Java tutorial
package com.aesireanempire.eplus.gui; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.EnchantingPlus; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.helper.EnchantHelper; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.helper.MathHelper; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.inventory.ContainerEnchantTable; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.inventory.TileEnchantTable; import com.aesireanempire.eplus.lib.*; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Enchanting Plus * * @user odininon * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( */ public class GuiModTable extends GuiContainer { private static boolean TMInagged = false; private static int guiOffset = 26; private final EntityPlayer player; private final ContainerEnchantTable container; private final int xPos; private final int yPos; private final int zPos; private final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation(References.MODID, "textures/gui/enchant.png"); public String error = ""; private ArrayList<GuiItem> enchantmentArray = new ArrayList<GuiItem>(); private double sliderIndex = 0; private double enchantingPages = 0; private Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments; private boolean clicked = false; private boolean sliding = false; private int totalCost = 0; private int repairAmount = 0; private boolean dirty = false; public GuiModTable(InventoryPlayer inventory, World world, int x, int y, int z, TileEnchantTable tileEntity) { super(new ContainerEnchantTable(inventory, world, x, y, z, tileEntity)); player = inventory.player; container = (ContainerEnchantTable) inventorySlots; xPos = x; yPos = y; zPos = z; xSize = 235; ySize = 182; } @Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton par1GuiButton) { final HashMap<Integer, Integer> enchants = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); final HashMap<Integer, Integer> levels = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { final Integer id = enchantments.get(item.enchantment.effectId); if ( == 1 && ((GuiIcon) buttonList.get(1)).displayString.equals("U")) { if (!container.hasPlayerUnlocked(EnchantmentHelp.getEnchantmentById(id))) { enchants.put(item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel); } } else { if (item.enchantmentLevel != id && !item.disabled) { enchants.put(item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel); levels.put(item.enchantment.effectId, item.privateLevel); } } } switch ( { case 0: if (enchants.size() > 0) { EnchantingPlus.sendPacketToServer(new EnchantPacket(enchants, levels, totalCost)); } return; case 1: if (enchants.size() == 0 && ConfigurationSettings.AllowRepair) { EnchantingPlus.sendPacketToServer(new RepairPacket(totalCost, repairAmount)); } else if (((GuiIcon) buttonList.get(1)).displayString.equals("U")) { EnchantingPlus.sendPacketToServer(new UnlockPacket(enchants)); } return; case 2: EnchantingPlus.sendPacketToServer( new GuiPacket(player.getDisplayName(), GuiIds.VanillaTable, xPos, yPos, zPos)); } } /** * Converts map to arraylist of gui items * * @param map the map of enchantments to convert * @param x starting x position * @param y starting y position * @return the arraylist of gui items */ private ArrayList<GuiItem> convertMapToGuiItems(final Map<Integer, Integer> map, int x, int y) { final ArrayList<GuiItem> temp = new ArrayList<GuiItem>(); if (map == null) { return temp; } int i = 0; int yPos = y; for (final Object obj : map.keySet()) { final Integer enchantmentId = (Integer) obj; final Integer enchantmentLevel = map.get(obj); temp.add(new GuiItem(enchantmentId, enchantmentLevel, x, yPos)); i++; yPos = y + i * 18; } return temp; } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int i, int j) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(texture); drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize); for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (item.yPos < guiTop + 15 || item.yPos >= guiTop + 87) {; } else {; } item.draw(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void drawScreen(int par1, int par2, float par3) { super.drawScreen(par1, par2, par3); final int adjustedMouseX = par1 - guiLeft; final int adjustedMouseY = par2 - guiTop; mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(texture); int tempY = adjustedMouseY - 16; if (tempY <= 0) { tempY = 0; } if (tempY >= 57) { tempY = 57; } sliderIndex = sliding ? MathHelper.round(tempY / 57D * enchantingPages, .25) : sliderIndex; if (sliderIndex >= enchantingPages) { sliderIndex = enchantingPages; } double sliderY = sliding ? tempY : 57 * (sliderIndex / enchantingPages); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft + guiOffset + 180, guiTop + 16 + (int) sliderY, 0, 182, 12, 15); if (!clicked && Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (getItemFromPos(par1, par2) == item && !item.disabled && !item.locked) { item.dragging = true; } } if (adjustedMouseX <= 191 + guiOffset && adjustedMouseX >= 180 + guiOffset) { if (enchantingPages != 0) { sliding = true; } } } for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (item.dragging && getItemFromPos(par1, par2) != item) { item.dragging = false; } } if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (getItemFromPos(par1, par2) == item) { item.dragging = false; } } if (adjustedMouseX <= 191 + guiOffset && adjustedMouseX >= 180 + guiOffset) { sliding = false; } } clicked = Mouse.isButtonDown(0); for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (item.dragging) { item.scroll(adjustedMouseX - 36); } } if (EnchantingPlus.Debug) { fontRendererObj.drawString(String.format("%s: %s", "Error", error), 5, 5, 0xffaabbaa); } final int maxWidth = guiLeft - 20; final List<List<String>> information = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); information.add(fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth( String.format("%s: %s", Strings.playerLevel, player.experienceLevel), maxWidth)); if (container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0) == null || levelChanged() || !levelChanged() && !container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).isItemDamaged()) { information.add(fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth( String.format("%s: %s", Strings.enchantingCost, totalCost), maxWidth)); } else if (ConfigurationSettings.AllowRepair && !levelChanged() && container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).isItemDamaged()) { information.add(fontRendererObj .listFormattedStringToWidth(String.format("%s: %s", Strings.repairCost, totalCost), maxWidth)); } information.add(fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth( String.format("%s: %s", Strings.maxEnchantLevel, container.bookCases()), maxWidth)); for (final List<String> display : information) { int height = information.indexOf(display) == 0 ? guiTop + fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT + 8 : guiTop + (fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT + 8) * (information.indexOf(display) + 1); if (information.indexOf(display) > 0) { for (int i = information.indexOf(display) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { height += (fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT + 3) * (information.get(i).size() - 1); } } try { drawHoveringText(display, guiLeft - 20 - maxWidth, height, fontRendererObj); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String text : display) { sb.append(text); sb.append(" "); } drawCreativeTabHoveringText(sb.toString(), guiLeft - 20 - maxWidth, height); if (!TMInagged) { EnchantingPlus.log.error("Please update or remove NEI / TMI. It is causing issues."); TMInagged = true; } } } if (isShiftKeyDown() && getItemFromPos(par1, par2) != null) { final String name = FontFormat.BOLD + getItemFromPos(par1, par2).getTranslatedName(); String info = EnchantmentHelp.getToolTip(getItemFromPos(par1, par2).enchantment); if (info.isEmpty()) { info = FontFormat.DARKRED + String.format("%s ", Strings.errorToolTip) + getItemFromPos(par1, par2).enchantment.getName(); } info = FontFormat.PURPLE + info; final List<String> display = new ArrayList<String>(); display.add(name); display.addAll(fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth(info, 150)); try { drawHoveringText(display, par1, par2, fontRendererObj); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String text : display) { sb.append(text); sb.append(" "); } drawCreativeTabHoveringText(sb.toString(), guiLeft - 20 - maxWidth, height); if (!TMInagged) { EnchantingPlus.log.error("Please update or remove NEI / TMI. It is causing issues."); TMInagged = true; } } } if (!error.isEmpty()) { drawCreativeTabHoveringText(error, (xSize + guiLeft) / 2 - fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(error) / 4, guiTop - fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT); } } /** * Gets a GuiItem from mouse position * * @param x mouse x position * @param y mouse y position * @return the GuiItem found */ private GuiItem getItemFromPos(int x, int y) { if (x < guiLeft + guiOffset + 35 || x > guiLeft + xSize - 32) { return null; } for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (! { continue; } if (y >= item.yPos && y <= item.yPos + item.height) { return item; } } return null; } @Override public void handleMouseInput() { super.handleMouseInput(); final int eventDWheel = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); final int mouseX = Mouse.getEventX() * width / mc.displayWidth - guiLeft; final int mouseY = height - Mouse.getEventY() * height / mc.displayHeight - 1 - guiTop; if (eventDWheel != 0) { if (mouseX >= 35 + guiOffset && mouseX <= xSize + guiOffset - 32 || mouseX >= 180 + guiOffset && mouseX <= 192 + guiOffset) { if (mouseY >= 15 && mouseY <= 87) { if (eventDWheel < 0) { sliderIndex += .25; if (sliderIndex >= enchantingPages) { sliderIndex = enchantingPages; } } else { sliderIndex -= .25; if (sliderIndex <= 0) { sliderIndex = 0; } } } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); buttonList.add(new GuiIcon(0, guiLeft + guiOffset + 9, guiTop + 38, "E").customTexture(0)); buttonList.add(new GuiIcon(1, guiLeft + guiOffset + 9, guiTop + 63, "R").customTexture(0)); final String s = "Vanilla"; buttonList.add( new GuiButton(2, guiLeft + xSize + 10, guiTop + 5, fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(s) + 10, 20, s)); dirty = true; } protected boolean levelChanged() { for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (item.enchantmentLevel != item.privateLevel) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int par3) { super.mouseClicked(x, y, par3); final GuiItem itemFromPos = getItemFromPos(x, y); if (itemFromPos != null) { for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { if (item == itemFromPos) { itemFromPos.handleClick(par3); } } } } @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); // TODO fix // container.checkItems(); final Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments = updateEnchantments(container.getEnchantments()); handleChangedScreenSize(enchantments); enableEnchantments(); enchantingPages = enchantmentArray.size() / 4.0 > 1 ? enchantmentArray.size() / 4.0 - 1.0 : 0; totalCost = 0; repairAmount = 0; handleChangedEnchantments(enchantments); handleButtonLabels(enchantments); } private void enableEnchantments() { final boolean[] enabled = new boolean[enchantmentArray.size()]; Arrays.fill(enabled, false); for (int i = 0; i < enchantmentArray.size(); i++) { final GuiItem item = enchantmentArray.get(i); if (item.enchantmentLevel == 0) { continue; } for (int i1 = 0; i1 < enchantmentArray.size(); i1++) { final GuiItem item2 = enchantmentArray.get(i1); if (item == item2) { continue; } enabled[i1] = enabled[i1] || i != i1 && (!item.enchantment.canApplyTogether(item2.enchantment) || !item2.enchantment.canApplyTogether(item.enchantment)); } } for (int i = 0; i < enchantmentArray.size(); i++) { final GuiItem item = enchantmentArray.get(i); item.disabled = enabled[i]; } } private void handleChangedEnchantments(Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments) { if (!enchantmentArray.isEmpty() && levelChanged()) { for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { handleChangedEnchantment(enchantments, item); } } else if (ConfigurationSettings.AllowRepair && !levelChanged()) { totalCost += container.repairCostMax(player); int itemDamage = container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0) != null ? container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).getItemDamage() : 0; int playerLevel = player.experienceLevel; repairAmount = (itemDamage > playerLevel) ? playerLevel : itemDamage; for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { item.yPos = item.startingYPos - (int) (18 * 4 * sliderIndex); } } } private void handleChangedEnchantment(Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments, GuiItem item) { item.yPos = item.startingYPos - (int) (18 * 4 * sliderIndex); final Integer level = enchantments.get(item.enchantment.effectId); if (item.enchantmentLevel > level && !item.disabled) { int temp = totalCost + container.enchantmentCost(item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel, level); try { if (container.canPurchase(player, temp)) { item.locked = false; } } catch (final Exception e) { item.locked = true; error = e.getMessage(); while (item.locked && item.enchantmentLevel > 0) { item.dragging = false; item.enchantmentLevel--; temp = totalCost + container.enchantmentCost(item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel, level); try { if (container.canPurchase(player, temp)) { item.locked = false; } } catch (final Exception ex) { } } } totalCost = temp; } else if (item.enchantmentLevel < level && !item.disabled) { if (EnchantHelper .containsKey(container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).getTagCompound() .getTagList("restrictions", 10), item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel) || ConfigurationSettings.allowDisenUnowned) { totalCost += container.disenchantmentCost(item.enchantment.effectId, item.enchantmentLevel, level); } else { totalCost = 0; //item.enchantmentLevel++; //error = "Can not disenchant level not placed by yourself via eplus"; } } } private void handleButtonLabels(Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments) { if (!ConfigurationSettings.classicMode && container.currentItemIs(Items.enchanted_book) && !container.hasPlayerUnlocked(enchantments.keySet())) { ((GuiIcon) buttonList.get(1)).setDisplayString("U"); } else { ((GuiIcon) buttonList.get(1)).setDisplayString("R"); } } private void handleChangedScreenSize(Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments) { if (dirty) { final ArrayList<GuiItem> temp = convertMapToGuiItems(enchantments, 35 + guiOffset + guiLeft, 15 + guiTop); for (final GuiItem item : enchantmentArray) { for (final GuiItem tempItem : temp) { if (item.enchantment == tempItem.enchantment) { item.startingXPos = item.xPos = tempItem.xPos; item.startingYPos = item.yPos = tempItem.yPos; } } } dirty = false; } } private Map<Integer, Integer> updateEnchantments(final Map<Integer, Integer> enchantments) { if (this.enchantments != enchantments) { this.enchantments = enchantments; enchantmentArray = convertMapToGuiItems(enchantments, 35 + guiOffset + guiLeft, 15 + guiTop); sliderIndex = enchantingPages = 0; clicked = sliding = false; error = ""; return this.enchantments; } return enchantments; } class GuiIcon extends GuiButton { private boolean customTexture; private int textureIndex; public GuiIcon(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, String caption) { super(id, x, y, width, height, caption); } public GuiIcon(int id, int x, int y, String caption) { this(id, x, y, 16, 16, caption); } /** * Determines if GuiIcon has a customTexture * * @param texture index of the Texture * @return the Icon with according changes */ public GuiIcon customTexture(int texture) { textureIndex = texture; customTexture = texture != 0; if (!customTexture) { width = 20; height = 20; } return this; } @Override public void drawButton(Minecraft mc, int x, int y) { if (!customTexture) { super.drawButton(mc, x, y); } else { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(texture); drawTexturedModalRect(xPosition, yPosition, 8 + textureIndex * 16, 182, width, height); } } public GuiIcon enabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; } public String getDisplayString() { return displayString; } public void setDisplayString(String displayString) { this.displayString = displayString; } } /** * Class for the enchantments GUI representation */ class GuiItem extends Gui { private final Enchantment enchantment; private final int height; private final int width; private final int privateLevel; public int startingXPos; public int startingYPos; public int yPos; public boolean locked = false; private int xPos; private int enchantmentLevel; private boolean show = true; private float index; private boolean dragging = false; private int sliderX; private boolean disabled; public GuiItem(int id, int level, int x, int y) { enchantment = Enchantment.enchantmentsList[id]; enchantmentLevel = level; privateLevel = level; xPos = startingXPos = x; yPos = startingYPos = y; sliderX = xPos + 1; height = 18; width = 143; } /** * Draws the gui item */ public void draw() { if (!show) { return; } final int indexX = dragging ? sliderX : enchantmentLevel <= enchantment.getMaxLevel() ? (int) (xPos + 1 + (width - 6) * (enchantmentLevel / (double) enchantment.getMaxLevel())) : xPos + 1 + width - 6; drawRect(indexX, yPos + 1, indexX + 5, yPos - 1 + height, 0xff000000); fontRendererObj.drawString(getTranslatedName(), xPos + 5, yPos + height / 4, 0x55aaff00); if (disabled) { drawRect(xPos, yPos + 1, xPos + width, yPos - 1 + height, 0x44aaffff); } else if (locked) { drawRect(xPos, yPos + 1, xPos + width, yPos - 1 + height, 0x44ff0000); } else { drawRect(xPos, yPos + 1, xPos + width, yPos - 1 + height, 0x44aa55ff); } } public String getTranslatedName() { String name = enchantment.getTranslatedName(enchantmentLevel); if (enchantmentLevel == 0) { if (name.lastIndexOf(" ") == -1) { name = enchantment.getName(); } else { name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(" ")); } } return name; } /** * Handles the GuiItem being clicked * * @param mouseButton which mouse button clicked the item (0 - Left, 1 - Right) */ public void handleClick(int mouseButton) { } /** * Scrolls the item * * @param xPos the xPost of the mouse to scroll to */ public void scroll(int xPos) { int start = guiOffset + guiLeft + 10; if (disabled) { return; } sliderX = start + xPos; if (sliderX <= start) { sliderX = start; } if (sliderX >= start + width + 20) { sliderX = start + width + 20; } index = xPos / (float) (width + 10); final int tempLevel = (int) Math.floor(privateLevel > enchantment.getMaxLevel() ? privateLevel * index : enchantment.getMaxLevel() * index); if (locked) { if (tempLevel < enchantmentLevel && (!container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).isItemDamaged() || ConfigurationSettings.AllowEnchantDamaged)) { enchantmentLevel = tempLevel; locked = false; } } else { if (tempLevel >= privateLevel || ConfigurationSettings.AllowDisenchanting && (!container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0).isItemDamaged()) || ConfigurationSettings.AllowEnchantDamaged) { enchantmentLevel = tempLevel; } } if (enchantmentLevel <= 0) { enchantmentLevel = 0; } } /** * Changes the show property * * @param b true to show | false to hide */ public void show(boolean b) { show = b; } } }