Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012-2015 Aerospike, Inc.
 * Portions may be licensed to Aerospike, Inc. under one or more contributor
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package com.aerospike.benchmarks;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;

import com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.CommitLevel;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.ConsistencyLevel;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.RecordExistsAction;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.Replica;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy;
import com.aerospike.client.Log;
import com.aerospike.client.Log.Level;
import com.aerospike.client.async.AsyncClient;
import com.aerospike.client.async.AsyncClientPolicy;

public class Main implements Log.Callback {

    private static final SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    public static List<String> keyList = null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Main program = null;

        try {
            program = new Main(args);
        } catch (UsageException ue) {
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            System.out.println("Use -u option for program usage");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

            if (program != null && program.args.debug) {

    private Arguments args = new Arguments();
    private String[] hosts;
    private int port = 3000;
    private int nKeys;
    private int startKey;
    private int nThreads;
    private int asyncTaskThreads;
    private boolean asyncEnabled;
    private boolean initialize;
    private String filepath;

    private AsyncClientPolicy clientPolicy = new AsyncClientPolicy();
    private CounterStore counters = new CounterStore();

    public Main(String[] commandLineArgs) throws Exception {
        boolean hasTxns = false;

        Options options = new Options();
        options.addOption("h", "hosts", true, "Set the Aerospike host node.");
        options.addOption("p", "port", true, "Set the port on which to connect to Aerospike.");
        options.addOption("U", "user", true, "User name");
        options.addOption("P", "password", true, "Password");
        options.addOption("n", "namespace", true, "Set the Aerospike namespace. Default: test");
        options.addOption("s", "set", true, "Set the Aerospike set name. Default: testset");
        options.addOption("k", "keys", true,
                "Set the number of keys the client is dealing with. "
                        + "If using an 'insert' workload (detailed below), the client will write this "
                        + "number of keys, starting from value = start_value. Otherwise, the client "
                        + "will read and update randomly across the values between start_value and "
                        + "start_value + num_keys.");

        // key type has been changed to integer, so this option is no longer relevant.
        // Leave in (and ignore) so existing benchmark scripts do not break.
        options.addOption("l", "keylength", true, "Not used anymore since key is an integer.");

        options.addOption("b", "bins", true, "Set the number of Aerospike bins. "
                + "Each bin will contain an object defined with -o. The default is single bin (-b 1).");
        options.addOption("o", "objectSpec", true,
                "I | S:<size> | B:<size>\n"
                        + "Set the type of object(s) to use in Aerospike transactions. Type can be 'I' "
                        + "for integer, 'S' for string, or 'B' for Java blob. If type is 'I' (integer), "
                        + "do not set a size (integers are always 8 bytes). If object_type is 'S' "
                        + "(string), this value represents the length of the string.");
        options.addOption("R", "random", false,
                "Use dynamically generated random bin values instead of default static fixed bin values.");
        options.addOption("S", "startkey", true,
                "Set the starting value of the working set of keys. "
                        + "If using an 'insert' workload, the start_value indicates the first value to write. "
                        + "Otherwise, the start_value indicates the smallest value in the working set of keys.");
        options.addOption("w", "workload", true, "I | RU,<percent>[,<percent2>][,<percent3>] | RMU | RMI | RMD\n"
                + "Set the desired workload.\n\n" + "   -w I sets a linear 'insert' workload.\n\n"
                + "   -w RU,80 sets a random read-update workload with 80% reads and 20% writes.\n\n"
                + "      100% of reads will read all bins.\n\n" + "      100% of writes will write all bins.\n\n"
                + "   -w RU,80,60,30 sets a random multi-bin read-update workload with 80% reads and 20% writes.\n\n"
                + "      60% of reads will read all bins. 40% of reads will read a single bin.\n\n"
                + "      30% of writes will write all bins. 70% of writes will write a single bin.\n\n"
                + "    -w RMU sets a random read all bins-update one bin workload with 50% reads.\n\n"
                + "    -w RMI sets a random read all bins-increment one integer bin workload with 50% reads.\n\n"
                + "    -w RMD sets a random read all bins-decrement one integer bin workload with 50% reads.\n\n"
                + "    -w TXN,r:1000,w:200,v:20%\n\n"
                + "       form business transactions with 1000 reads, 200 writes with a variation (+/-) of 20%\n\n");
        options.addOption("e", "expirationTime", true, "Set expiration time of each record in seconds."
                + " -1: Never expire, " + "  0: Default to namespace," + " >0: Actual given expiration time");
        options.addOption("g", "throughput", true,
                "Set a target transactions per second for the client. The client should not exceed this "
                        + "average throughput.");
        options.addOption("t", "transactions", true,
                "Number of transactions to perform in read/write mode before shutting down. "
                        + "The default is to run indefinitely.");

        options.addOption("T", "timeout", true, "Set read and write transaction timeout in milliseconds.");
        options.addOption("readTimeout", true, "Set read transaction timeout in milliseconds.");
        options.addOption("writeTimeout", true, "Set write transaction timeout in milliseconds.");

        options.addOption("maxRetries", true, "Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction.");
        options.addOption("sleepBetweenRetries", true,
                "Milliseconds to sleep between retries if a transaction fails and the timeout was not exceeded. "
                        + "Enter zero to skip sleep.");
        options.addOption("consistencyLevel", true,
                "How replicas should be consulted in a read operation to provide the desired consistency guarantee. "
                        + "Values:  one | all.  Default: one");
        options.addOption("commitLevel", true,
                "Desired replica consistency guarantee when committing a transaction on the server. "
                        + "Values:  all | master.  Default: all");

        options.addOption("z", "threads", true, "Set the number of threads the client will use to generate load. "
                + "It is not recommended to use a value greater than 125.");
        options.addOption("latency", true,
                "\"ycsb\"[,warmup count] or <number of latency columns>,<range shift increment>[,(ms|us)]\n"
                        + "ycsb: show the timings in ycsb format\n"
                        + "Show transaction latency percentages using elapsed time ranges.\n"
                        + "<number of latency columns>: Number of elapsed time ranges.\n"
                        + "<range shift increment>: Power of 2 multiple between each range starting at column 3.\n"
                        + "(ms|us): display times in milliseconds (ms, default) or microseconds (us)\n\n"
                        + "A latency definition of '-latency 7,1' results in this layout:\n"
                        + "    <=1ms >1ms >2ms >4ms >8ms >16ms >32ms\n"
                        + "       x%   x%   x%   x%   x%    x%    x%\n"
                        + "A latency definition of '-latency 4,3' results in this layout:\n"
                        + "    <=1ms >1ms >8ms >64ms\n" + "       x%   x%   x%    x%\n\n"
                        + "Latency columns are cumulative. If a transaction takes 9ms, it will be included in both the >1ms and >8ms columns.");

        options.addOption("N", "reportNotFound", false,
                "Report not found errors. Data should be fully initialized before using this option.");
        //options.addOption("v", "validate", false, "Validate data.");
        options.addOption("D", "debug", false, "Run benchmarks in debug mode.");
        options.addOption("u", "usage", false, "Print usage.");

        options.addOption("B", "batchSize", true,
                "Enable batch mode with number of records to process in each batch get call. "
                        + "Batch mode is valid only for RU (read update) workloads. Batch mode is disabled by default.");

        options.addOption("ST", "storeType", true, "Defines data store type to run. Values:  KVS | LLIST | LSTACK");

        options.addOption("BT", "batchThreads", true,
                "Maximum number of concurrent batch sub-threads for each batch command.\n"
                        + "1   : Run each batch node command sequentially.\n"
                        + "0   : Run all batch node commands in parallel.\n"
                        + "> 1 : Run maximum batchThreads in parallel.  When a node command finshes, start a new one until all finished.");

        options.addOption("prole", false, "Distribute reads across proles in round-robin fashion.");

        options.addOption("a", "async", false, "Benchmark asynchronous methods instead of synchronous methods.");
        options.addOption("C", "asyncMaxCommands", true,
                "Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous database commands.");
        options.addOption("E", "asyncSelectorTimeout", true, "Asynchronous select() timeout in milliseconds.");
        options.addOption("W", "asyncSelectorThreads", true,
                "Number of selector threads when running in asynchronous mode.");
        options.addOption("V", "asyncTaskThreads", true,
                "Number of asynchronous tasks. Use zero for unbounded thread pool.");
        options.addOption("F", "keyFile", true, "File path to read the keys for read operation.");
        options.addOption("KT", "keyType", true, "Type of the key(String/Integer) in the file, default is String");

        // parse the command line arguments
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
        CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, commandLineArgs);
        String[] extra = line.getArgs();

        if (line.hasOption("u")) {
            throw new UsageException();

        if (extra.length > 0) {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected arguments: " + Arrays.toString(extra));

        if (line.hasOption("async")) {
            this.asyncEnabled = true;
            args.readPolicy = clientPolicy.asyncReadPolicyDefault;
            args.writePolicy = clientPolicy.asyncWritePolicyDefault;
            args.batchPolicy = clientPolicy.batchPolicyDefault; // async does not need batch policy.
        } else {
            args.readPolicy = clientPolicy.readPolicyDefault;
            args.writePolicy = clientPolicy.writePolicyDefault;
            args.batchPolicy = clientPolicy.batchPolicyDefault;

        if (line.hasOption("e")) {
            args.writePolicy.expiration = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("e"));
            if (args.writePolicy.expiration < -1) {
                throw new Exception("Invalid expiration:" + args.writePolicy.expiration + "It should be >= -1");

        if (line.hasOption("hosts")) {
            this.hosts = line.getOptionValue("hosts").split(",");
        } else {
            this.hosts = new String[1];
            this.hosts[0] = "";

        if (line.hasOption("port")) {
            this.port = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("port"));
        } else {
            this.port = 3000;

        clientPolicy.user = line.getOptionValue("user");
        clientPolicy.password = line.getOptionValue("password");

        if (clientPolicy.user != null && clientPolicy.password == null) {
   console = System.console();

            if (console != null) {
                char[] pass = console.readPassword("Enter password:");

                if (pass != null) {
                    clientPolicy.password = new String(pass);

        if (line.hasOption("namespace")) {
            args.namespace = line.getOptionValue("namespace");
        } else {
            args.namespace = "test";

        if (line.hasOption("set")) {
            args.setName = line.getOptionValue("set");
        } else {
            args.setName = "testset";

        if (line.hasOption("keys")) {
            this.nKeys = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("keys"));
        } else {
            this.nKeys = 100000;

        if (line.hasOption("startkey")) {
            this.startKey = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("startkey"));

        //Variables setting in case of command arguments passed with keys in File
        if (line.hasOption("keyFile")) {
            this.filepath = line.getOptionValue("keyFile");
            // Load the file
            keyList = Utils.readKeyFromFile(filepath);
            if (keyList.isEmpty()) {
                throw new Exception("File : '" + filepath + "' is empty,this file can't be processed.");
            this.nKeys = keyList.size();
            this.startKey = 0;
            args.validate = false;

            if (line.hasOption("keyType")) {
                String keyType = line.getOptionValue("keyType");

                if (keyType.equals("S")) {
                    args.keyType = KeyType.STRING;
                } else if (keyType.equals("I")) {
                    if (Utils.isNumeric(keyList.get(0))) {
                        args.keyType = KeyType.INTEGER;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(
                                "Invalid keyType '" + keyType + "' Key type doesn't match with file content type.");
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Invalid keyType: " + keyType);
            } else {
                args.keyType = KeyType.STRING;


        if (line.hasOption("bins")) {
            args.nBins = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("bins"));
        } else {
            args.nBins = 1;

        if (line.hasOption("objectSpec")) {
            String[] objectsArr = line.getOptionValue("objectSpec").split(",");
            args.objectSpec = new DBObjectSpec[objectsArr.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < objectsArr.length; i++) {
                String[] objarr = objectsArr[i].split(":");
                DBObjectSpec dbobj = new DBObjectSpec();
                dbobj.type = objarr[0].charAt(0);
                if (objarr.length > 1) {
                    dbobj.size = Integer.parseInt(objarr[1]);
                args.objectSpec[i] = dbobj;
        } else {
            args.objectSpec = new DBObjectSpec[1];
            DBObjectSpec dbobj = new DBObjectSpec();
            dbobj.type = 'I'; // If the object is not specified, it has one bin of integer type
            args.objectSpec[0] = dbobj;

        if (line.hasOption("keyFile")) {
            args.workload = Workload.READ_FROM_FILE;
        } else {
            args.workload = Workload.READ_UPDATE;
        args.readPct = 50;
        args.readMultiBinPct = 100;
        args.writeMultiBinPct = 100;

        if (line.hasOption("workload")) {
            String[] workloadOpts = line.getOptionValue("workload").split(",");
            String workloadType = workloadOpts[0];

            if (workloadType.equals("I")) {
                args.workload = Workload.INITIALIZE;
                this.initialize = true;

                if (workloadOpts.length > 1) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Invalid workload number of arguments: " + workloadOpts.length + " Expected 1.");
            } else if (workloadType.equals("RU") || workloadType.equals("RR")) {

                args.workload = Workload.READ_UPDATE;
                if (workloadType.equals("RR")) {
                    args.writePolicy.recordExistsAction = RecordExistsAction.REPLACE;

                if (workloadOpts.length < 2 || workloadOpts.length > 4) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Invalid workload number of arguments: " + workloadOpts.length + " Expected 2 to 4.");

                if (workloadOpts.length >= 2) {
                    args.readPct = Integer.parseInt(workloadOpts[1]);

                    if (args.readPct < 0 || args.readPct > 100) {
                        throw new Exception("Read-update workload read percentage must be between 0 and 100");

                if (workloadOpts.length >= 3) {
                    args.readMultiBinPct = Integer.parseInt(workloadOpts[2]);

                if (workloadOpts.length >= 4) {
                    args.writeMultiBinPct = Integer.parseInt(workloadOpts[3]);
            } else if (workloadType.equals("RMU")) {
                args.workload = Workload.READ_MODIFY_UPDATE;

                if (workloadOpts.length > 1) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Invalid workload number of arguments: " + workloadOpts.length + " Expected 1.");
            } else if (workloadType.equals("RMI")) {
                args.workload = Workload.READ_MODIFY_INCREMENT;

                if (workloadOpts.length > 1) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Invalid workload number of arguments: " + workloadOpts.length + " Expected 1.");
            } else if (workloadType.equals("RMD")) {
                args.workload = Workload.READ_MODIFY_DECREMENT;

                if (workloadOpts.length > 1) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Invalid workload number of arguments: " + workloadOpts.length + " Expected 1.");
            } else if (workloadType.equals("TXN")) {
                args.workload = Workload.TRANSACTION;
                args.transactionalWorkload = new TransactionalWorkload(workloadOpts);
                hasTxns = true;
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Unknown workload: " + workloadType);

        if (line.hasOption("throughput")) {
            args.throughput = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("throughput"));

        if (line.hasOption("transactions")) {
            args.transactionLimit = Long.parseLong(line.getOptionValue("transactions"));

        if (line.hasOption("timeout")) {
            int timeout = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("timeout"));
            args.readPolicy.timeout = timeout;
            args.writePolicy.timeout = timeout;
            args.batchPolicy.timeout = timeout;

        if (line.hasOption("readTimeout")) {
            int timeout = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("readTimeout"));
            args.readPolicy.timeout = timeout;
            args.batchPolicy.timeout = timeout;

        if (line.hasOption("writeTimeout")) {
            args.writePolicy.timeout = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("writeTimeout"));

        if (line.hasOption("maxRetries")) {
            int maxRetries = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("maxRetries"));
            args.readPolicy.maxRetries = maxRetries;
            args.writePolicy.maxRetries = maxRetries;
            args.batchPolicy.maxRetries = maxRetries;

        if (line.hasOption("sleepBetweenRetries")) {
            int sleepBetweenRetries = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("sleepBetweenRetries"));
            args.readPolicy.sleepBetweenRetries = sleepBetweenRetries;
            args.writePolicy.sleepBetweenRetries = sleepBetweenRetries;
            args.batchPolicy.sleepBetweenRetries = sleepBetweenRetries;

        if (line.hasOption("consistencyLevel")) {
            String level = line.getOptionValue("consistencyLevel");

            if (level.equals("all")) {
                args.readPolicy.consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.CONSISTENCY_ALL;
                args.writePolicy.consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.CONSISTENCY_ALL;
                args.batchPolicy.consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.CONSISTENCY_ALL;
            } else if (!level.equals("one")) {
                throw new Exception("Invalid consistencyLevel: " + level);

        if (line.hasOption("commitLevel")) {
            String level = line.getOptionValue("commitLevel");

            if (level.equals("master")) {
                args.writePolicy.commitLevel = CommitLevel.COMMIT_MASTER;
            } else if (!level.equals("all")) {
                throw new Exception("Invalid commitLevel: " + level);

        if (line.hasOption("prole")) {
            clientPolicy.requestProleReplicas = true;
            args.readPolicy.replica = Replica.MASTER_PROLES;

        if (line.hasOption("threads")) {
            this.nThreads = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("threads"));

            if (this.nThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("Client threads (-z) must be > 0");
        } else {
            this.nThreads = 16;

        if (line.hasOption("reportNotFound")) {
            args.reportNotFound = true;

        if (line.hasOption("validate")) {
            args.validate = true;

        if (line.hasOption("debug")) {
            args.debug = true;

        if (line.hasOption("batchSize")) {
            args.batchSize = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("batchSize"));

        args.storeType = StorageType.KVS;
        if (line.hasOption("storeType")) {
            String storetype = line.getOptionValue("storeType");
            if (storetype.equals("LLIST")) {
                args.storeType = StorageType.LLIST;
            } else if (storetype.equals("LSTACK")) {
                args.storeType = StorageType.LSTACK;

        if (line.hasOption("batchThreads")) {
            args.batchPolicy.maxConcurrentThreads = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("batchThreads"));

        if (line.hasOption("asyncMaxCommands")) {
            this.clientPolicy.asyncMaxCommands = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("asyncMaxCommands"));

        if (line.hasOption("asyncSelectorTimeout")) {
            this.clientPolicy.asyncSelectorTimeout = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("asyncSelectorTimeout"));

        if (line.hasOption("asyncSelectorThreads")) {
            this.clientPolicy.asyncSelectorThreads = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("asyncSelectorThreads"));

        if (line.hasOption("asyncTaskThreads")) {
            this.asyncTaskThreads = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("asyncTaskThreads"));

            if (asyncTaskThreads == 0) {
                this.clientPolicy.asyncTaskThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
            } else {
                this.clientPolicy.asyncTaskThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(asyncTaskThreads);

        if (line.hasOption("latency")) {
            String[] latencyOpts = line.getOptionValue("latency").split(",");

            if (latencyOpts.length >= 1 && "ycsb".equalsIgnoreCase(latencyOpts[0])) {
                int warmupCount = 0;
                if (latencyOpts.length == 2) {
                    warmupCount = Integer.parseInt(latencyOpts[1]);
       = new LatencyManagerYcsb(" read", warmupCount);
                counters.write.latency = new LatencyManagerYcsb("write", warmupCount);
                if (hasTxns) {
                    counters.transaction.latency = new LatencyManagerYcsb(" txns", warmupCount);
            } else if (latencyOpts.length != 2 && latencyOpts.length != 3) {
                throw new Exception(
                        "Latency expects either \"ycsb\" or 2 or 3 arguments. Received: " + latencyOpts.length);
            } else {
                int columns = Integer.parseInt(latencyOpts[0]);
                int bitShift = Integer.parseInt(latencyOpts[1]);
                boolean showMicroSeconds = false;
                if (latencyOpts.length == 3) {
                    if ("us".equalsIgnoreCase(latencyOpts[2])) {
                        showMicroSeconds = true;
       = new LatencyManagerAerospike(columns, bitShift, showMicroSeconds);
                counters.write.latency = new LatencyManagerAerospike(columns, bitShift, showMicroSeconds);
                if (hasTxns) {
                    counters.transaction.latency = new LatencyManagerAerospike(columns, bitShift, showMicroSeconds);

        if (!line.hasOption("random")) {

        System.out.println("Benchmark: " + this.hosts[0] + ":" + this.port + ", namespace: " + args.namespace
                + ", set: " + (args.setName.length() > 0 ? args.setName : "<empty>") + ", threads: " + this.nThreads
                + ", workload: " + args.workload);

        if (args.workload == Workload.READ_UPDATE) {
            System.out.print("read: " + args.readPct + '%');
            System.out.print(" (all bins: " + args.readMultiBinPct + '%');
            System.out.print(", single bin: " + (100 - args.readMultiBinPct) + "%)");

            System.out.print(", write: " + (100 - args.readPct) + '%');
            System.out.print(" (all bins: " + args.writeMultiBinPct + '%');
            System.out.println(", single bin: " + (100 - args.writeMultiBinPct) + "%)");

        System.out.println("keys: " + this.nKeys + ", start key: " + this.startKey + ", transactions: "
                + args.transactionLimit + ", bins: " + args.nBins + ", random values: " + (args.fixedBins == null)
                + ", throughput: " + (args.throughput == 0 ? "unlimited" : (args.throughput + " tps")));

        if (args.workload != Workload.INITIALIZE) {
            System.out.println("read policy: timeout: " + args.readPolicy.timeout + ", maxRetries: "
                    + args.readPolicy.maxRetries + ", sleepBetweenRetries: " + args.readPolicy.sleepBetweenRetries
                    + ", consistencyLevel: " + args.readPolicy.consistencyLevel + ", replica: "
                    + args.readPolicy.replica + ", reportNotFound: " + args.reportNotFound);

        System.out.println("write policy: timeout: " + args.writePolicy.timeout + ", maxRetries: "
                + args.writePolicy.maxRetries + ", sleepBetweenRetries: " + args.writePolicy.sleepBetweenRetries
                + ", commitLevel: " + args.writePolicy.commitLevel);

        if (args.batchSize > 1) {
                    "batch size: " + args.batchSize + ", batch threads: " + args.batchPolicy.maxConcurrentThreads);

        if (this.asyncEnabled) {
            String threadPoolName = (clientPolicy.asyncTaskThreadPool == null) ? "none"
                    : clientPolicy.asyncTaskThreadPool.getClass().getName();
            System.out.println("Async: MaxConnTotal " + clientPolicy.asyncMaxCommands + ", MaxConnAction: "
                    + clientPolicy.asyncMaxCommandAction + ", SelectorTimeout: " + clientPolicy.asyncSelectorTimeout
                    + ", SelectorThreads: " + clientPolicy.asyncSelectorThreads + ", TaskThreadPool: "
                    + threadPoolName);

        int binCount = 0;

        for (DBObjectSpec spec : args.objectSpec) {
            System.out.print("bin[" + binCount + "]: ");

            switch (spec.type) {
            case 'I':

            case 'S':
                System.out.println("string[" + spec.size + "]");

            case 'B':
                System.out.println("byte[" + spec.size + "]");

        System.out.println("debug: " + args.debug);

        Log.Level level = (args.debug) ? Log.Level.DEBUG : Log.Level.INFO;
        args.updatePolicy = cloneWritePolicy(args.writePolicy);
        args.updatePolicy.recordExistsAction = RecordExistsAction.UPDATE;
        args.replacePolicy = cloneWritePolicy(args.writePolicy);
        args.replacePolicy.recordExistsAction = RecordExistsAction.REPLACE;

        clientPolicy.failIfNotConnected = true;

    private WritePolicy cloneWritePolicy(WritePolicy writePolicy) {
        WritePolicy result = new WritePolicy();
        result.commitLevel = writePolicy.commitLevel;
        result.consistencyLevel = writePolicy.consistencyLevel;
        result.expiration = writePolicy.expiration;
        result.generationPolicy = writePolicy.generationPolicy;
        result.maxRetries = writePolicy.maxRetries;
        result.priority = writePolicy.priority;
        result.recordExistsAction = writePolicy.recordExistsAction;
        result.sendKey = writePolicy.sendKey;
        result.sleepBetweenRetries = writePolicy.sleepBetweenRetries;
        result.timeout = writePolicy.timeout;
        return result;

    private static void logUsage(Options options) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
        String syntax = Main.class.getName() + " [<options>]";
        formatter.printHelp(pw, 100, syntax, "options:", options, 0, 2, null);


    public void runBenchmarks() throws Exception {
        if (this.asyncEnabled) {
            AsyncClient client = new AsyncClient(clientPolicy, hosts[0], port);

            try {
                if (initialize) {
                } else {
            } finally {
        } else {
            AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient(clientPolicy, hosts[0], port);

            try {
                if (initialize) {
                } else {
            } finally {

    private void doInserts(AerospikeClient client) throws Exception {
        ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.nThreads);

        // Create N insert tasks
        int ntasks = this.nThreads < this.nKeys ? this.nThreads : this.nKeys;
        int start = this.startKey;
        int keysPerTask = this.nKeys / ntasks + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
            InsertTask it = new InsertTaskSync(client, args, counters, start, keysPerTask);
            start += keysPerTask;

    private void doAsyncInserts(AsyncClient client) throws Exception {
        ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.nThreads);

        // Create N insert tasks
        int ntasks = this.nThreads < this.nKeys ? this.nThreads : this.nKeys;
        int start = this.startKey;
        int keysPerTask = this.nKeys / ntasks + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
            InsertTask it = new InsertTaskAsync(client, args, counters, start, keysPerTask);
            start += keysPerTask;

    private void collectInsertStats() throws Exception {
        int total = 0;

        while (total < this.nKeys) {
            long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            int numWrites = this.counters.write.count.getAndSet(0);
            int timeoutWrites = this.counters.write.timeouts.getAndSet(0);
            int errorWrites = this.counters.write.errors.getAndSet(0);
            total += numWrites;


            String date = SimpleDateFormat.format(new Date(time));
            System.out.println(date.toString() + " write(count=" + total + " tps=" + numWrites + " timeouts="
                    + timeoutWrites + " errors=" + errorWrites + ")");

            if (this.counters.write.latency != null) {
                this.counters.write.latency.printResults(System.out, "write");


    private void doRWTest(AerospikeClient client) throws Exception {
        ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.nThreads);
        RWTask[] tasks = new RWTask[this.nThreads];

        for (int i = 0; i < this.nThreads; i++) {
            RWTask rt;
            if (args.validate) {
                int tstart = this.startKey + ((int) (this.nKeys * (((float) i) / this.nThreads)));
                int tkeys = (int) (this.nKeys * (((float) (i + 1)) / this.nThreads))
                        - (int) (this.nKeys * (((float) i) / this.nThreads));
                rt = new RWTaskSync(client, args, counters, tstart, tkeys);
            } else {
                rt = new RWTaskSync(client, args, counters, this.startKey, this.nKeys);
            tasks[i] = rt;
        collectRWStats(tasks, null);

    private void doAsyncRWTest(AsyncClient client) throws Exception {
        ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.nThreads);
        RWTask[] tasks = new RWTask[this.nThreads];

        for (int i = 0; i < this.nThreads; i++) {
            RWTask rt;
            if (args.validate) {
                int tstart = this.startKey + ((int) (this.nKeys * (((float) i) / this.nThreads)));
                int tkeys = (int) (this.nKeys * (((float) (i + 1)) / this.nThreads))
                        - (int) (this.nKeys * (((float) i) / this.nThreads));
                rt = new RWTaskAsync(client, args, counters, tstart, tkeys);
            } else {
                rt = new RWTaskAsync(client, args, counters, this.startKey, this.nKeys);
            tasks[i] = rt;
        collectRWStats(tasks, client);

    private void collectRWStats(RWTask[] tasks, AsyncClient client) throws Exception {
        // wait for all the tasks to finish setting up for validation
        if (args.validate) {
            while (counters.loadValuesFinishedTasks.get() < this.nThreads) {
                //System.out.println("tasks done = "+counters.loadValuesFinishedTasks.get()+ ", g_ntasks = "+g_ntasks);
            // set flag that everyone is ready - this will allow the individual tasks to go

        long transactionTotal = 0;

        while (true) {
            long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            int numWrites = this.counters.write.count.getAndSet(0);
            int timeoutWrites = this.counters.write.timeouts.getAndSet(0);
            int errorWrites = this.counters.write.errors.getAndSet(0);

            int numReads =;
            int timeoutReads =;
            int errorReads =;

            int numTxns = this.counters.transaction.count.getAndSet(0);
            int timeoutTxns = this.counters.transaction.timeouts.getAndSet(0);
            int errorTxns = this.counters.transaction.errors.getAndSet(0);

            int notFound = 0;

            if (args.reportNotFound) {
                notFound = this.counters.readNotFound.getAndSet(0);

            //int used = (client != null)? client.getAsyncConnUsed() : 0;
            //Node[] nodes = client.getNodes();

            String date = SimpleDateFormat.format(new Date(time));
                    " write(tps=" + numWrites + " timeouts=" + timeoutWrites + " errors=" + errorWrites + ")");
            System.out.print(" read(tps=" + numReads + " timeouts=" + timeoutReads + " errors=" + errorReads);
            if (this.counters.transaction.latency != null) {
                System.out.print(" txns(tps=" + numTxns + " timeouts=" + timeoutTxns + " errors=" + errorTxns);
            if (args.reportNotFound) {
                System.out.print(" nf=" + notFound);

            System.out.print(" total(tps=" + (numWrites + numReads) + " timeouts=" + (timeoutWrites + timeoutReads)
                    + " errors=" + (errorWrites + errorReads) + ")");
            //System.out.print(" buffused=" + used
            //System.out.print(" nodeused=" + ((AsyncNode)nodes[0]).openCount.get() + ',' + ((AsyncNode)nodes[1]).openCount.get() + ',' + ((AsyncNode)nodes[2]).openCount.get()

            if (this.counters.write.latency != null) {
                this.counters.write.latency.printResults(System.out, "write");
      , "read");
                if (this.counters.transaction != null && this.counters.transaction.latency != null) {
                    this.counters.transaction.latency.printResults(System.out, "txn");

            if (args.transactionLimit > 0) {
                transactionTotal += numWrites + timeoutWrites + errorWrites + numReads + timeoutReads + errorReads;

                if (transactionTotal >= args.transactionLimit) {
                    for (RWTask task : tasks) {
                    System.out.println("Transaction limit reached: " + args.transactionLimit + ". Exiting.");


    public void log(Level level, String message) {
        String date = SimpleDateFormat.format(new Date());
        System.out.println(date.toString() + ' ' + level.toString() + " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()
                + ' ' + message);

    private static class UsageException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;