Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.agimatec.validation.jsr303; import com.agimatec.validation.jsr303.util.SecureActions; import com.agimatec.validation.jsr303.xml.AnnotationIgnores; import com.agimatec.validation.jsr303.xml.MetaConstraint; import com.agimatec.validation.jsr303.xml.ValidationMappingParser; import com.agimatec.validation.util.AccessStrategy; import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils; import javax.validation.*; import javax.validation.bootstrap.ProviderSpecificBootstrap; import javax.validation.spi.ConfigurationState; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.*; /** * Description: a factory is a complete configurated object that can create validators<br/> * this instance is not thread-safe<br/> * User: roman.stumm <br/> * Date: 29.10.2008 <br/> * Time: 17:06:20 <br/> * Copyright: Agimatec GmbH */ public class AgimatecValidatorFactory implements ValidatorFactory, Cloneable { private static AgimatecValidatorFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY; private static final ConstraintDefaults defaultConstraints = new ConstraintDefaults(); private MessageInterpolator messageResolver; private TraversableResolver traversableResolver; private ConstraintValidatorFactory constraintValidatorFactory; private final Map<String, String> properties; /** information from xml parsing */ private final AnnotationIgnores annotationIgnores = new AnnotationIgnores(); private final ConstraintCached constraintsCache = new ConstraintCached(); private final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>[]> defaultSequences; /** * access strategies for properties with cascade validation @Valid support */ private final Map<Class<?>, List<AccessStrategy>> validAccesses; private final Map<Class<?>, List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>>> constraintMap; /** convenience to retrieve a default global AgimatecValidatorFactory */ public static AgimatecValidatorFactory getDefault() { if (DEFAULT_FACTORY == null) { ProviderSpecificBootstrap<AgimatecValidatorConfiguration> provider = Validation .byProvider(AgimatecValidationProvider.class); AgimatecValidatorConfiguration configuration = provider.configure(); DEFAULT_FACTORY = (AgimatecValidatorFactory) configuration.buildValidatorFactory(); } return DEFAULT_FACTORY; } public AgimatecValidatorFactory() { properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); defaultSequences = new HashMap(); validAccesses = new HashMap(); constraintMap = new HashMap(); } public void configure(ConfigurationState configuration) { getProperties().putAll(configuration.getProperties()); setMessageInterpolator(configuration.getMessageInterpolator()); setTraversableResolver(configuration.getTraversableResolver()); setConstraintValidatorFactory(configuration.getConstraintValidatorFactory()); ValidationMappingParser parser = new ValidationMappingParser(this); parser.processMappingConfig(configuration.getMappingStreams()); } public Map<String, String> getProperties() { return properties; } protected MessageInterpolator getDefaultMessageInterpolator() { return messageResolver; } /** * shortcut method to create a new Validator instance with factory's settings * * @return the new validator instance */ public Validator getValidator() { return usingContext().getValidator(); } /** @return the validator factory's context */ public AgimatecFactoryContext usingContext() { return new AgimatecFactoryContext(this); } @SuppressWarnings({ "CloneDoesntDeclareCloneNotSupportedException" }) @Override public synchronized AgimatecValidatorFactory clone() { try { return (AgimatecValidatorFactory) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(); // VM bug. } } public final void setMessageInterpolator(MessageInterpolator messageResolver) { this.messageResolver = messageResolver; } public MessageInterpolator getMessageInterpolator() { return ((messageResolver != null) ? messageResolver : getDefaultMessageInterpolator()); } public final void setTraversableResolver(TraversableResolver traversableResolver) { this.traversableResolver = traversableResolver; } public TraversableResolver getTraversableResolver() { return traversableResolver; } public ConstraintValidatorFactory getConstraintValidatorFactory() { return constraintValidatorFactory; } public final void setConstraintValidatorFactory(ConstraintValidatorFactory constraintValidatorFactory) { this.constraintValidatorFactory = constraintValidatorFactory; } /** * Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the * provider-specific API. If the Bean Validation provider * implementation does not support the specified class, the * ValidationException is thrown. * * @param type the class of the object to be returned. * @return an instance of the specified class * @throws ValidationException if the provider does not * support the call. */ public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> type) { if (type.isAssignableFrom(getClass())) { return (T) this; } else if (!type.isInterface()) { return SecureActions.newInstance(type); } else { try { Class<T> cls = ClassUtils.getClass(type.getName() + "Impl"); return SecureActions.newInstance(cls); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ValidationException("Type " + type + " not supported"); } } } public ConstraintDefaults getDefaultConstraints() { return defaultConstraints; } public AnnotationIgnores getAnnotationIgnores() { return annotationIgnores; } public ConstraintCached getConstraintsCache() { return constraintsCache; } public void addMetaConstraint(Class<?> beanClass, MetaConstraint<?, ?> metaConstraint) { List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> slot = constraintMap.get(beanClass); if (slot != null) { slot.add(metaConstraint); } else { List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> constraintList = new ArrayList<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>>(); constraintList.add(metaConstraint); constraintMap.put(beanClass, constraintList); } } public void addValid(Class<?> beanClass, AccessStrategy accessStategy) { List<AccessStrategy> slot = validAccesses.get(beanClass); if (slot != null) { slot.add(accessStategy); } else { List<AccessStrategy> tmpList = new ArrayList(); tmpList.add(accessStategy); validAccesses.put(beanClass, tmpList); } } public void addDefaultSequence(Class<?> beanClass, Class<?>[] groupSequence) { defaultSequences.put(beanClass, groupSequence); } public <T> List<MetaConstraint<T, ? extends Annotation>> getMetaConstraints(Class<T> beanClass) { List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> slot = constraintMap.get(beanClass); if (slot != null) { //noinspection RedundantCast return (List) slot; } else { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } public List<AccessStrategy> getValidAccesses(Class<?> beanClass) { List<AccessStrategy> slot = validAccesses.get(beanClass); if (slot != null) { return slot; } else { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } public Class<?>[] getDefaultSequence(Class<?> beanClass) { return defaultSequences.get(beanClass); } }