Java tutorial
package com.agimatec.annotations.jam; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jam.JField; import org.codehaus.jam.JMethod; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Description: <br/> * User: roman.stumm <br/> * Date: 08.06.2007 <br/> * Time: 17:18:39 <br/> * Copyright: Apache 2.0 License */ public class JAMDtoFieldAnnotation { private final JAMAnnotation annotation; private final JAMDtoAnnotatedElement element; private JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[] targetElements; public JAMDtoFieldAnnotation(JAMAnnotation annotation, JAMDtoField field) { this.annotation = annotation; this.element = field; } public JAMDtoFieldAnnotation(JAMAnnotation annotation, JAMDtoMethod method) { this.annotation = annotation; this.element = method; } public JAMAnnotation getAnnotation() { return annotation; } public JAMDtoField getField() { return (JAMDtoField) (element instanceof JAMDtoField ? element : null); } public JAMDtoAnnotatedElement getElement() { return element; } public boolean isDtoCopyByReference() { return annotation.getBooleanValue("copyByReference"); } public boolean isDtoOneWay() { return annotation.getBooleanValue("oneWay"); } public String getDtoConverter() { return getDtoAnnoValue("converter"); } public String getDtoPath() { return getDtoAnnoValue("path"); } public String getDtoAddMethod() { return getDtoAnnoValue("addMethod"); } private String getDtoAnnoValue(String annoAttribute) { String val = annotation.getStringValue(annoAttribute); return val == null || val.length() == 0 ? null : val; } public String getDtoName() { String name = annotation.getStringValue("property"); return name.length() == 0 ? element.getName() : name; } public String getDtoType() { String type = annotation.getStringValue("type"); return type == null || type.length() == 0 ? null : type; } public JAMAnnotation findGetterAnnotation(String annotationName) { if (getElement() instanceof JAMDtoMethod) { return getElement().getAnnotation(annotationName); } else { JAMDtoMethod method = getElement().getDtoClass().findMethod(getGetterName()); if (method != null) { return method.getAnnotation(annotationName); } } return null; } /** der element-type des dto-targets, d.h. bei listen der generic-type */ public String getDtoFieldType() { final String type; String dtotype = getDtoType(); if (dtotype == null) { final String dt, gp; if (getDtoPath() == null) { dt = element.getType(); gp = getElement().getGenericParameter(); } else { JField field = element.getTypeField(getDtoPath()); if (field == null) { // try method if (element.element() instanceof JMethod) { gp = JAMDtoMethod.getGenericParameter((JMethod) element.element()); } else { gp = null; } dt = element.getType(); } else { gp = JAMDtoField.getGenericParameter(field); dt = field.getType().getQualifiedName(); } } type = toDtoType(dt, gp); } else if (dtotype.indexOf("<") > 0) { int i1 = dtotype.indexOf("<"); return dtotype.substring(0, i1 + 1) + optimizeType(dtotype.substring(i1 + 1)); } else { type = dtotype; } return optimizeType(type); } /** * @param dt - data type * @param gp - generic parameter or null * @return type in dto for the given type and generic parameter */ private String toDtoType(String dt, String gp) { String type; if (gp != null) { JAMDtoClass jc = JAMDtoGenerator.getJAMClass(gp); String cn; if (jc != null) { cn = optimizeType(jc.getDtoPackageName() + "." + jc.getDtoClassName()); } else { cn = optimizeType(gp); } type = dt + "<" + cn + ">"; } else { JAMDtoClass jc = JAMDtoGenerator.getJAMClass(dt); if (jc != null) { type = jc.getDtoPackageName() + "." + jc.getDtoClassName(); } else { type = dt; } } return type; } /** * @return the type of the dto bean (used for relationship beanId="dtoBeanType") */ public String getDtoBeanType() { final String type; String dtotype = getDtoType(); if (dtotype == null) { String gp = getTargetElement().getGenericParameter(); if (gp != null) { JAMDtoClass jc = JAMDtoGenerator.getJAMClass(gp); String cn; if (jc != null) { cn = jc.getDtoPackageName() + "." + jc.getDtoClassName(); } else { cn = gp; } type = cn; } else { String dt = getTargetElement().getType(); JAMDtoClass jc = JAMDtoGenerator.getJAMClass(dt); if (jc != null) { type = jc.getDtoPackageName() + "." + jc.getDtoClassName(); } else { type = dt; } } } else if (dtotype.indexOf('<') > 0) { return extractGenericParameter(dtotype); } else { type = dtotype; } return type; } private String extractGenericParameter(String dtotype) { int i1 = dtotype.indexOf('<'); int i2 = dtotype.lastIndexOf('>'); if (i2 > i1) { return dtotype.substring(i1 + 1, i2); } else { // ???!! return dtotype.substring(i1 + 1); } } public String getHintType() { String gp = getTargetElement() != null ? getTargetElement().getGenericParameter() : null; if (gp != null) { return gp; } return null; } private String optimizeType(String type) { String myPackage = element.getDtoClass().getDtoPackageName() + "."; if (type == null) return type; if (type.lastIndexOf('.') == "java.lang".length() && type.startsWith("java.lang.")) { return type.substring("java.lang.".length()); } else if (type.lastIndexOf('.') == (myPackage.length() - 1) && type.startsWith(myPackage)) { return type.substring(myPackage.length()); } else { return type; } } public String getGetterName() { return getGetterName(getElement().getName(), getDtoFieldType()); } public static String getGetterName(String name, String type) { if (type.equals("boolean")) { return "is" + StringUtils.capitalize(name); } else { return "get" + StringUtils.capitalize(name); } } /** @return true wenn mind. ein element im pfad nullable ist */ public boolean isNullable() { JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[] elements = getTargetElements(); for (JAMDtoAnnotatedElement each : elements) { String getter = getGetterName(each.getName(), each.getType()); JAMDtoMethod meth = each.getDtoClass().getMethod(getter); if (meth == null) return true; JAMAnnotation anno = meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.Column"); if (anno == null) { anno = meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.JoinColumn"); } if (anno != null) { if (anno.getBooleanValue("nullable")) return true; } else { return true; } } return false; } /** @return true wenn alle elemente im pfad unique sind */ public boolean isUnique() { JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[] elements = getTargetElements(); for (JAMDtoAnnotatedElement each : elements) { String getter = getGetterName(each.getName(), each.getType()); JAMDtoMethod meth = each.getDtoClass().getMethod(getter); if (meth == null) return false; JAMAnnotation anno = meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.Column"); if (anno == null) { anno = meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.JoinColumn"); } if (anno != null) { if (!anno.getBooleanValue("unique")) return false; } else { return false; } } return true; } /** =length des letzten elements im pfad */ public Integer getLength() { JAMDtoAnnotatedElement field = getTargetElement(); if (field != null) { String getter = getGetterName(field.getName(), field.getType()); JAMDtoMethod meth = field.getDtoClass().getMethod(getter); if (meth == null) return null; JAMAnnotation anno = meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.Column"); if (anno != null) { return anno.getIntValue("length"); } } return null; } /** das letzte element im pfad */ protected JAMDtoAnnotatedElement getTargetElement() { JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[] elements = getTargetElements(); return elements[elements.length - 1]; } protected JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[] getTargetElements() { if (targetElements != null) return targetElements; List<JAMDtoAnnotatedElement> elements = new ArrayList(2); elements.add(element); JAMDtoAnnotatedElement field = element; String path = getDtoPath(); while (path != null) { int idx = path.indexOf('.'); if (idx < 0) { field = new JAMDtoField(JAMDtoAnnotatedElement.findField(field.getTypeJClass(), path), new JAMDtoClass(field.getTypeJClass())); elements.add(field); path = null; } else { String next = path.substring(0, idx); JField jf = JAMDtoAnnotatedElement.findField(field.getTypeJClass(), next); if (jf != null) { field = new JAMDtoField(jf, field.getDtoClass()); elements.add(field); } path = path.substring(next.length() + 1); } } targetElements = elements.toArray(new JAMDtoAnnotatedElement[elements.size()]); return targetElements; } public boolean isRelationship() { JAMDtoMethod meth; if (getDtoPath() != null) { String aName = getDtoPath().substring(getDtoPath().lastIndexOf('.') + 1); meth = getTargetElement().getDtoClass().getMethod(getGetterName(aName, getTargetElement().getType())); } else { meth = getElement().getDtoClass().getMethod(getGetterName()); } return meth != null && getDtoConverter() == null && (null != meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.OneToMany") || null != meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.ManyToOne") || null != meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.ManyToMany") || null != meth.getAnnotation("javax.persistence.OneToOne")); } public String toString() { return element + ";" + annotation; } }