Java tutorial
/* * Adito * * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 3SP LTD. All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package com.adito.networkplaces.wizards.forms; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.Globals; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage; import com.adito.boot.Util; import com.adito.core.forms.AbstractResourceDetailsWizardForm; import com.adito.input.validators.HostnameOrIPAddressWithReplacementsValidator; import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlace; import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlacePlugin; import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlaceUtil; import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlaceVFSProvider; import com.adito.policyframework.ResourceType; import com.adito.vfs.DefaultVFSProvider; import com.adito.vfs.VFSProvider; import com.adito.vfs.VFSProviderManager; import com.adito.wizard.AbstractWizardSequence; public class NetworkPlaceDetailsForm extends AbstractResourceDetailsWizardForm { /** * Default provider used for entering in URI format */ public final static VFSProvider DEFAULT_PROVIDER = new DefaultVFSProvider("automatic", null, NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY); public final static String ATTR_PROVIDER = "provider"; public final static String ATTR_HOST = "host"; public final static String ATTR_PATH = "path"; public final static String ATTR_PORT = "port"; public final static String ATTR_USERNAME = "username"; public final static String ATTR_PASSWORD = "password"; public final static String ATTR_READ_ONLY = "readOnly"; public final static String ATTR_SHOW_HIDDEN = "showHidden"; public final static String ATTR_ALLOW_RECURSIVE = "allowRecursive"; public final static String ATTR_NO_DELETE = "noDelete"; public final static String ATTR_SCHEME = "scheme"; private String host; private String path; private int port; private String username; private String password; private String scheme; private String queryString; private VFSProvider provider; private boolean readOnly; private boolean showHidden; private boolean allowRecursive; private boolean noDelete; private boolean autoDetected; final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NetworkPlaceDetailsForm.class); public NetworkPlaceDetailsForm(boolean nextAvailable, boolean previousAvailable, String page, String focussedField, boolean autoComplete, boolean finishAvailable, String pageName, String resourceBundle, String resourcePrefix, int stepIndex, ResourceType resourceTypeForAccessRights) { super(nextAvailable, previousAvailable, page, focussedField, autoComplete, finishAvailable, pageName, resourceBundle, resourcePrefix, stepIndex, resourceTypeForAccessRights); } public NetworkPlaceDetailsForm() { /* Autocomplete must be false because this form contains passwords * and not all browsers seem to support disabling of autocomplete * for individual fields */ super(true, true, "/WEB-INF/jsp/content/vfs/networkingWizard/networkPlaceDetails.jspf", "scheme", false, false, "networkPlaceDetails", NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails", 2, NetworkPlacePlugin.NETWORK_PLACE_RESOURCE_TYPE); } public void init(AbstractWizardSequence sequence, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { super.init(sequence, request); if (provider == null) { provider = DEFAULT_PROVIDER; } // Initialise path = (String) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_PATH, ""); host = (String) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_HOST, ""); username = (String) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_USERNAME, ""); password = (String) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_PASSWORD, ""); scheme = (String) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_SCHEME, provider.getScheme()); queryString = ""; readOnly = ((Boolean) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_READ_ONLY, Boolean.FALSE)).booleanValue(); showHidden = ((Boolean) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_SHOW_HIDDEN, Boolean.FALSE)).booleanValue(); allowRecursive = ((Boolean) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_RECURSIVE, Boolean.TRUE)).booleanValue(); noDelete = ((Boolean) sequence.getAttribute(ATTR_NO_DELETE, Boolean.FALSE)).booleanValue(); } public void apply(AbstractWizardSequence sequence) throws Exception { super.apply(sequence); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_PROVIDER, provider); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_HOST, getHost()); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_PATH, getPath()); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_PORT, Integer.valueOf(getPort())); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_USERNAME, getUsername()); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_PASSWORD, getPassword()); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_SCHEME, getScheme()); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_READ_ONLY, new Boolean(readOnly)); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_SHOW_HIDDEN, new Boolean(showHidden)); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_RECURSIVE, new Boolean(allowRecursive)); sequence.putAttribute(ATTR_NO_DELETE, new Boolean(noDelete)); } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { if (isCommiting()) { ActionErrors errs = super.validate(mapping, request); if (errs == null) errs = new ActionErrors(); try { /* If using the default URI provider, turn into a proper provider so validation can take place */ if (provider == DEFAULT_PROVIDER) { // Using 'Automatic' means a path *must* be provided if (Util.isNullOrTrimmedBlank(path)) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.noPath")); return errs; } try { NetworkPlace np = NetworkPlaceUtil.createNetworkPlaceForPath(path); provider = VFSProviderManager.getInstance().getProvider(np.getScheme()); if (provider == null) { throw new Exception("No provider " + np.getScheme()); } scheme = np.getScheme(); host = np.getHost(); port = Math.max(np.getPort(), 0); path = np.getPath(); username = np.getUsername(); password = np.getPassword(); autoDetected = true; } catch (Exception e) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.invalidUri", path)); return errs; } changeProvider(provider); } if (provider == null) { throw new Exception("No provider."); } if (!(provider instanceof NetworkPlaceVFSProvider)) { throw new Exception("Must be a Network Place VFS provider."); } /* Validate all of the elements */ if (provider.getHostRequirement() == VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED) { String name = Util.trimmedOrBlank(host); if ("".equals(name)) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.noHost")); } else { /* Officialy, the only supported characters in a hostname * are [a-z], [0-9], '.' and '-'. In practice though other * characters such as '_' are commonly used. Lets just catach * the obvious ones for now HTTP Proxy Host */ if (!HostnameOrIPAddressWithReplacementsValidator.isValidAsHostOrIp(name)) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.invalidHost")); } } } if (provider.getPortRequirement() == VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED && port == 0) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.noPort")); } if (provider.getUserInfoRequirement() == VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED && Util.isNullOrTrimmedBlank(username)) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.noUserInfo")); } if (provider.getPathRequirement() == VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED && Util.isNullOrTrimmedBlank(path)) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("networkPlaceWizard.networkPlaceDetails.error.noPath")); } } catch (Exception ex) { errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.unexpected.error", ex.getMessage())); } return errs; } return null; } public VFSProvider getProvider() { return provider; } public boolean isAllowRecursive() { return allowRecursive; } public void setAllowRecursive(boolean allowRecursive) { this.allowRecursive = allowRecursive; } public boolean isNoDelete() { return noDelete; } public void setNoDelete(boolean noDelete) { this.noDelete = noDelete; } public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { this.readOnly = readOnly; } public boolean isShowHidden() { return showHidden; } public void setShowHidden(boolean showHidden) { this.showHidden = showHidden; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getScheme() { return scheme; } public void setScheme(String scheme) { this.scheme = scheme; } public String getHost() { return host; } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } public String getQueryString() { return queryString; } public void setQueryString(String queryString) { this.queryString = queryString; } public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { super.reset(mapping, request); this.showHidden = false; this.readOnly = false; this.allowRecursive = false; this.noDelete = false; this.autoDetected = false; } public void setProvider(VFSProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public void changeProvider(VFSProvider provider) { setProvider(provider); setScheme(provider.getScheme()); } public boolean isAutomaticallyDetected() { return autoDetected; } }