsName() { return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getNmsName(); } public String getSwitchVHMText() { return getText("config.toppane.switchVHM"); } public String getAllVHMsText() { return getText("config.toppane.allVHMs"); } public String getFilterVHMText() { return getText("config.toppane.filterVHM"); } public boolean isOEMSystem() { return NmsUtil.isHMForOEM(); } private boolean searchFlg; /** * @return the searchFlg */ public boolean isSearchFlg() { return searchFlg; } /** * @param searchFlg * the searchFlg to set */ public void setSearchFlg(boolean searchFlg) { this.searchFlg = searchFlg; } public String getLicenseInfoInTitle() { boolean checkSession = false; if (null != userContext) { if (getIsInHomeDomain()) { checkSession = userContext.isSuperUser(); } else { if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { checkSession = userContext.getDefaultFlag(); } } } if (checkSession) { String lsInfo = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(LICENSE_INFO_IN_TITLE_AREA); return null == lsInfo ? "" : lsInfo; } return ""; } /** * get WLAN changed session for express mode * * @author Yunzhi Lin - Time: Mar 28, 2011 6:33:23 PM * @return - */ public boolean isChangedExWLANConfig() { return isEasyMode() && MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(GUIDED_CONFIG_WARNING_MSG) != null; } // public boolean isEnableDistributedUpgrade() { // HMServicesSettings settings = // QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, // "owner", getDomain()); // // if (settings.isEnableDistributedUpgrade()) { // return true; // } // // return false; // } /** * For license in title area */ public final boolean ifVmware = HM_License.getInstance().isVirtualMachineSystem(); public final String os = System.getProperty(""); public String[] twoSystemId; public static final int LICENSE_METHOD_GET = 1; public static final int LICENSE_METHOD_IMPORT = 2; private int radioMethod = LICENSE_METHOD_GET; public int getRadioMethod() { return radioMethod; } public void setRadioMethod(int radioMethod) { this.radioMethod = radioMethod; } public EnumItem[] getRadioEmailMessage() { return new EnumItem[] { new EnumItem(LICENSE_METHOD_GET, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.license.orderKey")) }; } public EnumItem[] getRadioImportMessage() { return new EnumItem[] { new EnumItem(LICENSE_METHOD_IMPORT, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", "License Key")) }; } public String getOldLicenseDisplay() { return (getIsInHomeDomain() && !ifVmware) ? "" : "none"; } public boolean getShowTwoSystemId() { return getIsInHomeDomain() && null != twoSystemId && !ifVmware; } public String getPrimarySystemId() { if (getShowTwoSystemId()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.license.systemId.primary.or.secondary", new String[] { "primary", twoSystemId[0] }); } return ""; } public String getSecondarySystemId() { if (getShowTwoSystemId()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.license.systemId.primary.or.secondary", new String[] { "secondary", twoSystemId[1] }); } return ""; } public UserRegInfoForLs userRegInfo; public UserRegInfoForLs getUserRegInfo() { return userRegInfo; } public void setUserRegInfo(UserRegInfoForLs userRegInfo) { this.userRegInfo = userRegInfo; } public EnumItem[] getStrCountry() { int strLeng = UserRegInfoForLs.USER_COUNTRY.length; EnumItem[] enumItems = new EnumItem[strLeng + 3]; List<String> countryLs = Arrays.asList(UserRegInfoForLs.USER_COUNTRY); Collections.sort(countryLs, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); enumItems[0] = new EnumItem(0, UserRegInfoForLs.USER_COUNTRY_0); enumItems[1] = new EnumItem(1, UserRegInfoForLs.USER_COUNTRY_1); for (int k = 0; k < countryLs.size(); k++) { enumItems[k + 2] = new EnumItem(k + 2, countryLs.get(k)); } enumItems[strLeng + 2] = new EnumItem(strLeng + 2, UserRegInfoForLs.USER_COUNTRY_LAST); return enumItems; } /** * get the flag of this vhm enable wireless + routing * * @return if enable */ /* * public boolean isWirelessRoutingEnable() { // check HM mode has * configured List<HmStartConfig> list = * QueryUtil.executeQuery(HmStartConfig.class,null, null, * getDomain().getId()); * * if (!list.isEmpty()) { return list.get(0).getModeType() == * HmStartConfig.HM_MODE_FULL; } return false; } */ /** * used to indicate whether a network policy is wireless+routing */ //private boolean wirelessRoutingEnable; /* * it's only used for network policy, if you need a global flag, please use * fullMode. */ //public boolean isWirelessRoutingEnable() { // return wirelessRoutingEnable; //} //public void setWirelessRoutingEnable(boolean wirelessRoutingEnable) { // this.wirelessRoutingEnable = wirelessRoutingEnable; //} /** * This field indicates the request is of AJAX JSON. It could be used to * deal with different cases of traditional HM or new style of HM in the * same JSP pages or JAVA actions */ private boolean jsonMode; /** * this field is for select object id when request is of ajax json */ private String parentDomID = ""; private boolean parentIframeOpenFlg; public boolean isJsonMode() { return jsonMode; } public void setJsonMode(boolean jsonMode) { this.jsonMode = jsonMode; } public boolean isOrderByNumber() { return orderByNumber; } public void setOrderByNumber(boolean orderByNumber) { this.orderByNumber = orderByNumber; } public boolean isOrderByIp() { return orderByIp; } public void setOrderByIp(boolean orderByIp) { this.orderByIp = orderByIp; } public String getParentDomID() { return parentDomID; } public void setParentDomID(String parentDomID) { this.parentDomID = parentDomID; } public boolean isParentIframeOpenFlg() { return parentIframeOpenFlg; } public void setParentIframeOpenFlg(boolean parentIframeOpenFlg) { this.parentIframeOpenFlg = parentIframeOpenFlg; } /** * subdrawer: content will be shown in a subdrawer, no extra title. dlg: * content will be shown in a iframe dialog */ private String contentShowType = "subdrawer"; public String getContentShowType() { return contentShowType; } public void setContentShowType(String contentShowType) { this.contentShowType = contentShowType; } public boolean isContentShownInDlg() { return "dlg".equals(getContentShowType()); } public boolean isContentShownInSubDrawer() { return "subdrawer".equals(getContentShowType()) || "".equals(getContentShowType()) || getContentShowType() == null; } /** * used to get different return paths * * @param normalPath * not in json mode * @param jsonModePath * json mode and shown in subdrawer * @param jsonModeDlgPath * json mode and shown in iframe dialog * @return - */ protected String getReturnPathWithJsonMode(String normalPath, String jsonModePath, String jsonModeDlgPath) { if (isJsonMode() && isContentShownInDlg()) { return jsonModeDlgPath; } else if (isJsonMode()) { return jsonModePath; } else { return normalPath; } } /** * used to get different return paths * * @param normalPath * not in json mode * @param jsonModePath * json mode and shown in subdrawer * @return - */ protected String getReturnPathWithJsonMode(String normalPath, String jsonModePath) { if (isJsonMode()) { return jsonModePath; } else { return normalPath; } } /** * Handle the error message: add error message into JSON object if the * <b>jsonMode</b> is true and <b>first Opened in dialog</b>; <br> * else add into struts error handler * * @author Yunzhi Lin - Time: Aug 12, 2011 1:47:59 PM * @param msg * - * @throws JSONException * - */ protected void addActionErrorMsg(String msg) throws JSONException { if (isJsonMode() && !isParentIframeOpenFlg()) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("error", true); jsonObject.put("msg", msg); } else { addActionError(msg); } } protected void addActionPermanentErrorMsg(String msg) { this.messagePermanent = true; addActionError(msg); } /** * used for network policy drawer only set a positive value to it if you * want to edit a network policy in drawer */ private Long networkPolicyId4Drawer = -1L; public Long getNetworkPolicyId4Drawer() { return networkPolicyId4Drawer; } public void setNetworkPolicyId4Drawer(Long networkPolicyId4Drawer) { this.networkPolicyId4Drawer = networkPolicyId4Drawer; } private boolean pageAutoRefresh; public boolean isPageAutoRefresh() { HmAutoRefresh autoRefresh = getUserContext().getAutoRefreshMappings().get(tableId); return autoRefresh == null || autoRefresh.isAutoRefresh(); } public void setPageAutoRefresh(boolean pageAutoRefresh) { this.pageAutoRefresh = pageAutoRefresh; } private String pageRefInterval; public String getPageRefInterval() { HmAutoRefresh autoRefresh = null; if (null != getUserContext().getAutoRefreshMappings()) { autoRefresh = getUserContext().getAutoRefreshMappings().get(tableId); } return autoRefresh == null ? HmAutoRefresh.DEFAULT_INTERVAL : autoRefresh.getRefInterval(); } public void setPageRefInterval(String pageRefInterval) { this.pageRefInterval = pageRefInterval; } public EnumItem[] getEnumRefIntervalType() { return AhInterface.AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL; } protected boolean enablePageAutoRefreshSetting; public boolean isEnablePageAutoRefreshSetting() { return enablePageAutoRefreshSetting; } public void setEnablePageAutoRefreshSetting(boolean enablePageAutoRefreshSetting) { this.enablePageAutoRefreshSetting = enablePageAutoRefreshSetting; } protected void updateAutoRefreshSettings() {"updateAutoRefreshSettings", "saving auto refresh setting for table: " + tableId + ", page auto refresh:" + pageAutoRefresh); try { HmUser hmUser = QueryUtil.findBoById(HmUser.class, getUserContext().getId(), new ImplQueryBo()); if (hmUser == null) hmUser = getUserContext(); HmAutoRefresh autoRefresh = getUserContext().getAutoRefreshMappings().get(tableId); if (null == autoRefresh) { autoRefresh = new HmAutoRefresh(tableId, pageAutoRefresh, pageRefInterval); autoRefresh.setUseremail(hmUser.getEmailAddress()); } if (hmUser != null) { hmUser.removeAutoRefreshs(tableId); hmUser.getAutoRefreshs().remove(autoRefresh); HmAutoRefresh autoref = new HmAutoRefresh(tableId, pageAutoRefresh, pageRefInterval); autoref.setUseremail(hmUser.getEmailAddress()); hmUser.getAutoRefreshs().add(autoref); hmUser.addAutoRefreshs(autoref); // hmUser = QueryUtil.updateBo(hmUser); getUserContext().setAutoRefreshs(hmUser.getAutoRefreshs()); } else { if (getUserContext().getAutoRefreshs() != null) { getUserContext().getAutoRefreshs().remove(autoRefresh); HmAutoRefresh autoref = new HmAutoRefresh(tableId, pageAutoRefresh, pageRefInterval); autoref.setUseremail(hmUser == null ? "null_value" : hmUser.getEmailAddress()); getUserContext().getAutoRefreshs().add(autoref); } else { List<HmAutoRefresh> tmpAutoRefreshes = new ArrayList<HmAutoRefresh>(); getUserContext().setAutoRefreshs(tmpAutoRefreshes); HmAutoRefresh autoref = new HmAutoRefresh(tableId, pageAutoRefresh, pageRefInterval); autoref.setUseremail(hmUser == null ? "null_value" : hmUser.getEmailAddress()); getUserContext().getAutoRefreshs().add(autoref); } } getUserContext().createAutoRefreshMappings(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("updateAutoRefreshSettings", e); } } /** * used to deal with auto refresh setting * * @throws Exception - */ public void baseCustomizationOperationJson() throws Exception { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if ("autoRefreshSetting".equals(operation)) { jsonObject.put("refreshOnce", false); // if previous setting is off and current setting is on, tell page // to refresh immediately if (pageAutoRefresh) { // if pageAutoRefresh is true,set refresh immediately. jsonObject.put("refreshOnce", true); } // then, save auto refresh setting into session and database updateAutoRefreshSettings(); jsonObject.put("autoOn", isPageAutoRefresh()); } } // -------- For Notification Message ---start--// /** * Get the auto display flag for the NotificationBox.<br> * Currently, flag is true only in the 'Dashboard' page.<br> * <b>Please notice that the auto play action will be stop when try to * manually select the message item.</b> * * @return <code>True</code> or <code>False</code> */ public boolean isAutoPlayMsg() { return autoPlayMsg; } /** * Configure current display number item in the NotificationBox. * * @author Yunzhi Lin - Time: Dec 7, 2011 4:34:45 PM * @return int */ public int getMsgPlayNum() { int num = 0; Object obj = MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NUM); if (null != obj) { try { num = Integer.parseInt(obj.toString()); Set<?> availableMsgs = getSessionNotificationMessages(); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } else if (null != availableMsgs && !availableMsgs.isEmpty()) { int totalNum = availableMsgs.size(); if (num + 1 < totalNum) { num += 1; } else { num = 0; } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Error when parse the session value: NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NUM", e); } } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NUM, num); return num; } // -------- For Notification Message ---end--// /** * get the Master's IP in HA mode * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public String getMasterURL() { String masterIP; // query database for HA settings HASettings settings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HASettings.class, "haStatus", HASettings.HASTATUS_ENABLE); // get local MGT address NetConfigImplInterface networkService = AhAppContainer.getBeOsLayerModule().getNetworkService(); String localIP = networkService.getIP_eth0(); if (null == settings) {"getMasterURL", "Cannot get HA settings from database."); return localIP; } // hm online if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { String hostName = networkService.getHostName(); String masterName; if (hostName.equals(settings.getPrimaryHostName())) { if (settings.isUseExternalIPHostname()) { masterName = settings.getSecondaryExternalIPHostname(); } else { masterName = settings.getSecondaryMGTIP(); } } else { if (settings.isUseExternalIPHostname()) { masterName = settings.getPrimaryExternalIPHostname(); } else { masterName = settings.getPrimaryMGTIP(); } } if (null != masterName && !"".equals(masterName)) { return "https://" + masterName; } else { return "https://" + hostName + "." + networkService.getDomainName(); } } /* * the local machine must be Slave when this method is invoked. so * Master's IP is the address which is not the same with local MGT * address */ if (localIP.equals(settings.getPrimaryMGTIP())) { if (settings.isUseExternalIPHostname()) { masterIP = settings.getSecondaryExternalIPHostname(); } else { masterIP = settings.getSecondaryMGTIP(); } } else { if (settings.isUseExternalIPHostname()) { masterIP = settings.getPrimaryExternalIPHostname(); } else { masterIP = settings.getPrimaryMGTIP(); } } // if (null != masterIP && !"".equals(masterIP)) { // // /* // * replace the address in request URL with master's IP // */ // StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL(); // // /* // * get the begin and end index of IP address in URL // */ // int beginIndex = 0, endIndex; // // if(requestURL.indexOf("://") != -1) { // beginIndex = requestURL.indexOf("://") + "://".length(); // } // // if(requestURL.indexOf(":", beginIndex) != -1) { // endIndex = requestURL.indexOf(":", beginIndex); // } else { // if(requestURL.indexOf("/", beginIndex) != -1) { // endIndex = requestURL.indexOf("/", beginIndex); // } else { // endIndex = requestURL.length(); // } // } // // requestURL.replace(beginIndex, endIndex, masterIP); // return requestURL.toString(); // } return "https://" + masterIP + "/hm"; } // passive node public boolean getInPassiveNode() { return HAUtil.isSlave(); } private String manualLstForward; public String getManualLstForward() { return manualLstForward; } public void setManualLstForward(String manualLstForward) { this.manualLstForward = manualLstForward; } public String getTmpAccessAuthorizedLeftTime() { HmDomain switchDomain = userContext.getSwitchDomain(); if (userContext.isShowLeftAccessTimeForSwitchDomain() && switchDomain != null) { // only show once, reset show left time flag after first show userContext.setShowLeftAccessTimeForSwitchDomain(false); Long authorizedEndDate = switchDomain.getAuthorizationEndDate(); String endDateStr = AhDateTimeUtil.getDateStrFromLong(authorizedEndDate, new SimpleDateFormat(AhDateTimeUtil.DATA_FORMAT_MM_DD_YYYY_HH_MI_AMPM), userContext.getTimeZone()); String leftTime = AhDateTimeUtil.getDateDiffFromNow(authorizedEndDate, AhDateTimeUtil.DIFF_FORMAT_HOUR_MIN); return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("info.vhm.tmp.access.remaining.time", new String[] { endDateStr, leftTime }); } return null; } public String getSingleSignOutURL() { String authServerURL = NmsUtil.getAuthServiceURL(); if (!authServerURL.endsWith("/")) { authServerURL += "/"; } String myhiveURL = NmsUtil.getMyHiveServiceURL(); if (!myhiveURL.endsWith("/")) { myhiveURL += "/"; } // Need to redirect to MyHive logout action until clustering is supported by the new SessionMappingStorage implementation since CAS Client 3.3.0. return authServerURL + "logout?service=" + myhiveURL + "logout.action"; } // jump from other application public String source; public int tid; public String getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(String source) { this.source = source; } public int getTid() { return tid; } public void setTid(int tid) { this.tid = tid; } public String getUserInfoForSSO(String vhmId) { try { // get user from cas server String user = request.getRemoteUser(); if (null != user) { userContext = CustomerInfoUtil.getUserInfoFromMyhive(user, vhmId, false); // the user info is not right if (null == userContext) { return "error.authentication.credentials.bad"; } // the HiveManager is in maintenance mode if (HmBeOsUtil.getMaintenanceModeFromDb() && !userContext.isSuperUser()) { return "error.authentication.credentials.bad.maintenance"; } // only supper admin can access passive node if (HAUtil.isSlave() && !userContext.isSuperUser()) { return "slave"; } // not permit vad user if (userContext.isVadAdmin()) { return "error.authentication.vad.user.not.allowed"; } HmDomain hmDomain = userContext.getDomain(); String errorCode = null; // Check for the current status of VHM. switch (hmDomain.getRunStatus()) { case HmDomain.DOMAIN_RESTORE_STATUS: log.warn("login", "The user {" + user + "} login request is refused due to restoration for VHM " + hmDomain.getDomainName()); errorCode = "error.authentication.vhm.restoring"; break; case HmDomain.DOMAIN_BACKUP_STATUS: log.warn("login", "The user {" + user + "} login request is refused due to backup for VHM " + hmDomain.getDomainName()); errorCode = "error.authentication.vhm.backuping"; break; case HmDomain.DOMAIN_UPDATE_STATUS: log.warn("login", "The user {" + user + "} login request is refused due to upgrade for VHM " + hmDomain.getDomainName()); errorCode = "error.authentication.vhm.updating"; break; case HmDomain.DOMAIN_DISABLE_STATUS: log.warn("login", "The user {" + user + "} login request is refused due to disablement for VHM " + hmDomain.getDomainName()); errorCode = "error.authentication.vhm.disabled"; break; default: break; } if (null != errorCode) { return errorCode; } try { //createNavigationTree(userContext); userContext.setSourceUrl(source); userContext.setSourceId(tid); userContext.createTableViews(); userContext.createTableSizeMappings(); userContext.createAutoRefreshMappings(); setSessionUserContext(userContext); generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_SUCCESS, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.user.login", userContext.getUserName())); userContext.setUserIpAddress(HmProxyUtil.getClientIp(request)); request.getSession().setAttribute(userContext.getId().toString(), CurrentUserCache.getInstance()); initSessionExpiration(); mode = userContext.getMode(); String groupName = userContext.getUserGroup().getGroupName(); // user manager license if (groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.GM_ADMIN) || groupName.equals(HmUserGroup.GM_OPERATOR)) { // check license and activation key if (HmBeLicenseUtil.GM_LITE_LICENSE_VALID) { if (!getIsInHomeDomain()) { // vhm does not support user manager if (!userContext.getOwner().isSupportGM()) { return ""; } } // system does not support user manager } else { return ""; } } refreshNavigationTree(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getUserInfoForSSO", e.getMessage(), e); HmBeLogUtil.addSystemLog(HmSystemLog.LEVEL_MAJOR, HmSystemLog.FEATURE_ADMINISTRATION, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.system.log.user.login.exception", user) + e.getMessage()); return "exception"; } } else { return "login"; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getUserInfoForSSO", e.getMessage(), e); return "exception"; } } public void initSessionExpiration() { domainId = QueryUtil.getDependentDomainFilter(userContext); int sessionExpiration = 15 * 60; List<HMServicesSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("", domainId)); HMServicesSettings settings = null; if (list.isEmpty()) {"initSessionExpiration", "Error find no active client refresh interval settings in db!"); // create session bo for this domain try { settings = new HMServicesSettings(); settings.setOwner(getDomain()); settings.setEnableClientRefresh(false); settings.setRefreshInterval(60); settings.setRefreshFilterName(""); settings.setSessionExpiration( NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() ? NmsUtil.CAS_SERVER_SESSION_TIME_OUT : 15); settings.setInfiniteSession(false); QueryUtil.createBo(settings); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("initSessionExpiration", "create bo", e); } } else { settings = list.get(0); if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication() && settings.getSessionExpiration() != NmsUtil.CAS_SERVER_SESSION_TIME_OUT) { settings.setSessionExpiration(NmsUtil.CAS_SERVER_SESSION_TIME_OUT); settings.setInfiniteSession(false); // update session bo for this domain try { QueryUtil.updateBo(settings); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("initSessionExpiration", "update bo", e); } } } if (settings != null) { boolean sessionInfinite = settings.isInfiniteSession(); if (sessionInfinite) { sessionExpiration = -1; } else { sessionExpiration = settings.getSessionExpiration() * 60; } } userContext.setSessionExpiration(sessionExpiration); request.getSession().setMaxInactiveInterval(sessionExpiration); } protected String checkProfileNameAllowed(String name, String[] forbids) { if (name != null && forbids != null && forbids.length > 0) { String lname = name.toLowerCase(); for (String forbid : forbids) { if (lname.equals(forbid)) { String names = null; for (String forbidTemp : forbids) { if (names == null) { names = forbidTemp; } else { names += ", " + forbidTemp; } } return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("common.profile.names.not.allowed", new String[] { name, names }); } } } return null; } public boolean isUserSourceFromIdm() { return this.getUserContext().isSourceFromIdm(); } public String generateAhDataTableColumnJsonString(List<AhDataTableColumn> dataTableColumnList) throws JSONException { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); if (dataTableColumnList == null) { return null; } for (AhDataTableColumn column : dataTableColumnList) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (column.getType() != null) { jsonObject.put("type", column.getType()); } if (column.getMark() != null) { jsonObject.put("mark", column.getMark()); } if (column.getEditMark() != null) { jsonObject.put("editMark", column.getEditMark()); } if (column.getDisplay() != null) { jsonObject.put("display", column.getDisplay()); } if (column.getDefaultValue() != null) { jsonObject.put("defaultValue", column.getDefaultValue()); } if (column.isDisabled()) { jsonObject.put("disabled", column.isDisabled()); } if (column.getOptions() != null) { JSONArray jsonArray_option = new JSONArray(); for (CheckItem item : column.getOptions()) { JSONObject jsonObject_option = new JSONObject(); jsonObject_option.put("label", item.getValue()); jsonObject_option.put("value", item.getId()); jsonArray_option.put(jsonObject_option); } if (jsonArray_option.length() != 0) { jsonObject.put("options", jsonArray_option); } } if (column.getRealmNameOtions() != null) { JSONArray jsonArray_option = new JSONArray(); for (CheckItem3 item : column.getRealmNameOtions()) { JSONObject jsonObject_option = new JSONObject(); jsonObject_option.put("label", item.getValue()); jsonObject_option.put("value", item.getId()); jsonArray_option.put(jsonObject_option); } if (jsonArray_option.length() != 0) { jsonObject.put("options", jsonArray_option); } } if (column.getChangeValue() != null) { String[] changeValue = new String[column.getChangeValue().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < column.getChangeValue().size(); i++) { CheckItem item = column.getChangeValue().get(i); changeValue[i] = item.getValue(); } if (changeValue.length > 0) { jsonObject.put("changeValue", changeValue); } } if (column.getEvents() != null) { JSONObject jsonObject_events = new JSONObject(); Iterator<?> it = column.getEvents().keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; String value = column.getEvents().get(key); jsonObject_events.put(key, value); } if (jsonObject_events.length() != 0) { jsonObject.put("events", jsonObject_events); } } jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } return jsonArray.toString(); } /** * bug 24326 fix start * @return */ public boolean getShowStatusNewDevicesInfo() { if (null == userContext || null == userContext.getNavigationTree()) { return false; } List<NavigationNode> accessibleL1Feature = userContext.getNavigationTree().getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l1Node : accessibleL1Feature) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL2 = l1Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l2Node : nodesL2) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_DEVICES.equals(l2Node.getKey())) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL3 = l2Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l3Node : nodesL3) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_MANAGED_HIVE_APS.equals(l3Node.getKey()) || Navigation.L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_HIVE_APS.equals(l3Node.getKey())) { return true; } } } } } return false; } public boolean getShowStatusRogueClientsInfo() { if (null == userContext || null == userContext.getNavigationTree()) { return false; } List<NavigationNode> accessibleL1Feature = userContext.getNavigationTree().getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l1Node : accessibleL1Feature) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL2 = l1Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l2Node : nodesL2) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_CLIENTS.equals(l2Node.getKey())) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL3 = l2Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l3Node : nodesL3) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ROGUECLIENT.equals(l3Node.getKey())) { return true; } } } } } return false; } public boolean getShowStatusRogueApsInfo() { if (null == userContext || null == userContext.getNavigationTree()) { return false; } List<NavigationNode> accessibleL1Feature = userContext.getNavigationTree().getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l1Node : accessibleL1Feature) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL2 = l1Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l2Node : nodesL2) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_DEVICES.equals(l2Node.getKey())) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL3 = l2Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l3Node : nodesL3) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ACCESSPOINTS.equals(l3Node.getKey())) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL4 = l3Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l4Node : nodesL4) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ROGUE_APS.equals(l4Node.getKey())) return true; } } } } } } return false; } public boolean getShowStatusAlarmsInfo() { if (null == userContext || null == userContext.getNavigationTree()) { return false; } List<NavigationNode> accessibleL1Feature = userContext.getNavigationTree().getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l1Node : accessibleL1Feature) { List<NavigationNode> nodesL2 = l1Node.getChildNodes(); for (NavigationNode l2Node : nodesL2) { if (Navigation.L2_FEATURE_ALARMS.equals(l2Node.getKey())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * bug 24326 fix end */ public boolean hasAccessPermission(String featurekey, short oper) { try { if (getUserContext() == null || HmUserGroup.ADMINISTRATOR.equals(getUserContext().getUserGroup().getGroupName())) { return true; } HmPermission permission = getUserContext().getUserGroup().getFeaturePermissions().get(featurekey); if (permission == null) { return false; } else { if (!permission.hasAccess(oper)) { return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } public String getRedirectorServiceURL() { if (isHMOnline()) { return NmsUtil.getRedirectorServiceURL() + "/switchDomain.action?operation=redirectToVHM&productId=" + getDomain().getVhmID(); } else { return ""; } } public boolean getUserHasAccessMyHive() { if (userContext == null) { return false; } return userContext.isAccessMyhive(); } public String getCsvImportFormatInfo() { if (isEasyMode()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", NmsUtil.filterHiveAPModelString(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL, true)) + getText("glasgow_05.config.csvfile.message.domain"); } else { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", NmsUtil.filterHiveAPModelString(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL, false)) + getText("glasgow_05.config.csvfile.message.domain"); } } /** * @description: generate session token to protect CSRF attack * @author: * */ protected void injectCSRFToken() { String randomStr = NmsUtil.genRandomString(12); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(SESSION_TOKEN_FOR_CSRF_ATTACK, Base64.encode(randomStr)); } public static synchronized String getSessionTokenInfo() { return (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(SESSION_TOKEN_FOR_CSRF_ATTACK); } private String sessionToken; public String getSessionToken() { return sessionToken; } public void setSessionToken(String sessionToken) { this.sessionToken = sessionToken; } public boolean isCSRFTokenValida() { return null != sessionToken && sessionToken.equals(getSessionTokenInfo()); } /* * Check the select file if exist under the directory which allowed access */ public boolean checkFileExistUnderDirectoryAllowed(String filePath, String fileName) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(filePath) || StringUtils.isBlank(fileName)) { return false; } try { List<String> fileNames = HmBeOsUtil.getFileNamesOfDirecotry(filePath); if (null != fileNames && !fileNames.isEmpty()) { boolean fileExist = false; for (String fileStr : fileNames) { if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase(fileStr)) { fileExist = true; break; } } return fileExist; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("checkFileExistUnderDirectoryAllowed()", ex.getMessage()); } return false; } }